my city my pride - csmpl · 4 improvising innovations imagine passing through an overflowing...

IMPROVISING INNOVATION April - June’ 15 MY CITY MY PRIDE From an Idea to Reality

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April - June’ 15


MY PRIDEFrom an Idea to Reality

Editor's Notes

Cover Story

Tech Buzz

Six Sigma


Employee Speak

Across the Globe

Creative Desk


Game CenterCONTENT











Cities are facing mounting pressure, to provide quality

infrastructure and civic services in the face of ever increasing

urban population. It is estimated that by the turn of the current

decade, half of the population in the developing world will be

living in cities. Unregulated and unplanned growth of the cities

has left the urban centers with problems of traffic congestion,

slums, inadequate water supply and sanitation, and

environment degradation.

The Urban Local Bodies (ULBs) may find these tasks extremely

daunting, in the wake of the growing population. Their role has

to be reviewed and redefined, in order to meet these challenges.

Considering their limited capacities, their role has to change

from that of a monopoly service provider to regulator and citizen

friendly enabler of services and facilitator of an environment,

conducive to inclusive growth and sustainable development.

Odisha, according to a Survey in 2011, has risen from the mar

of being an underdeveloped and improvised state to be at par or

ahead of most developed states in the country with respect to

infrastructure, industrialization and education.

All these factors overburden the urban infrastructure of the

state, and Bhubaneswar faces the brunt of being the Capital

city. The state holds 4.37 crores people with urban population

comprising of 23%.

To address this quantum of statistics, the government needs

a strategy that shifts from incremental improvement and de-

bottlenecking to making quantum jumps towards achieving

world-class status. In order to achieve the transformation of

the scale envisaged, it is essential to restructure the

participation of citizen and make them accountable, promote

and mitigate problems with an efficient and responsive

service delivery. Within this context, My City My Pride

(MCMP) has been conceived as an organic online grievance

redressal mechanism.

This grievance mechanism operates online from the website

managed by Bhubaneswar Municipal Corporation

( However, it is on fingertips that

the people who would actually access Internet to put forth

their grievances will count. Moreover, making MCMP device

independent and taking it from the toll number to website and

to the smart phone ensures that people and the government,

cannot shy away from their responsibilities.

Lagna Panda (Editor)


Improvising Innovations3


Improvising Innovations4

Imagine passing through an overflowing garbage can

everyday to work. This could have gone on forever but then one

of us stumbled upon an idea to send in a complaint to the City

officials standing right there, without having to make a call or a

cumbersome visit to the nearest City development office. How

cool it will be to have someone see the complaint and call you

back to fix it as soon as possible!

The thought was backed by a powerful will to come up with a

tool that can help citizens file complaints regarding their

periphery from any location they prefer. A simple phone call or

by clicking a few buttons on a mobile, well, that’s how My City

My Pride (MCMP) helps you connect with the city

development authorities to get issues fixed without much


MY CITY MY PRIDEFrom an Idea to Reality

My City My Pride is an initiative that allows authorities to receive

reports, incidents feedbacks, comments and suggestions from

citizens directly. This is making the system more improved,

transparent and easy to connect.

Not only that the authorities get alerted about an issue but an action

is also taken at the backend to mitigate that issue. MCMP promises

to maximize resources, improve services and a safer smarter city

for today’s citizenry.

How MCMP Approaches Civic IssuesA citizen-centric approach towards service delivery is an

essential part for any effective governing body, MCMP

maximizes on this ground rule.

It combines

A smart responsive mobile app

An informative action oriented website

An efficient call center

Power in your hand


Improvising Innovations5

Just the trigger we neededMCMP recognizes citizens as important data sources. Giving the power to bring in

change in terms of community sanitation and other civic issues:

Creating Change Agents– Allows citizens to lodge complaints about sanitation

and peripheral safety issues effortless without worrying about who to put forth such

complaints to.

Popularizing the cause– To get steadier and faster resolution and create mass

awareness of keeping our neighborhood clean.

Bringing in responsive Government MCMP with its mobile app, call center and website allows citizens to view the status of their complaints, learn about other issues in their locality and get attention from authorities without any delay.

Recognizing real heroes who work on our complaints and ensure a cleaner & safer environment for everyone.

Inviting positive contribution, the web portal provides a platform for creating the right dialogue between the government and the citizens.

As simple as making a call, one can lodge a complaint anytime, anywhere.

Building Smart Communities

MCMP just takes this to the next level to create alert communities:

Connected – Empowers citizens with the choice to lodge a

complaint and creates a connected ecosystem.

Collaborative – Raises an issue and makes it a mass civic

movement to get authorities attention by

collaborating all sources online.

Capable – Not only allows to lodge a complaint but also

helps in getting alerts on complaints and bring power to the

hands of the citizens by enabling them in bringing about the

change we require.


Improvising Innovations6

How MCMP is Different

MCMP is a sophisticated and well-designed web and mobile interface that makes it very easy for the citizens to report and monitor civic


Multi-faceted citizen touch points for greater engagement & experience.

Share, support or invite others to view, support, or vote your complaints.

Timely redressal of complaints & pro-active information dissemination.

Tool as social audit for various schemes of Urban bodies.

Helps build transparent & pro-citizen image of Urban agencies.

How MCMP Will Make an Impact

Even though MCMP, is one of the most recent and much needed solutions, the product has already made ample noise.

Empowers citizens to be sensors in the public space and allows government and other ULB’s to use the mobile tools to track down the issues in the field.

Provides digitized approach to problem addressing and resolving in a fool-proof, error-free, effective and quick manner.

Citizens who take the time to report even minor issues and see them fixed are likely to get more engaged in their local communities.

Aims not only to hold government accountable, but to facilitate community volunteering.

What Users Have to Say about MCMP“My City My Pride is an application that gives a voice to the people of the city. The city is an ecosystem whose existence is dependent on the symbiotic relationship amongst the city officials and citizens. This application provides a platform for the two entities to interact and make a change."

Nikita NayakStudent-Symbiosis International University, Pune


Improvising Innovations7

The recent launch of My City My Pride mobile app is an awe-

inspiring addition to city life. Recently, I lodged a complaint

regarding the garbage disposal in the Nayapalli Brit Colony

area, and I got a call from the authorities in 3 hours’ time and

the issue was addressed in 3 days. So, it is very helpful in

today’s age.

Join Hands to Make MCMP a MassMovement

MCMP is a movement that can change the way we involve in

bringing about change in our city. Since MCMP is our brand

product, it becomes highly important for each of us to join in

making it popular. The app is so user friendly and easy to use that

anyone and everyone can lodge a complaint without much hassle.

Apart from this, since the fundamentals behind the app is to make a

better world to live in, we should try to make more number of

people use it to their advantage and get the best out of the system.

MCMP is a relatively new concept hence requires a lot of

improvisation and needs proper branding to reach out to people.

Still it has been doing a wonderful job so far and we require

participation from one and all to make it a huge success and spread

a word across for more and more people and cities to get MCMP

help them too.

Mahua Ray

Marketing & Communications Specialist

Sumanta Kumar JenaPre-Sales Consultant


Improvising Innovations8

Need For a Metric


Projects account for a significant investment in an organization

and therefore knowing the project status holds the key for any

organizational level decision making on profits and investment.

Some example questions that project status always answers are:

Will the project be delivered when we expect it?

Do we have the budget to complete the project?

Will it deliver what the users expect?

Will the quality of the final product be sufficient?

Change resources on the project

Decide what scope to keep or change

The challenge with project status is to know what information

should be collected, consolidated and reported to best support

management and executives. It is here the concept of project

metrics enters into the picture.

Decide the project isn't going to meet expectedROI and thus cancel it

Decide the project needs additional investmentand can still meet anticipated ROI

Some example decisions that project status supports are:

Many software phenomena follow a Pareto distribution: 80% of the

contribution comes from 20% of the contributors. Knowing this can

help a project focus on the 20% subset providing 80% of the

leverage for improvement. Some examples:

a) 20% of the modules contribute 80% of the cost;

b) 20% of the modules contribute 80% of the errors (may

not be the same ones);

c) 20% of the errors consume 80% of the cost-to-fix;

d) 20% of the errors consume 80% of the execution time.

Software metrics helps to determine and corroborate these and many other useful relationships.

Numbers tell stories – and metrics are the tools through which these

stories get shape and substance.Though nightmarish at times,

yetthe success of the project management office is dependent on

metrics which helps the unit in proving its real worth to the


A metric, by definition, is any type of measurement used to gauge

some quantifiable component of performance. A metric can be

directly collected through observation, such as number of days late,

or number of software defects found; or the metric can be derived

from directly observable quantities, such as defects per thousand

lines of code, or a cost performance index (CPI). When used in a

monitoring system to assess project or program health, a metric is

called an indicator, or a key performance indicator (KPI).

Need For a Metric

- Gain an understanding of processes, products, resources, and environments

- Establish baselines for comparisons with future assessment

Reasons to MeasureTo characterize in order to


Improvising Innovations9

Planned Value (PV)

Earned Value (EV)

Actual Cost (AC)

Benefits of Project Measurement Project metrics enable a project manager to

To evaluate in order to

- Determine status with respect to plans

To predict in order to

- Gain understanding of relationships among processes and products

- Build models of these relationships

To improve in order to

Assess the status of an ongoing project

Track potential risks

Uncover problem areas before their status becomes critical

Adjust work flow or tasks

against signed baselines. It integrates project scope, cost and

schedule measures to help the PM to assess and measure project

performance and progress. EVM develops and monitors three key

dimensions of each work package:

It is the authorized budget assigned to the work to be accomplished

for an activity or work breakdown structure component. Total PV is

also known as Budget at Completion (BAC). PV at any stage =

(Planned % Complete) X (BAC).

It is the authorized work that has been completed, against the

authorized budget for such completed work i.e. EV is ‘how

much you planned to spend for the work you actually did’.

Earned Value is also known as the Budgeted Cost of Work

Performed (BCWP).

It is the total cost incurred in accomplishing the work that the

EV measured. I.e. how much you spent for the work you

actually did. Actual Cost is also known as the Actual Cost of

Work Performed (ACWP).

Positive result means that you are ahead of schedule.

Negative result means that you are behind schedule.

Cost Variance (CV) is the measure of cost performance on the

project. It is equal to earned value (EV) minus actual costs


Any negative CV is often non-recoverable to the project.

CV = EV – AC

Using these three variables project Schedule variance and

Cost variance metrics can be derived which shows if the

project is running over or under budget; project is running

behind or ahead of schedule, as follows:

Schedule Variance (SV) is the measure of schedule

performance of the project. It is the difference of Earned value

and the planned value i.e. SV = EV – PV.

Evaluate the project team’s ability to control quality of software

work products

Minimize the development schedule by making the

adjustments necessary to avoid delays and mitigate potential

problems and risk

Assess product quality on an ongoing basis

Metrics Categories

Project management metrics varies based on complexity and

nature of project. However, following five performance metric

groups cover all the important aspects of a project to measure

during execution:

Based on the concept of EVM (Earned Value Management), as

defined by PMI standard PMBOK, the goal of this metric is to

measure the performance as well as progress of the project

Performance Metric #1: Schedule and Effort/Cost Variance

Identify roadblocks, root causes, inefficiencies, and other opportunities for improving product quality and process performance



Improvising Innovations10

Requirement Analysis


Test Plan development


Unit Testing

Functional Testing

Customer Support

User Manuals


Defect fixing













Since EVM method allows PM to extrapolate the expected costs

and duration at project completion based on project performance

to date, PM can develop a forecast for the estimate at completion

(EAC) which may differ from the budget at completion (BAC)

based on project performance. Forecasting of EAC involves

making estimates or prediction of conditions and events in the

project’s future based on information and knowledge available at

the time of forecasting. EAC is typically based on actual cost (AC)

incurred for work completed, plus an estimate to complete (ETC)

the remaining work. I.e. EAC = AC + ETC.

Positive result means that you are under budget.

Negative result means that you are over budget.

Earned Value, Planned Value and Actual Costs

Reference: PMBOK 4th Edition

Data Date Time


PlannedValue (EV)

Budget atCompletion(BMC)







Signed Scope baseline with customer forms the baseline for the entire project planning and development. Any change to signed scope

should happen in controlled manner. So here comes another important metric for PM to track. Each and every change request, once

approved by internal change control board (CCB), requires update to Scope baseline which in turn has a cascade impact on cost baselines

and schedule baselines and resource plans. Uncontrolled change requests often result in project scope creep and further impact negatively

on the project cost/schedule, which is the worst thing to happen for any project.

Performance Metric #3: Change requests to Scope of work

Based on this PM can also derive another metric, Varianceat completion (VAC) = BAC – EAC

Performance Metric #2 – Productivity: ResourceUtilization

The objective of this metric is to measure productivity of

resources involved in project and let PM assess over or

under-utilization cases.

Utilization% = Total Effort spent by resource/Total Budgeted Effort

for the resource

Budgeted effort is the planned billable work of resource. Any over-

utilization and under-utilization indicated by this metric has an

impact on the project’s profitability. It is important for the PM to

track this metric very closely and find out the reason for deviations

and the action items to bring back resource utilization to optimal



Improvising Innovations11

Throughout the execution of project, Quality Assurance should

always be on the radar of project manager. Quality here is defined

as the number of severe, medium or low defects delivered through

the lifetime of the project. It indicates the health of the deliverable to

the end user and drives the Customer Satisfaction. Under quality

metrics, following are the key ones to track:

Total number of defects found/ Measure of size.

Number of days since the defect is open and not

fixed. It can also be inferred as the time customer has been waiting

for their issues to get resolved,

Total number of defects resolved/ Total

effort spent

Rate of closing the open defects over a period of time. If the rate of

resolution is not in line with the defects being opened over a

particular time, this indicates to the PM a situation of concern.

Defect density =

Defect age =

Defect resolution rate =

Performance Metric #4: Quality and Customer Satisfaction

3w 35 13w

36 13w

37 13w

38 13w

39 13w

40 13w

41 13w

42 13w









45Defects assigned vs. Resolved

Number of defects reported by customer

Number of defects assigned Number of defects resolved

PM should keep this as a separate metric to differentiate from the

defects reported out of internal testing and the defects reported by

end user i.e. Customer. Customer satisfaction depends a lot on the

quality of deliverable provided and on how fast defects raised by

customer are resolved.

Performance Metric #5: Gross Margin

Gross margin (GM) is basically the difference of total revenue and

the total cost spent on project i.e. profit.


In a nutshell, project management performance metrics are

critical metrics to be tracked while taking charge and during

execution of a project. The continued analysis of these metrics

provides additional insights into what is working and what is not,

allowing the PM to make appropriate improvements. These

metrics also help in building up historical data for similar kind of

projects so that in future, better project planning can be done.

Success story of project can be then built up based on the

effectiveness of defined metrics by showing the improved

numbers “before” and “after”. This ensures that the effort spent

by team in collection and measurement of data for these metrics

is leading to continuous improvements and not just an overhead


In summary, metrics improve decision making ability

by providing the foundation and rationale for the

decision by making explicit what is usually implicit in

the decision-making process.

Prabhu Prasad MishraSr. System AnalystBusiness Solutions & Services

1. What to measure?

2. How to measure?

3. How to gather data to measure and represent?

4. How to analyze gathered data and what actions to be defined

based on that?

5. How to show improved effectiveness of metrics by using

improved numbers ‘before’ and ‘after’?

For having a good metrics program, knowledge on the followings are required:

Preconditions for a Metrics program


Improvising Innovations12

Project Name

Team Leader


Problem Statement

Project Scope

Tasks have not been assigned to all resources in regular basis.

According to analysis of data for a period of (October-2014 to

December-2014) regarding task assignment, is 25% instead of

100 %. Project Manager unable to measure actual effort for a

project during development. According to analysis during this

period total task assigned hours are 32802 which is 63 % of

total productivity hours.

Prabhu Prasad Mishra, Souravi Bose, Tripti

Mishra, Chinmaya Kumar Samantsinghar,

Santosh Kumar Pati, Pradeep Sarangi.

Sankarsan Dash

IT2MS, Improve Task Assignment


Total task assigned - plan vs. actual

Total actual hours assigned vs. to be assigned

Total Reporting hours


Goal Statement

Major Causes


Other departments except BSS

People on tour

People on Leave

People who are engaged in R&D project

Resource those are in Bench

Improve task assignment per number of resource up to 85% and

total actual effort hour up to 95% against plan.

Measure project development effort

Actual Data effort should be reflected in KRA Report

Generate MA report on actual effort of the projects

Projects are being monitored and measured for their effort

& timeline through task assignment. It is important to have

proper & 100% task assignment done in the projects to

have an accurate management of any project. It is observed

that in majority of the cases, the task assignment is not

done to it’s fullest or have incomplete task assignment data

in projects.

As this incomplete task assignment & reporting is

increasing day by day, the project management is

becoming difficult & it has already crossed a limit of

deviation. So, it is high time to do find a solution for these

issues immediately.

Problem Statement

- Measure efforts in projects

- Appropriate cost measurement


Improvising Innovations13

Task Assignment against each resource : From 25% to 91%

Task assignment per hour: From 63 % to 84 %

Weekly Review meeting

Auto alert message to Non-assigned resources



Measure actual effort in a project

IMonitor project cost

Measure performance of the developer

Measure productivity factor of development

Project Name

Optimizing the response time of our webapplications

Some of the solutions for the Issues:

Team LeaderNirakar Mallick


Debabrata Choudhury, Sibu Samal, Babulu Behera,

Gayatri Prasad Dash.

Problem Statement

Most of our web application performances are low. Web pages are

taking more time to load. Due to this, it is affecting the:

User Experience

Operational Cost


Search Rank

Project Scope

Project scope includes

Identification of bottleneck of application and system

Tuning of application and database

Configure framework and system

Configure web server

Goal Statement

Major Causes


To reduce the response time of the web application up to 50 to


There are around 42 causes identified by the team members.

Two major root causes were identified during analysis phase

for the problem.

Improper database design

Improper Application/Database Resource release in codes

Allocate dedicated resource for DB design

Training on DB design and share knowledge of DB design

best practices

Use Latest versions of framework and database


Reduced Response time of web application

Improve performance leading to improved user

experience and usability

Improve accessibility of the application

Reduced resource utilization of the application

Attain optimal use of hardware and software resources


Improvising Innovations14



Rajo…. As the name goes… the festival of food and fun. But not

to mention, the occasion is celebrated by people of all ages. This

time the “Raja Meena Bazar” was celebrated in the office

premises post the Raja Festival with great enthusiasm, interest

and eagerness. Each room framed their respective stalls either

with eatables or games. Great effort by the Organizers, decision

makers, representatives, stall owners and of course the

customers who rushed to each and every stall spending huge

number of coupons purchased on the previous day. The event

was managed very systematically and efficiently by the stall

coordinators. Each stall was flooded with varieties of yummy and

mouth-watering food. There were a total of nine teams

participating in the event. Each representative tried all their ways

out to attract customers to their stall.

“Smart Cities” a topic to hit

today’s headlines is an initiative

to help develop a Smart Country.

CSM participated in the Smart

C i t ies Ind ia o rgan ized by

Exhibitions India, a global

knowledge platform for the smart

cities industry.

In the three-day conference-cum-exhibition held at Pragati

Maidan, from 20th to 22nd May, 2015, supported the plans and

projects of the Government of India, as announced by the Hon’ble

Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi. CSM was represented by

Ashwini Kumar, Saroj Kumar Swain, Anshul Srivastava, Abhinav

Thakur and Pragyan Paramita Sethy at the exhibition who

attended different panel discussions, managed the walkins and

showcased the company product at the stall. Some of the major

participating companies of the event include CISCO, CMS,

BOSCH, TDK, Schneider Electric, etc.


Nabakalebara the biggest festival of Chaturdhamurti draws the

most number of people around the country to the land of Lord

Jagannath. To make Nabakalebara a world event, CSM has

designed and developed the Nabakalebara 2015 website along

with its mobile app. The project was launched by the Hon’ble CM

of Odisha in the presence of Cabinet Ministers and senior

bureaucrats at Odisha secretariat conference hall wherein our

CEO presented the features of Digital Campaigning inorder to

promote the mega festival worldwide through a state of art

dynamic website and a user friendly

mobile application (Nabakalebara Official). The website and the

mobile app focus on providing information on stay, safety, travel

and visit to the temple and nearby places for all the tourist

coming to attend the major historic event. The social media

campaign "Nabakalebara 2015 Official" on Facebook, Twitter,

YouTube and Google Plus covers the event news, interesting

facts about the Nabakalebara and Puri temple and tourism

related information.


Improvising Innovations15

Prabhu Prasad Mishra

Sr. System AnalystBusiness Solutions & Services

Speaking from Heart…

“I became a part of CSM family on 16th Sep, 2008 and these 6

years of association has been phenomenal in my professional

life. Time and again I was provided with ample opportunities to

expose myself to overseas clients and projects, multiple

domains, varied technologies and multifaceted roles and

responsibilities. During these years, the support and guidance

received from my peers, superiors and managers helped me a lot

in building a strong foundation block of self-confidence resulting

in fine tuning my professional acumen and bringing out the best

within me in the endeavor to contribute to the overall organization


It will not be an exaggeration to say that “Sky is the Limit” for the

growth of my CSM family and I wish to be a part of the each and

every attempt made to take this family to the pinnacle of success.

My dream is to make CSM as top 20 Indian IT Company in the

decade to come.

I have been working with CSM for more than 8 years. This journey has accelerated my

professional career not only vertically but also horizontally. CSM has provided me with

ample opportunities to enhance my skill set. I had the opportunity to travel and visit our

onsite clients like Sudan, though I was a new comer. The team trusted me on several

aspects and provided me with several responsibilities in these years. It’s the support,

blessings and guidance of my seniors which has helped me to climb the ladder of

success and improvising my professional career.

Subrat Acharya

Project LeaderBusiness Solutions & Services

Santa Sarada

Test Lead Business Solutions & Services

I started my career as a software tester in this organization about

7 years back and now I have evolved as a Test Lead. I was like One

Man Army at the time of my joining. This organization gives me

the opportunity to explore my strength and to build a testing

team. With the help and support of my peers and seniors, new

testers are being recruited with the upcoming requirements

making it a big team. In times, I have to give my ultimate effort to

define and streamline a process for the department. Having

faced so many challenges at times in achieving a target, still I

never gave up which helped me to achieve my target. My seniors

were always there to support me whenever I needed them.The

organization has always provided me the ample opportunity to

prove my ability and strength and it would always be the reason

of my growth and self-confidence. I am proud to be a part of the

organization. Proud to be a CSMian.

The ambience of the company creates a great working environment enhancing the

productivity of the employees. It’s always pleasure working in such an environment. The

team performs with high spirit. There is hardly any bitter feeling within the team members

wherein I am involved. Proud to be a member of the family.


Improvising Innovations16


After the Odisha i3MS Contract, CSM has signed the next i3MS

contract with Jharkhand recently. After a long wait, CSM was

finally successful in achieving the target. The agreement was

signed by Shubhangam Sinha Sir with the Director IT, in the

presence of Director Mines at Ranchi on 7th May, 2015.Finally,

CSM has entered into a contract with Jharkhand Government to

design, develop and implement the i3MS project across all

mineral & mining stakeholders for the state of Jharkhand. This

gives the opportunity to move one step forward with the robust

solution of CSM but lets keep the innovation at same speed to

move towards unseen future opportunities as well.

Congratulations to the JIMMS team who have toiled hard day and

night to achieve this contract. Furthermore, the team can gain

their expertise in Mining domain. Congrats to the team. Way to

go team to achieve many such milestones.

DARS BANNER IN FEACC, ADDIS(ETHIOPIA)The Federal Ethics And Anti Corruption Commission (FEACC),

Ethiopia have released a banner for the implementation of

Project DARS (Disclosure And Asset Registration system).

Prabhu Prasad Mishra (Sr. System Analyst) was there to train the

staffs of asset disclosure at Addis. Congratulations to the DARS

team who have put in their commendable effort to make it happen

developing the application within a stipulated time period in a

new platform. The training was given to the team leaders and

team members of FEACC who are actually involved in the asset

registration process and it continued for 11 days. Mr.Subhendu

Mohapatra, delivery Manager CSM, was also present during the


The project is approaching towards closure, so FEACC is all set

to launch the application soon. Hope the project would soon roll

out successfully. Such projects on International level will help

us to get more reorganization on global platform. The importance

of the project lies high keeping in view the mandate from the

AFRICOM UNION to implement Asset Disclosure system across

all the AFRICAN countries to tackle corruption. The project has

also the capability to be replicated in INDIA if ever the

opportunity comes.


Improvising Innovations17

Brush is a media to paint your feelings on a paper with varied

colors giving them different expressions as can be viewed in the

following oil paintings. Tremendous job by one of our artist and

what an usage of vivid colors. He is excellent at free-hand art and

paintings as well.

Artist : Chandan Kumar Swain

Artist : Tripti Mishra

Right thought gives you the right perception. Have a look at these

great paintings. They speak out the artist’s heart. Great work by

our artist who is not only good at oil painting but also at other

artistic work. She has great innovative ideas. Have a glance.


Improvising Innovations18

“It’s supposed to inspire, but most employeessee it as permission to take a nap.”

“It’s called ‘reading’. It’s how peopleinstall new software into their brains”

“We don’t pay extra for overtime. If you work

for more than 8 hours a day, we figure you

owe us a volume discount.”

“You handled the audit so well, we’re promoting you

from Accounts Receivable to Accounts Deceivable .”

How to IncreaseYour Productivity

Step 1:Spend more time atyour work space &

less time atProductivity Seminars

Step 2:Get Back to Work !

“Of course I know how to communicatewithout a phone. I have an app for that !”


Improvising Innovations19

5 8


7 1

2 9 7


8 1 9 6

1 2 9








1 4

4 5

Standard monetary unit of Russia (6)

Any of a series of manned U.S.

spacecraft such a --- 11, which landed

on the moon in 1969 (6)

Dark brown mammal also called a

foumart (7)

Large wading bird typically having a

black and white plumage (5)

Mild yellow Dutch cheese (4)

South American republic whose capital

is Santiago (5)

The Republic of ---- is a group of

islands in the western Pacific Ocean

whose capital is Koror (5)

Island in Indonesia whose capital is

Denpasar (4)

A member of a confederacy of North

American Indians now living chiefly in

Oklahoma (5)

Matthew, rower who won his third

successive Olympic gold medel in

2007 (7)

Vladimir, Russian artist known for his

1919 design Monument to the Third

Intemational (6)

Cecil, British photographer who died in

1980 (6)

Hawely Harvey, U.S. doctor executed

in 1910 for murdering his wife (7)

Philip, author of the award winning

trilogy His Dark Materials (7)

Christoph von ---,German composer

of the 1767 opera Alceste (5)

“The -----‘, 1997 film for which

Robert Duvall was a Best Actor Oscar

nominee (7)

1850 novel by Charies Kingsley (5,5)

The Last Inca emperor of Peru, put to

death by the Spanish in 1533 (9)

Australian genus of trees having long

leathery evergreen leaves (7)

The --- Sea is a part of the Arctic

Ocean between Novaya Zemlya and

Spitsbergen (7)

The chapel of the pope in the Vatican


Gordon, actor who played Tarzan in

the 1959 film Tarzan’s Greatest

Adventure (5)

The Derived SI Unit of frequency (5)

Major Mountain system of South

America (5)





























General Knowledge Crossword


Winner of the last Journal Game Center

Pragyan Paramita SethyPre Sales Executive ( EBG )



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