music magazine - textual analysis

Textual Analysis By Eliza Chapman-Smith Go back and add specific ones Add arrows If you have time do fifth for each

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Page 1: Music Magazine - Textual Analysis

Textual Analysis

By Eliza Chapman-Smith

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Page 2: Music Magazine - Textual Analysis

Masthead – old fashioned font shows that is established and respected. Blue is ‘typically’ a boys colour so you can see that they are aiming this issue towards men.

Primary Story – they put the name of the artist in a larger font and in a different colour from the description, but the same as the masthead. This gives her equal importance. The description includes alliteration which makes it punchier and more attention grabbing.

Secondary Story –includes prestigious names and brief information about upcoming tours. The title font is quite bold, compared to the following text.

Main Image – she is wearing her signature look of a beehive and strong eyeliner. This, along with her casual clothes, suggests that the directors of the shoot wanted her to look iconic and unmistakeable, and for her to choose how she was presented. This showed her importance in the music industry as she was allowed to dictate how she looked on their cover. Her stance is quite casual as well but she is making herself look vulnerable by hunching her shoulders and looking up to

Front Covers

Page 3: Music Magazine - Textual Analysis

Masthead – deep dark colour represents luxury, which is typical of the genre depicted on this cover. It is subtle but still portrays a richness. This is backed up by the gold in the rest of the cover.

Primary Story – the name of the artist has been put in larger text and in a different colour to the description. The text links to the main image, which keeps the whole thing together. They have used alliteration which makes it more attention-grabbing. It also quite defiant and angry which makes the reader intrigued as to what the

Main Image – it is a medium close up shot. The artist is standing quite casually and has a happy expression on his face. This suggests that he is comfortable in the situation and wants to portray himself as being a nice person. He has still has maintained an air of superiority and professionalism by wearing a simple black and white suit.

Secondary Story – they have used gold to signify that this genre places emphasis on money and wealth. They give a title and a very brief description to explain the stories.

Page 4: Music Magazine - Textual Analysis

Masthead – the colours are quite poppy and girly, which suggests that the target audience for this issue is women. There is a gradient in the colouring which makes it more interesting than just having one colour. The font it quite simple and blocky, which means it stands out, compared to the thinner more intricate font used in the rest of the cover.

Primary Story – the name of the subject of the story is in quite small font, maybe this issue was from when she wasn’t particularly well known.

Main Image – she is in quite a vulnerable stance, with her back to the camera, her shoulders hunched, looking back over her shoulders. This could be portraying her age and novelty in the music industry. She has quite a lot of skin on show and she is wearing quite a skimpy dress so she could be trying to emphasise her femininity.

Secondary Stories – the front cover is cluttered with secondary stories, they are clearly trying to entice people to but their magazine. A lot of the stories are lifestyle advice, so the people that buy this magazine are probably looking for help in their day to day lives, trying to be ‘better’.

Page 5: Music Magazine - Textual Analysis

Masthead – the name of the magazine is just one letter so it can be quite large and dominate the corner. The background colour contrasts with all the other colours on the cover, which makes it stand out more.

Secondary Story – there are quite a few secondary stories on the cover, but not so many that it looks cluttered. The same colour has been used throughout to give uniformity, but different sizes and fonts stop it from being to boring. The descriptions of the stories include humour and informal language to encourage customers to buy it

Primary Story – her name is the most prominent feature of the primary story description which shows her fame and importance. They included a quote to make readers want to read the rest of the story. The final statement is quite dramatic, which again makes readers intrigued.Main Image – it is a close up, which implies that the following interview is going to be detailed and private. Her hair, make up and nails look flawless to show that she is very glamourous and sorted. She is making direct eye contact with the camera which suggests that she is confident and successful.

Page 6: Music Magazine - Textual Analysis

Contents PageHeading – the word has been split into random parts which are quite hard to read. It has been shaped around the figures which implies that they are very important. A very black font has been used, so as not to draw focus from the image.

Description – the font is more detailed than that used for the heading but it a bit smaller. It is also shaped around the figures, which adds to their sense of importance.

Main Image – the girls are dressed in clothing very typical of the genre: hip hop/R&B. Their stances are very strong and dominant which suggests confidence and also some element of hostility.

Background – the background is very light, much lighter than the text and the people in the photo. This allows the features to stand out and be the most prominent thing.

Page 7: Music Magazine - Textual Analysis

Heading – the title of the magazine has been put in a contrasting colour which makes it more prominent. The word ‘contents’ has not actually been used, which makes the page feel more casual.

Main Image – a shot of a building has been used, presumably one that has relevance to the articles in the magazine. It is quite a simple shot, with strong symmetry which makes it very striking.

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Double Page Spread

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Title – they have used one of Beyoncé’s signature words in the title, to show that they talking about her specifically. They have then used a word which is not as commonly used about her, which piques interest the varying typography keeps it looking interesting, and the chosen colour makes it stand out from the background.

Picture – she is making eye contact with the camera but she almost looks bored, which makes her seem superior. She has very strong makeup which shows that she is proud of her femininity. The metal makes it look more expensive.

Text – they have aligned the text with the picture to draw attention to it and its subject. There are talking about Beyoncé’s alter ego, Sasha Fierce, and how her parents dealt with the difference. They also detail the many achievements Beyoncé has had.

Background – they have used the stereotypically girly colour pink to be the background, but they have used a gradient to take it from light to dark (this could symbolise her growing up, as mentioned in the article).