nae phi story questions answers etc

NAEP History Questions Note: Certain questions refer to extra documents included at the end of this document. This question refers to the map below. 1. The dotted lines on the map above show some of the main trade routes between Europe and Asia in the time before Christopher Columbus. What is one reason why Europeans looked for new trade routes across the oceans? A. Goods made in the Americas were believed to be cheaper and better made. B. Asians no longer needed any of the products that Europeans wanted to trade. C. European traders were hoping to find cheaper and shorter routes. D. European Kings and Queens no longer allowed trade along the old routes. Key C

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NAEP History QuestionsNote: Certain questions refer to extra documents included at the end of this document.

This question refers to the map below.

1. The dotted lines on the map above show some of the main trade routes between Europe and Asia in thetime before Christopher Columbus.

What is one reason why Europeans looked for new trade routes across the oceans?

A. Goods made in the Americas were believed to be cheaper and better made.B. Asians no longer needed any of the products that Europeans wanted to trade.C. European traders were hoping to find cheaper and shorter routes.D. European Kings and Queens no longer allowed trade along the old routes.



2. The buildings in the picture above were built by

A. French fur tradersB. Spanish missionariesC. African slavesD. English settlers



3. You are working on a class report about a group of American Indians who lived in the area where thePilgrims first arrived in North America. Your report is about how this American Indian group lived.

Answer the questions below about three sources of information you could use for your report.

Scoring Guide

Score & DescriptionComplete

Provides accurate information and problem for all three sources.


Provides accurate information & problem for two sources (the answer for the third source is eitherincorrect or partially correct).


Accurate information and problem for one source AND a partially correct answer (either accurateinformation or problem) for the other two sources.


Provides either accurate information OR accurate problem for at least one source.


No correct or partially correct answers for any source.

Credited responses could include:

Source Whatinformationcan you getfrom thissource?

What is oneproblem with theinformation fromthis source?

1. Interviews People might People may have

with NativeAmericanpeople wholive in thearea today

know aboutoldertraditions,culture,religion,stories, whatthey ate,wore, usedfor tools,where theylived.

changed too much toknow accurateinformation; peoplemight have lostknowledge of olderways of life; peoplemight speak adifferent language.

2. Reportsfromarchaeologistswho haveexcavatedNativeAmericanruins.

Old artifactscan tell usabout theirhomes, howthey farmedor hunted,what theyate, tools,how theycooked,where theylived.

It can be hard tointerpret fragments ofartifacts correctly;artifacts may belongto a different culture;artifacts can only tellabout certain parts ofculture, like tools, butnot about things likebeliefs.

3. A storywritten forchildren in1957 aboutthe firstThanksgiving

What theyate; wore;hunted;farmed; built;taughtPilgrims; howthey relatedto Pilgrims.

Story may be not betrue. Story is notabout AmericanIndians; newinformation may beavailable.

Complete - Student Response

You are working on a class report about a group of American Indians who lived in the area where thePilgrims first arrived in North America. Your report is about how this American Indian group lived.

Answer the questions below about three sources of information you could use for your report.

You are working on a class report about a group of American Indians who lived in the area where thePilgrims first arrived in North America. Your report is about how this American Indian group lived.

Answer the questions below about three sources of information you could use for your report.

Scorer Comments:

The sample student responses received a score of Complete, meaning all six parts were credited. Onlyabout 10 papers received full credit on this demanding and complex question. Emphasis in scoring wasplaced on whether the responses offered a reasonable understanding of potential benefits andproblems with the three sources of information rather than requiring a sophisticated analysis of thescenario posed.

Essential - Student Response

You are working on a class report about a group of American Indians who lived in the area where thePilgrims first arrived in North America. Your report is about how this American Indian group lived.

Answer the questions below about three sources of information you could use for your report.

You are working on a class report about a group of American Indians who lived in the area where thePilgrims first arrived in North America. Your report is about how this American Indian group lived.

Answer the questions below about three sources of information you could use for your report.

Scorer Comments:

These two sample responses received scores of Essential; four or five of the six parts of the responsewere credited. The first sample received credit for the problem with Source 1 (the information for thissource was judged to be general and not clearly linked to Indians in the past); for both the informationand the problem for Source 2; and the problem for Source 3, which makes the same argument as theComplete sample response (many students seemed to recognize that works of fiction are potentiallyuntrustworthy sources of historical information). The second sample, though not as strong as the first,also received credit for four parts: both the information and problem for Source 1, and the informationfor Sources 2 and 3.

Partial - Student Response

You are working on a class report about a group of American Indians who lived in the area where thePilgrims first arrived in North America. Your report is about how this American Indian group lived.

Answer the questions below about three sources of information you could use for your report.

You are working on a class report about a group of American Indians who lived in the area where thePilgrims first arrived in North America. Your report is about how this American Indian group lived.

Answer the questions below about three sources of information you could use for your report.

Scorer Comments:

These two responses received scores of Partial--one, two, or three of the six parts were answeredcorrectly. The first sample response received credit for both the information and problem for Source 1and the information for Source 3. In the case of Source 2, the answer needed to be more specific interms of what could be learned from the ruins. The second sample response contains just one creditedanswer: the information for Source 3.

Inappropriate - Student Response

You are working on a class report about a group of American Indians who lived in the area where thePilgrims first arrived in North America. Your report is about how this American Indian group lived.

Answer the questions below about three sources of information you could use for your report.

You are working on a class report about a group of American Indians who lived in the area where thePilgrims first arrived in North America. Your report is about how this American Indian group lived.

Answer the questions below about three sources of information you could use for your report.

Scorer Comments:

These sample responses were scored as Inappropriate--none of the six parts received credit. In thefirst sample response, the answers about information from the three sources are all too general andthe problems are not realistic problems. The various answers in the response are also not specific orclear enough to receive credit.

4. Write the letter for each event listed below in the correct square on the time line.

A Jamestown is founded.B The United States Constitution is written.C Christopher Columbus sails to the Americas.

D Abraham Lincoln announces the Emancipation Proclamation.

Scoring Guide

Score & DescriptionComplete

Response places all four events in the correct place.


Response places two to three events in the correct place.


Response places one event in the correct place.


Response does not place any event in the correct place.

Credited responses:





Complete - Student Response

Write the letter for each event listed below in the correct square on the time line.

A Jamestown is founded.B The United States Constitution is written.C Christopher Columbus sails to the Americas.D Abraham Lincoln announces the Emancipation Proclamation.

Scorer Comments:

This response received a score of Complete because it placed all four events in the correct squares onthe time line. Students could get to a complete answer by knowing the dates of the four events, byknowing the chronological order of the events, or a combination of the two.

Essential - Student Response

Write the letter for each event listed below in the correct square on the time line.

A Jamestown is founded.B The United States Constitution is written.C Christopher Columbus sails to the Americas.D Abraham Lincoln announces the Emancipation Proclamation.

Scorer Comments:

This response received a score of Essential for placing two of the events (A & B) in the correct squareon the timeline. Events D and C are reversed. Responses with three correctly placed events alsoreceived a score of Essential.

Partial - Student Response

Write the letter for each event listed below in the correct square on the time line.

A Jamestown is founded.B The United States Constitution is written.C Christopher Columbus sails to the Americas.D Abraham Lincoln announces the Emancipation Proclamation.

Scorer Comments:

This response received a score of Partial for placing one event (Columbus's voyage to America) in theappropriate square on the timeline.

Inappropriate - Student Response

Write the letter for each event listed below in the correct square on the time line.

A Jamestown is founded.B The United States Constitution is written.C Christopher Columbus sails to the Americas.D Abraham Lincoln announces the Emancipation Proclamation.

Scorer Comments:

This response received a score of Inappropriate for placing none of the events in the proper spots onthe timeline.

5. Which of the following is the main reason the Pilgrims wanted to leave England?

A. To escape bad treatment because of their religionB. To find good land for their farms and townsC. To trade with Native AmericansD. To start a new country



6. Describe two specific ways the lives of some Native Americans changed because of their interactionswith European settlers.



Scoring Guide

Score & DescriptionComplete

Response correctly identifies two ways that Native Americans' lives may have changed.


Response correctly identifies one fully credited way that Native Americans' lives may have changed


gives one or more partially credited way that Native Americans' lives may have changed.


Response does not correctly identify any credited ways that Native Americans' lives may have changed.

Credited responses could include:

1. Converted to Christianity/worked in missions/built churches/built missions2. Lost land/forced off land/lost homes/put on reservations3. Had to keep moving from place to place/move west

Complete - Student Response

Describe two specific ways the lives of some Native Americans changed because of their interactionswith European settlers.



Describe two specific ways the lives of some Native Americans changed because of their interactionswith European settlers.



Scorer Comments:

These two responses received a score of Complete for giving two ways Native Americans were affectedby their interactions with Europeans. Because the question does not specify either a chronologicalperiod or geographic area, a wide range of responses was credited.

Partial - Student Response

Describe two specific ways the lives of some Native Americans changed because of their interactionswith European settlers.



Describe two specific ways the lives of some Native Americans changed because of their interactionswith European settlers.



Scorer Comments:

These two responses each received a score of Partial for providing one credited answer. In the firstsample response, credit was awarded for the idea that European settlers took Native American lands.That the settlers did not give the land back does not constitute a separate credited idea. In the secondresponse, credit was given for the idea that some Native Americans were enslaved.

Inappropriate - Student Response

Describe two specific ways the lives of some Native Americans changed because of their interactionswith European settlers.



Describe two specific ways the lives of some Native Americans changed because of their interactionswith European settlers.



Scorer Comments:

These two sample responses received scores of Inappropriate. Neither offered a credited way in whichthe lives of Native Americans were affected by European settlers. The first response is extremely vagueand seems to be saying primarily that the lives of Native Americans and settlers were different ratherthan how the lives of Native Americans changed. The second response is confusing because thereferences to "they" and "each other" are indefinite; if those terms refer to Native Americans andsettlers, the answers are the opposite of what actually happened.

“The Admiral called to the two captains, and to the others who leaped on shore, . . . that he, inpresence of all, had taken, . . . possession of the island for the king and for the queen. . . .”

7. When were the words above written?

A. When George Washington crossed the DelawareB. When Christopher Columbus arrived in the AmericasC. When Lewis and Clark reached the Pacific OceanD. When the Pilgrims landed at Plymouth



8. What role did many colonial women play during the American Revolution?

A. They served as officers in the army.B. They gave speeches to rally the people against the British.C. They kept the farms and shops running during the war.D. They helped to run the government while the men were away fighting.



This question is based on the map below.

9. Look at the route taken by Lewis and Clark in 1804. Why did President Thomas Jefferson send Lewisand Clark to explore the route shown on the map?

A. To spy on British and French soldiers posted in the WestB. To find fertile lands for Indian reservationsC. To get information about lands so settlers could move thereD. To look for good places to mine gold in California



This question is based on the map below.

10. What important fact about American history do you learn by looking at the map?

A. The southern United States was explored before the northern United States.B. Many important cities in the United States were built near sources of water.C. Movement of people west caused more states to be added to the United States.D. Settlers usually traveled from the western to the eastern part of the United States.



11. Identify the President in the picture above and give two reasons why he is important in Americanhistory.

The name of thePresident is:

Two reasons he is important in American history (other than being President) are:1)


Scoring Guide

Score & DescriptionComplete

The response identifies Lincoln and provides two accurate reasons Lincoln is important in Americanhistory.


The response identifies Lincoln and provides ONE accurate reason (or one accurate and one partiallyaccurate reason) Lincoln is important in American history.


The response leaves the ID blank but gives two accurate reasons Lincoln is important in Americanhistory.


The response identifies Lincoln (with or without a partially accurate reason Lincoln is important inAmerican history).


The response gives one accurate reason and/or one partially accurate reason Lincoln is important inAmerican history .


The response misidentifies Lincoln (with or without accurate or partially accurate reasons).


The response does not identify Lincoln or give any reason he is important in American history.

Credited responses could include:

1. He stopped slavery/freed the slaves.2. He led the Union to defeat the Confederate States.3. He gave the Gettysburg Address.

Complete - Student Response

Identify the President in the picture above and give two reasons why he is important in Americanhistory.

The name of thePresident is:

Two reasons he is important in American history (other than being President) are:



Identify the President in the picture above and give two reasons why he is important in Americanhistory.

The name of thePresident is:

Two reasons he is important in American history (other than being President) are:



Scorer Comments:

These two responses received scores of Complete for naming the president (spelling did not count)and providing two reasons that Lincoln was important. In the second response, credit was given forpart 2 because it specified that Lincoln was president "during the Civil War." Had it said only thatLincoln was president it would not have received credit.

Essential - Student Response

Identify the President in the picture above and give two reasons why he is important in Americanhistory.

The name of thePresident is:

Two reasons he is important in American history (other than being President) are:



Identify the President in the picture above and give two reasons why he is important in Americanhistory.

The name of thePresident is:

Two reasons he is important in American history (other than being President) are:



Scorer Comments:

These two student responses received the score of Essential, meaning that they correctly named thepresident and one reason he was important. Although it was also possible to receive a score ofEssential by omitting the name but giving two reasons that Lincoln was important, such responseswere rare. In the first sample, no credit was given for reason 2 because it does not mention the CivilWar; and in the second sample, reason 1 is clearly incorrect.

Partial - Student Response

Identify the President in the picture above and give two reasons why he is important in Americanhistory.

The name of thePresident is:

Two reasons he is important in American history (other than being President) are:



Identify the President in the picture above and give two reasons why he is important in Americanhistory.

The name of thePresident is:

Two reasons he is important in American history (other than being President) are:



Scorer Comments:

These two student responses received a score of Partial. In both cases the only credit awarded was forthe identification of President Lincoln. Both reasons in the first response were too vague, and in thesecond response, the reference to Lincoln helping slaves escape is incorrect.

Inappropriate - Student Response

Identify the President in the picture above and give two reasons why he is important in Americanhistory.

The name of thePresident is:

Two reasons he is important in American history (other than being President) are:



Identify the President in the picture above and give two reasons why he is important in Americanhistory.

The name of thePresident is:

Two reasons he is important in American history (other than being President) are:



Scorer Comments:

These two responses received scores of "Inappropriate." Both misidentified the president, so even hadthey given reasons that Lincoln was important they would not have received credit.

“My fellow Americans, ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your


—President John F. Kennedy, 1961

12. What do you think was the main message President Kennedy was trying to tell the American peoplein this speech?

A. Learn about the freedoms of citizens of the United States.B. Earn as much money as you can for your family.C. Use your skills to help the United States.D. Go to college so that you can get a good job.



13. Give two different and specific reasons why some people from other countries want to come and livein the United States today.



Scoring Guide

Score & DescriptionComplete

The response provides two different complete reasons why many people want to come and live in theUnited States.


The response provides one complete reason why many people want to come and live in the UnitedStates, OR provides one or two partial reasons.


The response does not provide an appropriate reason why many people want to come and live in theUnited States.

Credited responses could include:

1. To practice religion freely2. To escape bad government; to have better laws3. To escape war/ bombs/ violence

4. To find better economic opportunities, jobs, work, wealth, money, resources, technology

Complete - Student Response

Give two different and specific reasons why some people from other countries want to come and livein the United States today.



Give two different and specific reasons why some people from other countries want to come and livein the United States today.



Scorer Comments:

These two sample student responses received a score of Complete because they provided two distinctreasons why people want to come to live in the United States. Both accurate push factors (reasons forleaving their countries) and pull factors (reasons for coming to the United States in particular) wereaccepted.

Partial - Student Response

Give two different and specific reasons why some people from other countries want to come and livein the United States today.



Give two different and specific reasons why some people from other countries want to come and livein the United States today.



Scorer Comments:

These two sample responses received a score of Partial because only one of the two reasons providedwas credited. In the first response, reason 2, "start a knew life" is not specific enough to be credited.In the second response, reason 2 is confusing and vague.

Inappropriate - Student Response

Give two different and specific reasons why some people from other countries want to come and livein the United States today.



Give two different and specific reasons why some people from other countries want to come and livein the United States today.



Scorer Comments:

These two sample student responses were scored as Inappropriate, receiving no credit. The firststudent response is very specific and the statements are true, but they are not clear reasons whypeople want to come to live in the U.S. today. In the second student response, reason 1 would need toexplain in what way the U.S. is better (i.e., why somebody would want to move from their country tothe U.S.), and reason 2 does not answer the question.

This question refers to the quotation below.

Aung San Suu Kyi lives in a country called Myanmar (Burma). She has spent many years trying tochange her country’s government. She spoke the words below in 1996.

“Those fortunate enough to live in societies where they are entitled to full political rights canreach out to help the less fortunate in other parts of our troubled planet. Young women andyoung men . . . might wish to cast their eyes beyond their own frontiers. . . . Please use yourliberty to promote [help] ours."

14. What was the main message Aung San Suu Kyi was sending to people in other countries?

A. People in democratic countries should help people in other countries gain more rights andfreedoms.

B. People in democratic countries should work harder to protect their own rights and freedoms.C. A country’s government should respect the opinions of people in other countries.D. A country’s government should be elected by the majority of people in that country.



This question refers to the quotation below.

Aung San Suu Kyi lives in a country called Myanmar (Burma). She has spent many years trying tochange her country’s government. She spoke the words below in 1996.

“Those fortunate enough to live in societies where they are entitled to full political rights canreach out to help the less fortunate in other parts of our troubled planet. Young women andyoung men . . . might wish to cast their eyes beyond their own frontiers. . . . Please use yourliberty to promote [help] ours."

15. What document helps to give Americans what Aung San Suu Kyi wants her people to have?

A. The Mayflower CompactB. The Gettysburg AddressC. The Star-Spangled BannerD. The Bill of Rights



16. Based on the chart above, where did most immigrants to the United States come from in 2002?

A. Europe and AsiaB. Europe and other regionsC. Latin America and EuropeD. Latin America and Asia



17. Many historians believe that the ancestors of American Indians came from the continent of

A. AfricaB. AsiaC. EuropeD. Australia



18. Before the American Revolution, most American colonists earned a living by

A. shopkeepingB. farmingC. trappingD. fishing



19. Pretend your teacher has planned a role-playing activity for your class about life in colonial America.You have been asked to choose a colonial job for the activity. Fill in the job you want to have fromthe list below.

(A) General store owner(B) Blacksmith(C) Farmer

Now write down specific ways your job would help the colonial town/community where youlive.

Scoring Guide

Score & DescriptionComplete

The student selects one of the colonial jobs and provides at least one specific way that that job wouldhelp the town/community in which the person lives.


The student selects one of the colonial jobs and provides a somewhat accurate but vague descriptionof how a given job helps the community. Samples are as follows:

General stores have a lot of food and stuff that people need.General stores have supplies people need.A general store is good because people would not have to travel far to the store.A blacksmith contributes by making iron things.


The student provides no accurate ways any of the people on the list provided would help thecommunity.

Credited responses could include the following:

A general store owner buys and sells staples like flour, blankets, and cloth needed by thecommunity.A blacksmith makes tools, horseshoes, and other metal objects that people in theA farmer grows food that people in the community need.

Complete - Student Response

Pretend your teacher has planned a role-playing activity for your class about life in colonial America.You have been asked to choose a colonial job for the activity. Fill in the job you want to have fromthe list below.

Now write down specific ways your job would help the colonial town/community where youlive.

Pretend your teacher has planned a role-playing activity for your class about life in colonial America.You have been asked to choose a colonial job for the activity. Fill in the job you want to have fromthe list below.

Now write down specific ways your job would help the colonial town/community where youlive.

Scorer Comments:

These two sample student responses received a score of Complete for indicating one of the jobs anddescribing how the job served the community. As long as a correct answer was present, incorrectinformation was overlooked (for example, in the years before ready-made clothing, general stores soldcloth so people could make their own clothes).

Partial - Student Response

Pretend your teacher has planned a role-playing activity for your class about life in colonial America.You have been asked to choose a colonial job for the activity. Fill in the job you want to have fromthe list below.

Now write down specific ways your job would help the colonial town/community where youlive.

Pretend your teacher has planned a role-playing activity for your class about life in colonial America.You have been asked to choose a colonial job for the activity. Fill in the job you want to have fromthe list below.

Now write down specific ways your job would help the colonial town/community where youlive.

Scorer Comments:

These two sample responses received scores of Partial. They indicated a job, but the description ofhow the job would help the community was vague or only partially accurate. In the first response, it isunclear who "people" and "they" represent and "have products" is not very specific, but the answersuggests the basic function of a general store providing goods. Similarly, the second response links ablacksmith to the provision of "metal things" but does not get specific enough to warrant Completecredit.

Inappropriate - Student Response

Pretend your teacher has planned a role-playing activity for your class about life in colonial America.You have been asked to choose a colonial job for the activity. Fill in the job you want to have fromthe list below.

Now write down specific ways your job would help the colonial town/community where youlive.

Pretend your teacher has planned a role-playing activity for your class about life in colonial America.You have been asked to choose a colonial job for the activity. Fill in the job you want to have fromthe list below.

Now write down specific ways your job would help the colonial town/community where youlive.

Scorer Comments:

These two student responses received scores of Inappropriate, or no credit. The first response clearlymisinterpreted the question. The second response does not describe how being a farmer would helpthe community.

This question is based on the map shown below.

20. According to the map, shipbuilding was mostly done in

A. western PennsylvaniaB. the CarolinasC. the middle coloniesD. the New England colonies



This question is based on the map shown below.

21. Look at the locations of the cities on the map. What is the main reason why cities grew in most ofthose locations?

A. They were near good harbors for importing and exporting goods.B. They were good locations for hunting and trapping animals.

C. They had a lot of flat, fertile land for farming and raising animals.D. They were near existing railway lines.



This question is based on the map shown below.

22. Using the map, identify one product or job that was important in the colonies, but is not as importanttoday.

Why is the product or job you identified not as important for us today as it was for thecolonists?

Scoring Guide

Score & DescriptionComplete

The student chooses an appropriate product or job from the map and explains why the product or jobis less important to people today.


The student chooses an appropriate product or job from the map but does not explain why the productor job is less important to people today.


The student does not choose an appropriate product or job from the map.

Credited responses could include the following:

Alternatives to fur for clothing (other textiles).Whales are considered endangered species and are no longer hunted by the U.S.We have many other kinds of transportation.Our economy has changed and become more service-oriented and technologically based; we do lessmanufacturing.We import most rice from other countries (because it is cheaper to do so).There are more ways to dye clothing than using indigo.

Do not accept:

Goods that are still important today, like tobacco or cattle, even if the answer to the second partdescribes changes in the way the good is used or the related job functions.


A product or job can be named in either answer space and receive credit.

Complete - Student Response

Using the map, identify one product or job that was important in the colonies, but is not as important


Why is the product or job you identified not as important for us today as it was for thecolonists?

Using the map, identify one product or job that was important in the colonies, but is not as importanttoday.

Why is the product or job you identified not as important for us today as it was for thecolonists?

Scorer Comments:

These two sample responses received a score of Complete for choosing an appropriate product orrelated job from the map and explaining why it is not as important today as in colonial times.

Partial - Student Response

Using the map, identify one product or job that was important in the colonies, but is not as importanttoday.

Why is the product or job you identified not as important for us today as it was for thecolonists?

Using the map, identify one product or job that was important in the colonies, but is not as importanttoday.

Why is the product or job you identified not as important for us today as it was for thecolonists?

Scorer Comments:

These responses received a score of Partial; they correctly identified a product or job that is lessimportant today but did not offer a credited explanation. In the top response, the explanation isunclear. In the bottom response, the explanation demonstrates that the student does not understandwhat naval stores are, confusing them with a store where one would go shopping. However, underNAEP scoring guidelines the incorrect answer in the second part of the question does not nullify theanswer in the first part.

Inappropriate - Student Response

Using the map, identify one product or job that was important in the colonies, but is not as importanttoday.

Why is the product or job you identified not as important for us today as it was for thecolonists?

Using the map, identify one product or job that was important in the colonies, but is not as importanttoday.

Why is the product or job you identified not as important for us today as it was for thecolonists?

Scorer Comments:

These two sample response received scores of Inappropriate. Both cattle and lumber continue to beimportant products in the U.S. economy.

23. What was the purpose of the Declaration of Independence?

A. It explained how the new government of the United States would work.B. It explained why the colonies would no longer let England control them.C. It gave all men and women in the colonies the right to vote.D. It organized all the people in the colonies into one religion.



24. Give two reasons why George Washington was an important leader in American history. Be sure togive two different kinds of reasons.



Scoring Guide

Score & DescriptionComplete

The student gives two accurate reasons why George Washington was an important leader in Americanhistory.


The student gives one accurate reason why George Washington was an important leader in Americanhistory.


The student does not give any accurate reason why George Washington was an important leader inAmerican history.

Credited responses could include the following:

He was the first American president (or any detail about his work as president).He was Commander-in-Chief of the Continental Army (or winning the Revolutionary War, or anyspecific accomplishment that was part of his work as Commander-in-Chief, such as winning aparticular battle, relinquishing his command after the war).He participated in the Constitutional Convention.He fought in the French and Indian War.

Complete - Student Response

Give two reasons why George Washington was an important leader in American history. Be sure togive two different kinds of reasons.



Give two reasons why George Washington was an important leader in American history. Be sure togive two different kinds of reasons.



Scorer Comments:

These two sample responses received scores of Complete for providing two distinct reasons whyGeorge Washington was an important leader. Both responses cite Washington's role as the firstpresident and his involvement in the Revolutionary War. These were, by far, the most commonanswers given. The second response adds a third credited response, recognizing Washington's role inthe writing of the Constitution.

Partial - Student Response

Give two reasons why George Washington was an important leader in American history. Be sure togive two different kinds of reasons.



Give two reasons why George Washington was an important leader in American history. Be sure togive two different kinds of reasons.



Scorer Comments:

The two responses received scores of Partial for providing one credited reason that Washington wasimportant. In both cases the credited answer was that Washington was the first president.

Inappropriate - Student Response

Give two reasons why George Washington was an important leader in American history. Be sure togive two different kinds of reasons.



Give two reasons why George Washington was an important leader in American history. Be sure togive two different kinds of reasons.



Scorer Comments:

These two responses were scored Inappropriate because they did not provide any credited reasonswhy Washington was an important leader. The first response is very vague and the second responsenames events from later periods in history.

25. Historians use artwork as well as what people wrote down to learn about the past.

The picture above was made in 1849. It shows members of the Sioux tribe. Using what you can seein the picture, describe three ways the Sioux used natural resources to meet their needs. Be specific.




Scoring Guide

Score & DescriptionComplete

The student describes three things visible in the picture that show how the Sioux used naturalresources to meet their needs.


The student describes one or two things visible in the picture that show how the Sioux used naturalresources to meet their needs.


The student does not describe anything visible in the picture that shows how the Sioux used naturalresources to meet their needs.

Credited responses could include the following:

They used branches to create stoves.They lived in homes in the woods made of trees/bark/skin.They chopped wood to make fires for cooking/keeping warm.They used water in barrel for cooking/making food, drinking water


Acceptable response must include both a correct natural resource and a correct use for thatresource.

Complete - Student Response

Historians use artwork as well as what people wrote down to learn about the past.

The picture above was made in 1849. It shows members of the Sioux tribe. Using what you can seein the picture, describe three ways the Sioux used natural resources to meet their needs. Be specific.




Historians use artwork as well as what people wrote down to learn about the past.

The picture above was made in 1849. It shows members of the Sioux tribe. Using what you can seein the picture, describe three ways the Sioux used natural resources to meet their needs. Be specific.




Scorer Comments:

These two sample responses were scored Complete for providing three credited ways the Sioux usednatural resources to meet their needs.

Partial - Student Response

Historians use artwork as well as what people wrote down to learn about the past.

The picture above was made in 1849. It shows members of the Sioux tribe. Using what you can seein the picture, describe three ways the Sioux used natural resources to meet their needs. Be specific.




Historians use artwork as well as what people wrote down to learn about the past.

The picture above was made in 1849. It shows members of the Sioux tribe. Using what you can seein the picture, describe three ways the Sioux used natural resources to meet their needs. Be specific.




Scorer Comments:

These two responses received a score of Partial for providing one or two ways the Sioux used naturalresources to meet their needs. The first response received credit for the first and third answers.Leeway was allowed in answers for natural resources the Sioux used even if not clearly displayed inthe drawing (e.g., buffalo skins to make teepees). However, there is no evidence in the picture thatthe Sioux grew cotton from which they then made clothes (although it is known that the Sioux boughtor traded for cotton cloth). The second response received credit for answer 2. Answer 1 does notdescribe a use for the chopped trees, and no resource is listed for answer 3.

Inappropriate - Student Response

Historians use artwork as well as what people wrote down to learn about the past.

The picture above was made in 1849. It shows members of the Sioux tribe. Using what you can seein the picture, describe three ways the Sioux used natural resources to meet their needs. Be specific.




Historians use artwork as well as what people wrote down to learn about the past.

The picture above was made in 1849. It shows members of the Sioux tribe. Using what you can seein the picture, describe three ways the Sioux used natural resources to meet their needs. Be specific.




Scorer Comments:

These two responses were scored as Inappropriate; they offered no credited answers. In the firstresponse, answer 1 is incorrect and answers 2 and 3 do not describe both a resource and its use. Inthe second response, none of the answers specify the resource being used.

This question deals with the map below. The map shows canals in the United States in the 1800’s.

26. What can you tell from the map?

A. Canals were used to link major waterways like lakes and rivers.B. Canals were used to link lakes and rivers to main railroad lines.C.

There were more canals in the South than in the North.D. Pennsylvania and New York had no canals.



This question deals with the map below. The map shows canals in the United States in the 1800’s.

27. An important result of the building of canals in the United States was that

A. slavery spread to the western statesB. people stopped building railroadsC. more people traveled to California to farmD. trade increased among the states



This question refers to the drawing below.

28. Look at this drawing of a textile (cloth) mill from 1830. The main reason that the textile mill waslocated next to a river was that

A. the river supplied power to run the machines in the millB. the river provided a convenient source of drinking waterC. the water was needed to grow the cotton used in the millD. most people who worked at the mill lived along the river



This question refers to the drawing below.

29. Think about how the development of machines and factories changed work for people like the onesyou can see in the drawing. Write down two important ways that work changed for people because ofmachines and factories.



Scoring Guide

Score & DescriptionComplete

The student accurately identifies two important ways that work changed for people because ofmachines and factories.


The student accurately identifies one important way that work changed for people because ofmachines and factories.


The student is unable to identify any ways that work changed for people because of machines andfactories.

Credited responses could include the following:

People worked faster.Machines did work people used to do.People worked more outside of home.People made parts of things instead of making whole products.

Complete - Student Response

Think about how the development of machines and factories changed work for people like the onesyou can see in the drawing. Write down two important ways that work changed for people because ofmachines and factories.



Think about how the development of machines and factories changed work for people like the onesyou can see in the drawing. Write down two important ways that work changed for people because ofmachines and factories.



Scorer Comments:

The impact of the transition to factories and machine labor was complex. Fourth-graders'understanding of that process, however, is quite elementary, consisting primarily of work being fasterand easier. Though lacking in nuance, those answers were credited in the scoring of this item. Thesetwo responses received scores of Complete for indicating two ways that work changed for peoplebecause of machines and factories. In the second response, full credit was awarded to answer 1:"faster" and "easier" were counted as two separate and correct answers. Answer 2, regardingpollution, was not scored as correct.

Partial - Student Response

Think about how the development of machines and factories changed work for people like the onesyou can see in the drawing. Write down two important ways that work changed for people because ofmachines and factories.



Think about how the development of machines and factories changed work for people like the onesyou can see in the drawing. Write down two important ways that work changed for people because ofmachines and factories.



Scorer Comments:

These two sample responses received scores of Partial for providing one way that work changed. Thefirst response received credit for answer 1; although factory work remained physically demanding formany, machines also were a substitute for muscle power in many cases. In the second response,answer 1 received credit, as many people moved from being independent farmers or craftsmen toemployees of a firm.

Inappropriate - Student Response

Think about how the development of machines and factories changed work for people like the onesyou can see in the drawing. Write down two important ways that work changed for people because ofmachines and factories.



Think about how the development of machines and factories changed work for people like the onesyou can see in the drawing. Write down two important ways that work changed for people because ofmachines and factories.



Scorer Comments:

These responses were scored as Inappropriate. In the top response, both answers are too vague. Inthe first response, the answers address the change in how machinery was powered rather than howwork changed because of the introduction of machinery.

30. Many things changed for African Americans in the South after the Civil War. One important changewas that

A. many African Americans left the South to return to AfricaB. many African Americans started their own plantationsC. several southern states had African American governorsD. African American slaves gained their freedom



31. America fought against Hitler and Germany in which war?

A. The Civil WarB. The First World WarC. The Second World WarD. The Vietnam War



32. Which country was the leading communist nation during the Cold War?

A. FranceB. The Soviet UnionC. North KoreaD. Germany



33. The town meetings of the New England colonies were gatherings where

A. citizens decided issues of public importanceB. all the men voted for delegates to the legislatureC. men and women met for social eventsD. men and women met for religious worship



34. Who was the first President of the United States?

A. Thomas JeffersonB. John Quincy AdamsC. Abraham LincolnD. George Washington



This question is about the passage below.

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion or prohibiting the freeexercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the peoplepeaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

35. The passage is part of the

A. preamble to the United States ConstitutionB. Articles of ConfederationC. Declaration of IndependenceD. Bill of Rights



This question is about the passage below.

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion or prohibiting the freeexercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the peoplepeaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

36. The passage protects the right to

A. receive a prompt trial when accused of a crimeB. receive a trial by a jury of one’s peersC. hold public meetingsD. vote regardless of one’s race or color



This question is about the passage below.

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion or prohibiting the freeexercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the peoplepeaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

37. Identify a historical controversy that involved one of the rights described in the passage.

Specify which of the rights described in the passage was related to the controversy thatyou identified, and explain how this right was involved.

Describe how the controversy was resolved.

Scoring Guide

Score & DescriptionComplete

The response raises an appropriate specific historical issue, explicitly links it to the First Amendment,and explains the eventual resolution. If a response contains errors, it should not receive a score of"Complete".


The response raises one appropriate historical issue and either links it to rights guaranteed under theFirst Amendment or explains how it was resolved. The issue raised may be described generally butmust be appropriate.


The response raises an appropriate historical issue, but it does not explicitly link it to the FirstAmendment or explain how the issue was eventually resolved.


The response does not identify an appropriate controversy in which the freedom of speech, press,religion, or assembly were involved.

Complete - Student Response

Identify a historical controversy that involved one of the rights described in the passage.

Specify which of the rights described in the passage was related to the controversy thatyou identified, and explain how this right was involved.

Describe how the controversy was resolved.

Identify a historical controversy that involved one of the rights described in the passage.

Specify which of the rights described in the passage was related to the controversy thatyou identified, and explain how this right was involved.

Describe how the controversy was resolved.

Scorer Comments:

These two responses received a score of Complete. Both identify a controversy, describe the FirstAmendment right involved, and tell how the controversy ended. Since the question left open both timeframe and location, historical controversies that occured before the adoption of the Bill of Rights (forexample, religious discrimination against Puritans) or outside the U.S. (e.g., Nazi Germany), werecredited if well tied to a right protected by the First Amendment. In addition, as not all historicalcontroversies were cleanly resolved, there was some leeway in the scoring of that portion of theresponse.

Essential - Student Response

Identify a historical controversy that involved one of the rights described in the passage.

Specify which of the rights described in the passage was related to the controversy thatyou identified, and explain how this right was involved.

Describe how the controversy was resolved.

Identify a historical controversy that involved one of the rights described in the passage.

Specify which of the rights described in the passage was related to the controversy thatyou identified, and explain how this right was involved.

Describe how the controversy was resolved.

Scorer Comments:

These responses received a score of Essential--they identified a controversy and either related it to theFirst Amendment or described its resolution. In the first response, the identification was credited eventhough it does not refer to a specific flag-burning incident; the resolution was not credited because theSupreme Court has determined that flag burning is protected speech. In the second response, creditwas awarded for the identification of the civil rights protests and the First Amendment protectionsbehind them. The resolution, however, gets off track and was not credited.

Partial - Student Response

Identify a historical controversy that involved one of the rights described in the passage.

Specify which of the rights described in the passage was related to the controversy thatyou identified, and explain how this right was involved.

Describe how the controversy was resolved.

Identify a historical controversy that involved one of the rights described in the passage.

Specify which of the rights described in the passage was related to the controversy thatyou identified, and explain how this right was involved.

Describe how the controversy was resolved.

Scorer Comments:

These two responses received a score of Partial. Both mention a historical controversy (though thesecond response mentions a controversy only very vaguely), but neither makes a clear link betweenthe controversy and the right involved or gives an adequate explanation of how the controversy wasresolved.

Inappropriate - Student Response

Identify a historical controversy that involved one of the rights described in the passage.

Specify which of the rights described in the passage was related to the controversy thatyou identified, and explain how this right was involved.

Describe how the controversy was resolved.

Identify a historical controversy that involved one of the rights described in the passage.

Specify which of the rights described in the passage was related to the controversy thatyou identified, and explain how this right was involved.

Describe how the controversy was resolved.

Scorer Comments:

These two responses received a score of Inappropriate. The first response identifies a right in the FirstAmendment but not controversy. The second response refers to the 1991 Rodney King case, but theanswer is confusing and conflates what happened to King with the subsequent riots.

This question refers to the passage below.

At the 1787 Constitutional Convention, northern and southern delegates debated whether or not

slaves would be counted as part of a state’s population. Disagreement over this question led to bittertensions among delegates.

38. The disagreement referred to in the passage was important because the official size of a state’spopulation affected the

A. number of seats the state had in the House of RepresentativesB. number of seats the state had in the SenateC. amount of land the state would be allowed to acquireD. size of the state’s militia



This question refers to the passage below.

At the 1787 Constitutional Convention, northern and southern delegates debated whether or notslaves would be counted as part of a state’s population. Disagreement over this question led to bittertensions among delegates.

39. To resolve the question referred to in the passage, delegates agreed to

A. include all male slaves in population totalsB. include no slaves in population totalsC. count each slave as three-fifths of a person in population totalsD. count slaves in the southern states but not in the northern states



40. Identify one important advantage that the American forces had over the British forces in the AmericanRevolution.

Scoring Guide

Score & DescriptionComplete

The response identifies one important advantage the American forces had.


The response identifies an advantage, but not an important one; for example, the participation of aGerman general in the war. OR, the response identifies an advantage but is vague or contains

important inaccuracies.


The response does not identify any important advantage the American forces had.

Credited Responses could include:

1. Didn't have to transport supplies across the ocean2. Fighting on familiar territory e.g., "They knew the land they were fighting on."3. Fighting under a commander-in-chief that they knew and trusted4. Fighting for homes and freedom—Americans had more at stake than British, many of whom were

forced to serve

Complete - Student Response

Identify one important advantage that the American forces had over the British forces in the AmericanRevolution.

Identify one important advantage that the American forces had over the British forces in the AmericanRevolution.

Scorer Comments:

These two responses were scored as Complete. Each identified an important advantage Americanforces had in the American Revolution. The first response is an example of the most common correctanswer.

Partial - Student Response

Identify one important advantage that the American forces had over the British forces in the AmericanRevolution.

Identify one important advantage that the American forces had over the British forces in the AmericanRevolution.

Scorer Comments:

These two responses received a score of Partial because the answers were not specific enough toreceive full credit. The first response addresses the same issue as the first sample of a Completeresponse shown above, but here the answer does not say why it was advantageous to be on Americansoil. The second response suggests three separate advantages: the first, "an awesome army" is veryvague; the second, "more advancements in technology," is incorrect; the third fails to name an actualally.

Inappropriate - Student Response

Identify one important advantage that the American forces had over the British forces in the AmericanRevolution.

Identify one important advantage that the American forces had over the British forces in the AmericanRevolution.

Scorer Comments:

These two sample responses received scores of Inappropriate. Neither identifies an advantage held bythe Revolutionary Army.

41. The opening of the Erie Canal led to

A. an increase in the importance of cotton in the United States economyB. an increase in the importance of New York as a commercial centerC. a decline in the importance of railroadsD. a decline in the earning power of midwestern farmers



42. One important contribution that people from Mexico made to the development of the American Westwas that they introduced

A. many of the techniques used in ranchingB. many of the methods used to preserve food for shipment to marketC. barbed-wire fences and railroad cattle carsD. a system for cultivating winter wheat



43. The top picture is a painting that shows settlers crossing the Great Plains. Below the painting is aphotograph of the same topic. What important differences do you notice between the photograph andthe painting?

Scoring Guide

Score & DescriptionComplete

The answer correctly identifies at least one of the major differences between the two pictures. It mustbe well defined and explained.


The answer identifies one important difference between the two pictures, but may not convey a fullunderstanding of the difference; for example, the answer may state, "The painting does not show whatlife was really like on the frontier." OR, contains some significant errors.


The answer fails to identify the major difference between the two pictures, and fails to explain why thetwo are so different.

Credited Responses could include:

different emotions are portrayed; in the painting the people look glamorous while in the photo theylook drab OR people in the painting look happy vs. the people in the photo look sadmore poverty, sadness, hunger shown in the photo

Complete - Student Response

The top picture is a painting that shows settlers crossing the Great Plains. Below the painting is aphotograph of the same topic. What important differences do you notice between the photograph andthe painting?

The top picture is a painting that shows settlers crossing the Great Plains. Below the painting is aphotograph of the same topic. What important differences do you notice between the photograph andthe painting?

Scorer Comments:

These responses received scores of Complete because both offer important differences between thetwo pictures.

Partial - Student Response

The top picture is a painting that shows settlers crossing the Great Plains. Below the painting is aphotograph of the same topic. What important differences do you notice between the photograph andthe painting?

The top picture is a painting that shows settlers crossing the Great Plains. Below the painting is aphotograph of the same topic. What important differences do you notice between the photograph andthe painting?

Scorer Comments:

These two responses received scores of Partial. Both make the point that the photograph is a morerealistic portrayal, but neither supports that contention with convincing evidence from the pictures.

Inappropriate - Student Response

The top picture is a painting that shows settlers crossing the Great Plains. Below the painting is aphotograph of the same topic. What important differences do you notice between the photograph andthe painting?

The top picture is a painting that shows settlers crossing the Great Plains. Below the painting is a

photograph of the same topic. What important differences do you notice between the photograph andthe painting?

Scorer Comments:

These two responses received scores of Inappropriate. Both point to superficial differences betweenthe pictures and do not attempt to explain why the pictures might be different by, for example,discussing differences in the media used or in the perspectives of the painter and photographer.

This question refers to the poster below.

44. What was the poster’s main purpose?

A. To encourage American citizens to support the war effortB. To criticize Americans who fought in the Second World WarC. To persuade people to support the war in VietnamD. To frighten enemy troops into surrendering



This question refers to the poster below.

45. Why does the poster refer to 1778 to make its point?

Scoring Guide

Score & DescriptionComplete

The response shows an understanding that 1778 was invoked to convince people that as in 1778, the1943 crisis involved a threat to liberty and independence and that both efforts deserved the support ofthe American people.


The response shows an understanding of the reference to 1778 but does not show an understandingof why 1778 was invoked in the 1943 poster. OR The response shows some understanding of theposter's purpose but fails to make a link with 1778.


The response fails to show an understanding of the link with 1778 and the purpose of the poster.

Complete - Student Response

Why does the poster refer to 1778 to make its point?

Why does the poster refer to 1778 to make its point?

Scorer Comments:

These two responses received scores of Complete. Both make the critical point that American liberty orfreedom was at stake just as it had been in 1778. In addition, both show knowledge that the 1778reference was to the American Revolution, and the second response goes even further in naming theongoing conflict as World War II.

Partial - Student Response

Why does the poster refer to 1778 to make its point?

Why does the poster refer to 1778 to make its point?

Scorer Comments:

These two responses were scored as Partial. Both correctly point out that the poster references theAmerican Revolution, but the first response does not explain why the poster "wants people toremember" the Revolution, and the second response incorrectly explains that the purpose was to showthat soldiers were brave.

Inappropriate - Student Response

Why does the poster refer to 1778 to make its point?

Why does the poster refer to 1778 to make its point?

Scorer Comments:

These responses were scored as Inappropriate. Neither correctly explains the purpose of the poster oridentifies the historical events depicted.

This question refers to the quotation below.

I . . . got off [the bus] a block from the school. I saw a large crowd of people standingacross the street from the soldiers guarding Central [High School]. . . . I stood looking at theschool—it looked so big! Just then the guards let some White students go through. . . . When Iwas able to steady my knees, I walked up to the guard who had let the White students in. Hetoo didn't move. When I tried to squeeze past him, he raised his bayonet and then the otherguards closed in and they raised their bayonets.

46. The incident described happened in

A. New York, New York, in 1900B. Dayton, Ohio, in 1914C. Little Rock, Arkansas, in 1957

D. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, in 1990



This question refers to the quotation below.

I . . . got off [the bus] a block from the school. I saw a large crowd of people standingacross the street from the soldiers guarding Central [High School]. . . . I stood looking at theschool—it looked so big! Just then the guards let some White students go through. . . . When Iwas able to steady my knees, I walked up to the guard who had let the White students in. Hetoo didn't move. When I tried to squeeze past him, he raised his bayonet and then the otherguards closed in and they raised their bayonets.

47. Who probably ordered the guards to keep the speaker out of the school?

A. The United States CongressB. State government officialsC. The United States Supreme CourtD. The President of the United States



48. Which of the following people had beliefs that greatly influenced those of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.?

A. Napoleon BonaparteB. John WinthropC. Mohandas GandhiD. Jane Addams



49. Explain what this letter was and why it was written. Be as specific as possible.

Scoring Guide

Score & DescriptionComplete

The response correctly identifies the document and explains that Nixon resigned because he hadcovered up the Watergate affair, to avoid impeachment or to gain pardon protection from the nextPresident (Ford) against criminal charges (legal prosecution).


The response correctly identifies this letter as Nixon's resignation letter. It may give a vague or sketchyreason (e.g., "because he was a crook" or "because of what he had done"). Response does notspecifically explain one circumstance.

OR the response misidentifies the President but offers an accurate reason for his resignation.


The response does not provide any information about the letter beyond what it says, or providesinaccurate information.

Complete - Student Response

Explain what this letter was and why it was written. Be as specific as possible.

Explain what this letter was and why it was written. Be as specific as possible.

Scorer Comments:

These two responses were scored Complete. They clearly identify Richard Nixon's resignation letter andexplain why he resigned the presidency.

Partial - Student Response

Explain what this letter was and why it was written. Be as specific as possible.

Explain what this letter was and why it was written. Be as specific as possible.

Scorer Comments:

These responses were scored Partial. The first response correctly identified the letter but did notexplain why Nixon resigned. The second response identifies the letter as having to do with theWatergate scandal but does not identify Nixon as the President and does not explain fully why Nixonresigned.

Inappropriate - Student Response

Explain what this letter was and why it was written. Be as specific as possible.

Explain what this letter was and why it was written. Be as specific as possible.

Scorer Comments:

These two responses were scored as Inappropriate. The first response does not go beyond theinformation explicitly stated in the letter; it does not identify Nixon or give any explanation of why heresigned. The second response misidentifies the letter.

50. What happened in Europe in the 1400’s and 1500’s that led people to explore the Americas and

establish colonies there?

A. The Black Plague caused many people to want to leave Europe.B. Political and economic competition among European countries increased.C. People needed to find new sources of manufactured goods.D. Local nobles became more powerful and kings lost power.



51. Maryland was among the first colonies to grant

A. legal rights to American IndiansB. religious toleration to all ChristiansC. the right of all colonists to own slavesD. full political rights to all free Black people



This question is based on the map below.

52. The seventeenth-century patterns of trade represented by the lines on the map were known as the

A. trade deficitB. tariff systemC. barter systemD. triangular trade



This question is based on the map below.

53. In colonial times, what made up much of the trade that went along the route marked I on the map?

A. Manufactured goods from the West Indies and slaves from North AmericaB. Sugar and rum from the West Indies and grain and meat from North AmericaC. Indigo from the West Indies and gold from North AmericaD. Dried fish from the West Indies and oil and coal from North America



54. Look at the map above. What was the Proclamation Line (Line of Demarcation) of 1763 and why wasit drawn?

Scoring Guide

Score & DescriptionComplete

The response both identifies the Proclamation Line of 1763 and explains why the line was drawn.


The response identifies what the line was, or explains why it was drawn but does not do both.

OR, the response answers both parts of the question vaguely.

OR, the response is partially correct but has important inaccuracies.


The response does not correctly explain what the Proclamation Line was or why it was drawn. OR, theresponse simply states information from the map (e.g., "it was along the Appalachian mountains" or "itwas the border of the colonies"). Be aware of the student simply reading from the map.

Credited Responses could include:

The Proclamation Line of 1763 was a boundary drawn by the British at the end of the French andIndian (Seven Years') War, closing the newly won territory west of the Appalachians to the colonists.Line drawn because the British wanted more control over colonial relations with Native Americans,because Britain didn't want colonists in the territories.

Complete - Student Response

Look at the map above. What was the Proclamation Line (Line of Demarcation) of 1763 and why wasit drawn?

Look at the map above. What was the Proclamation Line (Line of Demarcation) of 1763 and why wasit drawn?

Scorer Comments:

The two responses below received scores of Complete. They accurately identify the Proclamation Lineof 1763 and explain why it was drawn. Included in the responses are reference to the role of GreatBritain and to its desire to protect colonists or avoid settlement on Native American land to the west.Mention of the French and Indian war was not required for a score of complete.

Partial - Student Response

Look at the map above. What was the Proclamation Line (Line of Demarcation) of 1763 and why wasit drawn?

Look at the map above. What was the Proclamation Line (Line of Demarcation) of 1763 and why wasit drawn?

Scorer Comments:

These responses were scored as Partial. They offer general descriptions of the Proclamation Line butdo not mention the role of Britain or the goal of preventing interaction with Native Americans.

Inappropriate - Student Response

Look at the map above. What was the Proclamation Line (Line of Demarcation) of 1763 and why wasit drawn?

Look at the map above. What was the Proclamation Line (Line of Demarcation) of 1763 and why wasit drawn?

Scorer Comments:

These two responses received scores of Inappropriate. Neither correctly identifies the ProclamationLine or explains its purpose.

55. One of the central ideas of President George Washington’s foreign policy was that the United Statesshould

A. play an active role in European affairsB. expand its influence throughout the AmericasC. support democracies and oppose monarchiesD. avoid permanent alliances with other countries



56. Which statement about the War of 1812 is accurate?

A. The United States enjoyed military superiority for most of the war.B. In some regions many people did not support the war.C. The peace treaty that ended the war doubled the size of the United States.D. Almost all of the land and sea battles were fought at great distances from United States territory.



57. Why did Missouri’s application for statehood in 1819 cause a political crisis?

A. The United States had equal numbers of slave and free states, and Missouri’s entry would haveupset the balance.

B. The United States had never before established a state west of the Mississippi, and Missouri’sentry would have likely caused conflict with American Indians.

C. Missouri was a center of abolitionist activity, and its admission would have antagonized southernstates.

D. Missouri was a center of secessionist activity, and its entry would have antagonized northernstates.



This question refers to the passage below.

We hold, that on their separation from the Crown of Great Britain, the several colonies becamefree and independent States, each enjoying the separate and independent right of self-government; and that no authority can be exercised over them or within their limits, but bytheir consent. It is equally true, that the Constitution of the United States is a compact formedbetween the several States.

—From "Address to the People of the United States," issued by the South Carolina Conventionof 1832

58. This passage highlights a tension between

A. urban and rural interestsB. East and WestC. states’ rights and federal authorityD. government economic subsidies and free enterprise



This question refers to the passage below.

We hold, that on their separation from the Crown of Great Britain, the several colonies becamefree and independent States, each enjoying the separate and independent right of self-government; and that no authority can be exercised over them or within their limits, but bytheir consent. It is equally true, that the Constitution of the United States is a compact formedbetween the several States.

—From "Address to the People of the United States," issued by the South Carolina Conventionof 1832

59. This passage supports the

A. Northwest OrdinanceB. Great CompromiseC. Emancipation ProclamationD. Ordinance of Nullification



This question refers to the advertisement below.

60. Why do you think the advertisement was directed at farmers?

A. Farmers tended to be interested in new inventions.B. Barbed wire could be used to prevent animals from trampling crops.C. The ranchers who invented the wire wanted to attract farmers to the area.D. Farmers controlled most of the money in the United States.



This question refers to the advertisement below.

61. The invention shown in the advertisement contributed to the

A. end of the era of the open-range cattle industryB. end of the expansion of railroadsC. Northern victory in the Civil WarD. growth of the West Coast population and California statehood



62. Use the maps above to explain how the 1932 election results were different from the 1928 electionresults.

What important events contributed to the changes in voting between 1928 and 1932 ?

Scoring Guide

Score & DescriptionComplete

The response describes the change from a Republican victory to a Democratic victory and correctlyidentifies the Depression or an economic downturn as the major reason for FDR victory. It offers someadditional specifics; for example, it may mention Hoover's perceived failure to deal with theDepression, or the condition of the country in 1928 and 1932.


The response describes the change from a Republican victory to a Democratic victory and correctlyidentifies the Depression as major reason for FDR victory. However, it provides no specifics such aswhen the Depression began, Hoover's perceived failure to deal with the Depression, or the impact ofthe Depression on the U.S.


The response either describes the change from a Republican victory to a Democratic victory ORcorrectly identifies the Depression or an economic downturn as the key to FDR's victory. But it doesnot do both.


The response does not correctly describe electoral differences between 1928 and 1932. It also fails tolink FDR's victory (or Hoover's defeat) with the Depression or an economic downturn.

Complete - Student Response

Use the maps above to explain how the 1932 election results were different from the 1928 electionresults.

What important events contributed to the changes in voting between 1928 and 1932 ?

Use the maps above to explain how the 1932 election results were different from the 1928 electionresults.

What important events contributed to the changes in voting between 1928 and 1932 ?

Scorer Comments:

These two responses received scores of Complete. They accurately describe the election results,mention an intervening historical event that contributed to the change, and also refer to the perceptionamong the electorate that Roosevelt would address the problems that Hoover did not.

Essential - Student Response

Use the maps above to explain how the 1932 election results were different from the 1928 electionresults.

What important events contributed to the changes in voting between 1928 and 1932 ?

Use the maps above to explain how the 1932 election results were different from the 1928 electionresults.

What important events contributed to the changes in voting between 1928 and 1932 ?

Scorer Comments:

These two responses received scores of Essential. These are good answers, but lack some of the detailrequired for a score of Complete. The top response describes the change in voting and mentions theGreat Depression as an important event (World War I is incorrect, but is ignored here because acorrect event is included), but it does not discuss the impact of the Depression or differences betweenHoover and Roosevelt. The bottom response describes the voting changes and also mentions theDepression. The brief reference to Hoover ("He must have done a bad job") is not sufficientlycontextualized to raise this paper to a Complete.

Partial - Student Response

Use the maps above to explain how the 1932 election results were different from the 1928 electionresults.

What important events contributed to the changes in voting between 1928 and 1932 ?

Use the maps above to explain how the 1932 election results were different from the 1928 electionresults.

What important events contributed to the changes in voting between 1928 and 1932 ?

Scorer Comments:

These two responses received scores of Partial. The first response describes the change in voting indetail. The second part of the answer is incorrect. The second response indicates the basic shift fromRepublican to Democratic, but the answer regarding contributing events is inaccurate.

Inappropriate - Student Response

Use the maps above to explain how the 1932 election results were different from the 1928 electionresults.

What important events contributed to the changes in voting between 1928 and 1932 ?

Use the maps above to explain how the 1932 election results were different from the 1928 electionresults.

What important events contributed to the changes in voting between 1928 and 1932 ?

Scorer Comments:

These two responses were scored as Inappropriate. The first response is incorrect in stating both that"all the states" shifted party and that the number of electoral votes changed. References to womenand slaves voting are not relevant to the period covered by this question. The second responseincorrectly asserts that the Democrats won both elections and also incorrectly explains that the electionresults are related to land ownership, race, and gender.

This question refers to the poster below.

National Archives

63. The poster refers to the

A. Japanese attack on Pearl HarborB. German attack on the LusitaniaC. Battle of Little BighornD. Tet Offensive



This question refers to the poster below.

National Archives

64. What was the main message of the poster?

Scoring Guide

Score & DescriptionComplete

The response explains that the poster's message is that the attack must not go unavenged AND itmust make some explicit reference to the correct war (e.g., "the bombing of Hawaii", "the Japanese","World War II", "Pearl Harbor"). The answer must also show that the student understands what"avenge" means. ** Other acceptable themes in addition to revenge might be "to support the war" or"to enlist volunteers by using war propaganda".**


The response correctly interprets the revenge theme or propaganda purpose of the poster but doesnot make clear reference to the countries or event referred to ("to get revenge for what they did tous") OR the answer correctly identifies December 7th with Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor but doesnot clearly articulate the revenge theme.


The response does not identify the poster's message or explicitly ties it to the incorrect war ("theBattle of Little Bighorn"). The answer may simply parrot the "avenge" slogan.

Complete - Student Response

What was the main message of the poster?

What was the main message of the poster?

Scorer Comments:

These two sample responses were scored Complete. Both correctly explain the message of the posterand offer some historical context.

Partial - Student Response

What was the main message of the poster?

What was the main message of the poster?

Scorer Comments:

These two responses received scores of Partial. They both demonstrate an understanding that theposter sought to rally Americans to fight back, but neither sufficiently places the poster in historicalcontext by identifying Japan as the attacker, Pearl Harbor as the site of the attack, or U.S. entry intoWorld War II as the result.

Inappropriate - Student Response

What was the main message of the poster?

What was the main message of the poster?

Scorer Comments:

These two responses received a score of Inappropriate. Both offer only a literal reading of the poster.

65. The poster above was printed during the Second World War. Why was it printed? How did it try toappeal to women?

Scoring Guide

Score & DescriptionComplete

The response answers both parts of the question (Why was it printed? How did it try to appeal towomen?).


The response either says why the poster was printed, or explains how the poster tried to appeal towomen, but does not do both.


The response does not link the poster to the circumstances of WWII America, or explain how theposter tried to appeal to women.

Credited responses could include:

The poster was printed to move women to join the war effort, because labor was needed for thewar industries and to compensate for labor shortages caused by the war.The poster tries to appeal to women by invoking patriotism and/or discounting stereotypes aboutweak women. For instance, a woman is telling other women that they can keep the country goingand support the war effort by working outside the home, and the woman's flexed bicep shows thatshe is capable of doing "men's work" in the factories.

Complete - Student Response

The poster above was printed during the Second World War. Why was it printed? How did it try toappeal to women?

The poster above was printed during the Second World War. Why was it printed? How did it try toappeal to women?

Scorer Comments:

These responses received scores of Complete. Both explain that the poster was designed to getwomen to join the workforce by offering encouragement that they could handle traditionally male jobs.

Partial - Student Response

The poster above was printed during the Second World War. Why was it printed? How did it try toappeal to women?

The poster above was printed during the Second World War. Why was it printed? How did it try to

appeal to women?

Scorer Comments:

These two responses were scored Partial. The first response explains that the poster was printed toget women involved in the war effort but does not say how it was designed to appeal to women. Thesecond response explains that the poster appealed to women by showing that they were strong andhelpful but does not say what its purpose was.

Inappropriate - Student Response

The poster above was printed during the Second World War. Why was it printed? How did it try toappeal to women?

The poster above was printed during the Second World War. Why was it printed? How did it try toappeal to women?

Scorer Comments:

These responses received scores of Inappropriate. They do not adequately explain either part of thequestion. The first response is incorrect in stating that the poster was designed to encourage womento join the army. The second response incorrectly argues that the poster was meant to addresswomen's inequality. The poster had a much narrower purpose and was not designed to promotewomen's equality.

66. The photograph above shows Harry S Truman on his "whistle-stop" campaign for President in 1948.What are two ways that presidential campaigns today might differ from the one shown in the picture?



Scoring Guide

Score & DescriptionComplete

The response successfully identifies two ways campaigns have changed.


The response correctly identifies one difference; a second difference, if identified, is trivial or incorrect:for example, "the trains campaigners use today are faster."


The response does not correctly identify any differences between old campaigns and contemporaryones.

Credited Responses could include:

Campaigns now essentially rely on television to convey information to voters, and to persuade thevoters with carefully designed speeches and advertisements. Truman gave up to a dozen speeches aday to groups of people gathered near his train as he rode from (often small) town to town.Campaigns now are less focused on the small towns and villages that Truman visited; speeches andvisits now more often made in important locations.Campaigns use different modes of transport to travel from one location to another, like airplanes,for speed and efficiency; Truman traveled all over the country by train.There is a greater need for security now—candidates usually less accessible to individual voters.

Complete - Student Response

The photograph above shows Harry S Truman on his "whistle-stop" campaign for President in 1948.What are two ways that presidential campaigns today might differ from the one shown in the picture?



The photograph above shows Harry S Truman on his "whistle-stop" campaign for President in 1948.What are two ways that presidential campaigns today might differ from the one shown in the picture?



Scorer Comments:

These responses received scores of Complete for providing two ways that presidential campaigns todaydiffer from the one depicted in the photograph of Harry Truman. Although the question was designedprimarily to elicit answers related to changes in technology, other types of answers were alsoaccepted. In addition, it was understood and accepted that many answers to the question would begeneralizations, as candidates today do sometimes speak in more intimate settings and do not alwaystravel by airplane.

Partial - Student Response

The photograph above shows Harry S Truman on his "whistle-stop" campaign for President in 1948.What are two ways that presidential campaigns today might differ from the one shown in the picture?



The photograph above shows Harry S Truman on his "whistle-stop" campaign for President in 1948.What are two ways that presidential campaigns today might differ from the one shown in the picture?



Scorer Comments:

These two responses received scores of Partial for providing one important difference betweenTruman's 1948 presidential campaign and campaigns today. The first response was credited for thefirst answer but not for the answer about posters. The second response received credit for its secondanswer; candidates today are more likely to focus their campaigns on larger cities with more voters.

Inappropriate - Student Response

The photograph above shows Harry S Truman on his "whistle-stop" campaign for President in 1948.What are two ways that presidential campaigns today might differ from the one shown in the picture?



The photograph above shows Harry S Truman on his "whistle-stop" campaign for President in 1948.What are two ways that presidential campaigns today might differ from the one shown in the picture?



Scorer Comments:

These two responses were scored Inappropriate. They do not describe actual differences betweenpresidential campaigns today and in 1948.

67. Which of the following people were most likely to become indentured servants in the Englishcolonies?

A. Convicted criminals sent to the colonies to work off their sentencesB. Puritans seeking religious freedom and a job working for a religious familyC. Poor workers willing to trade their labor for passage to AmericaD. Freed slaves who could not yet afford to buy their own farms or start businesses



68. Give two reasons why African slaves gradually replaced Native American slaves in the New World.



Scoring Guide

Score & DescriptionComplete

Response provides two correct reasons that African slaves gradually replaced Native American slaves inthe New World.


Response provides one correct reason that African slaves gradually replaced Native American slaves inthe New World.


Response does not provide any correct reason that African slaves gradually replaced Native Americanslaves in the New World.

Credited responses could include:

1. Native Americans more successfully resisted slavery/ran away/escaped/refused to work. Easyavenues of escape sometimes existed for Native Americans; this was less true for displacedAfricans.

2. There were more/many Africans or there were too few Native Americans: Native Americans were

susceptible to Old World diseases and died off in great numbers, while Africans were moreresistant to the diseases that killed Native Americans.

3. Transatlantic slave trade provided a ready supply of easy-to-acquire labor; i.e., made it easy toacquire African slaves. Accept "cheaper to get" too.

Complete - Student Response

Give two reasons why African slaves gradually replaced Native American slaves in the New World.



Give two reasons why African slaves gradually replaced Native American slaves in the New World.



Scorer Comments:

These two sample responses received scores of Complete. Each provided two acceptable reasons--appropriate for eighth-grade--that African slaves replaced Native American slaves in the New World. Inpart 2 of the top response, credit was awarded for the part of the answer referring to the ease with

which African slaves could be obtained, not to the assertion that African slaves "were more used toworking in less-than-perfect conditions."

Partial - Student Response

Give two reasons why African slaves gradually replaced Native American slaves in the New World.



Give two reasons why African slaves gradually replaced Native American slaves in the New World.



Scorer Comments:

These two responses received scores of Partial; only one of the two reasons given in each responsewas credited. In the first response, reason 2 was not accepted because it is based on the incorrectassumption that Native Americans did have rights during this period. The second response receivedcredit for the statement in reason 2 that "Native American slaves fled."

Inappropriate - Student Response

Give two reasons why African slaves gradually replaced Native American slaves in the New World.



Give two reasons why African slaves gradually replaced Native American slaves in the New World.



Scorer Comments:

These two responses received no credit for either reason provided and were scored as Inappropriate.The first response shows a good deal of confusion about African slavery. The second response givestwo true statements, neither of which answers the question at hand.

69. People from which of the following occupational groups were most likely to support ThomasJefferson’s Democratic-Republican Party?

A. MerchantsB. Industrial manufacturersC. BankersD. Owners of small farms



70. For centuries, a young man who wanted to learn a craft was apprenticed to a master craftsman whotaught him the necessary skills. Why did the apprenticeship system begin to decline in the first half ofthe 1800’s?

A. The apprenticeship system was considered unsuitable for the increased number of womenworking outside the home.

B. The growth of the factory system led to a decreased need for skilled labor.C. Many young men chose to become farmers instead of craftsmen.D. Craftsmen began to use unskilled immigrant labor in their shops.



71. Name one immigrant group that came to the United States in large numbers in the 1840’s and1850’s. Describe where members of the group usually settled in the United States and what kind ofwork they usually did.


Where did they usuallysettle?

What kind of work did theyusually do?

Scoring Guide

Score & DescriptionComplete

The response accurately names one group, describes where its members settled, AND describes whatkind of work they did.


The response accurately names one group and EITHER describes where its members settled OR whatkind of work they did.


The response accurately identifies one group.


The response does not provide any accurate information.

Credited responses could include:

Group Settled in WorkGermans Midwest

Midwestern citiesSt. LouisChicagoCincinnati

farmersskilled craftsmenin factories/mills

Irish Northern/Eastern citiesBostonNYCPhiladelphia

in factories/millsrailroadshousekeepers/servants

Chinese The WestCaliforniaSan Francisco

minersrailroadsunskilled labor/hard labor

British (English, Welsh, Scottish, Scots-Irish) The NorthThe EastThe West

farmersminersin factories/mills

Complete - Student Response

Name one immigrant group that came to the United States in large numbers in the 1840’s and1850’s. Describe where members of the group usually settled in the United States and whatkind of work they usually did.


Where did they usuallysettle?

What kind of work did theyusually do?

Name one immigrant group that came to the United States in large numbers in the 1840’s and1850’s. Describe where members of the group usually settled in the United States and whatkind of work they usually did.


Where did they usuallysettle?

What kind of work did theyusually do?

Scorer Comments:

The two sample responses below were scored Complete. Each named a group, and described wherethe group often settled and what kind of work they did. As the first response demonstrates, it was notnecessary for the answers to the questions about settlement and work to be consistent with eachother as long as each answer was correct for the named group (coal miners did not usually live incities). The second response shows that answers could be quite brief but still receive full credit.

Essential - Student Response

Name one immigrant group that came to the United States in large numbers in the 1840’s and1850’s. Describe where members of the group usually settled in the United States and whatkind of work they usually did.


Where did they usuallysettle?

What kind of work did theyusually do?

Name one immigrant group that came to the United States in large numbers in the 1840’s and1850’s. Describe where members of the group usually settled in the United States and whatkind of work they usually did.


Where did they usuallysettle?

What kind of work did theyusually do?

Scorer Comments:

The two responses below received scores of Essential for correctly naming an immigrant group andanswering one of the other two parts of the question. In both cases credit was awarded for the type ofwork performed but not for where the group usually settled.

Partial - Student Response

Name one immigrant group that came to the United States in large numbers in the 1840’s and1850’s. Describe where members of the group usually settled in the United States and whatkind of work they usually did.


Where did they usuallysettle?

What kind of work did theyusually do?

Name one immigrant group that came to the United States in large numbers in the 1840’s and1850’s. Describe where members of the group usually settled in the United States and whatkind of work they usually did.


Where did they usuallysettle?

What kind of work did theyusually do?

Scorer Comments:

The following two sample responses received scores of Partial. Credit was given only for naming acorrect group.

Inappropriate - Student Response

Name one immigrant group that came to the United States in large numbers in the 1840’s and1850’s. Describe where members of the group usually settled in the United States and whatkind of work they usually did.


Where did they usuallysettle?

What kind of work did theyusually do?

Name one immigrant group that came to the United States in large numbers in the 1840’s and1850’s. Describe where members of the group usually settled in the United States and whatkind of work they usually did.


Where did they usuallysettle?

What kind of work did theyusually do?

Scorer Comments:

The two responses below received scores of Inappropriate. In both cases the group named did notimmigrate in the 1840s and 1850s, so no credit was awarded for any part of the question.

Library of Congress, Prints & Photographs Division, LC-USZ62-76385

72. The picture above shows farming on a Georgia cotton plantation before the Civil War. Using yourknowledge of history and evidence from the picture, explain two important differences betweenfarming on large plantations and farming on small farms in the South before the Civil War.



Scoring Guide

Score & DescriptionComplete

Response gives two differences, or two accurate facts related to differences, between farming oncotton plantations and small farms but need not make a direct comparison.


Response gives one difference, or one accurate fact related to differences, between farming on cottonplantations and small farms but need not make a direct comparison.


Response gives no difference or no accurate fact related to differences between farming on cottonplantations and small farms.

Credited responses could include:

1. Cotton plantations grew a product for sale or export that yielded profits; small farmers oftenengaged in subsistence farming or local market farming, growing corn, tobacco, wheat, and otherfood crops.

2. Plantations had large numbers of slaves whereas small farmers provided their own labor or hadonly a small number of slaves.

3. Large cotton plantations had overseers to manage slaves; small farmers worked directly withslaves.

Complete - Student Response

The picture above shows farming on a Georgia cotton plantation before the Civil War. Using yourknowledge of history and evidence from the picture, explain two important differences betweenfarming on large plantations and farming on small farms in the South before the Civil War.



The picture above shows farming on a Georgia cotton plantation before the Civil War. Using yourknowledge of history and evidence from the picture, explain two important differences betweenfarming on large plantations and farming on small farms in the South before the Civil War.



Scorer Comments:

These two responses received scores of Complete for providing two creditable differences betweenplantations and small farms. For the purposes of scoring eighth-grade responses, certain inaccuracieswere overlooked if an answer was getting at a generally acceptable idea. For example, in the firstresponse, the second difference states that "no white men would work" on plantations. Although thatclaim is inaccurate, the answer was credited for getting at the idea that most labor was performed byslaves on plantations whereas the farm family itself performed much of the work on small farms.Similarly, the second difference in the bottom response suggests that plantations used cotton gins butsmall farms did not whereas a more accurate statement might be that plantations might own a cottongin and small farmers might have to share or rent one.

Partial - Student Response

The picture above shows farming on a Georgia cotton plantation before the Civil War. Using yourknowledge of history and evidence from the picture, explain two important differences betweenfarming on large plantations and farming on small farms in the South before the Civil War.



The picture above shows farming on a Georgia cotton plantation before the Civil War. Using yourknowledge of history and evidence from the picture, explain two important differences betweenfarming on large plantations and farming on small farms in the South before the Civil War.



Scorer Comments:

These two responses received scores of Partial; credit was awarded for only one difference. The firstresponse received credit for the first answer. The second response really only makes a singlecomparison spread across the two answers: plantations focused on cotton production whereas smallfarms focused more on food production.

Inappropriate - Student Response

The picture above shows farming on a Georgia cotton plantation before the Civil War. Using yourknowledge of history and evidence from the picture, explain two important differences betweenfarming on large plantations and farming on small farms in the South before the Civil War.



The picture above shows farming on a Georgia cotton plantation before the Civil War. Using yourknowledge of history and evidence from the picture, explain two important differences betweenfarming on large plantations and farming on small farms in the South before the Civil War.



Scorer Comments:

These two responses were scored as Inappropriate. In the first response, answer 1 states a truism andanswer 2 is not necessarily true. In the second response, answer 1 needs to be more specific (e.g.,plantations used more slaves) and answer 2 is not correct.

Source: Historical Statistics of the United States

73. The graph above shows total immigration to the United States between 1860 and 1900. Which of thefollowing groups benefited the most from the increase in the number of immigrants?

A. The Union and Confederate armies, because they needed more soldiersB. The United States government, because it needed more workersC. Farmers in the United States, because they needed more workersD. Factories in the United States, because they needed more workers



74. What does the table above show about the impact of the use of machines on the cost of farm labor inthe late 1800’s?

Give two examples of how the use of farm machines contributed to the growth of factoriesand cities in the United States in the late 1800’s.

Scoring Guide

Score & DescriptionComplete

Response accurately describes the impact of farm machinery on the cost of farm labor AND providesTWO examples of ways that agricultural mechanization contributed to the growth of factories andcities.


Response accurately describes the impact of farm machinery on the cost of farm labor AND providesONE example of ways that agricultural mechanization contributed to the growth of factories and cities


the response provides TWO examples of ways that agricultural mechanization contributed to thegrowth of factories and cities.


Response accurately describes the impact of farm machinery on the cost of farm labor


the response provides ONE example of ways that agricultural mechanization contributed to the growthof factories and cities.


Response does not accurately answer the first question or provide any examples.

Part 1: Response provides a correct interpretation of the data with respect to machine versus hand

labor costs.

Credited responses could include:

1. Machines made farming more efficient.2. It was cheaper to produce crops by machine than by hand.

Part 2: Impact of agricultural mechanization on growth of factories and cities.

Credited responses could include:

1. The increased mechanization of farming meant that fewer farmers or farm laborers were neededto grow food for the cities/rural workers migrated to the cities to work in factories/factory wagesattracted workers from rural areas.

2. Farms produced more food to support larger city populations/cities could grow larger becausethere would be enough food to feed the residents.

Complete - Student Response

What does the table above show about the impact of the use of machines on the cost of farm labor inthe late 1800’s?

Give two examples of how the use of farm machines contributed to the growth of factoriesand cities in the United States in the late 1800’s.

What does the table above show about the impact of the use of machines on the cost of farm labor inthe late 1800’s?

Give two examples of how the use of farm machines contributed to the growth of factories

and cities in the United States in the late 1800’s.

Scorer Comments:

These two sample responses were scored Complete. They correctly describe the impact of farmtechnology on the cost of farm labor and give two acceptable examples of how farm machinery, inturn, affected the growth of cities and factories. Both responses explain that as farmers were replacedby farm machinery they sought work in factories. The top response explains that cities also grewbecause farm machinery allowed farms to feed more people.

Essential - Student Response

What does the table above show about the impact of the use of machines on the cost of farm labor inthe late 1800’s?

Give two examples of how the use of farm machines contributed to the growth of factoriesand cities in the United States in the late 1800’s.

What does the table above show about the impact of the use of machines on the cost of farm labor inthe late 1800’s?

Give two examples of how the use of farm machines contributed to the growth of factoriesand cities in the United States in the late 1800’s.

Scorer Comments:

These two responses were scored Essential--they correctly explain that machines were more efficientthan human labor and give one example of the impact of mechanization. The first response explainsthat farm workers left farms to take factory jobs. The second response explains that more productivefarms could better supply food for growing cities.

Partial - Student Response

What does the table above show about the impact of the use of machines on the cost of farm labor inthe late 1800’s?

Give two examples of how the use of farm machines contributed to the growth of factoriesand cities in the United States in the late 1800’s.

What does the table above show about the impact of the use of machines on the cost of farm labor inthe late 1800’s?

Give two examples of how the use of farm machines contributed to the growth of factoriesand cities in the United States in the late 1800’s.

Scorer Comments:

These two responses were scored Partial, meaning they received credit for either answering thequestion about the impact of machines on the cost of farm labor or giving one example for the secondpart of the question. Here, the first paper was credited for the labor cost task (the accepted answercomes by combining the top response area and the first sentence in the bottom response area). Theexamples were not credited because they do not connect the decline in farm labor to any specificchange in factories or cities. The second sample response received credit for the example that morefood production led to growth in the canning industry. The answer to the first question, "cornproduces more for money" is too vague to receive credit.

Inappropriate - Student Response

What does the table above show about the impact of the use of machines on the cost of farm labor inthe late 1800’s?

Give two examples of how the use of farm machines contributed to the growth of factoriesand cities in the United States in the late 1800’s.

What does the table above show about the impact of the use of machines on the cost of farm labor inthe late 1800’s?

Give two examples of how the use of farm machines contributed to the growth of factoriesand cities in the United States in the late 1800’s.

Scorer Comments:

These two responses were scored Inappropriate. Neither provides a clear answer to either part of thequestion.

75. What was a main goal of the labor reform movement at the beginning of the 1900’s?

A. Limiting the workday to eight hoursB. Having employers buy health insurance for workersC. Guaranteeing equal pay for women and menD. Increasing the number of jobs given to members of minority groups



76. How did the role of the government change as a result of the New Deal?

A. The government exerted greater influence over the economy.B. The government loosened the regulation of large corporations.C. The government limited the number of hours people could work.D. The government reduced funding for large public works programs.



77. The cartoon above was drawn after the end of the 1937 sit-down strike at the General Motorsautomobile plant in Flint, Michigan. What conclusion about the outcome of the strike can be drawnfrom the cartoon?

A. The government enforced jail sentences on the striking workers.B. Both the workers and the company achieved some of their goals.C. The management at General Motors and the workers who led the strike were fired.D. Everyone wanted the strike to continue for six more weeks.



78. Which of the following best explains the trend shown in the graph above?

A. Farmers needed to grow less food.B. The birth rate in the United States declined.C. Farms became increasingly mechanized.D. Farmers stopped planting because their soil was overused.



79. Which of the following trends occurred in the United States economy after 1950?

A. The percent of part-time workers in the labor force declined.B. Women’s average wages rose to a level equal to that of men.C. More workers got jobs in service industries than in manufacturing.D. The percent of workers who were unionized increased steadily.



80. The graph above shows the change in the percentage of women in the workforce between 1960 and1995.

Give two explanations for the trend shown in the graph.



Scoring Guide

Score & DescriptionComplete

The response gives two correct explanations for the upward trend in the graph.


The response gives one correct explanation for the upward trend in the graph.


The response does not give any correct explanation for the upward trend in the graph.

Credited responses could include:

1. More women earned degrees and/or marketable skills.2. More jobs for women became available/opened up.3. More women wanted to work outside the home/have a career/have a job now:4. Family planning made it possible for more women to enter the workforce.

Complete - Student Response

The graph above shows the change in the percentage of women in the workforce between 1960 and1995.

Give two explanations for the trend shown in the graph.



The graph above shows the change in the percentage of women in the workforce between 1960 and1995.

Give two explanations for the trend shown in the graph.



Scorer Comments:

These sample responses received scores of Complete. Both explanations in each response receivedcredit.

Partial - Student Response

The graph above shows the change in the percentage of women in the workforce between 1960 and1995.

Give two explanations for the trend shown in the graph.



The graph above shows the change in the percentage of women in the workforce between 1960 and1995.

Give two explanations for the trend shown in the graph.



Scorer Comments:

These two responses received scores of Partial. In the first response, credit was awarded for the firstexplanation. It is untrue that women earned as much as men as claimed in the second explanation. Inthe second response, the first answer describes the trend in the graph but does not explain it. Creditwas given for the second answer.

Inappropriate - Student Response

The graph above shows the change in the percentage of women in the workforce between 1960 and1995.

Give two explanations for the trend shown in the graph.



The graph above shows the change in the percentage of women in the workforce between 1960 and1995.

Give two explanations for the trend shown in the graph.



Scorer Comments:

These two responses received no credit for either explanation and were consequently scored asInappropriate. In the top response, answer #1 is not a clear statement of a cause, but even if it isread as suggesting that the percentage of women in the workforce increased because women went onstrike for higher pay compared to men, it would still be largely incorrect as women's pay continues tolag that of men. Answer #2 does not a logical response to the question. In the bottom response, bothanswers describe the data rather than explain the trend in the graph.

81. Why did Cesar Chavez, pictured above, ask people to stop buying grapes in the 1960’s?

A. Grapes were overpriced and had little nutritional value.B. Chavez wanted better working and living conditions for migrant farmworkers.C. Chavez was trying to get growers to use mechanical grape pickers.D. Growing grapes was causing a water shortage throughout the West.



82. American labor unions have generally opposed free-trade agreements between the United States andother countries because they believe that

A. American workers will lose their jobs as companies move manufacturing overseasB. the environmental regulations in foreign countries are too strictC. too many American workers will leave the United States to work overseasD. goods made overseas will be too expensive for workers to afford



83. In United States politics, third parties such as the Populists and the Socialists have

A. won presidential elections during times of economic and political distressB. often taken control of Congress from the two major partiesC. contributed ideas and issues to the debates between the two major partiesD. appealed predominantly to conservative voters



84. Shays’ Rebellion (1786) was important because it

A. led many people to believe that the central government was too weakB. led to the end of public support for the First Bank of the United StatesC. made many people fear the tyranny of the President more than the tyranny of EnglandD. convinced many people in the North that slavery should be expanded to new territories



85. Why is Thomas Jefferson’s election to the presidency sometimes called the "revolution of 1800"?

A. The peaceful transfer of power from one political party to another was established as a precedentin the United States.

B. The people had revolted and violently forced John Adams and the Federalists from power.C. Jefferson was elected by direct popular vote rather than by the electoral college.D. Jefferson intended to buy the Louisiana Territory and double the size of the country.



86. Identify TWO groups that were excluded from the democratic advances of the Jacksonian era (1829-1837) and explain why these groups were excluded.

First Group


Scoring Guide

Score & DescriptionComplete

The response accurately identifies two groups that were excluded from the democratic advances of theJacksonian era, and gives a reason for each exclusion.


The response identifies one group excluded from democratic advances, and explains why that groupwas excluded. The second group is either not identified or is historically incorrect. OR, the responseidentifies two correct groups, but does not explain why they were excluded. OR, the responseidentifies two reasons groups were excluded but does not identify the groups.


The response does not identify groups excluded from the democratic advances. OR, the responseidentifies one group but gives no explanation. OR, the response gives an explanation but fails toidentify the group.

Credited Responses could include:

Women did not have the right to voteMany free blacks were disenfranchised during the 20s and 30s (some of whom had previously voted)Native Americans were not considered to be citizens and had no rights. Jackson instituted the IndianRemoval policy forcing many off their land and onto reservations.

Complete - Student Response

Identify TWO groups that were excluded from the democratic advances of the Jacksonian era (1829-1837) and explain why these groups were excluded.

First Group


Identify TWO groups that were excluded from the democratic advances of the Jacksonian era (1829-1837) and explain why these groups were excluded.

First Group


Scorer Comments:

In the first response, both of the groups provided (Native Americans and African Americans) wereexcluded from the democratic advances of the Jacksonian era and the explanations for exclusion arecredited. In the second response, both of the groups provided (Blacks and women) were excludedfrom the democratic advances of the Jacksonian era and the explanations for exclusion are credited.Most of the explanations provided by students indicated that the group(s) they listed were seen asinferior by White men. “By White men” is inferred.

Partial - Student Response

Identify TWO groups that were excluded from the democratic advances of the Jacksonian era (1829-1837) and explain why these groups were excluded.

First Group


Identify TWO groups that were excluded from the democratic advances of the Jacksonian era (1829-1837) and explain why these groups were excluded.

First Group


Scorer Comments:

The first response identifies one group excluded from democratic advances and explains why thatgroup was excluded. The second group identified, "minorities," is not specific enough to receive credit.The second response identifies two correct groups, but does not explain why they were excluded.

Inappropriate - Student Response

Identify TWO groups that were excluded from the democratic advances of the Jacksonian era (1829-1837) and explain why these groups were excluded.

First Group


Identify TWO groups that were excluded from the democratic advances of the Jacksonian era (1829-1837) and explain why these groups were excluded.

First Group


Scorer Comments:

These responses do not identify groups excluded from the democratic advances.

87. One of the important effects of the Second Great Awakening was

A. the weakening of the Methodist Protestant denominationB. the growth of reform movements that addressed issues in many areas of United States societyC. a decrease in the participation of women and African Americans in religious revivals

D. the unification of various Protestant denominations in eastern states



This question refers to the excerpt below from the Fourteenth Amendment to the Constitution.

All persons born or naturalized in the United States . . . are citizens of the United States and ofthe State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge theprivileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any personof life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person . . . equalprotection of the laws.

88. What has been the long-term effect of the Fourteenth Amendment?

A. It has increased the authority of states over their citizens.B. It has increased the authority of Congress to levy taxes.C. It has limited the power of the President over Congress.D. It has increased the power of the federal government over the states.



This question refers to the excerpt below from the Fourteenth Amendment to the Constitution.

All persons born or naturalized in the United States . . . are citizens of the United States and ofthe State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge theprivileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any personof life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person . . . equalprotection of the laws.

89. This amendment has been most important in protecting the

A. right of communities to control what goes on in their schoolsB. rights of foreigners living in the United StatesC. rights of individual citizens of the United StatesD. right of the government to keep secrets for reasons of national security




American social development has been continually beginning over again on the frontier. Theexpansion westward with its new opportunities, its continuous touch with the simplicity ofprimitive society, furnishes the forces dominating the American character. The true point of viewin the history of this nation is not the Atlantic coast, it is the Great West.

—Frederick Jackson Turner, 1893

90. Turner made his speech about the importance of the American frontier partly in response to

A. the closing of the frontier recorded in the 1890 censusB. United States efforts to limit European immigration to frontier regionsC. the elimination of slavery by the Thirteenth AmendmentD. the great numbers of western pioneers who lost their farms



91. Progressive Era writers such as Upton Sinclair, Ida Tarbell, and Lincoln Steffens were known as"muckrakers" because they

A. engaged in questionable "yellow journalism" that had a negative effect on United States foreignpolicy

B. defended the interests of agricultural workers against those of the urban working classesC. exposed serious political and social problems to public viewD. inflamed popular feelings against recent immigrants and led the government to pass restrictive




Statement 1

"It is important and right that all privileges of the law be ours, but it is vastly more important that we beprepared for the exercises of these privileges. The opportunity to earn a dollar in a factory just now isworth more than the opportunity to spend a dollar in an opera house."

—Booker T. Washington, 1895

Statement 2

"We will not be satisfied to take one jot or tittle less than our full manhood rights. We claim forourselves every single right that belongs to a freeborn American, political, civil, and social; and until weget these rights we will never cease to protest and assail the ears of America."

—W.E.B. Du Bois, 1906

92. What was a major point of disagreement between Washington and Du Bois?

Explain how the political and economic strategies of these two leaders differed.

Scoring Guide

Score & DescriptionComplete

The response correctly answers both parts of the question. The response does not contain significantinaccuracies.


The response attempts to answer both parts of the question but one part is vague or not an importantdifference.


The response identifies some point of disagreement, but it may not be an important or meaningful oneand does not relate this difference to strategies. OR, the response may discuss different strategies butdoes not identify differences between DuBois and Washington.


The response fails to identify a point of disagreement or to explain differences in the strategies.

Credited Responses could include:

Points of Disagreement:

Washington focused on economic opportunities and not social rights whereas DuBois focused ongaining political, civil, and social rights right now.


DuBois was more militant and wanted to fight for social and political rights. He favored filing courtcases against Jim Crow laws, agitating for legislation against segregation. He also advocated aclassical education for the "talented tenth."

Complete - Student Response

What was a major point of disagreement between Washington and Du Bois?

Explain how the political and economic strategies of these two leaders differed.

Scorer Comments:

The response correctly answers both parts of the question and does not contain significantinaccuracies.

Essential - Student Response

What was a major point of disagreement between Washington and Du Bois?

Explain how the political and economic strategies of these two leaders differed.

What was a major point of disagreement between Washington and Du Bois?

Explain how the political and economic strategies of these two leaders differed.

Scorer Comments:

The two Essential responses address both the disagreement between Washington and Du Bois andhow the strategies of the two differed, but they fall short of Complete. The top response wasconsidered "vague" because its description of Washington's stance is not explained sufficiently.Indicating that Washington believed that African Americans had made "their way to the top throughwork and proving themselves" misses the point of Washington's statement. The statement given byWashington indicates that the economic freedom to work is a valuable right in and of itself, not thatworking will prove to White society that African Americans deserve more rights. The bottom responsefails to clearly tie Washington and Du Bois' positions to their political and economic strategies.

Partial - Student Response

What was a major point of disagreement between Washington and Du Bois?

Explain how the political and economic strategies of these two leaders differed.

What was a major point of disagreement between Washington and Du Bois?

Explain how the political and economic strategies of these two leaders differed.

Scorer Comments:

The top response received credit for providing an acceptable, though exaggerated, description ofdifferences in strategy between Du Bois and Washington. The response lists areas of disagreementwithout saying what the two men's positions were on these issues. The bottom sample responsedemonstrates a very basic understanding of the issues and strategies, but also some seriousmisconceptions, for example that Du Bois "wanted things to change overnight" or that he advocatedriots and violence.

Inappropriate - Student Response

What was a major point of disagreement between Washington and Du Bois?

Explain how the political and economic strategies of these two leaders differed.

What was a major point of disagreement between Washington and Du Bois?

Explain how the political and economic strategies of these two leaders differed.

Scorer Comments:

The two Inappropriate responses fail to identify any real points of disagreement between Washingtonand Du Bois or to explain differences in their strategies. They demonstrate poor understanding of thequotations and do not bring any outside knowledge to bear.

This question refers to the excerpt from the Supreme Court decision below.

To separate them from others of similar age and qualifications solely because of their racegenerates a feeling of inferiority . . . that may affect their hearts and minds in a way unlikelyever to be undone. . . . We conclude that in the field of public education separate but equal hasno place. Separate educational facilities are inherently unequal.


93. The quotation is from which Supreme Court decision?

A. Miranda v. ArizonaB. Gideon v. WainwrightC. Mapp v. OhioD. Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka



This question refers to the excerpt from the Supreme Court decision below.

To separate them from others of similar age and qualifications solely because of their racegenerates a feeling of inferiority . . . that may affect their hearts and minds in a way unlikelyever to be undone. . . . We conclude that in the field of public education separate but equal hasno place. Separate educational facilities are inherently unequal.


94. The 1954 Supreme Court decision overturned which earlier decision?

A. Marbury v. Madison , 1803B. McCulloch v. Maryland , 1819C. Dred Scott v. Sandford , 1857D. Plessy v. Ferguson , 1896



This question refers to the excerpt from the Supreme Court decision below.

To separate them from others of similar age and qualifications solely because of their racegenerates a feeling of inferiority . . . that may affect their hearts and minds in a way unlikelyever to be undone. . . . We conclude that in the field of public education separate but equal hasno place. Separate educational facilities are inherently unequal.


95. Based on the quotation and your knowledge of history, describe the conditions that this 1954 decisionwas designed to correct. Be as specific as possible in your answer.

Scoring Guide

Score & DescriptionComplete

The response may explain that the decision aimed to end legalized school segregation that wascommon in the South, or may simply refer to segregated schools. The answer uses specific referencesfrom the quotation or other historical knowledge in the answer. The answer may refer to "separate butequal" systems of schools.


The response explains that the decision aimed to end segregation or to bring about integration butmay not relate it directly to schools OR gives specific references but lacks "segregation." Specificreferences in the answer are absent, weak, or incorrect.


These responses do not explain that the decision was aimed at ending school segregation or copieswords from the decision.

Credited responses could include:

South had a dual school system that was legally segregatedFeeling of inferiority being conveyed to African Americans because of the separate schoolsSpecifics of case: Topeka Kansas African American girl not allowed to attend the school closest toher home; or specifics of decision: feeling of inferiority, separate schools are inherently unequal.

Complete - Student Response

Based on the quotation and your knowledge of history, describe the conditions that this 1954 decisionwas designed to correct. Be as specific as possible in your answer.

Based on the quotation and your knowledge of history, describe the conditions that this 1954 decisionwas designed to correct. Be as specific as possible in your answer.

Scorer Comments:

The responses explain the decision aimed to end legalized school segregation in the South. Theanswers use specific references from the quotation or other historical knowledge. The answers refer to"separate but equal" systems of schools.

Partial - Student Response

Based on the quotation and your knowledge of history, describe the conditions that this 1954 decisionwas designed to correct. Be as specific as possible in your answer.

Based on the quotation and your knowledge of history, describe the conditions that this 1954 decisionwas designed to correct. Be as specific as possible in your answer.

Scorer Comments:

The first response mentions that having separate schools for African American and White students issupposed to be equal, but that it is not really equal. However, it does not say that the Brown case wasmeant to desegregate schools specifically, making this a partial explanation and not a completeexplanation. The second response says that the Brown case was “designed to correct segregation inschools,” but it does not directly explain what that correction would be. Their reference to schools andsegregation indicate a partial understanding of the question.

Inappropriate - Student Response

Based on the quotation and your knowledge of history, describe the conditions that this 1954 decisionwas designed to correct. Be as specific as possible in your answer.

Based on the quotation and your knowledge of history, describe the conditions that this 1954 decisionwas designed to correct. Be as specific as possible in your answer.

Scorer Comments:

This response does not provide enough information to indicate an understanding of the Brown case.The phrase “separate but equal” and word “segregation” are present, but the response makes noattempt to indicate whether the Brown case supported or struck down these ideas. The secondresponse could just as easily be provided for a question about the Supreme Court case Plessy v.Ferguson. The response does not convey an understanding of what specifically the Brown case wasdesigned to correct: segregation in public schools. “Racism,” “prejudice,” and “injustice” are vaguereferences but this cannot be inferred based on the information provided.

96. Identify and explain TWO reasons why President Truman and his advisers decided to drop atomic

bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945.

First reason


In the years immediately following the war, some people argued that Truman should not havedropped the bomb. What are TWO arguments these people made against Truman’s decision?



Scoring Guide

Score & DescriptionComplete

The response correctly lists two reasons why Truman and his advisors decided to drop the atomicbomb in 1945. The answer also correctly identifies two arguments made against using the bomb at thetime.


The response correctly identifies two reasons Truman and his advisers decided to drop the atomicbomb and makes one good argument against using the bomb at the time.


The response correctly identifies one reason Truman and his advisers decided to drop the atomicbomb and two arguments against using the bomb at the time.


The response correctly identifies one or two reasons for dropping the bomb.


The response correctly gives one or two arguments against dropping the bomb.


The response gives one reason for dropping the bomb and one argument against dropping the bomb.


The response does not identify any reasons why Truman and his advisers decided to use the bomb,nor does it cite any of the arguments made against Truman's decision.

Credited Responses could include:

Reasons Truman and his advisors decided to drop the bomb:

using the bomb would greatly shorten the warsave American lives that would be lost invading Japan; Japan wouldn't give up - Japan known tofight to bitter endend the Pacific war before Stalin entered and began making trouble as he was in Eastern Europe;demonstration to Soviet Union

Arguments immediately after the war some people gave against dropping the bomb -

it wasn't necessary; Japan on last legs anyway; would have surrendered soon (at least conditionally)demonstration was a practical alternative that would have saved many civilian lives; should havedone a demonstration and warned Japan and waited for Japan to surrender

Complete - Student Response

Identify and explain TWO reasons why President Truman and his advisers decided to drop atomicbombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945.

First reason


In the years immediately following the war, some people argued that Truman should not havedropped the bomb. What are TWO arguments these people made against Truman’s decision?



Identify and explain TWO reasons why President Truman and his advisers decided to drop atomicbombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945.

First reason


In the years immediately following the war, some people argued that Truman should not havedropped the bomb. What are TWO arguments these people made against Truman’s decision?



Scorer Comments:

These responses correctly list two reasons why Truman and his advisors decided to drop the atomicbomb in1945. The answers also correctly identify two arguments made against using the bomb at thetime.

Essential - Student Response

Identify and explain TWO reasons why President Truman and his advisers decided to drop atomicbombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945.

First reason


In the years immediately following the war, some people argued that Truman should not havedropped the bomb. What are TWO arguments these people made against Truman’s decision?



Identify and explain TWO reasons why President Truman and his advisers decided to drop atomicbombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945.

First reason


In the years immediately following the war, some people argued that Truman should not havedropped the bomb. What are TWO arguments these people made against Truman’s decision?



Scorer Comments:

The first response correctly identifies two reasons Truman and his advisors decided to drop the atomicbomb and makes one good argument against using the bomb at the time.The second argument forwhy people opposed this decision is not specific and does not receive credit. All other information iscredited. In the second response, the first reason for why President Truman and his advisors decidedto drop atomic bombs is not credited. All other information is credited.

Partial - Student Response

Identify and explain TWO reasons why President Truman and his advisers decided to drop atomicbombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945.

First reason


In the years immediately following the war, some people argued that Truman should not havedropped the bomb. What are TWO arguments these people made against Truman’s decision?



Identify and explain TWO reasons why President Truman and his advisers decided to drop atomicbombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945.

First reason


In the years immediately following the war, some people argued that Truman should not havedropped the bomb. What are TWO arguments these people made against Truman’s decision?



Scorer Comments:

The first response is credited for the reasons why Truman and his advisors decided to drop the atomicbombs. The arguments provided are not credited. The first argument is a reiteration of the secondreason Truman dropped the bombs, and the second argument is not true. In the second response, onepiece of information is credited in this response: the first argument against dropping the atomic bombs.The second argument is not specific about how it “made the United States appear atrocious” and so isnot credited. The reason provided for why President Truman and his advisors decided to drop the

bomb is not credited.

Inappropriate - Student Response

Identify and explain TWO reasons why President Truman and his advisers decided to drop atomicbombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945.

First reason


In the years immediately following the war, some people argued that Truman should not havedropped the bomb. What are TWO arguments these people made against Truman’s decision?



Identify and explain TWO reasons why President Truman and his advisers decided to drop atomicbombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945.

First reason


In the years immediately following the war, some people argued that Truman should not havedropped the bomb. What are TWO arguments these people made against Truman’s decision?



Scorer Comments:

These responses do not identify any reasons why Truman and his advisors decided to use the bomb,nor do they cite any of the arguments made against Truman's decision. “There were innocent peoplewho got killed” is not credited because it does not indicate the magnitude of destruction. Innocentpeople are killed in war.

"Strongly on our mind is what happened in the case of China at the end of World War II, whereChina was lost. . . . We don't want that [in Vietnam]."

—John F. Kennedy, 1963

97. Briefly explain what Kennedy meant when he said that "China was lost." Then explain why he referredto China to justify United States involvement in Vietnam.

Scoring Guide

Score & DescriptionComplete

The response understands that the allusion to China was an allusion to Communism and that theconnection to Vietnam was that North Vietnam had a Communist government while South Vietnam didnot. It understands that JFK did not wish to "lose" another country to Communism, (because hebelieved this would encourage Communist expansion). Some ideas to look for: communism and'domino theory'.


The response understands that the China allusion was to Communism, but it does not explain theVietnam linkage. OR, the response gives a reason that the US was in Vietnam but does not show anunderstanding of the allusion to China.


The response does not understand or show knowledge of the China/Vietnam linkageand it does notunderstand the allusion to Communism.

Complete - Student Response

Briefly explain what Kennedy meant when he said that "China was lost." Then explain why he referredto China to justify United States involvement in Vietnam.

Briefly explain what Kennedy meant when he said that "China was lost." Then explain why he referredto China to justify United States involvement in Vietnam.

Scorer Comments:

The fist response is a Complete response because it identifies that China became a communist countryand that Kennedy did not want communism to spread to Vietnam. The second response is a Completeresponse because it identifies that China became a communist country and that Kennedy did not wantcommunism to spread to Vietnam because “democracy in the world would be endangered.”

Partial - Student Response

Briefly explain what Kennedy meant when he said that "China was lost." Then explain why he referredto China to justify United States involvement in Vietnam.

Briefly explain what Kennedy meant when he said that "China was lost." Then explain why he referredto China to justify United States involvement in Vietnam.

Scorer Comments:

The first response understands that the China allusion was to communism, but it does not explain theVietnam linkage. The second response gives a reason that the U.S. was in Vietnam but does not showan understanding of the allusion to China.

Inappropriate - Student Response

Briefly explain what Kennedy meant when he said that "China was lost." Then explain why he referredto China to justify United States involvement in Vietnam.

Briefly explain what Kennedy meant when he said that "China was lost." Then explain why he referredto China to justify United States involvement in Vietnam.

Scorer Comments:

These responses do not understand or show knowledge of the China/Vietnam linkage, and do notunderstand the allusion to communism. Many incorrect responses discussed China and the UnitedStates as allies or future possible allies. The second sample response indicates that the U.S. wanted tobe trading partners but China did not realize this.

98. During the Korean War, United Nations forces made up largely of troops from the United States and

South Korea fought against troops from North Korea and

A. the Soviet UnionB. JapanC. ChinaD. Vietnam



99. Which is a famous book about conditions like those in the picture?

A. The Great Gatsby, F. Scott FitzgeraldB. The Scarlet Letter, Nathaniel HawthorneC. The Grapes of Wrath, John SteinbeckD. For Whom the Bell Tolls, Ernest Hemingway



100. What happened in Europe in the 1400’s and 1500’s that led people to explore the Americas andestablish colonies there?

A. The Black Plague caused many people to want to leave Europe.B. Political and economic competition among European countries increased.

C. People needed to find new sources of manufactured goods.D. Local nobles became more powerful and kings lost power.



101. Maryland was among the first colonies to grant

A. legal rights to American IndiansB. religious toleration to all ChristiansC. the right of all colonists to own slavesD. full political rights to all free Black people



This question is based on the map below.

102. The seventeenth-century patterns of trade represented by the lines on the map were known as the

A. trade deficitB. tariff systemC. barter systemD. triangular trade



This question is based on the map below.

103. In colonial times, what made up much of the trade that went along the route marked I on the map?

A. Manufactured goods from the West Indies and slaves from North AmericaB. Sugar and rum from the West Indies and grain and meat from North AmericaC. Indigo from the West Indies and gold from North AmericaD. Dried fish from the West Indies and oil and coal from North America



104. Look at the map above. What was the Proclamation Line (Line of Demarcation) of 1763 and why wasit drawn?

Scoring Guide

Score & DescriptionComplete

The response both identifies the Proclamation Line of 1763 and explains why the line was drawn.


The response identifies what the line was, or explains why it was drawn but does not do both.

OR, the response answers both parts of the question vaguely.

OR, the response is partially correct but has important inaccuracies.


The response does not correctly explain what the Proclamation Line was or why it was drawn. OR, theresponse simply states information from the map (e.g., "it was along the Appalachian mountains" or "itwas the border of the colonies"). Be aware of the student simply reading from the map.

Credited Responses could include:

The Proclamation Line of 1763 was a boundary drawn by the British at the end of the French andIndian (Seven Years') War, closing the newly won territory west of the Appalachians to the colonists.Line drawn because the British wanted more control over colonial relations with Native Americans,because Britain didn't want colonists in the territories.

Complete - Student Response

Look at the map above. What was the Proclamation Line (Line of Demarcation) of 1763 and why wasit drawn?

Look at the map above. What was the Proclamation Line (Line of Demarcation) of 1763 and why wasit drawn?

Scorer Comments:

The two responses below received scores of Complete. They accurately identify the Proclamation Lineof 1763 and explain why it was drawn. Included in the responses are reference to the role of GreatBritain and to its desire to protect colonists or avoid settlement on Native American land to the west.Mention of the French and Indian war was not required for a score of complete.

Partial - Student Response

Look at the map above. What was the Proclamation Line (Line of Demarcation) of 1763 and why wasit drawn?

Look at the map above. What was the Proclamation Line (Line of Demarcation) of 1763 and why wasit drawn?

Scorer Comments:

These responses were scored as Partial. They offer general descriptions of the Proclamation Line butdo not mention the role of Britain or the goal of preventing interaction with Native Americans.

Inappropriate - Student Response

Look at the map above. What was the Proclamation Line (Line of Demarcation) of 1763 and why wasit drawn?

Look at the map above. What was the Proclamation Line (Line of Demarcation) of 1763 and why wasit drawn?

Scorer Comments:

These two responses received scores of Inappropriate. Neither correctly identifies the ProclamationLine or explains its purpose.

105. One of the central ideas of President George Washington’s foreign policy was that the United Statesshould

A. play an active role in European affairsB. expand its influence throughout the AmericasC. support democracies and oppose monarchiesD. avoid permanent alliances with other countries



106. Which statement about the War of 1812 is accurate?

A. The United States enjoyed military superiority for most of the war.B. In some regions many people did not support the war.C. The peace treaty that ended the war doubled the size of the United States.D. Almost all of the land and sea battles were fought at great distances from United States territory.



107. Why did Missouri’s application for statehood in 1819 cause a political crisis?

A. The United States had equal numbers of slave and free states, and Missouri’s entry would haveupset the balance.

B. The United States had never before established a state west of the Mississippi, and Missouri’sentry would have likely caused conflict with American Indians.

C. Missouri was a center of abolitionist activity, and its admission would have antagonized southernstates.

D. Missouri was a center of secessionist activity, and its entry would have antagonized northernstates.



This question refers to the passage below.

We hold, that on their separation from the Crown of Great Britain, the several colonies becamefree and independent States, each enjoying the separate and independent right of self-government; and that no authority can be exercised over them or within their limits, but bytheir consent. It is equally true, that the Constitution of the United States is a compact formedbetween the several States.

—From "Address to the People of the United States," issued by the South Carolina Conventionof 1832

108. This passage highlights a tension between

A. urban and rural interestsB. East and WestC. states’ rights and federal authorityD. government economic subsidies and free enterprise



This question refers to the passage below.

We hold, that on their separation from the Crown of Great Britain, the several colonies becamefree and independent States, each enjoying the separate and independent right of self-government; and that no authority can be exercised over them or within their limits, but bytheir consent. It is equally true, that the Constitution of the United States is a compact formedbetween the several States.

—From "Address to the People of the United States," issued by the South Carolina Conventionof 1832

109. This passage supports the

A. Northwest OrdinanceB. Great CompromiseC. Emancipation ProclamationD. Ordinance of Nullification



This question refers to the advertisement below.

110. Why do you think the advertisement was directed at farmers?

A. Farmers tended to be interested in new inventions.B. Barbed wire could be used to prevent animals from trampling crops.C. The ranchers who invented the wire wanted to attract farmers to the area.D. Farmers controlled most of the money in the United States.



This question refers to the advertisement below.

111. The invention shown in the advertisement contributed to the

A. end of the era of the open-range cattle industryB. end of the expansion of railroadsC. Northern victory in the Civil WarD. growth of the West Coast population and California statehood



112. Use the maps above to explain how the 1932 election results were different from the 1928 electionresults.

What important events contributed to the changes in voting between 1928 and 1932 ?

Scoring Guide

Score & DescriptionComplete

The response describes the change from a Republican victory to a Democratic victory and correctlyidentifies the Depression or an economic downturn as the major reason for FDR victory. It offers someadditional specifics; for example, it may mention Hoover's perceived failure to deal with theDepression, or the condition of the country in 1928 and 1932.


The response describes the change from a Republican victory to a Democratic victory and correctlyidentifies the Depression as major reason for FDR victory. However, it provides no specifics such aswhen the Depression began, Hoover's perceived failure to deal with the Depression, or the impact ofthe Depression on the U.S.


The response either describes the change from a Republican victory to a Democratic victory ORcorrectly identifies the Depression or an economic downturn as the key to FDR's victory. But it doesnot do both.


The response does not correctly describe electoral differences between 1928 and 1932. It also fails tolink FDR's victory (or Hoover's defeat) with the Depression or an economic downturn.

Complete - Student Response

Use the maps above to explain how the 1932 election results were different from the 1928 electionresults.

What important events contributed to the changes in voting between 1928 and 1932 ?

Use the maps above to explain how the 1932 election results were different from the 1928 electionresults.

What important events contributed to the changes in voting between 1928 and 1932 ?

Scorer Comments:

These two responses received scores of Complete. They accurately describe the election results,mention an intervening historical event that contributed to the change, and also refer to the perceptionamong the electorate that Roosevelt would address the problems that Hoover did not.

Essential - Student Response

Use the maps above to explain how the 1932 election results were different from the 1928 electionresults.

What important events contributed to the changes in voting between 1928 and 1932 ?

Use the maps above to explain how the 1932 election results were different from the 1928 electionresults.

What important events contributed to the changes in voting between 1928 and 1932 ?

Scorer Comments:

These two responses received scores of Essential. These are good answers, but lack some of the detailrequired for a score of Complete. The top response describes the change in voting and mentions theGreat Depression as an important event (World War I is incorrect, but is ignored here because acorrect event is included), but it does not discuss the impact of the Depression or differences betweenHoover and Roosevelt. The bottom response describes the voting changes and also mentions theDepression. The brief reference to Hoover ("He must have done a bad job") is not sufficientlycontextualized to raise this paper to a Complete.

Partial - Student Response

Use the maps above to explain how the 1932 election results were different from the 1928 electionresults.

What important events contributed to the changes in voting between 1928 and 1932 ?

Use the maps above to explain how the 1932 election results were different from the 1928 electionresults.

What important events contributed to the changes in voting between 1928 and 1932 ?

Scorer Comments:

These two responses received scores of Partial. The first response describes the change in voting indetail. The second part of the answer is incorrect. The second response indicates the basic shift fromRepublican to Democratic, but the answer regarding contributing events is inaccurate.

Inappropriate - Student Response

Use the maps above to explain how the 1932 election results were different from the 1928 electionresults.

What important events contributed to the changes in voting between 1928 and 1932 ?

Use the maps above to explain how the 1932 election results were different from the 1928 electionresults.

What important events contributed to the changes in voting between 1928 and 1932 ?

Scorer Comments:

These two responses were scored as Inappropriate. The first response is incorrect in stating both that"all the states" shifted party and that the number of electoral votes changed. References to womenand slaves voting are not relevant to the period covered by this question. The second responseincorrectly asserts that the Democrats won both elections and also incorrectly explains that the electionresults are related to land ownership, race, and gender.

This question refers to the poster below.

National Archives

113. The poster refers to the

A. Japanese attack on Pearl HarborB. German attack on the LusitaniaC. Battle of Little BighornD. Tet Offensive



This question refers to the poster below.

National Archives

114. What was the main message of the poster?

Scoring Guide

Score & DescriptionComplete

The response explains that the poster's message is that the attack must not go unavenged AND itmust make some explicit reference to the correct war (e.g., "the bombing of Hawaii", "the Japanese","World War II", "Pearl Harbor"). The answer must also show that the student understands what"avenge" means. ** Other acceptable themes in addition to revenge might be "to support the war" or"to enlist volunteers by using war propaganda".**


The response correctly interprets the revenge theme or propaganda purpose of the poster but doesnot make clear reference to the countries or event referred to ("to get revenge for what they did tous") OR the answer correctly identifies December 7th with Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor but doesnot clearly articulate the revenge theme.


The response does not identify the poster's message or explicitly ties it to the incorrect war ("theBattle of Little Bighorn"). The answer may simply parrot the "avenge" slogan.

Complete - Student Response

What was the main message of the poster?

What was the main message of the poster?

Scorer Comments:

These two sample responses were scored Complete. Both correctly explain the message of the posterand offer some historical context.

Partial - Student Response

What was the main message of the poster?

What was the main message of the poster?

Scorer Comments:

These two responses received scores of Partial. They both demonstrate an understanding that theposter sought to rally Americans to fight back, but neither sufficiently places the poster in historicalcontext by identifying Japan as the attacker, Pearl Harbor as the site of the attack, or U.S. entry intoWorld War II as the result.

Inappropriate - Student Response

What was the main message of the poster?

What was the main message of the poster?

Scorer Comments:

These two responses received a score of Inappropriate. Both offer only a literal reading of the poster.

115. The poster above was printed during the Second World War. Why was it printed? How did it try toappeal to women?

Scoring Guide

Score & DescriptionComplete

The response answers both parts of the question (Why was it printed? How did it try to appeal towomen?).


The response either says why the poster was printed, or explains how the poster tried to appeal towomen, but does not do both.


The response does not link the poster to the circumstances of WWII America, or explain how theposter tried to appeal to women.

Credited responses could include:

The poster was printed to move women to join the war effort, because labor was needed for thewar industries and to compensate for labor shortages caused by the war.The poster tries to appeal to women by invoking patriotism and/or discounting stereotypes aboutweak women. For instance, a woman is telling other women that they can keep the country goingand support the war effort by working outside the home, and the woman's flexed bicep shows thatshe is capable of doing "men's work" in the factories.

Complete - Student Response

The poster above was printed during the Second World War. Why was it printed? How did it try toappeal to women?

The poster above was printed during the Second World War. Why was it printed? How did it try toappeal to women?

Scorer Comments:

These responses received scores of Complete. Both explain that the poster was designed to getwomen to join the workforce by offering encouragement that they could handle traditionally male jobs.

Partial - Student Response

The poster above was printed during the Second World War. Why was it printed? How did it try toappeal to women?

The poster above was printed during the Second World War. Why was it printed? How did it try to

appeal to women?

Scorer Comments:

These two responses were scored Partial. The first response explains that the poster was printed toget women involved in the war effort but does not say how it was designed to appeal to women. Thesecond response explains that the poster appealed to women by showing that they were strong andhelpful but does not say what its purpose was.

Inappropriate - Student Response

The poster above was printed during the Second World War. Why was it printed? How did it try toappeal to women?

The poster above was printed during the Second World War. Why was it printed? How did it try toappeal to women?

Scorer Comments:

These responses received scores of Inappropriate. They do not adequately explain either part of thequestion. The first response is incorrect in stating that the poster was designed to encourage womento join the army. The second response incorrectly argues that the poster was meant to addresswomen's inequality. The poster had a much narrower purpose and was not designed to promotewomen's equality.

116. The photograph above shows Harry S Truman on his "whistle-stop" campaign for President in 1948.What are two ways that presidential campaigns today might differ from the one shown in the picture?



Scoring Guide

Score & DescriptionComplete

The response successfully identifies two ways campaigns have changed.


The response correctly identifies one difference; a second difference, if identified, is trivial or incorrect:for example, "the trains campaigners use today are faster."


The response does not correctly identify any differences between old campaigns and contemporaryones.

Credited Responses could include:

Campaigns now essentially rely on television to convey information to voters, and to persuade thevoters with carefully designed speeches and advertisements. Truman gave up to a dozen speeches aday to groups of people gathered near his train as he rode from (often small) town to town.Campaigns now are less focused on the small towns and villages that Truman visited; speeches andvisits now more often made in important locations.Campaigns use different modes of transport to travel from one location to another, like airplanes,for speed and efficiency; Truman traveled all over the country by train.There is a greater need for security now—candidates usually less accessible to individual voters.

Complete - Student Response

The photograph above shows Harry S Truman on his "whistle-stop" campaign for President in 1948.What are two ways that presidential campaigns today might differ from the one shown in the picture?



The photograph above shows Harry S Truman on his "whistle-stop" campaign for President in 1948.What are two ways that presidential campaigns today might differ from the one shown in the picture?



Scorer Comments:

These responses received scores of Complete for providing two ways that presidential campaigns todaydiffer from the one depicted in the photograph of Harry Truman. Although the question was designedprimarily to elicit answers related to changes in technology, other types of answers were alsoaccepted. In addition, it was understood and accepted that many answers to the question would begeneralizations, as candidates today do sometimes speak in more intimate settings and do not alwaystravel by airplane.

Partial - Student Response

The photograph above shows Harry S Truman on his "whistle-stop" campaign for President in 1948.What are two ways that presidential campaigns today might differ from the one shown in the picture?



The photograph above shows Harry S Truman on his "whistle-stop" campaign for President in 1948.What are two ways that presidential campaigns today might differ from the one shown in the picture?



Scorer Comments:

These two responses received scores of Partial for providing one important difference betweenTruman's 1948 presidential campaign and campaigns today. The first response was credited for thefirst answer but not for the answer about posters. The second response received credit for its secondanswer; candidates today are more likely to focus their campaigns on larger cities with more voters.

Inappropriate - Student Response

The photograph above shows Harry S Truman on his "whistle-stop" campaign for President in 1948.What are two ways that presidential campaigns today might differ from the one shown in the picture?



The photograph above shows Harry S Truman on his "whistle-stop" campaign for President in 1948.What are two ways that presidential campaigns today might differ from the one shown in the picture?



Scorer Comments:

These two responses were scored Inappropriate. They do not describe actual differences betweenpresidential campaigns today and in 1948.


The Second World War had deep and lasting effects on American society and culture. During the warmillions of men and women served in the armed forces and even more men and women back homeworked in jobs making the materials necessary to fight the war. Fighting fascism abroad also raisedimportant questions about racism and democracy at home.


In 1939, with the signing of the Nazi-Soviet Pact and the German invasion of Poland, the war in Europehad officially begun. The United States, however, remained neutral in the conflict, internally dividedbetween those who wanted to stay out of the war and those who believed that U.S. entry wasnecessary. American neutrality ended on December 7, 1941, when the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor.

The sources in this section deal with the United States involvement in the Second World War.

Source A : Charles Lindbergh made the following statement on April 23, 1941.

War is not inevitable for this country. Such a claim is defeatism in the true sense. No one can make usfight abroad unless we ourselves are willing to do so. No one will attempt to fight us here if we armourselves as a great nation should be armed. Over a hundred million people in this nation are opposedto entering the war. If the principles of democracy mean anything at all, that is reason enough for us tostay out. If we are forced into a war against the wishes of an overwhelming majority of our people, wewill have proved democracy such a failure at home that there will be little use of fighting for it abroad.

117. In your own words, explain what Lindbergh thinks about the United States going to war. What is themain reason he gives to support his position?

Scoring Guide

Score & DescriptionComplete

The response shows an understanding that Lindbergh is against U.S. involvement in the war, indicatesthat the majority of Americans oppose entering the war AND indicates that in a democracy, themajority ought to rule. The response may also explain that involvement can be avoided by increasingU.S. military preparedness, and/or that the U.S. has no obligation to fight in other countries' wars.


Response shows an understanding that Lindbergh is against U.S. involvement in the war, but offers no

explanation of the argument OR does not explicitly state what Lindbergh thinks about the war butdoes show an understanding of Lindbergh's reasoning (i.e. that the democratic will should rule).


Response shows no understanding of Lindbergh's views or argument.

Complete - Student Response

In your own words, explain what Lindbergh thinks about the United States going to war. What is themain reason he gives to support his position?

In your own words, explain what Lindbergh thinks about the United States going to war. What is themain reason he gives to support his position?

Scorer Comments:

These responses show an understanding that Lindbergh is against U.S. involvement in the war,indicate that the majority of Americans oppose entering the war AND indicate that in a democracy, themajority ought to rule.

Partial - Student Response

In your own words, explain what Lindbergh thinks about the United States going to war. What is themain reason he gives to support his position?

In your own words, explain what Lindbergh thinks about the United States going to war. What is themain reason he gives to support his position?

Scorer Comments:

Responses show an understanding that Lindbergh is against U.S. involvement in the war, but offer noexplanation of the argument OR do not explicitly state what Lindbergh thinks about the war but doshow an understanding of Lindbergh's reasoning (i.e., that the democratic will should rule).

Inappropriate - Student Response

In your own words, explain what Lindbergh thinks about the United States going to war. What is themain reason he gives to support his position?

In your own words, explain what Lindbergh thinks about the United States going to war. What is themain reason he gives to support his position?

Scorer Comments:

Responses show no understanding of Lindbergh's views or argument.


The Second World War had deep and lasting effects on American society and culture. During the warmillions of men and women served in the armed forces and even more men and women back homeworked in jobs making the materials necessary to fight the war. Fighting fascism abroad also raisedimportant questions about racism and democracy at home.


In 1939, with the signing of the Nazi-Soviet Pact and the German invasion of Poland, the war in Europehad officially begun. The United States, however, remained neutral in the conflict, internally dividedbetween those who wanted to stay out of the war and those who believed that U.S. entry wasnecessary. American neutrality ended on December 7, 1941, when the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor.

The sources in this section deal with the United States involvement in the Second World War.

Source B : The following poster was put out by a private organization, the Committee to Defend Americaby Aiding the Allies, circa 1940.

Princeton University Library

118. The poster above seeks to protect America and aid Britain in the struggle against

A. ChinaB. JapanC. GermanyD. Italy




The Second World War had deep and lasting effects on American society and culture. During the warmillions of men and women served in the armed forces and even more men and women back homeworked in jobs making the materials necessary to fight the war. Fighting fascism abroad also raisedimportant questions about racism and democracy at home.


In 1939, with the signing of the Nazi-Soviet Pact and the German invasion of Poland, the war in Europehad officially begun. The United States, however, remained neutral in the conflict, internally dividedbetween those who wanted to stay out of the war and those who believed that U.S. entry wasnecessary. American neutrality ended on December 7, 1941, when the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor.

The sources in this section deal with the United States involvement in the Second World War.

119. Describe two differences between the point of view expressed by the poster and the point of viewexpressed by Charles Lindbergh in Source A.

Scoring Guide

Score & DescriptionComplete

Response identifies two differences between Lindbergh's point of view and the point of view expressedby the poster.


Response identifies one difference between Lindbergh's point of view and the point of view expressedby the poster.


Response does not identify any acceptable difference between the two points of view.

Credited responses could include the following:

The poster sees war as a threat to the U.S.; Lindbergh does not.The poster suggests that it is the U.S.' duty to protect Britain, since Britain protects the U.S.;Lindbergh disagrees.The poster argues that the U.S. is likely to be attacked; Lindbergh argues that if sufficiently armed,the U.S. may be left alone.

Complete - Student Response

Describe two differences between the point of view expressed by the poster and the point of viewexpressed by Charles Lindbergh in Source A.

Describe two differences between the point of view expressed by the poster and the point of viewexpressed by Charles Lindbergh in Source A.

Scorer Comments:

Both Complete responses identify two acceptable differences between Lindbergh and the poster. Theyboth point to Lindbergh's desire for the country to remain neutral, with the top response focusing onhis claim that the U.S. could not be forced into conflict and the bottom response simply stating hisneutrality position. The two responses also point out the difference between the sources in howdemocracy could be maintained.

Partial - Student Response

Describe two differences between the point of view expressed by the poster and the point of viewexpressed by Charles Lindbergh in Source A.

Describe two differences between the point of view expressed by the poster and the point of viewexpressed by Charles Lindbergh in Source A.

Scorer Comments:

The two responses scored Partial each identify only one acceptable difference between the poster andLindbergh. The top response received credit for the first comparison: the imperative to help an ally asopposed to remaining neutral unless a majority of the citizens demand otherwise. The comparisonbetween helping Britain’s economy and promoting democracy is not supported by the documents. Thebottom response only posits one difference. It compares the poster’s message that preserving thecountry requires helping Britain with Lindbergh's argument that preserving the country requires theU.S. to stay out of the war.

Inappropriate - Student Response

Describe two differences between the point of view expressed by the poster and the point of viewexpressed by Charles Lindbergh in Source A.

Describe two differences between the point of view expressed by the poster and the point of viewexpressed by Charles Lindbergh in Source A.

Scorer Comments:

The two responses failed to identify an acceptable difference and were scored Inappropriate. In bothinstances, the responses misinterpreted one of the documents, thereby undermining the comparisonthey were trying to make. The first response is on the right track with the Lindbergh quote butincorrectly identifies the message of the poster as encouraging Britain to fight rather than encouragingthe U.S. to help Britain fight. The second response shows some understanding of the poster but givesa confusing and incorrect interpretation of Lindbergh's position.

Source C : This is an excerpt from a speech about the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor made byPresident Franklin D. Roosevelt on December 8, 1941.

Yesterday, December 7, 1941—a date which will live in infamy—the United States was suddenlyand deliberately attacked by naval and air forces of the Empire of Japan. . . .

The attack yesterday on the Hawaiian Islands has caused severe damage to American navaland military forces. Very many American lives have been lost. . . . Hostilities exist. There is noblinking at the fact that our people, our territory, and our interests are in grave danger. . . .

I ask that the Congress declare that since the unprovoked and dastardly attack by Japan onSunday, December seventh, a state of war has existed between the United States and theJapanese Empire.

Source D : Henry Stimson, secretary of war of the United States, made the following statement aboutthe Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor.

My first feeling was of relief that the indecision was over and that a crisis had come in a waywhich would unite all our people.

Given the American losses at Pearl Harbor described by Roosevelt, it may seem surprising that Stimson

described his feeling after the attack as one of “relief.”

120. Based on your knowledge of history and the quotations, explain why Stimson might have felt suchrelief.

Scoring Guide

Score & DescriptionComplete

Response is able to explain at least one major reason why Stimson might have felt relief.


Response explains that Stimson was relieved because the U.S. would now enter the war OR responsecontains the information required for a 3, but is vague.


Response does not show any comprehension of why Stimson might have felt relief.

Credited responses could include the following:

1. Pearl Harbor changed public opinion to free up decision-makers to enter war;2. Stimson believed that Pearl Harbor had weakened isolationists' position;3. With Pearl Harbor, internal division was over, or "US no longer divided"

Complete - Student Response

Based on your knowledge of history and the quotations, explain why Stimson might have felt suchrelief.

Based on your knowledge of history and the quotations, explain why Stimson might have felt suchrelief.

Scorer Comments:

These responses are able to explain at least one major reason why Stimson might have felt relief.

Partial - Student Response

Based on your knowledge of history and the quotations, explain why Stimson might have felt suchrelief.

Based on your knowledge of history and the quotations, explain why Stimson might have felt suchrelief.

Scorer Comments:

Both responses received partial credit for suggesting that Stimson felt relief because he believed U.S.entry into the war was inevitable and now the "waiting game" had finally ended. However, theresponses miss the more important point that Stimson's relief came from knowing that the attack onPearl Harbor would serve to unite the American people behind a common goal. The top response issidetracked by the issue of whether it was preferable to be attacked by Japan than by Germany. Thebottom response is simply too vague.

Inappropriate - Student Response

Based on your knowledge of history and the quotations, explain why Stimson might have felt suchrelief.

Based on your knowledge of history and the quotations, explain why Stimson might have felt suchrelief.

Scorer Comments:

The top response is not credited because it implies that the bombing of Pearl Harbor ended the war,and Henry Stimson was relieved that it was over. The bottom response is not credited because itincorrectly maintains that Stimson was relieved because the bombing of Pearl Harbor would helpAmericans understand that the Great Depression was not the biggest problem in their lives.

This question


The task of fighting the war in Europe and the Pacific had a great impact on the American economy.About 15 million men and women entered the armed services and had to be supplied. The need tomobilize America for war, therefore, affected every segment of American society.

Source E : These graphs show various pieces of information about the wartime economy.

121. The information in Source E supports which statement about the economy during the Second WorldWar?

A. The United States was unable to shift production from civilian to military products.B. Strains on the economy during wartime led to a recession.C. Labor shortages and increased government spending led to rising wages.D. The war could not remove many lingering economic effects of the Great Depression.



This question


The task of fighting the war in Europe and the Pacific had a great impact on the American economy.About 15 million men and women entered the armed services and had to be supplied. The need tomobilize America for war, therefore, affected every segment of American society.

Source E : These graphs show various pieces of information about the wartime economy.

122. Based on the information shown in Source E, which statement is correct?

A. The war caused a major increase in the unemployment rate in the United States.B. The war caused a major increase in economic production in the United States.

C. Increases in the national debt limited economic growth during the war.D. The strain of the Great Depression made it difficult for the United States economy to respond to

wartime production needs.



This question


The task of fighting the war in Europe and the Pacific had a great impact on the American economy.About 15 million men and women entered the armed services and had to be supplied. The need tomobilize America for war, therefore, affected every segment of American society.

Source E : These graphs show various pieces of information about the wartime economy.

123. If you wanted to learn in more depth about the impact of the Second World War on Americansociety, what would be three pieces of information about the economy that you would like to havethat are NOT provided either in the graph showing gross national product and unemployment or thegraph showing wages? List the three pieces of information in the spaces provided below.

First piece of information:

Second piece of information:

Third piece of information:

Scoring Guide

Score & DescriptionComplete

Response lists three pieces of information that are not in the GNP/Unemployment graph or the Wagesgraph.


Response lists two pieces of information that are not in the GNP/Unemployment graph or the Wagesgraph.


Response lists one piece of information that is not in the GNP/Unemployment graph or the Wagesgraph.


Response does not list any credited piece of information that is not in the GNP/Unemployment graph orthe Wages graph.

Credited responses could include the following:

1. need information about the ways in which economic growth affected different groups (as definedby ethnicity and gender)

2. need ways in which different regions were affected3. need information on different economic sectors (banking, inflation, taxes, social security, etc.)4. need information on changing nature of work/types of work made outmoded by new production


Complete - Student Response

If you wanted to learn in more depth about the impact of the Second World War on Americansociety, what would be three pieces of information about the economy that you would like to havethat are NOT provided either in the graph showing gross national product and unemployment or thegraph showing wages? List the three pieces of information in the spaces provided below.

First piece of information:

Second piece of information:

Third piece of information:

If you wanted to learn in more depth about the impact of the Second World War on Americansociety, what would be three pieces of information about the economy that you would like to havethat are NOT provided either in the graph showing gross national product and unemployment or thegraph showing wages? List the three pieces of information in the spaces provided below.

First piece of information:

Second piece of information:

Third piece of information:

Scorer Comments:

Each of the two Complete responses lists three types of information that could be useful in evaluatingthe impact of World War II on American society. The specific pieces of information listed get atimportant comparisons--either across time or among sectors of the economy or population--that wouldbring more detailed and nuanced understanding of the topic than is possible from the general graphspresented with the question.

Essential - Student Response

If you wanted to learn in more depth about the impact of the Second World War on Americansociety, what would be three pieces of information about the economy that you would like to have

that are NOT provided either in the graph showing gross national product and unemployment or thegraph showing wages? List the three pieces of information in the spaces provided below.

First piece of information:

Second piece of information:

Third piece of information:

If you wanted to learn in more depth about the impact of the Second World War on Americansociety, what would be three pieces of information about the economy that you would like to havethat are NOT provided either in the graph showing gross national product and unemployment or thegraph showing wages? List the three pieces of information in the spaces provided below.

First piece of information:

Second piece of information:

Third piece of information:

Scorer Comments:

The responses scored Essential provided two acceptable pieces of information not found in the graphs.In the first response, credit is given for the first and third pieces of information. "The number ofhomeless people in America before and after" is not credited because it is not clear how it relates toinformation about the economy. In the second response, the first and second pieces of information aretoo similar to be credited as different pieces of information, so they count as one piece of information.The third piece of information is also credited.

Partial - Student Response

If you wanted to learn in more depth about the impact of the Second World War on Americansociety, what would be three pieces of information about the economy that you would like to havethat are NOT provided either in the graph showing gross national product and unemployment or the

graph showing wages? List the three pieces of information in the spaces provided below.

First piece of information:

Second piece of information:

Third piece of information:

If you wanted to learn in more depth about the impact of the Second World War on Americansociety, what would be three pieces of information about the economy that you would like to havethat are NOT provided either in the graph showing gross national product and unemployment or thegraph showing wages? List the three pieces of information in the spaces provided below.

First piece of information:

Second piece of information:

Third piece of information:

Scorer Comments:

These two responses received scores of Partial for providing one piece of credited information. The topresponse gives two answers and is credited for "What was the effect World War II have on women inthe country?" The second piece of information provided, about the effect of WWII on theentertainment industry, is not credited because the answer does not make clear how the impact on therelatively small entertainment sector of the economy would have affected the larger society. In thebottom response, only one piece of information is provided, and it is credited.

Inappropriate - Student Response

If you wanted to learn in more depth about the impact of the Second World War on Americansociety, what would be three pieces of information about the economy that you would like to havethat are NOT provided either in the graph showing gross national product and unemployment or thegraph showing wages? List the three pieces of information in the spaces provided below.

First piece of information:

Second piece of information:

Third piece of information:

If you wanted to learn in more depth about the impact of the Second World War on Americansociety, what would be three pieces of information about the economy that you would like to havethat are NOT provided either in the graph showing gross national product and unemployment or thegraph showing wages? List the three pieces of information in the spaces provided below.

First piece of information:

Second piece of information:

Third piece of information:

Scorer Comments:

These two responses were scored Inappropriate. The three pieces of information provided in the topresponse are not credited because they do not appropriately address American society as it relates tothe economy in the Second World War. The graphs provided clearly show that unemployment was verylow during the war. In the bottom response, the first piece of information is not related to theeconomy, the second piece of information is not related to the World War II economy, and the thirdpiece of information states an assumption about prices without any evidence that inflation was aproblem. If stated more clearly as information needed to judge the impact of the war economy onsociety, the last answer would have received credit.

This question


The war effort involved people both in and out of the military. The sources in this section are about thewar effort.

Source F : The following two posters appeared during the Second World War in the United States.

124. Taken together, these two posters suggest that during the war

A. there were shortages of many badly needed materialsB. most people had their own carsC. many aspects of military production were unsafeD. the government encouraged people to buy consumer goods



This question


The war effort involved people both in and out of the military. The sources in this section are about thewar effort.

Source F : The following two posters appeared during the Second World War in the United States.

125. One of the intentions of the two posters in Source F was to convince Americans that

A. fascism was having an impact on American political lifeB. the United States military was the strongest in the worldC. the war was primarily an economic struggle and did not involve moral issuesD. there was a connection between everyday life and the war effort



This question

Source G : The following two posters appeared during the Second World War in the United States.

126. Look at the poster that says, “Soldiers without guns.” What was the message this poster intended toconvey?

A. Women should join the military.B. Women were important partners in the war effort at home.C. Women best served the country’s needs by taking care of their children at home.D. Women involved in the war effort must not carry guns.



This question

Source G : The following two posters appeared during the Second World War in the United States.

127. Look at the poster that says, “SOMEONE TALKED!” What does this poster suggest about Americansociety during the war?

A. There was little support for the government’s military strategy.B. The government banned political dissent during the war.C. There was a widespread fear of accidents at sea caused by inexperienced recruits.D. There was a widespread fear that German and Japanese spies were active in the United States.



This question

Source G : The following two posters appeared during the Second World War in the United States.

128. The four posters in Sources F and G were produced by the federal government.

What did the government hope to accomplish by producing and distributing the posters? Use at leastone example from among the posters.

Scoring Guide

Score & DescriptionComplete

The response gives an accurate explanation of the government's motive with specific reference to thewar effort.


The explanation is vague or general (e.g., "The government was trying to help").


The response does not offer an acceptable explanation.

Credited responses could include the following:

1. The government needed to encourage and bolster morale at home.2. The government needed to keep industrial production up to support the war effort.3. The government needed to encourage people to conserve.4. The government needed to encourage women to take nontraditional roles.

Complete - Student Response

The four posters in Sources F and G were produced by the federal government.

What did the government hope to accomplish by producing and distributing the posters? Use at leastone example from among the posters.

The four posters in Sources F and G were produced by the federal government.

What did the government hope to accomplish by producing and distributing the posters? Use at leastone example from among the posters.

Scorer Comments:

Both responses give an accurate explanation of the government's motive and provide a specific pieceof evidence from at least one of the posters. In the top response, the credited explanation is related tohow the government needed women to take on nontraditional roles in jobs during the war. It also isrelated to the idea that women's participation in the workforce to drive production was a necessarypart of the war effort. The bottom credited explanation is related to how the posters were developedin order to encourage and bolster morale on the home front.

Partial - Student Response

The four posters in Sources F and G were produced by the federal government.

What did the government hope to accomplish by producing and distributing the posters? Use at leastone example from among the posters.

The four posters in Sources F and G were produced by the federal government.

What did the government hope to accomplish by producing and distributing the posters? Use at leastone example from among the posters.

Scorer Comments:

These two responses received partial credit. The top one correctly states that the posters were meantto get Americans to help the war effort, but the reference to "women doing there part at home" is toovague to constitute a creditable example. In the bottom response the example is also consideredvague; the reference to the overall aim of the propaganda ("to help the moral of the people, and toshow us that we can help in the war efforts") is fine, but the response does not cite a specific examplefrom the posters to support the claim.

Inappropriate - Student Response

The four posters in Sources F and G were produced by the federal government.

What did the government hope to accomplish by producing and distributing the posters? Use at leastone example from among the posters.

The four posters in Sources F and G were produced by the federal government.

What did the government hope to accomplish by producing and distributing the posters? Use at leastone example from among the posters.

Scorer Comments:

The top response does not offer an acceptable explanation of the purpose of the posters andmisinterprets the second poster from Source G ("Someone Talked"). In the bottom response the statedpurpose of the poster is very vague ("be aware of the affect of war on the United States"), and SourceF is misinterpreted as an example.

This question

Source H: This is a quotation taken from an interview with Mike Royko, who became ajournalist in Chicago.

I was nine years old when the war started. It was a typical Chicago working-classneighborhood. It was predominantly Slavic, Polish. . . . In those days they put out extras. Iremember the night the newsboys came through the neighborhood. . . . Germany had invadedPoland: ’39. It was the middle of the night, my mother and father waking. People going out inthe streets in their bathrobes to buy the papers. In our neighborhood with a lot of Poles, it wasa tremendous story.

Suddenly you had a flagpole. And a marker. Name went on the marker, guys from theneighborhood who were killed. Our neighborhood was decimated. There were only kids, olderguys, and women. Suddenly I saw something I hadn’t seen before. My sister became Rosie the

Riveter. She put a bandanna on her head every day and went down to this organ company thathad been converted to war work. There was my sister in slacks. It became more than work.There was a sense of mission about it. Her husband was Over There. . . .

There was the constant idea that you had to be doing something to help. It did filter down tothe neighborhood: home-front mobilization. We had a block captain. . . .

The world was very simple. I saw Hitler and Mussolini and Tojo: those were the villains. Wewere the good guys. . . .

129. What can you learn from the Royko quotation?

A. Royko was uncomfortable with the notion of women working outside the home.B. The war led people to criticize government policies actively and to question information they

received in the newspapers.C. The war was very important to people in Royko’s neighborhood.D. Few young men actually left Royko’s neighborhood to join the armed forces.



This question

Source H: This is a quotation taken from an interview with Mike Royko, who became ajournalist in Chicago.

I was nine years old when the war started. It was a typical Chicago working-classneighborhood. It was predominantly Slavic, Polish. . . . In those days they put out extras. Iremember the night the newsboys came through the neighborhood. . . . Germany had invadedPoland: ’39. It was the middle of the night, my mother and father waking. People going out inthe streets in their bathrobes to buy the papers. In our neighborhood with a lot of Poles, it wasa tremendous story.

Suddenly you had a flagpole. And a marker. Name went on the marker, guys from theneighborhood who were killed. Our neighborhood was decimated. There were only kids, olderguys, and women. Suddenly I saw something I hadn’t seen before. My sister became Rosie theRiveter. She put a bandanna on her head every day and went down to this organ company thathad been converted to war work. There was my sister in slacks. It became more than work.There was a sense of mission about it. Her husband was Over There. . . .

There was the constant idea that you had to be doing something to help. It did filter down tothe neighborhood: home-front mobilization. We had a block captain. . . .

The world was very simple. I saw Hitler and Mussolini and Tojo: those were the villains. Wewere the good guys. . . .

130. Using information from the quotation in Source H, describe two important ways the Second WorldWar influenced the actions and beliefs of people at home.

Scoring Guide

Score & DescriptionComplete

The response describes two key ways in which the Second World War affected the homefront ANDsupports each with clear (explicit or implicit) evidence from the quotation.


The response identifies one key way in which the Second World War affected the home front,supported by clear explicit or implicit evidence from quote OR identifies two key ways with minimal orno evidence from quote.


The response does not address how beliefs and actions of people at home were affected by the war.

Credited responses could include:

Women entered the workforce, sometimes for the first time; this affected both the women whoentered and the men who saw them do the work.The war led people to see the world in simpler, and starker, terms--as a struggle between good andevil.People felt part of a larger cause, and had a sense of mission about their roles.

Complete - Student Response

Using information from the quotation in Source H, describe two important ways the Second WorldWar influenced the actions and beliefs of people at home.

Using information from the quotation in Source H, describe two important ways the Second WorldWar influenced the actions and beliefs of people at home.

Scorer Comments:

Both Complete responses provide two key ways that the Second World War affected the home front:that women entered the workforce and that having a common enemy helped provide a sense of unity.The top response makes explicit reference to the quotation; the bottom response makes only implicitreference, but responses like this received complete credit because they clearly drew upon theinformation in the provided source.

Partial - Student Response

Using information from the quotation in Source H, describe two important ways the Second WorldWar influenced the actions and beliefs of people at home.

Using information from the quotation in Source H, describe two important ways the Second WorldWar influenced the actions and beliefs of people at home.

Scorer Comments:

The first response identifies one key way in which the Second World War affected the homefront(“women went and got factory jobs”). This example also implicitly references the quotations. Thesecond response describes one important way the Second World War influenced the actions andbeliefs of people at home; it correctly points to the important role of women in the workplace duringthe war. The additional references to fear and spies, while not untrue, are not derived from Source Hand so do not receive credit.

Inappropriate - Student Response

Using information from the quotation in Source H, describe two important ways the Second WorldWar influenced the actions and beliefs of people at home.

Using information from the quotation in Source H, describe two important ways the Second WorldWar influenced the actions and beliefs of people at home.

Scorer Comments:

The first response does not address how the beliefs and actions of people at home were affected bythe war. The response makes a generalized statement about attitudes during the war, but it is notrelated to the quotation provided. The second response does not address important ways that theSecond World War influenced the actions and beliefs of people at home using information from theprovided quotation. The response says that women worked from home and that men volunteered.These are not credited activities.

This question

Source I-K — These sources show the effect that the war had on women on the home front.

Source I :

I started defense work in ’42. . . . My husband didn’t like it. He was one of these men thatnever wanted his wife to work. . . . But he found that it was a pretty good idea at the time. Itwas a necessity, because he would have had to do something else. We couldn’t live on what hewas making, so that’s the way it goes. . . . I was laid off in September of ’45. I just got a slip ofpaper saying that I wouldn’t be needed again. . . . The idea was for the women to go backhome. The women understood that. And the men had been promised their jobs when theycame back. I was ready to go home. I was tired. I had looked forward to it because there weretoo many things that I wanted to do with my daughter. . . .

But I always felt that if married women needed to work, then that was their choice.

Source J :

I was just a mother of four kids, that’s all. But I felt proud of myself for having a job and feltgood being that I had never done anything like that. I felt good that I could do something, andbeing that it was war, I felt that I was doing my part.

I went from 65 cents to $1.05. That was top pay. It felt good and, besides, it was my ownmoney. I could do whatever I wanted with it because my husband, whatever he was giving tothe house, he kept on paying it. I used to buy clothes for the kids; buy little things that theyneeded. I had a bank account and I had a little savings at home where I could get ahold of themoney right away if I needed it.

Source K :

They were recruiting for any kind of work you wanted. Newspapers, just splashing everywhere:“Help Wanted,” “Help Wanted,” “Jobs,” “Jobs,” “Jobs.” Propaganda on every radio station: “Ifyou’re an American citizen come to gate so-and-so”—at Lockheed or at the shipyards in SanPedro. And they did it on the movie screens when they’d pass the collection cans. You werebombarded. . . . Actually what attracted me—it was not the money and it was not the jobbecause I didn’t even know how much money I was going to make. But the ads—they had tobe bombardments: “Do your part,” “Uncle Sam Needs You,” “V for Victory.” I got caught up inthat patriotic “win the war,” “help the boys.” The patriotism that was so strong in eveyone then.

131. Based on evidence from Sources H-K, evalutate the above interpretation of the impact of the war onwomen.

Scoring Guide

Score & DescriptionComplete

Response cites at least two reasons why women joined the workforce during World War II.


Response cites at least one reason why women joined the workforce during World War II.


Response does not cite any acceptable reasons why women joined the workforce during World War II.

Credited responses could include the following:

Woman in Source K appears to have joined the workforce for patriotic reasons.Women in Source I and J joined in order to have more money.Woman in Source I spoke of women having more independence.

Accept the following types of responses as direct references to the source.

They were trying to help the boys.They needed to help out their husbands.It felt good to help out in the war effort.

Complete - Student Response

Based on evidence from Sources H-K, evalutate the above interpretation of the impact of the war onwomen.

Based on evidence from Sources H-K, evalutate the above interpretation of the impact of the war onwomen.

Scorer Comments:

These two responses identify at least two reasons why women joined the workforce during World WarII (money and patriotism) and appropriately utilize the sources H-K.

Partial - Student Response

Based on evidence from Sources H-K, evalutate the above interpretation of the impact of the war onwomen.

Based on evidence from Sources H-K, evalutate the above interpretation of the impact of the war onwomen.

Scorer Comments:

These two responses received scores of Partial. The top one does not explicitly tackle the question ofwhether women entered the workforce to be part of the war effort, but it does give as a one reason,which is supported by the sources, that they worked to support their families. The bottom responsereceived credit primarily for recognizing that the sources offer several different reasons why womenjoined the workforce during the war. It does say that women "wanted to do their part" and "felt a pullto jump on the bandwagon," but these references, while true, are not developed here. Whatbandwagon, for instance, did women want to jump on?

Inappropriate - Student Response

Based on evidence from Sources H-K, evalutate the above interpretation of the impact of the war onwomen.

Based on evidence from Sources H-K, evalutate the above interpretation of the impact of the war onwomen.

Scorer Comments:

The first response received a score of Inappropriate because it focuses on the impact of men onwomen working, not the impact of the war on women. The second response is a vague reference tothe quote, but it does not evaluate the interpetation provided or reference the sources in any way andtherefore was not credited.

The war also encouraged African Americans to challenge their status in American society. Sources L andM are about the African American experience during the war.

Source L : The following quotation is from A. Philip Randolph, president of the Brotherhood of SleepingCar Porters, a union with predominantly African American members. Randolph was active in themovement to desegregate America’s wartime industries.

“American Negroes, involved as we are in the general issues of [the Second World War], areconfronted not with a choice but with the challenge both to win democracy for ourselves athome and to help win the war for democracy the world over.”

Source M : The following is a wartime recollection of Lloyd Brown, an African American soldier, about anepisode in a lunchroom in Salina, Kansas, where he was stationed.

As we entered, the counterman hurried to the rear to get the owner, who hurried out front totell us with urgent politeness: “You boys know we don’t serve colored here.”

Of course we knew it. They didn’t serve “colored” anywhere in town. . . . The best movie housedid not admit Negroes. . . . There was no room at the inn for any Black visitor, and there wasno place . . . where he could get a cup of coffee.

“You know we don’t serve colored here,” the man repeated. . . .

We ignored him, and just stood there inside the door, staring at what we had come to see— theGerman prisoners of war who were having lunch at the counter. . . .

We continued to stare. This was really happening. . . . The people of Salina would serve theseenemy soldiers and turn away Black American G.I.’s. . . .

If we were untermenschen [subhuman] in Nazi Germany, they would break our bones. As“colored” men in Salina, they only break our hearts.

132. Citing Sources L and M and your knowledge of United States history, explain how events of theSecond World War inspired many African Americans to argue for civil rights at home.

Scoring Guide

Score & Description


Response explains, with clear references to the sources (implicit or explicit), the relationship betweenthe war and the issue of civil rights at home for African Americans. (Must answer/connect situation andwhy it inspired argument for civil rights)


Response explains in a general way the relationship between the war and the civil rights of AfricanAmericans at home. May or may not make reference to sources, while retelling/paraphrasing of thesituation illustrated in quote or gives reference to source only (without describing situation).


Response does not explain the relationship between the war and civil rights for African Americans athome. May include direct quotes from sources and/or paraphrasing also, without any explanation.

Credited responses could include the following:

Since, as Randolph says, the war is for democracy abroad, it is only logical that African Americanswould question democracy at home as well and be more critical of the flaws/problems in Americansociety.

Complete - Student Response

Citing Sources L and M and your knowledge of United States history, explain how events of theSecond World War inspired many African Americans to argue for civil rights at home.

Citing Sources L and M and your knowledge of United States history, explain how events of theSecond World War inspired many African Americans to argue for civil rights at home.

Scorer Comments:

The first response explains, with clear references to the sources, the relationship between the war andthe issue of civil rights at home for African Americans. The reference to the restaurant and not beingserved lunch is a clear connection to Source M. The second response explains, with clear references tothe sources, the relationship between the war and the issue of civil rights at home for AfricanAmericans. The reference, “The war made black soldiers question integrity of the freedom anddemocracy in their own country,” is an implict connection Source L.

Partial - Student Response

Citing Sources L and M and your knowledge of United States history, explain how events of theSecond World War inspired many African Americans to argue for civil rights at home.

Citing Sources L and M and your knowledge of United States history, explain how events of theSecond World War inspired many African Americans to argue for civil rights at home.

Scorer Comments:

In these responses, there is an example of a general explanation of the relationship between the warand the civil rights of African Americans at home. There are no clear connections to Sources L or M.

Inappropriate - Student Response

Citing Sources L and M and your knowledge of United States history, explain how events of theSecond World War inspired many African Americans to argue for civil rights at home.

Citing Sources L and M and your knowledge of United States history, explain how events of theSecond World War inspired many African Americans to argue for civil rights at home.

Scorer Comments:

These responses were not credited because they do not explain the connection to experiences in thewar to the injustice at home in the United States. The first response only addresses the injustices ofsegregation in the United States.

133. Wars cause major changes at home as well as abroad. Use specific evidence from among thequotations, graphs, and posters in this section (Sources A-M) to explain two ways in which wars havehad important effects at home.

Make sure to support your answer by referring to more than one of the sources provided.

Scoring Guide

Score & DescriptionComplete

The response notes two effects of wars on society (wars in general or World War II in particular) ANDcorrectly uses more than one source.


The response notes two effects of wars on society (wars in general or World War II in particular) ANDcorrectly uses one source.


The response notes only one effect of war on society (wars in general or World War II in particular)AND correctly uses one sources

OR response notes one or two effects but neither is correctly supported by a source.


Response does not cite any effect of war on society.

Credited responses include the following:

Disunity/ Divided opinon (Source: Lindbergh/Stimson)Unity, Public opinion unified (Sources: unity achieved by propaganda, as suggested by posters, unityachieved by Pearl Harbor)Patriotism, idealism increased (Sources: Royko (communities unified behind troops), posters)

Complete - Student Response

Wars cause major changes at home as well as abroad. Use specific evidence from among thequotations, graphs, and posters in this section (Sources A-M) to explain two ways in which wars havehad important effects at home.

Make sure to support your answer by referring to more than one of the sources provided.

Wars cause major changes at home as well as abroad. Use specific evidence from among thequotations, graphs, and posters in this section (Sources A-M) to explain two ways in which wars havehad important effects at home.

Make sure to support your answer by referring to more than one of the sources provided.

Scorer Comments:

The first response explains two ways that wars have important effects at home and refers to morethan one source as evidence in the explanation. The first way is that the economy improved becauseunemployment went down. This is accompanied by a reference to Source E. The second way is thatAfrican Americans began to fight for civil rights at home. This is accompanied by a reference to SourceM. The second response explains two ways that wars have important effects at home and refers tomore than one source as evidence in the explanation. The first way is that women entered theworkforce in large numbers for the first time. This is accompanied by a reference to Source K. Thesecond way is that the war “made the world ‘very simple’ for some people.” Unity is a credited effect.This is accompanied by a reference to Source H.

Essential - Student Response

Wars cause major changes at home as well as abroad. Use specific evidence from among thequotations, graphs, and posters in this section (Sources A-M) to explain two ways in which wars havehad important effects at home.

Make sure to support your answer by referring to more than one of the sources provided.

Wars cause major changes at home as well as abroad. Use specific evidence from among thequotations, graphs, and posters in this section (Sources A-M) to explain two ways in which wars havehad important effects at home.

Make sure to support your answer by referring to more than one of the sources provided.

Scorer Comments:

The first response explains two ways that wars have important effects at home and refers to onesource as evidence in the explanation. The first way is that the national debt increased substantially.This is accompanied by a reference to Source E. The second way is that women entered theworkforce. The second response explains two ways that wars have important effects at home andrefers to one source as evidence in the explanation. The first way is that women entered theworkforce. The second way is that African Americans began to argue for civil rights. This explanation is

accompanied by a reference to Source L: “if blacks were able to fight for democracy, they should befree in their own country.”

Partial - Student Response

Wars cause major changes at home as well as abroad. Use specific evidence from among thequotations, graphs, and posters in this section (Sources A-M) to explain two ways in which wars havehad important effects at home.

Make sure to support your answer by referring to more than one of the sources provided.

Wars cause major changes at home as well as abroad. Use specific evidence from among thequotations, graphs, and posters in this section (Sources A-M) to explain two ways in which wars havehad important effects at home.

Make sure to support your answer by referring to more than one of the sources provided.

Scorer Comments:

The first response explains one way that wars have important effects at home and refers to at leastone source as evidence in the explanation. The explanation is that women entered the workforce. Theresponse correctly references Source G and Source K as support.The second response explains oneway that wars have important effects at home, but it is not supported by a source. The creditedexplanation in this response is that war has a way of uniting people.

Inappropriate - Student Response

Wars cause major changes at home as well as abroad. Use specific evidence from among the

quotations, graphs, and posters in this section (Sources A-M) to explain two ways in which wars havehad important effects at home.

Make sure to support your answer by referring to more than one of the sources provided.

Wars cause major changes at home as well as abroad. Use specific evidence from among thequotations, graphs, and posters in this section (Sources A-M) to explain two ways in which wars havehad important effects at home.

Make sure to support your answer by referring to more than one of the sources provided.

Scorer Comments:

The first response discusses several sources, but none of the references are accurate. The secondresponse references Source K, but it provides no information about it. The accompanying explanationof the effects of war at home, “women became strong influences” is not specific enough to be credited.

The following question refers to the picture below.

134. The remains of this Sinaguan cliff house tell us something about the way ancient people lived in what is now the southwestern part of the United States. Which of the activities below would be the best way to learn how the Sinaguan people lived in ancient times?

A. Study letters and diaries left in the cliff houses.B. Talk to people living near the cliff houses.C. Study tools, bones, and pottery left in the cliff houses.D. Camp out in the cliff houses for a couple of days.



The following question refers to the picture below.

135. The Sinaguan people most likely built their homes in the cliffs because

A. they did not know how to build other kinds of homesB. cliffs formed a natural barrier against enemies and the elements of natureC. it is easier to build on cliffs than in valleysD. cliffs offer a better view of the area



136. Indentured servants were different from slaves because indentured servants

A. came from the West IndiesB. were freed at the end of their termC. were paid less moneyD. did much easier work



The following question refers to Maps A and B below. Map A shows the southern colonies, and Map B shows the New England colonies.

137. Based on the maps, what is one product that the southern colonies had that the New England colonies did not have?

Why didn't the New England colonies have the product you identified? Use the maps and what you know about American history to help you answer the question.

Scoring Guide

Score & DescriptionAppropriate

The response accurately chooses one product (tobacco, rice, indigo) the New England colonies did nothave and explains why they did not have it.


The response accurately chooses one product the New England colonies did not have, but does notaccurately explain why they did not have it.


The response does not accurately choose one product the New England colonies did not have.

Appropriate - Student Response

Based on the maps, what is one product that the southern colonies had that the New England colonies did not have?

Why didn't the New England colonies have the product you identified? Use the maps and what you know about American history to help you answer the question.

Scorer Comments:

The response correctly chooses indigo as one product and explains that it was not grown in NewEngland because the climate there was too cold.

Based on the maps, what is one product that the southern colonies had that the New England colonies did not have?

Why didn't the New England colonies have the product you identified? Use the maps and what you know about American history to help you answer the question.

Scorer Comments:

The response correctly chooses tobacco as one product. The explanation that it "grows in warmerstates" was accepted even though some tobacco was grown in New England.

Partial - Student Response

Based on the maps, what is one product that the southern colonies had that the New England colonies did not have?

Why didn't the New England colonies have the product you identified? Use the maps and what you know about American history to help you answer the question.

Scorer Comments:

The response correctly lists all three products, but the explanation is incorrect.

Based on the maps, what is one product that the southern colonies had that the New England colonies did not have?

Why didn't the New England colonies have the product you identified? Use the maps and what you know about American history to help you answer the question.

Scorer Comments:

The response correctly identifies rice as a product, but the explanation, that New England "had toomuch cattle," is incorrect.

Inappropriate - Student Response

Based on the maps, what is one product that the southern colonies had that the New England colonies did not have?

Why didn't the New England colonies have the product you identified? Use the maps and what you know about American history to help you answer the question.

Scorer Comments:

The response does not name a specific product found on the southern colonies' map that does notappear on the northern colonies' map.

Based on the maps, what is one product that the southern colonies had that the New England colonies did not have?

Why didn't the New England colonies have the product you identified? Use the maps and what you know about American history to help you answer the question.

Scorer Comments:

The response lists products found in New England rather than those found in the South. Theexplanation is vague as well.

138. Sojourner Truth said these words in 1852.

I hears talk about the constitution and rights of man. I come up and I takes hold of this constitution. It looks mighty big. And I feels for my rights, but they not there.

What did Sojourner Truth want to communicate with her words?

A. Poor people did not know what was written in the Constitution.B. African Americans were not allowed to read the Constitution.C. The Constitution did not talk about the rights of African Americans.D. The Constitution needed to talk about the rights of Native Americans.



The following question refers to the painting below of a town on the western frontier.

© Museum of the City of New York, Harry T. Peters Collection

139. Look carefully at the painting of a western town shown above. Describe three specific things you see in the painting that could have made people want to become settlers in the West.




Scoring Guide

Score & DescriptionAppropriate

The response gives two or three accurate "3"-level descriptions of specific things in the painting thatcould have persuaded people to become settlers and go west.


The response gives at least one "2"-level description of a specific thing in the painting that could have

persuaded people to become settlers and go west.


The response does not give any accurate descriptions of specific things in the painting that could havepersuaded people to become settlers and go west.

Appropriate - Student Response

Look carefully at the painting of a western town shown above. Describe three specific things you see in the painting that could have made people want to become settlers in the West.




Scorer Comments:

The response describes three things from the picture that could have contributed to westernsettlement.

Look carefully at the painting of a western town shown above. Describe three specific things you see in the painting that could have made people want to become settlers in the West.




Scorer Comments:

The response offers two things from the picture (open land and transportation) that could have

contributed to western settlement. The third answer is too vague. Scoring criteria awards full credit toresponses providing two or three accurate answers.

Partial - Student Response

Look carefully at the painting of a western town shown above. Describe three specific things you see in the painting that could have made people want to become settlers in the West.




Scorer Comments:

The response provides two "2"-level answers (trains and forest), which meets the criteria for aPartial. Slightly more information is required to raise these answers to a "3"-level, e.g., "trains fortransportation" or "forest for lumber."

Look carefully at the painting of a western town shown above. Describe three specific things you see in the painting that could have made people want to become settlers in the West.




Scorer Comments:

The response contains one "3"-level description (a lot of land) and two "2"-level descriptions. The "2"-level descriptions are on the right track but need more information to raise them to "3"-level answers.

Inappropriate - Student Response

Look carefully at the painting of a western town shown above. Describe three specific things you see in the painting that could have made people want to become settlers in the West.




Scorer Comments:

The response does not provide any credited answers. The student seems to have misunderstood thetask.

Look carefully at the painting of a western town shown above. Describe three specific things you see in the painting that could have made people want to become settlers in the West.




Scorer Comments:

The response does not provide any credited descriptions. Horses and wagons could be had withoutsettling in the west, and while gold was a draw for some settlers, gold mines are not shown in thepainting.

The following question refers to the painting below of a town on the western frontier.

© Museum of the City of New York, Harry T. Peters Collection

140. Paintings like this one helped to make people want to go west. How was life on the frontier different from what the painting shows?



Scoring Guide

Score & DescriptionAcceptable

Response describes two accurate "A"-level ways in which frontier life differed from the experienceportrayed in the picture OR one "A"-level way and one "B"-level way.


Response describes one accurate "A"-level way in which frontier life differed from the experienceportrayed in the picture OR one or more "B"-level ways.


Response does not describe any way in which frontier life differed from the experience portrayed inthe picture. If an opinion is given, it is not supported with references to the lives of settlers on thefrontier.

Acceptable - Student Response

Paintings like this one helped to make people want to go west. How was life on the frontier different from what the painting shows?



Scorer Comments:

The response provides two accurate ways that life on the frontier might have been different than theway portrayed in the painting.

Paintings like this one helped to make people want to go west. How was life on the frontier different from what the painting shows?



Scorer Comments:

The response provides two accurate ways that life on the frontier might have been different than theway portrayed in the painting.

Partial - Student Response

Paintings like this one helped to make people want to go west. How was life on the frontier different from what the painting shows?



Scorer Comments:

The response provides one way that life on the frontier might have differed from the painting: slaveswere present on some portions of the frontier. The second answer is unclear.

Paintings like this one helped to make people want to go west. How was life on the frontier different from what the painting shows?



Scorer Comments:

The response gives one way that life on the frontier might have differed from the painting: many areasof the frontier were not served by a railroad. The first answer is incorrect. Land was available and wasthe primary attraction for many frontier settlers.

Inappropriate - Student Response

Paintings like this one helped to make people want to go west. How was life on the frontier different from what the painting shows?



Scorer Comments:

The response provides two answers that address relevant issues, but they are both too vague toreceive credit.

Paintings like this one helped to make people want to go west. How was life on the frontier different from what the painting shows?



Scorer Comments:

The response gives two unacceptable answers. There were both trains and telegraph lines serving thefrontier during the second half of the 19th century. To receive credit, the response needed to bespecific about chronology.

141. The purpose of the Underground Railroad was to

A. make transportation to the western frontier easierB. take Native Americans to reservations in the WestC. provide an escape route for slaves fleeing their mastersD. provide a way for European immigrants to move to the Midwest



A house divided against itself cannot stand. I believe this government cannot endure permanently half slave and half free. I do not expect the Union to be dissolved — I do not expect the house to fall — but I do expect it will cease to be divided. — Abraham Lincoln, 1858

142. What did Abraham Lincoln mean in this speech?

A. The South should be allowed to separate from the United States.B. The government should support slavery in the South.C. Sometime in the future slavery would disappear from the United States.D. Americans would not be willing to fight a war over slavery.



143. This poster wants "men of color" to fight in which war?

A. The Revolutionary WarB. The Civil WarC. The Second World WarD. The Vietnam War



Courtesy Museum of American Political Life. University of Hartford, Hartford, CT.

144. The cartoon above is about women's fight for the right to vote. The message of the cartoon is that women should not vote because if women voted

A. men would lose their jobsB. people would have too many childrenC. they would not pay enough attention to their familiesD. they would have to go fight in wars



National Archives Franklin D. Roosevelt Library

145. The photograph above shows a breadline in New York City during the Great Depression. Such breadlines were common during this period because

A. many people had little money to buy foodB. dust bowls in the West caused a shortage of wheatC. most food went to feed soldiers fighting in the Second World WarD. most farmers left their farms for jobs in the cities



The following question is based on the graph below.

146. What information is true based on the graph?

A. Military spending was higher in 1938 than in 1940.B. Military spending went up the most between 1940 and 1941.C. Military spending went up the most between 1939 and 1940.D. Military spending was the same in 1938 as it was in 1937.



The following question is based on the graph below.

147. Which event caused the largest change in military spending shown in the graph?

A. The First World WarB. The Second World WarC. The Vietnam WarD. The Korean War



148. In 1963, Martin Luther King, Jr., led a big march on Washington, D.C. called the March for Jobs and Freedom. Write down two other things that the people who marched with Martin Luther King, Jr., wanted. Do not write "jobs" or "freedom."



Scoring Guide

Score & DescriptionAppropriate

The response gives two accurate things that supporters of King wanted.


The response gives one accurate thing that supporters of King wanted.


The response gives no accurate things that supporters of King wanted.

Appropriate - Student Response

In 1963, Martin Luther King, Jr., led a big march on Washington, D.C. called the March for Jobs and Freedom. Write down two other things that the people who marched with Martin Luther King, Jr., wanted. Do not write "jobs" or "freedom."



Scorer Comments:

The response offers two accurate goals—school desegregation and respect—of people participating inthe March for Jobs and Freedom.

In 1963, Martin Luther King, Jr., led a big march on Washington, D.C. called the March for Jobs and Freedom. Write down two other things that the people who marched with Martin Luther King, Jr., wanted. Do not write "jobs" or "freedom."



Scorer Comments:

The response offers two accurate goals—greater community involvement and an end to discrimination—of people participating in the March for Jobs and Freedom.

Partial - Student Response

In 1963, Martin Luther King, Jr., led a big march on Washington, D.C. called the March for Jobs and Freedom. Write down two other things that the people who marched with Martin Luther King, Jr., wanted. Do not write "jobs" or "freedom."



Scorer Comments:

The response offers one acceptable goal: not to be judged by the color of one's skin. The first answeris not specific enough to receive credit.

In 1963, Martin Luther King, Jr., led a big march on Washington, D.C. called the March for Jobs and Freedom. Write down two other things that the people who marched with Martin Luther King, Jr., wanted. Do not write "jobs" or "freedom."



Scorer Comments:

Both goals—respect and dignity—are acceptable as individual answers, but they were judged to be toosimilar to each other to count as two distinct answers.

Inappropriate - Student Response

In 1963, Martin Luther King, Jr., led a big march on Washington, D.C. called the March for Jobs and Freedom. Write down two other things that the people who marched with Martin Luther King, Jr., wanted. Do not write "jobs" or "freedom."



Scorer Comments:

The response does not give any accurate goals. The first answer fails to specify that marchers wantedbuses to be integrated; the second is unclear about what "leave them alone" means.

In 1963, Martin Luther King, Jr., led a big march on Washington, D.C. called the March for Jobs and Freedom. Write down two other things that the people who marched with Martin Luther King, Jr., wanted. Do not write "jobs" or "freedom."



Scorer Comments:

The response provides two unacceptable answers. The first is historically inaccurate, and the secondrepeats the prompt.

149. When workers strike against the company they work for, they refuse to work for a period of time.

Give two reasons why people go on strike. Be specific in your answer.



Scoring Guide

Score & DescriptionAppropriate

The response gives two accurate reasons why people go out on strike.


The response gives one accurate reason why people go out on strike.


The response gives no accurate reasons why people go out on strike.

Appropriate - Student Response

When workers strike against the company they work for, they refuse to work for a period of time.

Give two reasons why people go on strike. Be specific in your answer.



Scorer Comments:

The response gives two specific, accurate reasons workers go on strike.

When workers strike against the company they work for, they refuse to work for a period of time.

Give two reasons why people go on strike. Be specific in your answer.



Scorer Comments:

The response gives two specific, accurate reasons workers go on strike.

Partial. - Student Response

When workers strike against the company they work for, they refuse to work for a period of time.

Give two reasons why people go on strike. Be specific in your answer.



Scorer Comments:

The response gives one specific, accurate reason workers go on strike (pay), but the second answer istoo vague to receive credit.

When workers strike against the company they work for, they refuse to work for a period of time.

Give two reasons why people go on strike. Be specific in your answer.



Scorer Comments:

The response gives one specific, accurate reason workers go on strike (benefits), but the secondanswer is too vague to receive credit.

Inappropriate - Student Response

When workers strike against the company they work for, they refuse to work for a period of time.

Give two reasons why people go on strike. Be specific in your answer.



Scorer Comments:

The response does not give any specific, accurate reasons why workers go on strike.

When workers strike against the company they work for, they refuse to work for a period of time.

Give two reasons why people go on strike. Be specific in your answer.



Scorer Comments:

The response does not give any specific, accurate reasons why workers go on strike.

150. Directly on the world map above, circle two countries where the United States has sent soldiers to fight a war.

Then in the space below explain why the United States sent people to fight in the two places that you circled.Place 1

Place 2

Scoring Guide

Score & DescriptionComplete

The response correctly identifies two countries where the United States has sent soldiers to war. Itspecifically explains why the United States sent troops to fight in the wars they have identified. (2countries and 2 complete explanations)


The response correctly identifies two countries. It gives a correct explanation for only one country ORthe explanations for two countries are correct, but vague, such as "to preserve freedom". (2 countriesplus 2 vague or 1 complete with or without vague)


The response correctly identifies one or two countries without giving any (or any correct) explanationsof why the U.S. was at war. (The highest possible score for one country with a correct explanation.)


The response does not correctly identify a county where the U.S. was at war or give any explanation.

Complete - Student Response

Directly on the world map above, circle two countries where the United States has sent soldiers to fight a war.

Then in the space below explain why the United States sent people to fight in the two places that you circled.

Place 1

Place 2

Scorer Comments:

The response identifies two countries to which the U.S. has sent troops to fight a war (Mexico in theMexican War and Iraq in the First Gulf War) and correctly explains why.

Directly on the world map above, circle two countries where the United States has sent soldiers to fight a war.

Then in the space below explain why the United States sent people to fight in the two places that you circled.

Place 1

Place 2

Scorer Comments:

The response identifies two countries to which the U.S. has sent soldiers to fight a war (Germany inWW II and Iraq in the Iraq War) and explains why the troops were sent.

Essential - Student Response

Directly on the world map above, circle two countries where the United States has sent soldiers to fight a war.

Then in the space below explain why the United States sent people to fight in the two places that you circled.

Place 1

Place 2

Scorer Comments:

The response correctly identifies two countries to which the U.S. has sent troops to fight a war. ForIraq, the oil explanation is acceptable. The explanation for Vietnam is too vague.

Directly on the world map above, circle two countries where the United States has sent soldiers to fight a war.

Then in the space below explain why the United States sent people to fight in the two places that you circled.

Place 1

Place 2

Scorer Comments:

The response correctly identifies two countries to which the U.S. has sent troops to fight a war. Theexplanation for Iraq is acceptable, but the explanation for Germany is incorrect and does not specifyWorld War II.

Partial - Student Response

Directly on the world map above, circle two countries where the United States has sent soldiers to fight a war.

Then in the space below explain why the United States sent people to fight in the two places that you circled.

Place 1

Place 2

Scorer Comments:

The response identifies two creditable countries, but both explanations are incorrect. The U.S. has notsent soldiers to Britain to fight the British or to China to extract financial aid.

Directly on the world map above, circle two countries where the United States has sent soldiers to fight a war.

Then in the space below explain why the United States sent people to fight in the two places that you circled.

Place 1

Scorer Comments:

The response identifies one country to which the U.S. has sent troops to fight a war. The explanationis incorrect.

Inappropriate - Student Response

Directly on the world map above, circle two countries where the United States has sent soldiers to fight a war.

Then in the space below explain why the United States sent people to fight in the two places that you circled.

Place 1

Directly on the world map above, circle two countries where the United States has sent soldiers to fight a war.

Scorer Comments:

The response does not correctly identify any countries where the U.S. has sent troops. The student hascircled two large areas on the map, one of which contains most of Europe and the other much of EastAsia. Without any further explanation about which countries are being selected, no credit can be given.

The Image Bank

151. The structures in the photograph above were built to be

A. the palace of an American Indian tribal chieftainB. homes for several hundred American IndiansC. a fortress for the protection of Spanish settlersD. a religious center for European missionaries



152. The first permanent English settlement in North America was

A. St. AugustineB. Santa FeC. Jamestown

D. New Amsterdam



153. You are writing a report about the kinds of work that people did during the Amer- ican Revolution. You cannot find enough information in any of your social studies books. What other sources could you use to get information? Name three different sources.




Scoring Guide

Score & DescriptionAppropriate.

The response correctly identifies three appropriate sources of information.


The response correctly identifies one or two sources. Other sources are incorrect or absent. Examplesof incorrect sources are film or videos from the time; interviews with people alive at time; socialstudies books; books.


The response mentions no source that is usable or relevant.

Appropriate. - Student Response

You are writing a report about the kinds of work that people did during the Amer- ican Revolution. You cannot find enough information in any of your social studies books. What other sources could you use to get information? Name three different sources.




Scorer Comments:

The response identifies three acceptable sources of information: library books, Internet, andencyclopedia

You are writing a report about the kinds of work that people did during the Amer- ican Revolution. You cannot find enough information in any of your social studies books. What other sources could you use to get information? Name three different sources.




Scorer Comments:

The response identifies three acceptable sources of information: internet, library books, and oldnewspapers.

Partial - Student Response

You are writing a report about the kinds of work that people did during the Amer- ican Revolution. You cannot find enough information in any of your social studies books. What other sources could you use to get information? Name three different sources.




Scorer Comments:

The response identifies two correct sources. "Computer" is not specific enough for credit; responsemust refer directly to a source that can be accessed on the computer or via computer, like theinternet, CD-ROM, encyclopedia, or database.

You are writing a report about the kinds of work that people did during the Amer- ican Revolution. You cannot find enough information in any of your social studies books. What other sources could you use to get information? Name three different sources.




Scorer Comments:

The response identifies two correct sources. "Ask someone" is not specific enough to receive credit.

Inappropriate - Student Response

You are writing a report about the kinds of work that people did during the Amer- ican Revolution. You cannot find enough information in any of your social studies books. What other sources could you use to get information? Name three different sources.




Scorer Comments:

The response does not correctly identify any sources.

You are writing a report about the kinds of work that people did during the Amer- ican Revolution. You cannot find enough information in any of your social studies books. What other sources could you use to get information? Name three different





Scorer Comments:

The response lists kinds of work people did during the Revolution instead of identifying sources ofinformation about the topic.

154. Four events are listed below.

A Colonists meet in Philadelphia and declare independence.

B Roanoke Island is settled by English settlers.

C George Washington becomes the first President.

D English Parliament passes Stamp Act.

Write the letters that are next to the four events in the circles on the time line below in the order that the events happened, from earliest to latest. Be sure that you put only one letter in each circle.

Scoring Guide

Score & DescriptionAppropriate

The response places all events in correct chronological order: B - D - A - C.


The response fails to place the events in the correct chronological order.

Inappropriate - Student Response

Four events are listed below.

Scorer Comments:

The question is scored as either correct or incorrect. The response reverses the order of events A andD and so is scored as incorrect.

155. Which group of Americans followed what has become known as the "Trail of Tears" when they were forced to leave their homes?

A. Japanese AmericansB. Irish AmericansC. Cherokee IndiansD. Mormons



The following question refers to the excerpt from the speech below.

. . . we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain; that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom; and that govern- ment of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth. — Abraham Lincoln's Gettysburg Address, 1863

156. When Lincoln talked about "these dead" he was referring to

A. soldiers killed in a Civil War battleB. workers who died building the railroadC. slaves killed while trying to escapeD. women killed while working as nurses in the Civil War



The following question refers to the excerpt from the speech below.

. . . we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain; that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom; and that govern- ment of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth. — Abraham Lincoln's Gettysburg Address, 1863

157. Why did Lincoln think that the nation was in danger?

Scoring Guide

Score & DescriptionAppropriate

The response indicates that the Civil War was a threat to the nation by specifically referring to the splitbetween the North and the South.


The response mentions the Civil War, but does not fully make the link between the war and the threatto the nation.

OR response mentions Civil War but contains a significant inaccuracy.

OR the response mentions split but does not mention Civil War.


The response does not explain why the nation was in danger.

Appropriate - Student Response

Why did Lincoln think that the nation was in danger?

Scorer Comments:

The response correctly explains that the nation was in danger from sectional conflict and the resultingconstitutional crisis.

Why did Lincoln think that the nation was in danger?

Scorer Comments:

The response correctly points to the Civil War and secession as the dangers of concern to Lincoln.

Partial - Student Response

Why did Lincoln think that the nation was in danger?

Scorer Comments:

The response correctly suggests that there was a Civil War going on ("people from the same countrywere fighting") but does not specify the sectional nature of the conflict.

Why did Lincoln think that the nation was in danger?

Scorer Comments:

The response explains that there was a sectional division but does not mention there was a Civil Warin progress.

Inappropriate - Student Response

Why did Lincoln think that the nation was in danger?

Scorer Comments:

The response offers only generalities, failing to mention the Civil War or the division between Northand South.

Why did Lincoln think that the nation was in danger?

Scorer Comments:

The response incorrectly suggests that Lincoln believed the nation to be in danger because it wasbeing attacked from outside.

158. On the map above, the shaded area shows

A. free statesB. slave statesC. eastern statesD. northern states



Caufield & Shook Collection, Photographic Archives, University of Louisville

159. The women in the photograph above were suffragists. Suffragists believed that women should

A. not work outside the homeB. wear long skirtsC. all be RepublicansD. have the right to vote



The following question is about the map below.

160. Describe two ways that the western United States changed after the transconti nental (or cross-country) railroads were built. You can use the map to help you answer the question.



Scoring Guide

Score & DescriptionAppropriate

The answer explains two ways the western United States changed after the transcontinental railroadwas built.


The answer explains one way the railroad affected the West. Another reason, if present, is inaccurate.


The answer does not describe any significant effect of railroads on the West.

Appropriate - Student Response

Describe two ways that the western United States changed after the transconti nental (or cross-country) railroads were built. You can use the map to help you answer the question.



Scorer Comments:

The response explains two ways that the transcontinental railroads affected life in the western U.S.

Describe two ways that the western United States changed after the transconti nental (or cross-country) railroads were built. You can use the map to help you answer the question.



Scorer Comments:

The response explains two ways that the transcontinental railroads affected life in the western U.S.

Partial - Student Response

Describe two ways that the western United States changed after the transconti nental (or cross-country) railroads were built. You can use the map to help you answer the question.



Scorer Comments:

The response explains one way that the transcontinental railroads affected life in the west (fastertransportation) but makes the same point in both parts.

Describe two ways that the western United States changed after the transconti nental (or cross-country) railroads were built. You can use the map to help you answer the question.



Scorer Comments:

The response is difficult to understand but makes one creditable point—that transportation becameeasier—in the second part.

Inappropriate - Student Response

Describe two ways that the western United States changed after the transconti nental (or cross-country) railroads were built. You can use the map to help you answer the question.



Scorer Comments:

The response does not explain any ways that the transcontinental railroads changed life in the westernU.S. The railroads did contribute to the formation and growth of new states, but the first answer doesnot make that point.

Describe two ways that the western United States changed after the transconti nental (or cross-country) railroads were built. You can use the map to help you answer the question.



Scorer Comments:

The response is too brief to provide an acceptable answer to the question.

The following question is about the map below.

161. How did the building of the railroad system shown on the map affect the city of Chicago?

A. Chicago became smaller because the railroads allowed many people to leave.

B. Chicago became poorer because more trade moved to the southern states.

C. Chicago became an important transportation center because of its central position in the railroad system.

D. The railroads allowed Chicago to conduct more trade with Europe than any other city in the country conducted.



— Telephone — Refrigerator — Automobile — Television

162. Choose TWO of the inventions listed above. Explain how the two inven- tions changed people's lives in the United States.

Invention 1:

Invention 2:

Scoring Guide

Score & DescriptionAppropriate

The response identifies two items and explains how these inventions changed life. (For example -"made communication faster" is acceptable; "made it better" is not.)


The response identifies one or two inventions, but only explains how one of the inventions changedlife. For example, it might say "refrigerators let people keep food cold." "T.V. something to do".


The response may or may not identify an invention, and provides no accurate explanation of how theinvention changed life. Or the response defines what one of the inventions does.

Appropriate - Student Response

Choose TWO of the inventions listed above. Explain how the two inven- tions changed people's lives in the United States.

Invention 1:

Invention 2:

Scorer Comments:

The response accurately explains how two of the inventions changed people's lives.

Choose TWO of the inventions listed above. Explain how the two inven- tions changed people's lives in the United States.

Invention 1:

Invention 2:

Scorer Comments:

The response accurately explains how two of the inventions changed people's lives.

Partial - Student Response

Choose TWO of the inventions listed above. Explain how the two inven- tions changed people's lives in the United States.

Invention 1:

Invention 2:

Scorer Comments:

The response accurately explains how television changed people's lives, but the explanation for

automobiles is too general.

Choose TWO of the inventions listed above. Explain how the two inven- tions changed people's lives in the United States.

Invention 1:

Invention 2:

Scorer Comments:

The response accurately explains how automobiles changed people's lives, but the explanation fortelevision, while allowable for partial credit, is too vague to constitute a "complete" answer.

Inappropriate - Student Response

Choose TWO of the inventions listed above. Explain how the two inven- tions changed people's lives in the United States.

Invention 1:

Invention 2:

Scorer Comments:

The response does not give an acceptable explanation of how either the telephone or the automobilechanged people's lives. Both responses are too vague.

Choose TWO of the inventions listed above. Explain how the two inven- tions changed people's lives in the United States.

Invention 1:

Invention 2:

Scorer Comments:

The response repeats the names of the inventions but fails to explain how either one changed people'slives.

163. Near the end of the Second World War, the United States military dropped atomic bombs on cities in

A. ChinaB. GermanyC. JapanD. the Soviet Union



164. Who was President during the Second World War?

A. George WashingtonB. Woodrow WilsonC. Franklin RooseveltD. John Kennedy



165. In Montgomery, Alabama, African Americans were required by law to sit in the back of city buses. From 1955 to 1956, African Americans orga- nized a bus boycott, refusing to ride on the city buses. Why was the Mont- gomery bus boycott important?

A. It helped African American workers to get higher pay.B. It helped begin the modern civil rights movement.C. It forced southern bus lines to close.D. It led people to be more conscious of conserving energy.



166. The United States fought one of its longest wars, from 1964 to 1973, in

A. GermanyB. JapanC. KuwaitD. Vietnam



The following question refers to the picture below.

167. The remains of this Sinaguan cliff house tell us something about the way ancient people lived in what is now the southwestern part of the United States. Which of the activities below would be the best way to learn how the Sinaguan people lived in ancient times?

A. Study letters and diaries left in the cliff houses.B. Talk to people living near the cliff houses.C. Study tools, bones, and pottery left in the cliff houses.D. Camp out in the cliff houses for a couple of days.



The following question refers to the picture below.

168. The Sinaguan people most likely built their homes in the cliffs because

A. they did not know how to build other kinds of homesB. cliffs formed a natural barrier against enemies and the elements of natureC. it is easier to build on cliffs than in valleysD. cliffs offer a better view of the area



169. Indentured servants were different from slaves because indentured servants

A. came from the West IndiesB. were freed at the end of their termC. were paid less moneyD. did much easier work



The following question refers to Maps A and B below. Map A shows the southern colonies, and Map B shows the New England colonies.

170. Based on the maps, what is one product that the southern colonies had that the New England colonies did not have?

Why didn't the New England colonies have the product you identified? Use the maps and what you know about American history to help you answer the question.

Scoring Guide

Score & DescriptionAppropriate

The response accurately chooses one product (tobacco, rice, indigo) the New England colonies did nothave and explains why they did not have it.


The response accurately chooses one product the New England colonies did not have, but does notaccurately explain why they did not have it.


The response does not accurately choose one product the New England colonies did not have.

Appropriate - Student Response

Based on the maps, what is one product that the southern colonies had that the New England colonies did not have?

Why didn't the New England colonies have the product you identified? Use the maps and what you know about American history to help you answer the question.

Scorer Comments:

The response correctly chooses indigo as one product and explains that it was not grown in NewEngland because the climate there was too cold.

Based on the maps, what is one product that the southern colonies had that the New England colonies did not have?

Why didn't the New England colonies have the product you identified? Use the maps and what you know about American history to help you answer the question.

Scorer Comments:

The response correctly chooses tobacco as one product. The explanation that it "grows in warmerstates" was accepted even though some tobacco was grown in New England.

Partial - Student Response

Based on the maps, what is one product that the southern colonies had that the New England colonies did not have?

Why didn't the New England colonies have the product you identified? Use the maps and what you know about American history to help you answer the question.

Scorer Comments:

The response correctly lists all three products but the explanation is incorrect.

Based on the maps, what is one product that the southern colonies had that the New England colonies did not have?

Why didn't the New England colonies have the product you identified? Use the maps and what you know about American history to help you answer the question.

Scorer Comments:

The response correctly identifies rice as a product but the explanation, that New England "had toomuch cattle," is incorrect.

Inappropriate - Student Response

Based on the maps, what is one product that the southern colonies had that the New England colonies did not have?

Why didn't the New England colonies have the product you identified? Use the maps and what you know about American history to help you answer the question.

Scorer Comments:

The response does not name a specific product found on the southern colonies map that does notappear on the northern colonies map.

Based on the maps, what is one product that the southern colonies had that the New England colonies did not have?

Why didn't the New England colonies have the product you identified? Use the maps and what you know about American history to help you answer the question.

Scorer Comments:

The response lists products found in New England rather than those found in the South. Theexplanation is vague as well.

171. Sojourner Truth said these words in 1852.

I hears talk about the constitution and rights of man. I come up and I takes hold of this constitution. It looks mighty big. And I feels for my rights, but they not there.

What did Sojourner Truth want to communicate with her words?

A. Poor people did not know what was written in the Constitution.B. African Americans were not allowed to read the Constitution.C. The Constitution did not talk about the rights of African Americans.D. The Constitution needed to talk about the rights of Native Americans.



The following question refers to the painting below of a town on the western frontier.

© Museum of the City of New York, Harry T. Peters Collection

172. Look carefully at the painting of a western town shown above. Describe three specific things you see in the painting that could have made people want to become settlers in the West.




Scoring Guide

Score & DescriptionAppropriate

The response gives two or three accurate "3"-level descriptions of specific things in the painting thatcould have persuaded people to become settlers and go west.


The response gives at least one "2"-level description of a specific thing in the painting that could have

persuaded people to become settlers and go west.


The response does not give any accurate descriptions of specific things in the painting that could havepersuaded people to become settlers and go west.

Appropriate - Student Response

Look carefully at the painting of a western town shown above. Describe three specific things you see in the painting that could have made people want to become settlers in the West.




Scorer Comments:

The response describes three things from the picture that could have contributed to westernsettlement.

Look carefully at the painting of a western town shown above. Describe three specific things you see in the painting that could have made people want to become settlers in the West.




Scorer Comments:

The response offers two things from the picture (open land and transportation) that could have

contributed to western settlement. The third answer is too vague. Scoring criteria awards full credit toresponses providing two or three accurate answers.

Partial - Student Response

Look carefully at the painting of a western town shown above. Describe three specific things you see in the painting that could have made people want to become settlers in the West.




Scorer Comments:

The response provides two "2"-level answers (trains and forest), which meets the criteria for aPartial. Slightly more information is required to raise these answers to a "3"-level, e.g., "trains fortransportation" or "forest for lumber."

Look carefully at the painting of a western town shown above. Describe three specific things you see in the painting that could have made people want to become settlers in the West.




Scorer Comments:

The response contains one "3"-level description (a lot of land) and two "2"-level descriptions. The "2"-level descriptions are on the right track but need more information to raise them to "3"-level answers.

Inappropriate - Student Response

Look carefully at the painting of a western town shown above. Describe three specific things you see in the painting that could have made people want to become settlers in the West.




Scorer Comments:

The response does not provide any credited answers. The student seems to have misunderstood thetask.

Look carefully at the painting of a western town shown above. Describe three specific things you see in the painting that could have made people want to become settlers in the West.




Scorer Comments:

The response does not provide any credited descriptions. Horses and wagons could be had withoutsettling in the west, and while gold was a draw for some settlers, gold mines are not shown in thepainting.

The following question refers to the painting below of a town on the western frontier.

© Museum of the City of New York, Harry T. Peters Collection

173. Paintings like this one helped to make people want to go west. How was life on the frontier different from what the painting shows?



Scoring Guide

Score & DescriptionAcceptable

Response describes two accurate ("A"-level) ways in which frontier life differed from the experienceportrayed in the picture OR one "A"-level way and one "B"-level way.


Response describes one accurate ("A"-level) way in which frontier life differed from the experienceportrayed in the picture OR one or more "B"-level ways.


Response does not describe any way in which frontier life differed from the experience portrayed inthe picture. If an opinion is given, it is not supported with references to the lives of settlers on thefrontier.

Acceptable - Student Response

Paintings like this one helped to make people want to go west. How was life on the frontier different from what the painting shows?



Scorer Comments:

The response provides two accurate ways that life on the frontier might have been different than theway portrayed in the painting.

Paintings like this one helped to make people want to go west. How was life on the frontier different from what the painting shows?



Scorer Comments:

The response provides two accurate ways that life on the frontier might have been different than theway portrayed in the painting.

Partial - Student Response

Paintings like this one helped to make people want to go west. How was life on the frontier different from what the painting shows?



Scorer Comments:

The response provides one way that life on the frontier might have differed from the painting: slaveswere present on some portions of the frontier. The second answer is unclear.

Paintings like this one helped to make people want to go west. How was life on the frontier different from what the painting shows?



Scorer Comments:

The response gives one way that life on the frontier might have differed from the painting: many areasof the frontier were not served by a railroad. The first answer is incorrect. Land was available and wasthe primary attraction for many frontier settlers.

Inappropriate - Student Response

Paintings like this one helped to make people want to go west. How was life on the frontier different from what the painting shows?



Scorer Comments:

The response provides two answers that address relevant issues, but they are both too vague toreceive credit.

Paintings like this one helped to make people want to go west. How was life on the frontier different from what the painting shows?



Scorer Comments:

The response gives two unacceptable answers. There were both trains and telegraph lines serving thefrontier during the second half of the 19th century. To receive credit, the response needed to bespecific about chronology.

174. The purpose of the Underground Railroad was to

A. make transportation to the western frontier easierB. take Native Americans to reservations in the WestC. provide an escape route for slaves fleeing their mastersD. provide a way for European immigrants to move to the Midwest



A house divided against itself cannot stand. I believe this government cannot endure permanently half slave and half free. I do not expect the Union to be dissolved — I do not expect the house to fall — but I do expect it will cease to be divided. — Abraham Lincoln, 1858

175. What did Abraham Lincoln mean in this speech?

A. The South should be allowed to separate from the United States.B. The government should support slavery in the South.C. Sometime in the future slavery would disappear from the United States.D. Americans would not be willing to fight a war over slavery.



176. This poster wants "men of color" to fight in which war?

A. The Revolutionary WarB. The Civil WarC. The Second World WarD. The Vietnam War



Courtesy Museum of American Political Life. University of Hartford, Hartford, CT.

177. The cartoon above is about women's fight for the right to vote. The message of the cartoon is that women should not vote because if women voted

A. men would lose their jobsB. people would have too many childrenC. they would not pay enough attention to their familiesD. they would have to go fight in wars



National Archives Franklin D. Roosevelt Library

178. The photograph above shows a breadline in New York City during the Great Depression. Such breadlines were common during this period because

A. many people had little money to buy foodB. dust bowls in the West caused a shortage of wheatC. most food went to feed soldiers fighting in the Second World WarD. most farmers left their farms for jobs in the cities



The following question is based on the graph below.

179. What information is true based on the graph?

A. Military spending was higher in 1938 than in 1940.B. Military spending went up the most between 1940 and 1941.C. Military spending went up the most between 1939 and 1940.D. Military spending was the same in 1938 as it was in 1937.



The following question is based on the graph below.

180. Which event caused the largest change in military spending shown in the graph?

A. The First World WarB. The Second World WarC. The Vietnam WarD. The Korean War



181. In 1963, Martin Luther King, Jr., led a big march on Washington, D.C. called the March for Jobs and Freedom. Write down two other things that the people who marched with Martin Luther King, Jr., wanted. Do not write "jobs" or "freedom."



Scoring Guide

Score & DescriptionAppropriate.

The response gives two accurate things that supporters of King wanted.


The response gives one accurate thing that supporters of King wanted.


The response gives no accurate things that supporters of King wanted.

Appropriate. - Student Response

In 1963, Martin Luther King, Jr., led a big march on Washington, D.C. called the March for Jobs and Freedom. Write down two other things that the people who marched with Martin Luther King, Jr., wanted. Do not write "jobs" or "freedom."



Scorer Comments:

The response offers two accurate goals—school desegregation and respect—of people participating inthe March for Jobs and Freedom.

In 1963, Martin Luther King, Jr., led a big march on Washington, D.C. called the March for Jobs and Freedom. Write down two other things that the people who marched with Martin Luther King, Jr., wanted. Do not write "jobs" or "freedom."



Scorer Comments:

The response offers two accurate goals—greater community involvement and an end to discrimination—of people participating in the March for Jobs and Freedom.

Partial. - Student Response

In 1963, Martin Luther King, Jr., led a big march on Washington, D.C. called the March for Jobs and Freedom. Write down two other things that the people who marched with Martin Luther King, Jr., wanted. Do not write "jobs" or "freedom."



Scorer Comments:

The response offers one acceptable goal: not to be judged by the color of one's skin. The first answeris not specific enough to receive credit.

In 1963, Martin Luther King, Jr., led a big march on Washington, D.C. called the March for Jobs and Freedom. Write down two other things that the people who marched with Martin Luther King, Jr., wanted. Do not write "jobs" or "freedom."



Scorer Comments:

Both goals—respect and dignity—are acceptable as individual answers, but they were judged to be toosimilar to each other to count as two distinct answers.

Inappropriate. - Student Response

In 1963, Martin Luther King, Jr., led a big march on Washington, D.C. called the March for Jobs and Freedom. Write down two other things that the people who marched with Martin Luther King, Jr., wanted. Do not write "jobs" or "freedom."



Scorer Comments:

The response does not give any accurate goals. The first answer fails to specify that marchers wantedbuses to be integrated; the second is unclear about what "leave them alone" means.

In 1963, Martin Luther King, Jr., led a big march on Washington, D.C. called the March for Jobs and Freedom. Write down two other things that the people who marched with Martin Luther King, Jr., wanted. Do not write "jobs" or "freedom."



Scorer Comments:

The response provides two unacceptable answers. The first is historically inaccurate, and the secondrepeats the prompt.

182. When workers strike against the company they work for, they refuse to work for a period of time.

Give two reasons why people go on strike. Be specific in your answer.



Scoring Guide

Score & DescriptionAppropriate

The response gives two accurate reasons why people go out on strike.


The response gives one accurate reason why people go out on strike.


The response gives no accurate reasons why people go out on strike.

Appropriate - Student Response

When workers strike against the company they work for, they refuse to work for a period of time.

Give two reasons why people go on strike. Be specific in your answer.



Scorer Comments:

The response gives two specific, accurate reasons workers go on strike.

When workers strike against the company they work for, they refuse to work for a period of time.

Give two reasons why people go on strike. Be specific in your answer.



Scorer Comments:

The response gives two specific, accurate reasons workers go on strike.

Partial - Student Response

When workers strike against the company they work for, they refuse to work for a period of time.

Give two reasons why people go on strike. Be specific in your answer.



Scorer Comments:

The response gives one specific, accurate reason workers go on strike (pay), but the second answer istoo vague to receive credit.

When workers strike against the company they work for, they refuse to work for a period of time.

Give two reasons why people go on strike. Be specific in your answer.



Scorer Comments:

The response gives one specific, accurate reason workers go on strike (benefits), but the secondanswer is too vague to receive credit.

Inappropriate - Student Response

When workers strike against the company they work for, they refuse to work for a period of time.

Give two reasons why people go on strike. Be specific in your answer.



Scorer Comments:

The response does not give any specific, accurate reasons why workers go on strike.

When workers strike against the company they work for, they refuse to work for a period of time.

Give two reasons why people go on strike. Be specific in your answer.



Scorer Comments:

The response does not give any specific, accurate reasons why workers go on strike.

183. Directly on the world map above, circle two countries where the United States has sent soldiers to fight a war.

Then in the space below explain why the United States sent people to fight in the two places that you circled.Place 1

Place 2

Scoring Guide

Score & DescriptionComplete

The response correctly identifies two countries where the United States has sent soldiers to war. Itspecifically explains why the United States sent troops to fight in the wars they have identified. (2countries and 2 complete explanations)


The response correctly identifies two countries. It gives a correct explanation for only one country ORthe explanations for two countries are correct, but vague, such as "to preserve freedom". (2 countriesplus 2 vague or 1 complete with or without vague)


The response correctly identifies one or two countries without giving any (or any correct) explanationsof why the U.S. was at war. (The highest possible score for one country with a correct explanation.)


The response does not correctly identify a county where the U.S. was at war or give any explanation.

Complete - Student Response

Directly on the world map above, circle two countries where the United States has sent soldiers to fight a war.

Then in the space below explain why the United States sent people to fight in the two places that you circled.

Place 1

Place 2

Scorer Comments:

The response identifies two countries to which the U.S. has sent troops to fight a war (Mexico in theMexican War and Iraq in the First Gulf War) and correctly explains why.

Directly on the world map above, circle two countries where the United States has sent soldiers to fight a war.

Then in the space below explain why the United States sent people to fight in the two places that you circled.

Place 1

Place 2

Scorer Comments:

The response identifies two countries to which the U.S. has sent soldiers to fight a war (Germany inWW II and Iraq in the Iraq War) and explains why the troops were sent.

Essential - Student Response

Directly on the world map above, circle two countries where the United States has sent soldiers to fight a war.

Then in the space below explain why the United States sent people to fight in the two places that you circled.

Place 1

Place 2

Scorer Comments:

The response correctly identifies two countries to which the U.S. has sent troops to fight a war. ForIraq, the oil explanation is acceptable. The explanation for Vietnam is too vague.

Directly on the world map above, circle two countries where the United States has sent soldiers to fight a war.

Then in the space below explain why the United States sent people to fight in the two places that you circled.

Place 1

Place 2

Scorer Comments:

The response correctly identifies two countries to which the U.S. has sent troops to fight a war. Theexplanation for Iraq is acceptable but the explanation for Germany is incorrect and does not specifyWorld War II.

Partial - Student Response

Directly on the world map above, circle two countries where the United States has sent soldiers to fight a war.

Then in the space below explain why the United States sent people to fight in the two places that you circled.

Place 1

Place 2

Scorer Comments:

The response identifies two creditable countries but both explanations are incorrect. The U.S. has notsent soldiers to Britain to fight the British or to China to extract financial aid.

Directly on the world map above, circle two countries where the United States has sent soldiers to fight a war.

Then in the space below explain why the United States sent people to fight in the two places that you circled.

Place 1

Scorer Comments:

The response identifies one country to which the U.S. has sent troops to fight a war. The explanationis incorrect.

Inappropriate - Student Response

Directly on the world map above, circle two countries where the United States has sent soldiers to fight a war.

Then in the space below explain why the United States sent people to fight in the

two places that you circled.

Place 1

Scorer Comments:

This response does not correctly identify any countries where the U.S. has sent troops.

Directly on the world map above, circle two countries where the United States has sent soldiers to fight a war.

Scorer Comments:

The response has circled two large areas on the map, one of which contains most of Europe and theother much of East Asia. Without any further indication in the response about which countries arebeing selected, no credit can be given.

The Image Bank

184. The structures in the photograph above were built to be

A. the palace of an American Indian tribal chieftainB. homes for several hundred American IndiansC. a fortress for the protection of Spanish settlersD. a religious center for European missionaries



185. The first permanent English settlement in North America was

A. St. AugustineB. Santa Fe C. Jamestown

D. New Amsterdam



186. You are writing a report about the kinds of work that people did during the Amer- ican Revolution. You cannot find enough information in any of your social studies books. What other sources could you use to get information? Name three different sources.




Scoring Guide

Score & DescriptionAppropriate

The response correctly identifies three appropriate sources of information.


The response correctly identifies one or two sources. Other sources are incorrect or absent. Examplesof incorrect sources are: film or videos from the time; interviews with people alive at time; socialstudies books; books.


The response mentions no source that is usable or relevant.

Appropriate - Student Response

You are writing a report about the kinds of work that people did during the Amer- ican Revolution. You cannot find enough information in any of your social studies books. What other sources could you use to get information? Name three different sources.




Scorer Comments:

The response identifies three acceptable sources of information: library books, internet, encyclopedia.

You are writing a report about the kinds of work that people did during the Amer- ican Revolution. You cannot find enough information in any of your social studies books. What other sources could you use to get information? Name three different sources.




Scorer Comments:

The response identifies three acceptable sources of information: internet, library books, oldnewspapers.

Partial - Student Response

You are writing a report about the kinds of work that people did during the Amer- ican Revolution. You cannot find enough information in any of your social studies books. What other sources could you use to get information? Name three different sources.




Scorer Comments:

The response identifies two correct sources. "Computer" is not specific enough for credit; responsemust refer directly to a source that can be accessed on the computer or via computer, like theinternet, CD-ROM, encyclopedia, or database.

You are writing a report about the kinds of work that people did during the Amer- ican Revolution. You cannot find enough information in any of your social studies books. What other sources could you use to get information? Name three different sources.




Scorer Comments:

The response identifies two correct sources. "Ask someone" is not specific enough to receive credit.

Inappropriate - Student Response

You are writing a report about the kinds of work that people did during the Amer- ican Revolution. You cannot find enough information in any of your social studies books. What other sources could you use to get information? Name three different sources.




Scorer Comments:

The response does not correctly identify any sources.

You are writing a report about the kinds of work that people did during the Amer- ican Revolution. You cannot find enough information in any of your social studies books. What other sources could you use to get information? Name three different





Scorer Comments:

The response lists kinds of work people did during the Revolution instead of identifying sources ofinformation about the topic.

187. Four events are listed below.

A Colonists meet in Philadelphia and declare independence.

B Roanoke Island is settled by English settlers.

C George Washington becomes the first President.

D English Parliament passes Stamp Act.

Write the letters that are next to the four events in the circles on the time line below in the order that the events happened, from earliest to latest. Be sure that you put only one letter in each circle.

Scoring Guide

Score & DescriptionAppropriate

The response places all events in correct chronological order: B - D - A - C.


The response fails to place the events in the correct chronological order.

Inappropriate - Student Response

Four events are listed below.

Scorer Comments:

The question is scored as either correct or incorrect. The response reverses the order of events A andD and so is scored as incorrect.

188. Which group of Americans followed what has become known as the "Trail of Tears" when they were forced to leave their homes?

A. Japanese AmericansB. Irish AmericansC. Cherokee IndiansD. Mormons



The following question refers to the excerpt from the speech below.

. . . we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain; that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom; and that govern- ment of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth. — Abraham Lincoln's Gettysburg Address, 1863

189. When Lincoln talked about "these dead" he was referring to

A. soldiers killed in a Civil War battleB. workers who died building the railroadC. slaves killed while trying to escapeD. women killed while working as nurses in the Civil War



The following question refers to the excerpt from the speech below.

. . . we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain; that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom; and that govern- ment of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth. — Abraham Lincoln's Gettysburg Address, 1863

190. Why did Lincoln think that the nation was in danger?

Scoring Guide

Score & DescriptionAppropriate

The response indicates that the Civil War was a threat to the nation by specifically referring to the splitbetween the North and the South.


The response mentions the Civil War, but does not fully make the link between the war and the threatto the nation.

OR response mentions Civil War but contains a significant inaccuracy.

OR the response mentions split but does not mention Civil War.


The response does not explain why the nation was in danger.

Appropriate - Student Response

Why did Lincoln think that the nation was in danger?

Scorer Comments:

The response correctly explains that the nation was in danger from sectional conflict and the resultingconstitutional crisis.

Why did Lincoln think that the nation was in danger?

Scorer Comments:

The response correctly points to the Civil War and secession as the dangers of concern to Lincoln.

Partial - Student Response

Why did Lincoln think that the nation was in danger?

Scorer Comments:

The response correctly suggests that there was a Civil War going on ("people from the same countrywere fighting") but does not specify the sectional nature of the conflict.

Why did Lincoln think that the nation was in danger?

Scorer Comments:

The response explains that there was a sectional division but does not mention there was a Civil Warin progress.

Inappropriate - Student Response

Why did Lincoln think that the nation was in danger?

Scorer Comments:

The response offers only generalities, failing to mention the Civil War or the division between Northand South.

Why did Lincoln think that the nation was in danger?

Scorer Comments:

The response incorrectly suggests that Lincoln believed the nation to be in danger because it wasbeing attacked from outside.

191. On the map above, the shaded area shows

A. free statesB. slave statesC. eastern statesD. northern states



Caufield & Shook Collection, Photographic Archives, University of Louisville

192. The women in the photograph above were suffragists. Suffragists believed that women should

A. not work outside the homeB. wear long skirtsC. all be RepublicansD. have the right to vote



The following question is about the map below.

193. Describe two ways that the western United States changed after the transconti- nental (or cross-country) railroads were built. You can use the map to help you answer the question.



Scoring Guide

Score & DescriptionAppropriate

The answer explains two ways the western United States changed after the transcontinental railroadwas built.


The answer explains one way the railroad affected the West. Another reason, if present, is inaccurate.


The answer does not describe any significant effect of railroads on the West.

Appropriate - Student Response

Describe two ways that the western United States changed after the transconti- nental (or cross-country) railroads were built. You can use the map to help you answer the question.



Scorer Comments:

The response explains two ways that the transcontinental railroads affected life in the western U.S.

Describe two ways that the western United States changed after the transconti- nental (or cross-country) railroads were built. You can use the map to help you answer the question.



Scorer Comments:

The response explains two ways that the transcontinental railroads affected life in the western U.S.

Partial - Student Response

Describe two ways that the western United States changed after the transconti- nental (or cross-country) railroads were built. You can use the map to help you answer the question.



Scorer Comments:

The response explains one way that the transcontinental railroads affected life in the west (fastertransportation) but makes the same point in both parts.

Describe two ways that the western United States changed after the transconti- nental (or cross-country) railroads were built. You can use the map to help you answer the question.



Scorer Comments:

The response is difficult to understand but makes one creditable point—that transportation becameeasier—in the second part.

Inappropriate - Student Response

Describe two ways that the western United States changed after the transconti- nental (or cross-country) railroads were built. You can use the map to help you answer the question.



Scorer Comments:

The response does not explain any ways that the transcontinental railroads changed life in the westernU.S. The railroads did contribute to the formation and growth of new states, but the first answer doesnot make that point.

Describe two ways that the western United States changed after the transconti- nental (or cross-country) railroads were built. You can use the map to help you answer the question.



Scorer Comments:

The response is too brief to provide an acceptable answer to the question.

The following question is about the map below.

194. How did the building of the railroad system shown on the map affect the city of Chicago?

A. Chicago became smaller because the railroads allowed many people to leave.

B. Chicago became poorer because more trade moved to the southern states.

C. Chicago became an important transportation center because of its central position in the railroad system.

D. The railroads allowed Chicago to conduct more trade with Europe than any other city in the country conducted.



— Telephone — Refrigerator — Automobile — Television

195. Choose TWO of the inventions listed above. Explain how the two inven- tions changed people's lives in the United States.

Invention 1:

Invention 2:

Scoring Guide

Score & DescriptionAppropriate

The response identifies two items and explains how these inventions changed life. (For example -"made communication faster" is acceptable; "made it better" is not.)


The response identifies one or two inventions, but only explains how one of the inventions changedlife. For example, it might say "refrigerators let people keep food cold." "T.V. something to do".


The response may or may not identify an invention, and provides no accurate explanation of how theinvention changed life. Or the response defines what one of the inventions does.

Appropriate - Student Response

Choose TWO of the inventions listed above. Explain how the two inven- tions changed people's lives in the United States.

Invention 1:

Invention 2:

Scorer Comments:

The response accurately explains how two of the inventions changed people's lives.

Choose TWO of the inventions listed above. Explain how the two inven- tions changed people's lives in the United States.

Invention 1:

Invention 2:

Scorer Comments:

The response accurately explains how two of the inventions changed people's lives.

Partial - Student Response

Choose TWO of the inventions listed above. Explain how the two inven- tions changed people's lives in the United States.

Invention 1:

Invention 2:

Scorer Comments:

The response accurately explains how television changed people's lives, but the explanation for

automobiles is too general.

Choose TWO of the inventions listed above. Explain how the two inven- tions changed people's lives in the United States.

Invention 1:

Invention 2:

Scorer Comments:

The response accurately explains how automobiles changed people's lives, but the explanation fortelevision, while allowable for partial credit, is too vague to constitute a "complete" answer.

Inappropriate - Student Response

Choose TWO of the inventions listed above. Explain how the two inven- tions changed people's lives in the United States.

Invention 1:

Invention 2:

Scorer Comments:

The response does not give an acceptable explanation of how either the telephone or the automobilechanged people's lives. Both responses are too vague.

Choose TWO of the inventions listed above. Explain how the two inven- tions changed people's lives in the United States.

Invention 1:

Invention 2:

Scorer Comments:

The response repeats names of the inventions but fails to explain how either one changed people'slives.

196. Near the end of the Second World War, the United States military dropped atomic bombs on cities in

A. ChinaB. GermanyC. JapanD. the Soviet Union



197. Who was President during the Second World War?

A. George WashingtonB. Woodrow WilsonC. Franklin RooseveltD. John Kennedy



198. In Montgomery, Alabama, African Americans were required by law to sit in the back of city buses. From 1955 to 1956, African Americans orga- nized a bus boycott, refusing to ride on the city buses. Why was the Mont- gomery bus boycott important?

A. It helped African American workers to get higher pay.B. It helped begin the modern civil rights movement.C. It forced southern bus lines to close.D. It led people to be more conscious of conserving energy.



199. The United States fought one of its longest wars, from 1964 to 1973, in

A. GermanyB. JapanC. KuwaitD. Vietnam



200. The most powerful social class in Spain's American colonies in the 1500's was composed of people

A. of mixed Spanish and Indian ancestryB. of Mexican ancestryC. of Spanish ancestry born in AmericaD. born in Spain



201. Anne Hutchinson was banished from Massachusetts in 1637 because she

A. wanted women to have the right to voteB. expressed religious beliefs that threatened Puritan leadersC. tried to start a separate colony called Rhode IslandD. refused to marry and have children



202. What impact did the Anti-Federalists have on the United States Constitution?

A. Their arguments helped lead to the adoption of the Bill of Rights.B. Their arguments helped lead to the abolition of the slave trade.C. Their influence ensured that the federal government would maintain a

standing army.D. Their influence ensured that the federal government would have the power

to tax.



203. At the Constitutional Convention in 1787, the large states and the small states disagreed with eachother about how the new government should be structured.

Identify the most important issue that large and small states disagreed about.

Explain how this issue was resolved by the Connecticut (Great) Compromise.

Scoring Guide

Score & DescriptionAppropriate

The response identifies the disagreement that was resolved by the Connecticut (Great)CompromiseAND explains how the Connecticut Compromise resolved the disagreement.


The response identifies the disagreement that was resolved by the Connecticut (Great)Compromise butdoes NOT explain how the Compromise resolved the disagreement


the response does not identify what the disagreement was but does explain how it was resolved by theConnecticut Compromise.


The response neither correctly explains what the debate was about nor correctly explains itsresolution.

Appropriate - Student Response

At the Constitutional Convention in 1787, the large states and the small states disagreed with eachother about how the new government should be structured.

Identify the most important issue that large and small states disagreed about.

Explain how this issue was resolved by the Connecticut (Great) Compromise.

Scorer Comments:

The response correctly identifies that the disagreement was over representation in Congress andexplains how the Connecticut Compromise resolved the disagreement.

At the Constitutional Convention in 1787, the large states and the small states disagreed with eachother about how the new government should be structured.

Identify the most important issue that large and small states disagreed about.

Explain how this issue was resolved by the Connecticut (Great) Compromise.

Scorer Comments:

The response correctly identifies that the disagreement was about the relative power large and smallstates would hold in the new government and explains how the Connecticut Compromise resolved theissue.

Partial - Student Response

At the Constitutional Convention in 1787, the large states and the small states disagreed with eachother about how the new government should be structured.

Identify the most important issue that large and small states disagreed about.

Explain how this issue was resolved by the Connecticut (Great) Compromise.

Scorer Comments:

The response correctly identifies that the disagreement was over power in the new legislature, but itincorrectly explains that each state would get one vote in the Senate and fails to mention anythingabout the House of Representatives.

At the Constitutional Convention in 1787, the large states and the small states disagreed with eachother about how the new government should be structured.

Identify the most important issue that large and small states disagreed about.

Explain how this issue was resolved by the Connecticut (Great) Compromise.

Scorer Comments:

The response is not very strong, but it does indicate that the disagreement was over howrepresentation would be determined. That was sufficient to receive partial credit. The second part ofthe response is too vague.

Inappropriate - Student Response

At the Constitutional Convention in 1787, the large states and the small states disagreed with eachother about how the new government should be structured.

Identify the most important issue that large and small states disagreed about.

Explain how this issue was resolved by the Connecticut (Great) Compromise.

Scorer Comments:

The response incorrectly identifies the Connecticut Compromise as being about taxation.

At the Constitutional Convention in 1787, the large states and the small states disagreed with eachother about how the new government should be structured.

Identify the most important issue that large and small states disagreed about.

Explain how this issue was resolved by the Connecticut (Great) Compromise.

Scorer Comments:

The response incorrectly identifies the Connecticut Compromise as being about boundaries andterritories.

204. What was a major effect of the introduction of the cotton gin?

A. A decline in the southern slave population

B. A decline in the size of southern farmsC. An increase in cotton productionD. An increase in the import of manufactured goods



The following question refers to the map below.

205. The map shows the route for the expedition of

A. Henry HudsonB. Lewis and ClarkC. Zebulon PikeD. Mason and Dixon



The following question refers to the map below.

206. The expedition whose route is shown above was undertaken to explore the

A. lands taken in the Mexican WarB. lands taken from England in the War of 1812C. Louisiana PurchaseD. Gadsden Purchase



207. Gabriel Prosser, Denmark Vesey, Nat Turner, and Joseph Cinque were all

A. soldiers in the American RevolutionB. merchants who were involved in the triangular tradeC. authors who described slave conditionsD. leaders of slave rebellions



208. Throughout the early to mid-1800's, the Lowell factory system primarily employed

A. married womenB. married menC. single womenD. single men



209. Which statement best describes the treatment of American Indians living east of the Mississippi River between 1800 and 1850?

A. Most were forced to move west of the Mississippi River.B. Most were forced to work as slaves on plantations.C. They were encouraged to become American citizens.D. They were forced onto reservations in the eastern half of the country.



210. Susan B. Anthony was a leader of the movement to

A. guarantee women the right to vote in national electionsB. guarantee former slaves the right to voteC. ensure that harsher laws against criminals were passedD. reduce the authority of the Constitution of the United States



Question 12 refers to the photograph below.

The New York Times

211. What social policy is reflected in the photograph?

Identify one consequence of this policy for African Americans.

Scoring Guide

Score & DescriptionAppropriate

The response indicates that the policy was segregation AND identifies one consequence of the policyfor African Americans.


The response indicates that the policy was segregation OR more generally notes that the policy wasdiscriminatory or racist. The response does not identify any consequences of the policy for AfricanAmericans.


The response does not indicate either that the policy was segregation or note that the policy wasdiscriminatory or racist. The response does not identify any consequences of the policy for AfricanAmericans.

Appropriate - Student Response

What social policy is reflected in the photograph?

Identify one consequence of this policy for African Americans.

Scorer Comments:

The response correctly points out that the policy was the Jim Crow laws and notes consequences ofpoor treatment and protest.

What social policy is reflected in the photograph?

Identify one consequence of this policy for African Americans.

Scorer Comments:

The response correctly identifies the policy of segregation and notes the consequence of unequalrights.

Partial - Student Response

What social policy is reflected in the photograph?

Identify one consequence of this policy for African Americans.

Scorer Comments:

The response correctly identifies the policy of segregation, but the consequence offered is vague.

What social policy is reflected in the photograph?

Identify one consequence of this policy for African Americans.

Scorer Comments:

The response correctly identifies the policy as segregation, but the consequence offered merely definessegregation.

Inappropriate - Student Response

What social policy is reflected in the photograph?

Identify one consequence of this policy for African Americans.

Scorer Comments:

The response does not indicate a social policy, and the consequence described is vague.

What social policy is reflected in the photograph?

Identify one consequence of this policy for African Americans.

Scorer Comments:

The response does not offer a social policy but instead describes (inaccurately) the situation presentedin the photograph.


Period Southern and EasternEurope

1901 -1910 6,225,981

1911 -1920 3,379,126

1921 -1930 1,193,830

212. Briefly identify the pattern of southern- and eastern-European migration between 1901 and 1930 shown in the table above.

Give one reason why this pattern occurred.

Scoring Guide

Score & DescriptionAppropriate

The response indicates that immigration declined between 1911-1930 AND explains why: EITHERbecause of restrictive immigration laws OR because of World War I OR both.


The response states that immigration declined between 1911-1930, but does not explain why, ORexplains why immigration declined without identifying trend.


The response does not indicate that immigration declined between 1911-1930 or explain a cause ofthe decline.

Appropriate - Student Response

Briefly identify the pattern of southern- and eastern-European migration between 1901 and 1930 shown in the table above.

Give one reason why this pattern occurred.

Scorer Comments:

The response provides brief but accurate answers to both parts of the question.

Briefly identify the pattern of southern- and eastern-European migration between 1901 and 1930 shown in the table above.

Give one reason why this pattern occurred.

Scorer Comments:

The response provides acceptable answers to both parts of the question. In the first part, the trend is

correct even though the decline from the 1910s to the 1920s was two million, not three million asstated. Credit was awarded for the second part because it suggests, though it does not say explicitly,that the government restricted immigration.

Partial - Student Response

Briefly identify the pattern of southern- and eastern-European migration between 1901 and 1930 shown in the table above.

Give one reason why this pattern occurred.

Scorer Comments:

The response receives partial credit for its accurate answer to the first part. The reason offered for thedecline in immigration is incorrect.

Briefly identify the pattern of southern- and eastern-European migration between 1901 and 1930 shown in the table above.

Give one reason why this pattern occurred.

Scorer Comments:

The response receives credit for its basic, but correct, answer to the first part. The reason is notcreditable.

Inappropriate - Student Response

Briefly identify the pattern of southern- and eastern-European migration between 1901 and 1930 shown in the table above.

Give one reason why this pattern occurred.

Scorer Comments:

The response shows an unclear reading of the table, and the reason offered suggests that U.S.immigration should have been increasing rather than decreasing.

Briefly identify the pattern of southern- and eastern-European migration between 1901 and 1930 shown in the table above.

Give one reason why this pattern occurred.

Scorer Comments:

The response shows a misreading of the graph and fails to identify a trend. The reason offered doesnot address the trend in immigration.

213. The Monroe Doctrine, the Good Neighbor Policy, and the Alliance for Progress were all United States foreign policy positions relating directly to

A. Latin AmericaB. AfricaC. the Middle EastD. China




214. What event is depicted in the photograph above?

How was American foreign policy influenced by the event depicted in the photograph? Explain, using one example.

Scoring Guide

Score & DescriptionAppropriate

The response identifies the event as the tearing down of the Berlin Wall AND provides one example toexplain how American foreign policy was affected by the destruction of the Wall or the end of the ColdWar more generally.


The response identifies the event but offers no explanation of how American foreign policy wasaffected by the destruction of the Wall or the end of the Cold War more generally.


The response does not identify the event correctly, does not explain how American policy was affectedby the destruction of the Wall or the end of the Cold War, and gives no examples.

Appropriate - Student Response

What event is depicted in the photograph above?

How was American foreign policy influenced by the event depicted in the photograph? Explain, using one example.

Scorer Comments:

The response correctly identifies the event in the photograph and gives an impact of the event on U.S.foreign policy.

What event is depicted in the photograph above?

How was American foreign policy influenced by the event depicted in the photograph? Explain, using one example.

Scorer Comments:

The response correctly identifies the event in the photograph and gives an impact of the event on U.S.foreign policy.

Partial - Student Response

What event is depicted in the photograph above?

How was American foreign policy influenced by the event depicted in the photograph? Explain, using one example.

Scorer Comments:

The response identifies the event but does not explain correctly how it influenced U.S. foreign policy.

What event is depicted in the photograph above?

How was American foreign policy influenced by the event depicted in the photograph? Explain, using one example.

Scorer Comments:

The response correctly identifies the event but the answer to the second part does not address anaspect of U.S. foreign policy.

Inappropriate - Student Response

What event is depicted in the photograph above?

How was American foreign policy influenced by the event depicted in the photograph? Explain, using one example.

Scorer Comments:

The response incorrectly identifies the event and U.S. foreign policy.

What event is depicted in the photograph above?

How was American foreign policy influenced by the event depicted in the photograph? Explain, using one example.

Scorer Comments:

The response gives only a vague description of the event.

215. The Great Society programs of the 1960's were primarily based on the idea that

A. American society was hopelessly flawedB. the federal government should play an active role in promoting social welfareC. the poor needed to work harder in order to succeedD. the federal government lacked the authority to help the poor



"For we must consider that we shall be as a city upon a hill, the eyes of all people are upon us. So if we deal falsely with our God in this work we have undertaken, and so cause Him to withdraw His present help from us, we shall open the mouths of enemies to speak evil of the ways of God. . . ."

— John Winthrop, governor of the Massachusetts Bay Colony, 1631

216. Using the quotation and your knowledge of history, describe the Puritans' main goal in founding their community in the Americas.

Scoring Guide

Score & DescriptionAppropriate

The response clearly describes one of the Puritans' main goals in America, referring to the quoteand/or to history.


The response correctly identifies the Puritan community as a religious community, but does not includespecifics from the quote or history that give a description of the main goal.

OR, the response may interpret the quote correctly but may draw inaccurate conclusions (e.g., "thePuritans wanted everybody to be free to worship as they pleased.")


The response does not accurately describe any aspects or goals of the Puritan community or repeatsthe words in the question without discussion.

Appropriate - Student Response

Using the quotation and your knowledge of history, describe the Puritans' main goal in founding their community in the Americas.

Scorer Comments:

The response describes one of the Puritans' main goals in America with supporting information.

Using the quotation and your knowledge of history, describe the Puritans' main goal in founding their community in the Americas.

Scorer Comments:

The response describes one of the Puritans' main goals in America with supporting information.

Partial - Student Response

Using the quotation and your knowledge of history, describe the Puritans' main goal in founding their community in the Americas.

Scorer Comments:

The response identifies an acceptable goal but does not provide any supporting information.

Using the quotation and your knowledge of history, describe the Puritans' main goal in founding their community in the Americas.

Scorer Comments:

The response identifies an acceptable goal but does not provide any supporting information.

Inappropriate - Student Response

Using the quotation and your knowledge of history, describe the Puritans' main goal in founding their community in the Americas.

Scorer Comments:

The response gives an inaccurate description of a main Puritan goal in founding their community inAmerica.

Using the quotation and your knowledge of history, describe the Puritans' main goal in founding their community in the Americas.

Scorer Comments:

The response does not provide an accurate description of Puritans' goals in America.

"There passed by here about 200 men who marched down to the powder- house, took the gunpowder, and carried it into the other town and hid it. The reason they gave for taking it was that we had so many Tories here, they dared not trust the town with the gunpowder." — Abigail Adams

217. The quotation above provides evidence for which statement?

A. Abigail Adams was a supporter of the British.B. British soldiers stole gunpowder from Abigail Adams' town.C. Many people in Abigail Adams' town did not support the Revolution.D. A large number of American soldiers were quartered in Abigail Adams' town.



"We may indeed be said to have reached almost the last stage of national humiliation. Do we owe debts to foreigners, and to our own citizens, contracted in a time of peril? These remain without any proper provision for their repayment. Have we valuable territories in the possession of a foreign power, which ought long since to have been surrendered? Are we in a condi-

tion to repel aggression? We have neither troops, nor treasury, nor govern- ment." — A criticism of the Articles of Confederation made by Alexander Hamilton in 1787

218. Hamilton said that "We have neither troops, nor treasury, nor govern- ment" in part because the Articles of Confederation did not give the

A. central government the power to protect the rights of slaveholdersB. central government the power to taxC. states the power to make treaties with other countriesD. states the power to raise troops for war



219. In the first half of the nineteenth century, which of the following led to the increasing democratization of the United States political system?

A. Most states extended the right to vote to women and free African Americans.

B. Limitations were placed on the power of the Supreme Court.C. The importance of the electoral college increased.D. Many states reduced or eliminated property qualifications for voting.



220. What was the main issue in the debates between Abraham Lincoln and Stephen A. Douglas in 1858?

A. Is slavery morally wrong?B. Should slavery be allowed to expand to new territories?C. Do Southern states have the constitutional right to leave the Union?D. Are free African Americans citizens of the United States?



221. The "Black Codes" passed in the South early in the Reconstruction era were designed to

A. restrict the rights of former slavesB. guarantee a minimum wage for former slavesC. force former slaves to move to cities and work in industry

D. offer financial assistance to African Americans who had fought for the Confed- eracy during the Civil War



222. Which sentence best states the central belief of late nineteenth-century Social Darwinists?

A. Members of any species survive in large part because of cooperation among members of that species, and humans should follow this natural model.

B. All men and women are created with equal abilities and should, there- fore, have equal rights.

C. Modern forms of social organization, work, and family life have alien- ated workers from their labor.

D. Some people or nations are more fit to survive than others and will naturally and rightly dominate.



223. Why did the liquor industry oppose women getting the right to vote?

A. Liquor manufacturers tended to be very conservative and opposed any change in voting laws.

B. Liquor manufacturers worried that women voters would want to ban alcohol.

C. Women tended to work for liquor manufacturers, who did not want them taking time off to get involved in politics.

D. Liquor manufacturers owned "men-only" bars and worried that women would vote to make such bars illegal.



The following question refers to the photograph below.

224. The women in the photograph are probably demonstrating in favor of

A. the right to voteB. the role of unions in improving working conditionsC. United States involvement in Latin AmericaD. imposing new tariffs on imported goods



The following question refers to the photograph below.

225. The photograph was probably taken in a

A. southern city in the 1880'sB. western city in the 1900'sC. northeastern city in the 1910'sD. political convention in the 1980's



Library of Congress

226. What does the cartoon above suggest about the attitudes of some Ameri- cans toward President Woodrow Wilson's plan for the United States to join the League of Nations?

A. Some Americans believed that his plan would violate the United States Constitution.

B. Some Americans believed that the United States was too weak to participate in the League of Nations.

C. Wilson's plan would lead the United States to lose its world leadership role.

D. Wilson's plan was unfair to the countries that lost the First World War.



227. Create a thesis statement about the way the changes shown in the table above affected everyday life between 1900 and 1928.

Now use the information in the table to help prove your thesis.

Scoring Guide

Score & DescriptionComplete

The response creates a thesis about the role of technology or consumerism in everyday life as well aswider range of goods available in discussing changes in everyday life and uses evidence in the table oroutside knowledge appropriately to support the thesis. An example of an appropriate thesis might be:"Between 1900 and 1928, technological advances improved the standard of living of Americanfamilies." Responses may address increases in prosperity during the period covered by the table, aswell as the wider range of goods available in discussing changes in everyday life.


The thesis statement is weaker than that of a "4", (for example, "Life changed a lot between 1900 and1928.") but is supported with the table or with historical knowledge.

OR, the response doesn't give supporting evidence for a thesis statement that does successfully linkchanges in technology and/or increased prosperity with the standard of living.


The response is a simple thesis unsupported by evidence in the table or is supported by a misreadingof the table or by incorrect historical information.

OR, The thesis statement is not made separately but is embedded in the supporting evidence.


The response gives a thesis statement that cannot be supported by the table. It shows no knowledgeor ability to interpret the table.

Complete - Student Response

Create a thesis statement about the way the changes shown in the table above affected everyday life between 1900 and 1928.

Now use the information in the table to help prove your thesis.

Scorer Comments:

The response offers a reasonable thesis statement about leisure and cost of living and supports it withevidence from the table.

Create a thesis statement about the way the changes shown in the table above affected everyday life between 1900 and 1928.

Now use the information in the table to help prove your thesis.

Scorer Comments:

The response offers a reasonable thesis statement about advances in technology and the standard ofliving and supports it with evidence from the table.

Essential - Student Response

Create a thesis statement about the way the changes shown in the table above affected everyday life between 1900 and 1928.

Now use the information in the table to help prove your thesis.

Scorer Comments:

The response gives a thesis statement that, while pointing out the technological shift, does not clearlyexpress an impact on people's lives. The evidence speaks to the narrowly posed thesis statement.

Create a thesis statement about the way the changes shown in the table above affected everyday life between 1900 and 1928.

Now use the information in the table to help prove your thesis.

Scorer Comments:

Though not very clearly expressed, the thesis statement suggests an improvement in the standard ofliving. The evidence is mixed, with only the reference to washing machines really supporting the thesis.

Partial - Student Response

Create a thesis statement about the way the changes shown in the table above affected everyday life between 1900 and 1928.

Now use the information in the table to help prove your thesis.

Scorer Comments:

The response provides a simple and rather vague thesis statement; the evidence is a listing of pricesnot well connected to the thesis.

Create a thesis statement about the way the changes shown in the table above affected everyday life between 1900 and 1928.

Now use the information in the table to help prove your thesis.

Scorer Comments:

The response offers a vague thesis. The "evidence" offered is additional conclusions rather than

specific information drawn from the tables.

Inappropriate - Student Response

Create a thesis statement about the way the changes shown in the table above affected everyday life between 1900 and 1928.

Now use the information in the table to help prove your thesis.

Scorer Comments:

The thesis statement is too vague to receive any credit.

Create a thesis statement about the way the changes shown in the table above affected everyday life between 1900 and 1928.

Now use the information in the table to help prove your thesis.

Scorer Comments:

The response gives a confusing thesis statement that fails to recognize the difference in the types ofexpenditures and focuses entirely on the issue of price.

228. In 1935 and 1936 the Supreme Court declared that important parts of the New Deal were unconstitutional. President Roosevelt responded by threat- ening to

A. impeach several Supreme Court justicesB. eliminate the Supreme CourtC. appoint additional Supreme Court justices who shared his viewsD. override the Supreme Court's decisions by gaining three-fourths majori-

ties in both houses of Congress



229. Identify a significant factor that led to United States involvement in the Korean war.

Explain why this factor was significant.

Scoring Guide

Score & DescriptionAppropriate

The response identifies an important factor leading to U.S. involvement in Korea. The answer explainswhy the factor selected led to the U.S. involvement.


The response identifies a factor that may have led to U.S. involvement, but the explanation is weak orerroneous.


The response does not correctly identify any factors that led to U.S. involvement in Korea.

Appropriate - Student Response

Identify a significant factor that led to United States involvement in the Korean war.

Explain why this factor was significant.

Scorer Comments:

The response gives an important reason for U.S. involvement in Korea and explains why it wasimportant.

Identify a significant factor that led to United States involvement in the Korean war.

Explain why this factor was significant.

Scorer Comments:

The response gives an important factor that led to U.S. involvement in Korea and explains why it wasimportant.

Partial - Student Response

Identify a significant factor that led to United States involvement in the Korean war.

Explain why this factor was significant.

Scorer Comments:

The response identifies "communism" as a factor that led to U.S. involvement in Korea, but theexplanation is weak, failing to tie the issue of communism to the Korean conflict.

Identify a significant factor that led to United States involvement in the Korean war.

Explain why this factor was significant.

Scorer Comments:

The response correctly identifies "the threat of communism" as a significant factor, but the explanation

then leaves the international context to mention the domestic "red scare" without tying them together.

Inappropriate - Student Response

Identify a significant factor that led to United States involvement in the Korean war.

Explain why this factor was significant.

Scorer Comments:

The responses to both parts of the question are vague and devoid of historical context.

Identify a significant factor that led to United States involvement in the Korean war.

Explain why this factor was significant.

Scorer Comments:

The response gives unacceptable answers to both parts of the question and fails to address thehistorical context in which the Korean conflict was fought.

Time Machine

230. What is the main message of this cartoon about President Lyndon Johnson?

Scoring Guide

Score & DescriptionAppropriate

The response refers to Johnson being trapped between the Vietnam War and the impending 1968election. Specifically, links war with Johnson's re-election campaign (i.e., the war made it less likelythat Johnson could win the election and/or the nomination). (E.g., " If he doesn't get us out ofVietnam, he won't get re-elected.")


The response understands that the cartoon is about Johnson and Vietnam and the 1968 election, but itdoes not successfully link Johnson's election or chance to win the election to the war.


The response does not state that the cartoon is about LBJ and Vietnam and the 1968 election or itmakes blatantly false statements.

Appropriate - Student Response

What is the main message of this cartoon about President Lyndon Johnson?

Scorer Comments:

The response correctly explains the message of the cartoon.

What is the main message of this cartoon about President Lyndon Johnson?

Scorer Comments:

The response correctly explains the message of the cartoon.

Partial - Student Response

What is the main message of this cartoon about President Lyndon Johnson?

Scorer Comments:

The response notes that Johnson is somehow caught between the Vietnam War and the 1968 election,but does not clearly express the idea that Johnson's reelection chances were being jeopardized by thewar.

What is the main message of this cartoon about President Lyndon Johnson?

Scorer Comments:

The response gives a literal reading of the cartoon, correctly noting that Johnson would be "stuck"between the war and the election, but does not clearly express what it meant to be "stuck" there.

Inappropriate - Student Response

What is the main message of this cartoon about President Lyndon Johnson?

Scorer Comments:

The response gives an incorrect reading of the cartoon and includes incorrect historical information.

What is the main message of this cartoon about President Lyndon Johnson?

Scorer Comments:

The response misses the central point of the cartoon, ignoring the impact of the war on the 1968election.

231. In October 1962 the United States and the Soviet Union came close to war over the issue of Soviet

A. control of East BerlinB. missiles in CubaC. support of the Ho Chi Minh regime in VietnamD. military support of the Marxist regime in Afghanistan



232. The most powerful social class in Spain's American colonies in the 1500's was composed of people

A. of mixed Spanish and Indian ancestryB. of Mexican ancestryC. of Spanish ancestry born in AmericaD. born in Spain



233. Anne Hutchinson was banished from Massachusetts in 1637 because she

A. wanted women to have the right to voteB. expressed religious beliefs that threatened Puritan leadersC. tried to start a separate colony called Rhode IslandD. refused to marry and have children



234. What impact did the Anti-Federalists have on the United States Constitution?

A. Their arguments helped lead to the adoption of the Bill of Rights.B. Their arguments helped lead to the abolition of the slave trade.C. Their influence ensured that the federal government would maintain a

standing army.D. Their influence ensured that the federal government would have the power

to tax.



235. At the Constitutional Convention in 1787, the large states and the small states disagreed with each other about how the new government should be structured.

Identify the most important issue that large and small states disagreed about.

Explain how this issue was resolved by the Connecticut (Great) Compromise.

Scoring Guide

Score & DescriptionAppropriate

The response identifies the disagreement that was resolved by the Connecticut (Great) CompromiseAND explains how the Connecticut Compromise resolved the disagreement.


The response identifies the disagreement that was resolved by the Connecticut (Great) Compromisebut does NOT explain how the Compromise resolved the disagreement


the response does not identify what the disagreement was but does explain how it was resolved by theConnecticut Compromise.


The response neither correctly explains what the debate was about nor correctly explains itsresolution.

Appropriate - Student Response

At the Constitutional Convention in 1787, the large states and the small states disagreed with each other about how the new government should be structured.

Identify the most important issue that large and small states disagreed about.

Explain how this issue was resolved by the Connecticut (Great) Compromise.

Scorer Comments:

The response correctly identifies that the disagreement was over representation in Congress andexplains how the Connecticut Compromise resolved the disagreemement.

At the Constitutional Convention in 1787, the large states and the small states disagreed with each other about how the new government should be structured.

Identify the most important issue that large and small states disagreed about.

Explain how this issue was resolved by the Connecticut (Great) Compromise.

Scorer Comments:

The response correctly identifies that the disagreement was about the relative power large and smallstates would hold in the new government and explains how the Connecticut Compromise resolved theissue.

Partial - Student Response

At the Constitutional Convention in 1787, the large states and the small states disagreed with each other about how the new government should be structured.

Identify the most important issue that large and small states disagreed about.

Explain how this issue was resolved by the Connecticut (Great) Compromise.

Scorer Comments:

The response correctly identifies that the disagreement was over power in the new legislature, but itincorrectly explains that each state would get one vote in the Senate and fails to mention anythingabout the House of Representatives.

At the Constitutional Convention in 1787, the large states and the small states disagreed with each other about how the new government should be structured.

Identify the most important issue that large and small states disagreed about.

Explain how this issue was resolved by the Connecticut (Great) Compromise.

Scorer Comments:

The response is not very strong, but it does indicate that the disagreement was over howrepresentation would be determined. That was sufficient to receive partial credit. The second part ofthe response is too vague.

Inappropriate - Student Response

At the Constitutional Convention in 1787, the large states and the small states disagreed with each other about how the new government should be structured.

Identify the most important issue that large and small states disagreed about.

Explain how this issue was resolved by the Connecticut (Great) Compromise.

Scorer Comments:

The response incorrectly identifies the Connecticut Compromise as being about taxation.

At the Constitutional Convention in 1787, the large states and the small states disagreed with each other about how the new government should be structured.

Identify the most important issue that large and small states disagreed about.

Explain how this issue was resolved by the Connecticut (Great) Compromise.

Scorer Comments:

The response incorrectly identifies the Connecticut Compromise as being about boundaries andterritories.

236. What was a major effect of the introduction of the cotton gin?

A. A decline in the southern slave populationB. A decline in the size of southern farmsC. An increase in cotton productionD. An increase in the import of manufactured goods



The following question refers to the map below.

237. The map shows the route for the expedition of

A. Henry HudsonB. Lewis and ClarkC. Zebulon PikeD. Mason and Dixon



The following question refers to the map below.

238. The expedition whose route is shown above was undertaken to explore the

A. lands taken in the Mexican WarB. lands taken from England in the War of 1812C. Louisiana PurchaseD. Gadsden Purchase



239. Gabriel Prosser, Denmark Vesey, Nat Turner, and Joseph Cinque were all

A. soldiers in the American RevolutionB. merchants who were involved in the triangular tradeC. authors who described slave conditionsD. leaders of slave rebellions



240. Throughout the early to mid-1800's, the Lowell factory system primarily employed

A. married womenB. married menC. single womenD. single men



241. Which statement best describes the treatment of American Indians living east of the Mississippi River between 1800 and 1850?

A. Most were forced to move west of the Mississippi River.B. Most were forced to work as slaves on plantations.C. They were encouraged to become American citizens.D. They were forced onto reservations in the eastern half of the country.



242. Susan B. Anthony was a leader of the movement to

A. guarantee women the right to vote in national electionsB. guarantee former slaves the right to voteC. ensure that harsher laws against criminals were passedD. reduce the authority of the Constitution of the United States



Question 12 refers to the photograph below.

The New York Times

243. What social policy is reflected in the photograph?

Identify one consequence of this policy for African Americans.

Scoring Guide

Score & DescriptionAppropriate

The response indicates that the policy was segregation AND identifies one consequence of the policyfor African Americans.


The response indicates that the policy was segregation OR more generally notes that the policy wasdiscriminatory or racist. The response does not identify any consequences of the policy for AfricanAmericans.


The response does not indicate either that the policy was segregation or note that the policy wasdiscriminatory or racist. The response does not identify any consequences of the policy for AfricanAmericans.

Appropriate - Student Response

What social policy is reflected in the photograph?

Identify one consequence of this policy for African Americans.

Scorer Comments:

The response correctly points out that the policy was the Jim Crow laws and notes consequences ofpoor treatment and protest.

What social policy is reflected in the photograph?

Identify one consequence of this policy for African Americans.

Scorer Comments:

The response correctly identifies the policy of segregation and notes the consequence of unequalrights.

Partial - Student Response

What social policy is reflected in the photograph?

Identify one consequence of this policy for African Americans.

Scorer Comments:

The response correctly identifies the policy of segregation, but the consequence offered is vague.

What social policy is reflected in the photograph?

Identify one consequence of this policy for African Americans.

Scorer Comments:

The response correctly identifies the policy as segregation, but the consequence offered merely definessegregation.

Inappropriate - Student Response

What social policy is reflected in the photograph?

Identify one consequence of this policy for African Americans.

Scorer Comments:

The response does not indicate a social policy, and the consequence described is vague.

What social policy is reflected in the photograph?

Identify one consequence of this policy for African Americans.

Scorer Comments:

The response does not offer a social policy but instead describes (inaccurately) the situation presentedin the photograph.


Period Southern and EasternEurope

1901 -1910 6,225,981

1911 -1920 3,379,126

1921 -1930 1,193,830

244. Briefly identify the pattern of southern- and eastern-European migration between 1901 and 1930 shown in the table above.

Give one reason why this pattern occurred.

Scoring Guide

Score & DescriptionAppropriate

The response indicates that immigration declined between 1911-1930 AND explains why: EITHERbecause of restrictive immigration laws OR because of World War I OR both.


The response states that immigration declined between 1911-1930, but does not explain why, ORexplains why immigration declined without identifying trend.


The response does not indicate that immigration declined between 1911-1930 or explain a cause ofthe decline.

Appropriate - Student Response

Briefly identify the pattern of southern- and eastern-European migration between 1901 and 1930 shown in the table above.

Give one reason why this pattern occurred.

Scorer Comments:

The response provides brief but accurate answers to both parts of the question.

Briefly identify the pattern of southern- and eastern-European migration between 1901 and 1930 shown in the table above.

Give one reason why this pattern occurred.

Scorer Comments:

The response provides acceptable answers to both parts of the question. In the first part, the trend is

correct even though the decline from the 1910s to the 1920s was two million, not three million asstated. Credit was awarded for the second part because it suggests, though it does not say explicitly,that the government restricted immigration.

Partial - Student Response

Briefly identify the pattern of southern- and eastern-European migration between 1901 and 1930 shown in the table above.

Give one reason why this pattern occurred.

Scorer Comments:

The response receives partial credit for its accurate answer to the first part. The reason offered for thedecline in immigration is incorrect.

Briefly identify the pattern of southern- and eastern-European migration between 1901 and 1930 shown in the table above.

Give one reason why this pattern occurred.

Scorer Comments:

The response receives credit for its basic, but correct, answer to the first part. The reason is notcreditable

Inappropriate - Student Response

Briefly identify the pattern of southern- and eastern-European migration between 1901 and 1930 shown in the table above.

Give one reason why this pattern occurred.

Scorer Comments:

The response shows an unclear reading of the table, and the reason offered suggests that U.S.immigration should have been increasing rather than decreasing.

Briefly identify the pattern of southern- and eastern-European migration between 1901 and 1930 shown in the table above.

Give one reason why this pattern occurred.

Scorer Comments:

The response shows a misreading of the graph and fails to identify a trend. The reason offered doesnot address the trend in immigration.

245. The Monroe Doctrine, the Good Neighbor Policy, and the Alliance for Progress were all United States foreign policy positions relating directly to

A. Latin AmericaB. AfricaC. the Middle EastD. China




246. What event is depicted in the photograph above?

How was American foreign policy influenced by the event depicted in the photograph? Explain, using one example.

Scoring Guide

Score & DescriptionAppropriate

The response identifies the event as the tearing down of the Berlin Wall AND provides one example toexplain how American foreign policy was affected by the destruction of the Wall or the end of the ColdWar more generally.


The response identifies the event but offers no explanation of how American foreign policy wasaffected by the destruction of the Wall or the end of the Cold War more generally.


The response does not identify the event correctly, does not explain how American policy was affectedby the destruction of the Wall or the end of the Cold War, and gives no examples.

Appropriate - Student Response

What event is depicted in the photograph above?

How was American foreign policy influenced by the event depicted in the photograph? Explain, using one example.

Scorer Comments:

The response correctly identifies the event in the photograph and gives an impact of the event on U.S.foreign policy.

What event is depicted in the photograph above?

How was American foreign policy influenced by the event depicted in the photograph? Explain, using one example.

Scorer Comments:

The response correctly identifies the event in the photograph and gives an impact of the event on U.S.foreign policy.

Partial - Student Response

What event is depicted in the photograph above?

How was American foreign policy influenced by the event depicted in the photograph? Explain, using one example.

Scorer Comments:

The response identifies the event but does not explain correctly how it influenced U.S. foreign policy.

What event is depicted in the photograph above?

How was American foreign policy influenced by the event depicted in the photograph? Explain, using one example.

Scorer Comments:

The response correctly identifies the event, but the answer to the second part does not address anaspect of U.S. foreign policy.

Inappropriate - Student Response

What event is depicted in the photograph above?

How was American foreign policy influenced by the event depicted in the photograph? Explain, using one example.

Scorer Comments:

The response incorrectly identifies the event and U.S. foreign policy.

What event is depicted in the photograph above?

How was American foreign policy influenced by the event depicted in the photograph? Explain, using one example.

Scorer Comments:

The response gives only a vague description of the event.

247. The Great Society programs of the 1960's were primarily based on the idea that

A. American society was hopelessly flawedB. the federal government should play an active role in promoting social welfareC. the poor needed to work harder in order to succeedD. the federal government lacked the authority to help the poor



248. Suppose that you are traveling with ONE of the explorers whose route is shown on the map on page2.

Write the name of the explorer that you are traveling with.

What is the area you are exploring?

Explain why your explorations were important

Scoring Guide

Score & DescriptionAppropriate

The response is able to accurately describe the explorations of the person selected. Response showsgeographic and historical accuracy. Answers all parts of question.


The response answers both parts of the question. Responses are generally historically andgeographically accurate, but may contain some inaccuracy, or trivial information.


The response answers only one part of the question correctly. Answers may contain some importanthistorical or geographic inaccuracies.


The response may name an explorer, but it does not successfully answer either part of the question.

Appropriate - Student Response

Suppose that you are traveling with ONE of the explorers whose route is shown on the map on page2.

Scorer Comments:

The response names Cabrillo and accurately states that he explored the Pacific Ocean. The reasongiven for the importance of his explorations, that Cabrillo had to find "stuff" before Drake did,accurately suggests that exploration was in part motivated by competition between countries.

Suppose that you are traveling with ONE of the explorers whose route is shown on the map on page2.

Scorer Comments:

The response names Drake and accurately states that he explored part of California. The reason givenfor the importance of his exploration, that he claimed land in California for England, is accurate.

Essential - Student Response

Suppose that you are traveling with ONE of the explorers whose route is shown on the map on page2.

Scorer Comments:

The response names Hudson and accurately states that he explored the northeast part of (what would

later become) the United States. The reason given for the importance of his exploration, that he wasone of the first people to discover that area, does not offer any additional information about Hudson'sexplorations.

Suppose that you are traveling with ONE of the explorers whose route is shown on the map on page2.

Scorer Comments:

The response names Ponce de Leon and accurately states that he explored Florida's coast. The reasongiven for the importance of his exploration, that he found Florida, does not offer any additionalinformation about Ponce de Leon's exploration.

Partial - Student Response

Suppose that you are traveling with ONE of the explorers whose route is shown on the map on page2.

Scorer Comments:

The response names De Soto and accurately states that he explored the Mississippi River. No reason isgiven for the importance of his explorations.

Suppose that you are traveling with ONE of the explorers whose route is shown on the map on page2.

Scorer Comments:

The response names Coronado and accurately states that he explored North America. No reason isgiven for the importance of his explorations.

Inappropriate - Student Response

Suppose that you are traveling with ONE of the explorers whose route is shown on the map on page2.

Scorer Comments:

The response does not name one of the explorers whose route is shown on the map provided.

Suppose that you are traveling with ONE of the explorers whose route is shown on the map on page2.

Scorer Comments:

The response names Hudson but incorrectly identifies the area he explored as Cuba.

The following question refers to the picture of totem poles below.

249. The American Indians who made totem poles like the ones shown in the picture live in which area ofthe United States?

A. The SouthwestB. The MidwestC. The NortheastD. The Northwest



The following question refers to the picture of totem poles below.

250. Totem poles like those in the picture were originally made for

A. catching animalsB. building homesC. religious customsD. transportation



251. The map above shows many of the trade routes for

A. spicesB. teaC. slavesD. silk



252. Which part of the government of the United States is responsible for passing laws?

A. The PresidentB. The Supreme CourtC. The CongressD. The State Department



The following question refers to the picture below.

253. What are the people in the picture protesting against?

A. French fur trade with American IndiansB. Colonial treatment of American IndiansC. British control of colonial shipping companiesD. British taxation of the colonists



The following question refers to the picture below.

254. The event shown in the picture helped lead directly to the

A. adoption of the Bill of RightsB. American RevolutionC. Great CompromiseD. French and Indian War



The following question refers to the map below.

255. List TWO jobs you might have had if you had lived in West Granby in 1810, and then describe thekinds of work you would have done for each job.

Job 1.

Job 2.

Scoring Guide

Score & Description


These responses provide two kinds of work drawn from the information shown on the map, orappropriate for a small town like West Granby in 1810, and describe the kinds of work done for bothjobs.


These responses only provide one kind of work that can be drawn from the map, or one kind of workappropriate to a small town in 1810. Or, they name one or two kinds of work without describing whateither one would involve, or they only describe one kind of work.


These responses do not provide occupations at all or do not provide occupations that could haveexisted in a small town in 1810. "Cleaning the house" and other household tasks that arecontemporary are unacceptable.

- Student Response

List TWO jobs you might have had if you had lived in West Granby in 1810, and then describe thekinds of work you would have done for each job.

Appropriate - Student Response

List TWO jobs you might have had if you had lived in West Granby in 1810, and then describe thekinds of work you would have done for each job.

Scorer Comments:

The response provides two kinds of work—in a hatters' shop and in a sawmill—that are drawn fromthe information shown on the map. The response also describes the kinds of work that would beperformed.

List TWO jobs you might have had if you had lived in West Granby in 1810, and then describe thekinds of work you would have done for each job.

Scorer Comments:

The response provides two kinds of work—as a schoolteacher and as a gristmill worker—that aredrawn from the information shown on the map. The response also describes the kinds of work thatwould be performed.

Partial - Student Response

List TWO jobs you might have had if you had lived in West Granby in 1810, and then describe thekinds of work you would have done for each job.

Scorer Comments:

The response provides one kind of work and describes the kind of work that would be performed. Asecond example is not provided.

List TWO jobs you might have had if you had lived in West Granby in 1810, and then describe thekinds of work you would have done for each job.

Scorer Comments:

The response provides two kinds of work without describing what either one would involve.

Inappropriate - Student Response

List TWO jobs you might have had if you had lived in West Granby in 1810, and then describe thekinds of work you would have done for each job.

Scorer Comments:

The response lists two names taken from the map but does not describe jobs that the student mighthave had in West Granby.

List TWO jobs you might have had if you had lived in West Granby in 1810, and then describe thekinds of work you would have done for each job.

Scorer Comments:

The response lists two kinds of work that would not have been appropriate for a town like West Granbyin 1810.

The following question refers to the map below.

256. Why do you think that many towns were located near streams and rivers like Salmon Brook? Give tworeasons.



Scoring Guide

Score & Description


These responses make use of the information on the map and/or other knowledge to provide tworeasons that are relevant to the time period.


These responses provide one appropriate reason with a vague reason, or a vague reason alone, as in,"water for working." They also may include one reason inappropriate by virtue of its irrelevance to atown's location near water or its temporal inappropriateness. Examples of such inappropriate reasonscould be:

Needed water for:swimming poolswashing carsa general storea carpenter's shopsailing ships to and from countries with which the town trades


These responses do not provide conceivable reasons for locating towns near streams and rivers.

- Student Response

Why do you think that many towns were located near streams and rivers like Salmon Brook? Give tworeasons.

Appropriate - Student Response

Why do you think that many towns were located near streams and rivers like Salmon Brook? Give tworeasons.

Scorer Comments:

The response provides two reasons explaining why many early American towns were located nearstreams and rivers—the need for water to turn a waterwheel and the use of rivers for transportation.

Why do you think that many towns were located near streams and rivers like Salmon Brook? Give tworeasons.

Scorer Comments:

The response provides two reasons explaining why many early American towns were located nearstreams and rivers—the need for water to run mills and the need for drinking water.

Partial - Student Response

Why do you think that many towns were located near streams and rivers like Salmon Brook? Give tworeasons.

Scorer Comments:

The response provides one acceptable reason to explain why many early American towns were locatednear streams and rivers—the need for power. The other reason "to get water" was not creditedbecause it was vague.

Why do you think that many towns were located near streams and rivers like Salmon Brook? Give tworeasons.

Scorer Comments:

The response provides one vague reason to explain why many early American towns were located nearstreams and rivers—to get fresh water. The other reason—a source of electricity—is not accurate.

Inappropriate - Student Response

Why do you think that many towns were located near streams and rivers like Salmon Brook? Give tworeasons.

Scorer Comments:

The response does not provide any accurate reason to explain why many early American towns werelocated near streams and rivers.

Why do you think that many towns were located near streams and rivers like Salmon Brook? Give tworeasons.

Scorer Comments:

The response does not provide any accurate reason to explain why many early American towns werelocated near streams and rivers.

257. Give TWO reasons why the people we call "pioneers" moved west across the United States.



Scoring Guide

Score & DescriptionAppropriate

The response correctly identifies two significant reasons why people moved west.


The response correctly identifies one significant reason why people moved west. If a second reason ispresent it is trivial or incorrect.


The response does not correctly identify any significant reasons why people moved west. For example,"to settle in a new place," "to go to school in the West," "because the weather in the East was bad,""because there were no Native Americans in the West," etc.

Appropriate - Student Response

Give TWO reasons why the people we call "pioneers" moved west across the United States.

Scorer Comments:

The response identifies two significant reasons why people moved west—the desire for freedom andthe desire for more space.

Give TWO reasons why the people we call "pioneers" moved west across the United States.

Scorer Comments:

The response identifies two significant reasons why people moved west—the discovery of gold and jobopportunities.

Partial - Student Response

Give TWO reasons why the people we call "pioneers" moved west across the United States.

Scorer Comments:

The response identifies one significant reason why people moved west—the desire for land. The otherreasons given are too vague to be credited.

Give TWO reasons why the people we call "pioneers" moved west across the United States.

Scorer Comments:

The response identifies one significant reason why people moved west—the desire for land. Bothreasons are variants on that theme.

Inappropriate - Student Response

Give TWO reasons why the people we call "pioneers" moved west across the United States.

Scorer Comments:

The response does not identify any acceptable reasons why people moved west. Both reasons givenare inaccurate.

Give TWO reasons why the people we call "pioneers" moved west across the United States.

Scorer Comments:

The response does not identify any acceptable reasons why people moved west. Both reasons givenare inaccurate.

258. What was a major cause of the Civil War?

A. People in the North and in the South had different religions.B. People in the North and in the South disagreed over slavery.C. People in the North wanted control of the country when they found out that gold had been

discovered in the South.D. People in the South wanted control of the country when they found out that oil had been

discovered in the North.



The following question refers to the passage below.

"Land! Land!" came the joyous shout.

"America! We're in America!" cried my mother, almost crushing us in her happiness.

Everyone crowded and pushed on deck. They strained and stretched to get the first glimpseof the "golden country," lifting their children on their shoulders that they might see beyondthem.

Men fell on their knees to pray. Women hugged their babies and wept. Children danced.Strangers hugged and kissed like old friends. Old men and women had in their eyes a look ofyoung people in love.

Age-old visions sang themselves in me—songs of freedom of an oppressed people.

America! America!

259. Who probably said this?

A. a Spanish explorerB. an African slaveC. a European immigrantD. a Mexican farm worker



The following question refers to the passage below.

"Land! Land!" came the joyous shout.

"America! We're in America!" cried my mother, almost crushing us in her happiness.

Everyone crowded and pushed on deck. They strained and stretched to get the first glimpseof the "golden country," lifting their children on their shoulders that they might see beyondthem.

Men fell on their knees to pray. Women hugged their babies and wept. Children danced.Strangers hugged and kissed like old friends. Old men and women had in their eyes a look ofyoung people in love.

Age-old visions sang themselves in me-songs of freedom of an oppressed people.

America! America!

260. Give TWO reasons why the people described in the passage might have wanted to come to America.



Scoring Guide

Score & DescriptionAppropriate

The response accurately describes two reasons immigrants came to America.


The response gives one correct reason immigrants often came to the United States. It may give asecond reason, which is incorrect.


The response does not identify any reasons why people came to the United States as immigrants. Forexample: "To see what it was like."

Appropriate - Student Response

Give TWO reasons why the people described in the passage might have wanted to come to America.

Scorer Comments:

The response accurately describes two reasons immigrants came to America—to improve their livesand to find job opportunities.

Give TWO reasons why the people described in the passage might have wanted to come to America.

Scorer Comments:

The response accurately describes two reasons immigrants came to America—to escape unfairtreatment in Europe and to find gold.

Partial - Student Response

Give TWO reasons why the people described in the passage might have wanted to come to America.

Scorer Comments:

The response accurately describes one reason immigrants came to America—to improve theireconomic status. Both reasons given are statements of this theme.

Give TWO reasons why the people described in the passage might have wanted to come to America.

Scorer Comments:

The response accurately describes one reason immigrants came to America—"they wanted peace",which is a variant of the creditable response that immigrants were escaping war or seeking peace.

Inappropriate - Student Response

Give TWO reasons why the people described in the passage might have wanted to come to America.

Scorer Comments:

The response does not identify any reason why people came to America as immigrants. The reasonsprovided, that they wanted to see America and that they wanted a war, are both inaccurate.

Give TWO reasons why the people described in the passage might have wanted to come to America.

Scorer Comments:

The response does not identify any reason why people came to America as immigrants. The reasonprovided, that immigrants were escaping slavery, is inaccurate.

261. To achieve his goals, Martin Luther King, Jr., told people to

A. peacefully disobey laws that were not fair

B. ignore politics and participate in religionC. move away from countries where they were not treated fairlyD. protest by not voting



262. Examine this label from a product people buy and use in the United States. The label shows thatpeople in the United States

A. import goods from other countriesB. export goods to other countriesC. study about other countriesD. often travel to other countries



263. The first Spanish explorers who reached the Americas were looking for

A. a route to AlaskaB. a new route to AsiaC. proof that the world was flatD. new land for farming



264. Choose an American Indian group from the map on page 2, and circle its name directly on the map.

On the chart below, list one way this American Indian group got food, shelter, and clothing in theperiod before Europeans came to America. Then list one way your family gets food, shelter, andclothing.

American Indians in the Period Before Europeans Came

Your Family

1. Food: 1. Food:

2. Shelter: 2. Shelter:

3. Clothing: 3. Clothing:

Give one reason why the American Indian group long ago and your family today differ in the waysthey get their food, shelter, or clothing.

Scoring Guide

Score & DescriptionAppropriate

The response circles an American Indian group. It lists correctly one way that the group chosen gotfood, shelter, and clothing, and one way that his/her own family gets food, shelter, and clothing. Itthen gives one appropriate reason for differences between the ways the American Indian group gotfood, clothing, and shelter, and the ways his/her family get food, shelter, and clothing. For example, itmight mention changes in technology, resources, ways of life (e.g. - growth of cities and moderneconomies), social organization, changed attitudes and beliefs.


The response circles an American Indian group. The response is able to identify correctly two ways theAmerican Indian group specified met basic needs and two ways modern families meet their needs. Itdoes not explain why the ways families meet needs have changed; or, any explanation providedmerely repeats information already presented in the chart.


The response identifies one way American Indians met their needs and one way the modern familiesmeet their needs, and gives one appropriate reason for the differences.


The response circles an American Indian group and is able to identify correctly one way the AmericanIndian group specified met its needs and one way modern families meet their needs.


The response circles an American Indian group but does not explain how the American Indian groupspecified met its needs, or provide a difference between American Indians and modern families. Theresponse fails to identify an American Indian group.

To determine whether students have knowledge of how one Indian group lived and contrasts withmodern life.

Appropriate - Student Response

Choose an American Indian group from the map on page 2, and circle its name directly on the map.

On the chart below, list one way this American Indian group got food, shelter, and clothing in theperiod before Europeans came to America. Then list one way your family gets food, shelter, andclothing.

Scorer Comments:

The student circles an American Indian group, the Iroquois. The response lists correctly one way thatthe group circled got food, shelter, and clothing; and one way that the student's family gets food,shelter, and clothing. It then gives one appropriate reason for these differences.

Choose an American Indian group from the map on page 2, and circle its name directly on the map.

On the chart below, list one way this American Indian group got food, shelter, and clothing in theperiod before Europeans came to America. Then list one way your family gets food, shelter, andclothing.

Scorer Comments:

The student circles an American Indian group, the Iroquois. The response lists correctly one way thatthe group circled got food, shelter, and clothing; and one way that the student's family gets food,shelter, and clothing. It then gives one appropriate reason for these differences.

Essential - Student Response

Choose an American Indian group from the map on page 2, and circle its name directly on the map.

On the chart below, list one way this American Indian group got food, shelter, and clothing in theperiod before Europeans came to America. Then list one way your family gets food, shelter, andclothing.

Scorer Comments:

The student circles an American Indian group, the Sioux. The response lists correctly one way that thegroup got food, shelter, and clothing; but only lists ways that the student's family gets shelter andclothing. The reason given for the differences is not acceptable.

Choose an American Indian group from the map on page 2, and circle its name directly on the map.

On the chart below, list one way this American Indian group got food, shelter, and clothing in theperiod before Europeans came to America. Then list one way your family gets food, shelter, and


Scorer Comments:

The student circles an American Indian group, the Blackfeet. The response lists correctly one way thatthe group circled got food, shelter, and clothing; and one way that the student's family gets food,

shelter, and clothing. However, the reason given for the differences—that "the Blackfeet make theirfood, shelter, and clothing and we buy those things"—is too general to be acceptable.

Partial - Student Response

Choose an American Indian group from the map on page 2, and circle its name directly on the map.

On the chart below, list one way this American Indian group got food, shelter, and clothing in theperiod before Europeans came to America. Then list one way your family gets food, shelter, andclothing.

Scorer Comments:

The student circles an American Indian group, the Apache. The response compares the AmericanIndian way and the student's family's way of getting food acceptably, but no comparison is providedfor shelter or clothing. The reason given for the differences is not acceptable.

Choose an American Indian group from the map on page 2, and circle its name directly on the map.

On the chart below, list one way this American Indian group got food, shelter, and clothing in theperiod before Europeans came to America. Then list one way your family gets food, shelter, andclothing.

Scorer Comments:

The student circles an American Indian group, the Seminole. The response acceptably compares theAmerican Indian way and the student's family's way of getting food. It gives an unacceptablecomparison for clothing. No reason for the differences is provided.

Inappropriate - Student Response

Choose an American Indian group from the map on page 2, and circle its name directly on the map.

On the chart below, list one way this American Indian group got food, shelter, and clothing in theperiod before Europeans came to America. Then list one way your family gets food, shelter, andclothing.

Scorer Comments:

The student does not circle an American Indian group, therefore, the response is inappropriate.

Choose an American Indian group from the map on page 2, and circle its name directly on the map.

On the chart below, list one way this American Indian group got food, shelter, and clothing in theperiod before Europeans came to America. Then list one way your family gets food, shelter, andclothing.

Scorer Comments:

The student does not circle an American Indian group; therefore, the response is inappropriate.

The following question is about the portion of the diary of Elizabeth Fuller shown below. Elizabeth was 14years old in 1790 when she wrote this diary. She lived in Princeton, Massachusetts.

October 4 Mr. Pope was here, bought a pair of oxen from Pa. Mr. Keys at work here.

October 7 Very pleasant today. I have to work very hard.

October 11 I washed today.

October 12 Pa got in his corn. Mr. Joseph Eveleth died last night.

November 11 Timmy went to mill.

November 24 We baked two ovensfull of pies. Mr. Nathan Perry here this eve.

November 25 Thanksgiving today we baked three ovensfull of pies. Mr. Nathan Perry here thiseve.

November 27 Mr. Gregory killed our hogs today.

December 4 I minced the link meat.

December 16 John Brooks here killing our sheep. A severe snow storm.

December 17 Very cold. I made sixteen dozen candles.

265. Explain one important way that Elizabeth Fuller's days were different from the lives of children today.

Scoring Guide

Score & DescriptionAppropriate

The response explains one important difference between contemporary children and Fuller.


The response makes accurate observations that lack direct comparisons e.g. "her life was hard", "sheworked hard", "she had to do chores and wash." OR use of third-person to describe her actions, suchas "she made sixteen dozen candles."


The response does not correctly identify a difference between Fuller's day and a modern one.Statements about actions that we all do , as in "she washed" are not acceptable. A restatement of thediary, such as "we baked two ovensfull of pies" is not acceptable.

Appropriate - Student Response

Explain one important way that Elizabeth Fuller's days were different from the lives of children today.

Scorer Comments:

The response explains one important difference between contemporary children and Fuller.

Explain one important way that Elizabeth Fuller's days were different from the lives of children today.

Scorer Comments:

The response explains one important difference between contemporary children and Fuller.

Partial - Student Response

Explain one important way that Elizabeth Fuller's days were different from the lives of children today.

Scorer Comments:

The response makes an accurate observation about her actions, described in the third-person.However, it lacks a comparison.

Explain one important way that Elizabeth Fuller's days were different from the lives of children today.

Scorer Comments:

The response makes an accurate observation about her actions, described in the third-person.However, it lacks a comparison.

Inappropriate - Student Response

Explain one important way that Elizabeth Fuller's days were different from the lives of children today.

Scorer Comments:

The response does not correctly identify a difference between Fuller's day and a modern one. Thestatement made about the absence of toys in Fuller's time is incorrect.

Explain one important way that Elizabeth Fuller's days were different from the lives of children today.

Scorer Comments:

The response does not correctly identify a difference between Fuller's day and a modern one. Thecomment that "she lived a long time ago" does not indicate a contrast between the student's day andFuller's.

The following question is about the portion of the diary of Elizabeth Fuller shown below. Elizabeth was 14years old in 1790 when she wrote this diary. She lived in Princeton, Massachusetts.

October 4 Mr. Pope was here, bought a pair of oxen from Pa. Mr. Keys at work here.

October 7 Very pleasant today. I have to work very hard.

October 11 I washed today.

October 12 Pa got in his corn. Mr. Joseph Eveleth died last night.

November 11 Timmy went to mill.

November 24 We baked two ovensfull of pies. Mr. Nathan Perry here this eve.

November 25 Thanksgiving today we baked three ovensfull of pies. Mr. Nathan Perry here thiseve.

November 27 Mr. Gregory killed our hogs today.

December 4 I minced the link meat.

December 16 John Brooks here killing our sheep. A severe snow storm.

December 17 Very cold. I made sixteen dozen candles.

266. Identify two modern inventions or machines that we have today that would have made ElizabethFuller's life easier.

Invention 1:

Invention 2:

Scoring Guide

Score & Description


The response identifies two inventions or machines that might have improved Fuller's life, such aswashing machines, gas stoves, electric lights, or central heating.


The response identifies one invention or machine. A second, if present, does not show anunderstanding of the difference between Fuller's life and ours, such as a motorcycle. Or, the responseidentifies one or two modern inventions or machines that were not relevant to Fuller's life.


The response does not identify any inventions or machines that would have helped Fuller, or identifiesmachines that were available in Fuller's time.

Appropriate - Student Response

Identify two modern inventions or machines that we have today that would have made ElizabethFuller's life easier.

Scorer Comments:

The response identifies two inventions—electric ovens and running water—that might have improvedFuller's life.

Identify two modern inventions or machines that we have today that would have made ElizabethFuller's life easier.

Scorer Comments:

The response identifies two inventions—washing machines and dishwashers—that might haveimproved Fuller's life.

Partial - Student Response

Identify two modern inventions or machines that we have today that would have made ElizabethFuller's life easier.

Scorer Comments:

The response identifies one category of invention—washer/dryer—that might have improved Fuller'slife. The second, "stores" is inaccurate; stores played a significant role in the America of the 1790s.

Identify two modern inventions or machines that we have today that would have made ElizabethFuller's life easier.

Scorer Comments:

The response identifies one invention—the tractor—that might have improved Fuller's life. The secondinvention, "lawnmower," was not relevant to Fuller's life.

Inappropriate - Student Response

Identify two modern inventions or machines that we have today that would have made ElizabethFuller's life easier.

Scorer Comments:

The response does not identify any invention or machine that would have helped Fuller. The twoexamples are not inventions and both existed in Fuller's time.

Identify two modern inventions or machines that we have today that would have made ElizabethFuller's life easier.

Scorer Comments:

The response does not identify any invention or machine that would have helped Fuller.

The following question refers to the map below.

267. The Spanish colonies in the Americas were located close to which areas?

A. 1 and 3B. 2 and 5C. 3 and 4D. 5 and 6



The following question refers to the map below.

268. Most people brought to the Americas as slaves were born in which area?

A. 1B. 4C. 6D. 7



The following question refers to the passage below.

We hold these truths to be self-evident: That all men are created equal; that they areendowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty,and the pursuit of happiness . . .

269. The passage comes from the

A. ConstitutionB. Mayflower CompactC. Declaration of IndependenceD. Articles of Confederation



The following question refers to the passage below.

We hold these truths to be self-evident: That all men are created equal; that they areendowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty,and the pursuit of happiness . . .

270. According to this document, "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness" are

A. God-given rights that governments cannot take awayB. rights given to citizens and not to noncitizensC. rights that are made into laws by governmentsD. the rights to a place to live and a place to work



271. In pioneer schools, feathers like this were most often used for

A. measuringB. sewingC. writingD. playing a game



272. The poster shown above is trying to attract recruits by appealing to their

A. homesicknessB. religious beliefsC. patriotismD. need for money



A map of the place from 100 years agoA diary or journal from 100 years agoA local newspaper from 100 years agoAn encyclopedia printed this yearA cemetery

273. Imagine that you want to learn about what everyday life was like 100 years ago in the place whereyou live. Choose ONE of the items on the list above and circle it. Tell what information you could getfrom that item that would help you.

Scoring Guide

Score & DescriptionAppropriate

The response chooses one source and explains the kind of information that one could learn from thatsource.


The response chooses one source. It identifies useful information to retrieve, but the informationidentified is vague or partially incorrect, as in "a newspapers show what people were doing."


The response may or may not choose a sources but it does not correctly identify information thatcould be gotten from any of the primary historical sources listed.

Appropriate - Student Response

Imagine that you want to learn about what everyday life was like 100 years ago in the place whereyou live. Choose ONE of the items on the list above and circle it. Tell what information you could getfrom that item that would help you.

Scorer Comments:

The response chooses a local newspaper from 100 years ago and provides an acceptable kind ofinformation that one could get from a newspaper.

Imagine that you want to learn about what everyday life was like 100 years ago in the place whereyou live. Choose ONE of the items on the list above and circle it. Tell what information you could getfrom that item that would help you.

Scorer Comments:

The response chooses an encyclopedia printed this year and provides an acceptable kind ofinformation that one could get from an encyclopedia.

Partial - Student Response

Imagine that you want to learn about what everyday life was like 100 years ago in the place whereyou live. Choose ONE of the items on the list above and circle it. Tell what information you could getfrom that item that would help you.

Scorer Comments:

The response chooses a cemetery and provides a kind of information that one could learn fromexamining a cemetery, but the description of that information—"what cemeteries were like then"—isvague.

Imagine that you want to learn about what everyday life was like 100 years ago in the place whereyou live. Choose ONE of the items on the list above and circle it. Tell what information you could getfrom that item that would help you.

Scorer Comments:

The response chooses a local newspaper from 100 years ago and provides a kind of information thatone could learn from a newspaper—what happened a long time ago—but the description is vague.

Inappropriate - Student Response

Imagine that you want to learn about what everyday life was like 100 years ago in the place whereyou live. Choose ONE of the items on the list above and circle it. Tell what information you could getfrom that item that would help you.

Scorer Comments:

The response chooses a map of the place from 100 years ago but does not correctly identifyinformation that could be obtained from that source; the description of that information is too unclearto be even partially acceptable.

Imagine that you want to learn about what everyday life was like 100 years ago in the place whereyou live. Choose ONE of the items on the list above and circle it. Tell what information you could getfrom that item that would help you.

Scorer Comments:

The response chooses a cemetery but does not correctly identify information that could be obtainedfrom that source.

274. What is the astronaut in this picture exploring?

A. The SunB. The ArcticC. The MoonD. Pluto



The following question refers to two photographs. The first photograph shows a sign in front of alaundry that states "We wash for white people only." The second photograph shows a sign stating "ForWhites Only" next to a picnic area at a beach.

275. The photographs show

A. prejudiceB. povertyC. political protestD. environmental conservation



The following question refers to two photographs. The first photograph shows a sign in front of alaundry that states "We wash for white people only." The second photograph shows a sign stating "ForWhites Only" next to a picnic area at a beach.

276. Laws that are supposed to prevent the kind of things shown in the photographs are called

A. Jim Crow lawsB. blue lawsC. civil rights lawsD. criminal laws



The following question refers to two photographs. The first photograph shows a sign in front of alaundry that states "We wash for white people only." The second photograph shows a sign stating "ForWhites Only" next to a picnic area at a beach.

277. What are two things that African Americans did to protest against the conditions shown in thepictures?



Scoring Guide

Score & DescriptionAppropriate

The response identifies two protest strategies used by African Americans.


The response identifies one correct protest strategy. It may identify a second, but this strategy isincorrect, trivial, or vague. An example of a vague response is "fought for their rights."


The response does not identify any protest strategies used by African Americans.

Appropriate - Student Response

What are two things that African Americans did to protest against the conditions shown in thepictures?

Scorer Comments:

The response identifies two protest strategies used by African Americans to protest againstdiscriminatory conditions—conducting protest marches and making speeches.

What are two things that African Americans did to protest against the conditions shown in thepictures?

Scorer Comments:

The response identifies two protest strategies used by African Americans to protest againstdiscriminatory conditions—conducting boycotts and ignoring segregation rules.

Partial - Student Response

What are two things that African Americans did to protest against the conditions shown in thepictures?

Scorer Comments:

The response identifies one protest strategy used by African Americans to protest againstdiscriminatory conditions—sitting in the White-only section of buses. The other example is not aprotest strategy used by African Americans.

What are two things that African Americans did to protest against the conditions shown in thepictures?

Scorer Comments:

The response identifies one protest strategy used by African Americans to protest againstdiscriminatory conditions—conducting boycotts. The other example is too vague to be credited.

Inappropriate - Student Response

What are two things that African Americans did to protest against the conditions shown in thepictures?

Scorer Comments:

Neither example identifies a protest strategy used by African Americans to protest againstdiscriminatory conditions. The first example is too vague; the second example is inaccurate.

What are two things that African Americans did to protest against the conditions shown in thepictures?

Scorer Comments:

Neither example identifies a protest strategy used by African Americans to protest againstdiscriminatory conditions. Both examples are too vague and unclear.

278. At the time Columbus arrived in the Americas, most of the area that is now called Mexico wascontrolled by people called the

A. ApacheB. AztecsC. IroquoisD. Inuit



279. Why was Roger Williams forced to leave the Massachusetts Bay Colony?

A. He claimed that the Puritan government had no right to control religious beliefsB. He was more loyal to the King of Spain than to the English monarchy.C. He refused to do his share of the farming and other work.D. He wanted to lead a war against the American Indians.



280. One major consequence of the Seven Years' War (French and Indian War) was that the

A. colonists' decision to side with France led Britain to retaliate against themB. expense of fighting the war led Britain to tax the colonies directly for the first timeC. loyalty of the colonists to the British side led Britain to grant them a high degree of self-

governmentD. elimination of the French threat in North America led Britain to concentrate on conquering all of

the remaining Spanish colonies



281. Using the information in the charts above, identify the most significant changes in the colonialpopulation between 1700 and 1755.

Explain why these changes occurred.

Scoring Guide

Score & DescriptionAppropriate

The response correctly identifies the significant changes in the population: population grew morediverse, proportion of English declined, etc. It explains that the changes occurred because of suchreasons as the expansion of colonization or slavery.

Credited responses could include:

Changes in Population:

decrease of English/Welshincrease of Africangreater diversitybeginning of German immigrationincrease in Scotch, Irish, and Scotch-Irish


proportion of English declined because: economic conditions (wages & employment) improved inEngland; increasing numbers of settlers from other European nations in search of land andeconomic opportunity and religious freedommany left Ireland to flee economic and religious discrimination by BritishGermans fleeing war and poverty at homeexpansion of slavery (could mention that growth of plantation system and southern crops such asrice and tobacco made slavery increasingly profitable)availability of land (better land not ok)prosperity = economic opportunity


The response identifies the significant changes in population correctly, but can't explain them; OR itexplains why population changes occurred without identifying the changes themselves. OR, it identifiesand explains just one significant change. Or, both parts of answer are very general or vague.


The response does not correctly identify changes in the colonial population or explain why thepopulation changes occurred.

Appropriate - Student Response

Using the information in the charts above, identify the most significant changes in the colonial

population between 1700 and 1755.

Scorer Comments:

The response correctly identifies significant changes in the population and provides acceptableexplanations for some of those changes.

Using the information in the charts above, identify the most significant changes in the colonialpopulation between 1700 and 1755.

Scorer Comments:

The response correctly identifies significant changes in the population and provides acceptableexplanations for those changes.

Partial - Student Response

Using the information in the charts above, identify the most significant changes in the colonialpopulation between 1700 and 1755.

Scorer Comments:

The response correctly identifies significant changes in the population but the explanation merelydescribes the changes rather than gives reasons that explain why those changes happened.

Using the information in the charts above, identify the most significant changes in the colonialpopulation between 1700 and 1755.

Scorer Comments:

The response correctly identifies significant changes in the population but the explanation is too vagueto be acceptable.

Inappropriate - Student Response

Using the information in the charts above, identify the most significant changes in the colonialpopulation between 1700 and 1755.

Scorer Comments:

The response neither identifies significant changes in the population nor explains them; in indicatingthat the English and Welsh proportion of the population increased, it misreads the pie charts.

Using the information in the charts above, identify the most significant changes in the colonialpopulation between 1700 and 1755.

Scorer Comments:

The response neither identifies significant changes in the population nor explains them. It does not citeany changes in the distribution of ethnic and racial groups during the colonial period.

282. Many people opposed ratification of the Constitution without a bill of rights because they

A. were afraid the states would be too powerful without a bill of rightsB. thought that a bill of rights would strengthen the President's powerC. did not want the national government to have an armyD. feared that the new national government would deny people their rights



283. During the Revolutionary War, one outcome of the colonial victory at the Battle of Saratoga thathelped ensure the final defeat of the British was the

A. entrance of France on the American sideB. recapture of New York City from the BritishC. mutiny of the British forces under General HoweD. defeat of British forces at Valley Forge, Pennsylvania



284. What was the most significant factor that led the American colonists to form the First ContinentalCongress in 1774?

A. Religious conflict inside the coloniesB. The desire of the colonists to write a Constitution to replace the Articles of ConfederationC. Colonial frustration with laws passed by the British ParliamentD. The desire of the colonists to stop the war between Britain and the colonies



285. The Mormons moved to Utah mainly to

A. gain better farmlandB. search for new jobsC. escape attacks from American IndiansD. practice their religion without interference



UNION AND CONFEDERATE RESOURCES (as percentages of total United States resources)

Resource North SouthPopulation 71% 29%Railroads 71% 29%Farm acreage 65% 35%Factory Workers 92% 8%

286. Use the information in the table above to evaluate the statement, "The South could never have wonthe Civil War."

Scoring Guide

Score & DescriptionAppropriate

These responses use the data in the table in a specific way to explain at least two distinct advantagesthat the North had over the South in making war. (e.g. railroads facilitated both movement of soldiersand equipment, and manufacture of war material.) (There are 2 or more items of data and they areboth linked to the war.)


These responses show an understanding of the specific elements in the table, and link the table to anevaluation of Northern strength in general, but not specifically to Northern advantages in making war.The response may contain some inaccuracies. (There is some link of data to the war effort. Impliesimpact on war in some fashion.)


These responses may make general statements about northern strength, but contain no specificreference to the data in the table. OR, the response shows some understanding of the table but doesnot evaluate the statement. OR, the response shows some specific understanding of only one piece ofdata in the table. The responses at this level may contain important inaccuracies. (Refers to table butoften regurgitates; no substance)


These responses neither address the statement nor accurately describe any information in the table.

Appropriate - Student Response

Use the information in the table above to evaluate the statement, "The South could never have wonthe Civil War."

Scorer Comments:

Student response uses the data in the table to explain two distinct advantages that the North had overthe South in making war — railroads, transport troops, and more factory workers to produce supplies.

Use the information in the table above to evaluate the statement, "The South could never have wonthe Civil War."

Scorer Comments:

Student response uses the data in the table to explain more than the required two distinct advantagesthat the North had over the South in making war — railroads to ship supplies, farm acreage to provide

food, and factory workers to produce artillery.

Essential - Student Response

Use the information in the table above to evaluate the statement, "The South could never have wonthe Civil War."

Scorer Comments:

Student response uses the data in the table to explain one distinct advantage that the North had overthe South in making war — railroads to ship supplies.

Use the information in the table above to evaluate the statement, "The South could never have wonthe Civil War."

Scorer Comments:

Student response uses the data in the table to explain one distinct advantage that the North had overthe South in making war — greater population and hence more potential soldiers. Although otherinformation in the table is noted, it is not directly linked to the war.

Partial - Student Response

Use the information in the table above to evaluate the statement, "The South could never have wonthe Civil War."

Scorer Comments:

Student response uses the data in the table to make a general statement about northern strength.

Use the information in the table above to evaluate the statement, "The South could never have wonthe Civil War."

Scorer Comments:

Student response uses the data in the table to make a general statement about northern strength.

Inappropriate - Student Response

Use the information in the table above to evaluate the statement, "The South could never have wonthe Civil War."

Scorer Comments:

Student response does not use the data in the table to address the statement.

Use the information in the table above to evaluate the statement, "The South could never have wonthe Civil War."

Scorer Comments:

Student response does not use the data in the table to address the statement.

287. List two issues that were important in causing the Civil War.



On the chart below, list the Northern and Southern positions on each of these issues.


1. 1.

2. 2.

Scoring Guide

Score & DescriptionAppropriate

These responses correctly list two issues and fill the table with two pairs of contrasting beliefs.


These responses correctly list one or two issues, but do not provide accurate northern and southernpositions on two different issues; may be correct on one issue but may reverse positions on the otheror list an incorrect issue.


These responses do not list any correct disagreements between the North and the South that helpedto bring about the Civil War.

Appropriate - Student Response

List two issues that were important in causing the Civil War.

Scorer Comments:

The response lists two issues and fills the table with two pairs of contrasting beliefs.

List two issues that were important in causing the Civil War.

Scorer Comments:

The response lists two issues and fills the table with two pairs of contrasting beliefs.

Partial - Student Response

List two issues that were important in causing the Civil War.

Scorer Comments:

The response lists two issues and fills the table with one pair of contrasting beliefs — whether slaveryshould continue or be abolished.

List two issues that were important in causing the Civil War.

Scorer Comments:

The response lists two issues and fills the table with one pair of contrasting beliefs — whether slaveryis acceptable because it helps the economy or unacceptable because it is unconstitutional.

Inappropriate - Student Response

List two issues that were important in causing the Civil War.

Scorer Comments:

The response does not list any disagreement between the North and the South that helped to bringabout the Civil War. Neither issue cited helped to bring about the Civil War.

List two issues that were important in causing the Civil War.

Scorer Comments:

The response does not list any disagreement between the North and the South that helped to bringabout the Civil War. The issues cited are too vaguely described to be credited.

The following question refers to the period (the late 1800's and early 1900's) during which workersbegan to form labor unions. These unions had important effects on politics and economics in the UnitedStates.

288. One of the earliest labor unions was known as the

A. Knights of LaborB. AFL-CIOC. Third Worker's InternationalD. United States Chamber of Commerce



The following question refers to the period (the late 1800's and early 1900's) during which workersbegan to form labor unions. These unions had important effects on politics and economics in the UnitedStates.

289. A major weapon unions have used in their struggles against factory owners is the

A. lockoutB. strikeC. voter registration driveD. party convention



The following question refers to the period (the late 1800's and early 1900's) during which workersbegan to form labor unions. These unions had important effects on politics and economics in the UnitedStates.

290. How did many factory owners react to the formation of unions in the 1800's and early 1900's?Identify two reactions and be as specific as possible.



Scoring Guide

Score & DescriptionAppropriate

These responses provide two accurate and specific reactions factory owners had to the formation ofunions. The opinion is explained with specificity.


These responses list one correct reaction of business to unions, (the response may lack specifics.)Other reactions given may be incorrect or incomplete.


These responses do not identify any correct reactions of business to unions, or the reactions listed aretrivial.

Appropriate - Student Response

How did many factory owners react to the formation of unions in the 1800's and early 1900's?Identify two reactions and be as specific as possible.

Scorer Comments:

The response provides two accurate reactions factory owners had to the formation of unions —bringing in the military and blacklisting workers.

How did many factory owners react to the formation of unions in the 1800's and early 1900's?Identify two reactions and be as specific as possible.

Scorer Comments:

Response provides two accurate reactions to the formation of unions that factory owners had —locking them out and bribing them.

Partial - Student Response

How did many factory owners react to the formation of unions in the 1800's and early 1900's?Identify two reactions and be as specific as possible.

Scorer Comments:

The response provides one accurate reaction factory owners had to the formation of unions — hiringreplacement workers. The other response is too vague to be acceptable.

How did many factory owners react to the formation of unions in the 1800's and early 1900's?Identify two reactions and be as specific as possible.

Scorer Comments:

The response provides one accurate reaction factory owners had to the formation of unions — firingworkers.

Inappropriate - Student Response

How did many factory owners react to the formation of unions in the 1800's and early 1900's?Identify two reactions and be as specific as possible.

Scorer Comments:

The response does not identify a specific reaction to the formation of unions; the response provided istoo vague to be creditable.

How did many factory owners react to the formation of unions in the 1800's and early 1900's?Identify two reactions and be as specific as possible.

Scorer Comments:

The response does not identify a specific reaction to the formation of unions; the response provided istoo vague to be creditable.

291. Why was the invention of the steel plow important in United States history?

Scoring Guide

Score & DescriptionAppropriate

The response explains that the plow allowed the soil to be easily broken up, leading to the growth oflarge-scale wheat and corn farming in the mid-West. OR says "could farm/plow quicker" or "resulted inbigger farms," "increased productivity," "moister soil," or "looser soil."


The response attempts to explain why the invention was important, but the explanation is vague orincomplete. For example: "made farmers' lives easier," "hard ground," "improve land," "better soil."Partial credit also given for "less likely to break," "tougher than wooden plows"


The response does not tell why the invention of the steel plow was important. Ex: "better than plowingby hand".

Appropriate - Student Response

Why was the invention of the steel plow important in United States history?

Scorer Comments:

The response explains that the steel plow allowed farmers to produce crops more quickly.

Why was the invention of the steel plow important in United States history?

Scorer Comments:

The response explains that the steel plow facilitated greater efficiency in farming, specifying how thatinnovation was superior to the wooden variety that it replaced.

Partial - Student Response

Why was the invention of the steel plow important in United States history?

Scorer Comments:

The response explains that the steel plow made farming easier and faster without specifying how it didso.

Why was the invention of the steel plow important in United States history?

Scorer Comments:

The response explains that the steel plow made farming easier and faster without specifying how it didso.

Inappropriate - Student Response

Why was the invention of the steel plow important in United States history?

Scorer Comments:

The response does not accurately describe a reason why the steel plow was important; it was not usedto make railroads.

Why was the invention of the steel plow important in United States history?

Scorer Comments:

The response does not accurately describe a reason why the steel plow was important; it does notsufficiently differentiate the steel plow from the wooden plows it replaced.

292. The phrase "Jim Crow" refers to laws that

A. made liquor illegal

B. enforced racial segregationC. restricted immigration to the United StatesD. protected the environment



Brown v. Board of Education of TopekaMontgomery Bus BoycottMarch on Washington"I Have a Dream" SpeechVoting Rights Act

293. The events listed would be most important in a discussion of which movement?

A. Civil rightsB. Anti-Vietnam WarC. Immigration reformD. Women's liberation



"The 'control of nature' is a phrase conceived in arrogance, born of the Neanderthal age ofbiology and philosophy, when it was supposed that nature exists for the convenience of man.It is our alarming misfortune that so primitive a science has armed itself with the mostmodern and terrible weapons, and that in turning them against the insects it has also turnedthem against the earth."

-Rachel Carson, Silent Spring, 1962

294. The book quoted above was important in helping to begin the

A. environmental movementB. anti-nuclear arms movementC. anti-Vietnam War movementD. America First movement



INTRODUCTION - This section contains information and questions about immigration to the United


295. Over the years, many people have immigrated to the United States. Give two reasons why peoplehave come. Name a group of immigrants who came for each reason you have given.

Scoring Guide

Score & DescriptionAppropriate

The response successfully identifies two reasons people have chosen to come to the United States.Reasons may include push factors (bad economic, political, or religious conditions at home) or pullfactors (opportunity, freedom, etc.). The answer names a group of immigrants for each reason given,although it may be vague about the nationality of one group (for example, Asians have come to avoidwar, Europeans came for job opportunities).


The response identifies one or two reasons why people have come to the United States, but does notidentify two immigrant groups who came for different reasons. Or, it identifies immigrant groupswithout explaining why they each came.


The response does not correctly identify any people who have come to the United States or why theycame.

Appropriate - Student Response

Over the years, many people have immigrated to the United States. Give two reasons why peoplehave come. Name a group of immigrants who came for each reason you have given.

Scorer Comments:

The response identifies two reasons people have chosen to come to the United States and names a

group of immigrants for each reason—freedom from religious control by the Church of England in thecase of the Pilgrims and the desire to escape poverty in the case of Mexicans.

Over the years, many people have immigrated to the United States. Give two reasons why peoplehave come. Name a group of immigrants who came for each reason you have given.

Scorer Comments:

The response identifies two reasons people have chosen to come to the United States and names agroup of immigrants for each reason—jobs in the case of Mexicans and freedom in the case ofCambodians.

Partial - Student Response

Over the years, many people have immigrated to the United States. Give two reasons why peoplehave come. Name a group of immigrants who came for each reason you have given.

Scorer Comments:

The response identifies two reasons people have chosen to come to the United States— religiousfreedom and economic betterment—but only links religious freedom to an immigrant group, Russians.

Over the years, many people have immigrated to the United States. Give two reasons why peoplehave come. Name a group of immigrants who came for each reason you have given.

Scorer Comments:

The response identifies one acceptable reason people have chosen to come to the United States—religious freedom—and links it to a group, the Pilgrims. The other reason provided, "because they werelocked up and decided to escape," is not accurate.

Inappropriate - Student Response

Over the years, many people have immigrated to the United States. Give two reasons why peoplehave come. Name a group of immigrants who came for each reason you have given.

Scorer Comments:

The response does not identify any acceptable reason that people have chosen to come to the UnitedStates.

Over the years, many people have immigrated to the United States. Give two reasons why peoplehave come. Name a group of immigrants who came for each reason you have given.

Scorer Comments:

The response does not identify any acceptable reason that people have chosen to come to the UnitedStates.

296. According to the pie charts, how did immigration to the United States change between 1854 and1907?

A. The percentage of immigrants coming from southern and eastern Europe increased dramatically.B. The percentage of immigrants coming from Germany and Britain gradually increased.

C. By 1907 Russia replaced Britain as the source of the greatest number of immigrants.D. The total number of immigrants coming to the United States declined.



In America, it was no disgrace to work at a trade. Workmen and capitalists were equal. Theemployer addressed the employee as you, not familiarly as thou. The cobbler and the teacherhad the same title, "mister," and all the children, boys and girls, Jews and Gentiles, went toschool!

-Polish immigrant, 1910

297. Using the quotation above and your knowledge of history, explain in your own words two importantaspects of life in the United States that seemed good to this immigrant.



What do you think was the most important difference this man saw between Poland and the UnitedStates?

Scoring Guide

Score & DescriptionAppropriate

The response identifies two aspects of life in America that the quotation shows as good, and offers onegeneral most important reason.


The response identifies either one or two aspects but no general difference, or a general differencebut no more than one aspect of life.


The response identifies no correct aspects of life.

Appropriate - Student Response

Using the quotation above and your knowledge of history, explain in your own words two importantaspects of life in the United States that seemed good to this immigrant.

Scorer Comments:

The response identifies two aspects of life in America that the quotation shows as good—that workersand employers were equal and that children of different groups went to school together. It alsoprovides a general difference that the immigrant saw between Poland and the United States—thatpeople were equal in the United States.

Using the quotation above and your knowledge of history, explain in your own words two importantaspects of life in the United States that seemed good to this immigrant.

Scorer Comments:

The response identifies two aspects of life in America that the quotation shows as good— that menand women were treated equally and that all children had the right to attend school. It also provides ageneral difference that the immigrant saw between Poland and the United States—that there wasmore freedom in the United States.

Partial - Student Response

Using the quotation above and your knowledge of history, explain in your own words two importantaspects of life in the United States that seemed good to this immigrant.

Scorer Comments:

The response identifies two aspects of life in America that the quotation shows as good— that menand women were treated equally and that all children had the right to attend school. It does notprovide a general difference that the immigrant saw between Poland and the United States.

Using the quotation above and your knowledge of history, explain in your own words two importantaspects of life in the United States that seemed good to this immigrant.

Scorer Comments:

The response identifies one aspect of life in America that the quotation shows as good— that everyoneis equal. The other aspect provided, that "they have good trade," is too vague. The general differenceprovided, that "he had a whole different life and different rights" is also too vague to be acceptable.

Inappropriate - Student Response

Using the quotation above and your knowledge of history, explain in your own words two importantaspects of life in the United States that seemed good to this immigrant.

Scorer Comments:

The response does not identify an aspect of life in America that the quotation shows as good. Thereferences to World War II are irrelevant and hence unacceptable.

Using the quotation above and your knowledge of history, explain in your own words two importantaspects of life in the United States that seemed good to this immigrant.

Scorer Comments:

The response does not identify an aspect of life in America that the quotation shows as good. Gettingjobs in factories is not addressed in the quotation. Having "a better life" is too vague. The generaldifference could not be credited without the specific points above being addressed. The response tothat part, that "it was a disgrace to work a trade," is unclear and vague.

298. The graph above traces "peaks" and "valleys" in immigration to the United States from 1870 to 1970.Choose two valleys on the graph. Using your knowledge of United States history, explain one majorreason for each of the valleys you selected.



Scoring Guide

Score & DescriptionAppropriate

The response correctly identifies two valleys and gives a correct explanation of each. The explanationsmay be brief as long as they are clear.


The response correctly identifies one or two valleys and it gives a correct explanation of only onevalley, or the second explanation, if present, is historically incorrect.


The response correctly identifies one or two valleys but does not give an accurate historicalexplanation for either one. Or, it explains why immigration can decline at times without identifying avalley on the graph. Must not negate the response by choosing a valley by talking about mountains, or"increase in immigration".


The response fails to accurately identify any of the valleys or to explain why immigration can decline attimes.

Appropriate - Student Response

The graph above traces "peaks" and "valleys" in immigration to the United States from 1870 to 1970.Choose two valleys on the graph. Using your knowledge of United States history, explain one majorreason for each of the valleys you selected.

Scorer Comments:

The response correctly identifies two valleys, 1930s and 1918, and gives an acceptable explanation forwhy immigration decreased during that period.

The graph above traces "peaks" and "valleys" in immigration to the United States from 1870 to 1970.Choose two valleys on the graph. Using your knowledge of United States history, explain one majorreason for each of the valleys you selected.

Scorer Comments:

The response correctly identifies two valleys, 1914-1918 and the late 1920s to the late 1930s, and

gives an acceptable explanation for why immigration decreased during that period.

Essential - Student Response

The graph above traces "peaks" and "valleys" in immigration to the United States from 1870 to 1970.Choose two valleys on the graph. Using your knowledge of United States history, explain one majorreason for each of the valleys you selected.

Scorer Comments:

The response correctly identifies one valley, 1930-1940, and provides an acceptable explanation forwhy immigration decreased during that period. The second time period identified, 1910-1920, isidentified as a peak rather than a valley, and the explanation given provides a reason for an increasein immigration rather than a decrease.

The graph above traces "peaks" and "valleys" in immigration to the United States from 1870 to 1970.Choose two valleys on the graph. Using your knowledge of United States history, explain one majorreason for each of the valleys you selected.

Scorer Comments:

The response correctly identifies one valley, the 1940s, and provides an acceptable explanation forwhy immigration decreased during that period. The second time period identified, 1910-1920, includesyears of high as well as low immigration and therefore cannot be considered a valley.

Partial - Student Response

The graph above traces "peaks" and "valleys" in immigration to the United States from 1870 to 1970.Choose two valleys on the graph. Using your knowledge of United States history, explain one major

reason for each of the valleys you selected.

Scorer Comments:

The response correctly identifies one valley, 1930-1940, but does not provide an explanation for thelow immigration rates of that decade. The second time period identified, 1900-1910, includes years ofhigh as well as low immigration and therefore cannot be considered a valley.

The graph above traces "peaks" and "valleys" in immigration to the United States from 1870 to 1970.Choose two valleys on the graph. Using your knowledge of United States history, explain one majorreason for each of the valleys you selected.

Scorer Comments:

The response correctly identifies one valley, 1930-1940, but the explanation provided for the lowimmigration rates of that decade is incorrect. The second time period identified, 1870-1886, includesyears of high as well as low immigration and therefore cannot be considered a valley.

Inappropriate - Student Response

The graph above traces "peaks" and "valleys" in immigration to the United States from 1870 to 1970.Choose two valleys on the graph. Using your knowledge of United States history, explain one majorreason for each of the valleys you selected.

Scorer Comments:

The response indicates the purpose of the graph, but does not respond to the question asked.

The graph above traces "peaks" and "valleys" in immigration to the United States from 1870 to 1970.Choose two valleys on the graph. Using your knowledge of United States history, explain one majorreason for each of the valleys you selected.

Scorer Comments:

The response fails both to accurately identify any of the valleys and to address the subject ofimmigration.

299. What point is the cartoonist trying to make?

Scoring Guide

Score & DescriptionAppropriate

The response states or clearly implies that the cartoon is about discrimination and that discriminationis a bad thing. It also refers to immigrants. The response must be essentially an accurate statement.

"new people from other countries" (not more people) "not being treated fairly" "not being treated equally" "not being treated right" "being treated wrongly"


The response demonstrates understanding that the cartoon is about discrimination and that the sharkis not a physical threat. The response may be vague.

"don't/won't let them come" exploit "don't like" "prejudice" "racism" "not treated well" "treated badly"


The response does not explain the cartoonist's point.

Appropriate - Student Response

What point is the cartoonist trying to make?

Scorer Comments:

The response indicates that the cartoon is about discrimination and that discrimination makes life inthe United States difficult for immigrants.

What point is the cartoonist trying to make?

Scorer Comments:

The response indicates that the cartoon is about discrimination and that discrimination makes life inthe United States difficult for immigrants.

Partial - Student Response

What point is the cartoonist trying to make?

Scorer Comments:

The response indicates that the cartoon is about discrimination, but does not make it clear that thecartoon concerns discrimination by Americans against immigrants.

What point is the cartoonist trying to make?

Scorer Comments:

The response indicates that the cartoon is about discrimination, but does not make it clear that thecartoon concerns discrimination by Americans against immigrants.

Inappropriate - Student Response

What point is the cartoonist trying to make?

Scorer Comments:

The response describes the cartoon literally rather than explaining the cartoonist's point.

What point is the cartoonist trying to make?

Scorer Comments:

The response does not explain the cartoonist's point.

The following question refers to the list below.

Imagine that you are studying the restriction of immigration to the United States in the 1920's. You havethe following sources of information available to you.

1. A 1924 newspaper editorial supporting the quota system that limited immigration

2. The text of the 1924 Immigration Act (or the National Origins Act)

3. The text of a speech made at a Ku Klux Klan rally in 1923

4. A Russian woman's account of her experiences during the Russian Civil War and her escape to theUnited States in 1922

5. A 1924 magazine editorial opposing the quota system that limited immigration

6. The story of a Greek family's journey to the United States in 1906 written by a journalist in 1955

7. The 1910, 1920, and 1930 United States census data telling how many immigrants came fromwhich countries

300. Identify one source that would probably help you understand why immigrants wanted to come to theUnited States. Explain why you chose that source.

Scoring Guide

Score & DescriptionAppropriate

The response explains why one source would likely contain appropriate information and gives areasonable explanation. The response shows an accurate understanding of the information that mightbe found in the source and relates it to the question to be answered. (Note: most likely correctanswers are sources 4 and 6 -- it will be difficult to make correct arguments for the other sources.)


The response lists source 4 or source 6 with no explanation or a simple restatement of the prompt.


The response does not identify a source that would likely contain appropriate information, nor does itjustify the choice. (Usually they are 1, 2, 3, 5, 7.)

Appropriate - Student Response

Identify one source that would probably help you understand why immigrants wanted to come to theUnited States. Explain why you chose that source.

Scorer Comments:

The response lists source #4, which is an acceptable choice, and explains why it would be likely tocontain information that would help the student understand why immigrants wanted to come to theUnited States.

Identify one source that would probably help you understand why immigrants wanted to come to theUnited States. Explain why you chose that source.

Scorer Comments:

The response lists source #6, which is an acceptable choice, and explains why it would be likely tocontain information that would help the student understand why immigrants wanted to come to theUnited States.

Partial - Student Response

Identify one source that would probably help you understand why immigrants wanted to come to theUnited States. Explain why you chose that source.

Scorer Comments:

The response lists source #4, which is an acceptable choice. It does not, however, explain why thatsource would contain information to help the student understand why immigrants wanted to come tothe United States.

Identify one source that would probably help you understand why immigrants wanted to come to theUnited States. Explain why you chose that source.

Scorer Comments:

The response lists source #6, which is an acceptable choice. It does not, however, offer an acceptablereason why that source would contain information to help the student understand why immigrantswanted to come to the United States.

Inappropriate - Student Response

Identify one source that would probably help you understand why immigrants wanted to come to theUnited States. Explain why you chose that source.

Scorer Comments:

The response lists source #7, which is not acceptable without a clear explanation of how it helps thestudent to understand why immigrants wanted to come to the United States.

Identify one source that would probably help you understand why immigrants wanted to come to theUnited States. Explain why you chose that source.

Scorer Comments:

The response lists source #2, which is not acceptable without a clear explanation of how it helps the

student to understand why immigrants wanted to come to the United States.

The following question refers to the list below.

Imagine that you are studying the restriction of immigration to the United States in the 1920's. You havethe following sources of information available to you.

1. A 1924 newspaper editorial supporting the quota system that limited immigration

2. The text of the 1924 Immigration Act (or the National Origins Act)

3. The text of a speech made at a Ku Klux Klan rally in 1923

4. A Russian woman's account of her experiences during the Russian Civil War and her escape to theUnited States in 1922

5. A 1924 magazine editorial opposing the quota system that limited immigration

6. The story of a Greek family's journey to the United States in 1906 written by a journalist in 1955

7. The 1910, 1920, and 1930 United States census data telling how many immigrants came fromwhich countries

301. Which two sources are most likely to show similar attitudes about immigration?

A. 1 and 3B. 2 and 4C. 2 and 6D. 3 and 5



The following question refers to the list below.

Imagine that you are studying the restriction of immigration to the United States in the 1920's. You havethe following sources of information available to you.

1. A 1924 newspaper editorial supporting the quota system that limited immigration

2. The text of the 1924 Immigration Act (or the National Origins Act)

3. The text of a speech made at a Ku Klux Klan rally in 1923

4. A Russian woman's account of her experiences during the Russian Civil War and her escape to theUnited States in 1922

5. A 1924 magazine editorial opposing the quota system that limited immigration

6. The story of a Greek family's journey to the United States in 1906 written by a journalist in 1955

7. The 1910, 1920, and 1930 United States census data telling how many immigrants came fromwhich countries

302. Which source would tell you most about the effects of the 1924 Immigration Act on changes in thepattern of immigration to the United States?

A. 3B. 4C. 6D. 7



The following question refers to the list below.

Imagine that you are studying the restriction of immigration to the United States in the 1920's. You havethe following sources of information available to you.

1. A 1924 newspaper editorial supporting the quota system that limited immigration

2. The text of the 1924 Immigration Act (or the National Origins Act)

3. The text of a speech made at a Ku Klux Klan rally in 1923

4. A Russian woman's account of her experiences during the Russian Civil War and her escape to theUnited States in 1922

5. A 1924 magazine editorial opposing the quota system that limited immigration

6. The story of a Greek family's journey to the United States in 1906 written by a journalist in 1955

7. The 1910, 1920, and 1930 United States census data telling how many immigrants came fromwhich countries

303. Which is a secondary source?

A. 4B. 5C. 6D. 7



The following question refers to the list below.

Imagine that you are studying the restriction of immigration to the United States in the 1920's. You havethe following sources of information available to you.

1. A 1924 newspaper editorial supporting the quota system that limited immigration

2. The text of the 1924 Immigration Act (or the National Origins Act)

3. The text of a speech made at a Ku Klux Klan rally in 1923

4. A Russian woman's account of her experiences during the Russian Civil War and her escape to theUnited States in 1922

5. A 1924 magazine editorial opposing the quota system that limited immigration

6. The story of a Greek family's journey to the United States in 1906 written by a journalist in 1955

7. The 1910, 1920, and 1930 United States census data telling how many immigrants came fromwhich countries

304. "Arriving in New York, 1906"

Suppose you had to give a class presentation on immigration using the photograph above and ONE ofthe sources listed on page 7. Which source would be most suitable to use with the photograph?

Scoring Guide

Score & DescriptionAppropriate

The response identifies a source and links information in the photo to a presentation using the source(e.g. lots of people show need for restrictions on immigration or crowded conditions and expressionson people's faces indicate hardship they would endure to reach a better life).


The response identifies a source, and gives a vague explanation of how the photo would add to apresentation. For example, "the photo would help to show that a lot of people came to the US . . . ".OR, the response does not identify a source but gives a lot of good information in the photograph. OR,identifies a good source but not linked to the information in the photo.


Either does not identify a correct source (1,2,5,6,7) but gives vague information (i.e. lots of people)OR, gives a correct source with wrong information, OR gives no explanation.

Appropriate - Student Response

"Arriving in New York, 1906"

Suppose you had to give a class presentation on immigration using the photograph above and ONE ofthe sources listed on page 7. Which source would be most suitable to use with the photograph?

Scorer Comments:

The response identifies source #7 (the 1910, 1920, and 1930 United States census data) and providesan acceptable linkage of that source to the information that would be gained from the photograph.

"Arriving in New York, 1906"

Suppose you had to give a class presentation on immigration using the photograph above and ONE ofthe sources listed on page 7. Which source would be most suitable to use with the photograph?

Scorer Comments:

The response identifies source #6 (the story of a Greek family's journey to the United States in 1906written by a journalist in 1955) and provides an acceptable linkage of that source to the informationthat would be gained from the photograph.

Partial - Student Response

"Arriving in New York, 1906"

Suppose you had to give a class presentation on immigration using the photograph above and ONE ofthe sources listed on page 7. Which source would be most suitable to use with the photograph?

Scorer Comments:

The response identifies source #2 (the text of the 1924 Immigration Act) and provides a vagueexplanation of how the photograph would add to the presentation. It does not make it clear how thefact that many people wanted to immigrate is related to the Act.

"Arriving in New York, 1906"

Suppose you had to give a class presentation on immigration using the photograph above and ONE ofthe sources listed on page 7. Which source would be most suitable to use with the photograph?

Scorer Comments:

The response identifies source #5 (a 1924 magazine editorial opposing the quota system that limitedimmigration) and provides a vague explanation of how the photograph would add to the presentation.It does not make it clear how the facts that there were a lot of immigrants and that the ships theycame on were crowded are related to the editorial's opposition to the quota system.

Inappropriate - Student Response

"Arriving in New York, 1906"

Suppose you had to give a class presentation on immigration using the photograph above and ONE ofthe sources listed on page 7. Which source would be most suitable to use with the photograph?

Scorer Comments:

The response identifies source #3 (the text of a speech made at a Ku Klux Klan rally in 1923), which isnot an acceptable source for this question.

"Arriving in New York, 1906"

Suppose you had to give a class presentation on immigration using the photograph above and ONE ofthe sources listed on page 7. Which source would be most suitable to use with the photograph?

Scorer Comments:

The response identifies source #1 (a 1924 newspaper editorial supporting the quota system thatlimited immigration) but does not explain how information drawn from the photograph could be usedin the presentation.

305. What does the political cartoon above show?

A. effects of a new law limiting immigrationB. The need for skilled immigrants to fill jobs created by the boom after the First World WarC. The desire of reformers to provide social services for European immigrantsD. The eagerness of the government to settle immigrants inland rather than in the eastern industrial




306. According to the graph, how did immigration to the United States change from 1941 to 1990?

A. The total number of immigrants coming to the United States declined.B. The percentage of immigrants coming from Europe increased steadily.C. By 1990, Africa replaced Europe as the source of the greatest number of immigrants.D. By 1990, most immigrants came from Asia and the Americas.



307. Look back at the information in this booklet.

1) Identify three important changes in the pattern of immigration to the United States from 1854 to1990.

2) Explain why one of the changes you identified happened.

Scoring Guide

Score & DescriptionAppropriate

The response accurately identifies three important changes in immigration in the period and explainswhy one of the changes occurred. Answers may be based on the data in the unit or on historicalknowledge.


The response uses data in booklet to accurately identify one or two important changes, and explainswhy one of the changes occurred. Other changes are identified but these are somewhat inaccurate ortrivial. OR, the response identifies three correct changes, but does not explain any of these changes orthe explanations are wrong.


The response identifies at least one important change, but other changes identified lack significance orare incorrect.


The response does not accurately identify changes in immigration over the period, OR explain why onechange occurred.

Appropriate - Student Response

Look back at the information in this booklet.

1) Identify three important changes in the pattern of immigration to the United States from 1854 to1990.

Scorer Comments:

The response identifies three important changes in immigration between 1854 and 1990. Theexplanation for the lack of immigration during the 1940s is acceptable.

Look back at the information in this booklet.

1) Identify three important changes in the pattern of immigration to the United States from 1854 to1990.

Scorer Comments:

The response identifies three important changes in immigration between 1854 and 1990—gradualdecline in the proportion of European immigration, gradual increase of non-European immigrants,particular growth in the proportion of Asian immigrants in recent decades. The explanation for thedecline in European immigration is acceptable.

Essential - Student Response

Look back at the information in this booklet.

1) Identify three important changes in the pattern of immigration to the United States from 1854 to1990.

Scorer Comments:

The response identifies three important changes in immigration between 1854 and 1990—gradualdecline in the proportion of European immigrants, gradual increase in Asian and Latin Americanimmigration, modest increase in the proportion of immigrants from Africa. The other point identified,that people came mostly to the United States in the early 1900s, does not constitute a change in thepattern of immigration to the United States. The explanation provided, which concerns the popularityof the United States as a destination in the early 1900s, does not address any of the acceptablechanges listed.

Look back at the information in this booklet.

1) Identify three important changes in the pattern of immigration to the United States from 1854 to1990.

Scorer Comments:

The response identifies two important changes in immigration between 1854 and 1990—gradualdecline in the proportion of European immigrants and gradual increase in Asian and Latin Americanimmigration. The explanation does not address why these changes took place.

Partial - Student Response

Look back at the information in this booklet.

1) Identify three important changes in the pattern of immigration to the United States from 1854 to1990.

Scorer Comments:

The response identifies one important change—that the 1940s witnessed little immigration. Neither ofthe other changes provided is acceptable. No acceptable explanation for the lack of immigration in the1940s is provided.

Look back at the information in this booklet.

1) Identify three important changes in the pattern of immigration to the United States from 1854 to1990.

Scorer Comments:

The response identifies one important change—that the proportion of European immigration hasdecreased. The other changes identified are not acceptable. The statement that Africans have notimmigrated much does not constitute a change. The statement that Asians kept going up suggested acontinuous increase in the proportion of Asian immigrants since 1854, which is not accurate. Theexplanation provided for the increase of Asian immigration is not accurate.

Inappropriate - Student Response

Look back at the information in this booklet.

1) Identify three important changes in the pattern of immigration to the United States from 1854 to1990.

Scorer Comments:

The response does not accurately identify changes in immigration over the period.

Look back at the information in this booklet.

1) Identify three important changes in the pattern of immigration to the United States from 1854 to1990.

Scorer Comments:

The response does not accurately identify changes in immigration over the period.

308. Which of the following best describes the British colonial policy called mercantilism?

A. Encouraging colonists to sell manufactured goods to European countriesB. Sending raw materials from Britain to the coloniesC. Exercising British control over economic activities in the coloniesD. Attempting to make the colonies economically self-sufficient



309. What was the major cause of the shift from the use of White indentured servants to the use of Blackslave labor in Virginia in the 1600's?

A. Many White indentured servants escaped.B. African people had more experience farming than did White indentured servants.C. Economic recovery in England reduced the supply of White indentured servants.D. Most wealthy planters viewed indentured servitude as immoral.



Both parts of Question 3 are about the statement below.

"My logic teaches me that land cannot be sold. The Great Spirit gave the land to his childrento live upon. . . . Nothing can be sold but such things as can be carried away."

-Black Hawk, Chief of the Sac and Fox

310. On the table below, list two ways in which the beliefs about landownership held by many NativeAmericans (such as Black Hawk) differed from the beliefs about landownership probably held by manyWhite Americans. In your answer, use both the quote above and your knowledge of history.




In the space below, explain how the differences in beliefs about landownership you identified affectedthe relationship between White Americans and Native Americans.

Scoring Guide

Score & DescriptionAppropriate

The response is able to identify two differences in views of land ownership and to explain, with somespecificity, the ways these affected the relationship between Native Americans and Europeans; forexample, "White Americans wanted to own their own land for farming, and so they forced many NativeAmericans off their tribal lands. This led to many wars over land."


The response identifies two differences correctly, although one may be weaker than the other andprovides no explanation or a very weak explanation. For example: "White Americans made the NativeAmericans angry because White Americans wanted more and more land."


The response discusses one important difference and correctly explains how this difference affects therelationship between White Americans and Native Americans.


The response identifies one belief or one difference but goes no further, OR the response understandthe problems in Native American/White American relations but cannot relate these problems to beliefsabout land ownership.


The response does not identify differences or relate these differences to Native American/WhiteAmerican problems.

Appropriate - Student Response

On the table below, list two ways in which the beliefs about landownership held by many NativeAmericans (such as Black Hawk) differed from the beliefs about landownership probably held by manyWhite Americans. In your answer, use both the quote above and your knowledge of history.


Scorer Comments:

The response identifies two differences between many Native Americans and many White Americansabout land ownership and provides an acceptable explanation of how those differences affected therelationship between Native Americans and White Americans.

On the table below, list two ways in which the beliefs about landownership held by many NativeAmericans (such as Black Hawk) differed from the beliefs about landownership probably held by manyWhite Americans. In your answer, use both the quote above and your knowledge of history.


Scorer Comments:

The student identifies two differences between the beliefs about land ownership held by many NativeAmericans and the beliefs about land ownership probably held by many White Americans. Theresponse also provides an acceptable explanation of how those differences affected the relationshipbetween Native Americans and White Americans.

Essential - Student Response

On the table below, list two ways in which the beliefs about landownership held by many NativeAmericans (such as Black Hawk) differed from the beliefs about landownership probably held by manyWhite Americans. In your answer, use both the quote above and your knowledge of history.


Scorer Comments:

The response identifies two differences between many Native Americans and many White Americansabout land ownership. The explanation of how those differences affected the relationship betweenNative Americans and White Americans is too general to be acceptable.

On the table below, list two ways in which the beliefs about landownership held by many NativeAmericans (such as Black Hawk) differed from the beliefs about landownership probably held by manyWhite Americans. In your answer, use both the quote above and your knowledge of history.


Scorer Comments:

The response identifies two differences between many Native Americans and many White Americansabout land ownership. The explanation of how those differences affected the relationship between

Native Americans and White Americans is too general to be acceptable.

Partial - Student Response

On the table below, list two ways in which the beliefs about landownership held by many NativeAmericans (such as Black Hawk) differed from the beliefs about landownership probably held by manyWhite Americans. In your answer, use both the quote above and your knowledge of history.


Scorer Comments:

The response identifies one difference between many Native Americans and many White Americansabout land ownership. The explanation of how those differences affected the relationship betweenNative Americans and White Americans is too general to be acceptable.

On the table below, list two ways in which the beliefs about landownership held by many NativeAmericans (such as Black Hawk) differed from the beliefs about landownership probably held by manyWhite Americans. In your answer, use both the quote above and your knowledge of history.


Scorer Comments:

The response identifies one difference between many Native Americans and many White Americansabout land ownership—that Black Hawk "cherished" his land, suggesting that White Americans tendedto lack a special feeling about it. The explanation of how those differences affected the relationshipbetween Native Americans and White Americans is too general to be acceptable.

Inappropriate - Student Response

On the table below, list two ways in which the beliefs about landownership held by many NativeAmericans (such as Black Hawk) differed from the beliefs about landownership probably held by manyWhite Americans. In your answer, use both the quote above and your knowledge of history.


Scorer Comments:

The response does not identify differences between Native American and White American beliefs aboutland. The first difference indicated, that "land couldn't be sold but belongings could be carried away,"repeats words from the quotation from Black Hawk. The second difference indicated, that "Native

Americans traded out such objects for land," does not successfully address the question.

On the table below, list two ways in which the beliefs about landownership held by many NativeAmericans (such as Black Hawk) differed from the beliefs about landownership probably held by manyWhite Americans. In your answer, use both the quote above and your knowledge of history.


Scorer Comments:

The response does not identify differences between Native American and White American beliefs aboutland. Neither difference identified, that Native Americans lived on reservations and that WhiteAmericans, "lived on the land and had others to work for them," successfully addresses the question.

"In every free government, the people must give their assent to the laws by which they aregoverned. Now, in a large republic, it is impossible to have a representation to declare theminds of the people . . . the great officers of government would soon become above thecontrol of the people, and would abuse their power."

-Brutus, 1787

311. According to Brutus, why are small republics better than large republics?

A. In a small republic officials are more likely to represent the interests of the people.B. In a small republic political leaders are likely to be stronger.C. Small republics are better able to expand to new territories.D. Small republics are better able to maintain order.



"In spite of the obvious advantages held by the North, the South was able to fight for fouryears and to achieve some real military successes. So while the North held most of the cards,the South had one or two aces up its sleeves."

312. Identify two of the "aces" (significant advantages) that the South had in the Civil War. Explain howthese advantages helped the South.

Scoring Guide

Score & DescriptionAppropriate

The response identifies two advantages held by the South. It explains how each advantage identifiedaided the Southern war effort. Response contains no significant inaccuracies (minor inaccuraciesacceptable).


The response identifies two advantages but does not fully explain how both of those advantageshelped the Southern war effort. OR, the response identifies one advantage the South had and fullyexplains how this advantage helped the Southern war effort.


The response identifies only one advantage that the South had, and does not link this to the wareffort or explain it.


The response is unable to identify any advantages the South had during the Civil War or it identifiesincorrect things.

Appropriate - Student Response

Identify two of the "aces" (significant advantages) that the South had in the Civil War. Explain howthese advantages helped the South.

Scorer Comments:

The response identifies two advantages held by the South and explains how both of them aided thesouthern war effort.

Identify two of the "aces" (significant advantages) that the South had in the Civil War. Explain howthese advantages helped the South.

Scorer Comments:

The response identifies two advantages held by the South and explains how both of them aided thesouthern war effort.

Essential - Student Response

Identify two of the "aces" (significant advantages) that the South had in the Civil War. Explain howthese advantages helped the South.

Scorer Comments:

The response identifies one advantage held by the South—that the Civil War was largely fought on itshome territory—and explains why that advantage helped the South.

Identify two of the "aces" (significant advantages) that the South had in the Civil War. Explain howthese advantages helped the South.

Scorer Comments:

The response identifies and explains one advantage held by the South—that Robert E. Lee was an ablemilitary leader. The other advantage indicated, that "the South had more slaves to fight" is incorrect,as slaves did not play a significant role in the fighting on the Confederate side.

Partial - Student Response

Identify two of the "aces" (significant advantages) that the South had in the Civil War. Explain howthese advantages helped the South.

Scorer Comments:

The response identifies one advantage held by the South—greater knowledge of the territory on whichthe war was fought—but does not sufficiently explain why this was an advantage. The otheradvantage provided—that the southern army had more soldiers—is incorrect.

Identify two of the "aces" (significant advantages) that the South had in the Civil War. Explain howthese advantages helped the South.

Scorer Comments:

The response identifies one advantage held by the South—that they fought on their own territory—butdoes not explain why this was an advantage.

Inappropriate - Student Response

Identify two of the "aces" (significant advantages) that the South had in the Civil War. Explain howthese advantages helped the South.

Scorer Comments:

The response does not identify any advantage held by the South. The South was not better equippedthan the North, nor is it accurate to say that the South had more knowledge of war and weaponry.

Identify two of the "aces" (significant advantages) that the South had in the Civil War. Explain howthese advantages helped the South.

Scorer Comments:

The response does not identify any advantage held by the South. While the South had some resourcesneeded by the North, the North held an overall advantage in most resources needed to win the war.

313. The urban population explosion in the late 1800's was primarily a result of

A. immigrationB. rapid increases in family sizeC. dramatic reductions in the urban death rateD. African American migration to the North and West



The following question refers to the following cartoon.

314. When the cartoon was created, the artist was probably thinking of which foreign policy slogan?

A. The arsenal of democracyB. Peace with honorC. We have nothing to fear but fear itselfD. Speak softly and carry a big stick



The following question refers to the following cartoon.

315. Describe the type of foreign policy that the policeman in the cartoon represents.

Give one specific example of this type of foreign policy from the period that the cartoon shows.

Scoring Guide

Score & DescriptionAppropriate

The response correctly describes the foreign policy as playing an aggressive, strong role in worldaffairs OR in the mediation of world disputes. The answer also gives a correct historical example of thistype of policy. The response may identify Teddy Roosevelt, though this is not necessary.


The response indicates that the policy involves a strong or aggressive United States, but does not givea specific example of the policy. OR, it gives a specific, historically accurate, example withoutdescribing the policy.


The response does not describe the foreign policy accurately, and lacks historical specifics.

Appropriate - Student Response

Describe the type of foreign policy that the policeman in the cartoon represents.

Scorer Comments:

The response correctly describes the foreign policy represented by the cartoon's image of TheodoreRoosevelt in a policeman's uniform as one that stressed a strong role for the United States in worldaffairs. The answer also gives an appropriate example of that policy—the Roosevelt Corollary to theMonroe Doctrine, which asserted American power in the Western Hemisphere.

Describe the type of foreign policy that the policeman in the cartoon represents.

Scorer Comments:

The response correctly describes the foreign policy that the policeman in the cartoon represents as onethat stressed a strong role for the United States in world affairs. The answer also gives an appropriateexample of that policy—the building of the Panama Canal.

Partial - Student Response

Describe the type of foreign policy that the policeman in the cartoon represents.

Scorer Comments:

The response correctly describes one aspect of the foreign policy represented by the cartoon's imageof Theodore Roosevelt in a policeman's uniform—the assumption by the United States of a role as anarbiter of disputes around the world. The answer does not, however, give an appropriate example ofthat policy.

Describe the type of foreign policy that the policeman in the cartoon represents.

Scorer Comments:

The response correctly describes the foreign policy represented by the cartoon's image of TheodoreRoosevelt in a policeman's uniform as one that stressed an aggressive position for the United States inworld affairs. The example provided, however, is too vague to be acceptable.

Inappropriate - Student Response

Describe the type of foreign policy that the policeman in the cartoon represents.

Scorer Comments:

The response does not clearly describe the foreign policy represented by the cartoon's image ofTheodore Roosevelt in a policeman's uniform.

Describe the type of foreign policy that the policeman in the cartoon represents.

Scorer Comments:

The response does not clearly describe the foreign policy represented by the cartoon's image ofTheodore Roosevelt in a policeman's uniform.

316. In which book did Upton Sinclair describe the terrible working and food-production conditions in themeat-packing industry?

A. The Grapes of WrathB. The PitC. The OctopusD. The Jungle



The following question refers to the quotation below.

We will answer [the] demand for a gold standard by saying. . . you shall not press down uponthe brow of labor this crown of thorns, you shall not crucify mankind on a cross of gold.

-William Jennings Bryan, 1896

317. What was Bryan arguing in his "Cross of Gold" speech?

A. Free coinage of silver would cause a depression.B. The gold standard was needed to preserve economic stability.C. The gold standard harmed some groups in society.D. The government should stop buying silver immediately.



The following question refers to the quotation below.

We will answer [the] demand for a gold standard by saying. . . you shall not press down uponthe brow of labor this crown of thorns, you shall not crucify mankind on a cross of gold.

-William Jennings Bryan, 1896

318. Which groups wanted the United States to stay on the gold standard?

A. Western farmers and ranchersB. Eastern bankers and the Republican partyC. Unionized workers and nonunionized farm laborersD. The Socialist party and the Industrial Workers of the World (Wobblies)



319. The poster above is from Warren G. Harding's 1920 presidential campaign. It was meant to appeal to

A. poor people's mistrust of big businessB. people's concerns about involvement in European conflictsC. union members' fears of communist domination of unionsD. recent immigrants' fears of prejudice in the United States



The following question refers to the statement below.

We now know what we should have known then—not only was the evacuation wrong butJapanese Americans were and are loyal Americans.

- Gerald R. Ford, 1976

320. The "evacuation" that Ford refers to directly affected

A. Japanese Americans and German AmericansB. Japanese citizens living on the East CoastC. United States citizens of Japanese descentD. Japanese soldiers serving in the United States Army



The following question refers to the statement below.

We now know what we should have known then—not only was the evacuation wrong butJapanese Americans were and are loyal Americans.

- Gerald R. Ford, 1976

321. What historical circumstances and attitudes led many United States citizens to regard JapaneseAmericans as disloyal Americans? Be as specific as possible in your answer.

Scoring Guide

Score & DescriptionAppropriate

The response should mention the attack on Pearl Harbor or discuss the specific aspects of World WarTwo that led to unjust actions like blaming innocent Japanese Americans for the bombing. Theresponse should also mention attitudes such as racism, the wish to seize Japanese American propertyin the West, or fear of internal spying or fifth-column plots. These responses deal with both historicalcircumstances and attitudes, and have some historical specificity.


The response ties Japanese American internment to World War Two but lacks historical specifics or theresponse mentions attitudes without historical circumstances or the response mentions Pearl Harborbut goes no further.


The response does not relate Japanese American internment to World War Two.

To determine whether students understand the attitudes and events that caused some to view theJapanese Americans as disloyal.

Appropriate - Student Response

What historical circumstances and attitudes led many United States citizens to regard JapaneseAmericans as disloyal Americans? Be as specific as possible in your answer.

Scorer Comments:

The response notes a "historical circumstance"—the attack on Pearl Harbor—and a consequentprejudicial attitude—that Japanese people were untrustworthy, both helping to explain the policy ofinterning Japanese Americans.

What historical circumstances and attitudes led many United States citizens to regard JapaneseAmericans as disloyal Americans? Be as specific as possible in your answer.

Scorer Comments:

The response notes a "historical circumstance"—the bombing of Pearl Harbor—and a consequentprejudicial attitude toward people who appeared to be Japanese, both helping to explain the policy ofinterning Japanese Americans.

Partial - Student Response

What historical circumstances and attitudes led many United States citizens to regard JapaneseAmericans as disloyal Americans? Be as specific as possible in your answer.

Scorer Comments:

The response notes a "historical circumstance"—the bombing of Pearl Harbor—but does not note therelationship between that event and American attitudes toward Japanese Americans.

What historical circumstances and attitudes led many United States citizens to regard JapaneseAmericans as disloyal Americans? Be as specific as possible in your answer.

Scorer Comments:

The response notes a "historical circumstance"—the bombing of Pearl Harbor—but is insufficientlyexplicit about the relationship between that event and American attitudes toward Japanese Americans.

Inappropriate - Student Response

What historical circumstances and attitudes led many United States citizens to regard JapaneseAmericans as disloyal Americans? Be as specific as possible in your answer.

Scorer Comments:

The response does not relate American attitudes toward Japanese Americans to World War Two. Theexample of the Vietnam War is not relevant to that period.

What historical circumstances and attitudes led many United States citizens to regard JapaneseAmericans as disloyal Americans? Be as specific as possible in your answer.

Scorer Comments:

The response does not relate American attitudes toward Japanese Americans to World War Two. Theexample provided, "trade", is not relevant to that period.

322. The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) and the Warsaw Pact are best described as two

A. organizations founded by the European Economic Community to promote trade between Europeand the United States

B. treaties negotiated between the Allies and the Central Powers at Versailles after the First WorldWar

C. bodies established by the United Nations to promote peace within multiethnic European countriessuch as Czechoslovakia and Yugoslavia

D. military organizations made up, respectively, of the United States and its allies and the SovietUnion and its allies during the Cold War



323. Churches and other religious institutions have been important in reform movements in the UnitedStates. Identify one reform movement in which religious institutions have been involved since 1945.

Why did these institutions get involved in this movement, and what actions did they take?

Scoring Guide

Score & DescriptionAppropriate

The response identifies one important movement and describe why the religious institution gotinvolved OR what action it took.


The response may identify one movement but doesn't describe the actions of the religious institution.


The response does not identify any movements in which religious institutions have played an activerole since 1945.

Appropriate - Student Response

Churches and other religious institutions have been important in reform movements in the UnitedStates. Identify one reform movement in which religious institutions have been involved since 1945.

Scorer Comments:

The response identifies a reform movement that has been important since 1945, the movement forprayer in the schools, and describes why religious institutions got involved in that movement.

Churches and other religious institutions have been important in reform movements in the UnitedStates. Identify one reform movement in which religious institutions have been involved since 1945.

Scorer Comments:

The response identifies a reform movement that has been important since 1945, the civil rightsmovement, and describes why religious institutions got involved in that movement and what actionsthey took.

Partial - Student Response

Churches and other religious institutions have been important in reform movements in the UnitedStates. Identify one reform movement in which religious institutions have been involved since 1945.

Scorer Comments:

The response identifies a reform movement that has been important since 1945, the civil rightsmovement, but the explanation for why religious institutions got involved in that movement is vagueand unclear.

Churches and other religious institutions have been important in reform movements in the UnitedStates. Identify one reform movement in which religious institutions have been involved since 1945.

Scorer Comments:

The response identifies a reform effort that was important in the post-1945 period, Vatican II, but theexplanation for why religious institutions got involved in that movement is vague and unclear.

Inappropriate - Student Response

Churches and other religious institutions have been important in reform movements in the UnitedStates. Identify one reform movement in which religious institutions have been involved since 1945.

Scorer Comments:

The response does not identify a reform effort that has been important since 1945, as slavery wasabolished in 1865.

Churches and other religious institutions have been important in reform movements in the UnitedStates. Identify one reform movement in which religious institutions have been involved since 1945.

Scorer Comments:

The response does not identify a reform effort that has been important since 1945. The exampleprovided is too vague and general to be acceptable.

324. The Gulf of Tonkin Resolution (1964) was significant because it

A. ended the war in KoreaB. gave President Johnson the authority to expand the scope of the Vietnam War

C. was an attempt to take foreign policy power away from the PresidentD. allowed China to become a member of the United Nations



325. In the late 1400's and early 1500's, the primary motivation for the European voyages of explorationwas

A. an attempt to improve the navigation skills of Portuguese sailorsB. the need to find new sources of tin and woolC. the desire to establish foreign colonies to relieve overpopulationD. the desire to find new trade routes to China and the East Indies



326. Article I, Section 2, United States Constitution

"[The population of states] shall be determined by adding to the whole number of freepersons . . . three-fifths of all other persons."

An important debate led to the writing of this section of the Constitution. Identify the issue beingdebated.

Describe the northern position in this debate and explain why many northerners took it.

Describe the southern position in this debate and explain why many southerners took it.

Scoring Guide

Score & Description


The response accurately identifies and explains the debate between the North and the South over thecounting of slaves for purposes of representation. The response understands that southern stateswanted slaves counted (since this increased the number of votes they received in the House ofRepresentatives) while northern states did not want slaves counted. Students must make theconnection to representation/ political power clear.


The response identifies the debate, and the arguments made by northern and southern states overhow to count slaves for the purposes of representation, without mentioning the desire of the southernstates to increase their voting power in the House, OR top portion is blank but the issue is made clearin two correct positions.


The response identifies the position of either North or South but not both, OR one is wrong, OR theresponse is confused on or fails to state the northern and southern positions on this issue, but doescorrectly identify the issue.


The response does not accurately identify the debate or either argument (North or South).

Appropriate - Student Response

Article I, Section 2, United States Constitution

"[The population of states] shall be determined by adding to the whole number of freepersons . . . three-fifths of all other persons."

An important debate led to the writing of this section of the Constitution. Identify the issue beingdebated.

Scorer Comments:

The response identifies and explains the debate between the North and the South over the counting ofslaves for purposes of representation. The response makes it clear that southern states wanted slavescounted in order to increase their representation in Congress, while northern states did not want slavescounted.

Article I, Section 2, United States Constitution

"[The population of states] shall be determined by adding to the whole number of freepersons . . . three-fifths of all other persons."

An important debate led to the writing of this section of the Constitution. Identify the issue beingdebated.

Scorer Comments:

The response identifies and explains the debate between the North and the South over the counting ofslaves for purposes of representation. The response makes it clear that southern states wanted slavescounted in order to increase their representation in Congress, while northern states did not want slavescounted.

Essential - Student Response

Article I, Section 2, United States Constitution

"[The population of states] shall be determined by adding to the whole number of freepersons . . . three-fifths of all other persons."

An important debate led to the writing of this section of the Constitution. Identify the issue beingdebated.

Scorer Comments:

The response indicates that the debate between the North and the South concerned the counting ofslaves, but does not make it clear that the issue at the center of that debate was representation inCongress.

Article I, Section 2, United States Constitution

"[The population of states] shall be determined by adding to the whole number of freepersons . . . three-fifths of all other persons."

An important debate led to the writing of this section of the Constitution. Identify the issue beingdebated.

Scorer Comments:

The response indicates that the debate between the North and the South concerned the counting ofslaves, but does not make it clear that the issue at the center of that debate was representation inCongress.

Partial - Student Response

Article I, Section 2, United States Constitution

"[The population of states] shall be determined by adding to the whole number of freepersons . . . three-fifths of all other persons."

An important debate led to the writing of this section of the Constitution. Identify the issue beingdebated.

Scorer Comments:

The response indicates that the debate between the North and the South concerned the counting ofslaves but does not explain the northern and southern positions correctly.

Article I, Section 2, United States Constitution

"[The population of states] shall be determined by adding to the whole number of freepersons . . . three-fifths of all other persons."

An important debate led to the writing of this section of the Constitution. Identify the issue beingdebated.

Scorer Comments:

The response indicates that the debate between the North and the South concerned the counting ofslaves but does not explain the northern and southern positions correctly.

Inappropriate - Student Response

Article I, Section 2, United States Constitution

"[The population of states] shall be determined by adding to the whole number of freepersons . . . three-fifths of all other persons."

An important debate led to the writing of this section of the Constitution. Identify the issue beingdebated.

Scorer Comments:

The response does not identify the subject of the debate between the North and the South.

Article I, Section 2, United States Constitution

"[The population of states] shall be determined by adding to the whole number of freepersons . . . three-fifths of all other persons."

An important debate led to the writing of this section of the Constitution. Identify the issue beingdebated.

Scorer Comments:

The response does not identify the subject of the debate between the North and the South.

The following question refers to the passage below.

The following is from a speech given in 1826 by Elias Boudinot, a Cherokee who was educated at aschool in a predominantly White community.

The Cherokees have advanced far and rapidly in civilization. But there are yet powerfulobstacles, both within and without, to be surmounted in the march of improvement. . . . Indefiance, however, of these obstacles, the Cherokees have improved and are rapidlyimproving . . . . At this time [on Cherokee lands] there are 22,000 cattle; 7,600 horses;46,000 swine; 2,500 sheep; 762 looms; 1,488 spinning wheels; 172 wagons; 2,948 plows; 10sawmills; 31 grist mills; 62 blacksmith shops; 8 cotton machines; 18 schools; 18 ferries; and anumber of public roads. In one district there were, last winter, upward of 1,000 volumes ofgood books . . .

327. Identify some of the evidence Boudinot cites to show that the Cherokee had advanced far incivilization.

Do you think that in the early nineteenth century most American Indians would have agreed thatthese things were advances in civilization? Why or why not?

Scoring Guide

Score & DescriptionAppropriate

The response answers both parts of the question. It successfully identifies evidence Boudinot uses toshow Cherokee advances. It offers a logical argument for why or why not most American Indianswould have agreed with Boudinot.


The response answers both parts of question, but the answer is significantly weaker in one part than inthe other. The explanation in the second part may be vague or contain historical inaccuracies.


The response answers the first half of the question with evidence from the passage; it gives more thanone thing or at least generalizes about what the "things" mean. For example, the Cherokee had manyeconomic resources or they valued education. It omits or gives unconvincing answers to the secondpart of the question. OR, the response answers only the second part of the question.


The response attempts to answer the first half of the question, but fails to identify appropriateevidence for the first part of question. It omits or gives unconvincing answers to the second part ofthe question.

Appropriate - Student Response

Identify some of the evidence Boudinot cites to show that the Cherokee had advanced far incivilization.

Scorer Comments:

The response identifies evidence that Boudinot cites to show that the Cherokees had advanced incivilization and it provides a clear reason why most American Indians might have agreed that suchdevelopments constituted "advances".

Identify some of the evidence Boudinot cites to show that the Cherokee had advanced far incivilization.

Scorer Comments:

The response identifies evidence that Boudinot cites to show that the Cherokees had advanced incivilization and it provides a clear reason why most American Indians might have disagreed withBoudinot's view that such developments constituted "advances".

Essential - Student Response

Identify some of the evidence Boudinot cites to show that the Cherokee had advanced far incivilization.

Scorer Comments:

The response identifies evidence that Boudinot cites to show that the Cherokees had advanced incivilization. The reason provided to explain why American Indians might have disagreed with Boudinot'sview that such developments constituted "advances" is vague.

Identify some of the evidence Boudinot cites to show that the Cherokee had advanced far incivilization.

Scorer Comments:

The response identifies evidence that Boudinot cites to show that the Cherokees had advanced incivilization. The reason provided to explain why American Indians might have disagreed with Boudinot'sview that such developments constituted "advances" is vague.

Partial - Student Response

Identify some of the evidence Boudinot cites to show that the Cherokee had advanced far incivilization.

Scorer Comments:

The response identifies evidence that Boudinot cites to show that the Cherokees had advanced incivilization. The reason provided to explain why American Indians might have disagreed with Boudinot'sview that such developments constituted "advances" is not clear enough to be acceptable even as avague response.

Identify some of the evidence Boudinot cites to show that the Cherokee had advanced far incivilization.

Scorer Comments:

The response identifies evidence that Boudinot cites to show that the Cherokees had advanced incivilization. No reason is provided to explain why American Indians might have agreed or disagreedwith Boudinot's view that such developments constituted "advances."

Inappropriate - Student Response

Identify some of the evidence Boudinot cites to show that the Cherokee had advanced far incivilization.

Scorer Comments:

The response identifies only one piece of evidence that Boudinot cites; this is not a sufficient amountof detail. No response is given to the second part.

Identify some of the evidence Boudinot cites to show that the Cherokee had advanced far incivilization.

Scorer Comments:

The response does not identify any evidence that Boudinot cites. The response to the second part isconfusing.

The following question refers to the passage below.

The following is from a speech given in 1826 by Elias Boudinot, a Cherokee who was educated at aschool in a predominantly White community.

The Cherokees have advanced far and rapidly in civilization. But there are yet powerfulobstacles, both within and without, to be surmounted in the march of improvement. . . . Indefiance, however, of these obstacles, the Cherokees have improved and are rapidlyimproving . . . . At this time [on Cherokee lands] there are 22,000 cattle; 7,600 horses;46,000 swine; 2,500 sheep; 762 looms; 1,488 spinning wheels; 172 wagons; 2,948 plows; 10sawmills; 31 grist mills; 62 blacksmith shops; 8 cotton machines; 18 schools; 18 ferries; and anumber of public roads. In one district there were, last winter, upward of 1,000 volumes ofgood books . . .

328. Which statement best describes the effect of the changes described by Boudinot?

A. The changes impressed President Jackson, who wanted the Cherokee to stay on their land.B. The changes led the Cherokee to decide to start additional settlements farther west.C. The changes did not impress the Supreme Court, which ordered the Cherokee to leave their

lands.D. The changes did not prevent the forced removal of the Cherokee from Georgia.



The following question refers to the passage below.

The following is from a speech given in 1826 by Elias Boudinot, a Cherokee who was educated at aschool in a predominantly White community.

The Cherokees have advanced far and rapidly in civilization. But there are yet powerfulobstacles, both within and without, to be surmounted in the march of improvement. . . . Indefiance, however, of these obstacles, the Cherokees have improved and are rapidlyimproving . . . . At this time [on Cherokee lands] there are 22,000 cattle; 7,600 horses;46,000 swine; 2,500 sheep; 762 looms; 1,488 spinning wheels; 172 wagons; 2,948 plows; 10sawmills; 31 grist mills; 62 blacksmith shops; 8 cotton machines; 18 schools; 18 ferries; and anumber of public roads. In one district there were, last winter, upward of 1,000 volumes ofgood books . . .

329. Boudinot made certain assumptions about American Indian "advances." What piece of legislation isbased on similar assumptions?

A. The Morrill Land Grant ActB. The Dawes ActC. The Freedman's Bureau ActD. The Sherman Antitrust Act



330. The United States acquired large portions of the Southwest as a result of the

A. War of 1812B. Mexican-American WarC. Civil WarD. Spanish-American War



331. The struggle between President Andrew Johnson and the Radical Republicans was mainly over

A. United States alliances with European nationsB. the nature and control of ReconstructionC. the purchase of AlaskaD. whether or not to have a tariff



332. The Progressive movement of 1890-1920 is best described as

A. a broad-based reform movement that tried to reduce the abuses that had come withmodernization and industrialization

B. a loose coalition of groups primarily dedicated to passing a constitutional amendment prohibitingthe consumption of alcohol

C. an anti-tariff movement led by a federation of business owners and manufacturers who wanted topromote trade abroad

D. a grass-roots movement that attempted to gather support for the establishment of aninternational organization such as the League of Nations



333. What statement about the widespread use of vaccines for smallpox and measles in the United Statesis true?

A. The vaccines proved ineffective, and these diseases have continued to spread rapidly.B. Children caught smallpox and measles at a later age and suffered less from them.C. The vaccines led to a dramatic decline in the death rate.D. Controversy about the ethics of vaccination prevented their wide-scale acceptance and adoption.



334. "Imagine a six-foot-deep ditch weaving from Washington, D.C., to Detroit, Michigan. Men'sheads could not be seen over the top edges. Dugouts would be tunneled for sleeping andeating quarters."

The passage above describes battle conditions first experienced by United States soldiers fighting inthe

A. First World WarB. Second World WarC. Korean WarD. Vietnam War



335. The phrase "Harlem Renaissance" refers to

A. African American political gains during the Reconstruction periodB. African American achievements in art, literature, and music in the 1920'sC. religious revival in the African American community that swept the nation in the 1950'sD. a series of urban renewal projects that were part of the Great Society program of the 1960's



336. When the United States entered the Second World War, one of its allies was

A. GermanyB. JapanC. the Soviet UnionD. Italy



The following question refers to the quotation below.

It must be the policy of the United States to support free peoples who are resisting . . .armed minorities or . . . outside pressures.

- Harry S Truman, 1947

337. The policy described was part of a larger policy of the Truman administration that was referred to as

A. nativismB. massive retaliationC. isolationismD. containment



The following question refers to the quotation below.

It must be the policy of the United States to support free peoples who are resisting . . .armed minorities or . . . outside pressures.

- Harry S Truman, 1947

338. How did Truman's assertion change traditional United States foreign policy?

Give two specific examples of United States actions that illustrate the new foreign policy.



Scoring Guide

Score & DescriptionAppropriate

The response understands that Truman's assertion led to a new focus on opposing Communistmovements in the world. Links to one or two specifics such as Cold War, Vietnam, Korea, Berlin, etc.,but not necessarily to a specific event in these conflicts. (One has to be an accurate example.)


The response either mentions one or two specific incidents of containment or describes general policywithout specifics, as a means of explaining how Truman's assertion affected foreign policy.


The response cannot describe foreign policy or link Truman's statement to specific policy decisions.

Appropriate - Student Response

How did Truman's assertion change traditional United States foreign policy?

Scorer Comments:

The response explains that Truman's assertion led to a shift toward an active involvement in worldaffairs. The response provides two examples—US opposition to Communist movements in South Koreaand South Vietnam—that make clear that the thrust of United States policy was the "containment" ofCommunist expansionism.

How did Truman's assertion change traditional United States foreign policy?

Scorer Comments:

The response explains that Truman's assertion led to a shift toward an active involvement in worldaffairs. The response provides two examples—aid to Eastern Europe and involvement in the VietnamWar—that make clear that the thrust of United States policy was the "containment" of Communistexpansionism.

Partial - Student Response

How did Truman's assertion change traditional United States foreign policy?

Scorer Comments:

The response does not explain that Truman's assertion led to a shift toward an active involvement inworld affairs or a new focus on opposing Communist expansionism. It does, however, provideexamples—including the U.S.-led airlift to Berlin and involvement in the Korean War—that suggest thatthe thrust of United States policy was the "containment" of Communist expansionism.

How did Truman's assertion change traditional United States foreign policy?

Scorer Comments:

The response indicates in both the first part and the second part of the answer that Truman's assertionled to a shift toward a more active involvement in world affairs and a new focus on opposingCommunist expansionism. It does not, however, provide specific examples of United States actions insupport of that policy.

Inappropriate - Student Response

How did Truman's assertion change traditional United States foreign policy?

Scorer Comments:

The response does not accurately describe how Truman's assertion changed traditional United Statesforeign policy nor does it give any specific examples of that policy.

How did Truman's assertion change traditional United States foreign policy?

Scorer Comments:

The response does not accurately describe how Truman's assertion changed traditional United Statesforeign policy nor does it give any specific examples of that policy.

The following question

"Suppose a young girl came to you and asked your advice about taking up a profession. Assuming shewas qualified to enter any of these professions, which one of them would you first recommend?"

Nurse Teacher Secretary Social service worker Dietician Dressmaker Beautician Airline stewardess Actress Journalist Musician Model

33% 15 8 8 7 4 4 3 3 2 2 2

Librarian Medical, dental technician Others Don't know

2 1 2 4

339. Summarize what the surveys indicate about the assumptions of some Americans in 1950 toward theroles of men and women in the workplace.

Scoring Guide

Score & DescriptionAppropriate

These responses indicate an understanding that American attitudes tended to assign men and womento different jobs, with men and women having a set of jobs that were seen as appropriate for that sexbut not the other (the only exception being teachers).


These responses indicate some understanding of the fact that American attitudes tended to assignmen and women to different jobs according to gender. But the comparison between male and femalejobs will only be vague. Specific relation to chart, no generalization or just a single gender reference.


These responses fail to indicate an understanding of the fact that men and women were relegated todifferent jobs according to gender.

Appropriate - Student Response

Summarize what the surveys indicate about the assumptions of some Americans in 1950 toward theroles of men and women in the workplace.

Scorer Comments:

The response indicates that American assumptions in 1950 tended to be that men and women woulddo different types of work.

Summarize what the surveys indicate about the assumptions of some Americans in 1950 toward theroles of men and women in the workplace.

Scorer Comments:

The response indicates that prevalent American assumptions in 1950 tended to be that men andwomen would do different types of work.

Partial - Student Response

Summarize what the surveys indicate about the assumptions of some Americans in 1950 toward theroles of men and women in the workplace.

Scorer Comments:

The response, by indicating that work as doctors would be best for men and work as nurses would bebest for women, shows some understanding that in 1950 prevalent American assumptions tended to bethat men and women would do different types of work.

Summarize what the surveys indicate about the assumptions of some Americans in 1950 toward theroles of men and women in the workplace.

Scorer Comments:

The response, by indicating that work as doctors would be best for men and work as nurses would bebest for women, shows some understanding that in 1950 prevalent American assumptions tended to bethat men and women would do different types of work.

Inappropriate - Student Response

Summarize what the surveys indicate about the assumptions of some Americans in 1950 toward theroles of men and women in the workplace.

Scorer Comments:

The response does not discuss the roles of men and women in the workplace.

Summarize what the surveys indicate about the assumptions of some Americans in 1950 toward theroles of men and women in the workplace.

Scorer Comments:

The response does not discuss the roles of men and women in the workplace.

The following question

"Suppose a young girl came to you and asked your advice about taking up a profession. Assuming shewas qualified to enter any of these professions, which one of them would you first recommend?"

Nurse Teacher Secretary Social service worker Dietician Dressmaker Beautician Airline stewardess Actress Journalist Musician Model Librarian Medical, dental technician Others Don't know

33% 15 8 8 7 4 4 3 3 2 2 2 2 1 2 4

340. Suppose that similar surveys were conducted in 1990. Identify one way the imaginary survey and itsresults would probably be different from the 1950 survey.

Identify one way the imaginary 1990 survey and its results would probably be similar to the 1950survey.

Scoring Guide

Score & DescriptionAppropriate

The response identifies one significant way in which the 1950 and 1990 surveys or their results wouldbe similar AND one way they would be different.


The response identifies one significant way in which the 1950 and 1990 surveys or their results wouldbe similar OR one way they would be different.


These responses do not indicate an understanding that the passage of time could affect the survey insome way. Responses do not identify any significant ways in which the surveys would have lookedsimilar/different in 1950 and 1990.

Appropriate - Student Response

Suppose that similar surveys were conducted in 1990. Identify one way the imaginary survey and itsresults would probably be different from the 1950 survey.

Scorer Comments:

The response identifies one significant way in which the 1950 survey results and hypothetical 1990survey results would probably be different—that jobs on the list of men's professions would alsoappear on the list of women's professions—and also identifies one way that the 1950 and ahypothetical 1990 survey would be similar—that many jobs on the list of women's professions wouldstill be considered to be more appropriate for women.

Suppose that similar surveys were conducted in 1990. Identify one way the imaginary survey and itsresults would probably be different from the 1950 survey.

Scorer Comments:

The response identifies one significant way in which the 1950 survey results and hypothetical 1990survey results would probably be different—that jobs on the list of men's professions would alsoappear on the list of women's professions—and also identifies one way that the 1950 and ahypothetical 1990 survey would be similar—the specific example that men would be preferred towomen for jobs as doctors and lawyers.

Partial - Student Response

Suppose that similar surveys were conducted in 1990. Identify one way the imaginary survey and itsresults would probably be different from the 1950 survey.

Scorer Comments:

The response identifies one significant way in which the 1950 survey results and hypothetical 1990survey results would probably be different—that jobs on the list of men's professions would alsoappear on the list of women's professions—but does not identify one way in which the 1950 surveyand a hypothetical 1990 survey would be similar.

Suppose that similar surveys were conducted in 1990. Identify one way the imaginary survey and itsresults would probably be different from the 1950 survey.

Scorer Comments:

The response identifies one significant way in which the 1950 survey results and hypothetical 1990survey results would probably be different—that jobs on the list of men's professions would alsoappear on the list of women's professions—but does not identify one way in which the 1950 surveyand a hypothetical 1990 survey would be similar.

Inappropriate - Student Response

Suppose that similar surveys were conducted in 1990. Identify one way the imaginary survey and itsresults would probably be different from the 1950 survey.

Scorer Comments:

Although the response does attempt to address the question, it identifies neither one significant way inwhich the 1950 survey results and hypothetical 1990 survey results would be different nor onesignificant way in which those survey results would be similar.

Suppose that similar surveys were conducted in 1990. Identify one way the imaginary survey and itsresults would probably be different from the 1950 survey.

Scorer Comments:

Although the response does attempt to address the question, it identifies neither one significant way inwhich the 1950 survey results and hypothetical 1990 survey results would be different nor onesignificant way in which those survey results would be similar.

341. The cartoon above depicts United States frustration with

A. the Good Neighbor policyB. Dollar DiplomacyC. the Spanish-American WarD. the Bay of Pigs invasion



342. What has been the main purpose of labor unions?

A. To protect the jobs and interests of workersB. To help pioneers settle in the WestC. To help people move to other countriesD. To end slavery for African Americans



343. What best describes this monument?

A. For many Americans, it has been a symbol of the power of the President.B. For many people moving west in covered wagons, it has been a symbol of bravery.C. For many soldiers, it has been a symbol of the United States Army.D. For many immigrants, it has been a symbol of the freedom they hoped to find in the United




344. These pictures show three common forms of transportation in the United States 100 years ago.

Name one form of transportation that is common now in the United States, and explain how it isdifferent from the forms of transportation shown above.

Describe one way that the form of transportation you named is better than the forms oftransportation that were used 100 years ago.

Scoring Guide

Score & DescriptionAppropriate

The response identifies one form of modern transportation and describes how it is different, and howit is better, from one or more forms of transportation shown in the pictures. (Information about"better" or "different" is acceptable regardless of where it is written.)


The response identifies a modern form of transportation. It describes either how transportation isdifferent now or how it is better.


Response identifies a modern form of transportation but does not answer the rest of the question or itfails to explicitly identify a modern form but describes a difference or improvement.


The response fails to identify a modern form of transportation or describe how transportation is

different and/or better today.

Credited responses could include the following:

Name one form of transportation and explain how it differs:Airplanes are faster, carry many people, use gasoline, airlines are a big business.Railroads are faster, carry many people, run on electricity or on hydrocarbon fuel.Automobiles are faster, run on gasoline, can be used in most weather conditions.Transport boats are larger, run on hydrocarbon fuel rather than wind, are faster than sailboats.Modern forms of transportation are made of different things, like different kinds of metal, plastic,computers, etc.Modern forms of transportation have things like lights, radios, air conditioning, etc.

How transportation is better today:Travel is faster.Travel is easier, more comfortable, and more convenient.Distance has become a less important factor; travel takes a lot less time and is therefore less ofan obstacle.For long journeys, it is relatively cheaper today.Modern travel is less dependent on variability of weather (no wind for sail, no mud for wagons orstagecoaches to get stuck in).Today's transport often carries more people than were carried in carriages, small sailboats.Modern vehicles hold more things.

Not acceptable:fast (must say faster);ship on water/car on land;doesn't go on water; and/orlegs/wheels.

Appropriate - Student Response

These pictures show three common forms of transportation in the United States 100 years ago.

Name one form of transportation that is common now in the United States, and explain how it isdifferent from the forms of transportation shown above.

Essential - Student Response

These pictures show three common forms of transportation in the United States 100 years ago.

Name one form of transportation that is common now in the United States, and explain how it isdifferent from the forms of transportation shown above.

Partial - Student Response

These pictures show three common forms of transportation in the United States 100 years ago.

Name one form of transportation that is common now in the United States, and explain how it isdifferent from the forms of transportation shown above.

Inappropriate - Student Response

These pictures show three common forms of transportation in the United States 100 years ago.

Name one form of transportation that is common now in the United States, and explain how it isdifferent from the forms of transportation shown above.

345. The voyages of Columbus changed life in Europe by

A. introducing new foods and spices to EuropeB. showing Europeans a shorter route to AsiaC. introducing the horse to SpainD. proving that the Earth was flat



The following question is about the drawing below, which shows an American Indian village that waslocated on the southeast coast of North America.

346. Name TWO ways the people in the village could get food.



What in the picture helped you to answer the question?

Scoring Guide

Score & DescriptionAppropriate

The response includes TWO of the following four means of getting food: hunting, gathering, farming,or fishing AND uses evidence in the picture as support. References to gathering wild foods must beclearly linked to wild food or food not grown as a crop (berries, kinds of roots, wild greens, nuts, etc.)


The response includes at least ONE of the following four means of getting food: hunting, gathering,farming, or fishing but does not use evidence in the picture as support.


The response does not identify any acceptable means of getting food.

Examples of acceptable use of the picture for evidence include the following:

"Wild foods are being sorted in bowls at picture's center." "The trees in the picture may have acorns that can be gathered." References to fish portrayed in the center of the picture.

Appropriate - Student Response

Name TWO ways the people in the village could get food.

Partial - Student Response

Name TWO ways the people in the village could get food.

Inappropriate - Student Response

Name TWO ways the people in the village could get food.

The following question is about the drawing below, which shows an American Indian village that waslocated on the southeast coast of North America.

347. Describe the homes that are shown in the picture.

What in the picture shows how the lives of the American Indians who built these homes weredifferent from the lives of American Indians who built homes that were easy to move, like teepees?

Scoring Guide

Score & DescriptionAppropriate

The response describes shapes or other immediately visible traits such as the number of windows--and/or the materials from which such dwellings were made. Regionally appropriate materials are asfollows:

wood;bark; andthatch (straw, leaves).

It also identifies aspects of the picture that would indicate differences between settled and nomadicAmerican Indians. Such differences could be as follows:

large dwellings;dwellings (made of wood and thatch) that can't be moved;fields, indicating a settled agricultural way of life;quantity and arrangement of dwellings, that suggest a permanent village; and/orsettled areas for rituals, that suggest a village.


The response describes aspects of the picture that show the dwellings by visible traits or constructionmaterials, but does not describe aspects of the picture that show differences in ways of life. Or, itdescribes differences in ways of life, but does not accurately describe the dwellings. It may, forexample, describe construction materials used by American Indians to build dwellings that are notregionally appropriate, like mud, ice, buffalo skins, or adobe.


The response does not describe the homes in the picture or identify any aspects of the picture thatshow how the lives of the Indians in the picture and those Indians that used movable dwellings weredifferent.

Appropriate - Student Response

Describe the homes that are shown in the picture.

Partial - Student Response

Describe the homes that are shown in the picture.

Inappropriate - Student Response

Describe the homes that are shown in the picture.

348. Most people in the southern colonies made their living by

A. iron miningB. fishingC. farmingD. shipbuilding



349. The document that contains the basic rules used to run the United States government is

A. the Declaration of IndependenceB. Magna CartaC. the Mayflower CompactD. the Constitution



The following question is about the part of the song shown below.

Follow the Drinkin' Gourd

Follow the drinkin' gourd; Follow the drinkin' gourd, For the old man is awaitin' for to carry you to freedom If you follow the drinkin' gourd.

The river bank will make a mighty good road, The dead trees will show you the way, Left foot, peg foot travellin' on; Follow the drinkin' gourd.

350. In this song "follow the drinkin' gourd" means to

A. use a group of stars (the Big Dipper) as a guideB. never go out at nightC. never travel long distances aloneD. share your food and drink with others



The following question is about the part of the song shown below.

Follow the Drinkin' Gourd

Follow the drinkin' gourd; Follow the drinkin' gourd, For the old man is awaitin' for to carry you to freedom If you follow the drinkin' gourd.

The river bank will make a mighty good road, The dead trees will show you the way, Left foot, peg foot travellin' on; Follow the drinkin' gourd.

351. Why did African Americans originally sing this song?

A. It helped teach children to read and write.B. It celebrated American independence.C. It gave directions about how to escape from slavery.D. It was written by slaves in Africa.



The following question refers to the quotation and picture below.

When a country first develops industry, young children often work in factories.


352. Look at the picture of the child. How do you think her job harmed her education and health?



Scoring Guide

Score & DescriptionAppropriate

The answer correctly explains how labor like that shown in the picture could affect health andeducation adversely.


The answer correctly explains how labor like that shown in the picture affected health or educationadversely, or gives only partially correct answers for both parts.


The response cannot relate child labor to problems in health or education.

Credited responses could include the following:

Education: She had to work all the time, so she could not go to school to learn.

Health--Her health could have been harmed by the following:

poor working conditions, bad air, dirt;dangerous machinery;very long work days--10 hours a day;boring job;paid very little, therefore little money for food, shelter, doctors, etc.;not enough food, if connected to her work, e.g., didn't have time to eat enough (general food-related comments such as "she's puny" or "she probably doesn't get enough to eat" should notget credit);"no shoes" acceptable if connected to health generally, e.g., "no shoes not good for feet."

Do not accept:

"Her feet hurt.""Her dress was dirty."

"She needs a bath."

Appropriate - Student Response

Look at the picture of the child. How do you think her job harmed her education and health?

Partial - Student Response

Look at the picture of the child. How do you think her job harmed her education and health?

Inappropriate - Student Response

Look at the picture of the child. How do you think her job harmed her education and health?

The following question refers to the quotation and picture below.

When a country first develops industry, young children often work in factories.


353. What is the main reason that some families allowed their young children to work in factories?

A. The families thought their children should learn to save money.B. Many families wanted children to work in factories so adults could stay on farms.C. The families needed the money their children would earn.D. Children were treated better at factories than at schools.



354. Both pictures shown on page 12 are of school classes. The top picture was taken in 1973, and thebottom picture was taken in 1930. Describe two ways that these pictures show how schools havechanged. Give reasons for the changes shown by the pictures.



Scoring Guide

Score & DescriptionAppropriate

The response correctly identifies two differences and explains them both fully.


The response correctly identifies one or two differences and correctly explains one difference.


The response identifies one or two correct differences but does not explain it/them.


The response does not identify correct differences between the two pictures.

Credited responses could include:

In the newer picture, all the students are the same age, and in the older picture, they aredifferent ages (because schools used to be smaller and all students were together in the sameroom).The newer picture was taken inside in an auditorium, and the older picture was taken outside

(because many schools then didn't have space for more than one room or economic differences).In the new picture, students are from several different ethnic groups, and in the old picture, theyare all White (because many schools were segregated then).Children are dressed differently in the two pictures, due to changes in society and economy.Gender of teacher may differ because men were school teachers for younger children more oftenin earlier periods than in contemporary America.There was only one teacher for all the students in a class in the older school, unlike large modernschools, that have different teachers for each grade (education perceived differently, moremoney).

*No responses taken from the question (i.e., about dates) are acceptable. Neither are responses thatrefer to one photo being in color, or one school being public.

Appropriate - Student Response

Both pictures shown on page 12 are of school classes. The top picture was taken in 1973, and thebottom picture was taken in 1930. Describe two ways that these pictures show how schools havechanged. Give reasons for the changes shown by the pictures.

Essential - Student Response

Both pictures shown on page 12 are of school classes. The top picture was taken in 1973, and thebottom picture was taken in 1930. Describe two ways that these pictures show how schools havechanged. Give reasons for the changes shown by the pictures.

Partial - Student Response

Both pictures shown on page 12 are of school classes. The top picture was taken in 1973, and thebottom picture was taken in 1930. Describe two ways that these pictures show how schools havechanged. Give reasons for the changes shown by the pictures.

Inappropriate - Student Response

Both pictures shown on page 12 are of school classes. The top picture was taken in 1973, and thebottom picture was taken in 1930. Describe two ways that these pictures show how schools havechanged. Give reasons for the changes shown by the pictures.

The following question is based on the map below.

355. Which area became part of the United States last?

A. HawaiiB. TexasC. OregonD. Alaska



The following question is based on the map below.

356. Write the name of the state or area where you live in the space below.

State or Area:____________________

In the space below, write one important fact about the way your state or area became part of theUnited States.

Scoring Guide

Score & DescriptionAppropriate

The response correctly identifies one significant fact about how the state or area indicated on the mapbecame part of the United States. (See list following. The list begins with areas, and then goes state bystate.) The answer uses some historical specifics; the material attached should be used to checkaccuracy. A response that explains how a state (prior to actual statehood) became part of the territoryof the United States is also acceptable, as in "the Mexican Cession" for California.


The response attempts to tell one thing about how the state or area indicated became part of theUnion but the answer has significant inaccuracies, lacks specificity or significance.


The response cannot tell one thing about how the state or area indicated became part of the UnitedStates. Responses that do not identify a state or area should also receive a score of "1."

Credited Responses could include:

Note: Students should get credit for explaining statehood or when their area was incorporated as U.S.territory (i.e., Louisiana Purchase)


1. 1783 AreaMA, NH, RI, CN, NY, PA, NJ, DE, MD, VA, SC, and GA were all one of the 13 original states.The area which includes what are now WI, MI, OH, IN, IL, KY, TN, MS, and AL was cededby Great Britain at the Paris Peace Conference in 1783, after the Revolutionary War (NWTerritory)See explanations for WI (1848) and MI (1837)

2. 1819 AreaFL was ceded to the U.S. by Spain in 1819. (In exchange, the U.S. gave up its claim toTexas).

3. 1845 Area (Texas Annexation)The area that includes what are now TX and parts of NM, CO, OK, and WY was annexed bythe U.S. in 1845 from Mexico. Texas had petitioned the U.S. for annexation after declaringits independence from Mexico in 1836.

4. 1803 Area (Louisiana Purchase)The area that includes what are now parts of LA, MN, WY, CO, KA, and all of SD, NE, MO,AR, and IA, was purchased from France for $15 million in 1803. This acquisition was calledthe "Louisiana Purchase," and represented President Jefferson's desire to expand the U.S.and prevent French encroachment in North America.

5. 1818 AreaThe area that includes what are now parts of ND and MN was ceded to the U.S. by Britainin 1818. This was part of an agreement between the U.S. and Britain that set the northernboundary of the U.S. at the 49th parallel.

6. 1846 Area (Oregon Country)The area that includes what are now WA, OR, ID, and parts of MT and WY was disputed byseveral nations, including Britain. After becoming a popular goal for settlers moving West,who took the "Oregon Trail," the population of Americans increased, and there wasmounting pressure on the government to annex Oregon. James K. Polk agreed with Britainin 1846 to limit Oregon's territory as a state to the 49th parallel, in order to put disputesover the land to rest. (Original demands were for a much larger area.)NOT CORRECT--Oregon became part of the US because of the Oregon Trail or MississippiRiver.

7. 1848 Area (Mexican Cession)The area that includes what are now parts of WY, CO, NM, AZ, and all of NV and CA wasceded to the U.S. by Mexico in 1848, after the U.S. defeated Mexico in the Mexican War(1846-48). Mexico sold the territory to the U.S. for $15-million according to the terms of theTreaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo.

8. 1853 Area (Gadsen Purchase)The U.S. paid Mexico $10 million for this area (Southern California and New Mexico) in1853. The U.S. purchased the land for a transcontinental railroad. This purchase completedthe Southern boundary of the US.

9. 1867 AreaThe area that is now Alaska was purchased from Russia in 1867 for $7 million. The areabecame a territory in 1912 and a state in 1959. It was called Seward's Folly.

10. 1898 AreaAmericans led a revolt against the Queen in 1893, and petitioned the U.S. for annexation.The U.S. annexed Hawaii in 1898. It became a territory in 1900 and a state in 1959.


1. New England--Revolutionary WarConnecticut--One of the original 13 colonies; reorganized as a state in 1776, as a result ofthe Declaration of Independence (D of I), the document created by the 13 coloniesestablishing themselves as a nation independent from British rule.Maine--Originally part of Massachusetts; frontier settlers wanted to separate because MAdidn't protect them against British raids. Became a state under the Missouri Compromise of1820, when ME was admitted as a free state and Missouri as a slave state.Massachusetts--One of the original 13 colonies; reorganized as a state in 1776 (D of I).New Hampshire--One of the original 13 colonies; officially became a state in 1776, issuingits own Declaration of Independence before the national Declaration.Rhode Island--Colony formed by settlers from MA colony seeking religious freedom; becamea state in 1776 with D of I.Vermont--territory disputed by NH & NY; early settlers led the first offensive action ofRevolution at Ticonderoga and created an independent republic in 1777. Vermont becamethe 14th state when it joined the Union in 1791. It was NOT one of the original 13 colonies.Important name in history: Ethan Allen and the Green Mountain Boys.

2. Middle Atlantic StatesDelaware--One of the original 13 colonies; achieved statehood in 1776 (D of I).Administered as part of NY until 1682.District of Columbia--Constitution describes size of area and its purpose--to be seat of U.S.Government. Bill for creation of national capital passed in 1790. In 1791, PresidentWashington sent message to Congress stating that he'd selected a site. Boundaries of areawere shifted slightly until they were finalized in 1846.Maryland--One of the original 13; became a state in 1776 by D of I.New Jersey--One of the original 13; became a state in 1776 by virtue of D of I.New York--One of the original 13; statehood in 1776 by virtue of D of I.Pennsylvania--One of the original 13 states.

3. The SouthAlabama--in 1783, American control was recognized as part of Northwest Territory concededto U.S. by Treaty of Paris with British; U.S. defeated Spanish claims by claiming the area aspart of the Louisiana Purchase; Alabama Territory was created in 1817, and Alabama wasgranted statehood in 1819.Arkansas--originally part of Louisiana Purchase. Became a separate territory from Louisianain 1812, and from Missouri in 1819. Admitted as a state in 1836.Florida--in 1810, U.S. claimed West Florida was under U.S. jurisdiction, by virtue of beingpart of the Louisiana Purchase; East and West Florida were formally granted to the U.S. bySpain in 1819; state opened to settlement, and after a war that removed most SeminoleIndians, who were resisting increasing white settlement, Florida became a state in 1845.Georgia--one of the original 13 colonies; statehood in 1776 due to D of I.Kentucky--part of Northwest Territory acquired in 1783; became a state in 1792, after newsettlers applied for statehood, demanding that Kentucky be a separate jurisdiction fromVirginia.Louisiana--part of territory known as Louisiana Purchase, acquired by U.S. in 1803; territorypetitioned for statehood in 1812.Mississippi--Area granted to U.S. in 1783 (Northwest Territory); Mississippi Territory createdin 1798 and granted statehood in 1817.North Carolina--One of the original 13 colonies; statehood in 1776 due to D of I.South Carolina--One of the original 13 colonies; statehood in 1776 due to D of I.

Tennessee--Part of Northwest Territory ceded to U.S. by Britain in 1783; originally part ofNorth Carolina; territory formally ceded by NC to the U.S. government in 1789, and thenTennessee was admitted to the Union in 1796. (Earlier in 1785 settlers had tried to establisha state called "Franklin", that was rejected by both NC and Congress.)Virginia--One of the original 13 states; state due to D of I in 1776.West Virginia--Distinct identity from the rest of Virginia; conflict deepened during Civil War,when Western delegates opposed secession; eventually area declared the Richmondgovernment void (1861); the area was granted federal recognition and placed under civiljurisdiction until it was admitted as a state in 1863. A condition of entry was the eventualemancipation of slaves in the area.

4. The MidwestIllinois--Area part of the Northwest Territory given by British to U.S.; area divided in 1800(Illinois county became part of the Indiana territory); Illinois territory was formed in 1809,and Illinois was admitted as a state in 1818.Indiana--Part of the Northwest Territory that was ceded to the U.S. in 1783 by the Treaty ofParis; area was rapidly settled and was granted statehood in 1816, after Native Americanresistance defeated.Iowa--Part of the Louisiana Purchase from France in 1803; area was rapidly settled, and aTerritory of Iowa was established in 1838. Iowa was admitted to the Union in 1846 as partof a free North/slaveholding South compromise.Kansas--Part of the Louisiana Purchase from France in 1803; Kansas-Nebraska Act of 1854created two territories open to settlement, both of which were settled rapidly. A competitiondeveloped between the North and South, each desiring to send as many settlers aspossible, but the area was admitted to the Union as a free state in 1861.Michigan--Part of the Northwest Territory given to U.S. in 1783; area rapidly settled afterNative Americans defeated in 1796; Michigan Territory separated from Indiana in 1805;increased settlement after War of 1812; wanted to become a state to enable internalimprovements, but petition denied until 1837, when MI was granted statehood in return forrelinquishing territorial claims to the North of the Maumee River.Minnesota--Part of area in Louisiana Purchase (1803) and Northwest Territory (1783); arearapidly settled in latter half of 19th century, when people became aware of value of forests;area became a territory in 1849; a diminished territory became a state in 1858; (boundarieswere cut back from the Missouri to the Red River.)Missouri--Part of the Louisiana Purchase from France in 1803; became a state in 1821 aspart of the Missouri Compromise, whereby Maine would be admitted to the Union as a freestate and Missouri admitted as a slave state.Nebraska--Part of the Louisiana Purchase from France in 1803; area considered desirable forrailroad route to Pacific, so Nebraska territory established via the Kansas-Nebraska Act in1854. Diminished territory was admitted as state to Union in 1867, after populationincreases due to land speculation and the building of the Union Pacific Railroad.North Dakota--Part of area in Louisiana Purchase (1803); great increases in Whitesettlement in the area occurred as a result of railroad growth in 1871; farmers got landunder the Homestead Act; became crucial wheat producing area; the Dakota Territory wasdivided in 1889, and North and South Dakota were both admitted to the Union in 1889.Ohio--Part of the Northwest Territory (1783); first state to be made from that territory;attained statehood in 1803.South Dakota--Part of area in Louisiana Purchase (1803); settlers came to area due to gold,and then railroad; rapid population expansion led to demands that the Dakota Territory bedivided and the South given separate statehood; Congress approved the desires of S.Dakota for separate statehood in 1889. Territory expanded due to concessions from theDakota Indians.Wisconsin--Part of Northwest Territory ceded by Britain to U.S. in the Treaty of Paris of1783; settlers looking to mine and trap for furs swelled population; area became territory in1836, after Native Americans subdued; admitted to the Union as state in 1848.

5. The SouthwestArizona--Area was ceded by Mexico to U.S. after the Mexican War (as part of New Mexico)in 1848; an additional portion of AZ, part of the Gadsen Purchase, was added in 1853. The

California gold rush brought first settlers, but settlement only increased greatly after theCivil War. The area became a state in 1912.New Mexico--Initially a Spanish Territory, part of Mexico in 1821; area seized during MexicanWar by U.S., who granted amnesty and citizenship in exchange for loyalty to U.S.; Territoryestablished in 1850; the cattle industry, the subduing of Native Americans, and thedevelopment of irrigation and railroads swelled the settler population, and the area wasgranted statehood in 1912.Oklahoma--Area acquired by U.S. in 1803 as part of Louisiana Purchase; area initially setaside for Native Americans; settlers desiring new land and space for railroads settled againstfederal law, until the U.S. government distributed remaining land to Indian tribes andgranted the area statehood in 1907.Texas--Part of Republic of Mexico; conflicts between White colonists and Mexican troops ledto Texans forming a provisional government and declaring their independence in 1836.Texans were defeated at the Alamo, but ultimately triumphed (many Mexicans participatedon the Texan side); Republic of Texas established; annexed in 1845 by U.S.; territoryestablished in 1848 after a war with Mexico that ended any Mexican claim to area; territorythat had attained state status in 1845 was established in its final form in 1850.

6. Mountain RegionColorado--Part of Louisiana Purchase of 1803; settlement greatly increased after gold rushof 1850's, but then diminished; the area became a territory in 1861, and in 1876 Coloradobecame a state.Idaho--Originally part of Oregon Country, which became part of the Oregon Territorybelonging to the U.S. in 1846. It became the Idaho Territory in 1863, and was grantedstatehood in its present form in 1890. Prior to statehood, settlement swelled by 70,000 inless than 30 years, in large part due to Confederate refugees, fleeing Republicangovernment after the Civil War.Montana--Large portion of current state was part of the Louisiana Purchase of 1803 andOregon Country; gold rushes and cattle herding increased population of settlers; settlersdemanded independent political status; Territory created in 1864 in order to ensureadequate government in area, and Montana entered the Union in 1889.Nevada--Came under U.S. sovereignty with the Mexican Cession of 1848 (see regionentries); became a Territory in 1861 as a result of a great influx of settlers due to gold-mining. Congress approved statehood in 1864, after Lincoln encouraged the area to applyfor statehood, because Nevada would provide valuable mineral resources to the NorthernCivil War effort, and add a Northern state to support anti-slavery amendments.Utah--Attained statehood in 1896, after many failed attempts. Part of area ceded to U.S. byMexico in 1848; area settled, socially well-ordered and farmed by Mormons; other settlersintroduced later: several attempts at gaining statehood failed, until Morman leaders agreedto end their Church's involvement in politics, end the policy of dealing economically onlywith Mormons, and end the practice of polygamy.Wyoming--Partly composed of area in Louisiana Purchase (1803), Oregon Country (1846),Mexican Cession (1848), and the Texas Annexation of 1845. Area through which manysettlers passed on their way West; railroad brought large numbers of settlers mostly to theSouth due to Native American resistance in the North; Territory created in 1868 to protectsettlers from Native American resistance; large cattle ranches were opened in the Northernarea after army campaigns defeated Native Americans; Territory became a state in 1890.

7. Pacific CoastAlaska--Area sold to the U.S. by Russia in 1867; a gold rush in early 20th century madeU.S. aware of land's value; became a territory in 1912 after developing the largest salmonindustry in the world; an oil industry developed in the 1950s; Alaska was granted statehoodin 1959.California--Part of area ceded to U.S. by Mexico in 1848 (Guadalupe Hidalgo Treaty).Students may refer to the Bear Flag Revolt against Mexico by U.S. settlers, that wassupported by the U.S. army. Initial development (commercial/social) occurred due to Missionsystem set up by Spanish friars. After a huge influx of settlers due to the 1848 gold rush,CA was granted statehood in 1850.Hawaii--Original contact with Western settlers grew out of whaling industry; population of

settlers grew steadily. U.S. annexed area in 1898, (white settlers petitioning for annexation)and made area a Territory in 1900. Agricultural and military links with the U.S. developedthrough 1930s and movement for statehood developed so Hawaii could have legislativerepresentation. Statehood was achieved in 1959.Oregon--Steady migration of settlers to this area, from the Midwest, began in 1830. TheOregon Trail brought many more people beginning in the early 1840s. These settlers allpressed for statehood; the Oregon Country was established in 1846 by agreement withBritain; the moving of Native American communities to reservations and the building of arailroad greatly increased settlement and economic growth; the area was granted statehoodin 1859.Washington--Part of the Oregon Country (1846) established by agreement with Britain.Settlers came along the Oregon Trail between the 1830s and the 1850s; Congress createdthe Washington territory in 1853, due to pressure from settlers desiring better, morelocalized government; settlement greatly increased after the building of railroads; statehoodwas granted in 1889.

Appropriate - Student Response

Write the name of the state or area where you live in the space below.

Partial - Student Response

Write the name of the state or area where you live in the space below.

Inappropriate - Student Response

Write the name of the state or area where you live in the space below.

357. Why were most early sawmills and flour mills located on rivers and streams?

A. Water was needed to cool hot machinery.B. Waterwheels powered the cutting and grinding machines.C. People thought it was safer to live near rivers.D. It was easiest to expand the mills if they were near rivers.



358. In 1492, when Christopher Columbus first landed in the Americas, he thought he was in

A. SpainB. the East IndiesC. the Hawaiian IslandsD. Italy



The following question refers to the time line below.

359. What can you tell from the time line?

A. The Mayflower took more than one year to sail to Plymouth.B. The Mayflower arrived in Plymouth in 1621.C. The first Thanksgiving was not celebrated in the same month as it is today.D. The Pilgrims in Plymouth ate mostly fish.



The following question refers to the time line below.

360. How did American Indians help the Pilgrims when they first arrived?

A. They helped the Pilgrims grow food.B. They built houses for the Pilgrims.C. They taught the Pilgrims their religion.D. They helped the Pilgrims explore the Pacific coast.



The following question refers to the time line below.

361. In what season did the Pilgrims arrive in Plymouth?

How did the fact that they arrived in this season make their first months very difficult? Give tworeasons in your answer.

Scoring Guide

Score & DescriptionAppropriate

The response indicates that they came in winter and includes two or more reasons why this hinderedthe Pilgrims.


The response indicates that they arrived in winter (Christmas, December, January or February) andsupplies no one reason why this hindered the Pilgrims. Or, the response lists wrong season butprovides two acceptable reasons.


The response does not indicate that the Pilgrims arrived in winter.

Correct reasons that winter made life difficult for Pilgrims include the following:

cold/harsh winter;nothing could be grown/planted;not many edible plants alive;hard to build shelters;inadequate clothing/food/supplies/ran out of food;didn't have tools or knowledge for building shelters;unfamiliar with getting food during winter in new place;disease/many Pilgrims were sick or dying; and/orlack of knowledge of their environment/crops/didn't know what to do.

Unacceptable reasons as follows:

no trees to build;no medicines; and/orlack of animals.

Appropriate - Student Response

In what season did the Pilgrims arrive in Plymouth?

Partial - Student Response

In what season did the Pilgrims arrive in Plymouth?

Inappropriate - Student Response

In what season did the Pilgrims arrive in Plymouth?

The following question refers to the time line below.

362. When the Pilgrims celebrated the first Thanksgiving, what were they thankful for? Name threedifferent things in your answer.




Scoring Guide

Score & DescriptionAppropriate

The response correctly identifies three things that the Pilgrims were thankful for.


The response correctly identifies one or two things that the Pilgrims were thankful for.


The response does not correctly identify any things that the Pilgrims were thankful for.

Examples of appropriate answers as follows:

free land/good land/new land/land/earth/soil/new town/settlement/city;Indians;shelter/homes/houses;food/fish/meat/what they ate/good harvest/crops;religion/freedom to worship;freedom/peace/freedom from oppression; and/orsurviving the winter/living/being alive/lived through long journey/for life/all together.

Not acceptable responses as follows:

thankful for themselves (everyone, etc.);thankful for clothes;new country/America/new colony;They made new friends; and/ornice people/help/friendships.

Appropriate - Student Response

When the Pilgrims celebrated the first Thanksgiving, what were they thankful for? Name threedifferent things in your answer.

Partial - Student Response

When the Pilgrims celebrated the first Thanksgiving, what were they thankful for? Name threedifferent things in your answer.

Inappropriate - Student Response

When the Pilgrims celebrated the first Thanksgiving, what were they thankful for? Name threedifferent things in your answer.

363. Your teacher has asked you to teach your classmates about ONE of these famous people fromAmerican history:

George Washington Sojourner Truth Sitting Bull Thomas Jefferson

Choose one of these famous people.

My famous person from American history is ____________________.

Write down three facts about the person you have chosen that would help you teach about thatperson.

Fact 1

Fact 2

Fact 3

Scoring Guide

Score & DescriptionAppropriate

The response gives one of the four names and three accurate facts about his/her identity.


The response gives one of the four names and two accurate facts about his/her identity.


The response gives one of the four names and provides one accurate fact about his/her identity.


The response gives one of the four names but is unable to provide any accurate facts about his or heridentity, although some attempt is made to provide facts.

NOTE: If no name is chosen, but accurate facts are given for one of the people listed in the item, theresponse may receive credit.

Also, facts derived from reading the question (for example, "my name is George") are unacceptable.

Credited responses could include the following:

George Washington

crossed the Delaware;president;owned slaves;had wooden teeth;surveyor;lived in Mt. Vernon;Mt. Rushmore;survived Valley Forge winter;on $1 bill;helped his men to survive Valley Forge;on quarter;helped to think of the plan that defeated the British at Yorktown;led Constitutional Convention;

General in the French and Indian War (Seven Years' War);fought in a war; and/orGeneral.Do NOT accept the cherry tree story.

Sojourner Truth

African American;Famous African American abolitionist;Underground Railroad;freed slave;gender and work rights;spoke against slavery and for women's rights;feminist;helped to free slaves;traveled through New England and western states spreading her views; and/orspeaker.

Sitting Bull

Native American;Sioux/chief/Indian/medicine man;led his people in a war against the US government in the 1800's (1874) in order to preventseizing of their lands & forced removal to reservations;spent years touring with a Wild West show;escaped with his people to Canada; and/orLittle Big Horn--Custer.

Thomas Jefferson

writer of the Declaration of Independence;from Virginia;Secretary of State for Washington;on the nickel;president;on the $2 bill;sent Lewis and Clark on their expedition;inventor--made machines (NOT light);had slaves; and/orAmbassador to France.

Appropriate - Student Response

Your teacher has asked you to teach your classmates about ONE of these famous people fromAmerican history:

George Washington Sojourner Truth Sitting Bull Thomas Jefferson

Choose one of these famous people.

Essential - Student Response

Your teacher has asked you to teach your classmates about ONE of these famous people fromAmerican history:

George Washington Sojourner Truth Sitting Bull Thomas Jefferson

Choose one of these famous people.

Partial - Student Response

Your teacher has asked you to teach your classmates about ONE of these famous people fromAmerican history:

George Washington Sojourner Truth Sitting Bull Thomas Jefferson

Choose one of these famous people.

Inappropriate - Student Response

Your teacher has asked you to teach your classmates about ONE of these famous people fromAmerican history:

George Washington Sojourner Truth Sitting Bull Thomas Jefferson

Choose one of these famous people.

364. What is the purpose of the Bill of Rights?

A. To say how much Americans should pay in taxesB. To protect freedoms like freedom of speechC. To describe the jobs of the President and CongressD. To make Washington, D.C., the capital of the United States



365. If you were putting these inventions on a time line, which would come last?

A. AutomobileB. Electric lightC. TelephoneD. Computer



366. What was the purpose of the Underground Railroad?

A. To improve transportation in the SouthB. To move food from the South to the NorthC. To help slaves escape to the NorthD. To get workers to the silver mines in Colorado



367. Name two kinds of work women do today that they could not do 100 years ago.



Explain why the kinds of work women do today are different from the kinds of work women did 100years ago.

Scoring Guide

Score & DescriptionAppropriate

The response identifies two types of work women do and shows an understanding that the range of

career opportunities open to women is much wider today, e.g., "women are allowed to do many morekinds of jobs today"; "women do many jobs that men do today"; etc. The response should make itclear that the student knows women's roles have changed, not just that kinds of work have changed.(See below for a list of jobs women can do today that they could not do 100 years ago.)


The response identifies one or two kinds of work but does not explain how the work women do isdifferent today or explains incorrectly. OR, offers explanation but does not identify two correct types ofwork.


The response does not identify the kinds of work women can do today, nor does it explain why today'skinds of work are different.

Credited responses could include the following:

computer operator;lawyer;corporate manager/business person/business woman;boss;doctor;banker;professor;priest (Episcopalian);soldier (military);astronaut;pilot;construction;plumber;farmer;athlete;mechanic;rabbi; and/orgovernor.

Unacceptable responses as follows:

secretary;teacher;nurse;clerk;waitress; and/orchef/cook.

Appropriate - Student Response

Name two kinds of work women do today that they could not do 100 years ago.

Partial - Student Response

Name two kinds of work women do today that they could not do 100 years ago.

Inappropriate - Student Response

Name two kinds of work women do today that they could not do 100 years ago.

368. Look at the pictures of Ellis Island on page 8. What part of history could you learn about by visitingEllis Island?

A. The way the United States became a new countryB. The war the United States fought against SpainC. How people lived in North America before Europeans arrivedD. Some of the people who came to the United States as immigrants



369. Who helped to start the boycott of the Montgomery bus system by refusing to give up her seat on asegregated bus?

A. Phillis WheatleyB. Mary McLeod BethuneC. Rosa Parks

D. Shirley Chisholm



The following question is about the portion of a speech shown below.

I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed: "Wehold these truths to be self-evident; that all men are created equal." . . .

I have a dream that one day on the red hills of Georgia the sons of former slaves and the sons offormer slaveowners will be able to sit down together at the table of brotherhood . . .

I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judgedby the color of their skin but by the content of their character . . .

I have a dream that one day . . . little Black boys and Black girls will be able to join hands with littleWhite boys and girls and walk together as sisters and brothers.

370. The speech was given by

A. Abraham LincolnB. Gloria SteinemC. George BushD. Martin Luther King, Jr.



The following question is about the portion of a speech shown below.

I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed: "Wehold these truths to be self-evident; that all men are created equal." . . .

I have a dream that one day on the red hills of Georgia the sons of former slaves and the sons offormer slaveowners will be able to sit down together at the table of brotherhood . . .

I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judgedby the color of their skin but by the content of their character . . .

I have a dream that one day . . . little Black boys and Black girls will be able to join hands with littleWhite boys and girls and walk together as sisters and brothers.

371. The speaker dreamed that one day children would not be judged by the color of their skin. What didthe speaker probably mean by this?

Explain what was going on in the country that made the speaker's wishes only "dreams."

Scoring Guide

Score & DescriptionAppropriate

The response correctly explains that the speaker meant that he hoped that some day people would notbe prejudiced against others because of their color. It explains that this dream was a reaction to thefact that many people at the time discriminated against African Americans and other minorities, andminorities were segregated in housing, schools, transportation, and restaurants. Statements like"Blacks were discriminated against" are acceptable as credited responses.


The response correctly explains what the speaker meant or the objective circumstances in the country,but not both. Or, the response explains both what the speaker meant and the objective circumstances,but the explanations are vague or are stated in terms that simply repeat the passage. Statements like"there was segregation" or the words "discrimination" or "segregation," even with a complete responseto the first part of the question, will receive only a "2."


The response does not explain what the speaker meant and does not explain what circumstances inthe country help place the speech in context.

Examples of credited responses for 1st part, as follows:

Everyone is the same inside.Blacks and whites should be treated the same.He wanted racism to stop.

Examples of credited responses for 2nd part, as follows:

Black people did not have the same rights.Black people had to drink from different faucets.Black people had to sit in the back of the bus.

Appropriate - Student Response

The speaker dreamed that one day children would not be judged by the color of their skin. What didthe speaker probably mean by this?

Partial - Student Response

The speaker dreamed that one day children would not be judged by the color of their skin. What didthe speaker probably mean by this?

Inappropriate - Student Response

The speaker dreamed that one day children would not be judged by the color of their skin. What didthe speaker probably mean by this?

372. "That's one small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind." This statement was first made when

A. Columbus arrived in the AmericasB. Thomas Edison invented the light bulbC. Lewis and Clark saw the PacificD. Neil Armstrong first stepped on the moon



373. You are writing a history report about an old town. What kinds of historical things could you learnabout the old town from its cemetery?

Name two historical things you could learn.



Scoring Guide

Score & DescriptionAppropriate

Correctly identifies two historical things one could learn in a cemetery.


The response correctly identifies one historical thing; or, it identifies two things, but the second isincorrect. An example of an unacceptable piece of information is, "what kinds of flowers people liked toput on graves." Or one or both responses is vague, e.g., "about the people who lived there."


The response does not identify any historical things that could be learned from the cemetery.

Credited responses could include the following:

views about death;learn about wars and when they occurred;language styles;ethnicity;causes of death;religious beliefs;dates of birth and death of people (both together are considered ONE response);life expectancy;family names;occupations;architectural styles;who had money in the society; and/orwho founded the town and when was it founded (considered ONE response).

Also accept the following:

famous people who lived there;if town is famous;what the town is best known for;how old the town was;that they were slaves;the language;learn what happened in that town (many years ago);how the person died;how they worked (accept any logical town occupation, i.e. mayor);about how long ago people settled;who lived there; and/or

how old the oldest person was that died.

Note: credit important people just once (i.e., mayor and important person.

Do NOT credit the following:

"size of town";"size of cemetery";"who died";"color";"historical facts";"how many people died in the town";"it's old"/"it's a very small town";"how the town came to be";"how the women were treated";"population";"background of town (or people)"; and/or"how old the tombstones are".

Appropriate - Student Response

You are writing a history report about an old town. What kinds of historical things could you learnabout the old town from its cemetery?

Name two historical things you could learn.

Partial - Student Response

You are writing a history report about an old town. What kinds of historical things could you learnabout the old town from its cemetery?

Name two historical things you could learn.

Inappropriate - Student Response

You are writing a history report about an old town. What kinds of historical things could you learnabout the old town from its cemetery?

Name two historical things you could learn.

374. Your teacher has asked you to teach your classmates about ONE of these famous places where animportant event in American history happened:

the Alamo Pearl Harbor Gettysburg Roanoke Island

My famous place in American history is ____________________

Write down three facts about the place that you have chosen that will help you teach your classmatesabout that place.

Fact 1

Fact 2

Fact 3

Scoring Guide

Score & DescriptionAppropriate

The answer gives three facts that are relevant to the particular place and that would help anotherperson understand the place.


The answer gives two facts that are relevant to the particular place and that would help anotherperson understand the place.


The answer gives one fact that is relevant to the particular place and that would help another person

understand the place.


The answer gives no facts that are relevant to the particular place and that might help another personunderstand the place, but makes an attempt at giving facts.

Note--if the line given for listing the chosen place is blank, but there are two or more facts correct forone of the places listed above, the response should be scored according to the above guide.

Credited responses could include the following:

The Alamo

Spanish mission used as fort (in San Antonio, TX);Used as fort during battle fought by band of Texans demanding independence from Mexico;Texans defeated by Mexicans (March 1836);Texans fought (assisted by some Mexicans) under Colonel Travis;Many Texans at Alamo were recent settlers from U.S.;held out in fort, but defeated w/ barely any survivors;defeated by Mexicans led by General Santa Anna;there was a war there; and/orcan accept "many people died."

Pearl Harbor

in Hawaii;bombed by Japanese in 1941 (on December 7th);led to U.S. joining Allied forces in WW II--declared war against Japan; and/ormost important naval base in Pacific.


site of important battle in Civil War;in Pennsylvania;site where President Lincoln delivered important speech (in 1863) honoring soldiers who died inbattle there;President dedicated a part of the battlefield there to a cemetery for soldiers;Union forces defeated Confederate forces here, so badly that the battle was a turning point in theCivil War; and/orstopped Southern advance in Civil War.

Roanoke Island

off coast of present-day North Carolina;Algonquin Indians lived there before White settlers arrived;first English settlement there in 1585;soldiers led by Walter Raleigh established a fort there in 1585;soldiers there traded with Indians (1585), but returned home because of trouble with Indians andfood shortages;second group of English settlers (led by John White) brought families, and received land, in orderto make a permanent settlement in 1587; and/orthis second group of settlers disappeared.

Appropriate - Student Response

Your teacher has asked you to teach your classmates about ONE of these famous places where animportant event in American history happened:

the Alamo Pearl Harbor Gettysburg Roanoke Island

Essential - Student Response

Your teacher has asked you to teach your classmates about ONE of these famous places where animportant event in American history happened:

the Alamo Pearl Harbor Gettysburg Roanoke Island

Partial - Student Response

Your teacher has asked you to teach your classmates about ONE of these famous places where animportant event in American history happened:

the Alamo Pearl Harbor Gettysburg Roanoke Island

Inappropriate - Student Response

Your teacher has asked you to teach your classmates about ONE of these famous places where animportant event in American history happened:

the Alamo Pearl Harbor Gettysburg Roanoke Island

375. The centers of religious activity in the Spanish colonies in the Americas were called

A. missionsB. presidiosC. courthousesD. monasteries



376. What is the main reason the Pilgrims and Puritans came to America?

A. To practice their religion freelyB. To make more money and live a better lifeC. To build a democratic governmentD. To expand the lands controlled by the king of England



377. Imagine that you are living on the frontier. Write a letter to friends back east telling them either whythey should come to the frontier OR why they should not come. Your letter should give TWO reasonswhy your friends should come OR should not come to the frontier.

Scoring Guide

Score & DescriptionAppropriate

The response is in some approximation of letter form and consistently argues one position or the otherby giving two reasons.


The response may or may not be in letter form and gives one appropriate reason why people should orshould not come west; or two reasons are given, but one position is not taken consistently, or one orboth reasons are vague, as in "don't come because life is hard, and there is a lot of work to survive."Or, "come because there are a lot of opportunities."


The response does not give an appropriate reason why people should or should not come west.

Credited responses could include the following:


land to farm on;religious freedom;adventure (specific reasons why "exciting," for example);fleeing debt or the law;fur-trading/hunting & fishing;mining;lots of room;ample food;cheap land;free to do as you please;

friendship/companionship; and/oreconomic opportunity.

Don't Come:

long, dangerous journey because of weather, duration, hostile Native Americans, animals,exhaustion;cold winters, general extremes of weather ("hot and dry");poor farmland (hard to survive if crops fail);disease;hostile Native Americans;far from any eastern comforts;had to make all their food and necessities for themselves;fighting for land among homesteaders;food shortages;miss way of life; and/orwar.

Appropriate - Student Response

Imagine that you are living on the frontier. Write a letter to friends back east telling them either whythey should come to the frontier OR why they should not come. Your letter should give TWO reasonswhy your friends should come OR should not come to the frontier.

Partial - Student Response

Imagine that you are living on the frontier. Write a letter to friends back east telling them either whythey should come to the frontier OR why they should not come. Your letter should give TWO reasonswhy your friends should come OR should not come to the frontier.

Inappropriate - Student Response

Imagine that you are living on the frontier. Write a letter to friends back east telling them either whythey should come to the frontier OR why they should not come. Your letter should give TWO reasonswhy your friends should come OR should not come to the frontier.

378. American Indians taught European settlers how to grow

A. riceB. sugarC. teaD. corn



379. Study the picture above. Using the picture and your knowledge of history, identify TWO ways thatPhillis Wheatley (1753-1784) was different from most slaves in the American colonies.



Scoring Guide

Score & DescriptionAppropriate

The response lists two valid differences between Phillis Wheatley and most slaves which could include:that she could read and write; that her master freed her upon his death; that she was sent by hermaster to study abroad; that she wrote patriotic poems during the Revolution; that she lived in theNorth; that she was not beaten; that she was treated well; that she was famous; that she had niceclothes.


The response identifies one valid difference between Wheatley and most slaves. If a second differenceis cited, it is incorrect, such as "she's sitting down," etc.


The response does not identify any valid differences between Wheatley and most slaves.

Note: She did NOT write poems or any literature protesting slavery. Note: "She could read" and "she could write" count as ONE difference. 1 Pen in hand.Note: "She was intelligent" is NOT acceptable as a difference between Wheatley and other slaves.

Acceptable answers are as follows:lived in North/Northeast/Boston;didn't work in fields;allowed in house;author;freedom for colonies;well educated/went to school;treated nice; and/orhad clean/nice clothes.

Appropriate - Student Response

Study the picture above. Using the picture and your knowledge of history, identify TWO ways thatPhillis Wheatley (1753-1784) was different from most slaves in the American colonies.

Partial - Student Response

Study the picture above. Using the picture and your knowledge of history, identify TWO ways thatPhillis Wheatley (1753-1784) was different from most slaves in the American colonies.

Inappropriate - Student Response

Study the picture above. Using the picture and your knowledge of history, identify TWO ways thatPhillis Wheatley (1753-1784) was different from most slaves in the American colonies.

380. Imagine you could use a time machine to visit the past. You have landed in Philadelphia in thesummer of 1776. Describe an important event that is happening.

Scoring Guide

Score & DescriptionAppropriate

The response should demonstrate an understanding of the significance of the date and place, andsupply accurate information about what would be happening. Specifically, it should relate to an eventrelevant to the Continental Congress and Revolution, such as the Declaration of Independence, etc.


The response may describe something happening in Philadelphia (but at the wrong time, as in "thewriting of the Constitution") or at the right time (but in the wrong place, as in the "battles of theRevolutionary War"). It may also identify something that is happening at right time or place but that istrivial or vague, such as "people were talking about taxes." (Reference to the hanging of the LibertyBell should receive a "2.")


The response does not describe an event happening at the appropriate time or place.

Credited responses could include the following:

Richard Henry Lee suggests in a meeting of Congress in Philadelphia that the colonies declaretheir independence.People meeting in Congress in Philadelphia would be considering adopting the Declaration ofIndependence, the document declaring the 13 colonies free states, not British colonies.

(Note: The Revolutionary War was going on, but no battle had yet been fought in Philadelphia.)

Appropriate - Student Response

Imagine you could use a time machine to visit the past. You have landed in Philadelphia in thesummer of 1776. Describe an important event that is happening.

Partial - Student Response

Imagine you could use a time machine to visit the past. You have landed in Philadelphia in thesummer of 1776. Describe an important event that is happening.

Inappropriate - Student Response

Imagine you could use a time machine to visit the past. You have landed in Philadelphia in thesummer of 1776. Describe an important event that is happening.

381. Which of these was one of the thirteen colonies that fought the American Revolution against theBritish?

A. IllinoisB. CaliforniaC. New YorkD. Texas



382. The Oregon Trail was a

A. path taken by American Indians forced west in the 1800'sB. route on the Underground Railroad for escaped slavesC. route taken by many settlers who traveled to the Northwest in the 1840'sD. border between territory held by Great Britain and the United States



The following question refers to the statement below.

A house divided against itself cannot stand. I believe this government cannot endure permanently halfslave and half free. I do not expect the Union to be dissolved--I do not expect the house to fall--but I doexpect it will cease to be divided.

383. The statement was made by

A. George WashingtonB. Thomas JeffersonC. Abraham LincolnD. Theodore Roosevelt



The following question refers to the statement below.

A house divided against itself cannot stand. I believe this government cannot endure permanently halfslave and half free. I do not expect the Union to be dissolved--I do not expect the house to fall--but I doexpect it will cease to be divided.

384. What war broke out soon after the statement was made?

A. American RevolutionB. War of 1812C. Mexican-American WarD. Civil War



385. Susan B. Anthony was a leader who helped

A. women win the right to voteB. immigrants win the right to come to the United States

C. children win the right to an educationD. older people win the right to get social security



386. What explains the change in voter registration shown by these graphs?

A. New laws made it difficult for African Americans to vote.B. Most African Americans were Democrats.C. Most African Americans moved out of Louisiana.D. The White population in Louisiana increased greatly.



387. The phonograph was invented by

A. Samuel MorseB. Benjamin FranklinC. Thomas EdisonD. Cyrus McCormick



388. Which war did the United States enter to prevent the spread of communism?

A. The Mexican-American WarB. The First World War

C. The Second World WarD. The Vietnam War



389. The land-bridge theory suggests that the first people came to North America from

A. EuropeB. AsiaC. AfricaD. Atlantis



390. Magellan's expedition was significant because it was the first to

A. circle the worldB. reach South AmericaC. bring horses to the AmericasD. sail around Africa



391. Identify the event that is portrayed in the picture above.

Why is the event important in United States history?

Scoring Guide

Score & DescriptionAppropriate

The response correctly identifies the event as the Boston Tea Party. It also explains that the event isimportant because it showed colonial determination to combat undesirable British policies, and to seizecontrol of the colonial economy and of colonial politics.


The response correctly identifies the event (as the Boston Tea Party and does NOT just repeat the titleof the picture) or explains what the colonists are doing without addressing its historical significance,OR, it describes the historical significance but does not explicitly identify the event as the Boston TeaParty.


The response does not correctly identify the event, or offer any information relevant to the event.

3's 2's 1'sIdentifies AND Explains Identifies OR Explains Neither identifies nor explains

Appropriate - Student Response

Identify the event that is portrayed in the picture above.

Partial - Student Response

Identify the event that is portrayed in the picture above.

Inappropriate - Student Response

Identify the event that is portrayed in the picture above.

The following question refers to the passage below.

We hold these truths to be self-evident: That all men are created equal; that they are endowed by theirCreator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.That, to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from theconsent of the governed; that, whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, itis the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute a new government.


392. The quotation is from the

A. Articles of ConfederationB. ConstitutionC. Declaration of IndependenceD. Missouri Compromise



The following question refers to the passage below.

We hold these truths to be self-evident: That all men are created equal; that they are endowed by theirCreator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.That, to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from theconsent of the governed, that, whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, itis the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute a new government.

— 1776

393. The primary author of the document was

A. George WashingtonB. John MarshallC. Robert E. LeeD. Thomas Jefferson



The following question refers to the passage below.

We hold these truths to be self-evident: That all men are created equal; that they are endowed by theirCreator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.That, to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from theconsent of the governed, that, whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, itis the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute a new government.

— 1776

394. Explain why the document quoted on page 4 was written.

Scoring Guide

Score & DescriptionAppropriate

The response shows an understanding that the document was written to declare independence fromEngland (not vital to response). The response also shows an understanding that the document waswritten to justify, strengthen, or explain this declaration. It can contain a MINOR error.


The response provides a statement that the document was written to declare independence, butcontains no explanation or amplification

ORThe response explains the document as an attempt to enumerate basic human rights, but does notlink the document to the struggles against England.


The response provides inaccurate reasons for the writing of the document or simple, direct

restatements of the quotation.

Appropriate - Student Response

Explain why the document quoted on page 4 was written.

Partial - Student Response

Explain why the document quoted on page 4 was written.

Inappropriate - Student Response

Explain why the document quoted on page 4 was written.

The following question refers to the first census of the United States, shown below.



Free White

Males of 16 Years and Up

Free White

Males Under

16 Years

Free White


All Other

Free Persons



Vermont 22,435 22,323 40,505 255 16 85,539

New Hampshire 36,036 34,351 70,160 630 158 141,385Maine 24,384 24,748 46,870 538 None 96,540

Massachusetts 95,453 87,289 190,582 5,463 None 378,787Rhode Island 16,019 15,799 32,652 3,407 948 68,825Connecticut 60,523 54,403 117,448 2,808 2,764 237,946New York 83,700 78,122 152,320 4,654 21,324 340,120

New Jersey 45,251 41,416 83,287 2,762 11,423 184,139Pennsylvania 110,783 106,948 206,363 6,537 3,737 434,373

Delaware 11,783 12,143 22,384 3,899 8,387 59,094Maryland 55,915 51,339 101,395 8,043 103,036 319,723Virginia 110,936 116,135 215,046 12,866 292,627 747,610

Kentucky 15,154 17,057 28,922 114 12,430 73,677North Carolina 69,988 77,506 140,710 4,975 100,572 393,751South Carolina 35,576 37,722 66,380 1,801 107,094 249,073

Georgia 13,103 14,044 25,739 393 29,264 82,548 Total Number of Inhabitants of

the United States Exclusive of Other








395. The information in the census could be used to answer which question?

A. Which state had the highest official population?B. How many people moved to the United States in the year 1790?C. Which state was the largest in area?D. How many more male than female slaves were there in 1790?



The following question refers to the first census of the United States, shown below.



Free White

Males of 16 Years and Up

Free White

Males Under

16 Years

Free White


All Other

Free Persons



Vermont 22,435 22,323 40,505 255 16 85,539

New Hampshire 36,036 34,351 70,160 630 158 141,385Maine 24,384 24,748 46,870 538 None 96,540

Massachusetts 95,453 87,289 190,582 5,463 None 378,787Rhode Island 16,019 15,799 32,652 3,407 948 68,825Connecticut 60,523 54,403 117,448 2,808 2,764 237,946New York 83,700 78,122 152,320 4,654 21,324 340,120

New Jersey 45,251 41,416 83,287 2,762 11,423 184,139Pennsylvania 110,783 106,948 206,363 6,537 3,737 434,373

Delaware 11,783 12,143 22,384 3,899 8,387 59,094Maryland 55,915 51,339 101,395 8,043 103,036 319,723Virginia 110,936 116,135 215,046 12,866 292,627 747,610

Kentucky 15,154 17,057 28,922 114 12,430 73,677North Carolina 69,988 77,506 140,710 4,975 100,572 393,751South Carolina 35,576 37,722 66,380 1,801 107,094 249,073

Georgia 13,103 14,044 25,739 393 29,264 82,548 Total Number of Inhabitants of

the United States Exclusive of Other








396. The census was important in 1790 because it

A. helped determine which citizens were eligible to voteB. told people which states had the most members of American Indian nationsC. told people whether men or women tended to live longerD. helped determine state representation in the House of Representatives



397. During the Constitutional Convention, there was an important debate between large and small statesabout representation. What were the main issues in this debate?

How did the Connecticut (or Great) Compromise resolve this debate?

Scoring Guide

Score & DescriptionAppropriate

The response explains that small states feared being overpowered and wanted each state to have thesame number of representatives in a national legislature, regardless of the state's population, whilelarge states wanted representation to be determined by population. The response accurately describeshow the Connecticut (Great) Compromise resolved this debate by determining that, in a bicamerallegislature, each state would be represented according to population in the lower house (House ofRepresentatives), while in the upper house (Senate), each state would have two representatives andtwo votes.


The response correctly identifies the debate as being about power in the national legislature ANDexplains that small states were afraid of being outvoted by large states. It also explains that theConnecticut (Great) Compromise divided modes of representation in a bicameral legislature ORexplains that the number of representatives will be determined by population without explainingbicameral legislature. The response does not, however, provide the specifics of the means ofrepresentation.


The response either explains that the debate was about power in the national legislature, or explainsthat the Connecticut (Great) Compromise sought to divide means of representation between large andsmall states. Alternatively, the response refers vaguely to issues of the kinds of representation soughtby large and small states.


The response does not correctly explain what the debate was about, or correctly explain the resolutionof the Connecticut (Great) Compromise.

Appropriate - Student Response

During the Constitutional Convention, there was an important debate between large and small statesabout representation. What were the main issues in this debate?

Essential - Student Response

During the Constitutional Convention, there was an important debate between large and small statesabout representation. What were the main issues in this debate?

Partial - Student Response

During the Constitutional Convention, there was an important debate between large and small statesabout representation. What were the main issues in this debate?

Inappropriate - Student Response

During the Constitutional Convention, there was an important debate between large and small statesabout representation. What were the main issues in this debate?

398. Explain why the framers of the Constitution established a system of checks and balances among thethree branches of government.

Scoring Guide

Score & DescriptionAppropriate

The response clearly explains that the purpose of the system was to prevent too much power beingamassed in one branch of government. The response contains a sense that the powers of thebranches are weighted against each other.


The response demonstrates a general understanding of the separation of powers but does not clearlyand explicitly explain that the checks and balances were designed to prevent concentration of power inone branch. Response may be vague or partially inaccurate.


The response does not show any understanding of the system of checks and balances.

Appropriate - Student Response

Explain why the framers of the Constitution established a system of checks and balances among thethree branches of government.

Partial - Student Response

Explain why the framers of the Constitution established a system of checks and balances among thethree branches of government.

Inappropriate - Student Response

Explain why the framers of the Constitution established a system of checks and balances among thethree branches of government.

399. What was the main effect of Eli Whitney's cotton gin?

A. It reduced global demand for cotton and led United States farmers to grow other crops.B. It made it possible to produce clothing by machine and led to the building of textile factories

throughout the southern United States.C. It allowed people to grow cotton on land that had previously been considered too dry and led to

large-scale irrigation projects in the western United States.D. It allowed cotton to be processed more quickly and profitably and led to the expansion of slavery

in the southern United States.



The following question refers to the grocery advertisement shown below.

400. From the advertisement, one can tell that in 1830 the United States

A. traded with both Europe and the CaribbeanB. relied primarily on European farming and industry to meet its basic needsC. had Prohibition lawsD. was already using steamships in the Atlantic trade



The following question refers to the grocery advertisement shown below.

401. Which product in the advertisement was probably produced in the United States?

A. ClovesB. Wheat flourC. TamarindsD. Coffee



Note: In order to answer the question, students were not expected to read the actual text of theFifteenth Amendment printed below. The quality of the text reproduced here is as true to the original aspossible.

Which group was this amendment designed to help? ____________________

Why was it proposed at this particular time in United States history?

Scoring Guide

Score & DescriptionAppropriate

The response answers all parts of the question adequately by identifying former slaves and/or allAfrican American males as those who the resolution was designed to help, and identifies Radical

Reconstruction, the "Black Codes," or the end of the Civil War as being the reason that the resolutionwas proposed at this time.


The response either identifies who the amendment was designed to help or places it in its historicalcontext, but does not do both.


The response does not identify who the amendment is designed to help or place it in its historicalcontext.

Appropriate - Student Response

Partial - Student Response

Inappropriate - Student Response

403. The Lend-Lease Act, the Yalta Conference, and the dropping of the atomic bomb on Hiroshima are allassociated with the

A. First World WarB. Second World WarC. Korean WarD. Vietnam War



The following question is about the song below. O Freedom! O Freedom! O Freedom over me! And before I'd be a slave, I'd be buried in my grave, And go home to my Lord and be free!

404. The song was associated with

A. the temperance movementB. the civil rights movementC. pioneers on the Oregon TrailD. farmers in the Dust Bowl during the Great Depression



The following question is about the song below. O Freedom! O Freedom! O Freedom over me! And before I'd be a slave, I'd be buried in my grave, And go home to my Lord and be free!

405. The song suggests that in the United States there has been a relationship between

A. slaves and organized laborB. education and social classC. reform and religious ideasD. African Americans and American Indians



406. You are writing a history report about an old town. What kinds of historical things could you learnabout the old town from its cemetery?

Name two historical things you could learn.



Scoring Guide

Score & DescriptionAppropriate

Correctly identifies two historical things one could learn in a cemetery.


The response correctly identifies one historical thing; or, it identifies two things, but the second isincorrect. An example of an unacceptable piece of information is, "what kinds of flowers people liked toput on graves." Or one or both responses is vague, e.g., "about the people who lived there."


The response does not identify any historical things that could be learned from the cemetery.

Credited responses could include:

views about deathlearn about wars and when they occurredlanguage stylesethnicitycauses of deathreligious beliefsdates of birth and death of people (both together are considered ONE response)life expectancyfamily namesoccupationsarchitectural styleswho had money in the societywho founded the town and when it was founded

(considered ONE response)

Also accept:

famous people who lived thereif town is famouswhat the town is best known for

how old the town wasthat they were slavesthe languagelearn what happened in that town (many years ago)how the person diedhow they worked (accept any logical town occupation, i.e. mayor)about how long ago people settledwho lived therehow old the oldest person was that died

Note: credit important people just once (i.e, mayor and important person)

Do NOT credit:

"size of town""size of cemetery""who died""color""historical facts""how many people died in the town""it's old"/"it's a very small town""how the town came to be""how the women were treated""population""background of town (or people)""how old the tombstones are"

Appropriate - Student Response

You are writing a history report about an old town. What kinds of historical things could you learnabout the old town from its cemetery?

Name two historical things you could learn.

Partial - Student Response

You are writing a history report about an old town. What kinds of historical things could you learnabout the old town from its cemetery?

Name two historical things you could learn.

Inappropriate - Student Response

You are writing a history report about an old town. What kinds of historical things could you learnabout the old town from its cemetery?

Name two historical things you could learn.

407. Your teacher has asked you to teach your classmates about ONE of these famous places where animportant event in American history happened:

the Alamo Pearl Harbor Gettysburg Roanoke Island

My famous place in American history is ____________________

Write down three facts about the place that you have chosen that will help you teach your classmatesabout that place.

Fact 1

Fact 2

Fact 3

Scoring Guide

Score & DescriptionAppropriate

The answer gives three facts that are relevant to the particular place and that would help anotherperson understand the place.


The answer gives two facts that are relevant to the particular place and that would help anotherperson understand the place.


The answer gives one fact that is relevant to the particular place and that would help another personunderstand the place.


The answer gives no facts that are relevant to the particular place and that might help another personunderstand the place, but makes an attempt at giving facts.

Note--if the line given for listing the chosen place is blank, but there are two or more facts correct forone of the places listed above, the response should be scored according to the above guide.

Credited responses could include:

The Alamo

Spanish mission used as fort (in San Antonio, TX)Used as fort during battle fought by band of Texans demanding independence from MexicoTexans defeated by Mexicans (March 1836)

Texans fought (assisted by some Mexicans) under Colonel TravisMany Texans at Alamo were recent settlers from U.S.held out in fort, but defeated w/barely any survivorsdefeated by Mexicans led by General Santa Annathere was a war therecan accept "many people died"

Pearl Harbor

in Hawaiibombed by Japanese in 1941 (on December 7th)led to U.S. joining Allied forces in WWII - declared war against Japanmost important naval base in Pacific


site of important battle in Civil Warin Pennsylvaniasite where President Lincoln delivered important speech (in 1863) honoring soldiers who died inbattle therePresident dedicated a part of the battlefield there to a cemetery for soldiersUnion forces defeated Confederate forces here, so badly that the battle was a turning point in theCivil Warstopped Southern advance in Civil War

Roanoke Island

off coast of present-day North CarolinaAlgonquin Indians lived there before White settlers arrivedfirst English settlement there in 1585soldiers led by Walter Raleigh established a fort there in 1585soldiers there traded with Indians (1585), but returned home because of trouble with Indians andfood shortagessecond group of English settlers (led by John White) brought families, and received land, in order

to make a permanent settlement in 1587this second group of settlers disappeared

Appropriate - Student Response

Your teacher has asked you to teach your classmates about ONE of these famous places where animportant event in American history happened:

the Alamo Pearl Harbor Gettysburg Roanoke Island

Essential - Student Response

Your teacher has asked you to teach your classmates about ONE of these famous places where animportant event in American history happened:

the Alamo Pearl Harbor Gettysburg Roanoke Island

Partial - Student Response

Your teacher has asked you to teach your classmates about ONE of these famous places where animportant event in American history happened:

the Alamo

Pearl Harbor Gettysburg Roanoke Island

Inappropriate - Student Response

Your teacher has asked you to teach your classmates about ONE of these famous places where animportant event in American history happened:

the Alamo Pearl Harbor Gettysburg Roanoke Island

408. The centers of religious activity in the Spanish colonies in the Americas were called

A. missionsB. presidiosC. courthousesD. monasteries



409. What is the main reason the Pilgrims and Puritans came to America?

A. To practice their religion freelyB. To make more money and live a better lifeC. To build a democratic governmentD. To expand the lands controlled by the king of England



410. Imagine that you are living on the frontier. Write a letter to friends back east telling them either whythey should come to the frontier OR why they should not come. Your letter should give TWO reasonswhy your friends should come OR should not come to the frontier.

Scoring Guide

Score & DescriptionAppropriate

The response is in some approximation of letter form and consistently argues one position or the otherby giving two reasons.


The response may or may not be in letter form and gives one appropriate reason why people should orshould not come west; or two reasons are given, but one position is not taken consistently, or one orboth reasons are vague, as in "don't come because life is hard, and there is a lot of work to survive."Or, "come because there are a lot of opportunities."


The response does not give an appropriate reason why people should or should not come west.

Credited Responses could include:


land to farm onreligious freedomadventure (specific reasons why "exciting," for example)fleeing debt or the lawfur-trading/hunting & fishingmininglots of roomample foodcheap land

free to do as you pleasefriendship/companionshipeconomic opportunity

Don't Come:

long, dangerous journey because of weather, duration, hostile Native Americans, animals,exhaustioncold winters; general extremes of weather ("hot and dry")poor farmland (hard to survive if crops fail)diseasehostile Native Americansfar from any Eastern comfortshad to make all their food and necessities for themselvesfighting for land among homesteadersfood shortagesmiss way of lifewar

Appropriate - Student Response

Imagine that you are living on the frontier. Write a letter to friends back east telling them either whythey should come to the frontier OR why they should not come. Your letter should give TWO reasonswhy your friends should come OR should not come to the frontier.

Partial - Student Response

Imagine that you are living on the frontier. Write a letter to friends back east telling them either whythey should come to the frontier OR why they should not come. Your letter should give TWO reasonswhy your friends should come OR should not come to the frontier.

Inappropriate - Student Response

Imagine that you are living on the frontier. Write a letter to friends back east telling them either whythey should come to the frontier OR why they should not come. Your letter should give TWO reasonswhy your friends should come OR should not come to the frontier.

411. American Indians taught European settlers how to grow

A. riceB. sugarC. teaD. corn



412. Study the picture above. Using the picture and your knowledge of history, identify TWO ways thatPhillis Wheatley (1753-1784) was different from most slaves in the American colonies.



Scoring Guide

Score & DescriptionAppropriate

The response lists two valid differences between Phillis Wheatley and most slaves which could include:that she could read and write; that her master freed her upon his death; that she was sent by hermaster to study abroad; that she wrote patriotic poems during the Revolution; or that she lived in theNorth; that she was not beaten; that she was treated well; that she was famous; that she had niceclothes.


The response identifies one valid difference between Wheatley and most slaves. If a second differenceis cited, it is incorrrect, such as "she's sitting down," etc.


The response does not identify any valid differences between Wheatley and most slaves.

Note: She did NOT write poems or any literature protesting slavery. Note: "She could read" and "she could write" count as ONE difference. 1 Pen in hand.Note: "She was intelligent" is NOT acceptable as a difference between Wheatley and other slaves.

Lived in North/Northeast/BostonDidn't work in fieldsAllowed in houseAuthorFreedom for coloniesWell educated/went to schoolTreated niceHad clean/nice clothes

Appropriate - Student Response

Study the picture above. Using the picture and your knowledge of history, identify TWO ways thatPhillis Wheatley (1753-1784) was different from most slaves in the American colonies.

Partial - Student Response

Study the picture above. Using the picture and your knowledge of history, identify TWO ways thatPhillis Wheatley (1753-1784) was different from most slaves in the American colonies.

Inappropriate - Student Response

Study the picture above. Using the picture and your knowledge of history, identify TWO ways thatPhillis Wheatley (1753-1784) was different from most slaves in the American colonies.

413. Imagine you could use a time machine to visit the past. You have landed in Philadelphia in thesummer of 1776. Describe an important event that is happening.

Scoring Guide

Score & DescriptionAppropriate

The response should demonstrate an understanding of the significance of the date and place, andsupply accurate information about what would be happening. Specifically, it should relate to an eventrelevant to the Continental Congress and Revolution, such as the Declaration of Independence, etc.


The response may describe something happening in Philadelphia (but at the wrong time, as in "thewriting of the Constitution") or at the right time (but in the wrong place, as in the "battles of therevolutionary war"). It may also identify something that is happening at the right time or place but thatis trivial or vague, such as "people were talking about taxes." (Reference to the hanging of the LibertyBell should receive a 2).


The response does not describe an event happening at the appropriate time or place.

Credited responses could include the following:

Richard Henry Lee suggests in a meeting of Congress in Philadelphia that the colonies declaretheir independence.People meeting in Congress in Philadelphia would be considering adopting the Declaration ofIndependence, the document declaring the 13 colonies free states, not British colonies.

(Note: The Revolutionary War was going on, but no battle had as yet been fought in Philadelphia.)

Appropriate - Student Response

Imagine you could use a time machine to visit the past. You have landed in Philadelphia in thesummer of 1776. Describe an important event that is happening.

Partial - Student Response

Imagine you could use a time machine to visit the past. You have landed in Philadelphia in thesummer of 1776. Describe an important event that is happening.

Inappropriate - Student Response

Imagine you could use a time machine to visit the past. You have landed in Philadelphia in thesummer of 1776. Describe an important event that is happening.

414. Which of these was one of the thirteen colonies that fought the American Revolution against theBritish?

A. IllinoisB. CaliforniaC. New YorkD. Texas



415. The Oregon Trail was a

A. path taken by American Indians forced west in the 1800'sB. route on the Underground Railroad for escaped slavesC. route taken by many settlers who traveled to the Northwest in the 1840'sD. border between territory held by Great Britain and the United States



The following question refers to the statement below.

A house divided against itself cannot stand. I believe this government cannot endure permanently halfslave and half free. I do not expect the Union to be dissolved—I do not expect the house to fall—but Ido expect it will cease to be divided.

416. The statement was made by

A. George WashingtonB. Thomas JeffersonC. Abraham LincolnD. Theodore Roosevelt



The following question refers to the statement below.

A house divided against itself cannot stand. I believe this government cannot endure permanently halfslave and half free. I do not expect the Union to be dissolved—I do not expect the house to fall—but Ido expect it will cease to be divided.

417. What war broke out soon after the statement was made?

A. American RevolutionB. War of 1812C. Mexican-American WarD. Civil War



418. Susan B. Anthony was a leader who helped

A. women win the right to voteB. immigrants win the right to come to the United StatesC. children win the right to an education

D. older people win the right to get social security



419. What explains the change in voter registration shown by these graphs?

A. New laws made it difficult for African Americans to vote.B. Most African Americans were Democrats.C. Most African Americans moved out of Louisiana.D. The White population in Louisiana increased greatly.



420. The phonograph was invented by

A. Samuel MorseB. Benjamin FranklinC. Thomas EdisonD. Cyrus McCormick



421. Which war did the United States enter to prevent the spread of communism?

A. The Mexican-American WarB. The First World WarC. The Second World War

D. The Vietnam War



422. During the 1500's and 1600's, what was the major cause of death among Indians of the Americas?

A. Warfare among tribesB. Warfare between Native Americans and EuropeansC. Infections and diseases brought by EuropeansD. Changing climatic conditions



423. The Great Awakening of the 1730's was important because it led people in the American colonies to

A. increase toleration for Roman CatholicsB. examine the different positions of men and women in societyC. reaffirm that God gave kings their right to ruleD. question the authority of church and government leaders



The following question

Students were shown two early American paintings portraying George Washington. In one, Washington isdeified; he is seen rising to the heavens accompanied by angels. The other shows Washington aspresident reviewing troops as they prepare to put down the Whiskey Rebellion of 1794.We did not receive copyright approval to put the actual text from the student booklet on the Website.

424. Early American paintings such as these two of George Washington tended to

A. show Washington's interest in scienceB. show life in a realistic fashionC. glorify American political figuresD. celebrate Washington's humble origins



The following question

Students were shown two early American paintings portraying George Washington. In one, Washington isdeified; he is seen rising to the heavens accompanied by angels. The other shows Washington aspresident reviewing troops as they prepare to put down the Whiskey Rebellion of 1794.We did not receive copyright approval to put the actual text from the student booklet on the Website.

425. The top picture shows that

A. many people believed Washington was a weak PresidentB. religious symbols were used in politics in the early United StatesC. American Indian art had a strong influence on early Republic artD. Washington had come from a close-knit family



The following question

Students were shown two early American paintings portraying George Washington. In one, Washington isdeified; he is seen rising to the heavens accompanied by angels. The other shows Washington aspresident reviewing troops as they prepare to put down the Whiskey Rebellion of 1794.We did not receive copyright approval to put the actual text from the student booklet on the Website.

426. The bottom painting shows Washington with an army raised to put down the Whiskey Rebellion inwestern Pennsylvania in 1794. The painting was probably intended to show the

A. strength of the new central governmentB. strength of the Americans and weakness of the European powersC. alliance between Washington and American Indians of the Northwest TerritoryD. violence of Washington and the peacefulness of the Pennsylvania Quakers



427. What was one consequence of Nat Turner's rebellion?

A. Large numbers of slaves fled to the North.B. Slave revolts broke out throughout the South.C. Conditions for slaves on many southern plantations improved.D. Southern states passed laws designed to tightly control slaves.



428. The Monroe Doctrine was intended to

A. promote United States trade with ChinaB. help keep the peace in EuropeC. discourage European involvement in the AmericasD. protect United States business in Japan and Korea



The following question refers to the newspaper report below.

A city of ruins, of desolation, of vacant houses, of widowed women, of rotting wharves, of desertedwarehouses . . . acres of pitiful and voiceless barrenness—that is Charleston.

429. The news report was most likely written in

A. 1835B. 1845C. 1855D. 1865



The following question refers to the newspaper report below.

A city of ruins, of desolation, of vacant houses, of widowed women, of rotting wharves, of desertedwarehouses . . . acres of pitiful and voiceless barrenness—that is Charleston.

430. The news report best supports which statement?

A. Cities on the coast saw the worst of the fighting in the Civil War.B. During the Civil War urban areas in the South suffered.C. The destruction of cities had little effect on the progress of the Civil War.D. The Civil War had little effect on city life in the North.



431. What was the main reason that many leaders in Great Britain leaned toward supporting theConfederacy in the Civil War?

A. Plantation owners in Britain held slaves.B. Most British immigrants to the United States lived in the South.

C. Britain relied on Southern cotton for its factories.D. British politicians wanted to make the United States weaker so that they could conquer it.



432. The drawing above is from 1869. Describe the point that the artist is trying to make.

How does the point the artist is making relate to social changes during this period?

Scoring Guide

Score & DescriptionAppropriate

The response indicates that the artist is showing that gender roles are reversed. The response relatesthe cartoon to the Women's Rights Movement in some way.


The response correctly makes the point that gender roles are reversed but does not place the cartoon

in a historical context. Responses that miss the cartoon's point of view ("women have the same rightsas men do and can do whatever men do") will not receive credit. OR, the response discusses thehistorical context without describing the cartoon's message concerning gender roles. OR, both partsare correct but very vaguely expressed.


The response does not indicate the cartoon shows reversal of gender roles.

Appropriate - Student Response

The drawing above is from 1869. Describe the point that the artist is trying to make.

Partial - Student Response

The drawing above is from 1869. Describe the point that the artist is trying to make.

Inappropriate - Student Response

The drawing above is from 1869. Describe the point that the artist is trying to make.

433. Look at the magazine cover. What historical events would have led this question and picture toappear on the cover of a popular magazine in 1876?

What attitudes displayed toward American Indians by other Americans are suggested by thismagazine cover?

Scoring Guide

Score & DescriptionAppropriate

The response answers both parts of the question. It shows an understanding of the problemsexpressed by the combination of the title and the picture of Sioux leaders. It may explain (usingspecifics) that the attitudes of other Americans ranged from sympathy to paternalism to hostility.


The response answers both parts of the question, although one part gives a general statement withoutproviding any specifics. For instance, the response may state that the issue is addressed on amagazine cover because "there were lots of arguments between the government and the Indiansthen"; or, the response may describe the attitude of many other Americans by saying "they did not likethe Sioux Indians."


The response correctly answers only one part of the question or it may give two answers that arevague.


The response does not correctly answer either part of the question.

Credited responses could include the following:

1) Reasons Why Picture Would Have Appeared:

Debates about rights to western lands: as more people moved west to lands they felt they had aright to as Americans and often seized Indian land illegally, Sioux Indians (chiefs featured inpicture) and other western tribes reacted with fear and anger, because they were losing theirlands and ways of life; often attacked pioneers and settlements.A series of battles between Sioux and United States forces had led to the placement of the Siouxon small reservations, usually on the poorest land.Settlers and hunters slaughtered buffalo for food and sport, depriving Sioux Indians (and otherwestern tribes) of a source of food.A battle was fought (Battle of the Little Bighorn) between Sioux Indians and U.S. Army forces

under General Custer, in which the U.S. Army troops were defeated.Placement of western Indians on reservations administered by the Bureau of Indian Affairscurtailed traditional American Indian ways of life.

2) Attitudes displayed toward Native Americans by other Americans

Indians should be deprived of power, so the country can be peacefully settled, and resources inwest (necessary for industry) can be exploited.Indians should be placed on reservations, in order to enable peaceful White settlement and/orIndian survival. (Reasons ranged from self-serving to compassionate).Indians should be assimilated into White society, as that will enable them to live peacefully withother Americans, (and/or learn a 'superior' way of life).Indians have been consistently mistreated by Whites, and should be treated fairly.Fate of Indians is a problem for White Americans to solve (paternalism).Indians are noble savages, tragic figures.Indians are picturesque and exotic, admirable.

Appropriate - Student Response

Look at the magazine cover. What historical events would have led this question and picture toappear on the cover of a popular magazine in 1876?

Essential - Student Response

Look at the magazine cover. What historical events would have led this question and picture toappear on the cover of a popular magazine in 1876?

Partial - Student Response

Look at the magazine cover. What historical events would have led this question and picture toappear on the cover of a popular magazine in 1876?

Inappropriate - Student Response

Look at the magazine cover. What historical events would have led this question and picture toappear on the cover of a popular magazine in 1876?

434. Between 1960 and 1990, what invention most changed the way people in the United States worked?

A. The typewriterB. The computerC. The superconductorD. The radio



435. What goal was most important in shaping United States foreign policy between 1945 and 1990?

A. Preventing the spread of communism to new areas and weakening it where it already existedB. Encouraging trained scientists and other skilled workers who lived in foreign countries to

immigrate to the United StatesC. Strengthening the United States industrial and agricultural sectors to help them compete against

the British and the FrenchD. Providing foreign aid to all poor countries to help them develop economically and technologically



436. President Jimmy Carter played a major role in negotiating the Camp David accords, which promotedpeace between

A. the Soviet Union and ChinaB. the Palestinians and the JordaniansC. Egypt and IsraelD. North Korea and the United States



The following question refers to the cartoon below.

437. Circle the decade in which you believe this cartoon was drawn.

1920's 1940's 1960's 1980's

Citing specific historical evidence, explain why you chose the decade you did.

Scoring Guide

Score & DescriptionAppropriate

The response explains why the cartoon was drawn in the 1960's with attention to specifics, citing, forexample, Martin Luther King, Malcolm X, Rosa Parks, civil rights legislation, civil rights demonstrations.OR the response identifies the 1940's or the 1980's and gives a reasonable explanation.


The response explains why the cartoon was drawn in the 1960's OR explains why the cartoon wasdrawn in the 1980's. The explanation for the decade chosen is vague. Identifying the 1940's andoffering a vague explanation is not acceptable.


The response does not identify the 1960's or the 1980's as the decade or the response identifies the1960's or the 1980's but omits an explanation or gives an inappropriate explanation.

Credited responses could include the following:


fair employment laws;CORE;books published in reference to racial problems;NAACP civil rights litigation; and/oranti-school segregation cases that would lead to Brown vs. Board of Education.

1960's:1964 Civil Rights Act (no discrimination in unions, schools, public accommodations).

1980's:Could argue that although there was little legislative activity in this decade, the cartoon's messageis still accurate.

Appropriate - Student Response

Circle the decade in which you believe this cartoon was drawn.

Partial - Student Response

Circle the decade in which you believe this cartoon was drawn.

Inappropriate - Student Response

Circle the decade in which you believe this cartoon was drawn.

The following question refers to the cartoon below.

438. What is the main message of this cartoon?

Scoring Guide

Score & DescriptionAppropriate

The response correctly identifies the main message of the cartoon as being that passing civil rightslaws does not mean that civil rights issues are resolved, and that social, economic, and political (andnot just legal) changes were also necessary.


The response understands that the cartoon is about problems associated with the civil rights bill but isnot able to explain the cartoon in a specific and precise fashion.


The response does not correctly identify the message of the cartoon. It does not indicate that thecartoon refers to problems in the civil rights movement in the United States.

Appropriate - Student Response

What is the main message of this cartoon?

Partial - Student Response

What is the main message of this cartoon?

Inappropriate - Student Response

What is the main message of this cartoon?

439. What was an important difference between the English colonies in the Americas and those controlledby France, Portugal, and Spain?

A. English colonies had more slaves than did other colonies.B. English colonists were allowed to form a type of self-government and other colonists were not.C. Fewer people settled in the English colonies than in other colonies.D. Fewer people seeking religious freedom settled in the English colonies than in other colonies.



440. Many American colonists believed that the Stamp Act (1765) represented a form of

A. taxation without representationB. colonial self-governmentC. compromise with the British ParliamentD. limitation on international trade



Article I. Section 2.

"Representatives . . . shall be apportioned among the several states which may be included within thisUnion, according to their respective numbers . . . ."

Article I. Section 3.

"The senate of the United States shall be composed of two senators from each state . . . ."

441. An important debate between large states and small states led to the writing of these portions of theConstitution. Identify the issue being debated.

What position on this issue did large states hold, and why did they hold it?

What position on this issue did small states hold, and why did they hold it?

Scoring Guide

Score & DescriptionAppropriate

The response correctly answers all three parts of the question. It explains the issue debated betweenlarge states and small states at the Constitutional Convention AND indicates the positions taken byboth sides. It should include the following points:

the issue: how should representatives in the new national legislature (Congress) be determined?the position held by large states: representation should be based on population, because thiswould increase the power of large states or because this would be democraticthe position held by small states: representation should be equal for all states, because thiswould increase the power of small states or because this would be consistent with federalism


The response answers two parts of the question correctly.


The response answers one part of the question correctly.


The response does not answer any part of the question correctly.

Appropriate - Student Response

An important debate between large states and small states led to the writing of these portions of theConstitution. Identify the issue being debated.

Essential - Student Response

An important debate between large states and small states led to the writing of these portions of theConstitution. Identify the issue being debated.

Partial - Student Response

An important debate between large states and small states led to the writing of these portions of theConstitution. Identify the issue being debated.

Inappropriate - Student Response

An important debate between large states and small states led to the writing of these portions of theConstitution. Identify the issue being debated.

"Our reconstruction measures were radically defective because theyfailed to give the ex-slaves any land."

--Frederick Douglass

442. Describe briefly the way in which Douglass's statement helps explain the rise of sharecropping in theSouth after the Civil War. In your answer, be sure to define the term sharecropping.

Scoring Guide

Score & DescriptionAppropriate

The response accurately defines sharecropping AND the response explains the link between the rise ofsharecropping and specific Reconstruction policies or explains specific ways in which the failure to giveex-slaves land led them to accept sharecropping.


The response accurately defines sharecropping AND the response links the use of sharecropping togeneral economic conditions faced by ex-slaves but does not link the use of sharecropping to thefailure of Reconstruction policy or to the failure of Reconstruction to bring about land reform.


The response is able to define sharecropping or is able to show an understanding of whatsharecropping is, but does not explain its rise or link it to economic conditions.


The response does not show an understanding of what sharecropping is.

Appropriate - Student Response

Describe briefly the way in which Douglass's statement helps explain the rise of sharecropping in theSouth after the Civil War. In your answer, be sure to define the term sharecropping.

Essential - Student Response

Describe briefly the way in which Douglass's statement helps explain the rise of sharecropping in theSouth after the Civil War. In your answer, be sure to define the term sharecropping.

Partial - Student Response

Describe briefly the way in which Douglass's statement helps explain the rise of sharecropping in theSouth after the Civil War. In your answer, be sure to define the term sharecropping.

Inappropriate - Student Response

Describe briefly the way in which Douglass's statement helps explain the rise of sharecropping in theSouth after the Civil War. In your answer, be sure to define the term sharecropping.

443. Religious groups played a major role in many of the reform movements of the 1800's and early1900's. Select one reform movement (such as the abolition movement, the temperance movement, orthe settlement house movement) and identify two reasons that religious groups were important tothis movement.

Scoring Guide

Score & Description


The response correctly identifies two reasons that religious groups were important to the chosenreform movement. Although the movement does not have to be stated explicitly, it must be clearlyimplied.


The response correctly identifies one reason religious groups were important to the chosen movement.The second reason, if present, is incorrect or unimportant.


The response does not identify any reasons religious groups were important to a reform movement.

Credited responses could include:

Abolitionist Movement:

Members of Churches (e.g., Quakers) helped to spread message and win converts.Religion provided basis for Abolitionist ideology--evils of slavery and its inhumanity offensive toreligious principles.Churches helped to organize people in movement.

Temperance Movement:

Members of Protestant churches spread message of evils of alcohol.

Social Gospel Movement:

They engaged in philanthropy for the poor, e.g., settlement houses.They were led by clergy who felt that they should follow the example of Jesus, and help the poor.They established the Salvation Army, a religious organization that set up shelters, children'shomes, and visited the poor.Their clergy formed other associations that helped working people deal with poverty andindustrial conditions.

Appropriate - Student Response

Religious groups played a major role in many of the reform movements of the 1800's and early1900's. Select one reform movement (such as the abolition movement, the temperance movement, orthe settlement house movement) and identify two reasons that religious groups were important tothis movement.

Partial - Student Response

Religious groups played a major role in many of the reform movements of the 1800's and early1900's. Select one reform movement (such as the abolition movement, the temperance movement, orthe settlement house movement) and identify two reasons that religious groups were important to

this movement.

Inappropriate - Student Response

Religious groups played a major role in many of the reform movements of the 1800's and early1900's. Select one reform movement (such as the abolition movement, the temperance movement, orthe settlement house movement) and identify two reasons that religious groups were important tothis movement.

444. Briefly explain two ways that the building of railroads encouraged westward expansion.

Scoring Guide

Score & DescriptionAppropriate

The response accurately explains two ways railroads encouraged westward expansion.


The response accurately explains one way railroads encouraged westward expansion, but a secondexplanation, if provided, is inappropriate.


The response does not explain any ways that railroads encouraged westward expansion.

Credited Responses could include the following:

convenience;faster;easier;safer;faster transportation to new places to settle;possibility of cross-national commerce--increase in commerce;

easier communication;growth of towns and cities in West (might also point out that railroads advertised for settlers totake railroads west);less expensive, cheaper;mining;more goods; and/ormore trade.

Do NOT Accept as follows:

bring more people;better transportation;open territory; and/or"People wanted to find a way to go west."

Appropriate - Student Response

Briefly explain two ways that the building of railroads encouraged westward expansion.

Partial - Student Response

Briefly explain two ways that the building of railroads encouraged westward expansion.

Inappropriate - Student Response

Briefly explain two ways that the building of railroads encouraged westward expansion.


Year Farm Size Number of Farms

1900 150 acres 6,250,000

1980 425 acres 2,225,000

445. Summarize the changes shown in the table above.

Explain how one invention or development helped cause the changes you have described.

Scoring Guide

Score & DescriptionAppropriate

The response clearly understands that there were fewer, larger farms in 1980 than in 1900. Theanswer clearly cites a historically accurate development to help explain this change.


The response clearly understands that there were fewer, larger farms in 1980 than in 1900 but doesnot cite a historically accurate development to help explain this change OR it cites a historicallyaccurate development without showing a clear understanding that there were fewer, larger farms inthe latter period OR it completes both tasks in a vague way.


The response does not understand that there were fewer, larger farms in 1980 than in 1900 and itdoes not cite a historically accurate development to help explain this change.

Credited responses could include the following:

refrigerated railroad cars which allowed food to be shipped further to market;fertilizers which allow individuals to farm more areas;combines and other machines which allow people to farm large areas;declining prices which at times drove people off the land;the rise of business which makes small farming uncompetitive--agribusiness;periods of drought like the dust bowls which drove people off the land;foreclosures;boll weevil destroyed cotton and drove people off the land in the South;cost of machinery and gasoline made small farms uncompetitive;rising land price led small farmers to sell to developers; and/orfactory jobs drew off marginal farmers.

Appropriate - Student Response

Summarize the changes shown in the table above.

Partial - Student Response

Summarize the changes shown in the table above.

Inappropriate - Student Response

Summarize the changes shown in the table above.

446. An important factor leading the United States to enter the First World War was

A. the existence of treaties between the United States, Great Britain, and Austria-Hungary

B. the United States policy of opposing communismC. German attacks on United States shippingD. Russian attacks on United States settlements in the Aleutian Islands



447. Many writers of the "lost generation," such as F. Scott Fitzgerald, wrote books in which they

A. criticized what they regarded as the shallow materialism of the United States during the 1920'sB. sought to capture the freedom experienced by people living on the western frontierC. praised the quick pace and unique opportunities found in large cities in the United StatesD. expressed deep yearning for what they regarded as the simple lives led by rural Americans



448. A consequence of Prohibition was

A. the failure of the Republicans in the 1928 presidential electionB. the growth of organized crimeC. the turning of public attention to pressing international issuesD. widespread popular support for further moral reform



449. President Franklin D. Roosevelt's goal in supporting the Lend-Lease Act of 1941 was to

A. encourage Japanese Americans to relocate voluntarilyB. use foreign investment as a way of stimulating the American economyC. maintain an isolationist stance by providing only limited aid to both sides in the European conflictD. assist Britain's war effort without violating United States neutrality laws



450. The graph above supports which statement about the birthrate in the United States?

A. It declined steadily from 1920 to 1950.B. It increased rapidly during the Great Depression.C. It increased after the Second World War.D. It tended to increase after each war.



The following question refers to the headline and newspaper cartoon below.

451. What did the United States government do in response to the event referred to in the cartoon andheadline?

A. The government decided to seek peace immediately and to end the Cold War.B. The government banned civilian contact between United States and Soviet citizens.C. The government decided to spend more on both scientific education and the military.D. The government requested that the United Nations prohibit Soviet space exploration.



The following question refers to the headline and newspaper cartoon below.

452. Give two reasons why many people in the United States were upset by the event shown in thecartoon and the headline.

Scoring Guide

Score & DescriptionAppropriate

The response gives two acceptable reasons why the Soviet launching of a man-made satellite madeAmericans upset.


The response gives on acceptable reason why the Soviet launching of a man-made satellite madeAmericans upset.


The response does not give any acceptable reason why the Soviet launching of a man-made satellitemade Americans upset.

Credited Responses could include the following:

fear of being technologically behind in a nuclear world;the cold war;fear that Soviets were better educated;

US wasn't first; and/orfear of Russians.

Note: it is not necessary for students to mention Sputnik by name.

Appropriate - Student Response

Give two reasons why many people in the United States were upset by the event shown in thecartoon and the headline.

Partial - Student Response

Give two reasons why many people in the United States were upset by the event shown in thecartoon and the headline.

Inappropriate - Student Response

Give two reasons why many people in the United States were upset by the event shown in thecartoon and the headline.

453. Increases in automobile ownershipBuilding of a modern highway systemTax deductions for mortgage interest

Explain how one of these factors contributed to the growth of suburbs.

Scoring Guide

Score & DescriptionAppropriate

The response explains the link between one of the factors listed and suburbanization, citing specifics orelaborating on the explanation.


The response suggests a link between one of the factors listed and suburbanization, but it is vagueand lacks specifics.


The response does not address the link between any of the factors listed and suburbanization.

Credited responses could include the following:

Automobiles and highways enabled people to move farther away from places where they workedand shopped, encouraging the growth of communities (suburbs) at some distance fromworkplace, from which people can commute.Tax deductions enabled more people to buy homes, which led to the rapid growth of suburbanareas (sprawl).

Appropriate - Student Response

Increases in automobile ownershipBuilding of a modern highway systemTax deductions for mortgage interest

Explain how one of these factors contributed to the growth of suburbs.

Partial - Student Response

Increases in automobile ownershipBuilding of a modern highway systemTax deductions for mortgage interest

Explain how one of these factors contributed to the growth of suburbs.

Inappropriate - Student Response

Increases in automobile ownershipBuilding of a modern highway systemTax deductions for mortgage interest

Explain how one of these factors contributed to the growth of suburbs.

454. In the 1970's the United States economy was directly affected by

A. a sharp increase in the price of oilB. an increase in the cost of solar energyC. an overall decline in international tradeD. a rapid decline in prices of consumer goods



455. The opening of diplomatic relations between the United States and China's communist governmentoccurred during the presidential administration of

A. Harry S TrumanB. John F. KennedyC. Lyndon B. JohnsonD. Richard M. Nixon



456. During the 1500's and 1600's, what was the major cause of death among Indians of the Americas?

A. Warfare among tribesB. Warfare between Native Americans and Europeans

C. Infections and diseases brought by EuropeansD. Changing climatic conditions



457. The Great Awakening of the 1730's was important because it led people in the American colonies to

A. increase toleration for Roman CatholicsB. examine the different positions of men and women in societyC. reaffirm that God gave kings their right to ruleD. question the authority of church and government leaders



The following question

Students were shown two early American paintings portraying George Washington. In one, Washington isdeified; he is seen rising to the heavens accompanied by angels. The other shows Washington aspresident reviewing troops as they prepare to put down the Whiskey Rebellion of 1794.

We did not receive copyright approval to put the actual text from the student booklet on the Website.

458. Early American paintings such as these two of George Washington tended to

A. show Washington's interest in scienceB. show life in a realistic fashionC. glorify American political figuresD. celebrate Washington's humble origins



The following question

Students were shown two early American paintings portraying George Washington. In one, Washington isdeified; he is seen rising to the heavens accompanied by angels. The other shows Washington aspresident reviewing troops as they prepare to put down the Whiskey Rebellion of 1794.

We did not receive copyright approval to put the actual text from the student booklet on the Website.

459. The top picture shows that

A. many people believed Washington was a weak PresidentB. religious symbols were used in politics in the early United States

C. American Indian art had a strong influence on early Republic artD. Washington had come from a close-knit family



The following question refers to the paintings below.

GW Paintings -- Army Shows

Students were shown two early American paintings portraying GeorgeWashington. In one, Washington is deified; he is seen rising to the heavensaccompanied by angels. The other shows Washington as president reviewingtroops as they prepare to put down the Whiskey Rebellion of 1794.

We did not receive copyright approval to put the actual text from the student booklet on the Website.

460. The bottom painting shows Washington with an army raised to put down the Whiskey Rebellion inwestern Pennsylvania in 1794. The painting was probably intended to show the

A. strength of the new central governmentB. strength of the Americans and weakness of the European powersC. alliance between Washington and American Indians of the Northwest TerritoryD. violence of Washington and the peacefulness of the Pennsylvania Quakers



461. What was one consequence of Nat Turner's rebellion?

A. Large numbers of slaves fled to the North.B. Slave revolts broke out throughout the South.C. Conditions for slaves on many southern plantations improved.D. Southern states passed laws designed to tightly control slaves.



462. The Monroe Doctrine was intended to

A. promote United States trade with ChinaB. help keep the peace in EuropeC. discourage European involvement in the AmericasD. protect United States business in Japan and Korea



The following question refers to the newspaper report below.

A city of ruins, of desolation, of vacant houses, of widowed women, of rotting wharves, of desertedwarehouses . . . acres of pitiful and voiceless barrenness—that is Charleston.

463. The news report was most likely written in

A. 1835B. 1845C. 1855D. 1865



The following question refers to the newspaper report below.

A city of ruins, of desolation, of vacant houses, of widowed women, of rotting wharves, of desertedwarehouses . . . acres of pitiful and voiceless barrenness—that is Charleston.

464. The news report best supports which statement?

A. Cities on the coast saw the worst of the fighting in the Civil War.B. During the Civil War urban areas in the South suffered.C. The destruction of cities had little effect on the progress of the Civil War.D. The Civil War had little effect on city life in the North.



465. What was the main reason that many leaders in Great Britain leaned toward supporting theConfederacy in the Civil War?

A. Plantation owners in Britain held slaves.B. Most British immigrants to the United States lived in the South.C. Britain relied on Southern cotton for its factories.D. British politicians wanted to make the United States weaker so that they could conquer it.



466. The drawing above is from 1869. Describe the point that the artist is trying to make.

How does the point the artist is making relate to social changes during this period?

Scoring Guide

Score & DescriptionAppropriate

The response indicates that the artist is showing that gender roles are reversed. The response relatesthe cartoon to the Women's Rights Movement in some way.


The response correctly makes the point that gender roles are reversed but does not place the cartoonin a historical context. Responses that miss the cartoon's point of view ("women have the same rightsas men do and can do whatever men do") will not receive credit. OR, the response discusses thehistorical context without describing the cartoon's message concerning gender roles. OR, both partsare correct but very vaguely expressed.


The response does not indicate the cartoon shows reversal of gender roles.

Appropriate - Student Response

The drawing above is from 1869. Describe the point that the artist is trying to make.

Partial - Student Response

The drawing above is from 1869. Describe the point that the artist is trying to make.

Inappropriate - Student Response

The drawing above is from 1869. Describe the point that the artist is trying to make.

467. Look at the magazine cover. What historical events would have led this question and picture toappear on the cover of a popular magazine in 1876?

What attitudes displayed toward American Indians by other Americans are suggested by thismagazine cover?

Scoring Guide

Score & DescriptionAppropriate

The response answers both parts of the question. It shows an understanding of the problemsexpressed by the combination of the title and the picture of Sioux leaders. It may explain (usingspecifics) that the attitudes of other Americans ranged from sympathy to paternalism to hostility.


The response answers both parts of the question, although one part gives a general statement withoutproviding any specifics. For instance, the response may state that the issue is addressed on amagazine cover because "there were lots of arguments between the government and the Indiansthen"; or, the response may describe the attitude of many other Americans by saying "they did not likethe Sioux Indians."


The response correctly answers only one part of the question or it may give two answers that arevague.


The response does not correctly answer either part of the question.

Credited responses could include: 1) Reasons Why Picture Would Have Appeared:

debates about rights to Western lands; as more people moved West to lands they felt they had aright to as Americans and often seized Indian land illegally, Sioux Indians (chiefs featured inpicture) and other Western tribes reacted with fear and anger, because they were losing theirlands and ways of life; often attacked pioneers and settlements.a series of battles between Sioux and United States forces had led to the placement of the Siouxon small reservations, usually on the poorest landsettlers and hunters slaughtered buffalo for food and sport, depriving Sioux Indians (and otherWestern tribes) of a source of foodA battle was fought (Battle of the Little Bighorn) between Sioux Indians and U.S. Army forcesunder General Custer, in which the U.S. Army troops were defeated.

placement of Western Indians on reservations administered by the Bureau of Indian Affairscurtailed traditional American Indian ways of life

2) Attitudes, displayed toward Native Americans by other Americans

Indians should be deprived of power, so the country can be peacefully settled, and resources inWest (necessary for industry) can be exploitedIndians should be placed on reservations, in order to enable the peaceful White settlement and/orIndian survival. (Reasons ranged from self-serving to compassionate.)Indians should be assimilated into White society, as that will enable them to live peacefully withother Americans, (and/or learn a 'superior' way of life)Indians have been consistently mistreated by Whites, and should be treated fairlyFate of Indians a problem for White Americans to solve (paternalism)Indians are noble, noble savages, tragic figuresIndians are picturesque and exotic, admirable

Appropriate - Student Response

Look at the magazine cover. What historical events would have led this question and picture toappear on the cover of a popular magazine in 1876?

Essential - Student Response

Look at the magazine cover. What historical events would have led this question and picture toappear on the cover of a popular magazine in 1876?

Partial - Student Response

Look at the magazine cover. What historical events would have led this question and picture toappear on the cover of a popular magazine in 1876?

Inappropriate - Student Response

Look at the magazine cover. What historical events would have led this question and picture toappear on the cover of a popular magazine in 1876?

468. Between 1960 and 1990, what invention most changed the way people in the United States worked?

A. The typewriterB. The computerC. The superconductorD. The radio



469. What goal was most important in shaping United States foreign policy between 1945 and 1990?

A. Preventing the spread of communism to new areas and weakening it where it already existedB. Encouraging trained scientists and other skilled workers who lived in foreign countries to

immigrate to the United StatesC. Strengthening the United States industrial and agricultural sectors to help them compete against

the British and the FrenchD. Providing foreign aid to all poor countries to help them develop economically and technologically



470. President Jimmy Carter played a major role in negotiating the Camp David accords, which promotedpeace between

A. the Soviet Union and ChinaB. the Palestinians and the JordaniansC. Egypt and IsraelD. North Korea and the United States



The following question refers to the cartoon below.

471. Circle the decade in which you believe this cartoon was drawn.

1920's 1940's 1960's 1980's

Citing specific historical evidence, explain why you chose the decade you did.

Scoring Guide

Score & DescriptionAppropriate

The response explains why the cartoon was drawn in the 1960's with attention to specifics, citing, forexample, Martin Luther King, Malcolm X, Rosa Parks, civil rights legislation, civil rights demonstrations.OR the response identifies the 1940's or the 1980's and gives a reasonable explanation.


The response explains why the cartoon was drawn in the 1960's OR explains why the cartoon wasdrawn in the 1980's. The explanation for the decade chosen is vague. Identifying the 1940's andoffering a vague explanation is not acceptable.


The response does not identify the 1960's or the 1908's as the decade or the response identifies the1960's or the 1980's but omits an explanation or gives an inappropriate explanation.

Credited responses could include the following:

1940's:fair employment laws

COREbooks published in reference to racial problemsNAACP civil rights litigationanti-school segregation cases that would lead to Brown vs. Board of Education

1960's:1964 Civil Rights Act (no discrimination in unions, schools, public accommodations)

1980's:Could argue that although there was little legislative activity in this decade, the cartoon's messageis still accurate.

Appropriate - Student Response

Circle the decade in which you believe this cartoon was drawn.

Partial - Student Response

Circle the decade in which you believe this cartoon was drawn.

Inappropriate - Student Response

Circle the decade in which you believe this cartoon was drawn.

The following question refers to the cartoon below.

472. What is the main message of this cartoon?

Scoring Guide

Score & DescriptionAppropriate

The response correctly identifies the main message of the cartoon as being that passing civil rightslaws does not mean that civil rights issues are resolved, and that social, economic, and political (andnot just legal) changes were also necessary.


The response understands that the cartoon is about problems associated with the civil rights bill but isnot able to explain the cartoon in a specific and precise fashion.


The response does not correctly identify the message of the cartoon. It does not indicate that thecartoon refers to problems in the civil rights movement in the United States.

Appropriate - Student Response

What is the main message of this cartoon?

Partial - Student Response

What is the main message of this cartoon?

Inappropriate - Student Response

What is the main message of this cartoon?

Question 473 refers to Extra Documents

473. Documents A and C contain different information about the stock market crash. How is theinformation in the two documents different?

Scoring Guide

Score & DescriptionAppropriate

The response shows an understanding of a clear difference between the New York Times account ofthe stock market crash and the account by stockbroker Arthur Robinson.


The response shows an understanding of both documents, but if a difference is identified it is anunimportant difference, or is expressed vaguely.


The response shows an understanding of only one of the two documents. It may identify a relativelyunimportant difference.


The response does not identify any correct ways in which the two accounts differ, or show anunderstanding of either of the documents.

Credited responses could include the following:

NY Times: General size of crash; reaction of business community; tends to underestimate the importance ofthe crash, etc.Robertson: Effect on business people, brokers, the financial system; tends to describe the crash in morehuman terms.

First person account; not written at the time of the crash but rather a remembrance.

Appropriate - Student Response

Documents A and C contain different information about the stock market crash. How is theinformation in the two documents different?

Essential - Student Response

Documents A and C contain different information about the stock market crash. How is theinformation in the two documents different?

Partial - Student Response

Documents A and C contain different information about the stock market crash. How is theinformation in the two documents different?

Inappropriate - Student Response

Documents A and C contain different information about the stock market crash. How is theinformation in the two documents different?

Question 474 refers to Extra Documents

474. The crash affected people from different economic backgrounds in different ways. Compare howGordon Parks and Arthur Robertson were affected by the crash.

Scoring Guide

Score & DescriptionAppropriate

The response draws appropriate conclusions from the document to show how people of differentbackgrounds were affected by the Crash. The response demonstrates understanding of both passagesand applies this understanding in an appropriate manner.


The response shows an understanding of one of the documents but not of the other. Or the responseshows a vague or simplistic understanding of both.


The response does not show an understanding of either document.

Most important parts of the passages as follows:

Parks:He was poor.He worked at country club.When Crash hit he got laid off, and had to drop out of school.He was on his own and couldn't find work.

Robertson:He was affluent, probably not hurt badly (at least at first) by the Crash.Biggest impact on Robertson was watching friends suffer, and having to refuse requests for loans.

There was possible psychological impact of losing friends who committed suicide.

Appropriate - Student Response

The crash affected people from different economic backgrounds in different ways. Compare howGordon Parks and Arthur Robertson were affected by the crash.

Partial - Student Response

The crash affected people from different economic backgrounds in different ways. Compare howGordon Parks and Arthur Robertson were affected by the crash.

Inappropriate - Student Response

The crash affected people from different economic backgrounds in different ways. Compare howGordon Parks and Arthur Robertson were affected by the crash.

Question 475 refers to Extra Documents

475. According to Document D, the prosperity of the 1920's was mainly based on

A. a strong banking sectorB. increased agricultural profitsC. an expanded volume of exportsD. the automobile and housing industries



Question 476 refers to Extra Documents

476. According to Document D, which groups were largely excluded from the prosperity of the 1920's?

A. The middle classB. Farmers and workersC. Stockbrokers and bankersD. Industrialists



Question 477 refers to Extra Documents

477. Which of the causes of the Depression discussed in Document D do you think was the mostimportant? Explain why, giving specific evidence from the document or from your knowledge ofhistory.

Scoring Guide

Score & DescriptionAppropriate

The response makes a coherent argument for the primacy of one of the causes identified in thepassage. The argument should make reference to information provided in the passage or to otherhistorical evidence. The argument should explain specific ways in which a given cause led to the GreatDepression.


The response shows some understanding of a cause of the Depression discussed in the passage butdoes not use data in the passage or other historical evidence to support the case being made, orexplanation is weak or vague.


The response does not discuss or show understanding of a cause of the Depression discussed in thepassage.

Credited responses could include the following:

Widespread weakness in high employment sectors affected employment throughout the economy.Unemployment led to spiralling weakness.Excessive debt led business to cut back, which led to a downward spiral in employment andhiring.Unbalanced economy led to great weaknesses in certain sectors, which meant that whenindustries that had been strong in the 1920's went into cyclical downturns, there was nothing topick up the slack.Uneven distribution of wages led many Americans to lose purchasing power, which led toexcessive inventories, unemployment, and a downward spiral of wages.

Excessive debt led to bank failures and personal bankruptcies, and the psychological andeconomic effects caused a downward spiral in the economy.Farm failures led to weakness in the banking sector.

Responses that do no more than repeat a section of the passage (make no attempt to put it into theirown words) should receive 1's.

Appropriate - Student Response

Which of the causes of the Depression discussed in Document D do you think was the mostimportant? Explain why, giving specific evidence from the document or from your knowledge ofhistory.

Partial - Student Response

Which of the causes of the Depression discussed in Document D do you think was the mostimportant? Explain why, giving specific evidence from the document or from your knowledge ofhistory.

Inappropriate - Student Response

Which of the causes of the Depression discussed in Document D do you think was the mostimportant? Explain why, giving specific evidence from the document or from your knowledge ofhistory.

Question 478 refers to Extra Documents

478. Based on the graphs and your knowledge of history, you can conclude that the first successful stepstoward partial recovery from the Great Depression occurred

A. at the end of the First World WarB. with the passage of the Hawley-Smoot TariffC. with United States entry into the Second World WarD. with the election of Franklin Delano Roosevelt as President



Question 479 refers to Extra Documents

479. What effect did government spending seem to have on the economy during the Depression?

Scoring Guide

Score & DescriptionAppropriate

The answer notes a specific relationship between government spending and economic growth such asdecrease in unemployment, or increase in GNP or income, although it may note that the effect was notgreat and that these data do not prove that the effect was causal.


The answer notes that there was a relationship between government spending and the economy, butit is vague or slightly inaccurate. For example, it might indicate that government spending remainsabove income.

OR, the response shows some understanding of the graphs but does not make accurate conclusionsabout the relationship between government spending and the economy.


The response does not successfully relate government spending to economic recovery.

Appropriate - Student Response

What effect did government spending seem to have on the economy during the Depression?

Partial - Student Response

What effect did government spending seem to have on the economy during the Depression?

Inappropriate - Student Response

What effect did government spending seem to have on the economy during the Depression?

Question 480 refers to Extra Documents

480. Identify two economic statistics that justify calling this period the "Great Depression."

Scoring Guide

Score & DescriptionAppropriate

The response cites two economic statistics that show the magnitude of the Depression (e.g., 25%unemployment or the rapid and large drop in GNP). Evidence may simply be listed.


The response cites one economic statistic which shows the magnitude of the Great Depression. Or, it

cites two statistics, but they are not the most significant that could be used to answer the question.For example, the budget deficit.


The response does not cite evidence showing the magnitude of the Great Depression.

Credited responses include the following:

high unemployment;large and rapid decline in GNP;lower trade;decline in prices;foreclosures;low interest rates;bank failures;stock market crash; and/ordecrease in income.

Appropriate - Student Response

Identify two economic statistics that justify calling this period the "Great Depression."

Partial - Student Response

Identify two economic statistics that justify calling this period the "Great Depression."

Inappropriate - Student Response

Identify two economic statistics that justify calling this period the "Great Depression."

Question 481 refers to Extra Documents

481. What effect did the Depression have on families? Use both the passages and your knowledge ofhistory in your answer.

Scoring Guide

Score & DescriptionAppropriate

The response indicates that the Depression dislocated many families. The answer may also indicatethat the Depression put huge tensions on many families. The answer refers to the passage or historicalevidence in the response. The response shows a sense of the specific changes families were forced toundergo, and not just of bad conditions.


The response indicates that the Depression led people to live in bad conditions. It does not useevidence in the passage or other historical data for support. OR, the response uses passages correctlybut very literally and fails to generalize from them.


The response does not indicate that the Depression led many families to become homeless or live inbad conditions. OR, the responses are significantly exaggerated or inaccurate.

Appropriate - Student Response

What effect did the Depression have on families? Use both the passages and your knowledge ofhistory in your answer.

Partial - Student Response

What effect did the Depression have on families? Use both the passages and your knowledge ofhistory in your answer.

Inappropriate - Student Response

What effect did the Depression have on families? Use both the passages and your knowledge ofhistory in your answer.

Question 482 refers to Extra Documents

482. Documents G and H show that Roosevelt's highest priority was reducing

A. unemploymentB. trade imbalancesC. food pricesD. stock prices



Question 483 refers to Extra Documents

483. Which sentence states what most New Deal supporters thought the federal government should do?

A. The federal government should protect business in order to increase productivity.B. The federal government should protect the rights and interests of minority groups.C. The federal government should regulate and directly stimulate the economy by spending and

hiring.D. The federal government should play as small a role as possible in the economy.



Question 484 refers to Extra Documents

484. In his 1937 inaugural address, Roosevelt portrayed the continuing Depression primarily as a

A. political issueB. moral issueC. diplomatic issueD. cultural issue



Question 485 refers to Extra Documents

485. Reread Roosevelt's 1933 and 1937 inaugural speeches. Would you characterize Roosevelt as morepessimistic or more optimistic in 1937 than in 1933? Explain why. Be sure to refer to the documentsto support your answer.

Scoring Guide

Score & Description


The response appropriately uses evidence from the speeches and/or history to argue either side. Ifarguing that Roosevelt is more optimistic in 1937, the student would likely cite Roosevelt's discussionof the strides that have been made and the fact that the worst of the Depression was over. If arguingthat Roosevelt is more pessimistic the student would likely mention the questioning of the moral fiberof America, the slow pace of improvement, and the resistance to the New Deal of many importantsectors of society. It is clear, and cites the passage or historical knowledge.


The response compares the speeches or characterizes them as optimistic or pessimistic, but theexplanation is weak or inconsistent. For example, "FDR is pessimistic because of the Depression."


The response does not compare the speeches, or explain FDR's outlook. The response may beinconsistent. For example, "FDR is pessimistic because the nation has begun to prosper again."

Appropriate - Student Response

Reread Roosevelt's 1933 and 1937 inaugural speeches. Would you characterize Roosevelt as morepessimistic or more optimistic in 1937 than in 1933? Explain why. Be sure to refer to the documentsto support your answer.

Partial - Student Response

Reread Roosevelt's 1933 and 1937 inaugural speeches. Would you characterize Roosevelt as morepessimistic or more optimistic in 1937 than in 1933? Explain why. Be sure to refer to the documentsto support your answer.

Inappropriate - Student Response

Reread Roosevelt's 1933 and 1937 inaugural speeches. Would you characterize Roosevelt as morepessimistic or more optimistic in 1937 than in 1933? Explain why. Be sure to refer to the documentsto support your answer.

Question 486 refers to Extra Documents

486. In Document K, Huey Long is criticizing President Roosevelt for his

A. foreign policyB. agricultural policyC. Civilian Conservation CorpsD. attacks on the rich



Question 487 refers to Extra Documents

487. Based on the Huey Long documents, how do you think Long would have tried to solve the problemsof the country?

A. By dividing wealth more evenlyB. By giving federal aid to industryC. By establishing farm price supportsD. By working closely with business leaders



Question 488 refers to Extra Documents

488. In their speeches, Roosevelt and Long both appealed to people's emotions. Using specific examplesfrom the documents, compare the ways Roosevelt (in Documents G and I) and Long (in Documents Jand K) tried to appeal to people.

Scoring Guide

Score & DescriptionAppropriate

The response indicates that the two appeals are different (FDR to hope, community, and courage andLong to anger). The answer uses specific evidence from the passages in a logical fashion to help provethe argument being made. The response may show that Long's criticism is that the New Deal was notgoing far enough.


The response indicates that the two appeals are different or similar but uses general or weak evidencefrom the passages. May get only part right.


The response shows some understanding of the documents though any discussion of the differences orsimilarities between the two appeals is vague. The response does not support the argument withmeaningful reference to the passages.


The response does not show an understanding of the documents or identify any significant differencesor similarities between the two passages.

Appropriate - Student Response

In their speeches, Roosevelt and Long both appealed to people's emotions. Using specific examplesfrom the documents, compare the ways Roosevelt (in Documents G and I) and Long (in Documents Jand K) tried to appeal to people.

Essential - Student Response

In their speeches, Roosevelt and Long both appealed to people's emotions. Using specific examplesfrom the documents, compare the ways Roosevelt (in Documents G and I) and Long (in Documents Jand K) tried to appeal to people.

Partial - Student Response

In their speeches, Roosevelt and Long both appealed to people's emotions. Using specific examplesfrom the documents, compare the ways Roosevelt (in Documents G and I) and Long (in Documents Jand K) tried to appeal to people.

Inappropriate - Student Response

In their speeches, Roosevelt and Long both appealed to people's emotions. Using specific examples

from the documents, compare the ways Roosevelt (in Documents G and I) and Long (in Documents Jand K) tried to appeal to people.

Question 489 refers to Extra Documents

489. What criticisms of Roosevelt are being made in the cartoons?

Identify the ways that the cartoons differ from the Huey Long passages (Documents J-K) in theircriticisms of Roosevelt.

Scoring Guide

Score & DescriptionAppropriate

The response explains the criticisms of Roosevelt in both cartoons, such as claims that he had noregard for the Constitution and that his policies were communistic. The response correctly contraststhese criticisms with the populist criticisms made by Huey Long.


The response explains the criticisms of Roosevelt in both cartoons, but the comparison of the cartoonsand Long is made in general terms or is missing. For instance, "Long doesn't like the New Deal." OR,the response explains the criticism in one cartoon and effectively contrasts this with Long.


The response correctly explains the criticisms of Roosevelt in one of the cartoons but does not contrastthe cartoons with the criticisms of Huey Long OR suggests differences between the cartoons andLong's criticisms without adequately describing the criticisms in the cartoons.


The response does not correctly describe either the criticisms of FDR in the cartoons or how they differfrom Long's criticisms.

Appropriate - Student Response

What criticisms of Roosevelt are being made in the cartoons?

Essential - Student Response

What criticisms of Roosevelt are being made in the cartoons?

Partial - Student Response

What criticisms of Roosevelt are being made in the cartoons?

Inappropriate - Student Response

What criticisms of Roosevelt are being made in the cartoons?

Question 490 refers to Extra Documents

490. Look at the poem and the song together. What effect did the Depression have on people's beliefs inthe American ideals of economic advancement and economic opportunity?

What different beliefs about America do the poem and the song show?

Scoring Guide

Score & DescriptionAppropriate

The response indicates that the Depression led to deep questioning of the faith Americans held ineconomic advancement and opportunity. It also differentiates between the song and poem by makingthe point that the poem reflects the view of minorities who were never included in the AmericanDream, while the song shows the view of someone who had had success and then fallen on hardtimes.


The response indicates that the Depression led to a deep questioning of beliefs but describes what thepoem and/or the song say rather than analyzing them or differentiating between them. Therespondent's description of the poem and/or song is essentially correct but may not be complete.


The response indicates that the Depression led to a change in beliefs, but does not elaborate; it doesnot differentiate between the song and the poem. OR it describes the song or the poem withoutdescribing the change in beliefs. Answers in this score range will tend to be general rather than



The response does not successfully describe any effects that the Depression had on American beliefs.

NOTE: A correct response should be credited, regardless of where it is written on the page.

Appropriate - Student Response

Look at the poem and the song together. What effect did the Depression have on people's beliefs inthe American ideals of economic advancement and economic opportunity?

Essential - Student Response

Look at the poem and the song together. What effect did the Depression have on people's beliefs inthe American ideals of economic advancement and economic opportunity?

Partial - Student Response

Look at the poem and the song together. What effect did the Depression have on people's beliefs inthe American ideals of economic advancement and economic opportunity?

Inappropriate - Student Response

Look at the poem and the song together. What effect did the Depression have on people's beliefs inthe American ideals of economic advancement and economic opportunity?

Question 491 refers to Extra Documents

491. Compare the two pictures and the painting of the Depression with Steinbeck's description in TheGrapes of Wrath. Which seems to show more optimism? Why? Make specific reference to thedocuments in your answer.

Scoring Guide

Score & DescriptionAppropriate

The response indicates that Steinbeck focuses on the ways people cast adrift by the Depression formedcommunity while the art focuses on their isolation. The response cites evidence from the materials toprove that Steinbeck seems more optimistic.


The response states a difference between Steinbeck and the art and states that Steinbeck is moreoptimistic; however, it supports the assertions with only vague or trivial references to the evidencesuch as "the people in the photos are all dirty." OR response does not indicate that Steinbeck is themost optimistic, but makes a clear, well supported argument.


The response states a difference between Steinbeck and the art, but the difference may not be themost significant (e.g., the art is more realistic). If evidence is provided, it is vague, trivial, orinaccurate.


The response does not state a difference between Steinbeck and the art. The response does not refersuccessfully to specific evidence.

NOTE: Responses that state that neither is optimistic and cite no evidence should receive 1's.

Good evidence for art means:despair in faces;desperate conditions; and/orpainting: dehumanized people; masses looking for work, etc.

Appropriate - Student Response

Compare the two pictures and the painting of the Depression with Steinbeck's description in TheGrapes of Wrath. Which seems to show more optimism? Why? Make specific reference to thedocuments in your answer.

Essential - Student Response

Compare the two pictures and the painting of the Depression with Steinbeck's description in TheGrapes of Wrath. Which seems to show more optimism? Why? Make specific reference to thedocuments in your answer.

Partial - Student Response

Compare the two pictures and the painting of the Depression with Steinbeck's description in TheGrapes of Wrath. Which seems to show more optimism? Why? Make specific reference to thedocuments in your answer.

Inappropriate - Student Response

Compare the two pictures and the painting of the Depression with Steinbeck's description in TheGrapes of Wrath. Which seems to show more optimism? Why? Make specific reference to thedocuments in your answer.

Extra DocumentsReferred to in NAEP History Questions


The Great Depression of 1929-1941 was among the most traumatic economic disasters in United States history. Stock prices plummeted, manufacturing declined by one-third, people had little money to invest, and most people stopped investing their money altogether. Families were uprooted and faith in the American dream was shaken. The country had experienced economic crises before, but never on such a scale.


The prosperity of the 1920's came to an end with the stock market crash in October 1929. In the months after the crash, bankers, business people, and government officials, including President Herbert Hoover, tried a variety of remedies, but nothing stopped the continuing decline of the economy.

The documents in this part are about the causes and nature of the Great Depression.

The first three documents (Documents A-C) are about Black Thursday, the stock market crash of October 24, 1929.

Document A: The New York Times, October 25, 1929

THE MOST DISASTROUS DECLINE in the biggest and broadest stock market of history rocked the financial district yesterday. In the very midst of the collapse five of the country's most influential bankers hurried to the office of J. P. Morgan & Co., and after a brief conference gave out word that they believe the foundations of the market to be sound, that the market smash has been caused by technical rather than fundamental considerations, and that many sound stocks are selling too low. The decline carried down with it speculators, big and little, in every part of the country, wiping out thousands of accounts. It is probable that if the stockholders of the country's foremost corporations had not been calmed by the attitude of leading bankers and the subsequent rally, the business of the country would have been seriously affected. Doubtless business will feel the effects of the drastic stock shake-out, and this is expected to hit the luxuries most severely.

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Document B: In 1929 Gordon Parks--later a world-famous photographer--was sixteen years old, living alone and attending high school in St. Paul, Minnesota. To support himself he worked part-time as a bellboy at an exclusive club. Here he describes the impact of the stock market crash on his life.

By Thursday the entire world knew. "MARKET CRASHES--PANIC HITS NATION!" one headline blared. The newspapers were full of it, and I read everything I could get my hands on, gathering in the full meaning of such terms as Black Thursday, deflation, and depression. I couldn't imagine such financial disaster touching my small world; it surely concerned only the rich. But by the first week of November I too knew differently; along with millions of others across the nation, I was without a job. All that next week I searched for any kind of work that would prevent my leaving school. Again it was, "We're firing, not hiring." "Sorry, sonny, nothing doing here." Finally, on the seventh of November I went to school and cleaned out my locker, knowing it was impossible to stay on. A piercing chill was in the air as I walked back to the rooming house. The hawk had come. I could already feel his wings shadowing me.

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Document C: Arthur Robertson, a stockbroker and banker, remembers the crash.

October 1929, yeah. A frenzy. I must have gotten calls from a dozen and a half friends who were desperate. In each case, there was no sense in loaning them the money that they would give the broker. Tomorrow they'd be worse off than yesterday. Suicides, left and right, made a terrific impression on me, of course. People I knew. One of my friends said to me, "If things keep on as they are, we'll all have to go begging." I asked, "Who from?" Many brokers did not lose money. They made fortunes on commissions while their customers went broke. The only brokers that got hurt badly were those that gambled on their own--or failed to sell out in time customers' accounts that were underwater. Of course, the brokerage business fell off badly, and practically all pulled in their belts, closed down offices, and threw people out of work.

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Document D: A modern historian's explanation of the causes of the Great Depression

For one thing, the American economy had weakened significantly during the 1920's. The economic difficulties felt by farmers increasingly were shared by such distressed industries as coal, railroads, and textiles. As a result, by 1929, unsold inventories were stacking up, investments were shrinking, workers were being laid off, and consumers were buying fewer products. Second, the American business system was unbalanced, with a few industries carrying the weight of the economy. Automobiles and housing construction, in particular, fueled the economic boom of the 1920's. Newer industries, such as chemicals, were still not fully developed. Thus when the market for houses and cars began to weaken, as it did in 1928, other industries were not able to take up the slack. Third, poor distribution of purchasing power weakened the economy. Although the wages of most Americans increased in the 1920's, they grew at a much slower rate than the economy as a whole. Fourth, an enormous amount of debt threatened the country's economic health. Farmers carried large mortgages on their land and were unable to keep up payments as their crop prices fell. Small banks, particularly the ones that had loaned money to farmers, were having serious problems as borrowers defaulted on their loans.

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Document E: Charts and graphs showing economic information about the Great Depression

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Document F: Two people's memories of the early years of the Depression

Oh, I remember having to move out of our house. My father had brought in a team of horses and wagon. We had always lived in that house, and we couldn't understand why we were moving out. When we got the other house, it was a worse house, a poor house. That must have been around 1934. I was about six years old.

-- Cesar Chavez

The oil boom come [to Oklahoma City] in '29. People come from every direction in there. A coupla years later, they was livin' in everything from pup tents, houses built out of cardboard boxes and old pieces of metal that they'd pick up-anything that they could find to put somethin' together to put a wall around 'em to protect 'em from the public.

-- Mary Owsley

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President Franklin D. Roosevelt's actions helped to restore people's confidence. In his first hundred days in office, he introduced numerous pieces of legislation designed to end the Depression. This package of legislation was known as the New Deal. Although most people supported Roosevelt's policies, many opposed both him and his New Deal.

The documents in this part are about the New Deal and people's reactions to it. The next three documents (G-I) are about the New Deal and New Deal legislation.

Document G: Excerpt from Franklin D. Roosevelt's First Inaugural Address (1933)

This great Nation will endure as it has endured, will revive and will prosper. So, first of all, let me assert my firm belief that the only thing we have to fear is fear itself--nameless, unreasoning, unjustified terror which paralyzes needed efforts to convert retreat into advance. A host of unemployed citizens face the grim problem of existence, and an equally great number toil with little return. Our greatest primary task is to put people to work. This is not an unsolvable problem if we face it wisely and courageously. It can be accomplished in part by direct recruiting by the Government itself, . . . accomplishing greatly needed projects to stimulate and reorganize the use of our natural resources.

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Document H: Key New Deal Legislation

Year Act or Agency Provisions1933 Agricultural Adjustment

Administration (AAA)Granted farmers direct payments for reducing crop production; funds for payment provided by a processing tax, later declared unconstitutional.

1933 Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA)

Constructed dams and power projects and developed the economy of a nine-state area in the Tennessee River Valley.

1933 National Industrial Recovery Act (NIRA)

Sought to revive business through a series of fair-competition codes; created National Recovery Administration (NRA) to write, coordinate, and implement these codes; NIRA's Section 7a guaranteed labor's right to organize (act later declared unconstitutional).

1933 Public Works Administration (PWA)

Sought to increase employment and business activitythrough construction of roads, buildings, and other projects.

1933 Federal Emergency Relief Act (FERA)

Provided federal funds for state and local relief efforts.

1933 Civil Works Administration (CWA)

Provided federal jobs for the unemployed.

1933 Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) Employed young men in reforestation, road construction, and flood control projects.

1934 Federal Housing Administration (FHA)

Insured loans provided by banks for the building and repair of houses.

1935 Social Security Act Created a system of social insurance that included unemployment compensation and old age survivors' insurance; paid for by a joint tax on employers and employees.

1935 Works Progress Administration Employed more than eight million people to repair roads, build bridges, and work on other projects; also hired artists and writers.

1935 National Youth Administration (NYA)

Provided job training for unemployed youths and part-time jobs for students in need.

1938 Fair Labor Standards Act Established a minimum wage of 40 cents an hour and a maximum workweek of 40 hours for businesses engaged in interstate commerce.

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Document I: Excerpt from Franklin Roosevelt's Second Inaugural Address (1937)

We have always known that heedless self-interest was bad morals; we know now that it is bad economics. Out of the collapse of a prosperity whose builders boasted their practicality has come the conviction that in the long run economic morality pays. We are beginning to wipe out the line that divides the practical from the ideal; and in so doing we are fashioning an instrument of unimagined power for the establishment of a morally better world. Let us ask again. Have we reached the goal of our vision of that fourth day of March, 1933? Have we found our happy valley? I see a great nation, upon a great continent, blessed with a great wealth of natural resources. But here is the challenge to our democracy. In this nation I see tens of millions of its citizens--a substantial part of its whole population--who at this very moment are denied the greater part of what the very lowest standards of today call the necessities of life. I see one-third of a nation ill-housed, ill-clad, ill-nourished. We are determined to make every American citizen the subject of his country's interest and concern; and we will never regard any faithful, law-abiding group within our borders as superfluous.

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The next three documents (Documents J-L) were produced by people who believed either that the New Deal had done too much or that it was not doing enough to end the Depression.

Document J: Portion of a campaign song for Senator Huey Long of Louisiana, 1935

Every Man a King Why weep or slumber America Land of brave and true With castles and clothing and food for all All belongs to you Ev'ry man a King, ev'ry man a King For you can be a millionaire But there's something belonging to others There's enough for all people to share

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Document K: Excerpt from a speech given by Huey Long, March 7, 1935

So it has been while millions have starved and gone naked and while babies have cried and died wanting milk; so it has been while people begged for meat and bread to eat. Mr. Roosevelt's administration has sailed merrily along, plowing under and destroying the things to eat and wear, with tear-dimmed eyes and hungry souls made to chant for this New Deal so that even their starvation dole is not taken away from them, and meanwhile the food and clothes craved by humanity for their bodies and souls go to destruction and ruin.

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Document L: Two anti-Roosevelt cartoons

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Writiers and artists -- many of them supported by the Works Progress Administration (WPA) -- tried to express the mood of the people of the United States. They wrote not about the leaders, millionaires, and bankers, but about ordinary people, the everyday heroes struggling to survive. These people faced the breadlines, the unemployment lines, and the lines of migrants traveling across the desert in the battered jalopies. Artists and writers asked questions about how these experiences affected American people and values.

The documents in this part show art produced about the Great Depression.

Document M: Part of a poem called "Let America Be America Again," by Langston Hughes

Let America be America again. Let it be the dream it used to be. Let it be the pioneer on the plain. Seeking a home where he himself is free.

(America never was America to me.)

I am the young man, full of strength and hope, Tangled in that ancient, endless chain Of profit, power, gain, of grab the land! Of grab the gold! Of grab the ways of satisfying need! Of work the men! Of take the Pay! Of owning everything for one's own greed!

O, let America be America again-- The land that has never been yet-- And yet must be--the land where every man is free. The land that's mine--the poor man's, Indian's Negro's ME-- Who made America, Whose sweat and blood, whose faith and pain, Whose hand at the foundry, whose plow in the rain, Must bring back our mighty dream again.

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Document N: Part of a song called "Brother Can You Spare a Dime?" that was popular during the Depression

They used to tell me I was building a dream With peace and glory ahead Why should I be standing in line Just waiting for bread?

Once I built a railroad, made it run, Made it race against time. Once I built a railroad, Now it's done Brother, can you spare a dime?

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Document O: An excerpt from "The Grapes of Wrath," a novel about the Depression written by John Steinbeck

In the evening a strange thing happened: the twenty families became one family, the children were the children of all. The loss of home became one loss, and the golden time in the West was one dream. And it might be that a sick child threw despair into the hearts of twenty families, of a hundred people; that a birth there in a tent kept a hundred people quiet and awestruck through the night and filled a hundred people with the birth-joy in the morning. A family which the night before has been lost and fearful might search for goods to find a present for a new baby. Every night a world created, complete with furniture--friends made and enemies established; a world complete with braggarts and with cowards, with quiet men, with humble men, with kindly men. Every night relationships that made a world, established; and every morning the world torn down like a circus.

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Document P: TW0 photographs by Dorothea Lange and one painting about the Great Depression

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