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Faculty of Engineering Department of civil and structure engineering MY HOMETOWN CITY OF BAGHDAD PREPARED BY:- RASHA SALAH AHMED Supervised by:- Prof. Dr. RIZA ATIQ ABDULLAH BIN O.K.RAHMAT November 2012

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Faculty of Engineering

Department of civil and structure engineering




Supervised by:-


November 2012

General Description:Bagdad is the capital city of Iraq, lies on the two banks of the Tigris River in the central region of the country.

Baghdad is an arid zone city and the largest in Iraq, besides being the most important business and commercial center.


Baghdad city is divided into nine municipalities. These are:

(I :)Municipalities along the Rusafa side1.Municipality of Rusafa

2.Municipality of Adhamiya3.Karadah municipality

4.Municipality of April 9th5.Municipality of Al-Sadr

(II :)Municipalities along the Karkh side1.Karkh municipality

2.Municipality of Mansour3.Kahdemyia municipality

4.Rashid municipality

The appearance of commercial streets has a significant effect on townscape and influences the image of the city of Baghdad as a place to invest in and visit. There are 230 commercial streets Distributed in different parts of the city.

Municipalities in Bagdad have similar characteristics, For example, the centres of Rusafa and Karkh municipalities are historical areas while Kahdemyia and Adhamiya are religious areas; Karadah and Mansour are modern areas and the municipalities of Al-Sadr, April 9, and Rashid are the most recently established on the outskirts of Baghdad and are under the process of construction.

Examples of Commercial streets in Baghdad

Kefah Street Haifa Street

Waste: The solid waste generated in Baghdad fluctuates extremely according to the economic status, seasons, climate and municipal services.

Baghdadis are producing now more waste with each passing


Over the past 30 years, the waste produced in this country has more than five times. From 0.388 million tons in 1978 to about 2.126 million tons in 2005. Some of this increase is linked to Baghdad population growth.

Baghdadis are generating waste products faster than nature can break themdown and using up resources faster than they can be replaced. This adds up to bigtrouble for the environment.


Transportation was one of the Iraqi economy's most active sectors in the late 1980s; it was allocated a large share of the domestic development budget because it was important to the government for several reasons. Logistics became a crucial factor in Iraq's conduct of the Iran-Iraq War. The government also recognized that transportation bottlenecks limited industrial development more than any other factor.

Transport in Iraq consists of railways, highways, waterways, pipelines, ports and harbors, marines and airports.

the government embarked on an ambitious plan to upgrade and to extend road, rail, air, and river transport simultaneously.

Education: Iraq established its education system in 1921, offering both public and private paths. In the early 1970s, education became public and free at all levels, and mandatory at the primary level. Two ministries manage the education system in Iraq: the Ministry of Education [MOE] and the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research [MOHSR].

The Ministry of Education is in charge of pre-school, primary, secondary, and vocational education, while the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research [MOHSR] is in charge of tertiary education and research centers.

Baghdad universities

Geography and :climate

Baghdad has a subtropical arid climate in terms of maximum temperatures, one of the hottest cities in the world. In the summer from June to August, the average maximum temperature is as high as 44 °C (111 °F) accompanied by blazing sunshine


Iraq’s economy is dominated by the oil sector, which has traditionally provided about 95% of foreign exchange earnings.

Employment: In 2002 Iraq’s labor force was estimated at 6.8 million people. In 1996 some 66.4 percent of the labor force worked in services, 17.5 percent in industry, and 16.1 percent in agriculture. 2004 estimates of Iraq’s unemployment ranged from 30 percent to 60 percent.


Most Baghdad restaurants serve traditional Middle Eastern food, but the cooking style of Iraqi people is milder in spices than other Middle Eastern countries.

Iraqi cuisine