my scavenger hunt landon walker. costa rica, honduras, and panama

My Scavenger Hunt Landon Walker

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Page 1: My Scavenger Hunt Landon Walker. Costa Rica, Honduras, and Panama

My Scavenger Hunt

Landon Walker

Page 2: My Scavenger Hunt Landon Walker. Costa Rica, Honduras, and Panama

Costa Rica, Honduras, and Panama

Page 3: My Scavenger Hunt Landon Walker. Costa Rica, Honduras, and Panama

Mexican, Spanish and Honduras Flags

Page 4: My Scavenger Hunt Landon Walker. Costa Rica, Honduras, and Panama

Article About Spanish Football• The Spanish team started with the following 11:

De Gea; Montoya, San José, Domínguez, Vila; Parejo, Fontás, Ander Herrera, Capel; Adrián & Bojan.

The Spaniards dominanted from start to finish the game but were not able to break through the tough & tactically positioned  Belarus side & their defensive wall. It was Spanish player & Getafe midfielder PAREJO who managed to score in the 67th min, to see REKISH equalize for Belarus in the 75th min.

Spanish Coach Milla gave everyone a run & the match finished with Spain having a good sparring partner to test things & see what they need to better if they are to do well in the Euro Championship & get a London Olympic Euro place.

The only bad news was the ankle injury that young FC Barcelona player Bojan received that may keep him side-lined a few weeks. At first sight it did nt look bad but needs to have the doctors have a look at his ankle.

Page 5: My Scavenger Hunt Landon Walker. Costa Rica, Honduras, and Panama

Recipe for Tres Leches Cake• 8 to 10 servings• Ingredients• Flour -- 1 1/2 cups • Baking powder -- 1 teaspoon • Unsalted butter, room temperature -- 1/2 cup, or 8 tablespoons • Sugar -- 3/4 cup • Eggs, room temperature -- 5 • Vanilla -- 1/2 teaspoons • Whole milk -- 1 cup • Sweetened, condensed milk -- 1 cup • Evaporated milk -- 2/3 cup • Whipping cream -- 1 1/2 cups • Sugar -- 1/2 cup • Vanilla -- 1 teaspoon• Method• Preheat oven to 350°F and grease and flour an 8x11-inch baking pan. • Sift the flour and baking powder into a large mixing bowl. Cream the butter

and sugar together in a mixer on medium speed until light and fluffy.

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Recipe Continued• Reduce mixer speed to medium-low and add the eggs one at a time, allowing each one to get

incorporated before adding the next. Finally add the vanilla and continue beating until foamy. • Remove the bowl from mixer and fold in the sifted flour until it is well incorporated. • Pour the batter into the prepared pan and bake 30 minutes, or until done. Remove from oven and

set aside to cool. • Pierce cake all over with a fork, toothpick or skewer. Mix the whole, sweetened, condensed, and

evaporated milk together and pour the mixture over the whole cake. • Refrigerate cake for anywhere from 2 to 8 hours, or until liquid is completely absorbed and cake

is well chilled. • Beat the cream, sugar and vanilla together to make whipped cream. Frost the cake with the

whipped cream and serve.• Variations• Substitute coconut milk for the whole milk if you like. Scatter the frosting with coconut flakes. • Substitute 1/2 cup rum for half the whole milk for a pastel with a punch. • If you would like a layer cake, divide the batter between 2 prepared, round cake pans. For layer

cakes, you can add a fruit filling between the layers. Try pineapple filling, peaches, bananas or any fruit that suits your fancy.

• Notes• Because of the milk ingredients, pastel de tres leches is perishable. Leftovers should be

refrigerated.• Whats4Eats Amazon Store• Buy Latin American Desserts Cookbooks »• Shop our Amazon Store for international cookbooks, foods, and kitchen products.• Average:

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Madrid, Spain; Mexico City, Mexico; Panama City, Panama

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Spain’s Currency

Tuesday, March 29, 2011 1 US Dollar = 0.71103 Euro

1 Euro (EUR) = 1.40641 US Dollar (USD) Median price = 0.71096 / 0.71103 (bid/ask)

Minimum price = 0.70842 / 0.70846 Maximum price = 0.71315 / 0.71325

Page 9: My Scavenger Hunt Landon Walker. Costa Rica, Honduras, and Panama

Spanish Poem


Si mi voz muriera en tierra...

Si mi voz muriera en tierra,llevadla al nivel del mary dejadla en la ribera.

Llevadla al nivel del mary nombradla capitaníade un blanco bajel de guerra.

O, mi voz condecorada con la insignia marinera: sobre el corazón un ancla y sobre el ancla una estrella y sobre la estrella el viento y sobre el viento una vela!

Page 10: My Scavenger Hunt Landon Walker. Costa Rica, Honduras, and Panama

Famous Spanish PersonThe Spanish head of government is known, in Spanish, as the Presidente del Gobierno. Literally translated, the title is "President of the Government"[3] or alternatively "Chairman of the Government",[4] but nevertheless the office-holder is commonly referred to in English as the "prime minister", the usual term for the head of government in a parliamentary system. However the Spanish for 'prime minister' is primer ministro; thus, for example, the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom is the Primer Ministro del Reino Unido, not the Presidente del Gobierno.

José Luis Rodríguez Zapaterosince 17 April 2004

Page 11: My Scavenger Hunt Landon Walker. Costa Rica, Honduras, and Panama

Spanish Song (by Jennifer Lopez)Una noche más

Como te soñé , yo te imagine Seduciéndome despacio

Tuya me sentí , todo te lo di Y hasta el alma me has robado

Yo nunca pensé que pudiera quererCon esta pasión que me quema la pielVolar por tu cuerpo es el cielo tocar

Quiero contigo llegar Una noche más , Oh Oh

Quisiera inventar nuestro amorUna noche más , Oh Oh Oh

Sentir junto a ti la pasión

Una noche más , Oh Oh Oh Necesito más de lo que me das

Todo ya no es suficienteMe deje llevar por un beso más

Yo estoy presa para siempreMi vida no tuvo sentido sin ti

Vivir de ilusiones fue igual que morirEn otras caricias no pude encontrar

Todo el amor que me das Mi vida no tuvo sentido sin ti

Vivir de ilusiones fue igual que morirEn otras caricias no pude encontrar

Todo el amor que me das

Page 12: My Scavenger Hunt Landon Walker. Costa Rica, Honduras, and Panama

Article On Jennifer Lopez

Too long to fit on slide, so here’s a link --

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Famous Spanish Author

Miguel de Cervantes biography --

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Political System of Mexico

• The politics of Mexico take place in a framework of a federal presidential representative democratic republic whose government is based on a congressional system, whereby the president of Mexico is both head of state and head of government, and of a multi-party system. The federal government represents the United Mexican States and is divided into three branches: executive, legislative and judicial, as established by the Political Constitution of the United Mexican States, published in 1917. The constituent states of the federation must also have a republican form of government based on a congressional system as established by their respective constitutions.

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Spain’s Timeline

Follow the link for the timeline:

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Geographical Features of Spain• Geographic features

 • The Kingdom of Spain occupies an area of 504,782 square kilometers in the southwest of

Europe, and is the second largest country in the EU. The territory of Spain covers most of the Iberian Peninsula, which it shares with Portugal, and also includes the Balearic Islands in the Mediterranean Sea, the Canary Islands in the Atlantic Ocean, the North African cities of Ceuta and Melilla and some surrounding rocky islands.

•  • Despite the differences among the various regions of Spain, the country can be said to have a

typical Mediterranean climate. The weather in the northern coastal region (looking onto the Atlantic and the Bay of Biscay) is mild and generally rainy throughout the year, with temperatures neither very low in the winter nor very high in the summer. The climate on the Mediterranean coastline, including the Balearic Islands, Ceuta and Melilla, is mild in the winter and hot and dry in the summer. The most extreme differences occur in the interior of the Peninsula, where the climate is rather dry, with cold winters and hot summers. The Canary Islands have a climate of their own, with temperatures constantly around 20 Celsius degrees and only minor variations in temperature between seasons or between day and night.

•  • Spain has an excellent quality of life and is very open to foreigners. More than 10,000

kilometers of coastline, abundant sporting facilities and events and social opportunities are crowned by the diversity of the country’s cultural heritage as a crossroads of civilizations (Celts, Romans, Visigoths, Arabs, Jews, etc.).

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Climate of Mexico

• Mexico is a large country and the climate of Mexico varies substantially depending on the region of the country that you are visiting.

• The climate in the desert regions are typically very hot during the day and cool at nights. The desert regions can often be windy as well.

• In general, Mexico City enjoys spring weather year-round, with the evenings somewhat cooler, especially in winter. June to September is the rainy season, which usually includes short and heavy showers in the afternoons.

• Bordering the Gulf of Mexico are lowlands characterized by hotter, more humid climate than the higher elevations of the country. The climate of the tropical beaches of Mexico varies between the dry and rainy seasons.

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Arabic Influence on Spain and the Spanish Language

• Modern day Spanish language (also called castellano in Spanish) first appeared in the small Christian Kingdom of Castile in northern Spain during this period of Islamic domination over most of the Iberian Peninsula, but as Arabic speakers made up only a small minority of Iberia's population at the time, and were scarce in the peninsula's far north, its influence upon Spanish at this stage would have been negligible. However, the Arabic influence on the language increased dramatically in later centuries as the Kingdom of Castile expanded by seizing land from Muslim rulers during the Reconquista, by which time the number of Arabic speakers in the peninsula had increased enormously. It also absorbed Arabic influence from arabized Christians (Mozarabs) who migrated northwards from Al Andalus during times of sectarian violence, which intensified in later times as a result of the Almoravid and Almohad invasions of Iberia in the 12th century. Indeed, much of the Arabic influence upon Spanish came indirectly, through the Mozarabs' arabized Romance dialects known today as Mozarabic or Andalusí Romance. Although the degree to which Arabic percolated the peninsula varied enormously from one area to another and is the subject of academic dispute, it is generally agreed that Arabic was used among the local elites. However, Mozarabic dialects were the prevalent vernacular languages in most areas under Muslim rule. The only area to be completely linguistically arabized was the kingdom of Granada, a kingdom in southern Spain, in the time of the Nasrid dynasty, the last Muslim dynasty in the country.

• Because of the medieval era influx of Arabic words, Spanish often ended up having both a Latin and Arabic derived word with the same meaning. For example, the Arabic word aceituna has its Latin counterpart in oliva (olive), alacrán and escorpión (scorpion), jaqueca and migraña (migraine) or alcancía and hucha (piggy bank). The influence of Mozarabic and Arabic is more noticeable in Spain's southern dialects, than in its northern ones.

• A small number of words were also borrowed from Moroccan Arabic principally as a result of Spain's protectorate over Spanish Morocco in the 19th and 20th centuries.

• The influence of Arabic on the Spanish language is fundamentally lexical; other influences are also briefly examined in this article.

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Movie Star

• Like Antonio Banderas and Penélope Cruz, Javier Bardem is a famous star in Spain. His résume holds an extensive filming career due to his talent of giving more than his soul to each role he performs. He was the first Spanish actor to receive an Oscar nomination for his portrayal of controversial Cuban poet and exiled prisoner Reinaldo Arenas in the 2000 film Before Night Falls. A great feat achieved for his first film outside of Spain portraying a role that required him to speak a foreign language (English) with a Cuban accent. However, it was his role as an assassin in the 2006’s No Country for Old Men, by the Academy Award-winning American Filmmaking pair, the Coen brothers, which finally won him the well-earned Oscar after years of hard work.

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Hispanic Product Distributor


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Painting by Picasso

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3 Most Spoken Languages in the World

•  1. Chinese (Mandarin) 1,213,000,000  2. Spanish 329,000,000  3. English 328,000,000

Read more: Most Popular Languages in the World by Number of Speakers —