mwtc cold weather medicine_2001

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  • 8/19/2019 MWTC Cold Weather Medicine_2001



    Mountain Warfare Training Center Bridgeport, California 93517-5001




    1 MOUNTAN !A"#T$ %WNT#&'( !U&))A* +T3 CO* W#AT#& C*OTN./ WNT#& WA&".TN. *OA UM#NT!5 NOM#NC*ATU AN CA O" M*TA&$ !+ #UM#NT2 M*TA&$ !NOW!O# MO)#M#NT7 )#NT)# M#CN# AT#NT A!!#!!M#NT9 T&A.#10 TACTCA* COMBAT CA!UA*T$ CA11 *AN NA).ATON )#W

    1( NUT&TON13 $OT#&MA1/ "#4N. N#A& "#4N. T!!U# N6U&#!15 #TM# CO* W#AT#& T#NT12 #&!ONA* T#AM !TO)#!17 T#N MAN A&CTC T#NT1 BU&N MANA.#M#NT19 M!C#**AN#OU! CO* W#AT#& M#CA* &OB*#M!(0 CA!#)AC! AN CA!#)AC O&TN.(1 . A*TTU# #A*T &OB*#M!(( #N)&ONM#NTA* A4A&! 1(3 #N)&ONM#NTA* A4A&! ((/ A)A*ANC# !#A&C O&.AN4ATON(5 A)A*ANC# T&AN!C#)#&!(2 B)OUAC &OUTN#(7 W*#&N#!! O&TO#C T&AUMA( CO* W#AT#& *#A#&! &OB*#M!(9 !UBM#&!ON NC#NT!30 UM#NT! "O& !U&))A*31 !U&))A* !.NA*N.3( !U&))A* !NOW !#*T#&! AN "!33 !+6O&N.

  • 8/19/2019 MWTC Cold Weather Medicine_2001



    Mountain Warfare Training Center Bridgeport, California 93517-5001





    TERMINAL LEARNING OBJECTIVE. "i#en a unit in a $ilderne%% en#iron&ent andne'e%%ar( e)uip&ent and %upplie%, appl( t*e prin'iple% of &ountain %afet(, to pre#ent deat* or in+ur( per t*e referen'e%. FMST.07.18


    1. Wit*out t*e aid of referen'e%, and gi#en t*e a'ron(& B/ SF/ M2/, li%t in$riting t*e 1! prin'iple% of &ountain %afet(, in a''ordan'e $it* t*e referen'e%.FMST.07.18a


    1. PLANNING AND PREPARATION  . FMST.07.18a % in an( &ilitar( operation, planning and preparation 'on%titute t*e 4e(% to %u''e%%. T*e follo$ing prin'iple% $ill *elpt*e leader 'ondu't a %afe and effi'ient operation in an( t(pe of &ountainou% en#iron&ent.We find t*i% prin'iple in t*e a'ron(& B/ SF/ M2/. e&e&er t*e 4e(6 T*in4 aout $*at ea'* letter &ean% and appl( t*i% in an( t(pe of en#iron&ent.

    B - Be a$are of t*e group% ailit(.

    E - /#aluate terrain and $eat*er 'on%tantl(.

    S - Sta( a% a group.

    A - ppre'iate ti&e re)uire&ent%.

    F - Find %*elter efore %tor&% if re)uired.

    E - /at plent( and drin4 lot% of li)uid%.

    M - Maintain proper 'lot*ing and e)uip&ent.


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    A - %4 lo'al% aout 'ondition%.

    R  - e&e&er to 4eep 'al& and t*in4.

    I - 2n%i%t on e&ergen'( ration% and 4it%.

    N - e#er forget a''ident pro'edure%.

    E - /nerg( i% %a#ed $*en $ar& and dr(.

    a. BE AWARE OF THE GROUP'S ABILITY  . 2t i% e%%ential t*at t*e leader e#aluate% t*eindi#idual ailitie% of *i% &en and u%e% t*i% a% t*e a%i% for *i% planning. 2n *i% e#aluation,t*e leader &u%t in'lude t*e group% o#erall p*(%i'al 'onditioning, and t*e 'on%ideration of '*ange in 'li&ate and *o$ long t*e unit *a% *ad to a''li&atie.

    1 Mental attitude of (our group  . 2% &orale *ig* :o$ &u'* ta'ti'al training *a% t*e group

    *ad in a parti'ular t(pe of terrain

    ! Te'*ni'al a%pe't of (our group  . :a#e t*e( een on %4i%, %no$%*oe%, et'.

    3 2ndi#idual %4ill%  . t t*i% point, (ou &u%t '*oo%e $*o i% &o%t profi'ient at t*e indi#idual%4ill% t*at $ill e re)uired for (our &i%%ion, na#igation te'*ni)ue%, %e'urit(, 'all for fire,rope in%tallation%, tra'4 plan%, i#oua' %ite %ele'tion, %4i+oring, et'.


    1 Terrain  . ;uring t*e planning %tage% of (our &i%%ion, t*e leader &u%t a%or a% &u'*infor&ation a% po%%ile on t*e %urrounding terrain and 4e( terrain feature% in#ol#ed in (our area of operation. Con%ideration% to an( o%ta'le% &u%t e 'learl( planned for. Will (ou need%u'* t*ing% a% fi

  • 8/19/2019 MWTC Cold Weather Medicine_2001


    '. STAY AS A GROUP  . 2ndi#idual% a'ting on t*eir o$n are at a great di%ad#antage int*i% en#iron&ent.

    1 "i#e t*e unit ade)uate re%t *alt% a%ed upon t*e terrain and ele#ation, p*(%i'al ailitie% of t*e unit, 'o&at load and &i%%ion re)uire&ent%.

    ! e&e&er to u%e t*e udd( %(%te& in (our group.

    3 Maintain a %tead( pa'e %o t*at it $ill allo$ a''o&pli%*&ent of t*e &i%%ion$*en all &e&er% of t*e unit rea'* t*e o+e'ti#e area.

    d. APPRECIATE TIME REQUIREMENTS  . /ffi'ient u%e of a#ailale ti&e i% #ital.T*e leader &u%t &a4e an a''urate e%ti&ate of t*e ti&e re)uired for *i% operation a%ed on terrain, $eat*er, unit %ie, ailitie%, and on t*e ene&( %ituation. T*i%e%ti&ate &u%t ta4e into a''ount t*e po%%iilit( of une

  • 8/19/2019 MWTC Cold Weather Medicine_2001


    >nit ;e%ignation6

    >nit Co&&ander. u&er of per%onnel.

    2n'lu%i#e date% and ti&e% of &o#e&ent."rid 'oordinate% of ea'* '*e'4point and i#oua'.Map referen'e%.i&ut* and di%tan'e% for ea'* leg./le#ation gainlo%% per leg.;e%'ription of t*e ground./T and /T;.




     >MB/ AF?/SA/

    ;T/ ;T2M/


    /" M ;2ST "2; /T /T; //DT2A ;/SC2?T2A

    3 % in an( &ilitar( operation, route planning and ender 'ertain 'ondition%,in'le&ent $eat*er 'an pro#ide ta'ti'al ad#antage% to t*e t*in4ing unit 'o&&ander, ut (t*e %a&e to4en it 'an redu'e t*e effi'ien'( of a unit to nil if an in'orre't e#aluation of t*e%ituation i% &ade.

    1 Bi#oua'  . 2f t*e group de'i%ion i% to i#oua', t*en it% #ital t*at $e 4no$ t*e prin'iple% for an unplanned i#oua'.


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  • 8/19/2019 MWTC Cold Weather Medicine_2001


    a Aur 'lot*ing *a% to perfor& an i&portant fun'tion in our &i%%iont*erefore, $*en '*oo%ing our 'lot*ing $e *a#e to ta4e into a''ount%o&e e%%ential re)uire&ent%.

    1. ?rote'tion again%t $ind and rain.

    !. a(ered and ea%il( ad+u%tale.

    3. ig*t$eig*t and durale.

    To *elp u% re&e&er *o$ to &aintain and $ear our 'lot*ing, $e u%e t*ea'ron(&, CA;.

    C - =eep 'lot*ing Clean.

    A - #oid A#er*eating.

    - Wear 'lot*ing oo%e and in a(er%.

    ; - =eep 'lot*ing ;r(.

     AT/6 2n t*e &ountain% a &an %*ould ne#er e %eparated fro& *i% gear. :ere are%o&e a%i' and e%%ential ite&% t*at %*ould e 'on%idered during (our planning%tage.

    ! e)uired e)uip&ent6

    a /a'* per%on in a unit %*ould al$a(% 'arr( an a%%ault pa'4 $it* one Marine'arr(ing a 'o&at load.

    Map and 'o&pa%%. /#er( indi#idual in a leader%*ip po%ition and *i% a%%i%tant%*ould 'arr( a &ap and 'o&pa%%. T*e &ap% %*ould e $eat*erproofed ande

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    'ondition% along *i% intended route. Af parti'ular i&portan'e are re'ent pre'ipitation and ene&( %ig*ting%.


    1 /&ergen'( %ituation. :a#ing re'ognied t*at (ou are lo%t and t*at an e&ergen'( %ituatione

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    e T*e failure to a't a% a group.

    f >ndere%ti&ation of ti&e re)uire&ent% to &o#e t*roug* &ountainou% terrain andundere%ti&ation of t*e terrain it%elf.

    ! ?re#enti#e &ea%ure%  . T*e onl( trul( effe'ti#e pre#enti#e &ea%ure% for t*e ao#e lie in t*eedu'ation and e

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    a Si< %*ort la%t% in 1 &inute fro& per%on re)ue%ting *elp.

    T*e return %ignal i% t*ree la%t% in 1 &inute fro& t*e re%pondent.

    G At*er &et*od% if *elp i% re)uired6

    a ed p(rote'*ni'%.

    SAS, ... --- . . ..

    ' IMa(da( ( #oi'e 'o&&uni'ation%.

    l. ENERGY IS SAVED WHEN WARM AND DRY  . Wit* t*e pre#iou% 11 prin'iple% in&ind t*i% one %*ould fall rig*t into pla'e. Sa#e (our *eat and energ( ( follo$ing t*e%e%tep%6

    1 ;re%% properl(.

    ! /at properl(.

    3 ;rin4 properl(.

    E /n%ure %*elter &eet% 'riteria.

    5 ?rodu'e e

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    Mountain Warfare Training Center Bridgeport, California 93517-5001





    TERMINAL LEARNING OBJECTIVE. !n a "inter #ountainou$ en%iron#ent, a$$e#&lea $ur%i%al 'it, in a((ordan(e "it) t)e referen(e$. *FMST.07.20+


    *1+ Wit)out t)e aid of referen(e$, $ele(t fro# a gi%en li$t t)e (riteria for a $ur%i%al 'it,in a((ordan(e "it) t)e referen(e$. *FMST.07.20a+

    *2+ Wit)out t)e aid of referen(e$, $ele(t fro# a gi%en li$t one ea#ple of ea() (riteria for a $ur%i%al 'it, in a((ordan(e "it) t)e referen(e$. *CWM..20&+



    a. T)e en%iron#ent i$ t)e 'e to t)e tpe$ of ite#$ ou "ill need in our $ur%i%al 'it./o" #u() euip#ent ou put in our 'it depend$ on )o" ou "ill (arr t)e 'it. 'iton our &od "ill )a%e to &e #u() $#aller t)an one (arried in a %e)i(le.

     &. l"a$ laer our $ur%i%al 'it, 'eeping t)e #o$t i#portant ite#$ on our &od.

    (. !n preparing our $ur%i%al 'it, $ele(t ite#$ t)at (an &e u$ed for #ore t)an one purpo$e.

    d. our $ur%i%al 'it doe$ not need to &e ela&orate. ou onl need fun(tional ite#$ t)at"ill #eet our need$ and a (a$e to )old t)e#. T)e (a$e #ig)t &e a fir$t aid (a$e, ana##unition pou(), or anot)er $uita&le (a$e. T)i$ (a$e $)ould &e

    *1+ Water repellent or "aterproof.

    *2+ 4a$ to (arr or atta() to our &od.

    2*3+ Suita&le to a((ept %ariou$ $ied ite#$.

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    *6+ ura&le.

    e. W)en (on$tru(ting a $ur%i%al 'it, ou $)ould )a%e t)e follo"ing (o#ponent$*FMST.07.20a+

    *1+ Fire $tarting ite#$.

    *2+ Water pro(ure#ent ite#$.

    *3+ Food pro(ure#ent ite#$.

    *6+ Signaling ite#$.

    *5+ Fir$t aid ite#$.

    *+ S)elter ite#$.


    a. Fire Starting !te#$  .

    *1+ Mat()e$.

    *2+ Magnifing gla$$.

    *3+ Flint and Steel.

    *6+ 8ig)ter.

    *5+ ota$$iu# er#anganate, "it) a (ontainer of $ugar or anti-freee.

    *+ repa('aged Tinder.

    *a+ Co##er(iall Manufa(tured.

    *&+ Cotton Ball$ and etroleu# :ell.

     &.  Water ro(ure#ent !te#$ 

    *1+ Water i$infe(ting C)e#i(al$.

    *a+ !odine Ta&let$.

    *&+ Betadine Solution.

    *(+ !odine Solution.


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    *2+ Metal Container. *Ser%e$ for &oiling "ater+

    *a+ Canteen Cup.

    *&+ Sur%i%al ;it Container.

    *(+ n $uita&le (an t)at (ontained no petroleu# produ(t$.

    *3+ Water Carring !te#$.

    *a+ Canteen.

    *&+ la$ti( Bag.

    *(+ la$ti(Metalig$.

    *e+ Fi$)ing line.

    *i+ T)in' a&out t)e $ie of fi$) for t)at en%iron#ent ")en $ele(ting "eig)t$ and $ie$.


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    *(+ 550 Cord for

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  • 8/19/2019 MWTC Cold Weather Medicine_2001


    UNITED STATES MARINE CORPSMountain Warfare Training Center Bridgeport, California 93517-5001




    PURPOSE T!e purpo"e of t!i" period of in"tru#tion i" to fa$iliari%e t!e "tudent" &it! t!e #old&eat!er #lot!ing "'"te$" u"ed in t!e Marine Corp" (l"o, &e &ill di"#u"" #old &eat!er dre""ingt!eor', la'er", fa)ri#", and t!e indi*idual #o$ponent" of t!e +CWC T!i" le""on relate" to"ur*i*al


    1 COLD WEATHER ENVIRONMENTS  Cold &eat!er #an )e #!ara#teri%ed a" t&o t'pe"&et #old and dr' #old

    a Wet Cold  Wet #old #ondition" o##ur &!ere te$perature" are near free%ing a)o*e 1.ariation" in t!e da' and nig!t te$perature" #au"e alternate free%ing and t!a&ing T!e"e#ondition" are often a##o$panied )' &et "no& and rain #au"ing t!e ground to )e#o$e$u"!' and $udd' Wit! t!e"e #ondition", Marine" reuire #lot!ing t!at #on"i"t" of a&aterproof or &ater repellent, &ind re"i"tant outer la'er, and an inner la'er &it! "uffi#ientin"ulation to pro*ide prote#tion in $oderatel' #old &eat!er of 1. or a)o*e

     ) 4r' Cold  4r' #old #ondition" o##ur &!en a*erage te$perature" are lo&er t!an 1.T!e ground i" u"uall' fro%en and t!e "no& i" dr' T!e"e lo& te$perature", plu" &ind,in#rea"e t!e need for prote#tion of t!e entire )od' or t!e"e #ondition", Marine" reuire#lot!ing t!at &ill pro*ide in"ulation for t!e )od' for a &ind-#!ill fa#tor of -0 ( &ater repellent, &ind re"i"tant outer la'er $u"t prote#t t!e inner la'er" of in"ulation

    2 COLD  To !elp u" re$e$)er "o$e of t!e )a"i# prin#iple" of &earing our #lot!ing, &e u"et!e a#ron'$ 6CL4

    C - 8eep #lot!ing #lean

    O - (*oid o*er!eating

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    3L - Wear #lot!ing loo"e and in la'er"

    D - 8eep #lot!ing dr'

    ere are "o$e t!eorie" )e!ind t!e a#ron'$ 6CL4

    a C - 8eep Clot!ing CLEAN    Clot!ing :eep" 'ou &ar$ )' trapping &ar$ air again"t 'our 

     )od' and in t!e pore" of t!e #lot!ing it"elf o&e*er, if t!e"e pore" are filled &it! dirt,"&eat, or ot!er gri$e, it &ill not )e a)le to do it" ;o) a" effi#ientl' T!erefore, 'our #lot!e" "!ould )e :ept a" #lean a" po""i)le to :eep 'ou a" &ar$ a" po""i)le

     ) O - (*oid OVERHEATING  +*er'one naturall' a""u$e" t!at t!e $ore #lot!e" 'ou!a*e on, t!e &ar$er 'ou &ill )e T!i" i" true up to a point, and t!at point i" &!en 'our  )od' "tart" o*er!eating and "&eating ( Marine, &!o i" on a for#ed $ar#!, or digging a po"ition, &ill )e &ar$er t!roug! )od' a#ti*it' t!an one &!o i" ;u"t "tanding guardo&e*er, if t!e' are )ot! dre""ed t!e "a$e, t!e one t!at i" a#ti*e &ill "tart to o*er!eat,getting !i" #lot!e" &et and dirt', and !i" )od' too !ot T!e :e' to "ur*i*ing under t!i"#ondition i" not to )e !ot and "nug, )ut #o$forta)l' #ool, not #old, )ut #ool a?

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    >)? Little or no air #an )e trapped )et&een 'our )od' and #lot!e"

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    a GENERAL  T!ere are t!ree #lot!ing "'"te$" #urrentl' in u"e in t!e Marine Corp" t!ene& +=tended Cold Weat!er Clot!ing '"te$ >+CWC? t!at i" #urrentl' #o$ing into"er*i#e, t!e old M-1950 Cold Wet/Cold 4r' "e*en la'er "'"te$ and t!e pe#ialt'Clot!ing '"te$ de*eloped to fit t!e "pe#ifi# need" of a*iation and $aintenan#e per"onnel

    >1? +=tended Cold Weat!er Clot!ing '"te$ >+CWC?  T!e +CWC !a" re#entl' )eenappro*ed for Marine Corp" u"e +CWC &a" de*eloped to pro*ide a lig!ter &eig!t,le"" )ul:' #lot!ing "'"te$ t!at &a" )etter "uited to t!e $odern #old &eat!er  )attlefield T!i" "'"te$ u"e" re#entl' de*eloped "'nt!eti# $aterial" to pro*ide&ar$t! and !andle $oi"ture $u#! )etter t!an t!e older "tandard #lot!ing "'"te$ T!e+CWC i" a la'ered in"ulating "'"te$ ad;u"ta)le to per"onal preferen#e, $eta)oli"$,and pre*ailing &eat!er #ondition" .C and -13C?, &it! t!e +=tre$e ColdWeat!er Boot" prote#ting do&n to -50 >-.5C? T!i" "'"te$ u"e" $oi"ture$anage$ent prin#iple" to tran"fer per"piration a&a' fro$ t!e ":in "o t!at t!e u"er &ill re$ain &ar$ and dr'

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    >2? Long Fnder&ear   T!e #old &eat!er under&ear #on"i"t" of t!e under"!irt and dra&er">Fnder"!irt, Cold Weat!er, Pol'prop'lene/#apilene, and dra&er", Cold Weat!er,Pol'prop'lene/#apilene?

    >a? 4e"#ription of )? Con#ept of F"e  T!e under&ear la'er ne=t to t!e ":in a#t" a" a $oi"ture &i#:ingla'er and "er*e" to dra& $oi"ture a&a' fro$ t!e ":in, tran"ferring it to t!e outer la'er" of t!e "'"te$ T!e &earing or u"e of i""ue #otton under"!irt and under&ear &ill negate t!e &i#:ing a#tion of t!e pol'prop'lene under&ear T!e #otton fi)er"&ill !old $oi"ture ne=t to t!e ":in 4o not &ear #otton under"!irt" and under&ear &!en u"ing t!i" #lot!ing

    >3? Cold Weat!er !irt  T!e #old &eat!er "!irt i" a ne& ite$ "i$ilar in de"ign to t!e 4"leep "!irt >!irt, Cold Weat!er, Pol'e"ter i)er pile?

    >a? 4e"#ription of .? Bi) *erall  T!e )i) o*erall >*erall, Bi), Cold Weat!er, i)er pile? i" a ne& ite$&!i#! Marine" &ill "eldo$ need unle"" deplo'ed to operational area" &!erete$perature" are in t!e e=tre$e #old range

    >a? 4e"#ription of )? Con#ept of F"e  T!e )i) o*erall i" u"ed a" an additional la'er for te$perature" )elo& -25 >-32C?

    >5? +CWC Cold Weat!er Liner, Trou"er"/Coat  T!e full #lo"ure liner" "er*e a" anin"ulating la'er T!e trou"er liner and #oat liner are de"igned to )e &orn a" an addedla'er of in"ulation during period" &!en Marine" are "tationar', ie, "tanding "entr'dutie", or during period" of inten"e #old

    >a? 4e"#ription of

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    >)? Con#ept of F"e  T!e #oat and trou"er liner" "er*e a" an in"ulating la'er T!etrou"er liner and #oat liner are de"igned to )e &orn a" an added la'er of in"ulationduring period" &!en Marine" are "tationar', ie, "tanding "entr' dutie", or during period" of inten"e #old

    >H? Trou"er", Cold Weat!er ield, D'lon and Cotton  T!e oli*e green or four #olor #a$ouflage printed #old &eat!er field trou"er" >Trou"er", Cold Weat!er, ield, D'lonand Cotton? are "tandard ite$" of #old &eat!er i""ue and are al"o u"ed in t!e +CWC"'"te$

    >a? 4e"#ription of 7? +CWC Ca$ouflage Par:a  T!e e=tended #old &eat!er #a$ouflage par:a >Par:a,+=tended Cold Weat!er, Ca$ouflage? i" a ne& ite$

    >a? 4e"#ription of Par:a, no& Ca$ouflage and Trou"er"? are "tandard ite$" fro$ t!e M-1950 i""ue


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    >a? 4e"#ription of 2? 4 8nitted Glo*e  T!e :nitted 4 glo*e in"ert >Glo*e a? 4e"#ription of

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    >.? 4 Mitten 5? Mitten !ell", Cold Weat!er &/Trigger inger   T!e #old &eat!er $itten "!ell">Mitten "!ell", Cold Weat!er &/Trigger inger? are part of t!e T(P i""ue

    >a? 4e"#ription of )? Con#ept of F"e  T!e trigger finger $itten" are to )e &orn &it! or &it!out t!e&ool/n'lon $itten in"ert" and in area" too #old for leat!er glo*e" and not #oldenoug! for ar#ti# $itten"

    >H? +=tre$e Cold Weat!er Mitten et  T!e e=tre$e #old &eat!er $itten" >Mitten et,+=tre$e Cold Weat!er? are part of t!e T(P i""ue

    >a? 4e"#ription of "trap?

    >)? Con#ept of F"e  T!e $itten "et i" &orn o*er t!e &ool $itten in"ert and trigger finger $itten "!ell" to pro*ide en*iron$ental prote#tion to t!e !and" in a #old&eat!er en*iron$ent T!e "u"pen"ion !arne"" i" &orn o*er t!e #a$ouflage par:aT!e #ord i" pla#ed around t!e ne#: and t!e "trap i" ad;u"ted to lie on t!e #!e"t to:eep t!e #ord in pla#e T!e end" of t!e #ord are tied to t!e loop on t!e outer "!ellof ea#! $itten T!e outer "!ell of t!e $itten "et #an )e "eparated fro$ t!e

    in"ulating liner for dr'ing

    >7? Ca$ouflage Mitten !ell"  T!e #a$ouflage $itten "!ell" >Mitten !ell", no&Ca$ouflage, Cotton, W!ite, T&o inger? are part of t!e T(P i""ue


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    >H? Cleaning  Clean +CWC #lot!ing ite$" regularl' &!en in u"e 4irt' #lot!e" &ear out ui#:l' )e#au"e dirt #ut" te=tile fi)er" and retain" $oi"ture fro$ per"pirationPrior to laundering and dr'ing, $a:e "ure all t!e dra& #ord" are tied toget!er, all%ipper" are %ipped, and all "nap" and !oo:" are fa"tened e#uring t!e"e ite$" &illre"ult in a )etter-laundered gar$ent W!en laundering, u"e deli#ate or gentle fa)ri#

    &a"! #'#le or )' !and, u"ing #old &ater >up to 5/29C? and #old &ater laundr'detergent Iin"e in #lean #old &ater 4 DT F+ BL+(C I T(IC Tu$)ledr' at t!e lo&e"t fa)ri# #'#le, deli#ate/gentle 4o not e=#eed 90/32C Ie$o*ei$$ediatel' at t!e end of dr'ing (1? General  FMC foot&ear #on"i"t" of t&o t'pe" T!e old apor Barrier "'"te$ andt!e ne& ":i $ar#! )oot/"o#: "'"te$

    >2? T!e apor Barrier >B? )oot  "'"te$ #on"i"t" of t!ree ite$" T!e #u"!ion-"ole &ool"o#:", t!e )la#: #old &eat!er )oot and t!e &!ite e=tre$e #old &eat!er )oot T!e )arrier >B? )oot" T!e"e )oot" u"e an inner and an outer )oot $ade of ru))er andfilled &it! eit!er &ool flee#e or #lo"ed #ell foa$ >neoprene? in"ulation T!e ru))er a#t" to "top t!e $o*e$ent of $oi"ture fro$ t!e feet T!e $oi"ture in t!e air tran"fer"!eat ui#:l' B' trapping t!e $oi"ture, t!e )oot" trap !eat T!e )oot" al"o a#t to :eept!e $oi"ture out De& o#:", MenA", D'lon, Cu"!ion ole tret#! t'pe, 4-10H"!ould )e utili%ed )' Marine" Carr' dr' "o#:" and #!ange "o#:" at lea"t 3 ti$e" ada' &!en &earing B )oot" W!en po""i)le, t!e B )oot" "!ould )e re$o*ed for atlea"t a fe& !our" a da' to allo& t!e feet to )reat!e and dr' out

    >a? B Boot"  T!ere are t&o t'pe" of B )oot"

    1 Boot", Cold Weat!er >T'pe 1, Bla#:?  T!e"e )oot" are &orn in t!e #old &eten*iron$ent and &ill prote#t t!e feet do&n to -20

    2 Boot", +=tre$e Cold Weat!er >T'pe 2, W!ite?  T!e"e )oot" are &orn in t!e#old dr' en*iron$ent and &ill prote#t t!e feet do&n to -50


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    >)? :i Mar#! Boot '"te$  T!e "'"te$ #on"i"t" of "e*eral la'er" in#luding *apor tran"$i""ion "o#:", in"ulating "o#:", *apor )arrier "o#:", t!e )oot it"elf, and"e*eral different o*er )oot de"ign"

    1 Co$ponent" of t!e o#: "'"te$  T!e "o#: "'"te$ #urrentl' undergoing te"t

    in t!e Marine Corp" i" a t!ree "o#: la'ered "'"te$

    a T!e fir"t la'er   B? )oot, it trap" allof t!e !eat #reated fro$ t!e feet T!e pro)le$ i" t!at it al"o trap" all of t!e$oi"ture? T!i" "o#: "!ould )e &orn )et&een t!e *apor tran"$i""ion andt!e in"ulating la'er" T!i" :eep" t!e foot &ar$ and prote#t" t!e in"ulatingla'er fro$ per"piration De*er &ear t!e B "o#: o*er t!e in"ulating "o#:,a" it &ill #au"e it to )e#o$e "aturated and lo"e it" !eat retention propertie"Ie$e$)er t!e 64 in CL4 (l"o, )e #areful of u"ing t!e B "o#: &!enit i" &ar$ a" it #an #au"e )li"ter" due to e=#e""i*e "&eating T!e "e#ondla'er i" a !oo: "tit#! pile fi)er $ade of 50 &ool and 50 pol'prop'leneT!i" #o$)ination pro*ide" t!e &ar$t! needed for prolonged ":i$o*e$ent" and "till allo&" t!e $oi"ture to pa"" t!roug! t!e "o#: W!enloo:ing at t!i" "o#:, 'ou &ill "ee t!at t!ere i" a "$oot! "ide and a roug!"ide T!e "$oot! "ide i" &orn on t!e in"ide ne=t to 'our foot

    2 F"e of t!e o#: '"te$  T&o pair" of t!e *apor tran"$i""ion and in"ulating"o#:" are i""ued T!i" ena)le" t!e &earer to #ontinuall' rotate t!e "o#:",allo&ing t!e ot!er pair to )e dried u"ing &!ate*er $et!od i" a*aila)le Bod'

    !eat &or:" &ell

    3 Care of t!e o#: '"te$  Care of t!e "o#: "'"te$ fall" into t&o area", field#are and garri"on #are

    a ield #are 

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    &it! our "tandard i""ue ":i and t!e D(T 120 )inding T!e )oot !a" a full'gu""eted leat!er tongue and #ollar &it! T!in"ulate and apor in"ulation

    a elt Liner"  T!e felt liner" are de"igned to add in"ulation, a)"or) $oi"turet!at &ould ot!er&i"e )e a)"or)ed )' t!e )oot it"elf, and to for$ to t!e foot

    for a $ore #o$forta)le fit T!e )oot i" pro*ided &it! t&o liner" to allo& a&ear/dr' rotation leeping &it! one liner ne=t to 'our )od' &ill )ot! dr'and &ar$ it prior to putting t!e )oot on

     ) i%ing  Proper "i%ing of t!e )oot i" per!ap" t!e $o"t i$portant t!ing 4one&rong, t!e Marine $a' "uffer fro$ )li"ter" or fro"t)ite i%ing $u"t )edone &it! t!e felt liner in t!e )oot" and &earing all t!ree "o#:" of t!e pre*iou"l' di"#u""ed "o#: "'"te$ Dor$all', 1 to 1 1/2 "i%e" larger &ill )ereuired for proper fit T!e )oot "!ould fit "nugl' in t!e !eel area to a*oid )li"ter", )ut not "o tig!t t!at it #ut" off #ir#ulation T!e toe" "!ould !a*e"o$e $o*e$ent, )ut a*oid "ide "lippage, &!i#! not onl' #au"e" )li"ter" )utal"o redu#e" #ontrol &!ile ":iing

    # Brea:ing in  De& )oot" $u"t )e )ro:en in graduall' Wear for no $oret!an four !our" at a ti$e for t!e fir"t fe& da'" to pre*ent )li"ter" a" &ell a"foot fatigue

    d Waterproofing  T!ere are $an' produ#t" on t!e $ar:et t!at &ill &or:, )ut!ere at MWTC &e u"e "no& "eal

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    gaiter o##a"ionall' &!ile &earing to allo& #onden"ation to e*aporate 1? General  Per"onal euip$ent for u"e in #old &eat!er en*iron$ent" i" e"pe#iall'de"igned to pro*ide prote#tion and )e a" lig!t&eig!t a" po""i)le

    >2? leeping '"te$  T!e "leeping "'"te$ #on"i"t" of a "leeping )ag, an in"ulated"leeping $at, and a &aterproof )ag

    >a? T!ere are t&o t'pe" of "leeping )ag"

    1 leeping Bag, T'pe 3? Load Carr'ing +uip$ent  Marine" are no& i""ued t!e LC- pa#: for u"e in #old&eat!er/$ountainou" en*iron$ent" T!i" pa#: !a" an internal fra$e, full' ad;u"ta)le"u"pen"ion, a $ap flap, t!ree e=ternal ":i tunnel po#:et", an internal di*ider for t!e%ipper opened "leeping )ag #o$part$ent, a radio po#:et, and nu$erou" atta#!$ent point" for (L

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    >a? Waterproofing  (" #lot!e" get old and &orn, t!e' lo"e t!eir &ater repellen#' T!e&ater repellen#' #an )e re"tored on t!e +CWC a" di"#u""ed earlier, D++I u"e#ot#! Guard on t!i" "'"te$

    >)? toring Clot!e"  (lt!oug! 'ou donAt &ant to "leep &it! 'our #lot!e" on, 'ou al"o

    donAt &ant to lea*e t!e$ out to get #old T!erefore, if t!e' are #lean, 'ou #an putt!e$ in"ide 'our "leeping )ag along t!e "ide" Boot" #an )e pla#ed in"ide anin"ide-out &aterproof )ag, and t!en pla#ed o*er t!e foot of 'our "leeping )ag

    >#? Con*entional Canteen" 

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    .4 6"opor &at ."trapped to a""ault pa#* or #arried on t!e "*i pole

    .7 $er-t!e-"no' &o+ilit ."*i", pole", 'a= *it and/or "no'"!oe"

    .8 Mi""ion e""ential gear a" re%uired:

    .a T/ 'eapon '/a##e""orie" ."ling, &aga@ine", #leaning gear, +aonet/;-+ar, and +a"i# allo'an#e of a&&unition

    .+ A=tra a&&unition, de&olition", and prote#!ni%ue" a" t!e &i""ion di#tate"

    .# Apti#al gear .+ino#ular", nig!t $i"ion de$i#e", et#

    .d ACo&&uni#ation" e%uip&ent .field p!one", "pare +atterie", et#

    .e A

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    fire tea& pa#*" t!eir e=#e"" gear in one "ea +ag, and it #o&e" for'ard on t!e log train 6tin#lude", +ut i" not li&ited to:

    a =tra in"ulating laer"

     + =tra "o#*"

    # =tra glo$e and &itten liner"

    d Toiletrie"

    e e'ing *it

    5 GROUP STORES  6deall, ea#! fire tea& 'ill !a$e t!eir o'n "led to !aul t!eir group "tore"T!e indi$idual Marine" &a pull t!i" "led during t!eir &o$e&ent", #arried on t!e roof of t!eir , or it &a +e +roug!t up $ia t!e log train during t!e #on"olidation p!a"e T!egroup "tore" in"ide t!e fire tea& "led "!ould #on"i"t of t!e follo'ing:

    a 1 CW tent #o&plete .tent +od, fl, pole "et

     + =tra fuel for t!e "to$e"

    # 1 #a"e of e=tra M?)"/?CW)"

    d 2 "!o$el" and pioneer gear a" re%uired .!at#!et, +ela rope, et#

    e 2 pr #li&+ing "*in" .if "*i-+orne

    f 1 '!i"*+roo&

    g 1 tea& #oo* "et

    ! Candle"

    i Tra"! +ag"

    NOTE: Proper pa#*ing of t!e group "tore" i" taug!t in t!e (ire Tea& led #la""

    4 PACKING THE PACK   Be#au"e &o"t Marine" are fa&iliar 'it! !o' to pa#* a pa#*, t!e"e

    are general guideline" onl

    a ;eep our pa#* a" #o&pa#t a" po""i+le T!e +ul* of t!e 'eig!t "!ould +e ne=t to our  +od, lo' and #entered T!i" 'ill a""i"t ou in &aintaining our +alan#e '!en "*iing or "no'"!oeing

     + our "!oulder and 'ai"t "trap" "!ould +e properl ad>u"ted T!e "!ould +e "nug etallo'ing freedo& of &o$e&ent to pre$ent #utting off #ir#ulation


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    # Li&it t!e a&ount of gear and &i"#ellaneou" e%uip&ent ou !a$e "trapped to and danglingfro& t!e out"ide of our pa#* T!i" 'ill redu#e t!e a&ount of "nagging '!en &o$ingt!roug! den"e $egetation and "!ould pre$ent lo"t gear t!at &a "a$e our life

    d n"ure ou properl 'aterproof an gear ou do not 'ant to get 'et ?ain or "no' #an%ui#*l "oa* t!roug! our pa#* and &a*e our la"t pair of dr "o#*" 'et

    e "e "tuff "a#*" to *eep "&all or related gear neatl "to'ed '!ere ou #an readil lo#ateit, e$en in t!e dar*

    f W!en not 'earing our prote#ti$e laer or in"ulating laer", *eep it !and at t!e top of t!e pa#* W!en ta*ing a +rea* during a &o$e&ent, ou 'ill +e a+le to %ui#*l don alaer to pre$ent getting #!illed

    g ;eep our "to$e and fuel +ottle in t!e out"ide po#*et" of our pa#* T!e &a lea* and"oa* our e%uip&ent 'it! fuel if "tored in"ide our pa#*

    ! ;eep our "*i 'a= *it readil a$aila+le in t!e out"ide po#*et", t!i" allo'" ea" a##e"" toour 'a= during "!ort !alt"

    i ;eep "o&e !ig!-energ "na#*" !and in t!e e=terior po#*et" of our pa#* T!i" 'illallo' ou to refuel our ""te& on "!ort +rea*" during &o$e&ent" 'it!out t!e need todu&p our gear

     > W!en not 'earing our o$er '!ite", *eep t!e& !and under t!e &ap flap of our pa#*,"o ou #an %ui#*l #!ange our #a&ouflage a" t!e terrain re%uire"

    * no'"!oe" "!ould +e "e#ured to our pa#* 'it! "trap", Para #ord, +ungee #ord, et# 'it!t!e tail" pointing up and t!e "!o$el 'rapping in under t!e +otto& of t!e pa#*

    l *i" "!ould +e #arried on t!e pa#* + "liding t!e tail" do'n t!roug! t!e e=ternal "ide po#*et" T!e tip" are t!en "trapped toget!er 'it! a toe "trap


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    *+ ig)t Touring. T)i# t'pe of #(i i# narro$ to &ediu& in #i6e. T)e lig)t tour #(ier $ant##(i# #uited to ra%ing ut t)e' &u#t e $ide enoug) to #upport )i# $eig)t in t)e po$der and for off tra%( #(iing.

    *3+ Touring. T)i# i# a &ediu& to $ide #(i. T)e tour #(ier $ant# #upport $)en rea(ing

    trail and #(iing t)e po$der in t)e a%(%ountr' $)ere a $ider #(i i# a &u#t.

    *+ eep in &ind t)at all t)e#e #(i# &entioned )a"e no &etal edge#4 t)erefore t)e' are notde#irale for de#%ending #teep #lope#.

     . 8lpine S(iing *o$n)ill+. T)i# i# t)e t'pe of #(iing done at #(i re#ort#. T)e alpine #(i&a(e# #(iing "er' ea#' for t)e nor&al #(ier. :t i# de#igned to go do$n a #lope $it)&ini&u& effort, ut it i# nearl' i&po##ile to &o"e on gentle rolling terrain on t)i# gear.

    %. Mountaineering S(iing  . T)i# i# t)e $ide#t of t)e #(i t'pe#. T)e &ountain #(ier $ant# #(i#for #upport and turning. 8 $ider #(i i# de#igned to turn &ore ea#il' and t)e in%rea#ed$idt) #upport# etter in t)e a%(%ountr'. T)e &ountaineering #(i i# a %ro## et$een ordi% and 8lpine t'pe #(i# $it) a &etal edge and inding# t)at allo$ free &o"e&ent of t)e )eel.

    .  MILITARY SKIS. T)e %urrent &ilitar' #(i# in t)e #'#te& are t)e 8#ne# doule %a&ered#(i#. T)e#e #(i# "ar' in lengt) fro& 1;0%& to 10%& and )a"e a )ole in t)e tip# for to$ing.T)e #i6e of t)e #(i# i##ued to indi"idual# $ill e dependant upon t)eir $eig)t. %a&er>. :t i# often referred to a#


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    t)e $a po%(et. W)en 'ou put $eig)t on t)e #(i 'ou $ill noti%e t)at t)e o$ $ill flattenout. T)e a&ount of $eig)t needed to flatten t)e o$ depend# on t)e #(ier?# $eig)t andailit'.

    *a+ Single %a&er   . T)e %a&er in t)e #(i i# #oft #o t)at &ore of t)e #(i i# in %onta%t

    $it) t)e #no$. T)i# &a(e# #teering ea#ier and pro"ide# &ore %ontrol.

    *+ oule %a&er   . T)i# i# a ter& t)at i# u#ed to de#%rie t)e @#tiffne##A in t)e%a&er of t)e #(i. 8 doule %a&er #(i $ill reuire &ore for%e to flatten out$)i%) %au#e# #teering to e &ore diffi%ult, ut t)e #tiffer #(i $ill )a"e a etter gliding and grip $a po%(et.

    *5+ Binding  . T)e 8T 10 inding i# an all-&etal inding %on#i#ting of a %ale %la&p,toe plate and a %ale. T)i# $ill e di#%u##ed in furt)er detail in t)e net #e%tion.

     . t)er feature#

    *1+ Tra%(ing !roo"e  . :f 'ou loo( at t)e otto& of al&o#t e"er' %ro## %ountr' #(i, 'ou $ill#ee a -#)aped or -#)aped %ut %alled a >tra%(ing groo"e> going fro& u#t elo$ t)etip do$n to t)e tail. :t i# de#igned to )elp t)e #(i run o"er t)e #no$ in a #traig)t line.Wit)out t)e groo"e, t)e #(i $ill tend to $ole or &o"e fro& #ide to #ide.

    *+ i%( Done  . T)i# area i# lo%ated $it)in t)e %a&er and i# $)ere t)e $a i# applied.T)e (i%( 6one $ill "ar' et$een #(ier# due to )i# $eig)t, ailit' and t)e terrain eing#(ied. 8# a general guideline, t)e 6one egin# E in%)e# efore t)e inding andetend# to E in%)e# e'ond t)e inding.

    *3+ !lide Done  . T)i# i# t)e area t)at re&ain# in %onta%t $it) t)e #no$ #urfa%e. T)e glide

    6one run# fro& t)e end# of t)e (i%( 6one to t)e re#pe%ti"e end# of t)e #(i.

    *+ Metal dge  . T)i# i# an alpine #(i feature t)at i# e##ential for &ountaineering #(i#. T)eedge %an e off#et or flu#) $it) t)e running #urfa%e# of t)e #(i.

    *5+ Side Wall  . T)e #ide %o"er# of t)e #(i t)at prote%t# t)e %ore of t)e #(i fro& $arpingdue to $ater da&age.

    *E+ Side %ut *Wai#t+  . T)e differen%e in $idt) &ea#ure&ent# fro& tip to tail i# referred toa# t)e #(iG# #ide %ut. T)e #ide %ut &a(e# t)e #(i ea#ier to turn $)en pre##ure i# appliedon t)e #(i at an angle to t)e #no$ #urfa%e.

    *7+ Fle  . T)ere are t)ree t)ing# in"ol"ing fle2


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    *a+ Tip fle  . Soft tip# follo$ t)e terrain ' ea#il' flo$ing o"er u&p#, dip# andirregularitie# in t)e #no$. :f t)e tip i# too #oft, t)e #(i tend# to $ander and e%o&ediffi%ult to %ontrol in turn#. Moderate tip fle i# &ore de#irale for a%(%ountr'touring and &ountain #(iing, t)u# pro"iding etter flotation in po$der and

    adeuate %ontrol $)en turning.

    *+ Tail fle  . Tail fle i# #i&ilar to tip fle in it# re#pon#e to #no$ and turning. :f it i#too #oft, t)e #(i &a' $a#) out or not )old an edge $)ile turning.

    *%+ Tor#ional fleiilit'  . T)i# refer# to t)e t$i#ting a%tion fro& #ide to #ide t)at a #(igoe# t)roug) $)ile in a turn or tra%(. 8 good touring or &ountain #(i )a# ator#ionall' #tiffer tip, $)i%) gi"e# t)e #(i &ore )olding po$er and etter edge%ontrol $)en turning.

    3.  SKI BINDING. T)e 8T 10 Binding i# a "er#atile inding e%au#e it %an e fitted to a"ariet' of oot#. T)e Hapor Barrier *HB+ oot and t)e 75&& o-toed leat)er #(i &ar%) oot eing t)e &o#t %o&&onl' u#ed in t)e Marine Corp#.

    a. o&en%lature of t)e 8T 10 Binding

    *1+ Toe plate  . T)i# %on#i#t# of a $ing nut fa#tener, lo%(ing le"er, and t$o adu#tale toe plate# de#igned for proper e&pla%e&ent of t)e toe of a oot toe.

    *+ Cale %la&p  . T)i# i# lo%ated in t)e front of t)e inding and i# de#igned to ten#ion t)e%ale around t)e oot. T)e %ale %la&p al#o )a# a retra%tale nut, $)i%) allo$# for t$o full #i6e# of adu#t&ent of a %ale to a oot.

    *3+ Cale  . T)i# i# a pla#ti% %oated %ale $it) a %oil #pring portion t)at fit# e)ind t)e a%( of t)e )eel. T)e %ale# %o&e in four #i6e# $it) a different %olored and repre#entingt)e #i6e rating of t)at %ale. T)e %olor and %orre#ponding oot #i6e are a# follo$#2


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     8T 10 S: B::!



    Blue and I! 1 to 1

    Bla%( and ! 10 to 1

    !reen andJello$ and

    M ; to 10

    ed and SM E to ;

    NOTE: Blue and %ale# need to e ordered #eparatel'. 

     . 8du#t&ent of t)e 8T 10 Binding2

    *1+ Toe plate  . ue to t)e different #i6e oot# u#ed $it) t)i# inding, t)e adu#t&ent of t)etoe plate i# ne%e##ar'. Start ' loo#ening t)e $ing nut and lifting t)e lo%(ing le"er up.=la%e t)e toe of t)e oot e)ind t)e $ing nut en#uring t)at t)e )eel of t)e oot i#%entered on t)e #(i. 8lign t)e toe plate# again#t t)e $elt of t)e oot and pu#) t)elo%(ing le"er a%( do$n into it# original po#ition. Tig)ten t)e $ing nut until no&o"e&ent %an e felt fro& t)e toe plate. :t &a' e ne%e##ar' to &ar( $)i%) #(i i# leftor rig)t #in%e ea%) toe plate $ill e adu#ted differentl'.

    *+ Cale %la&p  . n#ure t)at t)e proper ten#ion i# attained and #e%ure t)e %la&p do$n.Minor adu#t&ent# to t)e ten#ion %an e done ' un#%re$ing or tig)tening t)e nut.n%e t)e %ale i# %la&ped do$n, t)ere #)ould e no lateral &o"e&ent of t)e oot.

    *3+ Cale  . o adu#t&ent i# needed for t)e %ale. T)e %ale %la&p $ill %o&pen#ate for t)e proper adu#t&ent. 8ttention to t)e %orre%t %ale lengt) for t)e oot #i6e i#i&portant.

    .  MILITARY SKI POLES. T)e #(i pole# aid t)e #(ier in &o"e&ent, alan%e and ti&ing.

    a. o&en%lature of t)e Militar' S(i =ole#.

    *1+ Wri#t #trap#  . T)e leat)er $ri#t #trap #)ould e adu#ted to #upport t)e $ri#t for  pu#)ing $)ile %ro##-%ountr' #(iing. n%e adu#ted t)e' #)ould not e %ut a# differentt'pe# of glo"e# or &itten# $ill reuire readu#t&ent.


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    *a+ To %on"ert t)e #(i pole# to an a"alan%)e proe pole, re&o"e t)e %olor-%oded)andgrip# ' un#%re$ing t)e& fro& t)e pole#.

    *+ S%re$ t)e &ale end into t)e fe&ale end.

    *%+ e&o"e a a#(et fro& one end of t)e pole.

    *3+ S)aft  . T)e #)aft i# &ade fro& one pie%e of )ollo$ air%raft alu&inu&.

    *+ Ba#(et  . T)e a#(et i# lo%ated near t)e end of t)e pole. T)i# a#(et allo$# t)e pole tore&ain ao"e t)e #urfa%e of t)e #no$ during pole plant#.

    *5+ =oint  . T)i# i# lo%ated at t)e end of t)e pole, al#o (no$n a# a Ferrule. T)i# i# $)at penetrate# t)e #no$ #urfa%e during pole plant#.


     .  t)er %on#ideration# 

    *1+ engt). T)e &ilitar' #(i pole %o&e# in t)ree lengt)#, 130%&, 137%& and 17%&. To properl' #i6e a pole to an indi"idual, pla%e t)e tip on t)e de%(, t)e )andgrip #)ould fit#nugl' under t)e indi"idual?# ar&pit.

    *+ Weig)t. a%) pole $eig)# approi&atel' one pound.

    5.  CARE AND MAINTENANCE OF THE MILITARY SKI. Ser"i%eailit' %)e%(# and proper &aintenan%e i# a regular routine for #(i euip&ent.

    a. Ser"i%eailit' C)e%(#  .

    *1+ Brea(age  . S(i# are "ulnerale to load #tre##, parti%ularl' t)e tip# and tail#.

    *+ ela&ination  . T)i# o%%ur# $)en t)e pla#ti% %oating #eparate# fro& t)e #(i %au#ing$ater da&age to t)e inner %ore. S(i# #)ould e freuentl' %)e%(ed for ni%(# andgouge# of t)e %oating.


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    *%+ Wit) a )ot $a iron, appl' t)e a#ed glide $a ' dripping it o"er t)e a#e of t)e#(i.

    *d+ un t)e $a iron o"er t)e #(i to re)eat t)e $a and to #pread it e"enl' along t)e a#e of t)e #(i. 8l$a'# (eep t)e iron &o"ing to a"oid &elting t)e #'nt)eti% a#e.

    *e+ e&o"e e%e## $a $it) a #%raper to in%lude t)e tra%(ing groo"e.

    *+ Metal edge tuning  . W)en t)e #(i &etal edge i# dulled or pitted, turning t)e #(i %an ediffi%ult. T)erefore, t)e edge# #)ould e #)arpened a# needed, e%ept in t)e #)o"eland tail area. T)e#e t$o area# #)ould e di"ided *detuned+ for &ai&u& turningeffi%ien%'.

    *a+ To file t)e #(i edge#, )old t)e file parallel and lengt)$i#e again#t t)e #ide of t)eedge. Jour t)u& #)ould e on top, and 'our finger# %urled under, a%ting a# aguide along t)e #(i it#elf.

    *+ File fro& t)e tip to tail, $)ile eing %areful to (eep t)e file at a 90-degree angle tot)e a#e4 a"oid e%e##i"e filing. To #&oot) out t)e operation of t)e #(i, t)e fir#t Ein%)e# at t)e tip, and t)e la#t 3 in%)e# at t)e tail, #)ould e #lig)tl' dulled.


    a. Fa%tor# 8ffe%ting Wa  . Wa i# applied to t)e a#e of t)e #(i# to pre"ent #lipping,influen%e &o&entu&, and )elp &aintain glide. T)e goal of $aing i# to find t)e proper $a %o&ination for opti&u& grip and glide, $it)out #a%rifi%ing eit)er. 8# t)e #no$%ondition# and te&perature %)ange, t)e $a reuired $ill al#o %)ange.

     . S(i Wae# 

    *1+ a%) $a )a# it# range of ideal #no$ %ondition. T)e t'pe of #no$ *$et or dr'+ andt)e te&perature $ill pla' a role in $)at $a 'ou %)oo#e and )o$ 'ou $ill appl' it.T)e $a %)art elo$ pro"ide# ea&ple# of #o&e $ae# %o&&onl' u#ed.





    =olar  - to 5 Her' %old #no$ %ondition $a. Freuentl'

    u#ed in t)e polar region# of urope and ort)8&eri%a.

    !reen Spe%ial 5 to 1 Cold #no$ %ondition $a and ideal for t)o#e$)o $ant a long (i%( 6one.

    !reen 9 to 19 Cold #no$ $a.

    Blue Spe%ial 1E to 3 Cold #no$ $a $it) a $ide range.

    Blue 1; to 7 #ed on &oderate %old #no$.


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    Blue tra 19 to 3 e&and# ne$ #no$ and lo$ air )u&idit'*elo$ 5-50K+.

    Hiolet Spe%ial 30 to 3 W)en Blue tra e%o&e# #o&e$)at #lipper',a t)in la'er of Hiolet Spe%ial proal' i# t)e

    rig)t $a.

    Hiolet 3

    To e u#ed $)en t)e #no$ i# in a #tage goingfro& %old to $et, around free6ing *3+.Hiolet tra 3 to 3 #ed $)en t)e #no$ i# &oi#t.

    ed Spe%ial 30 to 3E Wa for &oi#t, ne$ #no$, ut &ig)t go into#o&e %older #no$ and all up t)e #no$ in 'our 

    (i%( 6one.

    ed 3 to 3; Wa for &oi#t to $et ne$ #no$, $)en &a(ing#no$all# i# "er' ea#'.

    ed tra 3 to 3; For $et, ne$ #no$ and gla6ed tra%(#. Mu#t eapplied in an e"en la'er to pre"ent alling.





    !reen -13 to 7 To e u#ed a# a fir#t la'er a# a inder for ot)er (li#ter# or )ard $ae# in "er' ara#i"e%ondition#. #ed alone for i%' %ondition# at"er' %old te&perature#. 8# a fir#t la'er, it

    #)ould e )eated into t)e a#e of #(i.Blue 5 to 3 For fro6en, i%' %ondition#. Can al#o e u#ed

    a# a a#e (li#ter for $et-#no$ (li#ter# ini&pro"e $ear.

    Hiolet 5 to 37 #e for #no$ on ot) #ide# of free6ing, utal#o $)en %ondition# are %)angeale and

    &ied $it) fine-grained #no$.

    ed 3 to 1 #ed on %)anging, %oar#e-grained #no$ on ot) #ide# of free6ing. Be#t on t)e $ar& #ide

    of free6ing $)en t)e #no$ i# $et.range 3E to 5 #ed $)en t)e #no$ )a# a )ig) $ater %ontent

    #u%) a# #lu#) and t)e air te&perature i# $ellao"e free6ing.

    *+ T$o $a #'#te&. :n#tead of %arr'ing around all t)e ao"e-&entioned $ae#, $e %an(eep it #i&ple u#ing a t$o-$a #'#te&. T)i# i# $)at training unit# $ill e i##ued atMWTC.



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    Blue 5 to 3 8 $ide range $a for nor&al %old #no$.

    ed 3 and $ar&er  :deal for %ondition# around free6ing and#lig)tl' $ar&er.

    %. Wa and it# effe%t# on #no$  . W)en $a i# #pread on t)e #(i?# a#e, it pro"ide# a %u#)ionfor t)ou#and# of tin' #no$fla(e# to #ti%( into. For a rief &o&ent, $)en all t)e #(ier?#$eig)t i# on one #(i, a &ultitude of #no$ %r'#tal# are e&edded in t)e $a, )olding t)e#(i fir& $)ile t)e #(ier pu#)e# *or (i%(#+ off. 8# t)e #(i egin# to #lide for$ard, t)e pre##ure relea#e and fri%tion of t)e #liding #(i relea#e# t)i# ond. 8 t)in, &i%ro#%opi%la'er of $ater *a# a re#ult of fri%tion et$een t)e #(i?# a#e and t)e #no$+ %au#e# t)e #(ito glide until it #top# and do$n$ard pre##ure i# again applied.

    d. Cla##ifi%ation# of Sno$ 

    *1+ Fre#) fine-grain #no$. T)i# u#uall' o%%ur# after a #no$#tor& $)en te&perature# are%old. a%) fla(e )a# a "er' di#tin%ti"e feature, li(e t)e finger# of an out#tret%)ed)and.

    *+ Coar#e-grain #no$. T)i# de"elop# one to t)ree da'# after a #no$#tor&. T)i# #no$undergoe# a tran#for&ation in $)i%) t)e %r'#tal# egin to lo#e t)eir #)ape."aporation and %o&pre##ion %au#e a rounding of t)e fre#) #no$?# #)arp point#, li(eta(ing an out#tret%)ed )and and #tarting to for& a fi#t.

    *3+ !ranular #no$. T)i# t'pe of #no$ de"elop# $)en t)e te&perature ri#e# ao"efree6ing and t)e #no$ &elt# and refree6e#. :t i# #i&ilar in #)ape to a %lo#ed fi#t, $it)no relation#)ip to t)e original #no$fla(e.

    *+ Wet #no$. T)i# t'pe of #no$ i# u#uall' found during t)e #pring. :t &a' al#o o%%ur atot)er ti&e#, parti%ularl' in region# of &oderate %li&ate. T)i# t'pe of #no$ %an e&ade into a )ea"', #olid #no$all. :n etre&e %ondition#, $et #no$ $ill e%o&e#lu#)', and %ontain a large a&ount of $ater.

    *5+ r' #no$. T)i# t'pe of #no$ i# generall' a##o%iated $it) $inter at it# )eig)t, ut it%an o%%ur in late autu&n, a# $ell a# in t)e #pring, $)en anor&all' lo$ te&perature#o%%ur. T)i# #no$ i# lig)t and fluff'. :t %annot e %o&pre##ed into a )ardall unle##t)e #no$ i# &ade &oi#t ' )olding it in t)e )and. 8t etre&el' lo$ te&perature#,#u%) a# t)o#e found in t)e far nort)ern region#, t)i# #no$ i# li(e #and, and )a# "er'

     poor #liding ualitie#.

    e. =roper Sele%tion and 8ppli%ation of S(i Wae#  . !rip $ae# are for&ulated to pro"ideopti&u& gliding and gripping %)ara%teri#ti%# for "ariou# t'pe# of #no$ and te&perature#.a%) t'pe i# laeled $it) appropriate in#tru%tion# on it# intended u#e, i.e., $et4 &oi#t or dr' #no$ %ondition#, or te&perature. Sin%e t)e t'pe of $a "arie# et$een &anufa%turer#,no parti%ular t'pe of $a %an e pre#%ried for ea%) %la##ifi%ation of #no$4 )o$e"er, t)ein#tru%tion on ea%) %ontainer #pe%ifie# t)e $eat)er %ondition# and t)e t'pe of #no$ $)ere


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     perfor&an%e of t)e $a i# e#t. To pro"ide a proper grip, "ar'ing a&ount#, %o&ination#,and &et)od# of appli%ation of different $ae# &a' e u#ed.

    *1+ Tip# for appl' grip $a  2

    *a+ Wa in t)e te&perature eing #(ied.

    *+ S(i #)ould e dr' $)en $aing.

    *%+ T)e $a #)ould e %or(ed in fro& tip to tail.

    *d+ !rip $ae# &a' e %ra'oned, and t)en %or(ed in.

    *e+ W)en in dout #tart $it) a )arder $a.

    *f+ onGt appl' a )arder on top of a #ofter $a.

    *g+ Se"eral t)in la'er# $or( etter t)an one t)i%( la'er.

    *)+ uring &o"e&ent %arr' $a in an in#ide po%(et to (eep it $ar&.

    *i+ o not put ne$l' $aed #(i# on t)e #no$, until t)e $a )a# %ooled to air te&perature. :f t)e lead group )a# a #pe%ifi% $a on for t)e %ondition# of #tartingout, t)e trailing group &ig)t $ant to u#e a $ar&er or %older $a due to differenttra%( %ondition# left ' t)e lead group.

    f. Te#t  . Before 'ou &o"e out on a #(i &ar%) or an' ot)er t'pe of &o"e&ent, te#t t)e $aing o prior to &o"e&ent and re-$a if ne%e##ar'. :t $ill nor&all' ta(e #e"eral )undred feet

    of #(iing for t)e $a to fun%tion properl'.

    g. Wa it  . T)e $a (it #)ould in%lude2

    *1+ T$o grip $ae# *T)e t$o $a #'#te&+

    *+ Cor( 

    *3+ S%rapper 

    7.  CLIMBING SKINS. Cli&ing #(in# $ere originall' &ade fro& #eal#(in. Modern da'

    #(in# are &ade fro& #'nt)eti% fur %alled @&o)airA. T)e#e &o)air #trip# atta%) to t)e otto&of t)e #(i#, $)i%) allo$ t)e #(ier to #lide for$ard, ut not a%(. #ed for a#%ending &oderateto #teep terrain or pulling )ea"' load# o"er long di#tan%e#.

    *1+ o&en%lature of t)e %li&ing #(in.

    *a+ S(in  . T)i# i# t$o #ided. T)e ad)e#i"e #ide i# pla%ed again#t t)e a#e of t)e #(i. T)e&o)air #ide i# t)e portion, $)i%) %o&e# in %onta%t $it) t)e #no$.


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    Mountain Warfare Training Center Bridgeport, California 93517-5001





    TERMINAL LEARNING OBJECTIVE. "i#en $no% &o#ered 'ountainou$ terrain,'ilitar( $no%$)oe$ and an a$$ault load, &ondu&t a 'ilitar( $no%$)oe 'o#e'ent, ina&&ordan&e %it) t)e referen&e$. *FMST.07.06+


    *1+ Wit)out t)e aid of referen&e$, $ele&t fro' a gi#en li$t t)e ad#antage$ of $no%$)oe$, ina&&ordan&e %it) t)e referen&e$. *FMST.07.06a+

    *!+ Wit)out t)e aid of referen&e$, $ele&t fro' a gi#en li$t t)e di$ad#antage$ of $no%$)oe$,in a&&ordan&e %it) t)e referen&e$. *FMST.07.06+

    *3+ Wit)out t)e aid of referen&e$, $ele&t fro' a gi#en li$t t)e &orre&t de$&ription of t)e part$ of a 'ilitar( $no%$)oe, in a&&ordan&e %it) t)e referen&e$. *FMST.07.06&+

    *+ "i#en a pair of 'ilitar( $no%$)oe$, adu$t t)e 'ilitar( $no%$)oe inding$, ina&&ordan&e %it) t)e referen&e$. *FMST.07.06d+

    *5+ "i#en a pair of 'ilitar( $no%$)oe$ in a $no% &o#ered 'ountainou$ en#iron'ent,de'on$trate $no%$)oe te&)ni/ue$, in a&&ordan&e %it) t)e referen&e$. *FMST.07.06e+



    a. d#antage$ of Sno%$)oe$  . *FMST.07.06a+

    *1+ Training  . ittle training ti'e i$ re/uired to gain a )ig) degree of profi&ien&( in t)eir 


    6*!+ Maintenan&e  . ittle 'aintenan&e i$ re/uired.

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    *3+ 2ea#( load$  . Carr(ing and pulling of )ea#( load$ on gentle terrain i$ relati#el( ea$(.

    *+ Confined area$  . Mo#e'ent in &onfined area$ and around e/uip'ent i$ relati#el( ea$(.Sno%$)oe$ are parti&ularl( u$eful for indi#idual$ %oring in &onfined area$, $u&) a$

     i#oua& $ite$ and $uppl( du'p$. Sno%$)oe$ are al$o )elpful to dri#er$, gun &re%$,&oo$ and ot)er $upport per$onnel.

     . 4i$ad#antage$ of Sno%$)oe$  . *FMST.07.06+

    *1+ ate of 'o#e'ent  . T)e rate of 'o#e'ent for a unit i$ etre'el( $lo%, and ineffi&ient,in ter'$ of energ( epended.

    *!+ Moderate to $teep $lope$  . Mo#e'ent on 'oderate to $teep $lope$ i$ etre'el(diffi&ult.

    *3+ T)i& or &ut  - off ru$)  . Mo#e'ent t)roug) t)i& or &ut-off ru$) i$ diffi&ult.

    *+ Fire and 'o#e'ent  . ui& 'o#e'ent, a$ needed during fire and 'o#e'ent i$diffi&ult.

    !. SNOWSHOE MOVEMENT RATES  *edu&e ( one-t)ird for 'ountainou$ terrain+.


    8n foot %it) le$$ t)an 1 foot of $no% 1.5-3 :2 !-3 :28n foot %it) 'ore t)an 1 foot of $no% .5-1 :2 !-3 :2

    Sno% $)oeing 1.5-3 :2 3- :2

    3. TYPES OF SNOWSHOES  . T)ere are t)ree a$i& t(pe$ of $no%$)oe$.

    a. Magne$iu'  . T)e 'agne$iu' $no%$)oe i$ t)e lig)te$t and 'o$t durale of t)e t)ree t(pe$.T)e n(lon inding u$ed %it) t)i$ $no%$)oe i$ adaptale to all t(pe$ of i$$ued foot%ear.T)e 'agne$iu' $no%$)oe al$o )a$ teet) under t)e $ide$, %)i&) are intended to aidtra&tion.

    M";M S;8WS28<


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     . $$ault  . T)i$ t(pe of $no%$)oe i$ $)ort, %ide and o#al in $)ape, %it) no tail. =t i$ e$tutili?ed %)en %oring near e/uip'ent and )ea#( %eapon$, due to it offering littlefloatation.

    SS>T S;8WS28<

    &. ='pro#i$ed Sno%$)oe$  . ='pro#i$ed $no%$)oe$ 'a( e &on$tru&ted ( for'ing a fra'efro' green, fleile ran&)e$, t)en %ea#ing $tring, 550 &ord, %ire or ran&)e$ to for' a$upporting $urfa&e. T(ing ran&)e$ &an al$o 'ae a $ati$fa&tor( pair fro' t)i& fir, or $pru&e tree$, to one@$ feet. #er( $i'ple Sa$/uat&) inding &an e 'ade %it) a $)ortlengt) of &ord or %ire.


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    =C T>;

    *a+ 8n $teep terrain  . =t i$ i'portant to re'e'er to $tep off %it) t)e up)ill foot, %)en&)anging dire&tion. For ea'ple =f 'aing a turn to t)e rig)t, $)ift (our %eig)t tot)e left foot, fa&e do%n t)e $lope, and $%ing t)e rig)t $no%$)oe around to point int)e dire&tion of t)e net $%it&)a&. T)en $ta'p t)e rig)t $no%$)oe into t)e$no%. Mae $ure t)e tail i$ not on t)e left $no%$)oe. ;o%, gentl( $)ift (our 

    %eig)t to (our rig)t foot and $%ing t)e left $no%$)oe around $o it i$ parallel %it)(our rig)t $no%$)oe.


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    d. 2erringone  . T)i$ i$ u$ed %)en t)e $lope i$ at a gradual angle.

    e. Cro$$ing 8$ta&le$  . 2ere are a fe% $i'ple rule$ to re'e'er

    *1+ l%a($ $tep o#er o$ta&le$. 4o t)i$ to a#oid da'aging $no%$)oe$ and lo$ing alan&e.

    *!+ ;e#er ridge a gap. ;e#er do t)i$ %it) (our $no%$)oe $o t)at t)e tip and tail are)ig)er t)an t)e &enter.

    *3+ S)allo% $no%. =n $)allo% $no%, t)ere i$ a danger of &at&)ing, and tearing t)e%eing on tree $tu'p$, or $nag$, %)i&) are onl( $lig)tl( &o#ered.

    *+ Wet $no%. T)i$ %ill fre/uentl( all up under t)e feet, interfering %it) &o'fortale%aling. T)i$ $no% $)ould e no&ed off a$ $oon a$ po$$ile.

    *5+ 4eep Sno%. Breaing trail in deep $no% u$e$ a lot of energ(. Fre/uent &)ange of t)elead 'an $)ould e $tre$$ed.

    *6+ Water. Stepping into %ater %it) $no%$)oe$ &an for' i&e, to %)i&) $ignifi&anta'ount$ of $no% &an &ling, 'aing t)e $no%$)oe #er( )ea#(.


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    Mountain Warfare Training Center Bridgeport, California 93517-5001




    TERMINAL LEARNING OBJECTIVE. "i#en a unit in a $old %eat&er en#iron'ent and t&ene$e((ar) e*uip'ent and (upplie(, perfor' $old %eat&er pre#enti#e 'edi$ine, in a$$ordan$e%it& t&e referen$e(. +FMST.07.08


    1 Wit&out t&e aid of referen$e(, fro' a gi#en li(t (ele$t t&e fi#e i'portant area( of per(onal&)giene, in a$$ordan$e %it& t&e referen$e(. +FMST.07.08a

    ! Wit&out t&e aid of referen$e(, fro' a gi#en li(t (ele$t t&e $orre$t (tep( taen to en(ure proper i''uniation prior to deplo)'ent, in a$$ordan$e %it& t&e referen$e(. +FMST.07.08/

    3 Wit&out t&e aid of referen$e(, fro' a gi#en li(t (ele$t t&e t&ree 'et&od( of %ater  purifi$ation, in a$$ordan$e %it& t&e referen$e(. +FMST.07.08$

    Wit&out t&e aid of referen$e(, fro' a gi#en li(t (ele$t t&e four for'( of &alogen( u(ed for %ater purifi$ation, in a$$ordan$e %it& t&e referen$e(. +FMST.07.08d

    5 Wit&out t&e aid of referen$e(, fro' a gi#en li(t (ele$t t&e definition of giardia, in a$$ordan$e%it& t&e referen$e(. +FMST.07.08e

    Wit&out t&e aid of referen$e(, fro' a gi#en li(t (ele$t t&e 'o(t $o''on drug u(ed to treatgiardia infe$tion in t&e 2nited State(, in a$$ordan$e %it& t&e referen$e(. +FMST.07.08f

    7 Wit&out t&e aid of referen$e(, fro' a gi#en li(t (ele$t t&e t&ree i'portant rea(on( for proper %a(te di(po(al, in a$$ordan$e %it& t&e referen$e(. +FMST.07.08g

    78 Wit&out t&e aid of referen$e(, fro' a gi#en li(t (ele$t t&e $orre$t 'et&od( of %a(te di(po(al,

    in a$$ordan$e %it& t&e referen$e(. +FMST.07.08&

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    1. PERSONAL HYGIENE  . our /od)4( defen(e 'e$&ani('( /rea do%n due to t&e p&)(i$alde'and( of t&e arduou( terrain, en#iron'ent, (tre(( and 'eta/oli$ $&ange(. er(onal&)giene /e$o'e( t&e e) to pre#ent t&e (pread of $o''uni$a/le di(ea(e(. Fi#e i'portantarea( are6 +FMST.07.08a


    a. Bod)  . +1 T&e /od) (&ould /e %a(&ed fre*uentl) in order to 'ini'ie t&e $&an$e( of ('all $ut( and

    ($rat$&e( de#eloping into full-/lo%n infe$tion( and a( a defen(e again(t para(iti$ infe$tion(. +! dail) /at& or (&o%er $on(i(ting of (oap and &ot %ater i( ideal. o%e#er, %&en t&i( i( not

     po((i/le, )ou (&ould6

    +a "i#e )our(elf a (ponge /at& u(ing (oap and %ater, 'aing (ure parti$ular attention i(gi#en to /od) $rea(e(, i.e., ar'pit(, groin area, fa$e ear(, &and( and feet.

    +/ :f %ater i( in e;tre'el) (&ort (uppl), )ou (&ould tae an air /at& /)6


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    +/ :nfe$tion(, /a$terial and fungal.

    +! re#enti#e 'ea(ure(6

    +a eep )our feet dr), $&ange (o$( fre*uentl).

    +/ 2(e antifungal foot po%der.

    +$ ntiper(pirant(. retreat'ent for ! %ee( prior to field %it& an antiper(pirant $ontaininglu'inu' C&lor&)drate. T&i( %ill aid in t&e pre#ention of at&lete4( foot.

    e. @ral )giene. T&e 'out& and teet& (&ould /e $leaned at lea(t dail) to pre#ent toot& de$a)and gu' di(ea(e.

      +1 :deall) %it&6

    +a Toot& /ru(&.

    +/ Toot& pa(te.

    +$ ental flo((.

    +! :f t&e(e ite'( are not a#aila/le6

    +a $&e% (ti$ 'ade fro' a $lean t%ig a/out 8 long and finger %idt&. C&e% one end untilit /e$o'e( fra)ed and /ra(&-lie, t&en u(e a( a toot&/ru(&.

    +/ Field e;pedient dental flo(( $an /e pulled fro' t&e $enterline( of para$ord.


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    +a ?=M2, ?a#) =n#iron'ental re#enti#e Medi$ine 2nit.

    +/ "-!, 2SMC.

    +$ ?D:SD=CT@=C@>C@?C=?, ?a#) i(ea(e De$tor =$olog) and Control Center(.

    +d CC - Center For i(ea(e Control.

    +e W@ - World ealt& @rganiation.

    +f :nternet tra#el &ealt& (ite(.

    3. WATER   . (ati(fa$tor) (our$e i( one %&ere *uantit) and *ualit) i( enoug& to (uppl) t&eneed( of all t&e troop(. Water or i$e taen fro' t&e en#iron'ent (&ould /e $on(idered$onta'inated and 'u(t /e purified. Be a%are t&at $old %eat&er (lo%( t&e $&e'i$al rea$tionti'e of purifi$ation 'ea(ure(.

      a. Sour$e(6

    +1 ae(.

    +! Strea'(. +5 :$e.

    +3 ond(. + Sno%.

      /. Water Sour$e Sele$tion. T&e $&oi$e of a %ater (our$e i( influen$ed /)6+1 W&et&er it i( not $onta'inated /)6 +C&e$ all to one 'ile up(trea'.

    +a Se%age. +/ Biologi$al.

    +$ =ne') pollution. +d

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    +7 S&ould /e ea(il) prote$ta/le.

    . PURIFICATION  . Si'pl) $on(i(t( of re'o#ing or de(tro)ing enoug& i'puritie( to 'ae%ater (afe and plea(ant to drin.

    a. T&e fir(t (tep in purif)ing i( to (ele$t a treat'ent 'et&od. +ll figure( are /a(ed on one *uartof %ater. T&e t&ree different purif)ing 'et&od( are6 +FMST.07.08$

    +1 Boiling  . T&e (tandard re$o''endation i( to /ring t&e %ater to a rolling /oil for 1 'inute at(ea le#el for $o'plete (teriliation of t&e %ater. =TS C@?TCT T:M=C>=< 1 !5 M:?

    C>@2 ! !5 M:?

    C@> ! !5 M:?

    +/ C&lorine /lea$&.  T&e (trengt& of t&e (olution, nu'/er of drop( and $onta$t ti'e 'u(t /e$on(idered.

    ==< WT=< C>@2 WT=< C@> WT==< WT=< C>@2 WT=< C@> WT=

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    +a Ma;i'u' Filter ore Sie6

    1 ara(iti$ egg( and lar#ae6 !0 'i$ro'eter( +u'.

    ! "iardia, =. &i(tol)ti$a6 5 u'.

    3 =nteri$ /a$teria6 0.! u'.

    Diru(e(6 0.01 u' +too ('all for field %ater filtration.


    a. efinition  . +FMST.07.08e n inte(tinal flagellate protooa t&at $an $au(e $lini$al illne(( in&u'an(.

    +1 Found %orld%ide in tropi$al and te'perate area(, t&e infe$tiou( $)(t( are pa((ed /) &u'an(and ani'al( and $an /e tran('itted /) dire$t fe$al-oral route or %ater/orne $onta'ination+$)(t( 'aintain #ia/ilit) for 'ont&( in $old %ater. ue to t&e(e fa$tor(, "iardia i( /ot& a$o''on $au(e of diarr&ea in tra#eler( to foreign $ountrie(, and $a'per( in t&e 2nited State(%&ere it &a( /e$o'e ende'i$ and i( no% $on(idered t&e 'o(t $o''on &u'an para(ite. +of (tool( e;a'ined at (tate pu/li$ &ealt& la/oratorie( %ere infe$ted %it& t&e $)(t( or organi('.

    +! :t i( found %it& in$rea(ing fre*uen$) in for'erl) pri(tine 'ountain (trea'(, ri#er( andlae( and out/rea( &a#e o$$urred in re'ote re$reational area( and re(ort( t&roug&out t&e%e(tern 'ountain (tate(.

    +3 "iardia(i( i( $urrentl) a ri( for an)one drining untreated (urfa$e %ater in t&e %e(tern

    'ountain( and for $o''unitie( %it& %ater treat'ent te$&ni*ue( inade*uate for eli'inatingt&e $)(t(.

     /. at&op&)(iolog)  . T&e organi(' &a( t%o for'(6 Trop&ooite and $)(t.

    +1 T&e(e 'a) /e pa((ed in t&e (tool of an infe$ted per(on. T&e trop&ooite( die %it&in one &our out(ide t&e /od), &o%e#er t&e $)(t( are #er) &ard), retaining infe$ti#it) 'ore t&an t%o'ont&( in $old %ater. :f t&e $)(t( are inge(ted, e;$)(tation i( en$ouraged /) (to'a$& a$id,and t&e 'otile trop&ooite atta$&e( /) (u$tion di($ to t&e %all of t&e duodenu' and pro;i'al GeGunu', %&ere t&e) 'a) $au(e ()'pto'( of illne((.

    +! Water, i$e, or food prepared %it& $onta'inated %ater, are t&e 'aGor (our$e( of infe$tion, /utdire$t per(on-to-per(on tran('i((ion $an o$$ur fro' (e;ual $onta$t or &and-to-'out&$onta'ination.

    +3 :n$u/ation ti'e6 5 - !5 da)( +7 - 10 'ediu'. Mo(t infe$tion( are t&oug&t to /ea()'pto'ati$ $arrier (tate(, &o%e#er, a %ide arra) of $lini$al ()ndro'e( 'a) o$$ur.

    $. S)'pto'(  .


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    +1 nu'/er of people &a#e a/rupt on(et of e;plo(i#e diarr&ea a$$o'panied /) a/do'inal$ra'p(, foul ga(, #o'iting, fe#er and 'alai(e. T&i( $o''onl) la(t( t&ree to four da)( /eforede#eloping t&e 'ore $o''on (u/a$ute ()ndro'e. :n 'o(t indi#idual(, t&e on(et i( 'orein(idiou(, and ()'pto'( are per(i(tent or re$urrent.

    +! Stool( /e$o'e 'u(&), grea() and 'alodorou(. @#er a period of %ee(, %ater) diarr&ea 'a)alternate %it& (oft (tool( and e#en $on(tipation. 2pper ": ()'pto'( a$$o'pan) (tool$&ange(, 'id and upper a/do'inal $ra'ping, (u/(ternal /urning, a$id indige(tion, (ulfurou( /el$&ing, nau(ea and foul flatu(, di(tention %it& an earl) full feeling are all t)pi$all)in$rea(ed after a 'eal.

    +3 S)'pto'( of anore;ia, fatigue and %eig&t lo(( are $o''on, /ut fe#er and #o'iting areinfre*uent e;$ept during an a$ute on(et of illne((.

    d. >a/orator) ara'eter(  .

    +1 T&e t)pi$al #i$ti' (&ould (ugge(t a diagno(i( of giardia(i(. T&i( indi#idual 'a) &a#e a&i(tor) of $a'ping, #a$ationing at a 'ountain re(ort, or foreign tra#el. S)'pto'( of upper a/do'inal di($o'fort, foul ga( and (oft (tool( aro(e one or t%o %ee( after a (&ort trip or during a lengt&) one and &a#e flu$tuated for %ee(. So'eti'e( i'pro#ing, t&e indi#idual&eld off #i(iting t&e do$tor, onl) to &a#e t&e ()'pto'( re$ur. Wor or ($&ool i( notinterrupted, &o%e#er, p&)(i$al di($o'fort and e'/arra(('ent fro' t&e ga( are $on$ern(.

    +! >a/orator) $onfir'ation of giardia(i( $an /e diffi$ult. Stool (a'ple( are t&e fir(t 'ean( of diagno(i(. Trop&ooite( 'a) /e found in fre(&, %ater) (tool(, /ut di(integrate rapidl). C)(t(re'ain in fre(& (tool( for at lea(t ! &our(. C)(t( pa((age, &o%e#er, i( e;tre'el) #aria/leand not related to $lini$al ()'pto'(. T&ree (a'ple(, taen e#er) ot&er da), (&ould /e

    e;a'ined for a definite diagno(i(.

    +3 #erage duration of ()'pto'( &a( #aried fro' t&ree to ten %ee(. $*uired re(i(tan$e &a( /een (&o%n. :''unit) i( (u(pe$ted, /ut not pro#en and &u'an reinfe$tion definitel) o$$ur(.

    e. Treat'ent  . +FMST.07.08f Co'plete $ure of 'o(t "iardia infe$tion( $an /e a$&ie#ed %it&one of (e#eral drug(, &o%e#er, no drug i( effe$ti#e in all $a(e(. Treat'ent failure re*uire(u(e of a different 'edi$ation and in re(i(tant $a(e(, longer $our(e( of t%o drug( taen$on$urrentl) &a( /een (ugge(ted. Tinidaole +Fa(g)n &a( /een reported 90-100 (u$$e((fulin a (ingle do(e of t%o gra'( orall), 'aing it t&e ne% drug of $&oi$eH &o%e#er, it &a( not /een relea(ed for u(e in t&e 2nited State(. Quinacrine (Atabrine, Mepacrine) &a( /een

    $on(idered t&e fir(t drug of $&oi$e in adult( +do(age6 100'g tid for 5-7 da)(, /ut Metronidazole +flag)l i( 'o(t $o''onl) u(ed in t&e 2nited State( do(age6 !50'g T: for 5-7 da)(.

    f. re#ention  .T&ere i( no (afe or effe$ti#e $&e'oprop&)la$ti$ drug and tra#eler( and $a'per((&ould pra$ti$e pre#ention. T&e purit) of 'eri$an %ild %ater( $an no longer /e a((u'edand in de#eloping $ountrie(, e#en tap %ater (&ould /e (u(pe$ted. :n addition to $&oo(ing ate$&ni*ue for indi#idual field %ater di(infe$tion(, indi#idual( 'u(t /e$o'e 'ore re(pon(i/le


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    for pre#ention of %ater $onta'ination. T&i( re*uire( attention to per(onal latrine( and$a'per trailer %a(te di(po(al, a (u/Ge$t t&at 'o(t people do not %ant to tou$&.

    . WASTE. T&e i'portan$e of proper %a(te di(po(al $annot /e o#er e'p&a(ied.

    a. :t (er#e( to6 +FMST.07.08g

    +1 =li'inate &ar/orage for rodent( and #er'in.

    +! re#ent( attra$tion of rodent( and #er'in.

    +3 re#ent( a pat&ogeni$ $onta'ination (our$e.

     /. T%o /a(i$ t)pe( of %a(te are organi$ and non-organi$. T&e /a(i$ %a)( to di(po(e of t&e'are /urning, /ur)ing, or &auling it a%a). +FMST.07.08&

    +1 @rgani$ %a(te(6

    +a u'an %a(te - Burn or &aul a%a) to a de(ignated %a(te pit area.

    +/ 2rine - 2(e onl) a((igned 'ared area(.

    +$ =di/le gar/age - Burn. :t (&ould not /e left e;po(ed for ani'al(, #er'in or t&e ene').

    +d aper -Burn.

    +e Conta'inated /andage( - Sterilie/urn.

    +! ?on-organi$ %a(te6

    +a Metal( - aul a%a) or /ur).

    +/ >i*uid( - Burn or /ur).


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    Mountain Warfare Training Center Bridgeport, California 93517-5001






    TERMINAL LEARNING OBJECTIVE. !i"en a #i$ulated %a#ualt& in a %old'eat(er en"iron$ent, %ondu%t a patient a##e##$ent, in a%%ordan%e 'it( t(ereferen%e# )FMST.07.09*


    1* Wit(out t(e aid of referen%e#, fro$ a gi"en li#t, %(oo#e '(en C+ $a& e legall&di#%ontinued, in a%%ordan%e 'it( t(e referen%e#. )FMST.07.09a*

    * Wit(out t(e aid of referen%e#, fro$ a gi"en li#t, %(oo#e '(i%( #ituation# C+ #(ouldnot e #tarted in a re$ote 'ilderne## en"iron$ent, in a%%ordan%e 'it( t(e referen%e#.)FMST.07.09*

    3* Wit(out t(e aid of referen%e#, in t(e proper #euen%e perfor$ a patienta##e##$ent, in a%%ordan%e 'it( t(e referen%e#. )FMST.07.09%*



    a. n organied prioritied a##e##$ent of a 'ilderne## trau$a "i%ti$ i# e##entialto proper %are. $odified d"an%ed Trau$a ife Support )TS*a##e##$ent #te$ 'ill e introdu%ed in t(i# %(apter.

    . TRIAGE  .

    a. T'o #ituation# of triage $a& e2i#t in a 'ilderne## en"iron$ent.


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    )1* T(e nu$er of patient# and t(e #e"erit& of t(eir inurie# do not e2%eed t(e ailit&of t(e %are-gi"er and (i#/(er euip$ent to render %are. 4n t(i# #ituation, treat life-t(reatening prole$# fir#t.

    )* T(e nu$er of patient# and t(e #e"erit& of t(eir inurie# e2%eed t(e

    %apa%it& of t(e %are-gi"er and (i#/(er euip$ent to render %are. 4n t(i##ituation, t(o#e 'it( t(e greate#t %(an%e of #ur"i"al are treated fir#t.


    a. 4n a re$ote 'ilderne## #ituation '(ere ad"an%ed life #upport a##i#tan%e $a& e (our# or da a'a&, C+ proal& (a# no %(an%e of #u%%e##. 4n addition,ad$ini#tering C+ under 'ilderne## %ondition# $a& put group $e$er# in#eriou# danger, due to p(i%al (aard# and t(e effe%t# of e2(au#tion.

     . Ba#ed on t(e ao"e, #e"eral #ugge#tion# regarding C+ in re$ote 'ilderne##area# %an e $ade. "en t(oug( t(e follo'ing #ugge#tion# #ee$ rea#onale,t(e& #(ould e "ie'ed a# re%o$$endation#, 'it(out legal for%e, and notdo%trine. t t(e pre#ent ti$e, a re#%uer '(o egin# C+ i# legall& oligatedto %ontinue unle## one of t(e follo'ing %ondition# i# fulfilled6

    )1* C+ $a& e di#%ontinued legall& '(en6 )FMST.07.09a*

    )a* T(e patient re"i"e#.

    )* CS i# #tarted & (ig(er aut(orit&.

    )%* elie"ed & anot(er re#%uer.

    )d* Too e2(au#ted to %ontinue.

    )e* +ronoun%ed dead & proper aut(orit&.

    )* 4n a re$ote 'ilderne## en"iron$ent, C+ #(ould not e #tarted under an& of t(e follo'ing #ituation#6 )FMST.07.09*

    )a* T(e patient i# in %ardia% arre#t %au#ed & trau$a.

    )* T(e patient i# a dro'ning "i%ti$ '(o (a# een i$$er#ed for o"er an (our.

    )%* T(e patient i# in %ardia% arre#t and ad"an%ed life #upport i# $ore t(an an (our a'a&,e#pe%iall& if t(e patient $u#t e %arried out.

    )d* T(e patient# %ardia% arre#t 'a# un'itne##ed and t(e ti$e of on#et i# un8no'n.

    )e* T(e patient appear# to e dead, a#ed on rigor $orti#, let(al inurie#, or a od&

    te$perature elo' 0F.


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    )f* !i"ing C+ 'ould e (aardou# to re#%uer#.

    )3* fter 30 $inute# of C+ 'it( no #ign# of life, furt(er C+ i# proal&u#ele## and $a& rea#onal& e di#%ontinued. d$ini#tering C+ to a

    "i%ti$ '(o i# eing e"a%uated & litter or #led i# "er& diffi%ult, if noti$po##ile. ;nle## an a$ulan%e or (eli%opter %an e roug(t inrapidl&, %(an%e# of #ur"i"al are #li$.

    )ot onl& do 'e (a"e to e $indful of t(eene$& #ituation, & 8eeping ta%ti%al. We al#o (a"e to ta8e into %on#ideration t(eele$ent#. Sno', rain, i%e, and t(e terrain %an and 'ill po#e a great danger to t(e patient and t(e re#%uer#. We $u#t prote%t t(e patient fro$ t(e ele$ent#. We %an dot(i# & pla%ing an in#ulating arrier et'een t(e patient and t(e ground. l#oe2po#ing one od& part at a ti$e and re%o"ering a# &ou $o"e on 'ill (elp to fig(t(&pot(er$ia.

    *  SC> S4?-;+.

    1* @eter$ine #%ene #afet&6

    a. e#%uer#  6 Aour #afet& i# priorit&. Aou are no good to t(e tea$ a# a %a#ualt&.

     . +atient  6 +rote%t t(e patient fro$ furt(er inurie#, ene$&, and t(e ele$ent#.

    %. Btander#  6 T(e& %an %au#e $an& a%%ident#. i$it t(e per#onnel on #%ene.

    d. Ta%ti%al  6 a"e t(e Marine# $aintain #e%urit& and find %o"er for t(e re#%uer and t(e patient.

    e. Fire  6 Fore#t fire# %an po#e a for$idale t(reat.

    f. le%tri%al  6 Ma8e #ure to #(ut off ele%tri%it& fir#t. Carele## and (a#t& a%tion# inure$an& re#%uer#.

    g. Spe%ial e#%ue#  6 S'ift 'ater and (ig( angle re#%ue# are "er& dangerou# and trained profe##ional# #(ould onl& atte$pt t(e re#%ue.


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    * @eter$ine t(e $e%(ani#$ of inur& / nature of illne##6

    a. tain SM+ and Me%(ani#$ of 4nur& )M4* (i#tor& fro$ patient, 'itne##e#, or ot(er %aregi"er#.

    S D Sign# and/or S&$pto$#. D llergie#.M D Medi%ation#.+ D +a#t 4llne##e#. D a#t Meal. D "ent# of 4nur&.

    M4 D '(at, '(en, '(ere, and (o' inur& o%%urred.

     . n"iron$ent6 Sur"e& t(e area to get %lue#. )4.e. falling ro%8#, ne2t to a %liff, ro8en ran%(e#, et%E*

    %. Btander#6 #8 t(e$ '(at t(e& #a'.

    3* @eter$ine nu$er of patient#6

    a. Sur"e& area for nu$er of patient#.

     . oo8 for t(e (idden patient#. +atient# %ould e uried in ro%8, #and or #no'. T(e&al#o %ould e #pread out in u#(e# and tree#. Be #ure to (a"e people #ear%( andidentif& all patient#, t(i# in%lude# loo8ing for patient# in a %ro'd of tander#.

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    * ##e## t(e ne%8.

    a. ##e##$ent.


    4n#pe%t for #ign# of lunt trau$a, penetrating inurie#, tra%(ealde"iation, and u#e of a%%e##or& $u#%le# during re#piration, and ugular "ein di#tention.

    - +alpate for tenderne##, defor$it&, #'elling, or #u%utaneou#


     . Manage$ent.

    - Maintain open air'a&.

    - Maintain i$$oiliation and prote%tion of %er"i%al #pine.

    - Mar8 tra%(ea.

    3* ##e## t(e %(e#t.3

    a* ##e##$ent. 

    - 4n#pe%t %(e#t 'all for #ign# of lunt trau$a, penetrating inurie#,

    and u#e of a%%e##or& $u#%le# during re#piration.

    - u#%ultate t(e %(e#t 'all and po#terior a#e# for reat( #ound#.

    - u#%ultate for (eart #ound#.

    - +alpate t(e entire %(e#t 'all for e"iden%e of lunt trau$a,

     penetrating inurie#, flail %(e#t, tenderne##, %repitu#, or #u%utaneou# e$p(e$a.

    - +er%u## for (&perre#onan%e or dullne##.

    %. Manage$ent.

    -  >eedle t(ora%ent(e#i#, if ten#ion pneu$ot(ora2 i# #u#pe%ted and

     proper training and euip$ent are pre#ent.

    - T(ree-#ided dre##ing for open %(e#t 'ound#.

    - +eri%ardio%ent(e#i#, if %ardia% ta$ponade i# #u#pe%ted and proper 

    trained per#onnel and euip$ent are pre#ent.

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    Mountain Warfare Training CenterBridgeport, California 93517-5001




    TERMINAL LEARNING OBJECTIVE. "i#en $ultiple %a&ualtie& in a $ountainou&en#iron$ent and ne%e&&ar' e(uip$ent and &upplie& %ondu%t triage in a $ountainou&en#iron$ent to pre#ent deat) or furt)er in*ur' per t)e referen%e. +FMST.07.16


    1 Wit)out t)e aid of referen%e&, fro$ a gi#en li&t %)oo&e )en a%tual triage $o&t often egin&, in a%%ordan%e it) t)e referen%e&. +FMST.07.16a

    ! Wit)out t)e aid of referen%e&, fro$ a gi#en li&t, identif' t)e four triage %ategorie& u&ed ' /T, in a%%ordan%e it) t)e referen%e&. +FMST.07.16

    3 Wit)out t)e aid of referen%e&, %)oo&e t)e pri$ar' %au&e of deat) in a $a&& %a&ualt'&ituation, in a%%ordan%e it) t)e referen%e&. +FMST.07.16%


    1. DEFINITION  . Triage or &orting +often u&ed inter%)angeal' i& t)e e#aluation and%la&&ifi%ation of %a&ualtie& for t)e purpo&e of e&tali&)ing t)e priorit' for treat$ent ande#a%uation.

    NOTE2 Ca&ualt' &orting i& one of t)e $o&t i$portant ta&& for t)e entire $edi%al &er#i%e. /oot)er *o re(uire& $ore infor$ed *udg$ent, )ard or and %ourage. T)e ffi%er and t)eCorp&$an re&pon&ile for triaging ounded Sailor& and Marine& $u&t e4er%i&e &ound *udg$ent &o t)at %a&ualtie& re%ei#e proper, e4pedient %are. Triage i& a %ontinuing pro%e&& andan' indi#idual a&&igned &)ould e t)e $o&t %apale and e4perien%ed a#ailale.

    a. e%i&ion Fa%tor&. T)e fa%tor& %on%erning %a&ualt' triage are a&ed upon t)e folloing2

    +1 T)e need for i$$ediate re&u&%itation.


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    +! T)e need for e$ergen%' &urger'.

    +3 T)e futilit' of &urger' due to o#iou&l' let)al ound&.

    + Ti$e needed to perfor$ &urger' %o$pared it)2

    +a roailit' of &u%%e&&.

    + /u$er of ot)er %a&ualtie& needing treat$ent. 

     . T)e a%tual triage egin& $o&t often it) t)e %a&ualt' )i$&elf. +FMST.07.16a. T)i&u&uall' o%%ur& )en t)e in*ured indi#idual deter$ine& t)at 8Budd'-id8 or 8Self-id8ill not e ade(uate.

    +1 T)e %orp&$an, on%e pre&ented it) t)e %a&ualt', $u&t $ae &e#eraldeter$ination&2

    +a & t)e %a&ualt' a aling-ounded or a litter %a&e:

    + f &e#erel' ounded, are re&u&%itati#e effort& re(uired i$$ediatel':

    +% oe& t)e %a&ualt' need an' ot)er i$$ediate treat$ent +leeding, a&p)'4ia or pain %ontrol:

    +! n%e t)e %a&ualt' )a& een tran&ported to a Battalion id Station +BS, triage%ontinue&. T)e dental offi%er ill %o$$onl' perfor$ t)e dutie& of t)e Triage ffi%er att)e e%)elon or e%)elon le#el, if pre&ent.


    a. t ea%) $edi%al treat$ent fa%ilit' +MTF in t)e area of operation& +, in%o$ing%a&ualtie& are %la&&ified ' le#el of treat$ent re(uired. Bot) ;nited State& and /T For%e& )a#e uni#er&all' adopted four triage %ategor' group& for u&e. T)e&e%ategorie& are li&ted and defined a& t)e' appear in &tandardi? Tag  . To in%lude t)o&e re(uiringe$ergen%' life-&a#ing &urger'. T)e&e pro%edure& &)ould not e ti$e%on&u$ing and &)ould %on%ern onl' t)o&e patient& it) )ig) %)an%e& for 

    &ur#i#al. So$e e4a$ple& are2

    +a >e&pirator' o&tru%tion.

    + %%e&&ile )e$orr)age.

    +% ?$ergen%' a$putation.


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    +! ela'ed Treat$ent +"roup T! +@?AAW Tag  . To in%lude t)o&e adl' inneed of ti$e-%on&u$ing $a*or &urger', ut )o&e general %ondition per$it&dela' in &urgi%al treat$ent it)out undul' endangering life. To $itigate t)e

    often-%riti%al effe%t& of dela' in &urger', &u&taining treat$ent, &u%) a&&taili

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    +d Wide&pread &e#ere urn&.


    a. T)e triage offi%er $u&t e fa$iliar it) all a&pe%t& of %o$at %a&ualt' %are +aira'$anage$ent, )e$orr)age %ontrol, u&e of ane&t)e&ia, &urgi%al pro%edure&, fluidre&u&%itation and po&t-operati#e %are, to na$e a fe, ut e#er-pre&ent in )i& $ind &)ould e t)e folloing %on%ept&2

    +1 &p)'4ia and )e$orr)age are initiall' t)e pri$ar' %au&e& of deat) in an' $a&&%a&ualt' &ituation. +FMST.07.16%

    +! n%e at a definiti#e %are fa%ilit', un%ontrolled )e$orr)age i& t)e leading %au&e of deat).

    +3 Aife )a& priorit' o#er li$, and pre&er#ing fun%tion o#erride& t)e %orre%tion of &uperfi%ial anato$i% defe%t&.

    + %a&ualt' i& in a %on&tant &tate of %)ange until t)e ound or in*ur' )a& een repaired.

    +5 S'&te$i% di&turan%e& %au&ed ' t)e ound %ontinue until )ealing i& %o$plete.

    +6 Co$at %ondition& ill di%tate t)e $odifi%ation& ne%e&&ar' in triage and %are of $a&&%a&ualtie&.

     . rioritie& of Treat$ent. Wit) t)e &i4 %on%ept& of treat$ent in $ind, e %an no addre&&t)ree a&i% prioritie& for treat$ent.

    +1 Fir&t riorit'2

    +a &p)'4ia2

    1. Me%)ani%al o&tru%tion of t)e aira'.

    !. Su%ing %)e&t ound.

    3. Ten&ion pneu$ot)ora4.

    . Ma4illofa%ial trau$a.

    5. Ma&&i#e )e$o-pneu$ot)ora4.

    + S)o%2


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    1. ?4&anguinating )e$orr)age.

    !. Ma*or internal )e$orr)age +t)ora%i%, ado$inal, and pel#i%.

    3. i&%eral in*urie&e#i&%eration.

    . Cardio-peri%ardial in*urie&.

    5. Ma&&i#e $u&%le in*ur' leading to Fat ?$oli

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    +a Brain and &pinal in*urie& - re(uiring urr )ole de%o$pre&&ion.

    + Soft ti&&ue in*urie&.

    +% eride$ent ne%e&&ar' it) le&& t)an $a*or $u&%le da$age.

    +d Ae&&er fra%ture& and di&lo%ation&.

    +e ?'e in*urie&.

    +f Ma4illofa%ial in*urie& o a&p)'4ia.

    +g Burn& under !0 in ot)er lo%ation& ot)er t)an priorit' !.


    a. Trau$a S%ore"la&go Co$a S%ale. n re%ent 'ear&, $an' $et)od& )a#e een propo&ed to&peed up t)e %la&&ifi%ation and &orting of %a&ualtie&. ne $et)od t)at )a& gained idea%%eptan%e i& t)e Trau$a S%ore"la&go Co$a S%ale. Se#eral &tudie& )a#e een perfor$edu&ing #ariou& para$eter&, i.e., re&pirator' rate, %)e&t all e4pan&ion, B, %apillar' refill,et%. B' a&&igning a nu$er &%ale to ea%) &pe%ifi% re&pon&e, t)e lieli)ood of &ur#i#al a& a per%entage %an e %al%ulated.

    1. "la&go Co$a S%ale.

    a. ?'e opening2

    1 Spontaneou& D .! To #oi%e D 3.3 To pain D !. /one D 1.

     . eral >e&pon&e.

    1 riented D 5.! Confu&ed D .3 nappropriate ord& D 3.

    n%o$pre)en&i#e ord& D !.5 /one D 1.

    %. Motor >e&pon&e.

    1 e'& Co$$and D 6.! Ao%ali

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    3 Wit)dra ain D . Fle4ion +pain D 3.5 ?4ten&ion +pain D !.6 /one D 1.

    d. Total t)e point& up and t)e' e(ual2

    1 13-15D .! 9-1! D 3.3 6-= D !. -5 D 1.5 E3 D 0.

    !. Trau$a S%ale.

    a. >e&pirator' >ate2

    1 1!-!9 $in D .! 10-1! $in D 3.3 6-9 $in D !. 1-5 $in D 1.5 /one D 0.

     . S'&toli% B2

    1 =9 $$Gg D .! 76-=9 $$Gg D 3.3 50-75 $$Gg D !. 1-9 $$Gg D 1.5 /one D 0.

    %. Total t)e point&.

    3. Total trau$a S%ale H "CS D &ur#i#al +1-1!2

    1! D 99.10 D ==.= D 67.6 D 63.

    D 33.! D !9.1 D !5.0 D .



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    b. Ti&e to render #are )ill (e "aria(le and $ituation dependent  .

    c. Ba$i# Ta#ti#al Ca$ualt% Manage&ent lan for *a$e T)o.  $ taug*t in TS,attention i$ fir$t dire#ted to t*e e"aluation of air)a%, (reat*ing and #ir#ulation.

    1. ir)a% Manage&ent.

    a. C*in-lift or ;a)-t*ru$t.

     (. 2n#on$#iou$ #a$ualt% )it*out air)a% o($tru#tion

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    a. Morp*ine 5 &g =, )ait 10 &inute$A repeat a$ ne#e$$ar%.

    9.  Splint fra#ture$ and re#*e# pul$e. 

    10. nti(ioti#$.

    a. Cefo8itin g $lo) = pu$* +o"er 3-5 &inute$ for penetrating a(do&inaltrau&a, &a$$i"e $oft ti$$ue da&age, open fra#ture$, gro$$l% #onta&inated)ound$ or long dela%$ (efore #a$ualt% e"a#uation.

    11. Cardiopul&onar% 6e$u$#itation.

    a. 6e$u$#itation on t*e (attlefield for "i#ti&$ of (la$t or penetrating trau&a)*o *a"e no pul$e, no re$piration$, and no ot*er $ign$ of life )ill not (e$u##e$$ful and $*ould not (e atte&pted.

    5. Phase Three: Co)*a' Cas+a(', E-a&+a'$o!

    a. t $o&e point in t*e operation, t*e &i$$ion per$onnel )ill (e re#o"ered onto an air#raft, na"al #raft or ot*er a$$et for e8tra#tion.

    b.  Ti&e to e8tra#tion #an (e 'uite "aria(le.

    c   #. !enerall%, ot*er &i$$ion per$onnel )ill (e e8tra#ted )it* #a$ualtie$, depending on&i$$ion re'uire&ent$.

    d. M44=C "$ CS4=C

    1. T*e ter& Mede"a#D i$ re$er"ed for t*e aero&edi#al e"a#uation of a $ta(le patientfro& one &edi#al treat&ent fa#ilit% to anot*er.

    . T*u$ t*e ter& Mede"a#D $*ould (e a"oided )*en di$#u$$ing t*e initial&anage&ent of #o&(at #a$ualtie$ and t*e ter& Co&(at Ca$ualt% 4"a#uationD or Ca$e"a#D (e u$ed in$tead to eli&inate an% &i$under$tanding of t*e &i$$ionre'uired.

    e. T*ere are t)o $ignifi#ant differen#e$ in t*e progre$$ion fro& t*e ta#ti#al field #are p*a$e

    d   to t*e Ca$e"a# p*a$e

    1. dditional &edi#al per$onnel &a% a##o&pan% t*e e"a#uating a$$et. T*e po$$i(ilit%of *a"ing &ore *ig*l% trained and e8perien#ed &edi#al per$onnel at t*i$ point of t*eoperation $*ould not go to )a$te.

    . dditional &edi#al e'uip&ent &a% (e pre-$taged on t*e e"a#uating a$$et.


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    e. ?e$pan at a &ini&al flo) to &aintain infu$ion unle$$ t*ere i$ #on#urrent#ontrolled *e&orr*agi# $*o#.

    6.  Monitoring.

    a. n$titute ele#troni# &onitoring of *eart rate, (lood pre$$ure and *e&oglo(ino8%gen $aturation +pul$e o8i&etr%.

    7. n$pe#t and dre$$ )ound if not alread% done.

    >. C*e# for additional )ound$.>

    9. nalge$ia.

     a. Morp*ine 5 &g =A )ait 10 &inute$A repeat a$ ne#e$$ar%.

    10.  Splint fra#ture$ and re#*e# pul$e if not alread% done. 

    11.  nti(ioti#$. 

    a. Cefo8itin g $lo) = pu$* +o"er 3-5 &