music video locations


Upload: dani-van-der-lely

Post on 06-Aug-2015




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For my locations I have chosen some interesting places among the school Shiplake college. Firstly the first location is the Everett common room, I have chosen this location due to the fact that its quite a large room there's quite a lot of space to film as well that its got a television in which we can interpret the fact that the characters are playing video games.

My second location is outside of skipwith house the reason I choose this location is due to how well I can create a fight setting, its also quite an open space that will allow me to use my actors accordingly, as well as give them space in order to do the fighting moves safely.

My final location is down by the school´s riverside in the wooded area, the reason I choose this place is due to the fact that unlike the first location for the fight which is quite light and mellow, this area is quite dark in comparison and sets the scene for the last fight in the music video.