“my prayer is not for them alone. i pray also for those...

“My prayer is not for them alone. I pray also for those who will believe in me through their message, that all of them may be one, Father, just as you are in me and I am in you. May they also be in us so that the world may believe that you have sent me.” John 17:20b-21a, 21c (NIV)

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“My prayer is not for them alone. I pray also for those who will believe in me through their message, that all of them may be one, Father, just as you are in me and I am in you. May they also be in us so that the world may believe that you have sent me.” John 17:20b-21a, 21c (NIV)

A message from Pastor Greg

This year First Church celebrates 50 years of leading people to know, worship and serve Jesus Christ! As we celebrate such a significant milestone and give thanks for those who stepped up to start and shepherd First Church over the years, we will also ask a very timely and vital question. What will First Church look like 50 years from now? What can we do today to set the course for leading future generations to know, worship and serve Jesus Christ?

I have a deep sense of urgency for our mission and believe God has led us to a season of great opportunity. He is calling us to come together as one church that experiences the power of His story unfolding in our lives and that extends His love to a lost, and hurting world. In John 17 Jesus passionately prays for us to be united in order to impact our world: “My prayer is not for them alone. I pray also for those who will believe in me through their message, that all of them may be one, Father, just as you are in me and I am in you. May they also be in us so that the world may believe that you have sent me.” John 17:20b-21a, 21c (NIV)

That is what makes “ONE” so important. In this Vision Campaign we will invite others to become part of One Story, God’s Story, come together as One Church, and pray for One God-sized impact on our community and the world. I believe “ONE” has the potential to define the ministry of First Church for years to come.

As we celebrate the past 50 years and prepare for the next 50 years, it will be a great opportunity for each of us to grow in our faith through relationship, steward-ship, and partnership. I’m excited and thankful to be on this journey with you!

ONE with you in Christ,

Senior Pastor



Reaching and redeeming the lost through His Son, Jesus Christ.“For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoeverbelieves in Him, should not perish but have everlasting life.” John 3:16 (NKJV)

Everything begins and ends with God’s story. The story of His love. The story of His for-

giveness. The story of His redemption, mercy and grace. The story of how He relentlessly

pursues us when others have given up, or even when we’ve given up on ourselves.

How did God pursue you and how did you become aware of His story? At what point did

you recognize how much you need Him? How and when did you surrender to the one,

true, holy God? And how will you now serve Him?

We pray that the ONE campaign will draw each of us closer into God’s story as we grow

deeper in relationships, stewardship and our partnership with the living God.

During the coming weeks, months and years, we pray that we will grow closer as a church

body, in our study of God’s word and in our service to others.

When it comes down to it, there’s really only one story, God’s story.The question is, what role will we play in that story?


Whether you are one of the fourteen who met at the first service in the firehouse fifty years ago, or if you just discovered First Church today, we are so glad that you are woven into our story and more important-ly, that you are part of God’s story.

For all of you who have been at First Church since those early years, we owe you a huge thanks! Based on your commitment to lead people to know, worship and serve Jesus Christ, you purchased land, built buildings with your own hands, and became a shining light in a growing community.

Others of us joined the story along the way and soon more land was purchased, a new church was built in Burlington, and facilities were added to create our campus as it is today. At each step, we have always asked the question, “What will it take to reach more people for Jesus?” God has given us ex-travagant grace and He receives all of the glory for the First Church story, for our growth and for bringing each of us into His life-changing, eternal story.

A legacy of reaching people for Jesus.

14 People atFirst Church FLORENCE

Firehouse Basement1964

Florence Building1966

Education Wing1967

New Auditorium1975

The GoalEach One, Reach OneWith the first fifty years behind us,what will we do to reach more peoplefor Jesus in the next fifty years?

The PlanNow’s our chance to carry the legacy forward! ONE is not just about buildings and projects, it is about relationships. Over the next three years we will all be challenged to bring at least one person or fam-ily into the First Church family. Start praying now for God to lay on your heart someone you know who is living far from God and needs Jesus in their life. Begin preparing your story of how God reached you – it might even have been through a small group of believers meeting in the basement of an old firehouse.

2,400 + Peopleat First Church


Burlington Campus1995

FIRST Center2002

Student Center2007

Future Union Campus2014

The PlanThe big plan is to finish the new Union Campus with excellence AND to do so without carrying debt.By raising $2.7 million over 3 years, we can completely pay off the Union Campus including the initial pur-chase, build-out, furnishings, equipment, signage, and repaving of the parking lot. We want to maximize the opportunity to impact our community in a real and exciting way, and a task force has been working with architects and engineers to create a comfortable and fully serviceable place of worship. When the build-out is complete, there will be 14,750 square feet that will accommodate close to 1,000 people intwo services.

The Goal$2.7 Million (over 3 years)

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The Union Campus floor plan below shows how space will be utilized for worship, study, and a full range of children and youth ministries. We have an excellent team of staff and volunteer leaders in place at Union and have already added a second service to handle the momentum and growth at their temporary home, the Florentine. As one of the fastest growing communities in the area, it will be an amazing time to see God and His people at work as we reach out and serve Union and the surrounding communities with His love and compassion.


Union Campus Floor Plan

“With the launch of the Union campus, we have the unique opportunity to move into a new community to meet people exactly where they are. It will

be an exciting time of meeting new people and building those relatioships through serving, encouraging, and inviting them to church! The task is

great, but the sense of urgency is even greater as we anticipate sharing God’s love like never before.”

— Darin Mirante, Union Campus Pastor


A great location for outreach.

The new Union Campus is located off of Interstate I-75 and Richwood Road (Exit #175.) This exit is popular for its easy interstate access and many quick service restaurants.

While the location is well-suited for people living in Union, it is also a short driving distance fromcommunities in Boone, Kenton and even Grant County.

First Church Union is being built-out in a retail shopping center that was never fully developed.

The Union campus will be functional to meet the needs of a growing church family while also having special touches and features so that it feels warm and welcoming. These pictures show the main enterance, hallway, coffee area and a children’s classroom.

Did you know? It is estimated that buying the Union property and existing building saved First Church a million or more dollars compared to the cost to buy land and build from scratch. Months if not years of time were saved as well.?

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The PlanAs with the build-out of the Union Campus, the desire for the Burlington Campus is to put our best foot forward and make the greatest possible impact for Christ. While we have been blessed over the years with wonderful facilities, we are looking into enhancements and improvements that will help make Burlington more functional, relevant and welcoming for our First Church family and for those we invite to join God’s story.

A special task force of church members with expertise in these areas has identified a number of creative ways to maximize our current space and property including new outdoor signage, upgrades to the Chil-dren’s Ministry areas and the addition of a covered drop-off at the east entrance for children and fami-lies. The list is still being refined and prioritized. Only committed funds that exceed the cost of the Union Campus will be used to fund the Burlington projects. This will keep us from taking on additional debt for the Burlington Campus while making the most of our church home to reach out to those who need Jesus.

The Goal$1-2 Million (over 3 years)

Computer rendering of covered drop-off area for families on the east side of the First

Center, one of several Burlington campus projects under consideration.

The PlanMissions are integral to First Church and in the ONE campaign. We will make a special investment in

TCM International Institute, a long-time mission partner that equips church leaders for significant service

in Europe, Central Asia, and the Middle East. By developing disciple makers through graduate Chris-

tian leadership education, TCM makes a global impact by more effectively influencing their churches,

cultures and countries for Christ.

TCM prepares nationals to lead the church in their own country. Nationals know the language, under-

stand the culture, are often already involved in ministry, and will work for a lifetime in their regions. Our

$150,000 commitment will help build much-needed housing at House Edelweiss where students live

while they are training away from their home countries. We will be supporting God’s church to help reach

His children in some of the most difficult regions in the world.

ONECHURCH • AROUND THE WORLDThe Goal$150,000 (over 3 years)


“One of our most vital ministries in reaching the unchurched in East-ern Europe, and dear to my heart is Haus Edelweiss, a seminary near Vienna, Austria. We have over 400 graduates working in 36 countries. I am humbled just to be in their presence because they serve in some of the most difficult places and on meager means. Thank you First Church for making TCM a part of the ONE Campaign!”

— LD Campbell

Did you know? First Church currently dedicates 17% of the budget to support missions. In the past 10 years alone, more than $7 million has been invested in God’s work locally, regionally and around the world. It all started back at the Firehouse when the gentleman who provided the loan for the property and building materials for the US 42 location required that at least a tithe or 10% of the budget would go to missions. The legacy of giving and God’s amazing blessings have continued to this day.


Student housing under construction for students and their families while attending TCM training.

“TCM has been very useful for my ministry. It really helped me to grow in knowledge and faith. They show and teach a way to trust the Word and

make a difference in the world.”— Peter, Hungary


Each one, reach onenew person or family

Union Campus(plus future locations)



The PlanSince those first days in the firehouse it has been amazing to see God work through His church and His people. In the ONE vision campaign, we are seeking God’s blessings to set the course for leading future generations to know, worship and serve Jesus Christ. We are praying that by inviting others to become part of ONE story, God’s story, and by committing financially to ONE church, we will witness ONE God-sized impact in our lives, our church, our community, in the lives of our family and friends, and across the world. For just over a year we have been implementing our mission with a vision to reach 3% of the tri-state for Christ as we continue to ask the question, “What will it take to reach more people for Jesus?”

The GoalImpact the world for Christ for the NEXT 50 years.

+ =x1 1 3%Multi-Sites

Did you know? The multi-site strategy of launching new campuses is a proven, cost-effec-tive way to reach more people for Christ and was originally studied by the Elders and built into the planning while LD Campbell was serving as our Senior Pastor.?

By continuing to plant new sites we can reach the unchurched and the lost where they are and show them God’s love and compassion in a meaningful way. It will take God’s power, and all of us using our talents and resources together as one, to transform the society for Christ in the next 50 years.



Imagine the God-sized impact on our world and on eternity if 3% of the tri-state were sold-out to knowing, worshiping, and servingJesus Christ, and leading others to do the same!

Experts note thatjust 2 to 3%

of a populationcan transform

the whole society.

Impacted by thepower of Christin their community.


Campaign Summary

IMPACTGOALS (3 years)Bring one new person or familyinto the First Church family.

$2.7 million to finish off the Union Cam-pus with excellence and to do so without carrying debt. This includes the initial purchase, build-out, furnishing, equip-ment, signage, and repaving theparking lot.

$1 to 2 million to improve and maximize our current facilities without adding debt. Projects will be prioritized and include outdoor signage, upgrades to Children’s Ministry and a covered drop-off area.

$150,000 to build housing for students who are living away from their home countries while being trained at TCM.

Set the course for the next 50 years of ministry in our community and around the world.





TCMInternational Institute


Over 2,500 lives become part of God’s life-changing, eternal story.

God’s love and compassion will be brought into new neighbor-hoods and communities with the capacity for 1,000 to worship at two weekend services and the potential for many more to know and serve Christ.

Our campus will be more function-al, relevant and welcoming to the people we invite to become part of God’s story as well as to our Church family. We will put our best foot forward in ministry to reach the unchurched.

Both current and future generations will come to know, worship and serve Jesus Christ.

Church leaders well equipped for significant service in their home countries in Europe, Cental Asia, and the Middle East.

Did you know? First Church has faithfully supported 4 different capital campaigns starting with the purchase of land to build the Burlington Campus. It has been 8 years since our last campaign which was called Dare to Dream.

It will take all of us, sacrificing together andgiving as one.Begin praying about your commitment to the campaign, individually or as a family.

Possibly the most challenging - yet the most rewarding - growth step in our relationship with Jesus is in gaining and practicing a Biblical understanding of finances. It’s in our finances that the tangible meets the spiritual. And time and again, the people at First Church have stepped out in faith, giving sacrificially to something they love more - reaching the lost for Jesus.

First Church’s understanding of biblical stewardship is best de-scribed as, “not equal gifts but equal sacrifice.” We know these are economically challenging times yet we want each person to experi-ence the joy of being generous to God in a sacrificial manner and the blessings that He always gives back to us.

Plan to give in three ways:


COMMITMENT CARDName: Address: City: State: Zip:

1. Kick-Off Gift (Cash, Check, or online)

2. Three Year Commitment (begins April 2014)

3. Gift in Kind (please describe gift below)

$ to be given on CommitmentWeekend, March 22 & 23, 2014

$ $_____ a week for 156 weeks -or-

$ $_____ a month for 36 months -or-



$_____ a year for 3 years

Appromixate cash value of gift

_ __

Total: Three Year Commitment Total

$ Please add totals from allboxes above

signature date

_ __

_ __

1. Give a Kick-Off Gift: Each family is encouraged to prayerfully consider bringing the largest check they’ve ever given to First Church on Commitment Weekend, March 22 & 23. This will help raise the largest offering ever and save thousands of dollars in interest by immediately paying down the loan. 2. Make a Three Year Commitment: You may be surprised at how much you can give when it’s spread over time. See the giv-ing potential guide on the next page for a starting point.

3. Give a Gift of Assets: You can also give real estate, boats, cars, coins, stocks, bonds etc.

Ask God for creative ways to increase your gift. You might con-sider income from savings, tax refunds, garage sales, reducing expenses, deferring a major purchase, etc. Involve your whole family to step out in faith and grow spiritually through giving.

Sample Commitment Card

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Making yourpersonal commitment.Consider these questions and scriptures:

How has God Blessed Me through First Church of Christ?“I will sacrifice a freewill offering to you; I will praise your name, O Lord, for it is good.” Psalm 54:6 (NIV)

Does my giving indicate I’m growing in spiritual maturity?“Since you excel in everything - in faith, in speech, in knowledge, in complete earnestness and in the love we have kindled in you - see that you also excel in this grace of giving… I want to test the sincerity of your love.” 2 Corinthians 8:7-8 (NIV)

Am I willing to give generously and then trust God to care for my needs?“God is able to make it up to you by giving you everything you need and more, so there will not only be enough for your own needs, but plenty left over to give joyfully to others.” 2 Corinthians 9:8 (Living Bible)

Giving Potential Over a 3-Year Period Weekly Monthly Annual Total Gift

$2,000 $8,667 $104,000 $312,000

$1,500 $6,500 $78,000 $234,000

$1,000 $4,333 $52,000 $156,000

$500 $2,167 $26,000 $78,000

$300 $1,300 $15,600 $46,800

$200 $867 $10,400 $31,200

$150 $650 $7,800 $23,400

$100 $433 $5,200 $15,600

$75 $325 $3,840 $11,700

$50 $217 $2,600 $7,800

$40 $173 $2,080 $6,240

$30 $130 $1,560 $4,680

$25 $108 $1,300 $3,900

$20 $87 $1,040 $3,120

$15 $65 $780 $2,340

$10 $43 $520 $1,560

$5 $22 $264 $780Finally, please pray that God will be glorified inthis campaign and in all that we do.Ask God to move in a mighty way within our church, our community and among the lost. Pray for our church leaders and that God will bless them with wisdom and discernment in handling the matters of His church. Pray that God will do amazing things through this campaign that go beyond anything we could ever conceive of or imagine - that He will set the course for the next 50 years of ministry, so that future generations will come to know, worship and serve Jesus Christ.