music front cover mrs robbins

Graphology of this cover is writing down the left hand side, this is the main information that the magazine covers. Typography, the font is all the same through out the front cover but the sizes varied depending on the importance of the text. Colour pallet, the colours used are yellow, white and black. Mode of address is direct because the main image is

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Post on 14-Feb-2017




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Page 1: Music front cover mrs robbins

Graphology of this cover is writing down the left hand side, this is the main information that the magazine covers.

Typography, the font is all the same through out the front cover but the sizes varied depending on the importance of the text.

Colour pallet, the colours used are yellow, white and black.

Mode of address is direct because the main image is looking as if she's looking at you.

Page 2: Music front cover mrs robbins

Graphology used in this cover page is the main image in the middle of the page and then related pieces of writing around the Image, the title is also centre of the top of the page.

Typography used is big bold writing for the title and some information in large letters, this would draw the audience to this particular magazine and will make them understand what is being said in the magazine.

Colour pallet used is white, black and pink, this indicates the magazine is aimed at females as the colour are female colours.

Mode of address is direct because it looks as if the main image is looking directly at you but she's not.

Pull quotes are used a lot on the front cover.

The appearance of this magazine cover looks good the whole thing contrasts with each other.

Page 3: Music front cover mrs robbins

Graphology used is the main image in the middle and writing at the bottom to say who the image is of, there is also the title at the top in the middle.

Typography used is the same font on the front but different sizes depending on what the writing is about.

Colour pallet used is a mint for the back ground and white writing but one big bold letter in black for the title.

Mode of address is direct because the picture looks like its looking at you.

This front cover is different to others because there isn’t piece of information going down the side of the magazine and there is hardly anything on it just a main image, this leave the audience wonder what's being said inside the magazine which would interest them to buy it but also could not because it looks a bit plane.

Page 4: Music front cover mrs robbins

Graphology used is the main image in the middle and then lots of different pieces of information around that image.

Typography used varies throughout the front cover as the size and also the colour is different. There is two big main bits of writing on this cover and it looks as if it has a title and also a head line this is to tell the audience what the magazine is about and also what the magazine is called for further purches.

Colour pallet used is yellow, white, pink and black. This indicates that the article is maybe aimed at mostly females.

Mode of address is direct because the image is as if she looking at you.this will help to draw in the audience and make them want to buy it.

The image used is taken side ways on this may indicate she doesn’t agree with what's going on in the magazine and it also make she's look a bit shy to the audience.

The magazine looks very well presented and really goes together this will be because of the types of fonts used and also the different colour used that all go together.