music video theory

By Fearghal McGlinchey Music video theory

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Post on 14-Apr-2017




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Page 1: Music video theory

By Fearghal McGlinchey

Music video theory

Page 2: Music video theory

There are clear links between the lyrics and the visuals – the lyrics will reinforce what the lyrics say and the music and the visuals.

Genre characteristics are followed for eg, a rock band playing live on stage or in urban hip-hop, the artists may be on the street wearing hoodies.

The artist/ band might want to develop their own star iconography, where they are the centre of attention, through the use of camera shots of the artist, promoting their image.

The narrative and performance of the song, where the artist is involved in the music video acting out the role of the main character.

According to Goodwin woman are frequently objectified often through a combination of camerawork and editing with fragmented body shots emphasising a notion of looking.

Andrew Goodwin’s theory

Page 3: Music video theory

Roland Barthes was interested in literacy and language and believed that texts may have open or closed meanings. In order to interpret media narratives he devised five codes, which are included into any narrative, this includes music narrative videos. The five codes are: The Hermeneutic/Enigma Code (HER) The Proairetic/Action Code (ACT) The Referential Code (REF) The Semantic Code (SEM)The Symbolic Code (SYM)

Roland Barthes’ theory

Page 4: Music video theory

Making the observer watch and they are curious as the story avoids telling the truth or doesn’t give the full facts. Clues are given throughout the video to help create a mystery, which makes it more interesting.

The Hermeneutic/Enigma code

In order to draw the audience in and immerse them in the video, this builds up tension and creates suspense and can leave the audience guessing what happens next.

The Proairetic/Action Code

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The media text may refer to history or culture or sci-fi, as in making reference to an era of time, a cultural place or futuristic sci-fi . It looks at the audiences wider cultural knowledge, morality and ideology. This can make the video more interesting and realistic as it can relate to the audience.

The Referential Code

In text, this suggest additional meaning. This points out to any section in the lyrics that may refer to a particular meaning by a connotation which the story suggests. The connation is what is symbolised.

The Semantic Code

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Symbols convey meaning. Symbolic codes are called “signifiers” as they highlight and emphasise character traits and development. They can often depict contrast, where new meanings arises out of opposing and conflicting ideas.

The Symbolic Code

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Sven E Carlsson maintains that there are two distinct categories that music videos fall into: Performance - Performance videos are when the audience are able to see the artist(s) singing and dancing throughout the video. The focus is on the artist completely, their image, their hopes and dreams. Conceptual- Conceptual videos are more artistic and creative as the audience watches something other than the artist throughout the video, such as a narrative story or visuals that create a mood.

Sven E Carlsson

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There need to be a strong and coherent relationship between narrative and performance in music promos.

The star image will have a very important part to play and the music video is a powerful way in which the star’s image can be managed.

Music videos will cut between a narrative and a performance of the song by the band.

Music videos use the same technical aspects, comprising of beat & rhythm, speed, lighting & colour, the setting and “meat” – emphasising voice by using close ups of the singer.

Steve Archer’s theory