music video analysis sheet 3 emma upton

Emma Upton Music Video Analysis : Bring Me The Horizon – Shadow Moses Shot Shot type and Camera Movement: Mid shot of vocalist with band members coming into shot, camera panning left then to the right. This makes the audience feel like they are there watching them preform by the band by being all in shot and the vocalist looking straight into the camera. Analysis This mid shot with the vocalist in the centre with the rest of the band in view suggests that this song is rock, because all the instruments included in this shot are typical of the rock genre. This is then supported by the movements of the vocalist, very emotional using his hands to show how he’s feeling, showing that he’s passionate and his emotional connection to the lyrics showing they are personal. What we can see of this location in this shot is that they’re outside in a place covered in snow alone in high key lighting. This could represent that they are alone, with no one around them; possibly that they need help but no one is there. Also this could mean they are on their own except they have each other in the band who will always help each other. Music/Lyrics: Can you tell from the look in our eyes? (We’re going nowhere). We live our lives like we're ready to die (we're going nowhere). Edit/Transitions: At the end of the tracking in this shot, it cuts quickly to a completely different shot of a girl walking in the snow. Shot Shot type and camera movement: Wide shot of just the drummer in shot, camera tracking inwards slowly. Analysis:

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Page 1: Music video analysis sheet 3 Emma Upton

Emma Upton Music Video Analysis : Bring Me The Horizon – Shadow Moses

Shot Shot type and Camera Movement: Mid shot of vocalist with band members coming into shot, camera panning left then to the right. This makes the audience feel like they are there watching them preform by the band by being all in shot and the vocalist looking straight into the camera.


This mid shot with the vocalist in the centre with the rest of the band in view suggests that this song is rock, because all the instruments included in this shot are typical of the rock genre. This is then supported by the movements of the vocalist, very emotional using his hands to show how he’s feeling, showing that he’s passionate and his emotional connection to the lyrics showing they are personal. What we can see of this location in this shot is that they’re outside in a place covered in snow alone in high key lighting. This could represent that they are alone, with no one around them; possibly that they need help but no one is there. Also this could mean they are on their own except they have each other in the band who will always help each other.

Music/Lyrics:Can you tell from the look in our eyes? (We’re going nowhere). We live our lives like we're ready to die(we're going nowhere).

Edit/Transitions:At the end of the tracking in this shot, it cuts quickly to a completely different shot of a girl walking in the snow.

Shot Shot type and camera movement: Wide shot of just the drummer in shot, camera tracking inwards slowly.


The wise shot with the drummer in the centre with no one else around him could back up the idea that he’s on his own with no one to help. That idea is then backed up again by the fact he’s using flares as drum sticks, its suggests he needs help because you use flares if you’re in trouble, but also suggests for him his help is drumming, that could be his release or help from being on his own. He’s in the same location as before, however this time the only lighting is coming from the flares.

Music/Lyrics:The music gets quieter with just some faint deep guitar in the back, and you can hear the lyrics ‘We’re going nowhere’ as if chanted by a group of people. Then it goes completely quiet for a split second, then the drums kick in whilst the drummer is in shot but not playing.

Edit/Transitions:The shot before is a simple cut to this shot, then the transition after this is another cut.

Page 2: Music video analysis sheet 3 Emma Upton

Emma Upton Music Video Analysis : Bring Me The Horizon – Shadow Moses

Shot Shot type and camera movement: Mid shot of vocalist only in view whilst tracking inwards towards him.


Again this mid shot with the vocalist in clear focus of the shot, again backs up the idea that he is alone, no one around him just light. The fact he is screaming the words whilst throwing his arms in the hair shows how much passion and feelings he is putting behind his lyrics, this could show how much the lyrics mean to them, making the shot feel very personal and meaningful. The fact the words he is screaming means eternal or everlasting could show how upset or angry he is about his loneliness or pain will be forever.

Music/Lyrics: Drums then music completely stops while he screams ‘This is sempiternal’ Sempiternal means everlasting or eternal, which could mean the loneliness (as implied/shown before) or pain will be eternal, it won’t ever end. Then music immediately plays again, silence is used while he screams to put emphasis on the word Sempiternal.

Edit/Transitions:The shot before this quick cuts to this shot, then another quick cut is used to cut to another shot. Fast editing/transitions are used to match the fast beat of the song.