mvc a new web project type for an option. more control over your more control over your a...

The ASP.NET MVC Framework Scott Hanselman [email protected]

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Post on 02-Jan-2016




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Page 1: MVC A new Web Project Type for ASP.NET. An option. More control over your More control over your A more easily Testable Framework. Not for everyone

The ASP.NET MVC Framework

Scott [email protected]://

Page 2: MVC A new Web Project Type for ASP.NET. An option. More control over your More control over your A more easily Testable Framework. Not for everyone


Page 3: MVC A new Web Project Type for ASP.NET. An option. More control over your More control over your A more easily Testable Framework. Not for everyone


A new Web Project Type for ASP.NET.An option.More control over your <html/>A more easily Testable Framework.Not for everyone.

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Page 5: MVC A new Web Project Type for ASP.NET. An option. More control over your More control over your A more easily Testable Framework. Not for everyone

When I was born…

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“The Gu”

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“His Gu-ness”

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Page 10: MVC A new Web Project Type for ASP.NET. An option. More control over your More control over your A more easily Testable Framework. Not for everyone
Page 11: MVC A new Web Project Type for ASP.NET. An option. More control over your More control over your A more easily Testable Framework. Not for everyone

“Master Chief Gu”

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Demo – Hello MVC World

Don’t fall asleep, it’ll be worth it.

Page 13: MVC A new Web Project Type for ASP.NET. An option. More control over your More control over your A more easily Testable Framework. Not for everyone

What’s the Point?This is not Web Forms 4.0

It’s about alternatives. Car vs. Motorcycle.

FlexibleExtend it. Or not.

FundamentalPart of System.Web and isn’t going anywhere.

Plays Well With OthersFeel free to use NHibernate for Models, Brail for Views and Whatever for Controllers.

Keep it simple and DRY

Page 14: MVC A new Web Project Type for ASP.NET. An option. More control over your More control over your A more easily Testable Framework. Not for everyone

Goodness – Driving Goals

Maintain Clean Separation of ConcernsEasy Testing Red/Green TDD Highly maintainable applications by default

Extensible and PluggableSupport replacing any component of the system

Page 15: MVC A new Web Project Type for ASP.NET. An option. More control over your More control over your A more easily Testable Framework. Not for everyone

Goodness – Driving Goals

Enable clean URLs and HTMLSEO and REST friendly URL structures

Great integration within ASP.NETAll the same providers still workMembership, Session, Caching, etc.ASP.NET Designer Surface in VS2008

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Page 17: MVC A new Web Project Type for ASP.NET. An option. More control over your More control over your A more easily Testable Framework. Not for everyone

Ok, um, a choice. I’m paralyzed.In what cases should I stick with WebForms over MVC?

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What’s up with REST?

I hear ASP.NET MVC can do REST. When would I use MVC vs. ADO Data Extensions (Astoria) vs. WCF?

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Haven’t I heard this before?What is the difference between MVP and MVC?

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Widgets? Do we have those?What is the component story with MVC?

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Ship it.

When will MVC RTM?

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Microsoft Visual Business Enabler Studio 2008R3v2 September Technical Preview RefreshMSVBES2k8R3v2lptrczstr for short

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Will Ship Soon…

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Will Ship Soon…

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Is it safe?

What about security?

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Does it scale?

What about performance/scalability?

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Page 29: MVC A new Web Project Type for ASP.NET. An option. More control over your More control over your A more easily Testable Framework. Not for everyone

A Little More Detail




• Browser requests /Products/• Route is determined• Controller is activated• Method on Controller is invoke• Controller does some stuff• Renders View, passing in

custom ViewData• URLs are rendered,

pointing to other Controllers

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Even More Detail – Request Flow

• You can futz at each step in the process


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Demo – Request Lifecycle

Digging deeper…

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Page 33: MVC A new Web Project Type for ASP.NET. An option. More control over your More control over your A more easily Testable Framework. Not for everyone

URL Routing – Pretty URIsDevelopers adds Routes to a global RouteTableMapping creates a RouteData - a bag of key/values

RouteTable.Routes.Add( new Route("blog/bydate/{year}/{month}/{day}",

new MvcRouteHandler()){ Defaults = new RouteValueDictionary { {"controller", "blog"}, {"action", "show"} }, Constraints = new RouteValueDictionary { {"year", @"\d{1.4}"}, {"month", @"\d{1.2}"}, {"day", @"\d{1.2}"}} })

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Demo – Routing

The route less travelled…

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…are all Pluggable

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ViewEngineBaseView Engines render outputYou get WebForms by defaultCan implement your own

MVCContrib has ones for Brail, NvelocityNHaml is an interesting one to watch

View Engines can be used toOffer new DSLs to make HTML easierGenerate totally different mime/types

Images, RSS, JSON, XML, OFX, VCards, whatever.

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View Engine Base Class


public abstract class ViewEngineBase { public abstract void RenderView(ViewContext

viewContext); }

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NHaml – Extreme Custom Views<%@ Page Language="C#" MasterPageFile="~/Views/Shared/Site.Master"

AutoEventWireup="true" CodeBehind="List.aspx"

Inherits="MvcApplication5.Views.Products.List" Title="Products" %><asp:Content ContentPlaceHolderID="MainContentPlaceHolder"

runat="server"> <h2><%= ViewData.CategoryName %></h2> <ul> <% foreach (var product in ViewData.Products) { %> <li> <%= product.ProductName %> <div class="editlink"> (<%= Html.ActionLink("Edit", new { Action="Edit",

ID=product.ProductID })%>) </div> </li> <% } %> </ul> <%= Html.ActionLink("Add New Product", new { Action="New" }) %></asp:Content>

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NHaml – Extreme Custom Views

%h2= ViewData.CategoryName %ul

- foreach (var product in ViewData.Products) %li = product.ProductName .editlink = Html.ActionLink("Edit", new { Action="Edit", ID=product.ProductID }) = Html.ActionLink("Add New Product", new { Action="New" })

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Page 41: MVC A new Web Project Type for ASP.NET. An option. More control over your More control over your A more easily Testable Framework. Not for everyone

Interfaces and TDDMockable Intrinsics

HttpContextBase, HttpResponseBase, HttpRequestBase

Extensibility IControllerIControllerFactoryIRouteHandlerViewEngineBase

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Testing Controller ActionsNo requirement to test within ASP.NET runtime.

Use RhinoMocks or TypeMockCreate Test versions of the parts of the runtime you want to stub

[TestMethod]public void ShowPostsDisplayPostView() { TestPostRepository repository = new TestPostRepository(); TestViewEngine viewEngine = new TestViewEngine();

BlogController controller = new BlogController(…); controller.ShowPost(2);

Assert.AreEqual("showpost",viewEngine.LastRequestedView); Assert.IsTrue(repository.GetPostByIdWasCalled); Assert.AreEqual(2, repository.LastRequestedPostId);}

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Demo – TDD

Wasn’t this demo technically supposed to be first?

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Demo – Complete Application

It’s your thing. Do what you wanna do.

Page 45: MVC A new Web Project Type for ASP.NET. An option. More control over your More control over your A more easily Testable Framework. Not for everyone

What’s the Point?This is not Web Forms 4.0

It’s about alternatives. Car vs. Motorcycle.

FlexibleExtend it. Or not.

FundamentalPart of System.Web and isn’t going anywhere.

Plays Well With OthersFeel free to use NHibernate for Models, Brail for Views and Whatever for Controllers.

Keep it simple and DRY

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Page 51: MVC A new Web Project Type for ASP.NET. An option. More control over your More control over your A more easily Testable Framework. Not for everyone

Be well,write good code,and stay in touch

[email protected]://

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© 2008 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Microsoft, Windows, Windows Vista and other product names are or may be registered trademarks and/or trademarks in the U.S. and/or other countries.

The information herein is for informational purposes only and represents the current view of Microsoft Corporation as of the date of this presentation. Because Microsoft must respond to changing market conditions, it should not be interpreted to be a commitment on the part of Microsoft, and Microsoft cannot guarantee the accuracy of any information provided after


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Page 54: MVC A new Web Project Type for ASP.NET. An option. More control over your More control over your A more easily Testable Framework. Not for everyone


Base Controller ClassBasic Functionality most folks will use

IController InterfaceUltimate Control for the Control Freak

IControllerFactoryFor plugging in your own stuff (IOC, etc)

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Basic Controller HandlingScenarios, Goals and Design

URLs route to controller “actions”, not pages – mark actions in Controller.Controller executes logic, chooses view.All public methods are accessible

public void ShowPost(int id) { Post p = PostRepository.GetPostById(id); if (p != null) { RenderView("showpost", p); } else { RenderView("nosuchpost", id); }}

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Controller Base Classpublic class Controller : IController { … protected virtual void Execute(ControllerContext

controllerContext); protected virtual void HandleUnknownAction(string

actionName); protected virtual bool InvokeAction(string actionName); protected virtual void InvokeActionMethod(MethodInfo

methodInfo); protected virtual bool OnError(string actionName, MethodInfo methodInfo, Exception exception); protected virtual void

OnActionExecuted(FilterExecutedContext filterContext);

protected virtual bool OnActionExecuting(FilterExecutedContext filterContext);

protected virtual void RedirectToAction(object values); protected virtual void RenderView(string viewName, string masterName, object viewData);}

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Controller – Regular APIspublic class Controller : IController { … protected virtual void Execute(ControllerContext

controllerContext); protected virtual void HandleUnknownAction(string

actionName); protected virtual bool InvokeAction(string actionName); protected virtual void InvokeActionMethod(MethodInfo

methodInfo); protected virtual bool OnError(string actionName, MethodInfo methodInfo, Exception exception); protected virtual void

OnActionExecuted(FilterExecutedContext filterContext);

protected virtual bool OnActionExecuting(FilterExecutedContext filterContext); protected virtual void RedirectToAction(object values);

protected virtual void RenderView(string viewName, string masterName, object viewData);}

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Controller – Customization APIs

public class Controller : IController { … protected virtual void Execute(ControllerContext

controllerContext); protected virtual void HandleUnknownAction(string

actionName); protected virtual bool InvokeAction(string actionName); protected virtual void InvokeActionMethod(MethodInfo

methodInfo); protected virtual bool OnError(string actionName, MethodInfo methodInfo, Exception exception); protected virtual void

OnActionExecuted(FilterExecutedContext filterContext);

protected virtual bool OnActionExecuting(FilterExecutedContext filterContext);

protected virtual void RedirectToAction(object values); protected virtual void RenderView(string viewName, string masterName, object viewData);}

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Controller – Test Hooks public class Controller : IController { … protected virtual void Execute(ControllerContext

controllerContext); protected virtual void HandleUnknownAction(string

actionName); protected virtual bool InvokeAction(string actionName); protected virtual void InvokeActionMethod(MethodInfo

methodInfo); protected virtual bool OnError(string actionName, MethodInfo methodInfo, Exception exception); protected virtual void

OnActionExecuted(FilterExecutedContext filterContext);

protected virtual bool OnActionExecuting(FilterExecutedContext filterContext);

protected virtual void RedirectToAction(object values); protected virtual void RenderView(string viewName, string masterName, object viewData);}

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Basic ViewsScenarios, Goals and Design:

Are for rendering/output. Pre-defined and extensible rendering helpers

Can use .ASPX, .ASCX, .MASTER, etc.Can replace with other view technologies:

Template engines (NVelocity, Brail, …).Output formats (images, RSS, JSON, …).Mock out for testing.

Controller sets data on the ViewLoosely typed or strongly typed data

Page 61: MVC A new Web Project Type for ASP.NET. An option. More control over your More control over your A more easily Testable Framework. Not for everyone

ViewEngineBaseView Engines render outputYou get WebForms by defaultCan implement your own

MVCContrib has ones for Brail, NvelocityNHaml is an interesting one to watch

View Engines can be used toOffer new DSLs to make HTML easier to writeGenerate totally different mime/types

ImagesRSS, JSON, XML, OFX, etc.VCards, whatever.

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View Engine Base Class


public abstract class ViewEngineBase { public abstract void RenderView(ViewContext

viewContext); }

Page 63: MVC A new Web Project Type for ASP.NET. An option. More control over your More control over your A more easily Testable Framework. Not for everyone

NHaml – Extreme Custom Views<%@ Page Language="C#" MasterPageFile="~/Views/Shared/Site.Master"

AutoEventWireup="true" CodeBehind="List.aspx"

Inherits="MvcApplication5.Views.Products.List" Title="Products" %><asp:Content ContentPlaceHolderID="MainContentPlaceHolder"

runat="server"> <h2><%= ViewData.CategoryName %></h2> <ul> <% foreach (var product in ViewData.Products) { %> <li> <%= product.ProductName %> <div class="editlink"> (<%= Html.ActionLink("Edit", new { Action="Edit",

ID=product.ProductID })%>) </div> </li> <% } %> </ul> <%= Html.ActionLink("Add New Product", new { Action="New" }) %></asp:Content>

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NHaml – Extreme Custom Views

%h2= ViewData.CategoryName %ul

- foreach (var product in ViewData.Products) %li = product.ProductName .editlink = Html.ActionLink("Edit", new { Action="Edit", ID=product.ProductID }) = Html.ActionLink("Add New Product", new { Action="New" })

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Controller Factory

Scenarios, Goals and Design:Hook creation of controller instance

Dependency Injection.Object Interception.

public interface IControllerFactory { IController CreateController(RequestContext context, string controllerName);}

protected void Application_Start(object s, EventArgs e) { ControllerBuilder.Current.SetControllerFactory( typeof(MyControllerFactory));}

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View Engine

Scenarios, Goals and Design:Mock out views for testingReplace ASPX with other technologies

public interface IViewEngine { void RenderView(ViewContext context); }

Inside controller class: this.ViewEngine = new XmlViewEngine(...);

RenderView("foo", myData);