music video analysis 2

Music Video Analysis 2 Gianluca Kulczycki

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Post on 18-May-2015




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Page 1: Music video analysis 2

Music Video Analysis 2

Gianluca Kulczycki

Page 2: Music video analysis 2

Lose Yourself

• This is my second analysis of Eminem’s Lose Yourself, this genre is Rap. I know this because of the way Eminem’s body language shows his aggression, know to be stereotypical with this genre of music as Rappers are associated with crime and anger.

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Décor and Setting• The décor of this music is a mixture, starting from the bathroom in which

Eminem is having cold feet about his rap battle, this shows to the audience Eminem’s nervousness and fear towards the beginning of his career. Some scenes at the start of the music video is a location setting of 8 mile, this is where Eminem was brought up, linking his music to his upbringing. Scenes featured on a dark street this is sign of poverty/gangsterism.

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Featured in this video, Eminem wears very old tatty clothes that have faded colour, he also wears a beanie and running shoes which is the type of clothing assicated with a person who is living in poverty, this is to show the audience his life before his fame, that he was an ordinary person, trying to make his way to the top. However he wears 'bling' to back up the point that he may have been involved with gangsters. The fact that Eminem has kept his look in future music videos appeals to the audience as it is a look that is iconic and now belongs to Eminem, the audience can replicate this also.

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Body Language • When Eminem walks out on stage the fellow rappers are displayed as very

strong and masculine (gangster like)throughout this music video. The video is both negative and positive as its displays men as aggressive and violent, however, it is also about Eminem trying his best to get through hard times in his life and achieve his goal of becoming the best of his genre.

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Props• This music video is very simplistic, it doesn’t feature many props, when

Eminem is performing on stage he uses a cordless microphone, the microphone can be seen as his “only opportunity” as this is what is going to make him or break him. While on his travels he listens to non lyrical beats to aid his lyric writing skills, he has a pair of headphones, these are not of the best quality and look vary dated, this ties in with Eminems poor upbringing and that he had to make the most of what his had.

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• Eminems performance, is that he is trying to show his fans his past, but helping to motivate them to achieve their goals as he did. He has a positive effect on young people as he is trying to help them not to be lazy and strive for excellence. This gives the video a moral meaning to Eminem and his fans, for them not to give up, he uses a wide array of medium and long shots, the medium for his facial expression when on the mic and the long shots to show his poor area of upbringing.

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Narrative •

The lyrics in the song suggest that he is nervous and that he doesn't want to ruin his one big chance. Eminem links with his audience as everyone have nervous episodes and have had stage fright in one case or another, so the audience can smybathise with him. In Lose Yourself he is explaining how he has been victimised throughout his life, he portrays this through his lyrics and the audience respect him for this.Featured in this song, Eminem invites people relate to his hard upbringings, rebellious behaviour and his difficult life concerning family and his music career. He wants to portray himself as a tough, he is only like that because of his past, he explains this throughout Lose Yourself.