naked juice marked

White 1 Joey White Ashley Humphries ENC 1102-02 6 April 2015 Covered Juice Throughout the years of advertising products the whole concept of telling the truth of the product has been skewed. The advertisement agencies create an ad that lies or tricks people into buying their product even if what they are selling is harmful to the consumer. When we were kids we saw ads for shoes that claimed that you could run faster, jump higher, and take more abuse than any other shoe. Now we are seeing more and more advertisements that are targeting health conscious people tricking them into thinking that they are consuming a healthy product when in fact it is terrible for you. Naked Juice is a company that opened its doors in 1983 by the Pepsi company. The juice is a mixture of 5-8 different types of fruits blended into a bottle. The different advertisements

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Joey WhiteAshley HumphriesENC 1102-026 April 2015Covered JuiceThroughout the years of advertising products the whole concept of telling the truth of the product has been skewed. The advertisement agencies create an ad that lies or tricks people into buying their product even if what they are selling is harmful to the consumer. When we were kids we saw ads for shoes that claimed that you could run faster, jump higher, and take more abuse than any other shoe. Now we are seeing more and more advertisements that are targeting health conscious people tricking them into thinking that they are consuming a healthy product when in fact it is terrible for you. Naked Juice is a company that opened its doors in 1983 by the Pepsi company. The juice is a mixture of 5-8 different types of fruits blended into a bottle. The different advertisements show that with one bottle of Naked Juice you could meet your daily serving of fruit. As of 2013, they produced and bottled over 20 different types of fruit and vegetable juices. Naked Juices biggest selling point is that they claimed that there was no added sugar, no genetically modified fruits, and most importantly, no harmful preservatives. Even the name, Naked Juice gives claim that there is nothing else except the minimums in the bottle. Some of the primary flavors of Naked Juice are orange mango, pomegranate blueberry, green machine, and strawberry banana. In 2006, the company created a few new health conscious blends that claimed to focus on specific health aspects such as protein, digestion, and fewer calories. In the following year they introduced probiotic. They claimed that this was the first 100% juice smoothie that contained probiotics to boost the aid in digestion in the body. Naked juice created a line named protein zone which still had 100% juice but contained double the amount of protein. Naked juice was the first company with national distribution to start producing 100 percent post- consumer recycled plastic (polyethylene terephthalate). It was obvious that Naked Juice was targeting health conscious people but with the new environmentally friendly bottle they sealed the deal that by buying their product you are doing a good thing.

Above is an example of a Naked Juice advertisement. The advertisement has of all the fruit from the mighty mango smoothie as well as a hammer above that. This advertisement is like no other that I have seen. It is one of the most basic ones with just pictures, a bottle, and a few words. I believe that this targets the eye just due to the fact that it is not very busy and does not look like one of the annoying ads that most of us are accustomed to. The advertisement makes it seem as if the hammer will shrink all of these types of fruits and put them into the bottle. (Not really, just a playful way to advertise) I was quite impressed that they could fit the juice from five whole fruit into a bottle of that size. Also in the ad, in basic lettering, you have the words 100% juice. This is definitely a key part in the ad because it is reassuring to the buyer. We have all seen those fruit juices that only contain 20 percent juice with the rest being artificial flavorings and fillers. To a kid they just see a good tasting drink but to an adult they see an open ended question like what is the other 80 percent. By putting 100% juice, it stops the questioning. Another key part in the ad is the No sugar added. Many of todays population are either type two diabetic or border lined diabetic meaning they have to watch what they consume (mostly sugar). When one is diagnosed with type two diabetes their body is insensitive to insulin. This means that their body can no longer process sugars like they should so they really have to watch the amount of sugar that goes into their bodies. However, people with different deficiencies in their bodies are not the only ones that have to watch what they eat. Health conscious people watch and regulate everything that goes into their bodies. The fact that there is no added sugar will entice them into buying the product. The overall biggest seller of this product is the fact that they state that Naked Juice contains no preservatives. Preservatives are harmful chemicals that the companies put in their products to extend shelf life so they can overall sell more products. A lot of the processed foods that we eat today contain some type of preservative so we really think nothing about consuming it. However, when you consume a lot of these harmful chemicals it could severely affect your health over time. Naked juices ad definitely targeted certain types of people in order to sell their product. Too bad that everything they put on their ads are UNTRUE! A federal lawsuit filed against Naked Juice in 2013 claimed that naked juice lied to their customers by putting false information on their bottles. The lawsuit opened a pile of lies that Naked Juice had been selling their product on for years. First, was the fact that Naked Juice did not use all natural or fresh fruit like they had been claiming. Instead they used GMOs (genetically modified organism) which is NOT all natural like they stated. GMOs taste just like real fruit but instead of being grown in a field or orchard somewhere they are being grown in an artificial environment. Naked Juice was also blamed for using rotting fruit that people would not buy in the grocery stores. All of this was being covered up by them saying it was 100 percent juice. The lawsuit took issue with Naked Juice's use of phrases like "100% Juice," "100% Fruit," "From Concentrate," "All Natural," "All Natural Fruit," "All Natural Fruit + Boosts" and "Non-GMO"(, their no sugar added phrase was questioned during the lawsuit. Turns out that Naked Juice not only lied about it being 100 percent juice but also lied about it having no sugar added. During the federal court hearing dozens of scientists testified stating that during their analysis of the smoothie they did in fact find sugar. Researchers did not find just a small, hide-able amount of sugar; they found up to 35 grams of sugar! Naked Juice actually contained more sugar in it than in a 10 ounce can of Pepsi soda! they found out that a small 10 ounce bottle of Naked's Green Machine has a whopping 35 grams of sugar. Compare that with 10 ounces of Pepsi, which has 34 grams of sugar(, their credibility ran out when the third selling point of their product was proven a lie. The same scientists who found sugar in their lab tests of a bottle of the fruit smoothie also found something much worse. The lab results found trace amounts of formaldehyde in each naked juice smoothie. Formaldehyde was commonly used in preserving frogs and other dissection species in schools nationwide before it was banned for being so potent. The Pepsi company was using it to extend the shelf life of Naked Juice from just a few weeks to a few months. Formaldehyde also kept the coloring of the fruits brighter for longer.

Now that the Pepsi Company and Naked juice is exposed and the truth came out, I have created an anti-advertisement with what naked juices ad should have said. Maybe I could have understood if they added only a little amount of sugar to some smoothies just because some fruits arent as sweet as others but not 35 grams! I have changed the original ad by stating the truth because Naked Juice did not want to. Before they targeted customers that watched what they consumed by describing how Naked Juice was healthy. My new ad targets the company because everything about their ad is a lie. I can guarantee that if the Pepsi Company and Naked Juice would have put that their product used rotten and genetically modified fruit they never would have sold anything. Formaldehyde can be fatal if enough is consumed so why put it into your product then lie about it? In my anti- advertisement, similar to the original advertisement, I used the hammer at the top of the image to show all of the fruits that are in the smoothie. The hammer was such a crucial part in the original advertisement because it gives a natural sense of blending. I would rather see a hammer used in the making of the once claimed all natural juice rather than a giant food processor. I used almost the same fruit as the anti- ad other than the fruit I used were either rotten or GMOs. The original advertisement showed fresh, colorful fruit to catch the consumers eye. Fresh fruit is not only healthy for you but it also tastes good. Rather than Naked Juice showing the fresh fruit on the advertisement but using not so fresh ones in the product inspired me to add the rotten banana and apple. Genetically modified organisms are claimed to be safe to consume by the FDA. However, I exposed the truth in my anti ad by adding a picture of an apple with a needle inserted into it to represent it being genetically modified. Formaldehyde took the place for one of the ingredients because that was such a big part that naked juice just forgot to mention. Consuming formaldehyde isnt something you just forget to ad into the list of ingredients. Just the formaldehyde its self is enough to sway many minds into not buying. To think that formaldehyde is what the dissection frogs in high school science class came submerged in is sickening. At the very bottom of the mix of ingredients is a bag of sugar. Since Naked Juice claimed to be sugar free yet sugar was the key ingredient, I made sure to ad that too. The original ad portrayed all of the ingredients that were going into the bottle I decided to ad that in as well, but I was truthful. As for the simple yet eye catching facts about the drinks, I changed them as well. The truthful advertisement pointed out how Naked Juice uses only the best genetically modified organisms, its not 100% juice, lots of sugar was added, and there was only a little bit of formaldehyde added. I made sure to point out all of the key facts into naked juice to completely reverse their advertisement. I wonder if Naked Juice ever created a truthful ad, and if they ever did, would they sell product?

Lately there has been an increasing trend in being healthy. When I go on Facebook and Twitter I see all kinds of ads and pictures encouraging people to live a healthy lifestyle and to have the perfect body. I always try to eat healthy but with all of the bad food on the market, sometimes it is hard to find the healthy balance. I believe the reason that I am so upset about naked juice and their fruit smoothies is because I fell claim to this false advertisement. I was in love with naked juice and I had one almost every day before school for breakfast. My entire family always tried to make sure to have a healthy breakfast to start the day. When I told her about Naked Juice, she was more than willing to pay the few extra dollars to buy them for us because they seemed to be so healthy. After hearing about the lawsuit against naked juice, I called my mom and told her how they were actually bad to consume. Like me, she was very surprised as well as disappointed. Now, she refuses to buy them. In conclusion, I created an anti- advertisement from using the untruthfulness of Naked Juices fruit smoothies. It wasnt hard to find an untruthful one just because they all lied. Naked Juice even lied on their bottles claiming 100 percent juice and no added sugar! Rather than targeting the health conscious trend that so many have caught on my anti ad is more of a spoof mocking Pepsi. After Pepsi and Naked Juice lost the lawsuit in federal court they were force to pay out billions to customers in order to settle. This almost caused Pepsi and Naked Juice to go out of business. Works Cited:

Naked JuiceWikipedia,wikico,7March15,6April15, Some Naked juice contains more sugar than Pepsi.21 July 2014. Web. 20 April 2015. Naked Juice Class Action Lawsuit Settlement Over Health Claims Means $9 Million For Consumers. 2 August 2013. Web. 20 April 2015.