name the case study

What’s the Case Study?

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Post on 08-Dec-2014




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Page 1: Name The Case Study

What’s the Case Study?

Page 2: Name The Case Study

What human activity might we find here? Why?

What disadvantages are there to living in areas like this?

What might farmers use the slopes for?

What advantages are there to living in areas like this?

The Alps – a young fold mountain range

Page 3: Name The Case Study

Mexican immigrants in to the USA

Why are they leaving Mexico? What attracts

them to the USA?

How does it affect the USA?

How does it affect Mexico?

Remember social, economic and environmental affects.

Page 4: Name The Case Study

Cambridge Science Park

What are the main features of this science park?

Why do high tech industries want to locate here?

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Happisburgh – a rapidly eroding coastline

Why is it eroding so quickly? Why has it not

been defended?

What might be the consequences of not defending this coastline?

What are the advantages to not defending this coastline?

Remember social, economic and environmental affects.

Page 6: Name The Case Study

North Hoyle Wind Farm – renewable energy

What makes this place suitable for wind energy?

What are the advantages of wind energy?

What are the arguments against wind energy?

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Lake District (Ambleside – a ‘honeypot’)

What are the natural attractions to the Lake District?

What are the human attractions to the Lake District?

What conflicts can tourism create in this area?

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Boscastle – a flood in a MEDC

What were the causes of the flood?

How did the flood affect the area?

How could future floods be prevented?

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South Korea – a NIC

What are NICs?What kind of industries can be found here?

What might be the consequences of not defending this coastline?

What factors have helped industry develop here?

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West Runton

Why is West Runton eroding? What defences

are there here?

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China’s one child policy

Why did China need this policy? How did they get

people to stick to one child?

What were the negative consequences of the policy?

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Kerala – controlling population growth

Why did Kerala need this policy? How did they

slow population growth?

What were the benefits of this method compared to China?

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Kenya – tourism in a LEDC

Why do people visit Kenya? What problems

does tourism bring?

What benefits does tourism bring?

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Bangladesh – flood in a LEDC

What were the causes of the flood?

How did the flood affect the area?

How could future floods be prevented?

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Port Talbot – an industrial area in the UK

What industry can be found here?

Why did this industry set up in this area?

Why did the industry decline here?

What benefits did it bring to the area?

What were the impacts of the decline? (Social, economic, environmental)

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Montserrat – volcanic eruption in a LEDC

What happened? Why did it


What were the responses?

What were the effects?

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Britain’s ageing population

Why is our population ageing?

What problems can be caused by the population ageing?

How can we deal with an ageing population?

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Chad – refugees from Darfur

Why are people living like this? Why have they

left Darfur (Sudan)?

How does this affect Chad?

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Flamborough Head – Holderness Coast

What is this?How does it form?

What is this? How does it form?

What processes of erosion affect these cliffs?

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Kobe – earthquake in a MEDC

What happened? Why did it


What were the responses?

What were the effects?

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Spurn Head

What is it?How does it form?