my first love

First and true love It all started when Mikaela was in secondary school. Her class consisted of only 35 students. She was an introvert and a shy girl. Nobody talked to her as she never gave her classmates a chance to get close to her. She was never interested in any kind of relationship. Whenever it came to group work, nobody wanted her in their group. All she did was to wait if a group lacked a member. Even when one of her classmates made fun of her, she kept quiet. I once told her that she should no longer be an introvert yet she didn’t know why she couldn’t be one. One day, a new boy called Nathan entered her class. He was fat and dorky. She believed that he would be no different than her. However, he was actually an outgoing, pleasant looking and a smart boy. He was as kind as consent to everyone and he was well-known for his benign and benevolent qualities. He did not easily get angry when someone accidentally offended him. I think that was because he had a pretty high level EQ, emotional quotient, he was very good in handling his own emotions. Mikaela just did not like him when she first saw her, the moment he stepped in her class. She knew him from her friends – handsome, rich and all sorts of balderdash that she did not want to continue heeding. “ Yes, I know I am a person who judge a book by its cover and most of my judgments were pretty accurate but not this time ,” she said to herself. He praised everybody, especially her. "Whoa! I'm sitting next to a genius!" he said with a warm smile when he sat beside her. She knew she wasn't even that clever, but she was very proficient in English and the teachers in the school simply love her. She didn't know

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Post on 17-Jul-2016




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This is about the romantic life of Mikaela where she has to make a decision that shows her path in life. Will she be able to make the right decision or will she spend the rest of her life, living with the regret and remorse? To find out, please do read it with all your heart and soul.


Page 1: My First Love

First and true love

It all started when Mikaela was in secondary school. Her class consisted of only 35 students. She was an introvert and a shy girl. Nobody talked to her as she never gave her classmates a chance to get close to her. She was never interested in any kind of relationship. Whenever it came to group work, nobody wanted her in their group. All she did was to wait if a group lacked a member. Even when one of her classmates made fun of her, she kept quiet. I once told her that she should no longer be an introvert yet she didn’t know why she couldn’t be one.

One day, a new boy called Nathan entered her class. He was fat and dorky. She believed that he would be no different than her. However, he was actually an outgoing, pleasant looking and a smart boy. He was as kind as consent to everyone and he was well-known for his benign and benevolent qualities. He did not easily get angry when someone accidentally offended him. I think that was because he had a pretty high level EQ, emotional quotient, he was very good in handling his own emotions. Mikaela just did not like him when she first saw her, the moment he stepped in her class. She knew him from her friends – handsome, rich and all sorts of balderdash that she did not want to continue heeding. “ Yes, I know I am a person who judge a book by its cover and most of my judgments were pretty accurate but not this time ,” she said to herself.

He praised everybody, especially her. "Whoa! I'm sitting next to a genius!" he said with a warm smile when he sat beside her. She knew she wasn't even that clever, but she was very proficient in English and the teachers in the school simply love her. She didn't know why he was getting closer to her. He was crossing the boundaries she had drawn, getting closer and closer to her. She started to get agitated when her classmates gossiped about them being together. It hurt her pride, totally. She wanted to voice out that she would never fall for a fat boy but there was a lump in her throat.

But she won't deny that since he became acquainted with her quite well, a girl called Queenie became closer to her and Nathan. The other classmates paid more respect to her too. And they were soon known as the trio of the class. Mikaela hated when her classmates took photos of her and Nathan together as they would make fun of both of them. She didn't want this pig headed Nathan to emerge in her life! Their classmates even edited their photos and made them look like a couple. But she had to admit that she was soon being able to open up herself to him, telling him of her every single secret.

“ What’s happening to me? Am I going to loose my heart to this guy whom I hated so much in my life?” she murmured to herself. Days passed by and it was their final semester. They sat for the major exam and three months later they got their results and they excelled pretty well.

Page 2: My First Love

Mikaela, Nathan and Queenie entered the same university but they were in different faculties. Mikaela was no longer an introvert. She believed that she was in love with Nathan, but she still could not help admitting being too shy to fall for an ugly, fat boy.

One day, Queenie asked Mikaela to meet her personally. Queenie asked Mikaela in a soft tone, “Umm... Well... Mikaela, you see... I want to ask you something”.

“What is it?”

“Umm well... Aah, it's embarrassing!”

“Don’t test my patience, please. Just spill the beans,” said Mikaela.

“Umm... Are you... by any chance, in love with Nathan?” In an angry tone, Mikaela shook her head signing, ‘nope’.

She didn't even know why she answered "no", seriously. She assumed it's because she wasn't ready to accept the fact that she was in love with a boy who wasn't reliable, and on top of that, a bad figure. Moreover, she was too nervous to digest the words before replying.

“Are you serious or trying to pull my legs?”

“Whatever you say.” Mikaela replied in a soft tone.

Then... Can you guess why I'm asking you this question?” said Queenie.

This made her insecure. She was too naive to think that Queenie wanted to clean the air of doubts. And her guess was right. Queenie liked Nathan, just as how Mikaela liked him. Queenie told her that she was in love with him and how glad she was that Mikaela wasn't in love with Nathan. In fact, Mikaela regretted for not telling the truth.

“What should I do now?” She kept asking to herself and tears started to well in her eyes.

She knew that her best friend was in love with her crush, and she lied to her best friend. She didn't want to stab Queenie from the back, but she could no longer hide her feelings. Mikaela did love him , she was sure, she loved him madly, like there was no tomorrow without him in her life.

Page 3: My First Love

It was a hard decision for her to stay away from Nathan and to give Queenie a chance to get acquainted to Nathan. She promised, the next time she meets Nathan, she would no longer treat him as she used to. She vowed that she took him only as a brother and her heart wrenched in pain. However, it was easier said than done. There's no way she could suppress this passion. As a result, she was only getting closer to Nathan, as she was afraid that Queenie would someday snatch him away for her. Whenever she noticed jealousy in Queenie's eyes, she felt guilty and knew that she mustn't do this. But seeing them together, she felt like dying.

On Mikaela’s 21st birthday, he brought her a bucket of roses, 21 in number. As he knelt down, he said, " Mikaela. You see, I've been in love with you all this time. I am madly in love with you. You are my everything. I'd do everything for you." She was stuck at his words. It was unexpected. Her feet felt as heavy as the rain. She didn't know what to do. Making the matter worse, she realized, standing behind Nathan, across her, was Queenie, covered in tears. Nathan then opened the red box he had been holding, inside was a star joint with a moon shaped ring.

"I... Nathan, that was touching. I love you too... I love you more than you think I do... But I think you misunderstood, I only take you as a brother" said Mikaela feeling dejected.

As she rejected him, he no longer talked a lot to her nor to Queenie. She was feeling guilty as she had hurt him and herself too, but if she didn't, what would become of Queenie? Ever since witnessing that day, Queenie never talked to her anymore. She assumed that Queenie was mad at her. She then decided to work in overseas and to forget Nathan. To forget how regretful she was for rejecting her first and only love. She was too stupid to deny her own feelings, only to cause this awkward atmosphere.

Two years later, she returned from working overseas. Soon, she arranged a meeting with Nathan and Queenie. She felt nervous, yet excited to see them. Never did she believe that once again, she could sit at the same table with them. She missed this atmosphere so much.

"Well... I have something to talk about." Queenie said while giving her a bright smile.

"Me too.” You go first." Mikaela replied. She assumed this would be the beginning of their rebuilt friendship. A nice and new beginning. "Here." Queenie said while handing her over a card, "that's our wedding invitation. It's tomorrow. I'm sorry for only telling you this now. Due to your absence, we couldn't tell you the good news immediately."

Page 4: My First Love

She could not believe in what she heard, neither she wanted to. Her sight blurred, she didn't want to believe this fact, this cruel fact. She hoped this was only a dream, yet that dream completely vanished when she saw Nathan and Queenie's name on the card. I was snapped out of my enigma when Queenie touched my hands. Tears started to well in her eyes, yet she held it on, not trying to make herself look more embarrassing. Queenie even offered her to be their bride’s maid and she agreed to it quickly.

That night, she cried in her bed. She cried till there were no more tears left, no more voice left. She cried for hours. How she wished she could rewind the time or at least stop the time. She was helpless and after crying for a long time, she yelled at a very churlish tone.

“Nathan, I hate you. My colourful life has ended like that with a black, mendacious, wicked darkness!” Then, Mikaela started to cry again. I was on tenterhooks, not knowing what to do.

The next day, in the morning, Mikaela was still lying and tossing on the bed, thinking how foolish and stupid she was to free her true love for Nathan. However, she took the challenge one more time. She put on a red gown with pink beads and small polka dots and she sprinted to Nathan's house with thousands of questions evading in her mind. As she reached Nathan’s huge mansion, He was dressed in his wedding suit. He looked as handsome as a prince, gorgeous and wonderful in her eyes. She felt like a Cinderella’s dream to see a living prince right in front of her eyes now.

“How could I turn down his love when he proposed earlier? Mikaela kept wondering while standing in front of Nathan with a flushed face. Mikaela knelt before Nathan and cried in sheer desperation. Nathan was dumbfounded and he couldn’t figure out anything. “Why must this happen to me? I feel so abandoned and have lost my companion. If I loved him with all my heart, I would have followed my heart and feelings to be with him” murmured Mikaela to herself. Unfortunately, she didn’t and regretted in the end.". And, to this day, I still don’t know why she did it.

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