narative report

Narrative Report We,are the Grade 10-Learners we are excite to exploratory observation activity in the T.L.E. We the the Grade 10-Learners handle the Animal Production of Buga National high School together with our subject teacher Mr. Joey Glenn Cabana. We went to CPU Farm in Sitio Buntalan Brgy. Poblacion, Leon, Iloilo, Last July 30,2015, Thursday at exactly 10 o’clock. When we arrived in CPU Farm Mr. Froilan Cabarles warmly welcomed with us. He introduced his self and he took us a minute to listen on his short lectures before we explored in farm. Their different machines that they used in making feeds: the Hammer mill, Feed mixing and Pelleting machine. We are given a chance to touch their formulated organic feeds. We explored the CPU Farm. They are different kinds of native chickens. We explored and saw the different areas where the chicken was separated by the means of process that was undergone. Even we exploring and walking with Mr. Cabarles we are some questions for his.

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Post on 19-Aug-2015




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Page 1: narative report

Narrative Report

We,are the Grade 10-Learners we are excite to exploratory observation activity in the T.L.E.

We the the Grade 10-Learners handle the Animal Production of Buga National high School

together with our subject teacher Mr. Joey Glenn Cabana. We went to CPU Farm in Sitio

Buntalan Brgy. Poblacion, Leon, Iloilo, Last July 30,2015, Thursday at exactly 10 o’clock.

When we arrived in CPU Farm Mr. Froilan Cabarles warmly welcomed with us. He

introduced his self and he took us a minute to listen on his short lectures before we explored in

farm. Their different machines that they used in making feeds: the Hammer mill, Feed mixing

and Pelleting machine. We are given a chance to touch their formulated organic feeds.

We explored the CPU Farm. They are different kinds of native chickens. We explored and saw

the different areas where the chicken was separated by the means of process that was undergone.

Even we exploring and walking with Mr. Cabarles we are some questions for his.

I can say abouty activity that I learn more about the different types of machines in making

feeds and different kinds of native chickens.

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`The chicken seperated

in their housing.

Mr. Cabarles discuss the hammer machine.

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Signage of CPU farm before

we enter in farm.

After exploring the farm we give the warmest thanik to Mr.Froilan Cabarles.

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The chicken where mating.

This is the finish products of CPU farm.

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Pelleting machine where the pellet make.

Before we explore the CPU farm,Mr.Cabarles introduce himself. He also discuss the part of CPU farm.

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Jodeline Claro






To work aboard as professional teacher. I have a good speaking skills to better communicate to my learners. I want to help my family someday and my three sisters to help their studies.


4 basis years in high school.

Graduation Date: N/A

*I am about to start my Senior High School


Varsity, Buga National High School

• SY 2015-2016. Representative in running and jumping contest.

Varsity, Buga Natoinal High School

• SY 2015-2016. Representative in Athletics Contest


Technical Vocational Livelihood


• Athlete of the year

.Given to outstanding athlete.