my exploration: irish culture

Irish Culture! Renae Manalastas

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My Mini Exploration!!


7/17/2019 My Exploration: Irish Culture 1/12

Irish CultureRenae Manalastas

7/17/2019 My Exploration: Irish Culture 2/12

1- Irish language is called Gaelic.

Irish language is called Gaelic. The

standard name in Irish is Gaeilge.

 Take this picture. It has the usual

english then the Irish language atthe bottom.

(I do NOT know how topronounce)How to say words in Irish:ia (God)ia dhuit (hello) ia duit (hi)

!onas at" t# (how are you)

Irish signs:

7/17/2019 My Exploration: Irish Culture 3/12

2 . There are 2 forms of IriDancing

 There are two $orms o$ the Irish dancing. They%re called

solo dances and &gure dances.

'olo dances are hard on the other hand &gure dances

are uite easy. Oh and the girls they wear wigs dresses

and are !*+, with make-up (no oense..)

7/17/2019 My Exploration: Irish Culture 4/12

3. The First Irish Dance is a Solodance.

'olo dances take years and sometimes ha/ecompetitions $or them. It takes skills and years.

 This solo dance is usually (always) done solo:

7/17/2019 My Exploration: Irish Culture 5/12

4. The second Irish Dance is Fig

Dance.0igure dances are really easy to do

and need only an elementary

knowledge o$ the basic steps.

 This pict$or &guregroup o$


7/17/2019 My Exploration: Irish Culture 6/12

5. There are three grades in Irish Danc There are three grades in Irish ancing. Grade *2beginners Grade 32 4edium and Grade !2 Hard.

 This is an e1ample o$ a uestion on the ui5.

In Grade * 3 and ! you ha/e to takall getting harder as you go on. The

how you dance. *n irish dancer m

groups to o/er 67 where there is

7/17/2019 My Exploration: Irish Culture 7/12

6. There are 5 main Irish step dances; reel, light

heavy jig, single jig, & hornpipe.The 5 main Irish step

dances are the reel;the most popular one,the light jig; thefastest of the jigs, theheavy jig; , the single

 jig; the least commonbut more common inEurope, and thehornpipe.

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7. Mullingar, Ireland Fac4y $a/orite place inIreland (and the only

place I know..) is4ullingar. One o$ myidols were born here.. The picture(s) show ascenery o$ someplace

in 4ullingar.

0act No. 7: 4ullingar isa country town o$

!ounty 8estmeath inIreland.

0act No. 6: Thecounties o$ 4eath and8estmeath act o$ 79;proclaimed 8estmeatha county separating it$rom 4eath.

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8. Ireland is the land of LerechIreland has many myths and I chose the most

common ones2 the leprechauns.

<eprechauns can be shoemakers.. and they can bring

either good luck or bad luck.

* <eprechaun is a smart and de/ious being who can do

anything to escape capture i$ it means turning you into

a $rog.

It%s said that e/ery <eprechaun has a pot o$ gold

hidden deep in the Irish countryside.

 To protect the leprechaun%s pot o$ gold the Irish $airies

ga/e them magical powers to use i$ e/er captured by a

human or an animal. I%m not sure about the Irish $airies

but it%s pretty ob/ious they%re magic=

7/17/2019 My Exploration: Irish Culture 10/12

!. Irish people can be ignorant.

10 I i h l

7/17/2019 My Exploration: Irish Culture 11/12

10. Irish eole can efunn"

Irish people can be$ound this mysel$ On the side is an I