museum of science corporate membership brochure


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Museum of Science Corporate Membership Brochure. Winner, Second Place, Brochures category, 2009 New England Museum Association Publication Award. Named as a project director.


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Corporate Relations

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Dear Museum Friend,

Our world has become much smaller and more competitive, thanks to unprecedented advances in science and technology. The breathless pace of change, while exhilarating, challenges assumptions about our nation’s future.

There are no guarantees that the United States, long considered the world leader in innovation, will sustain its preeminent position. Business success depends more than ever on creativity and collaboration.

For over 175 years, interactive exhibits and programs at the Museum of Science have invited visitors to embrace learning. We’ve inspired thousands to pursue careers in science and technology.

Our corporate supporters have always been instrumental in helping us transform science and technology education. In turn, partner companies have reaped the benefits of association with a best-in-class institution: new customers, employee satisfaction, increased stakeholder value, and an expanded base of future talent.

In today’s knowledge-driven economy, partnership with the Museum of Science makes more business sense than ever. I invite you to discover what a relationship with us can do for you.


Ioannis N. MiaoulisPresident and Director

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Although the United States risks losing its dominance in technological and engineering innovation, most school curricula continue to focus on the natural world while largely ignoring the human-made world. In response to this educational crisis, the Museum of Science is embarking on a major endeavor: making technological literacy a national imperative.

As global citizens, we must use our scientific knowledge to make sound decisions about how to use new technologies. To that end, the Museum is transforming into the science and technology center of the 21st century. By harnessing our power as New England’s most visited cultural institution, we are emerging as a destination to participate in stimulating conversations and an open exchange of ideas— a place where visitors become better informed citizens, consumers, and voters.

Invest in Leadership

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“ Elementary school is not too early to start building the foundation for engineering education…that supports an informed citizenry, scaffolds an adaptive workforce, and leads to responsible innovations for our planet.”

– Jacquelyn F. Sullivan Co-director of the Integrated Teaching and Learning Program at the University of Colorado, Boulder

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The Museum of Science, Boston has become a model in the museum community for its hands-on exhibits and programs that engage and inform visitors of all ages and abilities. We are a pioneer of “universal design” in exhibit development to achieve accessibility and intellectual stimulation for all. This approach to exhibit design has resulted in the multi-sensory, interactive dimension that is the Museum’s trademark.

Our commitment to reach the widest possible audience extends beyond our walls. Through our traveling programs, the Corporate Community Fund, and endowment funds earmarked for scholarships, Museum educators make interactive science and technology programs available to audiences typically unable to visit the Museum.

Invest in Accessibility

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Through traveling programs, the Museum brings convenient, affordable, and dynamic science and technology learning experiences to audiences with limited access to the Boston landmark.

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The Museum of Science is more than a favorite field-trip destination for school groups. It is also a center for adults to challenge themselves, explore new perspectives, and engage in public conversations about the science and technology issues that affect them today—from human impact on the environment to the intersection of science and culture.

Forums, workshops, and lectures by noted scientists are among the array of sophisticated programs that address our complex relationship with science and technology.

Provocative, often entertaining, and constantly evolving, the Museum’s adult-oriented offerings prove learning is a lifelong process with continuous rewards.

Invest in Lifelong Learning

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Lectures and forums illustrate our complex relationship with technology.

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By creating engaging and interactive exhibits and activities, the Museum demystifies technology and engineering for all audiences. Popular programs like Design Challenges take visitors through the complete engineering design cycle as they solve a given problem. Participants experience firsthand why engineering education isn’t just for career engineers.

And through the Museum’s National Center for Technological Literacy® (NCTL®), we are leading the push to bring engineering education into classrooms. NCTL develops K – 12 engineering curricula, offers professional development opportunities for educators, and advocates for engineering standards in classrooms nationwide. State by state, the Museum of Science is inspiring a new generation of engineers and innovators—tomorrow’s leaders.

Invest in Innovation

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“ Once you have had the creative thrill of designing something that solves a real human problem and that people use, it’s addictive.”

– William A. Wulf, Outgoing president of the National Academy of Engineering, interviewed by the New York Times, 7/10/07

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Looking ahead, the Museum of Science will continue to innovate in science and technology education. As the science and technology center of the 21st century, we will:

• reinvigorate the Museum’s core exhibits and programs, incorporating technology to engage the next generation of audiences.

• illuminate the life sciences, tapping the Boston area’s world-class intellectual resources to bring up-to-the-minute developments in bioscience directly to the public.

• champion technological literacy and spread engineering education in schools and museums nationwide.

Invest in Tomorrow

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“ I envy the next generation of engineering students because this is the most exciting period in human history for science and engineering.”

– Charles M. Vest, President emeritus, MIT,

at the 2005 annual meeting of the National Academy of Engineering

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Involvement with the Museum offers rich returns. By investing in science and technology education, you help build a competitive workforce for the future.

What’s more, you can fulfill key business objectives today. Active corporate citizenship helps to foster a sense of community, pride, and loyalty among employees.

Supporting the Museum also enhances your brand value and increases your company’s visibility to new customers; the Museum welcomes more than 1.5 million visitors each year, including our base of 45,000 loyal member households.

The Museum’s corporate supporters can extend benefits to their employees such as access to Museum facilities, private events, special discounts, and team-building volunteer opportunities.

Invest in Shared Value

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Supporting the Museum of Science adds value to your brand and bolsters corporate reputation.

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There are many ways to pursue a partnership with the Museum of Science, including becoming a corporate member, sponsoring an exhibit or program, or entering a category-exclusive multiyear partnership. Each partner company receives a suite of benefits tailored to its level of involvement and organizational needs.

The corporate relations staff can help you determine the partnership program that works best with your company’s goals. To learn more or to involve your company with the Museum of Science, contact:

Corporate Relations OfficeMuseum of ScienceScience ParkBoston, MA 02114-1099

[email protected]/corporate_support

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Society depends on an educated and engaged

citizenry to thrive. That’s why the Museum of Science

is committed to developing educational opportunities

that enable everyone to participate fully in our rapidly

evolving world.

The Museum makes it its business to foster individual

empowerment through science and tec hnology

education. Will you join us in this exciting

enterprise to help inspir e the thinkers and leaders

of tomorr ow?

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Science Park Boston, MA 02114-1099 Printed on Recycled Paper