narrative nkn 3 group 4


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Post on 06-Apr-2017




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Page 1: Narrative nkn 3 Group 4


Page 2: Narrative nkn 3 Group 4

Leader : Wihelmina Latupeirissa (29)

Members : - Siti Salsabilla Aisyah (26)

- Dian Arvinno (12)- Arya Prabowo W (06)

Page 3: Narrative nkn 3 Group 4

What is a Narrative Text ?

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Narrative text is a text that tells a story. They can imaginary, factual or the combination of both.

Narrative are conveyed in three Steps or the Narrative text has a Three Structure :

- First , the part to introduce the characters and the setting . This part is called Orientation - Second , the part to present the problem or the conflict in the story. It is called Complication

- Third , part is the solution of the problem or ending of the story. It is called Resolution

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We have one example of Narrative text entitled “Tangkuban Perahu” !!

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Tangkuban Perahu

One day, as common Sangkuriang go to backwoods for chasing. Once when he touched base in the forested areas, Sangkuriang begins searching for prey. He saw a flying creature roosted on a branch, then without speculation Sangkuriang shot him, and right on target. Sangkuriang then requested that Tumang seek after his quarry some time recently, however the Tumang noiseless and would not have liked to take after Sangkuriang’s request. Since Tumang was exceptionally irritated at, then Sangkuriang drove out Tumang and not permitted to run home with him once more.

At home, Sangkuriang advise the episode to her mom. After listening to the account of her child, Dayang Sumbi was exceptionally furious. He got the spoon, and struck against the head Sangkuriang. Feeling disillusioned with the treatment of his mom, then Sangkuriang chose to make a go at meandering, and went out.After the episode, Dayang Sumbi profoundly lamented his activities. He asked consistently, and ask that one day could see her child back. Due to the earnestness of the Sumbi Dayang request to God, then God gave an endowment of everlasting excellence and youth for eternity.

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After numerous years of meandering Sangkuriang, in the long run he expected to come back to the place where he grew up. Once there, he was extremely shocked by any stretch of the imagination, in light of the fact that the place where he grew up has changed totally. The Sangkuriang’s pleasure expanded when the present amidst the street met a lady who is extremely delightful, which is none other than Dayang Sumbi. Since interested by her excellence, the Sangkuriang proposed her straightforwardly. At long last, an application was gotten by Dayang Sumbi, and consented to be hitched soon. One day, his future wife Sangkuriang requested that authorization chase on wellbeing .Before leaving, Dayang Sumbi requesting that he belt fixing and smoothing on his head. Dayang Sumbi was amazed, on the grounds that when she smoothed Sangkuriang headband, he saw a scar. The scar is a scar like his child. In the wake of getting some information about the reason for the injury Sangkuriang it, Dayang Sumbi expanded tekejut, on the grounds that truly her spouse was her own child.

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Dayang Sumbi exceptionally confounded, in light of the fact that he may not wed his own particular child. After Sangkuriang home chasing, Dayang Sumbi attempted to identify with Sangkuriang, so Sangkuriang crossed out their wedding arrangements. Dayang Sumbi’s solicitation was not affirmed by Sangkuriang, and just considered twist alone.Consistently Dayang Sumbi thoght how to request their wedding never happened. Subsequent to considering every option, Dayang Sumbi at long last discovered the most ideal way. He recorded two terms to Sangkuriang. In the event that Sangkuriang can meet both of these necessities, then Dayang Sumbi need to be a wife, however generally on the off chance that it comes up short then the marriage will be drop. The primary prerequisite Dayang Sumbi needed Citarum waterway dammed. What’s more, the second is, request that Sangkuriang make a substantial vessel to cross the waterway. Both conditions must complete before sunrise.Sangkuriang undertaked Sumbi Dayang the second demand, and guaranteed to complete before first light. With its enchantment, then Sangkuriang apply his companions from the jinn to help finish the errand. Furtively, Dayang Sumbi look of Sangkuriang work. How stunned him, on the grounds that Sangkuriang practically completed all necessities given Dayang Sumbi before day break.

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Dayang Sumbi then request help groups to hold a red silk material toward the east of the city. At the point when taking a gander at redness in the eastern city, Sangkuriang imagined that it was day break. Sangkuriang promptly halted work and was not ready to meet the prerequisites that have been put together by Dayang Sumbi.

With a feeling of irritation and dissatisfaction, Sangkuriang then separate the dam that has made his own. Due to the breakdown of the dam, then there was a surge and the entire town is submerged. Sangkuriang additionally kicked huge vessel that has been made. The kayak was floating and fell all over, and after that into a mountain called Tangkuban Perahu.

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narrative text with the division


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OrientationOne day, as common Sangkuriang go to backwoods for chasing. Once when he touched base in the forested areas, Sangkuriang begins searching for prey. He saw a flying creature roosted on a branch, then without speculation Sangkuriang shot him, and right on target. Sangkuriang then requested that Tumang seek after his quarry some time recently, however the Tumang noiseless and would not have liked to take after Sangkuriang’s request. Since Tumang was exceptionally irritated at, then Sangkuriang drove out Tumang and not permitted to run home with him once more.At home, Sangkuriang advise the episode to her mom. After listening to the account of her child, Dayang Sumbi was exceptionally furious. He got the spoon, and struck against the head Sangkuriang. Feeling disillusioned with the treatment of his mom, then Sangkuriang chose to make a go at meandering, and went out.After the episode, Dayang Sumbi profoundly lamented his activities. He asked consistently, and ask that one day could see her child back. Due to the earnestness of the Sumbi Dayang request to God, then God gave an endowment of everlasting excellence and youth for eternity.

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ComplicationAfter numerous years of meandering Sangkuriang, in the long run he expected to come back to the place where he grew up. Once there, he was extremely shocked by any stretch of the imagination, in light of the fact that the place where he grew up has changed totally. The Sangkuriang’s pleasure expanded when the present amidst the street met a lady who is extremely delightful, which is none other than Dayang Sumbi. Since interested by her excellence, the Sangkuriang proposed her straightforwardly. At long last, an application was gotten by Dayang Sumbi, and consented to be hitched soon. One day, his future wife Sangkuriang requested that authorization chase on wellbeing .Before leaving, Dayang Sumbi requesting that he belt fixing and smoothing on his head. Dayang Sumbi was amazed, on the grounds that when she smoothed Sangkuriang headband, he saw a scar. The scar is a scar like his child. In the wake of getting some information about the reason for the injury Sangkuriang it, Dayang Sumbi expanded tekejut, on the grounds that truly her spouse was her own child.Dayang Sumbi exceptionally confounded, in light of the fact that he may not wed his own particular child. After Sangkuriang home chasing, Dayang Sumbi attempted to identify with Sangkuriang, so Sangkuriang crossed out their wedding arrangements. Dayang Sumbi’s solicitation was not affirmed by Sangkuriang, and just considered twist alone.

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Resolution Consistently Dayang Sumbi thoght how to request their wedding never happened. Subsequent to considering every option, Dayang Sumbi at long last discovered the most ideal way. He recorded two terms to Sangkuriang. In the event that Sangkuriang can meet both of these necessities, then Dayang Sumbi need to be a wife, however generally on the off chance that it comes up short then the marriage will be drop. The primary prerequisite Dayang Sumbi needed Citarum waterway dammed. What’s more, the second is, request that Sangkuriang make a substantial vessel to cross the waterway. Both conditions must complete before sunrise.Sangkuriang undertaked Sumbi Dayang the second demand, and guaranteed to complete before first light. With its enchantment, then Sangkuriang apply his companions from the jinn to help finish the errand. Furtively, Dayang Sumbi look of Sangkuriang work. How stunned him, on the grounds that Sangkuriang practically completed all necessities given Dayang Sumbi before day break.Dayang Sumbi then request help groups to hold a red silk material toward the east of the city. At the point when taking a gander at redness in the eastern city, Sangkuriang imagined that it was day break. Sangkuriang promptly halted work and was not ready to meet the prerequisites that have been put together by Dayang Sumbi.With a feeling of irritation and dissatisfaction, Sangkuriang then separate the dam that has made his own. Due to the breakdown of the dam, then there was a surge and the entire town is submerged. Sangkuriang additionally kicked huge vessel that has been made. The kayak was floating and fell all over, and after that into a mountain called Tangkuban Perahu.

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narrative text with changes to the


narrative text with changes to the resolution

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“Tangkuban Perahu” Orientation

One day, as common Sangkuriang go to backwoods for chasing. Once when he touched base in the forested areas, Sangkuriang begins searching for prey. He saw a flying creature roosted on a branch, then without speculation Sangkuriang shot him, and right on target. Sangkuriang then requested that Tumang seek after his quarry some time recently, however the Tumang noiseless and would not have liked to take after Sangkuriang’s request. Since Tumang was exceptionally irritated at, then Sangkuriang drove out Tumang and not permitted to run home with him once more.At home, Sangkuriang advise the episode to her mom. After listening to the account of her child, Dayang Sumbi was exceptionally furious. He got the spoon, and struck against the head Sangkuriang. Feeling disillusioned with the treatment of his mom, then Sangkuriang chose to make a go at meandering, and went out.After the episode, Dayang Sumbi profoundly lamented his activities. He asked consistently, and ask that one day could see her child back. Due to the earnestness of the Sumbi Dayang request to God, then God gave an endowment of everlasting excellence and youth for eternity.

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Complication After numerous years of meandering Sangkuriang, in the long run he expected to come back to the place where he grew up. Once there, he was extremely shocked by any stretch of the imagination, in light of the fact that the place where he grew up has changed totally. The Sangkuriang’s pleasure expanded when the present amidst the street met a lady who is extremely delightful, which is none other than Dayang Sumbi. Since interested by her excellence, the Sangkuriang proposed her straightforwardly. At long last, an application was gotten by Dayang Sumbi, and consented to be hitched soon. One day, his future wife Sangkuriang requested that authorization chase on wellbeing .Before leaving, Dayang Sumbi requesting that he belt fixing and smoothing on his head. Dayang Sumbi was amazed, on the grounds that when she smoothed Sangkuriang headband, he saw a scar. The scar is a scar like his child. In the wake of getting some information about the reason for the injury Sangkuriang it, Dayang Sumbi expanded tekejut, on the grounds that truly her spouse was her own child.Dayang Sumbi exceptionally confounded, in light of the fact that he may not wed his own particular child. After Sangkuriang home chasing, Dayang Sumbi attempted to identify with Sangkuriang, so Sangkuriang crossed out their wedding arrangements. Dayang Sumbi’s solicitation was not affirmed by Sangkuriang, and just considered twist alone.

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ResolutionConsistently Dayang Sumbi thought how to request

their wedding never happened. Subsequent to considering every option, Dayang Sumbi at long last discovered the most ideal way. She recorded One terms to Sangkuriang. Her request that Sangkuriang make a substantial vessel in overnight. sangkuriang also agree to these term.

actually not easy to make a big ship overnight, but it was very easy for sangkuriang . but without the knowledge of Dayang Sumbi , sangkuriang had planned to ask for help to the sea god named "Poseidon". he meditated in a coastal and begged Poseidon by promising sangkuriang will give gold wine to the poseidon in return .

poseidon finally helped him to make ships.

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when they were making the vessel, Dayang Sumbi surprised to see that the ship is almost finished. more and more shocked him when he knew that the sea god who helps sangkuriang. Dayang Sumbi confused and he tried to find ways to screw up jobs that do Sangkuriang and poseidon. but still not able to mess up because he knew that the god of the sea will be very angry and hurt him. Dayang Sumbi also resigned and ready to marry sangkuriang even though he was not willing.

while Dayang Sumbi start sincere with that state, it was luck favored him. while Dayang Sumbi start sincere, it turns out luck favored him because when the vessel is almost finished, Poseidon was very angry with sangkuriang because sangkuriang not provide appropriate gold wine which he promised to Poseidon. poseidon consequently very angry because he felt sangkuriang lied to him.The ship eventually destroyed by Poseidon and he had transformed the vessel along sangkuriang therein into a mountain named "Tangkuban perahu”

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