my life at purdue


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Photo essau of how I have adjusted to my life at Purdue.


Page 1: My Life at Purdue

My Life at Purdue

Jillian Chyriwski

A Drastic Change

Page 2: My Life at Purdue

Purdue sign by the Union.

Purdue University was founded in 1869. John Purdue donated land and money in order for a college of sci-ence, technology and agriculture to be established in his name. At first I was unsure about accepting my offer to come to Purdue. I was hesitant about the distance from home and being the only one from my town to attend this university. However, I do not think I would be happier anywhere else. Purdue University has become my new home. By attending this university, I am able to pursue my career in Hospitality and Tour-ism Management. Purdue University has opened up many opportunities and a “new life” for me.

A New Start!

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This is the entrance to my “new home”.

My actual room.

My New Home

These two pictures are pictures of what I consider my new home. The picture to the left is the door to my room. My roommate and I have decorated it to make it more “homey”. We wanted to make it more welcoming and approachable, since we both like meeting new people. The sign placed to-wards the top of the door is a “Where Are We” sign. It tells people where we are or what we are doing. We also placed a wipe off board towards the bottom of the door so we or other people can leave messages. The picture to the right is my actual room. This is where I spend most of my time. I sleep, eat, study and relax in here. My room here is completely different from my room back home and I had to adjust to the new living arrangements. At home I had my own room. Having a roomand I had to adjust to the new living arrangements. At home I had my own room. Having a room-mate I had to change my living habits to accommodate hers. I do not mind having a roommate be-cause we get along great.

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Homework Time

Making the transition from high school to college, the amount and type of work I have to do has changed. I have to manage my time wisely. I make sure I get all my work done and done on time. The work I do now is in classes based in my major, unlike high school where I had to take mandatory classes. I do not mind the work in college as much because it is in classes I want to take. I plan on becoming a Hospitality and Tourism major and eventually owning my own successful business or working in the sporting event ield. In order to make my career dream come true, I have to work hard and get all my work and studying done.

A typical amount of work i have for my classes.

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Floor Activities!

Chocolate Fountain and Movie NIght.

A pumpkin my friend carved during a Pumpkin Carving event.

Living on the first floor of Owen Hall, my RA, Kristina, puts together floor activities where the girls on the floor can get to know each other and participate in arts and crafts or movie nights. I live on the northwest side of Owen Hall. My RA will put together events with other floors or the other side of our hall. We have done events such as making door stops and signs for our doors, carving pumpkins, having a chocolate fountain and movie night, and tie dying t-shirts. At these events, I have been able to meet new people. Not only are the activities fun, but I have the opportunity to make new friends.

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My Lacrosse team here at Purdue at our Chicago tournament.

Lacrosse Team!

I started playing lacrosse when I was about eight years old. I come from a lacrosse family. My two older brothers and my younger sister play. Playing lacrosse as I was growing up, I met new people and just had fun. Since my whole family played, it brought us together. We would go to each other’s games and cheer each other on. I played all through high school and loved the sport. Coming to Purdue, I wanted a way to bring a little bit of home with me. I joined the team and it reminds me each day of home and once again I am meeting new people and having fun. Being part of this team has been great. We have team dinners before games, we travel to tournaments, and have fun during practices. I joined the team in order to make before games, we travel to tournaments, and have fun during practices. I joined the team in order to make new friends by playing a sport I love. I was nervous at first about joining the team because I did not know anyone, but I am happy I joined. Everyone gets along great and the upper classmen made me feel like part of the team right from the start.

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Football Games!Tailgaiting before the game.

At the game with my friends.

Every Saturday, for home games, my friends and I tailgate with one of my friend’s family and then head to the game. For parents’ weekend, my parents came for the game. The picture to the left was taken that day. We barbequed and just hung out until the start of the game. It is fun having everyone together. The picture to the right was taken during one of the games. My friends and I go to the games and cheer on the Boilermakers! No matter if we are winning or losing, we always have fun. I have never been to a college football game before I came to Purdue, so I was excited to go and I try to make it to every game.

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My New “Family”

Being from New York I do not have the luxury of being able to go home on the weekend or whenever I feel homesick. Whenever I had a problem back home I would always be able to turn to my family or friends for advice. Being so far away, I have had to adjust and nd people I can turn too. I was nervous rst coming to Purdue because I did not know anyone. I was not sure how hard or easy it woulD be to be able to make friends. These pictures are of the people I am closest to here. They are there for me whenever I need them. We hang out all the time. We have so much fun going out together or just staying in and watching a movie. I know that if I ever have a problem or just need someone to talk to, they are always there for me. They are know that if I ever have a problem or just need someone to talk to, they are always there for me. They are part of my family now and i’m so glad I met them.

My closest friends here.

My oormmates.

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Map of Purdue’s campus.

One out of Thousands

Purdue’s campus is home to over 70,000 students. Choosing to attend such a big school has “forced” me to adjusting to a new environment. I have shown the ways I have found my place in such a large community. I have joined the women’s club lacrosse team, I attend my floor’s activities, I keep up with my schoolwork and I have made my room my new home. Along the way I have made a new family that I know I can turn to. Purdue is such a large campus, but I have been able to find my place and I could not be happier.