my life


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Life seen in Christopher Matthews life



My Life

Christopher Matthews


Dedicated to

Noah Ready’s Grade


Table of Contents

......................................................................................................Special family member! 5

..................................................................................................................................I like! 6

..........................................................................................................................My Name! 7

..................................................................................................................The Big Game! 8

.............................................................................................................My Neighborhood! 9

.............................................................................................................Life In Wisconsin! 10

..................................................................................Favorite Toys From My Childhood! 11

.............................................................................................................................A Birth! 12

...............................................................................................A Negative Day At School! 13

.................................................................................................A Positive Day At School! 14


A Special Family Member

! My grandfather on my dads side of the family. Everyone one of my family

members are very special to me. For example I have a favorite uncle, but I like all of

them. I can not remember my grandpa and I can not get to know him now; he passed

away a few years ago, I was not very close to him at all, and in my life time I probably

have seen him four or five times. I vaguely remember when I was about five or six we

were at a blockbuster and we got a movie, I saw a game I like so I badgered him so I

could get my way, like little kids do; but he said something that I did not think was

important but I remember it now and I changed how I live my life and have second

thoughts. He said “Be thankful for what you have, cause I did not have much when I

was younger”. I did not know what any of that meant, but I do know being african-

american he live in a not so great time, he did not have anything or thought he would

get it if he asked. I think he thought my attitude was just horrible, cause I had a lot of

entertainment like toys buzz lightyear and yoyo’s and a lot of other things that I did not

need but wanted. His voice will always be echoed in the back of my mind. He is a very

special family member.




Exciting, Fun

Family like presents.

Every one receives love.




Catch the balls.

Run, do not fall.



My Name

! My name is Christopher. In a way I am named after my mother. My moms name

is Christine, both of our names are similar in a way but both are the same when

shortened. I do not know why she was named Chris but I have a hunch why I am. My

brother was named after my dad and I was named after my Mom. My brother is named

after my Father, and I think that was strange. I don’t really know why they picked those

names would like to know.

! My attitude does not seem liked it would be affiliated with my name at all. I am

kinda like my mom short tempered but also can be really kind. It can be random how

my attitude can be angry or happy, we both don’t have a type of personality.

! My name means Christ bearer, but that, I do not think has anything to do with

me, because christ barer means very religious as a Christian, and i’m not that religious

in the first place. I would like to refer to myself as courageous as a kitten. I think we

grow into our names, strange enough i also thing they look like their names.

! I always wanted a different name name I did not like from when I was young.

Why I didn’t like it then is “It is too girly” and now I think thats a little foolish, but kids are

foolish and i’m still foolish because I am still a kid.


The Big Game

Since I am a freshman I have not had any big games, but to me every game is a big

gameThese games meant a lot The Viroqua game and the Westby game.

! Viroqua is not a good school personality wise, there was one home varsity game,

they were making fun of the West Salem girls; and the guys in our grade were

defending the girls. They being the stereotypical jock guys they wanted to fight. We

knew we could not fight anyone cause we all had and have sport careers. So we just

kinda let it go. We had a home game the next tuesday so we would settle our

differences there, but I was injured I was pretty much ready to play, but I could not. It

was not so close of a game and we lost. I felt bad cause I am a great help because our

line was not the best with or without me, but I am positive that I would of help and we

would of won.

! The Westby game. All if the players were ready to win, it was our last game and

we were promised to hear Roberts kick off haiku. That made everyone psyched to win.

In the half we were winning by twenty or thirty points. We did not let us get cocky. The

end i got mad and make some mistakes, even though we were winning. I made a tackle

were the kid half the size of me made sound were he sounded like cackling coyote.

Then I get taken out and Haley D got a pic six did not make it, but its was a great story

on the ride home, with the win.


My Neighborhood

! Its about a 7 mile road, a country road that leads to a dead end, Pleasant Valley

Road. A lively little road. Everyone is nice to each other even when pass people on the

road car or not it was like we knew them our whole life. My mom was walking my dog

and Jada (the dog) ran off, my mom tried getting her and could not do it. She went our

several times during the day. So my mother called about 5 neighbors and told them so

they all went out and called back about 10 or 20 mins to see if we found her or not. Jada

was outside for about 8 hours before i found her just happily trotting towards the house

my mom cried when I said I found Jada. Neighbors come and handy when you really

need help, I am glad I can live next to those nice people.!

! I have only about 3 that live even remotely around me, Mitchell K and one of his

brothers, Ethan M, I can get pretty lonely out there but if i really wanted something to do

I have at least a couple of friends to rely on to keep me company. There are about 3

little children for every teen that on Pleasant Valley, that can get annoying cause you

can hear their little voices throughout the whole valley, But over all its great to have nice

and caring neighbors, even if they do not live that close.


Life In Wisconsin

! Theres wild windy weather or silent sunny days. The life in Wisconsin is not that

much different than life anywhere else. Every one that does not live in Wisconsin thinks

that Wisconsin is cold and dry. I once told my dad that I was going to lake and the

beach and he said “A beach in Wisconsin?” I like wisconsin it is not too hot or not too

cold. This year “2012-2013” has been a month behind. In the beginning of december

there was no snow, and now beginning of march we have about a foot of snow. Thats

not the best thing I want cause I want track to be outside.

! I have not ever been in track before and I am kind of excited for it, I plan on doing

sprinting ,throwing and jumping events. Im not so fast but I think I am doing a 200m. For

throwing I know I am doing discus and shot put. I am thinking triple jump but I do not

know how to do it, I do not know know how to do any of it.

! I love living in Wisconsin, but love is a strong word, sometimes just want to get

away from this place; too much of a good thing can be bad, I get get bored of the

repetitious days. Repetition can get very boring, repetition is very annoying at times, I

hate repetition. All in all Wisconsin is a pretty good place to live.


Favorite Toys From My Childhood

! I had a buzzlightyear toy when I was a kid. I had it for about three years. I was

about four or five when I got it. It had lasers lights and I was amazed that it could do

that, I have never seen it before. To me it could fly, my imagination was non-stop. It had

all types of buttons that I did not know what happened when I pressed them, I just

mashed the buttons and threw him across the room. !

! I also had a woody doll, and my name on the foot. I was like the kid on toy story. I

remember the scene where andy was running through the house with all of his toys

thats was me. I was so happy when I was a kid I did not get everything I wanted, but

when I got what I wanted it was very spacial to me.

! I was always so happy when I was a child I had no worries, what kid did? I was

so happy and smiling the called me “lil koolaid man”. One time I got my gameboy taken

away for a week, that was probably the worst time in my child life. My gameboy was a

spongebob SP, I got it on christmas, Christmases were the best I got a bunch of little

toys. That do not mean much but they mean a lot when you get it from people who



A Birth


















A Negative day at school

! A Negative day at school is normally just a day a school. I not a big fan of school.

I think school is boring and repetitive even though we learn stuff and do different at

school. The really bad days consist of me being in a bad mood because someone made

me mad or I did not wake up happy in the first place. To add to that most of the teachers

at the school make me mad. I think they say in there head “oh, that kids having a bad

day, lets ask this kid a question he does not know and wait for him to answer and get

him embarrassed”. Not Mrs.Deal though she gets students she does not do that I think

she thinks “If they are paying attention thats good enough lets ask someone who is

having a better day”. I like teachers like that, that gets students and how they operate.

Hormones are rushing thought their bodies so lets not get them too much stress, let

them take it easy for a day.

! A really specific bad day. I stubbed my toe, got yelled at but almost every

teacher, scraped my hand on a locker each time I went to my locker, fell up the stairs,

lost my folder, and it all started by getting woken up by the dog barking. Days like those

I waiting and wishing for a day that the day at school is going to be a good day.


A Positive day at school

! Homecoming was probably one of the most positive days at school. No matter

what grade I was in, I always had a fun day at school. Dressed in out school colors

yelling at the floats being happy for the football team. When I was little I said to myself I

want to be one of those guys. Now I can be; that fills my heart with joy. The pep rally at

the school freshman year was pretty “awesome”. It really shower how much panther

pride our school really has. Its when everyone can scream and shout and show their

panther power! There was no homework, and if there was it was have fun or support the

team tonight. It was a really relaxing day. and we get to spend it with our homeroom

teachers and I like pretty much everyone who is in my homeroom.

! It was the day the freshman won first place for the floats. It was not that much of

a big deal but It made me feel pretty good cause I helped make the float. I did not do

that much considering making the cardboard shapes and other things, but I help set up

the items because I am tall and have long arms like a orangutan.

! Most of my days at school are positive, because I have friends to get me through

it. not that freshman year is that stressful its just nice to have them to cheer me up.