my life as a teenage pokémon -

[ MY LIFE AS A TEENAGE POKÉMON] Two Pokémon trainers decide to be daredevils and test a legend. When they become Pokémon, they must start out on what will be called the Quest for the Cure. They will find others like them on the road to their goal, but there will be challenges too. 2014 Super Legacy Co. Link EeveeMaster

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[ My Life as a Teenage Pokémon]Two Pokémon trainers decide to be daredevils and test a legend. When they become Pokémon, they must start out on what will be called the Quest for the Cure. They will find others like them on the road to their goal, but there will be challenges too.

2014Super Legacy Co.

Link EeveeMaster

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By: Link EeveeMaster

Now: Cornered. I was cornered, with my least favorite trainer, and we were about to be caught. Why, oh why, did I feel the need to prove a legend

wrong? Oh wait, I’m getting ahead of myself. Here’s the whole story.

About a day before: This was it! Today was the day! Finally, I was allowed to become a POKEMON TRAINER!!!!! Today, my dream came true! As I headed over to Prof.

Elm’s Pokémon lab, I thought about what Pokémon I would take as a starter. “I think I’ll take… a piplup,” I thought.

Just then, Max Stevens walked up. He was also becoming a trainer today. One thing about him: we had been mortal enemies since we met. It was always an “I’M better, not you” contest between us.

“Hello,” he said. “Are you also going to get your starter?” This was known as something I like to call a “Well DUH” moment. “I’ve got a bet for you,” Max continued. “You remember The Legend, right? [Another “Well DUH” moment.]

The Legend goes something like this: If the trainers, two, go to Empoleon Beach and enter the water, before getting their starter Pokémon, then they shalt suffer… as POKEMON!!!!

Neither one of us knew it was true [ignorance isn’t ALWAYS bliss], and the bet was if I was too chicken to test it. So, I bet HIM the same thing.

“No fair!” he complained. “I said it first!”

10 minutes later @ Empoleon Beach: So there we were, ready to become junior Myth Busters. The Legend had made everyone believe that you had to have at least one Pokémon [or be one] to go into Empoleon Beach’s water. But we still got in. Then we blacked out.

When I woke up, I nearly fainted. There was a Pikachu… the size of ME!!!!! I started to rub my eyes in case there was something in them that was making me see this until I looked at my hand… or should I say… my PAW!!! I managed to get a mirror out of my trainer’s bag, and saw something horrifying. My reflection was that of… [Dun dun duuuu] an EEVEE!!!!! [That is a picture of an Eevee up by the title.]

My Life as a Teenage Pokémon

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Then the Pikachu woke up, and froze when it saw me. I figured out what happened right then. The Pikachu was MAX!!!!! We had become Pokémon! “Max, Max, it’s me, Link!” I said. “The Legend is true!”

“LINK!?!?” he shouted. “Is that you?”

“Oh no,” I replied in a sarcastic voice. “I’m just an Eevee who just happens to know you and your [this next word I said in an even more sarcastic voice] friend’s name. OF COURSE I’M LINK!!!!!”

“Wait… wasn’t there more to The Legend?” Max asked.

Oops. I forgot to tell you that The Legend was on a stone wall by Empoleon beach, but there was some sort of code underneath it. The code looks like a bunch of Pokémon footprints. It is supposedly impossible to read. But now it looked like “But, in The Cave of Ninetales, the deepest cavern holds a cure.”


“HOW THE FREAK AM I SUPPOSED TO KNOW!?!?!?” I screeched right back.

Yo-yo, I’m Ninetales, Bra.

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“Remember where Ninetales was first discovered?” I asked.

“No. Why?”

“It might be the Cave of Ninetales.” I replied.

“So where are we going?” Max asked.

“It will require commiting a crime.”


“We…” I started. “Are going to break into the Poke-mueseum.”

Deleted scene 1: 2–and-a-half hours later @ Pika-Cliff

5 hours later @ the Poke-Mueseum: “You’re not serious, right?” Max repeated for the umpteenth time. “I don’t need a criminal record. I don’t WANT a criminal record. I may look like a pikachu, but inside, I’m still a human being.”

“Sit down and SHUT UP, Max!” I hissed through clenched teeth. “These people might, I repeat MIGHT, arrest pokemon! You say you don’t want a criminal record, but you will have alerted the guards soon enough!”

Luckily, Max did as I said. Mostly. He still whined, but it was a little quieter. Or so I thought. “I thought I heard something over there.” “SO GO CHECK!!!”

“Now you did it, Max.” I whispered. For indeed those were HUMAN voices.

So, of course we ran. But we ended up in a corner, with the guards right behind us. So we ended up here. Cornered. I was cornered, with my least favorite trainer, and we were about to be caught. Why, oh why, did I feel the need to prove a legend wrong? I should have chickened out when I had the chance.

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But maybe luck was on our side. “It’s just an eevee and a pikachu. I’m heading back.” The guard said into his walkie-talkie and left.

“I think that was a close one.” Max said as we headed to the employee entrance where the guard had disappeared.


Me. Angry. Max after I yelled at him.

“I’m sorry, Link!” Max kept repeating. “I didn’t know that would happen! Please let me stay with you!” I just glared at him without a sound. “Seriously, the Silent Treatment?” He asked.

Oh yeah, I thought. The Silent Treatment.

Now, your probably thinking, How would you remember where ninetales was discovered? You must have last been to the Poke-Mueseum years ago! But it wasn’t that long ago. Whenever someone is about to become a trainer, the day before they do, their parents take him/her to the Poke-Mueseum.

What you SHOULD be asking is, How did Max not remember where ninetales was discovered? I was going to investigate as soon as the Silent Treatment was off, which would be when we were in the Cave of Ninetales.

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At this point, Max was by the cave.“Uhh, Link? Do you know what humans sometimes call this cave?” I raised one eyebrow, which, coming from most people, including me, was a sign of confusion.“I’ll take that as a no then.” Max paused, then continued. “They call it the Cave of Ninetales.”

10 seconds later in the Cave of Ninetales: “Max, what was that uh-oh abou… uh-oh.” I said.

“*gulp*” Max swallowed.

“Guess who you get to battle!” Snarled the arcanine.

“Umm, right now?” Max said. “How about…”

“SILENCE!!!!!” Interupted the bibarel. “Let the battle commence!”

10 minutes later: “finally…gasp…we beat them…” I said.

“HELP!” Screamed a girl’s voice.”HELPPPPPPPP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”

We turned around and saw… a parichisu that was tied up and hanging from the ceiling.

“What happened? Who are you?” Max asked after we freed the parichisu.

“I… I’m Carla.” Carla answered. “I know how crazy this sounds, but, I’m a human. A pokemon trainer, to be exact. I was testing this thing called…”

“The Legend, right?” I interupted.

“That’s right… but how would you know?” Carla replied.

“Because WE were testing the Legend, too.” Max answered. “And as soon as we are humans again, we are going to get our starters, and quite probably NEVER go back to Empoleon Beach!”

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Carla then asked, “May I come with you?”

Me and Max looked at each other. “Can we allow an electric squirrel to come with us?” Max asked me.

“If she doesn’t electrocute me.” I replied.

“Trains.” Carla pitched in.

“Come on, Carla, lets go!” Max yelled to get her attention.

Welcome to the Mirror Maze!

Beware of mean Weepinbell.

“What is a Weepinbell?” Max asked. “A pokemon that sucks up people and pokemon and spits them out of their teritory.” I, the human pokedex, replied.

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‘I’m so STARTLED!’


“How big could this maze be, anyway?” I said, and then quoted Skythekidrs. “I’m so STARTLED!!!!!!!!” The maze was HUGE. It looked like it was built to be a dead-end. But we were not going to be stopped. So we went on.

I went right, Max went left, and Carla went straight. Each one of us was going to discover something. Or we would find someone.

Carla: she was running. Searching. Trying to find an exit to the maze. Until she realized that she was alone. Kind of. There was someone watching. Wondering. Could this parichisu help her? She had to find out. “Excuse me.” The gardevoir said. “Could you help me please?”

Max: alone. He was alone. Truly alone. But, could that be an exit? Yes, it was! But he would need to find the others and lead them to it. That could take a while.

Me: I was also kind of alone. There was a munchlax watching. Hoping. Would this Eevee help him? He must at least try. “hello.” He said. “I’m Robbie, but my friends call me Marshmallow Man. Could you help me get to the end of this cave?”

Carla: “Who are you?”

“I am Karyn South.” Karyn replied. “Who are you, though?”

“I…” Carla stuttered. “I’m… Car…Carla.”

“Maybe we should go together.” Karyn said. Do you have any one else with you?”


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Max: “Finally!” Max said. I’ve made back to the start! Oh, hi Carla.” Then, “CARLA!!!!!!!!! Who is this?” “Karyn.” Replied Karyn. “Karyn South.” Karyn


Me: “THE Marshmallow Man? As in, Mr. Vanilla?”

“The one and only.” He said while starting to look annoyed.

“Then yes. Let’s go to the start. I’ve got some friends.” I then started going back the way I came.

He didn’t follow, because he was checking out a Pokémon. “Oooooohh, what’s that?”




“Where is that coming-LOOK OUT!!!!!” max looked up as he said this.


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“Ohhhhhhhh….” I moaned. “That hurt….”

“I would think so.” Robbie managed to say. “You face-planted into a boulder.”

Ugh. I thought. My fur is covered with dirt. Then Oh no! Now I’m thinking like an eevee!

“Did anyone find the end to this maze?” I asked, now desperate to escape this new body.

“Yes!” Max yelled. “I did!”

10 minutes later: “How big IS this cave?” Max asked me.

“How would I know?” I asked. “Oh, and also, how did you not remember where Ninetales was discovered?!”

“I-I…” He started. “I lied. I’m not becoming a trainer for a week.”

Welcome to Cavern 3!

Have fun fighting a LEVEL EX VULPIX!

The End of Part