music magazine – the evaluation final

Music Magazine – The Evaluation By Rachael Ejimofor

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Music Magazine – The Evaluation By Rachael Ejimofor

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My final Magazine ProductsFRONT COVER CONTENTS PAGE

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Forms & ConventionsIn what ways does your magazine use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real music magazines?

Although You will notice that my front cover also includes a bible verse at the bottom of the page as an inspirational message to the target audience instead of a sell line which adds a religious element to the genre of the magazine which is Urban Gospel. My front cover also challenges the forms and conventions of real music magazines because the masthead is in front of the main image because put I into consideration that this is the first issue of my magazine, so its not at the stage where its a very well known music magazine yet, whilst most real music magazines place the masthead behind the main image because its already well known to the majority of the public. Another way my front cover challenges the forms and conventions of real music magazines are that I kept and did not crop out the background of the main image as I felt this contributed to the urban feel of the magazine and most music magazines use one or two people in a close up shot as their main image but I feel have challenged this by using three people in a mid- group shot which in my opinion takes more effort in terms of positioning to fit the page.

FRONT COVER:I think that my magazine conforms and also challenges the forms and conventions of real music magazines which gives it an originality factor . My front cover conforms to the conventions of real music magazines because it includes the basic forms of a magazine which are the; Masthead, sell lines, main image, slogan, barcode, feature article, price & date.

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CONTENTS PAGE:My contents page conforms to the forms and conventions of a real music magazine as it includes the editors letter and the page numbers of each topic. Although the page numbers are in different colours next to the information to clearly stand out to the readers. And the topic subheadings are also in a bright pink colour to indicate the different topics featured. This subverts from normal music magazines as they usually stick to one colour.

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DOUBLE PAGE SPREAD: My Double page spread could be said to adhere to the forms and

conventions of a real music magazine because the main image covers approximately 40- 45% of the copy on one side with the text covering about 55 % of the copy , simultaneously matching the house colours of the magazine ( blue, white and black). The spread also conforms with the normal conventions by including page numbers, the name of the person who took the photo and wrote the article and a by-line about the feature and page numbers .However, even though my double page conforms to the conventions of a real music magazine by including a caption, it uses quotes instead of it common purpose of sell lines to show to the audience interesting information mentioned .

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Presentational IssuesHow does your magazine represent particular social groups?

My magazine represents the Urban Gospel view with a demographic of middle/ late teens and young adults.My magazine uses three young black African girls. They represent the young black youth of today , as they are often stigmatised for being a negative , dangerous influence to the community , in reference to drugs, alcohol and gang/ knife crime. The fact that these young black female artists are the features of a Gospel magazine which is commonly viewed as righteous and holy may show that they are subverting from that stigma in a positive manner.

Also the fact that the artists are wearing plain bright coloured clothing also subverts from the stereotype that all black gang youth wear hoodies, baggy jeans and sneakers.

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InstitutionsWhere would my magazine be distributed?

I think that since my target audience is reasonably wide, its fair to suggest that I distribute my magazine in places where they are most likely to visit . My magazine would fit into big institutions where the market sale for reading sources are fairly high. The first place I would suggest for my magazine to be distributed would be at churches, because the genre of my magazine is Urban Gospel so it s a natural institution where many people of the Christian faith would go to purchase my magazine. The second institution I would place my magazine to be distributed would be at youth groups because they are my main target audience so they would gain easy access to buy the magazine , if it was available there. I would then move on to bigger institutions such as WHSmith, where very many people go to purchase such products as stationary and magazines because they supply a wide range .

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As well as WHSmith , I would distribute my magazine at the well known retailer Water stone's which is also another well trusted institution where it specialises in only books and magazines, where some of my target audience would go to purchase a textbook for the subject they are studying. Finally , another institution I would place my magazine for purchase would be at big brand supermarkets such as Tesco’s and Sainsbury’s because they do supply a good range of magazines on their stands and a lot of people go to shop there on a regular basis for various needs and a few of those people could be potential target audience .


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Target AudienceWho would be the target audience for your magazine?

The target audience for my magazine would mainly be teenagers up to young adults from 15 – 25 of any ethnic background living in middle- low class areas in and about London. My target audience would have some type of interest in Gospel / attend churchAnd/or watch programmes like KICC or listen to radio stations like Premier radio to give them a sense of the Christian way of life.I carried out a questionnaire to find out what topics my target audience would be interested in reading and finding out more about . Which would help me know what to include in my Urban Gospel Music Magazine.

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Addressing the readershipHow did you attract / address your audience?

For my target audience to be attracted and buy my magazine, I made sure that I young teenagers (youth) as the front cover so that when they look at first glance, they can already tell that the magazine is possibly targeted at them. I also made sure that I included colloquial language in the text such as ‘LOL’, ‘ Is prayer really that important?’ so that they could relate to the context and feel comfortable. I also included words such as ‘you’ frequently to make the reader really feel involved with the magazine. Through the Questionnaire I carried out I found out that my target audience equally preferred bright and dark colours in the magazine, so to appeal to this I used a mixture of the colours in the text, especially the contents page to make it look more bright and interesting to read , and not dull enough to overlook and keep back on the stack. I also found out through the questionnaire the popular topics that my target audience would like to read about, this gave me insight into what I should feature in my music magazine, which would attract both male and female target audiences.

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Technical/Construction IssuesWhat have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing your magazine?

Even though I used a 12 megapixel Kodak Easy share C143 camera to take the photo’s for my Music magazine, I have learnt that using an SLR camera, would be the most suitable camera to take better high quality pictures. I have learnt how to remove a background e.g. (White) from a heading from another website such as, by print screening the font , then copy and pasting it to Photoshop, followed by the magic eraser icon to remove the white background leaving me this just the heading.Also, if when I'm working on publisher and I want to transfer the whole page to Photoshop, I simply group the page with my work and save it as a Jpeg and transfer to Photoshop.

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Using an editing site called Picnik, I was able to modify the colour and brightness of my photo’s to make them look more attractive. Finally, I’ve learned through repeated drafting, to try and apply colours for my text that complies with the background of the page for my magazine so that it is not difficult for my target audience to read.

Technical/Construction Issues continued...

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Comparisons of preliminary work to Final work

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Front cover comparison I have learnt a significant amount between creating my (preliminary) school magazine and my (final) music magazine.In the school magazine, the masthead/subheading covered part of the faces of my main image which is not conventional in a real magazine. This taught me for my music magazine that I should place the masthead behind the main image or if I still want the masthead in front I should make sure it doesn’t cover the face so it allows the readers to see who is on the front cover clearly.I also learnt that in a real magazine, the front cover will always have a barcode and in my preliminary magazine I did not include a barcode or the year in which the magazine was published which subverts from the conventions of a real magazine whereas in my final magazine I made the effort to include these conventions.

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Front Cover comparison Continued...

In my preliminary magazine the sell line covered a lot of the main image with the background colours and shapes I used to accompany it. From this I have learnt to ensure in my final magazine that the sell lines do not take up a significant amount of space on the front cover, but can still be seen, using bright colours and bold fonts. In conclusion I think my final magazine is better than my preliminary magazine, because it looks more like a real magazine.

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Contents comparison/conclusionI have learnt from my school magazine contents page that I need to produce a house colour for my magazine so that it matches and looks appealing to the eye.I have also learnt to make my photo bigger in my final contents page in my music magazine so the readers can see the photo clearly. In conclusion I prefer the contents for my final music magazine, because its more detailed.