nactei 2011 by fidelis n ubadigbo, ph.d.. the carl d. perkins career and technical education act of...

Download NACTEI 2011 BY FIDELIS N UBADIGBO, Ph.D..  The Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical Education Act of 2006 (Perkins IV) supports career and technical

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NACTEI 2011 BY FIDELIS N UBADIGBO, Ph.D. The Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical Education Act of 2006 (Perkins IV) supports career and technical education (CTE) in high schools and postsecondary institutions, such as community colleges (GAO July 29, 2009) ACCOUNTABILITY: PLEASE WRITE DOWN THREE THINGS THAT COMES TO YOUR MIND SYSTEMS & ASSESSMENT DATA & DATA COLLECTION PERFORMANCE MEASURES PERFORMANCE TARGETS ANALYSIS AND DISAGGREGATION REPORTING (CAR) IMPROVEMENT AND CONTINUOUS REVIEW DATA TEAM PERFORMANCE MEASURES PERFORMANCE INDICATORS BUDGET SUMMARY REGIONAL CONSULTANTS (15 REGIONS) MONITORING, EQUITY & SCHOOL IMPROVEMENT CAR REPORT, REVIEW & IMPROVEMENT Establish and Support State and local performance accountability systems: To assess the effectiveness of the state and the eligible recipients of the State in achieving statewide progress in career and technical education Optimize the return of investment of Federal funds in CTE Added Emphasis on Academic Achievement Emphasizes Accountability and Improved results It improves monitoring and enforcement High school, industry and higher education institutions work together STATES HAVE BROAD FLEXIBILITY IN IMPLEMENTING PERKINS IV (Highlights of GAO to Congress) EASIER CTE-Plus MIS UI States negotiate specific performance targets with Education State report their performance to Education Local recipients negotiate performance targets with their States and annually report their progress toward meeting the targets SECONDARYCOMMON TO BOTHPOSTSECONDARY Academic Attainment in reading/language arts and mathematics Credential, Certificate or Degree Attainment Technical Skill Attainment Secondary School Completion Student Placement Student Graduation RateStudent Retention and Transfer Nontraditional Participation and Completion Date ReceivedConsortium Code _____ Date Forwarded to Cons.Consultant: ________ Category of ApplicationSecondaryPostsecondaryTech Prep Applicant/Fiscal Agent____________________AREA NUMBER _______ Fiscal Agent & Address________________ Contact Person(s) _______________ FY 2011 Allocation _____FY 2011 Approved Budget Tracking (Name)Budget and Indicators approval Consultant Sign/Date Original App. Scanned ___ Copy to Consultant ____ Full Approval: Budget/Perform Indicators Approved as Submitted Signature/Date Conditional Approval Approved as Amended Full/Amended Approval Approved Conditional to Full Approved as Conditional __ Appr. Conditional to Full __ Adopted from the Title I of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (1S1, 1S2) Aligned with industry-recognized standards, if available and appropriate (2S1) As described in Title I of the ESEA (4S1) Education can withheld all or portion of funds if a state does not implement a program improvement plan Show improvement in meeting the failing performance measures or Meet target for the same performance measure for 3 consecutive years Perkins application Budget summary Performance targets Action plan Improvement plan Technical assistance Action: Education addresses action(s) to be taken by States that did not meet targets or meet at least 90% of agreed upon targets States address action(s) on local recipient that did not meet performance targets or meet at least 90% of agreed upon targets Performance IndicatorState Target 7/1/10-6/30/09 Baseline 7/1/08-6/30/09 Local Target 7/1/10-6/30/11 1S1 AA Reading/LA79.38%75.38%79.30% 1S2 AA Mathematics79.30%86.15% 2S1 Tech Skill Attainment70.67%69.86%70.67% 3S1 Sec Sch. Completion93.39%88.24%93.39% 4S1Student Grad Rates92.20%88.24%92.20% 5S1 Sec. Placement90.67%86.76%90.67% 6S1 Nontrad Participation 30.16%31.71% 6S2 Nontrad Completion32.37%13.52%14.51% We are pleased to attach your copy of the approved grant agreement between (Recipient) and the Iowa Department of Education (DE) for the (POS) Technical Skill Attainment Assessment Grant. The approval and reimbursement of expenditures incurred conducting the activity of the grant award are contingent upon: 1) the activities being operated in accordance with the plans within the application; 2) the assurances provided via the application; 3) the rules and regulations per the U.S. Department of Education General Administrative Rules, EDGAR, and PL , and 4) the submittal of a mid-point and final report. The Departments guidelines for reimbursement of expenditures incurred by the fiscal agent of this grant allow for quarterly reimbursement of up to a maximum of 80% of the Grant Award. Final payment shall be made upon receipt of final report and online expenditure reporting for the remaining funds spent. Final report is due July 1, 2011. Per kins Allocations 2012 Note: Reported onafter notification of allocation. Note: This becomes column 10 on FY12 FSR Basic:11,963, Administration: (5%)598,197.00Total Leadership: (10%)1,196,394.00Allocations Program: (85%)10,169,355.00w/Carryover Reserve Fund:150, Secondary: (50.6%) See State Plan5,069,794.00Secondary Carryover:106, ,175, Post Secondary: (49.4%) See State Plan4,949,561.00Post Secondary Carryover:41, ,991, Tech Prep:1,244, TP Administration:62, TP Program:1,182,089.00Tech Prep Carryover:5, ,187, Non-Traditional 100,000.00Same as previous year - FY11 Budget Corrections 100,000.00Same as previous year - FY11 Budget State Match (I52) 559,797.00FY12 Appropriation I52 per Jeff Berger State Match (I51) 38,400.00will need additional to match 50/50 598, Allocations to Schools by 04/15 (Yr 1) -PDF to Roger Foelske, Roger Utman, Jennifer Mcabee, & Pat Thieben when final. - Secondary - allocated based on census data (see page 76 of State Plan) - Postsecondary - allocated based on pell counts (see page 77 of State Plan) - Reserve - (see page 80 of State Plan) - Tech Prep - allocated w/$50K to each consortia and remainder based on # LEAs per region (see page 65 of State Plan) Partial Payments (no more than 80%) - can be requested starting 07/01 (Yr 1) and ending 06/01 (Yr 1) - At 06/01, create listing in Excel of District #, Prog CIP# (Basic # or Tech Prep # ), Partial Pmt $ Amt, Warrant #, Date to Dave Krieger for Upload to CTE on-line system. Schools report Financial (State & Federal) Perkins information on-line by 08/01 (Yr 2) Final Payments made on PROD from Fund 0475 and payments made from I58 (based on ProRata) by end of Hold Open 08/31 (Yr 2) - Federal PROD can be done without all schools reporting, but State PROD must have all districts reporting or no funding. - Compare State PROD figures with prior 2 years (Query) for reasonableness.