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Nonrenewable Energy Sources Chapter 12 Section 1- What is net energy and why is it important? Case Study: Fracking for Oil and Gas _____________ and _____________________________ Two most widely used natural resources in the United States Oil consumption is _______________________________. New extractions from oil shale cause _________________________________________. Burning oil and natural gas will continue ________________________________________________ to the atmosphere. How is the energy produced that you use? __________________________________________________________________________ ______________ __________________________________________________________________________ ______________ Horizontal Drilling and Hydraulic Fracturing • What types of wells are shown in the drawing? • What type of rock is being drilled for the oil and gas? Accessing Hard to Reach Oil and Natural Gas ___________________________ is a tertiary extraction method that allows oil companies access to oil and natural gas trapped within and between _______________________________________________________________. Fracking involves using __________________________________ pumps to inject huge volumes of a mixture _____________________________________ ____________________________________into the horizontal well. The mixture then blasts through holes drilled in the underground well pipe. The oil or natural gas flows out of the cracks. Then it is pumped to the surface. The mixture that is injected into the well contains ________________________________________________

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Page 1: Nail-Gales Science - Home · Web viewChapter 12 Section 1-What is net energy and why is it important? Case Study: Fracking for Oil and Gas _____ and _____ Two most widely used natural

Nonrenewable Energy Sources

Chapter 12 Section 1- What is net energy and why is it important?Case Study: Fracking for Oil and Gas

• _____________ and _____________________________

– Two most widely used natural resources in the United States

• Oil consumption is _______________________________.

– New extractions from oil shale cause _________________________________________.

– Burning oil and natural gas will continue ________________________________________________ to the atmosphere.

• How is the energy produced that you use? ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________

• Horizontal Drilling and Hydraulic Fracturing

• • What types of wells are shown in the drawing?

• • What type of rock is being drilled for the oil and gas?

• Accessing Hard to Reach Oil and Natural Gas ___________________________ is a tertiary extraction method that allows oil companies access to oil and natural gas trapped within and between _______________________________________________________________.

• Fracking involves using __________________________________ pumps to inject huge volumes of a mixture _____________________________________ ____________________________________into the horizontal well. The mixture then blasts through holes drilled in the underground well pipe. The oil or natural

gas flows out of the cracks. Then it is pumped to the surface.

• The mixture that is injected into the well contains ________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ leached from the rock. Fracking companies also add potentially harmful drilling chemicals to the mix. After fracking is complete, about half the mixture remains __________________________________________________, while the other half becomes ____________________________________________.

• Processing the hazardous wastewater is a challenge. It may be stored in ______________________________ _____________________________ or in _______________________________________________________, where it can _______________________. It may be sent to sewage treatment plants that are often ill-equipped to _________________________________________________________________. Or it can be _____________ _______________________________________________________________________ for fracking—the best method but also the most rarely used because of its __________________________________.

Page 2: Nail-Gales Science - Home · Web viewChapter 12 Section 1-What is net energy and why is it important? Case Study: Fracking for Oil and Gas _____ and _____ Two most widely used natural

• Some say fracking marks a _________________________________ in oil and natural gas production. But the process also yields lower net energy compared to traditional production. (Net energy is discussed in this chapter.)

• Oil and natural gas ____________________________________________________________________________ to make it profitable to frack oil and natural gas.

What Is Net Energy and Why Is It Important?

• To supplement the sun’s life-sustaining energy, society produces _____________________________________ —energy that is sold in the marketplace. Commercial energy is produced from either ______________________ ___________________________________ energy resources

• Nonrenewable resources ____________________________________________________________________ __________________________. These resources took ______________________________________ _____________________________ to form and will be used more __________________________________ _________________________________. They include fossil fuels (oil, coal, and natural gas), mineral deposits and nuclear energy.

• Renewable resources are _________________________________________________________________. They include wind, flowing water (hydropower), the sun’s heat (solar energy), biomass (energy in plants), and heat in Earth’s interior (geothermal energy)

It takes energy to produce energy

• For example, before oil can be used, it must __________________________________, ________________ from beneath the ground or ocean floor, ______________________________ to a refinery, _____________________ to gasoline, diesel, and other fuels and chemicals, and ____________________________ to consumers.

• Each of these steps uses __________________________________________________ obtained by burning fossil fuels, especially gasoline and diesel fuel. Because of the second law of thermodynamics ____________ of the high-quality energy used in each step _________________________________________ to lower-quality energy.

• This energy is most often ___________________________________________ & released into the environment.

• Net energy

– Total amount of ______________________________________________________ from a resource ________________________________________ needed to make the energy _____________________ _________________________________

• Energy resources _________________________________________________ in their net energy.

• ________________Net Energy Counts

• Scientists look at net energy as the best measure for ________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ of an energy resource.

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• If a net energy is zero or is a negative number, the resource ___________________________________________ in the marketplace.

– Need __________________________________ from taxpayers

– Discuss (Summarize) nuclear example p.388 __________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________

– What is the main purpose of energy subsidies? __________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

12.2 What Are the Advantages and Disadvantages of Using Fossil Fuels?

• _____________________________________ or petroleum is a mixture of hydrocarbons that forms over millions of years from __________________________________________________________________________, which become ______________________________________________________________________ and subjected to intense pressure and heat. Consequently, _________________________________________________________.

• Oil deposits form when the __________________________________________________ caused from overlying rocks forces oil up through cracks and pores in Earth’s crust until it’s ____________________________________ _____________________________________ and collects there, often with _____________________________, filling pores and cracks somewhat like water soaking into a sponge.

Crude Oil is an Important Energy Source

• Conventional crude oil is ____________________________________, and is therefore the _________________ ______________________________ energy resource in the U.S. It has a _______________________ net energy, but using it causes _________________________________________________________ pollution and releases ______________________________________________ to the atmosphere.

– Unconventional heavy oil derived from _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________ exists in potentially _______________________________ but has a _______________ net energy and a ___________________________________ environmental impact than conventional oil.

• Crude oil must be __________________________________________________________________ before it can be used for fuel. Oil gets transported to a refinery by ________________________________________________ or ______________. At the refinery, the crude oil

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is _______________________________________________ it into various fuels and other components with different boiling points in a complex process called ____________

• Like all the steps in oil production and use, refining __________________________________________________ and decreases oil’s ______________________________________________.

Oil Refining

Society Currently Depends on Oil

After about a _____________________ of pumping, the ________________________in a well usually ______________________, and its _______________________________ ___________________. This point in time is referred to as _______________________ ______________________________ for the well. The same decline in

production can take place at an ____________________________________, where many wells operate together.

Peak production: ______________________________________________________________________

– Global peak production for __________________________________________ may have been reached

Are We Running Out of Conventional Crude Oil?

• Proven oil reserves ___________________________________________________________________________ at current prices using current technology. The number of proven oil reserves and the amount of available oil are not fixed.

• Availability determined by:

– ___________________________________

– ___________________________________

– ___________________________________

– ___________________________________

– ___________________________________

Can We Increase Oil Supplies?

• ________________________________ and ________________________________________________ can turn previously unavailable oil deposits into proven oil reserves. ___________________________________________ & _________________________________________________________ are two such technologies (Case Study).

• Recall that ___________________________________________________ involves drilling a vertical well deep underground and then turning the shaft 90 degrees to drill horizontally into shale rock.

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• ________________________________________________ or ________________________, uses high-pressure pumps to inject a mix of sand, water, and chemicals into the well to fracture shale rock so that tightly held gas and oil can be pumped out.

• Other Ways to produce more Crude oil:

– _________________________________________________________________________________

– __________________________________________________________________________________

• These are harder & __________________________________________________ to extract

– Resulting in __________________________________________________________________, and _______________________________________________________________ and __________________ ___________________________________

• Once ___________________________________________ is reached, net energy will decline and prices will rise.

Crude Oil Advantages and Disadvantages

• Advantages: _________________________________________ for many decades, _____________________ net energy, low ___________________________________________________, ______________________________

• Disadvantages: water pollution from ________________________________________________________, emits air pollutants when ________________________, vulnerable to _______________________________________ ________________________________________

Crude Oil Reserves, Production, and Usage p393

• • What country has the largest oil reserves? What percentage of the world’s oil reserves does it have?

• • Compare U.S. oil production and consumption. How are they different?

• • Based on the graphs, can the United States be self-sufficient in its use of crude oil? Explain.

Can We Increase Oil Supplies?

• As _____________________________________________________________________ the world will turn to unconventional ______________________________________ or ___________________________________

– _______________________________ is thicker and more sticky than regular crude oil. Heavy crude oil comes from ____________________________________________________ and is extracted from two sources: _____________________________________________.

– ________________________________ contain a mixture of clay, sand, water, and a thick, tar-like oil. Vast reserves in ___________________________________

– Higher ______________________________________________ and higher _______________________ _________________

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We’re running out of oil

• Three major options:

– __________________________________________________________________________________

– __________________________________________________________________________________

– __________________________________________________________________________________

Is Natural Gas a Better Alternative?

• Natural gas: mixture of gases, of which 50–90% is ______________________________

– ___________________________________________________ than oil: Natural gas provided about __________________________ of the energy consumed worldwide and _____________________ of the energy consumed in the United States in 2014

– Versatile: __________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

– Has a _______________________ net energy and a _____________________________ production cost

• “_________________________________” fuel. When burned _______________________________________, natural gas is also cleaner than _______________ and _____________________________________ than coal.

Natural Gas Production

• Deposits often found _________________________________________________________ as well as in tightly held deposits between ____________________________________________________________

• can be extracted through _________________________________

– Propane, butane gases removed first (LPG)

• LPG (________________________________________________) used in ___________________ areas not served by pipelines- It is _______________________________________________.

– Remaining gas (_______________________________) purified, pumped into _____________________, delivered over ____________, also by ________ as LNG (______________________________________)

• at a _____________ pressure and _____________ temperature. This ______________________ ________________________ liquid is carried in _______________________________________. At its destination port, LNG is ____________________ and converted __________________ into __________ for distribution through _____________________________

• Liquefying natural gas_____________________________________ its net energy and _____________________ its cost.

Natural Gas Production and Fracking in the United States

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• Fracking

– ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

• Fracking has harmful environmental effects.

– __________________________________________________________________________________

– __________________________________________________________________________________

– __________________________________________________________________________________

Fracking for Natural Gas Advantages and Disadvantages

• Advantages: _______________________________________________ are ______________________________, ________________________________ fuel, _________________________________ net energy, burning it emits ________________________________________________________= less _________________________, creates ___________________

• Disadvantages: ___________________________ for LNG; ______________________/_____________________ leads to carbon dioxide, _________________________________ emissions; increases _____________________ activity, fracking uses/pollutes large volumes of ______________________ and can potentially seriously pollute ____________________________

SOCIAL FACTORS Politics and Environmental Laws

• Pressure from powerful companies and lobbyists has resulted in fracking being ___________________________ from several federal ______________________________________________________________.

• Included among them are

– ________________________________________________________________________________

– ________________________________________________________________________________

– ________________________________________________________________________________

– ________________________________________________________________________________

Taking a Stand: Concerns over fracking have led some states, cities, towns, counties, and groups to _______________________.

• Before 100,000 more natural gas wells are drilled over the next 10–20 years, analysts call for the following _________________________________________________________:

– elimination of all __________________________________________________________ for the natural gas industry

– stricter _________________________________________________________________________

– better data on _____________________________________________________________

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– _____________________________________________________ in production and distribution systems

• Such efforts could limit air and water ________________________________ and avoid ____________________ ___________________________________against fracking.

What About Coal?

• Coal: formed from remains of land _______________________________________ and ____________________ ___________________________________________________________ for 300–400 million years

– ________________________ fossil fuel burned in ________________________________ and industrial plants

– ___________________________________________________ fossil fuel

– Generates _____________ of the world’s electricity- U.S. figures are _________________________ as ______________________________________________________

– It is also burned in industrial plants to make _____________________, __________________________, and other products.

Coal Reserves, Production, and Usage

• How do U.S. coal production and consumption compare?

• The United States has huge coal reserves but is attempting to use less coal. Why?

• Coal is a plentiful and relatively inexpensive energy resource. Do these factors make it a sustainable resource? Explain.

Coal Is a Dirty Fuel- There is no “Clean Coal”

• Coal is the ______________________of all fossil fuels.

• Coal mining processes __________________________________________ and ___________________________ ______________________________.

• Burning coal also releases various pollutants into the atmosphere. For example, burning coal produces ________ _________________________________, which contributes to atmospheric ______________________________ ___________________________.

• Coal-burning power and industrial plants are the largest emitters of this ________________________________.

• Burning coal also converts sulfur in coal to the _____________________________________________________ (SO2 ). Sulfur dioxide contributes to ______________________________________ and can cause serious human health problems (Lesson 16.1).

• Currently, _______________________ is the world’s leading emitter of CO2 and SO2. The United States is the ____________________________________________________ emitter of CO2.

• Finally, burning coal produces ________________, which is a mixture of very fine particles of chemicals, acids, metals, soils, and dust. These pollutants are __________________, they can collect deep in the ______________ and cause health issues ranging from ___________________________________________

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to premature _______________________, ________________________ attacks, and ___________________________.

• Some coal-burning plants install ______________________________________________________________ called scrubbers. Scrubbers _______________________________ certain pollutants and ___________________ them as ash before they ___________________________ through the _______________________________.

• Proper control equipment can ________________________________________________________ harmful emissions from burning coal. However, this type of pollution prevention ________________________________ _________________________________________.

• And while _________________________ coal-burning power plants use scrubbers, most power plants in countries like _____________________and ________________________ do not use such air pollution control equipment.

Coal Advantages and Disadvantages

• Advantages: ______________________ supplies in ____________countries, _____________________________ net energy, ____________ cost when ____________________________________________________________

• Disadvantages: _________________________________________________________ and __________________ pollution, fine particle and ______________________________________________ emissions, emission of large amounts of air pollutants when ____________________________________________________

The Future of Coal

• Coal faces increasing _______________________________________ from _______________________ burning and ________________________ ____________________________________________________power. ____________________coal-burning power plants are being built in the United States, and some older ones are _____________________________________________.

• ______________________________________ is on track to overtake coal as the _________________________ ________________________________ for producing electricity by the _________________ Natural gas could overtake coal in the United States sooner if the government __________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ combustion to help reduce atmospheric ________________________________________________________________ from CO2 emissions.

• 12:2 Quick Check of Core Ideas and Skills

Change these FALSE statements to make them true.

• • The most polluting fossil fuel is natural gas.

• • Oil is an increasingly attractive fuel because it is a fairly clean fossil fuel that the United States has in large supply.

• • In general, fossil fuels are in ample supply for now, and have low net energy.

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Chapter 12 Non Renewable

Section 1 What is Net Energy & Why is it Important?Section 2 What are Advantages and Disadvantages of Fossil Fuels?

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