myprofile jobs & careers


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Learn the best career choices based on your personality and enjoy your career.


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Myprofile Jobs & Careers

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Hiring the right people is thekey to your business success

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The most important job for anymanager or business owner is toemploy the right people.

It doesn’t matter whether you are amulti-national global empire or asmall start up family business.

To be successful and achieve yourbusiness goals you need to havethe right people working for you.

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What are the consequencesof hiring the wrong people

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The most common cause of business failureis not hiring the right people.

The consequences of a bad hiring decisioncan be catastrophic – causing you lostincome and unhappy employees.

Whilst no employment is 100% guaranteedMyprofile’s pre-employment assessmentsgive you a greater chance of making the righthiring decisions.

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Is Myprofile right for you

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Myprofile offers you a fast, low costpre-employment system that helpsyou find the right person for the job

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Why use Myprofile

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Selecting the right person for the job is morethan just matching skills, qualifications orexperience. It’s about matching a candidate’spersonal style to that required by the job.

Employees who are well matched to the job aremore productive, add profits, stay longer andcost less to train.

Myprofile is an opportunity for employers andrecruiters to find out how the candidate will actand behave before employing them.

It’s well known that we hire based on skills andqualifications, but we fire based on behaviour.Myprofile helps you minimise hiring mistakes byunderstanding the candidates behavioural profile.

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Don’t put a square pegin a round hole

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As children we learn to distinguishshapes, and how each shape fitsperfectly when matched.

As employers and recruitmentconsultants we must find peoplewho are best matched to the tasksthe job requires.

Not every applicant who applies fora job is a suitable ‘fit’ or match.

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A successful hire will depend onthe matching of an individual’snatural talents to the requirementsof the position, otherwise known as‘job match’.

Job match is one of the mostreliable factors to consider whenmaking a hiring decision.

Harvard Business Review confirmsin a widely cited study: “It’s notexperience that counts or collegedegrees or other accepted factors;success hinges on a fit with thejob”.

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How is Myprofile used

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Pre-employment job placementFinding the right person for the job. Is the candidatea good match for the company and the job?

Training & DevelopmentPersonalise training programs so that each employeecan be developed according to their learning style

Management Decision MakingHelp select future managers and leaders. Discover ifthe person is suited to the promotion and whattraining they may need.

Conflict ResolutionResolve conflict by understanding personal styles tosettle differences.

Myprofile is used in many different ways

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Benefits of using Myprofile

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Hire the right person for the job

Increase productivity

Reduce employee turnover

Minimise costly hiring mistakes

Reduce training costs

Increase employees sense of well being and commitment

Increase profits through higher productivity and service to customers

Build more effective and compatible teams

Communicate more effectively

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Myprofile saves you moneyand minimizes expensivehiring mistakes that can costyou thousands if you hire thewrong type of person

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How Myprofile works

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Online - accessible from anywhere at any time

Assessments take less then 15 minutes to complete

Reports emailed immediately in secure PDF format

Myprofile database has over 600 different reports

Myprofile uses four personality types and people are classified

into combinations of these four styles

Each style has its own unique strengths and weaknesses

Each style is better suited to some jobs than others

Online internet based profiling service

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How do you order

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Myprofile reports are purchased directly fromMyprofile or from an authorised Myprofile Reseller.

Purchases are made via the internet and are paid by credit cardat the time of ordering. All payments are inAustralian dollars.

Myprofile issues purchasers report coupon codeswhich are unique codes containing your emailaddress for reports to be delivered.

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Candidate Assessment

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Candidate AssessmentCandidates go to and select Myprofilefrom the choice of six assessments.

Enter here

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Candidate Assessment


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Candidate Assessment


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Candidate AssessmentCheck(tick) boxthat’s mostlike youand onewhich isleast likeyou.

Whensection iscompleteclick“next”

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Candidate Assessment

Entercouponcode here,then click“complete”.

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Myprofile reports contain valuable informationto help you make the right hiring decision

Behavioural style characteristics Career choices & job suitability Preferred working environment Value to the organisation Management style Communication style

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Job ProfilerA Myprofile service to help you identify

the type of person the job requires

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Every person has a job that perfectlymatches their personal style.

Confucius said “if you are in a job youlove, you’ll never work a day in yourlife”.

Job Profiler helps you to identify whattype of person is best suited to the joband benchmark the job style so thatyou can match candidate profiles andfind the “ideal person”.

Using Job Profiler you will save timeand money by selecting people whoare better matched to the job.

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Job profiler takes just a few minutes tocomplete. It’s available free to clients onthe Myprofile

You are asked to rate the most and theleast important qualities that the jobrequires.

You enter your details and within minutesyou will receive an email Job Profiler report.Use this report to match candidates’profiles.

You can also use the copy from the reportcontent in your job advertisement to attractpeople of a similar style.

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Understand what type ofperson the job requires

Profile candidates to find thebest match

Learn to bring out the best talent inyour employees

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Other Myprofile productsfor business & life

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MyprofileJobs & Careers

MycoachPeople Management

MyNetworkSuccessDirect Selling for Self Employed

MySalesSuccessSales Behaviour & Training

MyCareerMatchChoosing a career

MychildDiscover Potential

Behavioural & PsychometricAssessments

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Myprofile's core belief is the better weunderstand people the better ourrelationships, the better our business, thebetter our personal lives and the better ourcontribution to our community

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We help match the right person for the job

We provide businesses with people management solutions

We guide young people on the right career path

We help parents build great relationships with their children

We help coaches and managers mentor and train effectively

We help sales people achieve greater success

Our solutions are limitless

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Life Coaches, Mentors, Counsellors


Parent - Child RelationshipsFamily Counsellors

Career Choices

Direct Selling, SponsoringManaging Teams & Motivation

Sales Development & Training

Management ImprovementStaff Training & Team Building

Employee RelationshipsWorkforce Planning & Promotion

Recruitment, Job ProfilingPre employment assessments




Choose the product to suit your needs

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Order your profile reports now.Become a Myprofile client today.