mystik way magazine 24

e Adventure of the wise fool Tarot: Deck of 1000 Spreads The Power of Silence Perception is your Reality inspired writing, ANimal and Plant Totems, Tarot, POEMS and more... Esbats and Moon Magic Introduction Project Avalon Magickal Herbs Calendula Eating for Enlightenment Creating a Magikal Persona Queenstown:Undiscoverd Energy Location

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The Mystik Way Magazine is a monthly read, produced by an open spiritual group centered in but not limited to Portsmouth England/Avalon, focusing on the development of the human spirit towards enlightened living experience.


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The Adventure of the wise fool

Tarot: Deck of 1000 Spreads

The Power of Silence

Perception is your Realityinspired writing, ANimal and Plant Totems, Tarot, POEMS and more...

Esbats and Moon Magic Introduction

Project Avalon

Magickal HerbsCalendula

Eating for Enlightenment

Creating a Magikal Persona

Queenstown: Undiscoverd Energy Location

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Contents3 Welcome to issue twentyfour

4 Beltane a Fire Festival

5 Project Avalon

6 The Power of Silence

9 Mystik Way Healing Link

10 Listen to the Trees

11 Inspired Writing - The Canvas of Life

12 The Adventure of the Wise Fool

15 E-Book Review: Releasing Regrets

16 Your Perception is your reality

18 Esbats and Moon Magic Introduction

20 Tarot: Deck of 1000 Spreads

22 Tarot: April’s Card: Triumphant Sucess

24 Animal & plant of the month, Black Panther and Forsythia

26 Queenstown, Undiscovered Energy Location

30 Magickal Herbs - Calendula

31 Poem: Celebrating Rebirth

32 Eating for Enlightenment

34 Creating a Magikal Persona Part 2

36 Living Between Two Worlds

EDITOR Ed Mystikmaster | [email protected] MAGAZINE DESIGN Simone Schreck

ADVERTISING Ed Mystikmaster WEB PRODUCER Simone Schreck

CONTRIBUTIONS: Ed Mystikmaster, James Middleditch, Sue Hayes, Richard Hayes, Jenny Spirit, Peta Panos, Kirsty Merida Mellor, Michelle Mahoney, Terssa Welsh, Jennifer Adele, Christopher Wesselingh, William C. Snider, Alma Joyce De La Cruise, Ama’ritday, Kirsty,

Adventure of the Wise Fool |12

Animal of the month | 24

If you enjoy reading the Mystik Way Magazine, please consider a small donation to help us along the Path.

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Welcome to issue 24 April

April’s edition is the 2nd anniversary of the Magazine. Time appears to have flown by as to me it seems like only yesterday we began, but in some ways it seems like we have been going forever if you see what I mean, mainly because it has become a large part of my waking life & extremely important as we are through the magazine able to reach & help a great deal of people right across the world.

By the time you are reading this we all will have celebrated our respective Equinox ..Spring/Autumn & well on our way into our new seasons. There are many new ideas in the pipe line as we try to keep the magazine as informative & varied, cov-ering as many subjects as is possible.

Keep those lights burning ever brightly, shine it into every dark corner so that fear, hate & greed have nowhere to hide. Do not hold back in shining that light so as not to offend others. Be who you are meant to be, Gorgeous talented & wonderful, Speak your truth at all times. Let us make integrity our password to a new society.

Many Blessings to all on your pathway whichever it may be.


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Beltane a Fire Festival

May the 1st brings us the fire cleansing Pagan festival of Beltane, the warmth of the Sun returns…Gardens are blooming & the trees in the countryside are now appearing a vibrant leafy green. The long dark nights are getting lighter.

It is a time of clearing & burning away the old dead branches/foliage, cutting away the old so the new can grow and flourish which we can apply to our own lives…A huge Wicker effigy of a man is built out of that dead wood & foliage, people gather together to feast and make merry. As the day light fades into the night & the Moon rises the Wicker man is set ablaze, everyone gathers around eager to place their wishes for the coming year into the fire, there is drumming, singing, dancing, fire jugglers performing as the great feast gets under way & this will continue long into the early hours of the morning as they await the return of the sun. Beware as it is a time of Fertility also, many new lives are created this night, a night of passion. In Pagan times it was a time to choose & make love to your new found partner…a time of Lust as many would sneak off into the woods for a while.

To celebrate & bring those new vibrant energies to you, Light a fire invite friends for a feast/party & make a ceremony out it by writing your wishes on paper & burning them in the fire, you can also write your problems & fears down and see them vanish forever in the fire. Make it a vibrant ritual by having many bright coloured flowers around the house, yellow, red &purple, ladies wear a ring of flowers in your hair.

A truly wonderful ritual &ceremony, very energising & cleansing as well as being great fun. Enjoy to the full.



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Progress update

To refresh everyone’s memory, project Avalon is about turning my courtyard into a Herb, Fruit &Vegetable Mystikal haven, not only organic but planted & tended by the Moon phase’s as well as the Sun’s. Complemented by Rituals, Meditations, Mu-sic & Mantra…to be true to the ways of the Old Path

Apart from several Herb seeds planted to complement those already established, the blackberry bush on one wall is starting to come to life, last year I made two gal-lons of brilliant wine from it so I am looking forward to see it flourish, also the new grape vine is showing signs of new buds. Alas the extra long cold & wet winter is delaying much other work at present…I am certain though Mother Nature will right herself soon & we will have the return of the warm Sun. Luckily we have had a few mild dry nights so I have performed some fire Rituals & some mantra to boost the vibrations/energies. As soon as we have a few warm sunny days I will play some music there again to boost energies & create a relaxed atmosphere.

We are planning to paint a mural of Glastonbury Tor along one wall as well as fur-nishing the courtyard with a large cast iron Chimnea. The Catnip herb plant is doing well but don’t tell the cat that just yet.

Well I sincerely hope that our little project will spur you on to do something similar however large or small the area you have is, it brings a wonderful energy & ground-ing to you plus you know what you are eating/drinking is additive/chemical free.


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“Silence must be heard.”



I’m pausing from my three-part series ‘The Art of…’ this month, to share some findings that I feel have come at the right time. One of the guiding principles of The Mystik Way is to act spontaneously, according to instinct and inspiration. Sometimes we do not always know why a piece of information, a thought or a concept comes our way, but we must trust that there is a reason for it, and follow it through.

The topic that has come to me in various forms over the past couple of weeks is ‘Silence’. As part of my continuing research into the history and spirituality of Glastonbury, I am reading a book called The

Avalonians, by Patrick Benham (Gothic Image Publications, 1993). It explores the lives and ideas of a number of people who contributed to the spiritual life of Glastonbury in the first half of the twentieth century, such as Wesley Tudor Pole and Dion Fortune. While reading, I have discovered a trace that leads from the

First World War, through the Second, directly to our own Healing Link, held at 9 o’clock GMT (or whenever suitable for places elsewhere in the world) each night. Sharing this pathway here will hopefully invigorate our efforts to affect real positive change through our shared thoughts and intentions.

Origins – The First World War

The Avalonians describes the origins of a future silence, similar to our Healing Link, from within the horrors of the First World War. While on active duty near Jerusalem in 1917, Wesley Tudor Pole had a conversation with a fellow officer who felt that he himself was not going to survive the conflict. He also had a premonition of a greater, future conflict, beyond the end of the current one. Through these dark thoughts, however, came a light – he told Tudor Pole that when that time came, his spirit and others like him would be ready to held from the ‘Other Side’ :

“Give us the chance to pull our weight. You will still have ‘time’ available as your servant. Lend us a moment of it each day and through your silence give us our opportunity. The power of silence is greater than you know. When those tragic days arrive do not forget us.”

The speaker of these words did indeed die, the day after speaking them. As the world would eventually discover, his predictions about future conflict were correct; what had been known as the Great War, instead became known as the First.

Action – The Second World War

Wesley Tudor Pole would not forget the promise of help from his deceased friend, and would initiate a movement that is extraordinary in its scope. The Silent Minute was used in the Second World War

THE POWER OF SILENCE by James Middleditch

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THE POWER OF SILENCE by James Middleditch

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as a focal point for prayers of protection and peace. Using the 9 o’clock bells of Big Ben as its herald, the Minute had the support of the King, George VI, and Winston Churchill. From November 1940, the BBC would broadcast the chimes to the nation over the radio, so that everyone knew when to begin.

The Minute was not linked to a particular political or religious ideology, but instead drew upon the common humanity of all participants, focusing on the concept of ‘freedom’, and conscious prayer or meditation on the desired outcome of peace.

Running in parallel to this national movement was another form of Link, organised by Dion Fortune, and involving a smaller number of people. Whereas we enjoy today the instant communication and unity of the internet, Fortune relied upon the post. Patrick Benham describes it as follows :

“…she invoked the ‘Watchers of Avalon’, the secret guardians of the nation, to [the country’s] defence. She did this by… sending an open letter to her membership each week, to be opened simultaneously at a given time. All would concentrate, ‘tuning-in’ to each other and the group soul of Britain.”

Despite the difference in method, the language used here is remarkably similar to that of The Mystik Way’s Healing Link, and the anecdotal sensations that have been described as people join together in common purpose.

Both of these Links claim particular outcomes; Dion Fortune describes how certain leaders started to act in accordance with the secret contents of the letters, as if influenced on a subconscious level by the thoughts being sent in the silence. The Peace Every Day website claims that a high level Nazi attributed the outcome of World War Two to the Silent Minute, ‘a secret weapon for which we had no counter measure.’ As always with spiritual matters, the truth of the situation is obscure and hard to verify; but a belief in the power of a focused thought, a shared

intention for good, cannot be a bad thing to hold.

Continuation – The Early 21st Century

The development of the Internet and social networking has made the possibility of such a focal point easy again. We need not rely on the post, or a radio broadcast, to bring us together. And while thankfully we are not witnessing the worldwide devastation of a major War as Tudor Pole and Fortune were, there are still many things that can be achieved using the power of silence. I’m sure I don’t need to list the many threats to freedom and happiness that still walk the planet here in the present day. And so we should continue to focus on freedom, and on the actions of people in power, to hope that we can inspire the right choices by the right people at the right time.

We also face a particular and unique threat here at the start of this century, perhaps as potentially devastating as those earlier wars – an environmental one. Among many focal points for our healing energies should be the trees and the animals. Recently, through meditation, instinct and coincidence, we have felt that the dolphins and whales need particular healing thoughts at present, and new reports in Britain suggest that the butterfly population joins others that seem to be in dangerous decline.

Finally, we must never lose sight of the power of the Healing Link to help individuals, and we must always feel able to ask for help from it. There is no concept of scale within the link – an individual need is as important as a national or global one. We are all One – and in the silence of the link, that is clearer than ever.

Getting Involved

See our Facebook page and group for details of the daily Healing Link, and to make a request.

The Avalonians can be purchased through

The Silent Minute continues to exist, as a charity dedicated to world peace, and their website is

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MYSTIK WAY HEALING LINKEvery evening at 9pm GMT (UK time) we hold a Global healing link where spent a few moments or more sending out LIGHT and healing thoughts around the world and to the various trouble spots. We are joined by several other groups and individuals from facebook with numbers well over the thousand mark. Join us when you are able and add your light and energy. “WHERE YOUR THOUGHT GOES YOUR ENERGY FLOWS”

The Universe is pure energy and is continuously flowing, it is manipulated by thought….the vibrations of our feelings and thoughts become reality according to the power of them. By sheer number we can effect change in the situations with the influence of all thinking exactly the same thing.

Light a candle send your thoughts out on the flame around the world and join over a thousand people seeking peace, abundance and happiness for everyone including all creatures and mother earth.

We must give healing to the sick…. comfort to the weary…. solace to the bereaved….knowledge to the ignorant……illumination to all those that engulfed in the darkness….and break the chains that bind their minds…their bodies….and their souls.

This is our mission….our work.



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Listen to the treesOnce we are alone with only trees to talk to we will find that which we seek, they will tell us all that there is to know since time began. The very secrets of the Universe, the shape & form of the Great Spirit will be revealed. All we have to do is touch them gently, speak to them softly as you would a very dear friend, then sit quietly in the silence beside it admiring the form & beauty, the branches, the leaf’s…see the aura & energy emanating from it…ask if you can bathe in that aura.

Slowly & surely the secrets will be passed to you, an illuminating knowing will descend upon you…the silence will shout at you. Make this a regular practise & peace, harmony and wellbeing will walk with you, the outside world with all its discord & noise will not distract you.


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By Sue Hayes

As a Spiritualist Medium, I channel inspired writings dictated to me from the Spirit World, usually in the form of Spiritual Guidance.

The Canvas of Life

Life is like a canvas that awaits the painting, or a tapestry waiting to be sewn. A new life comes to the earth with seemingly a blank canvas or tapestry before it. However, that life also brings with it an inbuilt pattern or plan to be fulfilled, a picture to be completed over a lifetime.

Gradually the soul starts to paint the canvas or sew the tapestry, filling it out with many different colours of experience. Sometimes mistakes are made, and there has to be a going back to make right that particular part, and occasionally this has to be done a number of times until the soul is satisfied that it is right, or good enough.

There is choice along the way to completion. The soul may start at the beginning and slowly move forward gradually, filling out the colours along the way. Or they may choose to work with just one particular colour at a time all over the canvas, experiencing the emotions and energies of that colour.

It may not be until the canvas or tapestry has nearly been completed, that the soul may see the full picture of what their life has been about, but it will reflect the hardships and lessons learned, the joy and happiness along their journey of life on earth. Some of it will have been done beautifully and perfectly, but it will be noted that some bits could have been more refined - something still to work on.

The aim of your life on earth is to create this beautiful picture, fulfil the purpose of your life in as beautiful way as possible. Anyone seeing this canvas will understand the soul’s journey by the colours used and the patterns created, by how challenges have been faced and kindnesses given. The essence of your spirit will be within this image, and it is this essence that returns to its true home at the closing of the physical life – to the realms of spirit.

The colours and the image will be recognised and understood immediately by others in spirit. The canvas will be placed with others of similar quality before the next stage of learning and evolution takes place. The task is to always make perfect the picture set out in the blue print, the pattern or plan. It is an endless task as the colours change, moving towards the pure white light of perfection, beauty and light. Enjoy the journey!

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Author’s Note on the Nature of the Fool

By tradition, the Fool is portrayed by a young male similar to a Page, who was in medieval times seen as combining male and female virtues. The Fool is both male and female and represents both genders. For ease of writing, I have used the traditional male gender, but everything written applies equally to both genders.

The Fool is the first card of the Major Arcana of the Tarot. This Arcana (Greater Wisdom) contains twenty two cards which represent the major events in human existence, and the spirit of the Fool can be seen as contained in each of these cards. The Fool is on a journey through life, during which he gains many experiences which fashion his character and help to build his personality, to become a fully developed human being.

The Fool Card is given the Number Zero to emphasize its special character, and like the dot in the circle - represents spiritual completion, for the Fool is both the beginning and the fulfillment of the journey. This quest through life is both material and spiritual, and the card represents the stage when the fool first discovers his spiritual potential, and begins his journey of spiritual unfoldment. In the card, the Fool is shown stepping off a cliff into the unknown abyss, guided by his spiritual insight represented by a butterfly which flies ahead of him. His eyes are upward, and he steps off the cliff - confident that he can meet any challenges which he may encounter. The little dog pulling at his trousers, represents the material aspects of his nature, which are trying to prevent him leaving the security of the material world. He must first resolve this conflict in order that he can begin this adventure of the Wise Fool, who acknowledges the importance of spiritual growth as the fulfillment of human existence.

The Fool’s green trousers and brown boots represent the Element of Earth, and emphasizes his lower nature. His tunic is yellow – the colour of the Element of Air, which links his higher nature to the powers of spirit. On his head he wears a floppy hat, with the brim in the form of the horizontal figure of eight, which is the lemscote, the symbol of spirituality.

Sometimes the Fool is dressed as the Court Jester, and in this form is still seen as the only remnant of the Major Arcana in our modern Playing card pack as the Joker. Traditionally the Jester was the only one able to make fun of the King and his Court, and was often a Wise Counsellor. With the Fool there is always a sense of fun and light-heartedness, and we are advised not to take life too seriously!

The Fool’s clothes in the picture are trimmed with leaves and flowers to emphasize his relationship to the Powers of Nature, for the Fool represents the essence of life itself, and in this form is linked to the procreative life force represented in nature by the Green Man. The Fool card contains the seeds of new beginnings and the hope of great things to come as we reach maturity.

The Fool is shown with the sun at his back and shining on the path ahead, and this shows us that he contains within himself a spiritual consciousness and inner wisdom, which will act as a guide on his spiritual journey. His golden hair reminds us that he is a solar child full of potential, blessed by the sun, and that he can grow up to become the Solar Hero often encountered in ancient legends. The Fool also has hidden psychic abilities, which he has not yet developed, and these are represented by the hidden contents of his knapsack, sometimes referred to as the Magical Tools of the Magician.

THE ADVENTURE OF THE WISE FOOL By Richard Hayes (Warlockway)

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This Adventure of the Wise Fool, sometimes called the Quest for the Holy Grail, is a search for a greater spiritual understanding and knowledge, which eventually brings spiritual freedom and fulfillment. The essence of this quest is contained in the meanings of each of the cards of the Major Arcana, which lead the Fool on a journey of self-discovery to eventually become an Adept in the form of the Magician. The Wise Fool is prepared to learn these lessons many times, in order that he can reach his full spiritual potential.

The Fool is also our inner spiritual self, the essence of our being which remains dormant until we open up our consciousness to spiritual ideas. This is a form of enlightenment which begins the process of spiritual growth and sets in motion the Journey of the Wise Fool. At the end of the journey, the Wise Fool becomes the Dancing Fool – seen at the centre of the World card, which celebrates the final integration of his physical and spiritual development.

When we encounter the Fool in Tarot Readings, we are reminded of the following ideas which represent the Wisdom of the Fool.

1. To accept life as an adventure, where we should meet each situation with confidence, knowing that we have the potential to overcome all of life’s obstacles.

2. We should use our intuition and higher knowledge to guide us on our journey through life.

3. We should not be restricted by the concerns of the physical life, but should pursue our spiritual journey in the knowledge that it will bring spiritual fulfillment.

4. Each one of us has latent psychic and magical powers, which we can develop if we choose to follow a path of psychic and spiritual development.

5. Sometimes we have to take risks, stepping off into the unknown, if we are to gain the best results in life.

6. Each one of us is a potential Solar Hero, who has the strength to fight for just causes and to win eventual success.

7. Finally, that each one of us has within us the latent wisdom, which encourages us to explore life to the full, and which will guide us through life’s many physical and spiritual challenges.

Each time we have a Tarot Reading, we, like the Fool, encounter a facet of our spiritual journey, and this enables us to become more aware of the pattern of our lives and the nature of our true spiritual potential. We should follow the Fool’s example, and continue to explore the meaning of the cards of the Tarot, for they contain a complex and comprehensive picture of the Meaning of Life, which makes itself known if we study the cards and use them in readings. The use of the Wisdom of the Tarot, translated into the pattern of our lives, is the true Adventure of the Wise Fool.

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The e-book can be obtained by contacting creating Joyful Relationships on Facebook at:

The title of this e-book initially had me think-ing, ‘ha! I don’t have any regrets’, and funnily

enough, that was one of the comments that is made in the introductory section of this book - that think-ing you don’t have any won’t work – you need only be open and honest with yourself to get started on this workbook. Infact nobody need ever know what your regrets are! The authors describe several ex-ercises, including identifying your regrets by listing them on paper and then releasing them either by burning or throwing them away in a manner of your choice. They give some examples which help get the juices flowing.

I found when I read the examples and started to write my own regrets that they just keep coming, I realised that I regret things in life that I didn’t even know was lurking there, even just small events. Re-grets revolved around many aspects of life including family, friends, work, relationships, career etc. Its funny how much comes out when you start to write. I chose to tear up and bin my regrets as although the workbook suggests burning, anyone based in

E-Book ‘Releasing Regrets’ by Phillis Benson and Doug Foresta

the UK at the moment will understand that it’s a little un-seasonably chilly to go outside and do this at the moment! I liked how the authors called this a ‘non-journal journal’ as you keep writing everyday but don’t keep what you write! You also need to mentally release your regrets at the same time as disposing of your list.

The latter part of the workbook suggests again writing down an awareness of your feelings e.g. ‘I am not enough’, then detach from this and make notes e.g. is this true? Where does this come from? You then go on to writing a positive statement/feel good feelings relating to this that you then copy in to a nice journal (only the good feelings part) e.g. ‘I choose to be more than enough’. Again you burn or destroy what you have written.

I enjoyed this, as having done the exercise listing regrets, I was already are tuned in to my feelings. I could summarise some of my regrets in to named general feelings. By looking at these feelings from a detached point of view you slowly start to ra-tionalise that you are not as bad or inadequate etc. as you may think – you may even realise how strong you have been or how hard you have been on your-self for a long time. Writing positive feeling/state-ments arising from rationalisations certainly makes you feel better and makes you realise that your feelings can lie to you and you are not what you may think you are. Ultimately the goal of these exercises is to be able to say ‘I have no regrets’!

Overall I found using this workbook to be both ca-thartic and confidence building, I would highly rec-ommend giving it a go - maybe some readers could feedback on the The Mystik Way Facebook group or page how you got on

Review by Jenny Spirit

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by Peta Panos


Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one –

Albert Einstein

Have you ever noticed that things look different depending on where you are at? In fact, have you ever noticed that YOU look

different depending on where you are at?

Imagine a view of the world through rose tinted glasses – where you perceived the highest aspect in every experience and every person, including yourself? Doesn’t that sound ideal?

- The good news is that it is possible and that you can achieve it.

Consider the well-known saying that you create your own reality and lets take it a step further and consider that your perception IS your reality. It then goes without saying that your perception is the filter that shapes your reality.

In other words, the sum of all of your experiences; lessons that you have learned; what you see, hear and think makes up your world view and belief system and this is the filter or lens you interpret or perceive reality through.

The definition of perception is: The act or faculty of apprehending by means of the senses or of the mind; cognition; understanding.

In terms of the 5 senses, namely vision, hearing, smell, taste and touch, it is easier to see that perceptions are subjective and not necessarily universal: You know what blue is because you have learned what blue is. One assumes that because one has learned to recognise blue it would be the same to every-one although try and agree on blue with some one who is colour blind or explain what blue is to a person blind from birth.

Similarly, one may recognise the smell of cooking onions, which might be an enjoyable experience or an unpleasant one depending on how one perceives it. Is it possible to factually explain the smell to a child that has never smelled onions cooking?

Just as we are limited by words when it comes to our perception through our senses, our understanding or perception in our minds is limited to our past experiences and belief systems. Perception is the basis of our evaluation of our existence and is always active within our minds, physical and energetic body. Our vibration is constantly and continually changing, reacting to our perception of the world around us.

We don’t see things as they are. We see them as we are – Anais Nin.

If two people experienced the same event and met up a year later to discuss the event, their recollections would be different. This is because they perceived the event differently and then stored the memory of the event based on their different filters.

By the same token, you project your interpretation of how things are and this is what is mirrored back to you. It doesn’t matter what people think about you because their thoughts are perceived through their own filter and have very little to do with you, however, what they mirror back to you are the clues on how you perceive yourself.

Our greatest source of suffering comes from assuming that all we feel is factual. When we realise how limiting our beliefs can be, we can fully grasp that what we feel is based on our perception of the facts and we can choose to shift our perception.

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Change the way you look at things, and the things you look at change – Wayne Dyer

So, once you have noticed you are unhappy with your perception around a situation in your life and would like to change it, the best way is to go within and this will always start with an intention – which can be as simple as setting the intention to shift your perspective.

I would suggest that you put yourself in a different setting to go through the process so take a walk in nature; do some exercise; de-clutter a room or lie in a bubble bath.

As you ground yourself and reflect on the issues and the concerns that hinder you, take an objective step back, refocus your attention and open your mind and heart to look for other ways of viewing the situation. It helps to:

· Take responsibility for how you are feeling about the situation and all perceptions that you have. Whilst you can’t change the event, you can change your perception and feelings about it.

· Try seeing it from another point of view and release the judgment you hold.

· Look for times in your life when you were on the receiving or giving end of a similar situation. Is that past experience clouding your perception of this situation?

· Recognize that your ego’s buttons are being pushed. Examine your thoughts that bring up the negative feelings and look for what is being mirrored back to you about yourself. This is the greatest clue of what aspect needs to be integrated, forgiven or released.

· As all of your perceptions are stored in your chakra system, clearing your chakra’s and releasing stagnant, blocked energy will assist greatly in gaining clarity.

All of the above will facilitate the release of old limited beliefs that no longer serve you and you will start to see that you are not bound by past

experiences or outdated perceptions. You should feel lighter, starting to see the choices that lie before you and have the clarity with which to act.

As you spiral back, acknowledge that you have shifted your perceptions, expanded your worldview and have a deeper understanding of self. Your batteries have been recharged and you should be more aware of your purpose.

Once we reach a state of understanding through deep and profound realizations, we find a place of peace and deep acceptance where we are able to be fully present and ready to embrace the unknown without fear.

Where will you be going in 2013? We have an exciting range of Spiritual Quest Journeys to Sacred Sites and magical places all around the world. For more information and an overview of the journeys on offer, please click here

Written by: Peta Panos – Spiritual Quest Journeys

Email: [email protected]

Website: Spiritual Quest Journeys

Facebook: Spiritual Quest Journeys

Twitter: questjourneys

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I first fell in love with the moon when I was a little girl. I used to spend evenings in bed staring at

her watchful eye. She always seemed so magical so amazing and I found comfort in her beauty. As time went on and I grew my moon disappeared she became forgotten she was just a white circle in the sky that the Americans claimed to own by landing the first man on the moon.

I spent 14 years of my life from the age of 20 in 2 abusive relationships. This cycle of my life ended in 2010 and it was then that I found my sister moon again. She brought me comfort and strength and I started to take an interest in White magic and Ava-lon.

Since the earliest of times our ancestors have ac-knowledged the moon. The moon has the power to move the great oceans of the world and she applies a profound influence on the lives of all things. The ancients where so attuned to the moon that their calendars were based around the cycles of the moon with 13 “months”

Moon magic is a powerful way of linking to our ancients and Avalonian tradition. If we move with her cycles and different phases it can have a potent effect on spells and magic and our very being. Just as we charge and cleanse crystals in the moonlight it is beneficial to cleanse and charge ourselves also in

this way. You could use all the phases of the moon to charge and cleanse or just focus on the full moon. It’s entirely up to you there are no rights or wrongs. It’s about what you feel comfortable with and how much time you have. Go with what sits best in your heart.

Firstly I am going to discuss the different phases of the moon and their meanings I will start with the 5 main phases of the moon and in further articles will cover the other moon phases and moon magic :

Dark MoonThis is the time when the moon is no longer visible to the naked eye. This is the most useful time for Divination of any kind.

The New MoonThis is when the moon shows her first slither in the sky, it is a thin crescent moon and this is an excep-tional time to do spell workings for new beginnings and the start of new projects. It is also a powerful time to make wishes (but like Ed mystic master has taught me for years “be careful what you wish for as you just might get it”)

Esbats and Moon Magic introduction.

By Kirsty Merida Mellor

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Waxing MoonThis is the time when the moon is growing towards the full moon. This is an appropriate time to cast spells for growth healing and an increase of energy. Its time to focus your energy on what qualities you want in your life.

The Full MoonThis is the time when the moon is at her proudest shining and filling the sky with her beauty. The day of the full moon and a day either side is a good time to do strong spell workings. It is a time for abun-dance, fulfilment culmination and climax.

Waning moonThis is when the moon is shrinking back down to-wards the dark moon. It is the best time for cleansing banishing and completion.

There are 8 Sabbets that make up the wheel of the year they are Samhain, Yule, Imbolc, Ostara, Bel-taine, Litha, Lughnasda and Mabon. Sabbets are solar the celebration of the Gods and of the mascu-line energies. These special seasonal celebrations are celebrated by Pagans Wiccans Avalonians and white magic practioners worldwide.

In between the Sabets many folk who practice White Magic celebrate Esbats. The Esbats are the celebra-tion of the 13 full moons that occur every year. The Esbats are Lunar and represent the Goddess and Feminine energies. The full moon represents the Goddess at her full power. These are the times when the moons magic is at her height of power than on any other day of the month.

More and more people are becoming aware that the moon has a massive influence on our everyday life. The ever-changing rhythm of the moon affects our emotions our actions and behaviour.

In my next article I will discuss moon magic further and share some rituals with you.

I hope you have enjoyed this topic so far. The next time you stare at the moon see her beauty, feel her love and see the secret potentials she holds for you.


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DECK of 1000 Spreadsfrom Tierney Sadler

Tarot Art: by Michelle Amethyst Mahoney


Today’s article has taken me some time to write, and has been one of my more

difficult pieces. It’s about a fantastic new Tarot tool from Tierney Sadler: Deck of 1000 Spreads.

Part of the difficulty in explaining how awesome this tool is trying to make it clear that this is a tool, not a Tarot deck. It is a tool that you use with your Tarot deck. This means that you must also own at least one Tarot or Oracle deck.

You cannot just buy the Deck of 1000 Spreads and start reading. So you may be thinking, “Why would I want to buy this at all?”

Great question, and I’m glad you asked! The Deck of 1000 Spreads helps you create your own spreads, and can help you get more out of your deck every time you read. You can use the cards to copy existing spreads that you’ve seen, or create your own. This is invaluable for beginning Tarot readers because how to interpret the card is written directly on the deck!

No more running to a book to look up the meaning of a spread position.

This is especially helpful if you like to make up spreads as you read. Sometimes you lay down the cards and know exactly what position they stand for in your head, but once you go back to read and interpret them, you’ve already forgotten which one was the problem, which one was the pros and cons, and the reading gets completely muddled.

If you use the Deck of 1000 Spreads to label the positions, you know longer have to worry about forgetting what’s what, and you can comfortably read with ease.

Let’s look at how the Deck of 1000 Spreads might work for a real reading. I used the

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spread in the photo above for a woman having trouble with her husband around money issues. In addition to the Deck of 1000 Spreads, I used the Shadowscapes Tarot by Stephanie Pui Mun-Law.

I got the following reading by turning the Deck of 1000 Spreads face-down and randomly choosing cards for the spread.

Negative Influences – Five of Wands. If you look at the Negative Influences definition on the Deck of 1000 Spreads card, it says, “The people, issues, obstacles, and conditions impacting the topic of your reading in an adverse or limiting way.” Obviously there is a lot of fighting going on in this person’s current situation.

Problem – Seven of Cups. Here is the crux of the issue. This woman can see a brighter

future, but her husband isn’t as trusting that the Universe will provide it. She knows what is possible, but he knows only what is logical.

Present – King of Cups. “What’s going on now in regard to your question.” The woman is completely sure of her emotions and life.

Advice – XVII The Star. “Used as an outcome card or elsewhere in the spread, this is the advice you need to follow to solve a challenge or achieve your desired outcome.” Notice this card doesn’t say “outcome.” It puts all of the power in the querent’s hands. The Star encourages the woman to use all of her power to show her husband the way.

Once she becomes more successful and begins living her

Truth and her path, her husband will have no choice but to see the light.

I love the Deck of 1000 Spreads, and think it is a great tool for any Tarot reader. You can also combine multiple description cards for each Tarot card!

Give it a try, and see how easy it is to create new and exciting Tarot spreads, and how much easier it is to read and interpret the cards!

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April’s card: Triumphant Sucesswith Terssa Welsh Psychic Medium


What an amazing card for this month!

This card signifies new beginnings and exciting challenges may be before you

By utilizing your strength’s, willpower, Determi-nation, and focus there’s the potential for you to reign triumphant in many areas of your life

you are able to cut through all the barriers that hold you back, make sure that you do this con-structively and with precision.

Whilst you are cutting through your barriers and making those changes needed also be aware that if you cut through them in a rash or harmful way it could be harmful to you or others so its important that you always pause think and seek that inner peace and guidance and cut through the barriers with highest intent not with negative energy.

This month is all about you spending this time on you, letting go once and for all on that which holds you back, and cutting the ties with nega-tive influences around you and within you, use your inner strength, your determination and willpower and focus on you and your new be-ginning, spring is in the air and new life is every-where.. this is also your new beginning cut the chords that bind you, overcome those challeng-es and step right on in to your new beginning.

Rosalind’s words


The cycle of life is showing you that new beginnings are around you, flowers are blossoming, Tree’s are re birthing and the animal kingdom has new generations of life appear. This is also a time of new beginning for many of you, learn from what is around you the cycle of life is a foundation on which you can apply to your life nature has the answers if you take the time to look and spend time amongst it,

See yourself as you go through your re birth-ing you go through phases of change also you apply what you have learnt during your grow-ing period and you then use it as you re birth into your next phase of your own life cycle new beginnings are not just for the animal or plant kingdom they are for your spirit to also move forward in its life cycle and grow in knowledge and wisdom gained. Enjoy April, re-birthing and your new life cycle.



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If you enjoy reading the Mystik Way magazine each month, please give consideration to making a small donation towards the running costs. Although Ed and Simi give their time freely, it is only right that they should be reimbursed for their out-of-pocket expenses. To achieve this, the Mystik Way requires regular donations so that it can meet these expenses. If you can help, please donate to ‘Mystik Way’ by using the Donate Button.

Many thanks if you can help.

Warlockway – Treasurer to Mystik Way.

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Animal and plant of the month with Jennifer Adele

April Animal of the MonthCommon Nighthawk The common nighthawk is a familiar spring and summer visitor found throughout North America, and it is unique in that compared to most other nighthawks it is more active during the day. The common nighthawk can be found hunting insects at night, but it is also a superb hunter at dusk and dawn... the times that are betwixt and between… and it brings the balanced energy of springtime with it. These dusk and dawn, near daylight, activities are what give it the metaphysical representation for stepping in between realms easily. This bird also has a very distinct nasal call and acrobatic display, which counsels us to call out to those things which we seek in life. We call to the universe and are heard. We make our displays and are seen.

The common nighthawk has large, wide eyes for excellent vision on all realms and mottled brown plumage for camouflage. It sees all but is rarely seen... unless it wants to be seen. And, nighthawk people share these same qualities. They are not known to stand out in a group of people or at a party or even in society, yet they are highly intelligent and an intricate component as they see many things that others readily miss.

Achieving goals, finding what you quest for, and even necessary migration to enhance it all are the gifts of the common nighthawk to people that seek to use its energies, which are often at peak efficiency at night. Meditate on the nighthawk this month, around the time of dusk or dawn, and let this special little bird bring a message to you.

Symbolism: enhanced vision, nocturnal energies, stepping between realms, achieving goals, camouflage, calling out to that which you seek, necessary migration.

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April Plant of the Month Daisy Daisies are simple yet sophisticated and are some of the most beautiful flowers in the floral world. Daisies convey cheer and exuberance in spades. Not surprisingly, daisies are popular both for gifting and growing in gardens. Daisies belong to the daisy

family of Compositae, now known as Asteraceae in flowering plants. They are native to north and central Europe, and the origin of the word “daisy” is Anglo Saxon and literally means “day eyes.” It was called this because daisies open at dawn as the day just starts to begin.

Interestingly enough, one of the features that really sets daisies apart are the fact that they are not made of just one flower. A daisy is made up of two types of flowers… disk florets and petal-like white ray florets. The disk florets are at the center and the ray florets are at the periphery but they are arranged to give the impression of being a single flower. This arrangement on daisies is a type of inflorescence known as a capitulum.

Above all, a daisy symbolizes innocence and purity, new beginnings and springtime. The even deeper floral meaning of the daisy is loyal love and the concept of never sharing a deep secret beyond those to whom it is entrusted. Hear the daisy whisper on behalf of the giver, “I will never tell.”

Symbolism: purity, honesty, integrity, innocence, new beginnings, springtime, love, sharing, deep secrets.

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Queenstown NZ, is one of the unrecognised destinations of the world. Kiwis being Kiwi’s

found this place, felt the energy, and do what they do best.

As they feel the energy that pushes the edge and to go beyond the boundaries. They tied a rubber band to their feet and leaped off of a perfectly good bridge, Since then they have found many and varied ways to push the boundaries, hang gliding, canyon swing, paragliding, driving jet boats at rock walls and through narrow gorges, drift diving, white water rafting, extreme mountain biking, fly by wire. The list goes on, we are marketed as the adrenaline capital of the world, for very good reason. If you want to push yourself this is the place to do it.

Yet there is an unrecognised side to it, that is the personal growth side, the self-discovery and spiritual path. It is a dynamo of self-discovery where people grow weather they want to or not.

The energy here pushes us forward in a path of

growth that is consistent, it is 24/7, we live in it, and we bath in it permanently. It is refreshing, enlivening, nourishing and allows us to be who we are if we go with it. Depending on where you go it can put you in touch with who you are, at our deepest core, being who we are in our fullest form. I describe this feeling like being in a waterfall, going from the inside out; it is such a sense of life and flowing energy.

It is a place of accelerated growth. Extremely accelerated.

So what is this energy about and where is it?

As we begin our journey in this area from Cromwell, we start our journey towards Queenstown. As we travel we come to Gibbston Valley, which starts the energy path, where we find an opening of the heart, an expanding sensation, welcoming us into this sense of being embraced for those of us who breath with it. A warm welcoming place.

The roads continue leading us onwards towards

Queenstown, New Zealand Undiscovered Energy Destination

by Christopher Wesselingh

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Arrowtown, by a side road. When we arrive here we find a settled home like energy timeless and everlasting feeling, it feels like we are home and can be here permanently, its like expecting family to be here around the corner, it feels so like home in a deep way.

As we move on our way towards Queenstown we near our destination as we come in we start to feel the energy of outward growth, most people put it down towards the amazing beauty of the Queenstown. Yet it is far far more than this we can close our eyes and it is there as much as it was before it is out side of the visual input. It is the energy of the place itself.

Even when it is dark we feel it as much if not more than before as we are not distracted by the visual input, we just feel. Breathing with it we feel the sense of moving forward as we focus

Queenstown, New Zealand Undiscovered Energy Destination

Arrowtownby Christopher Wesselingh

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on it we feel it accelerating and expanding as we breathe it grows quickly, as we allow it, motivating us forward, even though we have not focused it yet. When we do it gives us momentum to carry us forward in what ever we look at. Nature has a way here I find if we don’t go into something it has a habit of bringing something up for us.

This is not the point to stop the journey; it is a stop over before we continue the journey down the lake towards Glenorchy and beyond.

As we find ourselves heading out of Glenorchy we are heading into a triple valley area 2 of which have the main energy. The one I prefer is Paradise

Valley, which has an energy vortex down it. Here we find an energy of going into ourselves deep with in which has a true sense of coming home. Arrowtown has the physical sense of coming home in the outer world.

Where as here it is a very definitive feeling of coming home with in our selves, becoming in touch and aware of the self as a whole being, if we use the energy to its best advantage, and pick our locations.

The 2nd valley, which has the Routeburn track, strengthens our connection with nature and the natural world.

So in short, opening our hearts, to find home, moving forward, within ourselves.

Opening our hearts (Gibbston Valley) to find home (Arrowtown) moving forward (Queenstown) with in ourselves (Paradise valley).

Queenstown with the Remarkables Mountain Range

Glenorchy Paradise Valley

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Queenstown because of its energy has quite an attraction, which has brought in a lot of natural health practioners and self help therapist and approaches.

We have quite a collection or approaches and therapies available for those who want to investigate this path as well as nature based attractions and businesses that help us explore this natural beauty, which awakens the energy with in us. It has a timeless beauty. Which takes us into the sense of being beyond time, immortal, for those who are able to go into it, which connects us to the spiritual dimensions beyond physical. Meditation definitely helps.

Queenstown is definitely the most energetic place of growth I have ever come across, by far and has

so much to offer those who wish to explore the self-journey.

If you need an incentive or motivation to grow this is a place to come and explore yourself, touching the many aspects of who we are as multi dimensional beings, beyond time earth and space. Queenstown is also the only place I have seen energy lines running through the air.

Welcome home, welcome to Queenstown.

Best Wishes Love Christopher.

Find Christopher on facebook:

ht tps ://www.facebook .com/christopher.wesselingh?fref=ts

Glenorchy Valley Routeburn Track

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Calendula, or pot marigold is the herb for the month. Now it isn’t technically an

herb, the flower’s medicinal properties are truly amazing. As the planting season and working outside brings cuts and scrapes, a calendula salve will work much better than any of the commercially made triple antibiotic formulas out there.

Calenduala is very easy to plant and germi-nate. Sow the seeds in early March or April, thinning to every 9-10 inches. You can’t over harvest the flowers as it gets the plant to start producing more.

The bright orange and yellow flowers have been used for centuries in broths, compress-es, salves, teas, etc for its healing properties. Sprains, wounds, abrasions, cuts, fevers, measles.

The flowers are edible as well. I am putting a recipe up as this will be a short one this spring month as it is planting season and the cuts and scrapes we get from winter skin. May everyone enjoy this planting season.

• Namaste4 oz Calendula flower infused herbal oil

• ½ oz Beeswax

• A few drops of Vitamin E Oil

• 20 drops organic Lavender essential oil

Coarsely chop the beeswax or use beeswax pastilles. Melt beeswax and Calendula oil over a double boiler. Once melted, remove from burner and stir in the Lavender and Vitamin E essential oils. Pour into tins or glass jars. Allow to cool thoroughly before using or placing caps on the jars.

William Snider

[email protected] and


by William C. Snider


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Celebrating is the poem that went with this picture I took originally...thought it a good time to bring this one back up...enjoy your rebirth...

Celebrating Rebirth (Spenserian Sonnet)

When life held me captive in a deep freeze Held like a victim helpless in a cage Praying for the grace of God on my knees To be freed from the suffering and rage Longing with all my heart to disengage I discovered a strength from deep within Only I could write the next chapter or page Much sorrow surfaced with such deep chagrin Escaping was just a matter of when No longer to ever again be betrayed Striving for life to take hold and begin Faith lept in and I was now unafraid A new mission became clear and unearthed Discovering my most sacred new rebirth. . . .

Alma Joyce De La Cruz © November 21, 2012

Discovering a new phase of my life, I returned to the Golden Lotus Meditation Garden and viewed it with fresh eyes after some period of time; taking new pictures and in this case it was as if my third eye appeared in the most curious way. . . . — at Self Realization Meditation Gardens.

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Eating for EnlightenmentFOOD

Ama’ritday The Sacred Health Doula Enlightened Living

Hello again Ama’ritday here and thank you for coming to visit! This month I am excited to talk about Spring and all the new possibility that comes each year for each of us.

The Vernal or Spring Equinox, also known as, the Rites of Spring, Lady Day, Alban Eiber and Bacchanalia. Spring Equinox occurs between March 21h and 23rd. Ostara signals the day when night and day are equal and balanced and after that the days get longer as the Sun God’s power increases. The Maiden celebrates her abundance and life begins fresh and new, ripe and ready to produce. At this time, we plant the seeds of our flower, herb and vegetable gardens, preparing for the bounty in the months to come. So with being said and the Ostara behind us, it’s time to think about what we need to begin again fresh and new!

Our food is our nourishment medicine and super healer all in one. When we are mindful in the kitchen, understanding that we are creating very powerful prayers and petitions as we prepare, cook, and serve ourselves and loved ones the food of our bounties, changes everything and is the key to making a tremendous difference in our daily lives.

Something as simple as making a small change to give your body a break, time to purify the inner sanctum of you, a mini spring detox can really allow you to give your amazing body the opportunity to reset and find it groove again. A

mini spring detox gives you a chance to clean out your system and give you a fresh perspective of what works for you. You will get an idea of the things that provide vitality and vigor. Give you the juice to really go about your day with gusto.

What we put into our bodies is what we ask for so if we are putting low quality fuel in a sports care it won’t run optimally and so it is for our bodies. So let’s go into the spring season with an intention to revive our winter bodies and be mindfully to let spring in with a detoxification of all that no longer serves us and start a new chapter of being health whole and holy. Like violet fire burning off what no longer is needed, it is indeed true alchemy.

I want to share this amazing 3 day mini spring detox guide with you. It’s so worth the down load. Each recipe is easy to follow, using seasonal ingredients, Each inviting you to welcome into your ~ life the vitality of the sun, the abundance of the ocean, movement of the air, the mineral and vitamins of the earth and the reminder that all we ever need is right at our finger tips, easy, elegant and powerful! Mother Nature has provided a bounty and it’s ours for use as food and medicine. Will you join me? Bright Blessings and Happy Spring!

Love & Light!


with Ama’ritday

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Eating for Enlightenment


Creamy Parsnips Soup with Polka Dots

Prep time: 10 minutes

Cooking time: 25 minutes

Yields: 4 people


4-6 parsnips, cut into chunks

1 large yellow onion, cut into chunks

1/2 teaspoon nutmeg

1 teaspoon sea salt

4 cups water

1 cup green peas


Place parsnips, onion, nutmeg, salt and water in a pot and bring to a boil.Cover the pot and simmer 20 minutes, or until the parsnips are soft.Using an immersion blender purée soup until very creamy. If necessary add more water to get desired consistency.Add green peas and mix with a spoon.Once peas are heated through, serve in individual bowls


Use 2 cups rice or soy milk and 2 cups water for a more silky texture.Replace some of the parsnips with carrots!

with Ama’ritday

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Creating a Magikal PersonaPart 2

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Creating a Magikal PersonaPart 2

programme, something you notice in a magazine & then just go with that which feels right.

Once you have discovered the character that feels right for you, make an intensive study writing extensive notes so you may refer to them at any time. Slowly but surely, day by day attempt to allow the positive attributes of the chosen persona to enter your consciousness thereby electing to act in your normal day to day life as your chosen persona would, make choices & judge situations as they would then after a short period of time you will find that you are becoming them, more confident, more assertive, more understanding & caring, you will gradually leave behind the old fake you shedding the mask society had created. You may also find that you will want to change your appearance & your style of clothing, maybe wearing clothes that before you were too afraid to wear but always wanted to. In the next issue I will go into far more intricate details of how to use the Magikal Persona, the benefits to you & others around you.

Blessings on you Quest.


Last issue I talked of some of the reasons for creating a magical persona, our other self the

person we really want to be, the real us behind the ordinary mask we portray to the world as a so called normal member of society.

As I explained earlier that when I am operating as The MystikMaster ( which nowadays is all the time)I become that persona therefore portraying all the traits & characteristics, connecting with my higher mind/ideals that is also connected to the Universal consciousness. The very fact that we have decided on a certain character/persona will automatically attract the energies relevant to it, drawing on many thousands of years of experience from similar characters, we draw these energies to us.

So let us look into finding a suitable Magikal Persona, many unwittingly already have on social media & networking sites by giving themselves an alias (mainly to hide their identity from work mates or family) If you do not belong to a Magikal group spend some time contemplating the character & traits that you most admire, it can be a modern day hero or even a powerful leader, an ancient wise one. Play with the idea of using an Animals or Birds characters, these are used by many Shaman Healers to great effectiveness. The other way is to set your intentions to send out thoughts into the Universe for a sign to be shown to you, once sent out be patient & be alert for any sign that comes your way…it may be something a friend says, a television

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Allow me to introduce myself, my name is Kirsty I am 38 years old. I am a spiritual medium

and tarot reader. I have had this gift all my life, but for many years did not know quite what it was or how to use it. From a young age I had “strange experiences” that at first did not understand, and later on in life just called it coincidence. For example I would know who was calling on the phone before I answered it. Or I would know that a visitor was going to call at the house before they came. I would often get an uncomfortable feeling in my stomach shortly before either I or someone I knew received any bad news.

I grew up in a nonspiritual or religious family. I was the only girl in a large family of boys. My brothers would tease me about everything and anything so I thought it best to keep my “experiences” to myself, as I could only imagine the stick I would get about such a taboo subject.

Sadly I decided to close off from my gift as I seemed to be the only one in my family that was experiencing it. It was not till about ten years later that I slowly allowed it back into my life. I felt had

to proceed with caution after going through a breakdown in my very early 20s, I had to be sure I was in the right place mentally and strong enough to accept my gift and all that came with it.

All of my life I had worked in one caring profession or another, I had happily resigned myself to the fact that it was my life’s purpose to help other people in one way or another. I spent years drifting from one job to another. Although I gained a huge amount of satisfaction from my work , I felt like I was missing something , like I wasn’t seeing the bigger picture . I felt as though I was being drawn to something but not quite sure what.

I had been to many mediums in the past, searching for messages and answers. Almost all of them would say “you have my gift , why are you afraid of it”, I would briefly explain about my breakdown and that in my opinion there is a very fine line between being on the edge of my sanity and conversing with souls that other people could not see. This always made them giggle and made me laugh, it was my way of preparing myself.

I found that once I opened up to my gift, I very quickly was able to connect with passed relatives and relay accurate information to them. I was blown away by my accuracy, and often in the beginning

Living Between Two Worlds

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would doubt myself and think it was pure fluke and that I was a fraud.

I have been completely self taught as a medium, as there was no one to turn to to ask if I was “doing it right” or how to connect properly. Everything I have learnt has come from my Guides, practice, reading and research. I have had to learn to listen and trust my intuition and be guided by higher powers. It has not been easy, as even now I still find some people’s views on the subject are very negative. Although I did have a few friends that shared my enthusiasm which was great, they allowed me to practice on them in the beginning.

I really felt compelled to keep driving myself forward on this path and just put my trust in God and My angels, especially Arch Angel Michael, whom has been by my side since I allowed myself to pursue my life’s purpose.

My work as a medium has proved invaluable to me in all aspects of my life. It is the most rewarding job I have ever done, Being able to bring comfort to relatives and advice where needed is such a wonderful feeling. Every day I am blessed in some way, either by helping someone or receiving a personal sign from a loved one or the Angel’s. I can honestly say that from the moment I took up my life’s purpose my life has been enriched in so many ways.

I often receive letters or emails from people thanking me for my guidance and messages and how they have been able to make changes for the better in their own lives. I feel like I have traveled so far emotionally and spiritually and know that I will be traveling this journey for the rest of my life.

Kirsty will be writing a monthly article on Spiritual Mediumship, if you would like to know more or seek help please contact her on.

Artwork by Christine Carlson

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hi simi, can you add to the credits page at the back. We are now able to offer advertising space in our magazine to help with the running costs.

The magazine will always be free to read and download.

Costs are £5 per half page £10 per full page per month.

Please email me on [email protected]

If you would like a trendy handmade Shamballa Brace-let as pictured below, made with semi-precious beads, email me and let me know

which beads you would like from a choice of – Black Onyx, Tiger Eye, Rose Quartz, Haematite or Amethyst. All beads are 8mm and are woven on 2mm nylon cord. You can have the bracelet all one stone (like the tigers eye pictured below) or a mixture of beads from the list above. Just email me at [email protected] your bracelet will be hand made and then listed for you to purchase in my on-line shop. Cost per bracelet is £9 (very competitive price – check out other sites, these attractive macramé bracelets can sometimes be quite overpriced!), plus shipping. Enjoy the power of Shamballa! Jenny Spirit x

Shamballa Bracelets

Special offer for Mystik Way readers - Get one custom made!

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Thank you for reading the Mystik Way Magazine!

If you have enjoyed the journey, please consider a donation to help us with our running costs.Any small contribution is greatly appreciated and will enable us to provide this platform for spiritual growth.

...Issue 25 will be out in May 2013