music video analysis (jessie j price tag)

Music Video Analysis Emily Ratcliffe

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Post on 16-Nov-2014




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Powerpoint on Price Tag


Page 1: Music video analysis (jessie j price tag)

Music Video AnalysisEmily Ratcliffe

Page 2: Music video analysis (jessie j price tag)

Shot 1Shot type and movement:Static shot showing teddy bear in centre, Jessie J in right hand third. Extreme long shot of Jessie J, shows her whole body.

Music/ Lyrics: Start of the song, electric guitar plays and a drum beat.

Analysis: The extreme long shot of Jessie J shows what she is wearing and also shows the setting of the video. All of this connotes that the genre of music is Pop. The pale pink colouring and bright pink heels shows that the video is intended to be fun, reflecting on the upbeat song. The huge teddy bear in the middle of the shot also shows the fun Pop genre. However, its arm is ripped off and it has a stitched eye. This gives anchorage to the music video, maybe showing that the meaning of the lyrics is something to do with corruption. This juxtaposes with the Pop genre yet the video still remains loyal to the genre through mise-en-scene.

Edit:Cuts as she walks to make her seem jumpy. Cuts along with the beat to make it seem more fun and fast paced.

Page 3: Music video analysis (jessie j price tag)

Shot 2Shot type and movement:Static shot, head close up. Focuses on her face.

Music/ Lyrics:‘Got a price’

Analysis:The close up of Jessie J’s face highlights how she appears. She has heavily made up eyes with jet black hair and a black top on. However, these dark colours do not depict her as sombre. The lilac background connotes that this is a Pop video, and her facial expression is not sad. She looks like she is having fun and is not taking herself too seriously, showing that the dark colours do not portray the usual image that they normally would.

Edit: Cuts to the next shot quickly to keep the music video fast paced and energetic. Still cuts to the beat.

Page 4: Music video analysis (jessie j price tag)

Shot 3

Shot type and movement:Static, extreme long shot of Jessie J.

Music/Lyrics: ‘Time, everybody’

Analysis: The extreme long shot of the singer allows the audience to take in the setting and Jessie J herself. She is dressed in dark colours and the background is pale which makes her stand out. It is obvious that the music video is intended to be fun from her yellow heels and the colouring in the background. She is also dancing in the shot which connotes happiness and energy.

Edit: The shot is extremely shot, just allowing a glimpse of her before moving onto the next one.

Page 5: Music video analysis (jessie j price tag)

Shot 4Shot type and movement:Static, extreme long shot.

Music/ Lyrics:‘Money’

Analysis: The extreme long shot shows Jessie J in a very powerful stance, showing that she is confident. This connotes that the music video is intended to be fun but also have a meaning to it. In this case, it is about people being too concerned about money. The prop of a money tree in the background juxtaposes with the main message of the music video and therefore shows that the music video is not intended to be too serious.

Edit: The shot is extremely short and cuts to the next shot after one word (‘money’). This goes along with the rhythm and makes it seem upbeat.

Page 6: Music video analysis (jessie j price tag)

Shot 5Shot type and movement: Static shot, medium shot.

Music/ Lyrics:‘Price’

Analysis: In this shot, Jessie J appears as though she is having fun and seems carefree. The pale blue background connotes that the shot is relaxed and fun. Again, her black clothing contrasts with the pale background, highlighting her importance in the video. This could also connote that although the music video is portrayed as carefree, there is an important underlying message which is represented by Jessie J. The unnatural lighting of the music video presents Jessie J as something supernatural and heightens her importance. This could attract new audiences to idolise her.

Edit: The shot is short and cuts to the next shot after the word ‘Price’.

Page 7: Music video analysis (jessie j price tag)

Shot 6Shot type and movement: Static, extreme long shot.

Music/ Lyrics:‘And the video hoes’

Analysis: This shot is supposed to be humourous, connoting the Pop genre. The visuals show coherence with the lyrics as Jessie J is dressed in a way which represents ‘video hoes’. Her stance in this video connotes that she is confident and having fun.

Edit: Short shot, cuts to the next shot quickly.

Page 8: Music video analysis (jessie j price tag)

Shot 7Shot type and movement: Static, medium shot.

Music/ Lyrics:‘Price’

Analysis: This medium shot focuses on Jessie J in the centre and allows the audience to see her attire. She is dressed in a puppet costume which links in with the rest of the toy box theme of the video. She is dressed in a non-conventional way which makes her appear fun and different (Pop genre). Although this shot may seem light-hearted and fun, it could also add anchorage to the music video by implying that we are puppets of society.

Edit: Extremely short shot. Cuts onto a shot afterwards of a long shot of Jessie J in the puppet costume. Makes it seem juddery and upbeat.

Page 9: Music video analysis (jessie j price tag)

Shot 8Shot type and movement: Long shot, zoom.

Music/ Lyrics:‘It’s not about the’

Analysis: This shot stays loyal to the toy box theme of the music video. It connotes youth and energy and shows Jessie J as someone having fun. The pale colours used in this shot show that it is intended to be happy. It is an unusual position for Jessie J to be in which would make the music video memorable as it stands out from other music videos.

Edit: Short shot, cuts to the next frame quickly.

Page 10: Music video analysis (jessie j price tag)

Shot 9Shot type and movement: Static, extreme close up.

Music/ Lyrics:‘Dance’

Analysis: This shot is stereotypical of the Pop genre. This also shows brand identity as Jessie J has had sparkly lips in a few of her other videos. This shot is also meant to stand out and become memorable. It is an extremely short clip which shows that the audience is meant to only glimpse at it, which would stick in the memory more in the fast-paced video. Jessie J appears as though she is having fun and not taking herself seriously which shows continuity with the rest of the video. The lips also appear glamorous, highlighting her celebrity status and encouraging the audience to idolise her.

Edit:The shot is extremely short and cuts to the next frame with the beat.

Page 11: Music video analysis (jessie j price tag)

Shot 10Shot type and movement: Static, extreme long shot.

Music/ Lyrics:‘Price tag’ ‘Forget about the price tag’

Analysis: Throughout the video the extreme long shot has been used most. This connotes that Jessie J is a powerful figure and also allows the audience to see her whole body and what she is wearing. In this shot, she rips a large price tag which underlies the fun, carefree music video with the message she is trying to exude through the lyrics in the song. She rips the tag just as the lyrics ‘forget about the price tag’ play, which reiterates the message. This is juxtaposed with the pale pink, calm background which still has the childish aura to it.

Edit:Finishes cut after ‘forget about the price tag’, along with the beat.