music video analysis

Music Video Analysis By Emily Gover

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Post on 21-Nov-2014



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Music Video Analysis

By Emily Gover

Page 2: music video analysis

Temper Trap – Love Lost

I think this music video is very unique in the sense that it doesn’t follow the music video conventions of Andrew Goodwin, For example the lyrics of the song do not match the image on screen at all, and the the music video has no relevance at all. The lyrics are about love and a break up but the video shows a boy’s P.E class doing a cross country run.

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Temper Trap – Love LostAnother element of this video that is not typical of a music video is the fact that you

don’t see the artist or band in the video at all. Usually in a music video you would see lots of close ups of the lead singer but you do not see him in this video at all. The fact that you do not see the band also means that they do not establish their brand image through this video which usually new artist will always do too make sure they’re noticed.

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Temper Trap – Love LostThe video does follow the convention of having a narrative. It even includes some

dialogue in the video that is not apart of the song. They do this so then the audience will want too learn what happens too the characters in the video and I think it works because the video is really interesting and in my opinion you always want too watch it all the way through. Even though the video has a narrative I don’t believe it has any intertextual references and it doesn’t remind me of a film or genre.

“Past the farm, turn round, back here, in thirty minutes!”

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Temper Trap – Love LostAnother feature of a typical music video is ‘voyeurism’ usually the voyeurism follows the

band or artist but this video uses it in another way and instead you follow the group of young boys in their P.E lesson.

Another one of Andrew Goodwins theories it obeys is that the actual music and the images cut together. For example at the points where the music becomes more upbeat the actors all stop and perform a set of stretches that are almost like a dance routine too the beat.

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Kanye West – Through the Wire

I think that the video for this song follows Andrew Goodwins conventions but is still quite an arty and creative video because of the way it is done. Firstly it follows the rule of the lyrics will match the visuals on screen which applies in the way that he is rapping/singing about being in a car accident and in the video there are photos with captions about the car accident which then makes the visuals relate. He also says a line about MTV and an image of MTV news comes on screen. All through the video it seems as though it is a camera moving across a giant notice board with moving photographs and newspaper articles stuck onto it. Which all relate too the song and lyrics. Also the camera moves and changes the direction in which it is panning across the notice board in time with the music which means that the musical beat also matches the visuals.

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Kanye West – Through the WireIt also sticks too the genre style and iconography in a way as a lot of R’n’B and Hip-Hop videos always show shots of the artist in a recording studio rapping and producing their track which Kanye does in this video. But it isn't a typical Hip-Hop video in the fact that it doesn’t show lots of women and money and bling which make the artist seem more down too earth and not your typical rapper which I think will make the song appeal too a wider audience. Instead it shows old family videos where the main artist Kanye is being a friendly and normal person.

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Kanye West – Through the WireIt also includes a lot of close ups of the artist which is very typical of a music video as this is who the fans want too see. It also does this through voyeurism, the video includes a lot of voyeurism that seems a lot more personal than what you usually get in a music video as the footage seems unprofessional so it seems like you’re looking at Kanye West’s home videos so the fans feel really privileged that they have got too look so in depth into Kanye’s life. You even see footage of Kanye at the dentist or hospital which is a very personal thing.

You even see Kanye as a child.