music magazine questionnaire


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Post on 04-Jul-2015




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Page 1: Music magazine questionnaire

Music magazine questionnaire; Leah wilsher. Aim and purpose; the aim of this questionnaire is to find out what you, as the reader, prefer to read and find most attracting about a magazine. I need to know which age and status range to design my magazine around, to ensure that the correct audience get the correct adverts, images, colour scheme and gifts. Age. under 16 16-20 21-25 26-30 31-35 36-40 41-45 46-50 over 50 Gender. male female Employment status. Full time work part time job unemployed student part time work and student Town of residents. Harlow bishops stortford Epping sheering Chelmsford Cambridge Waltham abbey other………………………………............................................ Hobbies Football horse riding dancing shopping music/singing/composing/remixing sport painting instrument other………………………… how often do you buy a magazine? Once a month twice a month never once a week twice a week everyday what genre magazine would you prefer to read? Pop dance indie

Page 2: Music magazine questionnaire

Do you buy dance music magazines? If so which one/s? Mixmagdjmagsoundwall mag 5magazine eqtv Why………………………. Where are you more likely to buy magazines from? Whsmithnews agent superstore/market train station Which offer/gift/prize would attract you to buying a magazine? (select 2) Headphones festival ticket discount promotional CD poster of artists Which colour scheme would most attract you and suite a dance music magazine in your opinion? Black and white Black, white, electric blue Black, white, grey Black, white, grey, electric blue Which layout do you find most appealing?

What would you like to see as the main feature for the new music magazine (select 2)… Album review awards night review 6 remix reviews

Page 3: Music magazine questionnaire

old to new music interview history of genre gig review what happened to …….? YouTube climb to fame working with a remix superstar other………. which artist do you know more about/prefer? Example benny bannasiagnessdeadmouse Other…………… How much would you pay for a new music magazine? £2.00 £2.50-£300 £3.50-£400 more… Thank you for completing my questionnaire.