music of the renaissance period


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Post on 28-Oct-2014




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2. 1400-1600 REBIRTH A period of exploration, learning and achievement. A time where authority and influence of the church became less powerful. SECULAR MUSIC began to rise RENAISSANCE 3. Birth of Columbus and Magellan. Discovery of Copernicus that it was the EARTH that revolved around the sun and not the other way around. Height of Shakespear drama. HISTORICAL BACKGROUND 4. Martin Luther founded the Protestant Church Discovery of music printing. Ottaviano Petrucci of Venice published the first HISTORICAL BACKGROUND 5. Renaissance Period is sometimes referred to as the GOLDEN AGE OF POLYPHONY 6. What happened during this period? 7. Vocal music was more important than instrumental music 8. What describe Renaissance music? 9. Polyphonic in texture 1: 10. More fuller, emotional, and 2: 11. What highlights the development of renaissance music? 12. Development of polyphonic imitation or the echoing of music by another voice part or instrument. (Simultaneous Composition) First: 13. Development of WORD PAINTING Second: 14. Word Painting is the style of writing where the music and words illustrated the meaning of the text. 15. Invention of Music Printing Third: 16. Rise of secular music Fourth: 17. SACRED and SECULAR 18. - is a polyphonic choral works in Latin text - Can be used in any service of the church - Usually in A CAPELLA - Smooth sounding and imitative in nature 1. MOTET 19. 20. - Is a Renaissance form of sacred composition - Imitation (echoed entrances) is an important feature. Sections: Kyrie, Gloria, Credo, Sanctus, Benedictus, Agnes Dei 2. MASS 21. Types: GOTHIC MOTET based on Gregorian chant. - contains secular words RENAISSANCE MOTET serious, restrained and designed for the worship service - Conveys a spirit of reverence 2. MASS 22. - Is a secular polyphonic work for a small group of unaccompanied singers. - Most artistic genre of secular vocal music and are sung in Italian or English. 3. MADRIGAL 23. MADRIGAL 24. FIRE, FIRE, MY HEART 25. INSTRUM ENTAL MUSIC 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. The Renaissance Ensemble 31. A group of musical instruments playing together. CONSORT 32. BROKEN CONSORT It is made up of various instruments from different families, thus producing a broken sound. TWO TYPES OF CONSORT 33. It consists of instruments from one family. WHOLE CONSORT 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. The RENAISSANCE COMPOSERS 39. MASTER of the NOTES One of the most influential composers of Renaissance JOSQUIN DES PREZ (1450-1521) 40. Known as a Franco-Flemish composer Being admired by many musicians of his mastery of expression and technique. JOSQUIN DES PREZ 41. He started his career as a singer in different courts in Italy, France and even spent some time singing in the Papal choir of Rome. JOSQUIN DES PREZ 42. Ave Maria (Virgo Serena) 43. PRINCE OF MUSIC Savior of Church Music GIOVANNI PIERLUIGI DA PALESTRINA (1525-1594) 44. His music is universally recognized as model for clarity and balance Composer of perfect sacred music GIOVANNI PIERLUIGI DA PALESTRINA 45. He spent most of his life as a choir master on Rome whose focus and great contribution was to return church music to its simplicity and purity to satisfy the desires of church leaders during the 16th century. GIOVANNI PIERLUIGI DA PALESTRINA 46. 104 masses 250+ motets 200 liturgical pieces and madrigals 47. Sicut Cervus 48. Master of Motet His music is vigorous, passionate and earthy. His music was the most widely disseminated. ORLANDO DE LASSUS (1523-1594) 49. Musical Works: Magnus Opum Musicum Penitential Psalms of David (1584) his best known work Lagrime di San Pietro (1594) his last work Susame un jour his well known spiritual chanson 50. Susanne Un Jour 51. Father of Music The English Palestrina Greatest English composer of the Elizabeth Age He introduced the Italian madrigal to England. WILLIAM BYRD (1543-1623) 52. Musical Works: Psalms, Sonnets, and Songs of Sadness and Pietie (1588) Songs of Sundrie Nature (1589) Cantiones Sacrae Grandualia 53. Sing Joyfully (Cambridge Singers) 54. Clarity and balance Polyphonic Imitative A capella as the ideal meduim in singing Secular music greatly increases in importance Music printing (1501) contributes greatly to the dissemination of music literature GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS OF RENAISSANCE MUSIC