music magazine questionnaire results

The data that I can extract from this questions results is that besides someone's favourite music magazine the majority of them buy a second or even a fifth magazine meaning that people will be willing to purchase my magazine when released. Only one person out of the ten questioned doesn’t buy magazines monthly which tells me there is a strong market for music magazines . The majority holder for this question was “Once or twice a month” with five people selecting this answer.

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Post on 26-Jan-2017




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Page 1: Music magazine questionnaire results

The data that I can extract from this questions results is that besides someone's favourite music magazine the majority of them buy a second or even a fifth magazine meaning that people will be willing to purchase my magazine when released. Only one person out of the ten questioned doesn’t buy magazines monthly which tells me there is a strong market for music magazines . The majority holder for this question was “Once or twice a month” with five people selecting this answer.

Page 2: Music magazine questionnaire results

• This question has been used to allow me to deduce what kind of price I should charge for my music magazine. Although I could do research on what competitors are charging directly, this method of primary research lets me see what prices customers are comfortable to pay for an new music magazine. Other brands are able to charge high prices as they are market leaders with loyal customers and great exclusive content.

Page 3: Music magazine questionnaire results

• Out of the ten people that I asked to answer the questionnaire the one that was the majorities favourite is the magazine “Complex”. Because my main audience will be local people as I’m starting out and am unable to distribute widely, “Complex” will be what I base my magazines mannerisms on. A close second with two votes is the magazine “Vibe” which is a colourful second and favourite music magazine of mine so I will be paying close attention to their layout to make mine appealing to my target audience.

Page 4: Music magazine questionnaire results

• Although it’s nothing important when it comes to hip hop, gender can be a helpful question when looking at the finer details of a magazine. For example the questions asked in interviews for my magazines case will be catered for a boys point of view or information they will find more interesting like “the software to create the beats behind a song”, and for girls it might be more of “what note was this song in?”. But overall it doesn’t matter as gender isn’t important for hip hop as boys are as good as girls and girls are as good as boys at all aspects of hip hop.

Page 5: Music magazine questionnaire results

• This question helps me define which demographic I’ll be targeting , whether it be people more drawn to old vintage types of distributing music like CDs and records, or online streaming services like Spotify and Apple music. From the pie chart we can see that I’ll be targeting a digital audience we use online streaming services.

Page 6: Music magazine questionnaire results

• This question is vital if I want to differentiate my magazine from competitors as all seem to follow their own unique colour scheme which allows readers to skim over all the magazines on magazines on offer and pick out their favourite without trying too hard to look for it. It also allows the reader to link the magazine to other things that share the same colours. The favourite colour scheme out of the four is “Pink/Blue/Yellow”.