music video theory

Music Video Theory 3 types of music video – - Performance - Narrative Performance - This is the cheapest and easiest way to make a video. - Usually the band lip-syncing to the lyrics - Large variety of shots in quick succession to keep it interesting Narrative - Shows a story that can either be of multiply stories intertwining or a single story - Can be linked to the lyrics or can be random and rather easy to follow - Usually slow love songs Conceptual - LSD trip - No relation to the lyrics, band or artist - Very memorable

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Post on 16-Aug-2015




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Music Video Theory

3 types of music video –

- Performance - Narrative


- This is the cheapest and easiest way to make a video. - Usually the band lip-syncing to the lyrics - Large variety of shots in quick succession to keep it interesting


- Shows a story that can either be of multiply stories intertwining or a single story - Can be linked to the lyrics or can be random and rather easy to follow - Usually slow love songs


- LSD trip - No relation to the lyrics, band or artist - Very memorable