my pride stories

Student Name: Jing Jing Zheng Student # : 300712268 Course Code: BUSN 210 - 110 Professor: James Quance Date: November 20. 2012 SlideShare Assignment

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Page 1: mY pRIdE sTORiEs

Student Name: Jing Jing ZhengStudent # : 300712268Course Code: BUSN 210 -110Professor: James QuanceDate: November 20. 2012

SlideShare Assignment

Page 2: mY pRIdE sTORiEs

Responsibility• My cousin lived with me from 4

months ago because of I am the only relative when his father went to other city for work lasts more than 1 year.

• As a full-time student of college and guardian of my cousin, I balance these two characters quite well with my boyfriend’s help.

• I changed my time-table to fit his school’s schedule; as a result, I could be home all the time with him after school. I prepared meals for him and stayed around him when he asked my companion.

• I knew that being a mom is not that easy ; however, I still have a lot benefits form this experience and handled my responsibilities as a parent figure in a highly intelligent and caring fashion.

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Self-Confidence • I was doing a presentation

about an interesting facts of accounting in front of English class.

• For me, the most terrible fear is to present something in front of many people. I finished anyway with much better result than I thought before. I think I built my self-confidence and overcame my fear.

• I fully prepared and practiced my words so many times at home, so that I did not forget when I was getting so nervous during the presentation.

• I done my presentation well and overcame my weakness. I think I would have a better performance next time based on this successful experience.

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Diploma• I was studying at Albert Campbell

C.I. until grade 10, then I dropped out of school for work.

• I continued study at, Monsignor Fraser College , the adult school to accomplish all the credits I need in order to get my diploma. I finally get one.

• When I was in the work field, I realized my education background wasn’t eligible to get any job I wanted. So I decided to go back to adult school to finish all the high school courses; moreover, I also volunteered at daycare center for my community hours that required for the graduation.

• I worked extremely hard to completed all the courses and found out the price-less of knowledge. I am proud of graduating the high school with diploma, the proof of my hard working and value.

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Travel• My family and friends , we went to

Cheltenham Badlands Park which located on the Southside of Olde Base Line Road.

• The formation was exposed by poor farming practices in the 1930s that led to soil erosion; exposed the underlying shale and is mostly red in colour. It’s my first time to visit there and I was having a lot of fun.

• We made a plan and prepared the food and map in case we are lost when we designed to go to the park. It’s a kind of unreasonable that you stay at home when it’s maple season.

• To have such unique and attractive scenery in your photo, it’s really delightful thing for us, especially for me. I’m lazy guy and hate hiking on the weekend; however, the nice scenery of the park still impressed me and enjoyed it lots.

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Trick Or Treat• My cousin and I went to trick or

treat on the Halloween; we have to knock every house for candies in the rainy and cold weather.

• We got whole basket of candies from our neighbors.

• I prepared costume and basket for my cousin two weeks before Halloween. This was first time for my cousin went out for Trick or Treat, because his parents were too busy for their work. At that night, we walked for three hours and knocked over one hundred houses for candies.

• I made my cousin’s wish to go to Trick Or Tread came true. It will be a nice memory for both of us. Being a guardian of my cousin, I learned to be responsibility and patience to take care of my cousin.