my name is samuel, samuel pepys – you can call me mr pepys. i will be your guide around the city...

My name is Samuel, Samuel Pepys – you can call me Mr Pepys. I will be your guide around the city – London. Always start by clicking on my picture so you can read extracts from my famous diary. The year is 1665 - troubled times lie ahead. Death’s dark shadow has returned and the smell of fear hangs in the streets (and other unmentionable odours). After you’ve read this click here and continue. Hot link to useful site ICE – search engine Next page What did Mr Pepys see on June 7 th that really frightened him? Describe how you would feel if while walking along a street near your home you came upon the same scene. Presenter

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Page 1: My name is Samuel, Samuel Pepys – you can call me Mr Pepys. I will be your guide around the city – London. Always start by clicking on my picture so you

My name is Samuel, Samuel Pepys – you can call me Mr Pepys. I will be your guide around the city – London. Always start by clicking on my picture so

you can read extracts from my famous diary.The year is 1665 - troubled times lie ahead. Death’s

dark shadow has returned and the smell of fear hangs in the streets (and other unmentionable

odours).After you’ve read this click here and continue.

Hot link to useful site

ICE – search engine

Next page

What did Mr Pepys see on June 7th that really frightened him? Describe how you would feel if while walking along a street near your home you came upon the same scene.


Page 2: My name is Samuel, Samuel Pepys – you can call me Mr Pepys. I will be your guide around the city – London. Always start by clicking on my picture so you

Rumours have spread through the city that the Plague has

returned. I have bought some tobacco and sweet smelling

herbs for protection. For some it is already too late! ‘God have

mercy on us!’ Click here

When people heard the rumours what did they do, how did they react? Look at the wood carving below. What does it tell us about the people’s behaviour? Make a radio broadcast describing what’s happening in and around London as the rumours spread.

Page 3: My name is Samuel, Samuel Pepys – you can call me Mr Pepys. I will be your guide around the city – London. Always start by clicking on my picture so you

All the signs were there and we ignored them. The city was

already in a foul and vile condition. When Summer came

my instincts warned me that something terrible was about to

happen. Click here

Explain how these different elements created a recipe for disease and disaster.

Weather during the winter of 1664-65

Summer weather 1665

Street and housing conditions



Page 4: My name is Samuel, Samuel Pepys – you can call me Mr Pepys. I will be your guide around the city – London. Always start by clicking on my picture so you

You would probably laugh at some of our strange ideas and the

desperate things people would do to protect themselves from the plague.

But if you were in our shoes what would you have done? Click here

then the book page

1. Research the symptoms of this terrible disease.

2. Complete the symptoms/ causes sheet by clicking here

3. Recreate and record a plague doctor surgery. You will need patients with symptoms and a doctor to prescribe treatments.

Page 5: My name is Samuel, Samuel Pepys – you can call me Mr Pepys. I will be your guide around the city – London. Always start by clicking on my picture so you

In the summer of 1665 the plague spread through the city bringing pain and death to

thousands. The Bills of Mortality figures were shocking! We prayed for a quick end

to the suffering but the death carts kept coming and every night we heard the call ‘bring out your dead!’ The cry still sends a

chill through my body. Click here

1.Where did the plague start and how did it spread across the city?

2. Complete the spreadsheet with weekly deaths from the plague between June 1665 and Dec 1665. Analyse and graph the results.

Page 6: My name is Samuel, Samuel Pepys – you can call me Mr Pepys. I will be your guide around the city – London. Always start by clicking on my picture so you

The King and the authorities tried to stop the plague spreading but it was hopeless. Within weeks we heard reports that the plague had reached Cambridge and the Midlands. One village in Derbyshire was very badly affected. The courage of the

people of Eyam would go down in history. Click here

1.Research the story of Eyam, the main characters and the sacrifice they made. Prepare a short speech 100-150 words supporting the decision or arguing against it.

2. Choose one family from Eyam and tell their story. What happened to them? Did any survive?

Page 7: My name is Samuel, Samuel Pepys – you can call me Mr Pepys. I will be your guide around the city – London. Always start by clicking on my picture so you

You probably had a good laugh at some of our strange ideas about the causes of the

Plague and some of the treatments we came up with. But you must remember that the Plague spread panic and fear across the country. What would you do if a strange

disease started to spread in your community? Then again – in the 21st century it couldn’t

happen. Could it? Click here

Research a modern day pandemic that’s caused panic across the world.

Explain the causes and how people reacted. What precautions did governments introduce?

How are these pandemics similar and different to the Plague of 1665?