music mag contents page analysis

Images The main image on this contents page stands out because it is a bit wild and crazy (Somebody is diving head first into a crowd of sweaty shirtless people) which presents the over all attitude of KARRANG! As being outrageous, shocking and exciting. Titles The Black and white titles at the top are placed on a red banner which make them stand out and fit with the Colourful, confident and loud style of KERRANG! The other titles are bright yellow and are on black banners which gives the same affect. Contents/Language Active words like LIVE and WIN are used in this magazine which appeals to the energetic audience. It is made clear that there is a lot of information about gigs and bands, which meets the audiences expectations as they are interested in music. Layout The content is displayed in a list on the right. This gives the impression of a large amount of content, which appeals to the reader because they expect to find a lot of information about music. Other image are placed slanted which looks dynamic and fits in with the slightly messy style.

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Post on 04-Aug-2015




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ImagesThe main image on this contents page stands out because it is a bit wild and crazy (Somebody is diving head first into a crowd of sweaty shirtless people) which presents the over all attitude of KARRANG! As being outrageous, shocking and exciting.


The Black and white titles at the top are placed on a red banner which make them stand out and fit with the Colourful, confident and loud style of KERRANG! The other titles are bright yellow and are on black banners which gives the same affect.


Active words like LIVE and WIN are used in this magazine which appeals to the energetic audience. It is made clear that there is a lot of information about gigs and bands, which meets the audiences expectations as they are interested in music.


The content is displayed in a list on the right. This gives the impression of a large amount of content, which appeals to the reader because they expect to find a lot of information about music.

Other image are placed slanted which looks dynamic and fits in with the slightly messy style.

The title saying ‘CONTENTS’ in bold black writing on a white background makes it very clear to read for the audience and is very quick and simple.

Images and writing are set out in a linear way so the whole page looks very neat and simple. This suggests the target audience is for older people who just like to read thing how they are with out lots of excitement or colours.

The colour scheme is red, black and white. This is a unisex colour scheme which shows the magazine is aimed at both genders. It is also quite bland which shows the target audience is probably quite sophisticated.

The names ‘ SKRILLEX’, ‘Florence + the machine’ and ‘EMELI SANDE’ attract readers as they are very famous names and people who are interested in this type of music would want to read about it.

The page numbers give a very formal look and is in the colour scheme. This saves the reader flicking through the whole magazine looking for the person or band they want to read about.

Page numbers and subheadings obstruct pictures and refer the reader to the relevant article, the pictures are the main feature on this contents page.

Images overlapping creates a feel of a scrap book or a photo album, making the reader feel more involved with the article. Non-formal style suggests casual readers

Colour scheme of red, black, brown and white is persistent throughout the page, creating a feeling of structure and familiarizing the reader with the house style

Formal box structure below the laid back images adds formal aspect to the magazine, appealing to both laid back and formal readers. Images and names in bold attract the readers attention.

Pictures of artists performing live encourages readers to read more of the magazine

The main title of the magazine in block sans serif font, black on white background is eye catching

Line to separate contents from titles shows structure, creating formal feel.

Paper coloured Colum background gives the impression of a note or a list, making it more personal for the reader.

Articles presented in a horizontal, list format, with page numbers next to them. On the paper textured background, this emphasises the impression of a personal note or list.Areas of the magazine are separated into columns with subheadings, making it very easy to navigate and find the information the reader is looking for.

Subheadings are in bold red writing making the area of the magazine it is heading stand out, catching the readers eyes.

Article titles are printed in bold with information about the articles printed underneath in standard print, making the article stand out

The entire house style of overlapping images with a paper background nest to it with note styled text creates the impression of a scrap book

invites the reader to open the magazine and read more

What I learnt analysing contents pages.

• To put page numbers in a list

• To have a colour scheme and stay with it

• To have more than one picture on the page

• Use bright colours to give a more energetic feel