narconon wus csw to fund scientology's dallas ideal org in book buy

TREASURY NARCONON WEST UNITED STATES March 30, 2009 EC NARCONON WEST UNITED STATES CSW SITUATION: The grand opening of the Dallas Ideal Org is scheduled for April 11. We have been asked to participate in the purchase of special leather bound books. DATA: We are being asked to purchase $5,000 worth of leather bound books to help support the Dallas Ideal Org. This will come out of Reserves, total $5000 which is already there. This will be paid the following way: We will receive a commission from Intervention Services for approximately $1800 which will be paid right back into Reserves. We donate $3,000 from West US local reserves. ABLE West US pays $1200 that we would normally outlay for Narconon Hawaii. The CO CLO considers this cycle important enough that she called me personally to brief me, something which has never occurred before. SOLUTION: Purchase 10 of the Dallas special leatherbound books. We can use them as awards if we so desire. Approve $5000 to Bridge Publications for the support of the Dallas Org.

Upload: mary-mcconnell

Post on 13-Apr-2015




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Narconon is the bridge to the Scientology bridge. Narconon WUS exec asking for OK to have Narconon WUS use and replenish reserves funds to buy $5,000 in leather bound Scientology books from Dallas Org to help them, including monies what they would usually send to Hawaii Org. Who asked them to do this?March 30, 2009TREASURY NARCONON WEST UNITED STATES ___________EC NARCONON WEST UNITED STATES CSWSITUATION: The grand opening of the Dallas Ideal Org is scheduled for April 11. We have been asked to participate in the purchase of special leather bound books.DATA: We are being asked to purchase $5,000 worth of leather bound books to help support the Dallas Ideal Org. This will come out of Reserves, total $5000 which is already there. This will be paid the following way: We will receive a commission from Intervention Services for approximately $1800 which will be paid right back into Reserves.We donate $3,000 from West US local reserves.ABLE West US pays $1200 that we would normally outlay for Narconon Hawaii. The CO CLO considers this cycle important enough that she called me personally to brief me, something which has never occurred before. SOLUTION: Purchase 10 of the Dallas special leatherbound books. We can use them as awards if we so desire. Approve $5000 to Bridge Publications for the support of the Dallas Org. THIS IS OKEC NN WUS


Page 1: Narconon WUS CSW to fund Scientology's Dallas Ideal Org in book buy




SITUATION: The grand opening of the Dallas Ideal Org is scheduled for April 11. We have been asked to participate in the purchase of special leather bound books.

DATA: We are being asked to purchase $5,000 worth of leather bound books to help support the Dallas Ideal Org. This will come out of Reserves, total $5000 which is already there. This will be paid the following way:

We will receive a commission from Intervention Services for approximately $1800 which will be paid right back into Reserves.

We donate $3,000 from West US local reserves.

ABLE West US pays $1200 that we would normally outlay for Narconon Hawaii.

The CO CLO considers this cycle important enough that she called me personally to brief me, something which has never occurred before.

SOLUTION: Purchase 10 of the Dallas special leatherbound books. We can use them as awards if we so desire. Approve $5000 to Bridge Publications for the support of the Dallas Org.



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