mybox guideline

This is a document to help the new users getting fully understood to MyBox v2.0. This also contains some announcements of MyBox v2.0 beta. You should better read this guideline carefully before you start your MyBox journey. MyBox User Guideline Guiding you to MyBox Romam Lo

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Post on 17-Mar-2016




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MyBox is a website that enable people to begin a much more convenient and efficient internet surfing experience. This is the guideline for MyBox 2.0 Beta.


Page 1: MyBox Guideline

This is a document to help the new users

getting fully understood to MyBox v2.0.

This also contains some announcements

of MyBox v2.0 beta. You should better

read this guideline carefully before you

start your MyBox journey.

MyBox User

Guideline Guiding you to MyBox

Romam Lo

Page 2: MyBox Guideline

MyBox 2.0 Beta User Guideline

MyBox Teamwork confidential, no spreading without permission




I. Introduction .............................................................................................................................. 2

I.I About MyBox ..................................................................................................................... 2

I.II About MyBox Teamwork ............................................................................................... 2

I.III About MyBox Disk & Guideline ..................................................................................... 2

II. Update Log ................................................................................................................................ 3

III. Using MyBox v2.0 Beta ...................................................................................................... 3

III.I Prepare for MyBox v2.0 Beta ........................................................................................ 4

III.II Install/Reset MyBox v2.0 Beta....................................................................................... 4

III.III Register and Login to MyBox ......................................................................................... 5

III.IV Menu & User Control Panel .......................................................................................... 6

III.V MyBox Database Management System......................................................................... 6

IV. The Structure of MyBox System ................................................................................................ 7

IV.I User Groups................................................................................................................... 7

IV.II User Level ...................................................................................................................... 7

IV.III Database Design ............................................................................................................ 7

IV.III.I Overview ........................................................................................................... 7

IV.III.II E-R modeling ..................................................................................................... 8

IV.IV The Structure of the Major Modules ............................................................................ 9

IV.IV.I Overview ........................................................................................................... 9

IV.IV.II Database Connect & Self-Installation Module ................................................ 10

IV.IV.III Register & Login Module ................................................................................. 11

IV.IV.IV User Index Intelligent Builder Module ............................................................ 11

IV.IV.V Database Management System Module ......................................................... 12

IV.V Others .......................................................................................................................... 12

V. Expanding MyBox .................................................................................................................... 12

V.I Overview ......................................................................................................................... 13

V.II Intelligent Installation ................................................................................................. 13

V.III Index Blocks Building Function .................................................................................... 13

VI. MyBox Announcement .................................................................................................... 14

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MyBox 2.0 Beta User Guideline

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I. Introduction

I.I About MyBox

MyBox is a website which provide a platform for users to enjoy the happiness and joyful while

surfing the internet. In MyBox, you can feel the best experience as a result of the humanity

design by MyBox Teamwork. We do our best effort to give all of you a best internet environment.

Just like your home in the

real world, we made

MyBox your home in the

E-world. Start here; using

MyBox, you will definitely

have a safe and simple

Internet experience!

Up to now, the newest version of MyBox is version 2.0 beta. It’s just a beta version, a lot of

functions and security settings are unperfected, this version of MyBox just can be used in LAN.

I.II About MyBox Teamwork

MyBox Teamwork is a work group founded on 3 Apr, 2011,

with two members, Romam Lo and J.L. Huang. We focus on

making a platform for users, especially for university

students, to have an easy way to adjust to the new

environment. To make people who using MyBox feels at

home. To make people have a happier and much more joyful experience of internet surfing.

I.III About MyBox Disk & Guideline

MyBox disk contains all the information of this

project, such as project documentations, user

guideline and project reports.

MyBox user guideline is a booklet that enable

user to figure out how MyBox works and how to

use it.

With the help of this disk and guideline, you are

able to install MyBox on your local server and

perfect it by yourself.

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MyBox 2.0 Beta User Guideline

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MyBox User Guideline

II. Update Log

(The red highlight is the current version of MyBox)

06-15-2011 MyBox v2.0 beta

05-27-2011 MyBox v2.0 core

05-06-2011 MyBox v1.9 beta

04-12-2011 MyBox v1.0 core

III. Using MyBox v2.0 Beta

Here we start to present how to use the current version of MyBox in every aspect. No matter

whom you are, an administrator or just a basic user, you should read this carefully. It will help you

fast understand how to use MyBox.

But, if you are an experienced user of MyBox and have read the last version of this guideline, you

can skip this section.

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MyBox 2.0 Beta User Guideline

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III.I Prepare for MyBox v2.0 Beta

Before using MyBox v2.0 Beta, you have to make sure your basic software and Hardware

environment can meet the requirement list below.



CPU: Intel Pentium IV 1.5GHz


Graphic: NVidia MX400 64M

Network: 512Kbit/s


System: Window XP SP3

Browser: Google Chrome

Server: Apache 2.2

Database: MySQL 2.0

Package: PHP 5

III.II Install/Reset MyBox v2.0 Beta

The current version of MyBox provides a smart installation algorithm for administrator to install

or reset MyBox conveniently.

The first thing you have to do is upload all the files in the MyBox Documentation in this disk. Then

double click a shortcut called MyBoxSetting in the root directory of MyBox. This file contains all

the default configurations of MyBox. Set it correctly according to your server and database


Every time you went to MyBox index, it will check the database automatically. If the selected

database did not detected, MyBox will turn to the Install/Reset page. Administrator can easily

finish the install or reset operation following the program.

The whole process just cost about 30 seconds. After that, you can begin to enjoy MyBox.

Installation process

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III.III Register and Login to MyBox

Every user should have an account so that they could login to MyBox. In this section, we will

show you how to get an account in order to login to MyBox.

Firstly we should get an account. Do the following steps:

1. Go to MyBox index and click the hyperlink called ‘I’m a stranger!’

2. Read the user contract carefully before you click the ‘I accept’ button.

3. Fill all of the information in the form, correctly.

4. An alert window will open when you sent the form to the server. If success, see the

second part of this section, otherwise, redo the 3rd


Fill the register form

Then, we can login to MyBox now!

1. Back to the login page.

2. Fill your account and password in the textbox. If you want to save your login status on

your PC, kick the save cookies checkbox.

3. Login success and go to the user index page.

User index page

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III.IV Menu & User Control Panel

The menu bar is hiding on the top of the webpage. Move your mouse to your head picture can

show it on the screen. Then move below will hide it again. The menu bar is important, because it

contains all the hyperlinks of the main modules of MyBox.

You can find the hyperlink to user control panel in the menu. Click to enter it.

User Control Panel

You can choose your favorite blocks to show on your index. Or select your own MyBox style.

Upload your user head picture. Change your password.

III.V MyBox Database Management System

MyBox database management system is just accessible for administrators. This system is mainly

used for updating the contents of the blocks which would show in the user index. Also,

administrator can be able to alter the information of every user in MyBox.

MyBox Database Management System

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However, this system is just a core version, which means it has bugs and unreasonable designs. In

the next version of MyBox, we are going to present a new version of Management System v1.0

beta to all of you, which will give you a more humanity interface and operating environment.

IV. The Structure of MyBox System

In this section, we are going to introduce the structure of MyBox system in detail. We will first

introduce basic abstract design such as user groups, and then will introduce the details of the

main modules and algorithms (if it has) consisted in MyBox system.

IV.I User Groups

We divided users into two groups. One is called Administration. Another group is called Normal

User. Only those accounts in Administration group can enter the management page in MyBox.

About the management system of MyBox, we will introduce it later.

IV.II User Level

Every registered user in MyBox has a Level. This level is created for later functional design. The

current MyBox version did not focus on this user level.

IV.III Database Design

In this section, we will present the database design of MyBox v2.0 beta to you.

IV.III.I Overview

Here, we first get an overview of MyBox database.

(Those colored in red means that it did not actually used in the current version of MyBox)

Tables in the database

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Attributes in each table

IV.III.II E-R modeling

In this section, we are going to present the E-R modeling in our database design.

1. User Index and Free-style Model.

User Index and Free-style Model

2. Chatting Room Model.

Chatting Room Model

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3. Everyday Talk Model.

Everyday Talk Model

IV.IV The Structure of the Major Modules

In this section, we will present how the major modules running in MyBox.

IV.IV.I Overview

MyBox mainly consist of the Modules showing below. This is an overview of MyBox system.

Details of each Module (some can be merged) will present in the following sections.

Overview of MyBox System

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IV.IV.II Database Connect & Self-Installation Module

Every time you connect to MyBox, it will check the connection of the server and database. If we

are not able to find the database defined in Define.php (we have already set a shortcut called

MyBoxSetting in the documentation in this disk)


This is the float diagram of this module.

Database Connect & Self-Installation Module

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IV.IV.III Register & Login Module

This module mainly contains three sub-modules: Register Module, Get-password-back Module

and Login Module.

Here is the float diagram.

Register & Login Module

IV.IV.IV User Index Intelligent Builder Module

This module is using to build the index contents and set the style for the user. All these settings

are set by users. It is completely humanity design.

This is the float diagram of this module.

User Index Intelligent Builder Module

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IV.IV.V Database Management System Module

This module is to simplify the operation of managing MyBox. This whole module is based on the

Administration group, which means only administrators have the authority to access to this


The current version of this management system is v1.0 core. Still need to update.

The structure of the management system is showed below.

Database Management System Module

IV.V Others

There still have some parts of MyBox didn’t mentioned above, like building blocks for user. Since

we already did a detail introduction in the project final report (you can find the report in this disk),

we are not going to present them in this paper.

V. Expanding MyBox

This section is face to advance users like website designer, software programmer or MyBox Head

Administrators. If you are not professional in this field, you can skip this section.

In this section, we will present two core algorithms in MyBox system so that you can be able to

follow these algorithms to expand MyBox.

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V.I Overview

Though PHP supports program design based on object oriented, we use it as a procedure

oriented language. Course the CTO of MyBox Team, Romam Lo, has a great interest in C, the core

algorithms are very close to the C code style.

V.II Intelligent Installation

At the second section of chapter III (III.II Install/Reset MyBox v2.0 Beta), we introduced how to

use the intelligent installation to build or rebuild MyBox on the server. Here, we will present this

algorithm to you.

Since the code is too long (438 lines), we are just show some main code here. You can find this

code in MyBox Documentations in this disk.

DIR: \MyBox 2.0 - Documentation\InstallandConfigure\InstallMyBox.php

V.III Index Blocks Building Function

Since we provide a modifiable index for all users, we have to solve the index composition


We finally made a function called “handout ($windows)” and a block template to solve this

problem. With the help of this function, we are now able to define a block by just changing a few

codes in the block template. Then announce a block by adding the block information in the

database table called blocks. Finally we put the block id into handout function and this function

will composite the index automatically.

Block template

You can find it in the directory below.

DIR: \MyBox 2.0 - Documentation\UserPage\BlockBuild.php

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VI. MyBox Announcement

This is the final section in the guideline. We have some announcements here.

1. Reference Materials:

[1] JavaScript入门经典:第 4版(原文版) 作者:Michael Moncur 人民邮电出版社,


[2] PHP网络编程技术与实例 作者:曹衍龙,赵斯恩编 人民邮电出版社,2006

[3] 会思考的网页

[4] CMP影视播放器

[5] 可 以 隐 藏 与 滑 出 显 示 的 超 炫 CSS+JS 菜 单 实 例

[6] JavaScript 文本框

[7] HTML标签入门

[8] CSS样式入门

[9] Ajax 语言入门

[10] XML 格式入门

[11] issuu.com文章分享网站

[12] PHP100网站

[13] 项目合作伙伴 UU2011-大运主题网站 (马骁驰小组)

2. Publishing Rights:

This current version of MyBox is still a beta version; it can be only used in a local server!

Thank you for reading this guideline patiently. If you still have questions or have some advises,

contact us:

E-Mail: [email protected]

QQ: 372868926