musculo atrofiado e hipertrofiado

doi: 10.1152/physiol.00041.2007 23:160-170, 2008. ; Physiology Marco Sandri Signaling in Muscle Atrophy and Hypertrophy You might find this additional info useful... 111 articles, 60 of which you can access for free at: This article cites 49 other HighWire-hosted articles: This article has been cited by including high resolution figures, can be found at: Updated information and services can be found at: Physiology about Additional material and information This information is current as of September 19, 2013. Physiol. Soc.. ESSN: 1548-9221. Visit our website at Sci./Am. American Physiological Society, 9650 Rockville Pike, Bethesda MD 20814-3991. © 2008 Int. Union Physiol. the physiological developments. It is published bimonthly in February, April, June, August, October, and December by (formerly published as News in Physiological Science) publishes brief review articles on major Physiology by guest on September 19, 2013 Downloaded from

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doi: 10.1152/physiol.00041.200723:160-170, 2008. ;Physiology 

Marco SandriSignaling in Muscle Atrophy and Hypertrophy

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 111 articles, 60 of which you can access for free at: This article cites

 49 other HighWire-hosted articles: This article has been cited by

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This information is current as of September 19, 2013.

Physiol. Soc.. ESSN: 1548-9221. Visit our website at Sci./Am.American Physiological Society, 9650 Rockville Pike, Bethesda MD 20814-3991. © 2008 Int. Union Physiol.

thephysiological developments. It is published bimonthly in February, April, June, August, October, and December by (formerly published as News in Physiological Science) publishes brief review articles on majorPhysiology

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direct evidencapproaches, sments, has noAKT. Akt actithrough the gtriphosphatesthe activity oPhosphatidylito the plasma nal pleckstrinAkt is phosphtwo distinct kiplex. The rolegested by the f(RasV12C40) tthrough the phmotes musclein the signalinobservation wpressing a coskeletal musclby the generawhich Akt is eafter tamoxife

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turnover to homeostasis of adult fibers is minor, andits role in hypertrophy has even been recently debated(56, 73). In adult muscle, the physiological conditionspromoting muscle growth, therefore, do so mainly byincreasing protein synthesis and decreasing proteindegradation. However satellite cells are activated incompensatory hypertrophy (65, 85), and addition ofnew nuclei to the growing fiber seems to be requiredfor extreme hypertrophy. The pathways controllingcellular and protein turnover are different, and theircontribution to muscle hypertrophy has to be consid-ered during the interpretation of data resulting fromstudies with transgenic animals. Loss- and gain-of-function studies in which the transgene is perturbedearly during postnatal growth might affect cellularturnover significantly more than protein synthesis.Results could be completely different if the same path-way is acutely perturbed in adult muscle age when therole of protein turnover is dominant (FIGURE 1).

IGF1-AKT signaling and the control of muscle growth

IGF1. IGF1 is among the best characterized musclegrowth-promoting factors. In addition to circulatingIGF1, mainly synthesized by the liver under GH control,local production by skeletal muscle of distinct IGF1splicing products has recently raised considerableinterest. A specific IGF1 splicing product is importantfor load- and stretch-induced adaptations in skeletalmuscle (25). Increased IGF1 gene expression has beendemonstrated following functional overload inducedby elimination of synergistic muscles (55). Muscle-spe-cific overexpression in transgenic mice of an IGF1 iso-form locally expressed in skeletal muscle results inmuscle hypertrophy (68) and, importantly, the growthof muscle mass matches with a physiological increase ofmuscle strength. Moreover even acute ectopic expres-sion of IGF1 in adult muscles by electroporation is suf-ficient to promote muscle hypertrophy (6). Althoughthese results suggest an autocrine/paracrine role forlocal IGF1 in activity-dependent muscle plasticity,

160 1548-9213/08 8.00 ©2008 Int. Union Physiol. Sci./Am. Physiol. Soc.

Cell size is determined by a balance between new pro-tein accumulation and degradation of existing proteins. Genetic studies in both drosophila and mam-mals have shown that pathways controlling proteinsynthesis and protein breakdown have an importantrole to determine cell size. The two processes are tight-ly regulated and interrelated. The first level of connec-tion occurs during protein synthesis when the qualitycontrol of the cell degrades proteins that are not cor-rectly folded. At a further level, protein degradationsystems determine the half-life of protein and, in mus-cle, are required to replace sarcomeric proteins as aconsequence of changes in muscle activity. Both sys-tems need ATP, and muscle energy level is one of thecellular check points that decide either to promotegrowth and hypertrophy or activate protein breakdownand atrophy. Importantly, the proteolytic systems canproduce alternative energy substrates that are used bythe cell to maintain internal homeostasis in conditionsof energy stress. Recent findings provide a new view,which considers the growth-promoting pathways andthe proteolytic systems coordinately regulated. The fol-lowing short review will focus mainly on in vivo studiesand will be schematically divided into two parts: thefirst part will describe pathways controlling musclehypertrophy, and the second part will be focused onsignaling involved in muscle atrophy.

Muscle Hypertrophy

The growth of skeletal muscle mass, like the mass ofany other tissue, depends on protein turnover and cellturnover (83). Cellular turnover plays a major role dur-ing muscle development in embryo. Moreover satellitecell incorporation into the growing fibers takes placeduring postnatal muscle growth (65) concomitantlywith increased protein synthesis. The activation ofsatellite cells is important for maintaining a constantsize of each nuclear domain (quantity ofcytoplasm/number of nuclei within that cytoplasm).Unlike young muscle, the contribution of cellular


Signaling in Muscle Atrophy and Hypertrophy Marco Sandri1Department of Biomedical Sciences, University of Padova;

Dulbecco Telethon Institute; and Venetian Institute ofMolecular Medicine, Padova, Italy

[email protected] performance is influenced by turnover of contractile proteins. Production of

new myofibrils and degradation of existing proteins is a delicate balance, which,

depending on the condition, can promote muscle growth or loss. Protein synthesis

and protein degradation are coordinately regulated by pathways that are influenced

by mechanical stress, physical activity, availability of nutrients, and growth factors.

Understanding the signaling that regulates muscle mass may provide potential ther-

apeutic targets for the prevention and treatment of muscle wasting in metabolic and

neuromuscular diseases.

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direct evidence for such a role through loss-of-functionapproaches, such as knockout or knockdown experi-ments, has not yet been reported. AKT. Akt activation is induced by IGF1 and insulinthrough the generation of phosphatidylinositol-3,4,5-triphosphates produced by PI3K, which is opposed bythe activity of the phosphatase PTEN and SHIP2.Phosphatidylinositol-3,4,5-triphosphates recruit Aktto the plasma membrane by binding to its NH2-termi-nal pleckstrin homology domain. At the membrane,Akt is phosphorylated on separate residues by at leasttwo distinct kinases, PDK1 and the mTOR-Rictor com-plex. The role of Akt in muscle growth was first sug-gested by the finding that an active Ras double mutant(RasV12C40) that selectively activates the Akt pathwaythrough the phosphatidylinositol 3 kinase (PI3K) pro-motes muscle growth, thus opening new perspectivesin the signaling of fiber size (67) (FIGURE 2). Thisobservation was subsequently confirmed by overex-pressing a constitutively active form of Akt in adultskeletal muscle (10, 72). Similar results were obtainedby the generation of conditional transgenic mice inwhich Akt is expressed in adult skeletal muscles onlyafter tamoxifen (41) or tetracycline (37) treatment.

In mammals, there are three Akt genes, Akt1(PKB�), Akt2 (PKB�), and Akt3 (PKB�), which appearto have distinct functions. In skeletal muscle, Akt1 andAkt2 are expressed at higher levels compared withAkt3, which is mainly expressed in the brain. Targeteddeletion experiments have shown that Akt1-null micedisplay growth retardation and muscle atrophy,whereas Akt2-null mice suffer from a Type 2 diabetes-like syndrome, and Akt3-null mice have impairedbrain development (111).

Exercise in vivo is associated with activation of Akt1but not Akt2 and Akt3 kinases in contracting muscles(99). Akt activity was increased in the rat plantaris afterfunctional overload induced by elimination of syner-gistic muscles (10). Subsequent studies both in ratsand humans confirmed that Akt activity is increased inresponse to muscle contractile activity (69, 78–80).Surprisingly, this effect was observed only in the fastEDL but not in the slow soleus muscle (78, 79). Thefinding that passive stretch of the fast rat EDL musclecan also induce Akt activation has suggested thatmechanical tension may be a part of the mechanismby which contraction activates Akt in fast-twitch mus-cles (79). However, it remains to be established howmechanical stress is converted to Akt activation. Aktactivity is also increased in response to hormonal andgrowth factor stimulation, in particular insulin isknown to activate Akt2, whereas IGF1 activates prima-rily Akt1. Taken together with other observations,these results suggest that Akt1 is a major mediator ofskeletal muscle hypertrophy. Although it has beenestablished that Akt plays a crucial role in musclegrowth, the downstream targets involved in musclehypertrophy remain to be defined.

mTOR-S6K and the control of protein synthesis

Two major downstream branches of the Akt pathway,which are relevant to muscle hypertrophy, are themTOR pathway, which is activated by Akt, and glyco-gen synthase kinase 3� (GSK3�), which is blocked byAKT; both of them control protein synthesis. A thirddownstream target of Akt is FoxO pathway, which con-trols protein degradation and will be discussed belowin the atrophy section. GSK3� is inhibited by Akt and inturn blocks the eukaryotic initiation factor 2B (eIF2B),which is involved in protein synthesis. Expression of adominant negative kinase inactive form of GSK3�

induces a dramatic hypertrophy in skeletal myotubes(75). However, it remains to be proven in vivo whetherinhibiting the negative action of GSK3� on eIF2B is sufficient to promote muscle growth. mTOR. The kinase mTOR (mammalian target ofrapamycin) has recently emerged as a key regulator ofcell growth that integrates signals from growth factors,nutrients, and energy status to control protein synthe-sis and other cell functions (32, 97). As the nameimplies, mTOR is selectively inhibited by rapamycin, adrug used as an immunosuppressant in organ trans-plantation: rapamycin binds to members of the FKbinding protein (FKBP) family and the complexrapamycin/FKBP binds to mTOR and blocks its activi-ty. The role of mTOR in muscle growth was demon-strated by in vivo studies showing that rapamycinblocked overload hypertrophy and regenerating mus-cle growth (10, 72). Indeed in tetracycline-inducibleAkt transgenic mice, rapamycin completely blunts Akteffects on muscle growth (37). The activation of mTORby Akt is indirect and involves the phosphorylationand inhibition by Akt of tuberous sclerosis 2 (TSC2).TSC2 is a GTPase activating protein (GAP) that func-tions together with TSC1 to inactivate the small G

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. Physiol. Soc.

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FIGURE 1. Schematic description of spectrum of developmental stages andthe different contribution of cellular turnover and protein turnover tomuscle growthThe principal pathways controlling cell and protein turnover are schematically depicted.

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recombinase rmo-old mice, next 3 mo (108mass, the specin these two sinhibitor of min muscle sizetatin transgentremendous inconcept that oent and relevastudies and coon myostatin Furthermore, statin-null micmuscle force (accumulation This evidence cific force genmice (12). Ski tion, thereby insuch as myostcle-specific ovtor 1, where increased maxspecific force lIIB (48), a typephy is induceded and inactidownstream tarole in protein(see below) arstatin inhibitimass in animaphy in whichrounds of rege

Beta adrene

Among the hothe acute elevinteresting wittype. Beta-agthrough �2-adcle hypertrophInterestingly, smediated by lskeletal muscbeta-agonists mTOR pathwblunted the hActivation of bintracellular cA (PKA), whicand the transcway has not be

An attractivthat signals specifically on

the Akt-FoxO signaling. This raises the possibility that,under certain circumstances, rapamycin may inducetranscriptional regulation not through a direct effect,e.g., by blocking mTOR phosphorylation of down-stream targets, but through an indirect transcriptionaleffect by inhibiting Akt and thus derepressing FoxO. Itis therefore suggested that FoxO activity/localizationshould always be monitored in studies involvingrapamycin treatment (44).

Myostatin and the cellular turnover

Myostatin, a member of the TGF-� family, is expressedand secreted predominantly by skeletal muscle andfunctions as a negative regulator of muscle growth.Mutations of the myostatin gene lead to a hypertrophicphenotype in mice, sheep, and cattle, and a loss-of-function mutation in the human myostatin gene wasalso found to induce increased muscle mass (14, 47, 59,87). The increase in muscle mass is a consequence ofhyperplasia, which is an increase in cell number, andhypertrophy, which is an increase in cell size. Thehyperplasia suggests an activation of muscle stem cells,and, in fact, the myostatin pathway influences Pax 7,MyoD, and myogenin expression inhibiting satellitecell activation and differentiation (36, 57, 58). Only a fewstudies explore the effect of myostatin inhibition in adultmuscle. Treating 24-wk-old mice with an anti-myostatinantibody for 5 wk induces a 12% increase in muscle mass(109). Furthermore, when tamoxifen-inducible Cre

162 PHYSIOLOGY • Volume 23 • June 2008 •

protein Rheb that in turn activates mTOR in complexwith the raptor adapter protein (mTOR-raptor orTORC1). Transgenic mice overexpressing TSC1 specif-ically in skeletal muscle show a defect in musclegrowth (103). S6K1. mTOR is part of two multiprotein complexes:mTORC1, which contains raptor and is rapamycinsensitive, is required for signaling to S6K and 4EBP1,whereas mTORC2, which contains rictor, is requiredfor signaling to Akt-FoxO (FIGURE 2). The effect ofmTOR on the translation machinery and protein syn-thesis is mediated by TORC1-dependent phosphoryla-tion of the ribosomal protein S6 kinases (S6K1 and 2)and of 4E-BP1, a repressor of the cap-binding proteineIF4E. S6K1 appears to be an important effector of theAkt pathway, since muscle fibers are smaller in S6K1-null mice, and their hypertrophic response to IGF1and to activated Akt is blunted (71). However S6K1knockout mice show no impairment in polysome for-mation, in protein synthesis, and in protein degrada-tion (60). TORC1 complex also negatively regulates theIGF1 pathway via S6K1 (4, 100). Thus the two mTORcomplexes, mTORC1 and mTORC2, may have oppo-site effects on Akt activity: TORC1 negatively regulatesIGF1 signaling, whereas TORC2 enhances AKT activi-ty (FIGURE 2). An additional factor that complicatesthe pathway is that long-term rapamycin treatment invitro can inhibit not only TORC1 but also the mTORC2complex and thus potentially affect, in some cell types,


FIGURE 2. Scheme illustrating the major pathways that control fiber sizeDotted lines depict pathways whose molecular mechanisms and role in adult skeletal muscle have yet to be completely defined.

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recombinase removes the floxed myostatin gene in 4-mo-old mice, muscle mass increases 25% during thenext 3 mo (108). However, despite the effect on musclemass, the specific muscle force has not been measuredin these two studies. Overexpression of follistatin, aninhibitor of myostatin (47), promotes a great increasein muscle size. Interestingly, mice resulting from follis-tatin transgenic and myostatin knockout mice showtremendous increases in muscle mass supporting theconcept that other myostatin-like molecules are pres-ent and relevant for muscle growth (46). There are fewstudies and conflicting results on the effect of exerciseon myostatin gene expression in skeletal muscle (15).Furthermore, the increase of muscle mass of myo-statin-null mice does not correlate with an increase inmuscle force (7). Ultrastructural observations reveal anaccumulation of tubular aggregates in type IIB fibers.This evidence is also supported by the decrease in spe-cific force generation of hypertrophic ski transgenicmice (12). Ski negatively regulates Smad phosphoryla-tion, thereby inhibiting signaling of TGF-�-like factors,such as myostatin. These findings contrast with mus-cle-specific overexpression of insulin-like growth fac-tor 1, where fiber hypertrophy is accompanied byincreased maximum force generation and maintainedspecific force levels. Myostatin binds to activin receptorIIB (48), a type II TGF-� receptor, and muscle hypertro-phy is induced in transgenic mice expressing a truncat-ed and inactive activin receptor (ActRIIB) (47). Thedownstream targets of the myostatin pathway and theirrole in protein synthesis as well as protein degradation(see below) are still to be determined. However, myo-statin inhibition is benefical for maintaining musclemass in animal models of Duchenne muscular dystro-phy in which the contribution of satellite cells torounds of regeneration is important (61, 102).

Beta adrenergic and mechanical sensors

Among the hormonal responses increased by exercise,the acute elevations in catecholamines are especiallyinteresting with respect to changes in muscle pheno-type. Beta-agonists such as clenbuterol, actingthrough �2-adrenoreceptors, are known to cause mus-cle hypertrophy and a slow-to-fast fiber-type switch.Interestingly, some effects of catecholamines could bemediated by local production of IGF-I and IGF-II byskeletal muscle (8, 90). Indeed the growth effect ofbeta-agonists is, at least partially, mediated by AKT-mTOR pathway since rapamycin almost completelyblunted the hypertrophic effects of clenbuterol (40).Activation of beta receptors is known to also increaseintracellular cAMP levels and activates protein kinaseA (PKA), which may also activate the AKT pathway,and the transcription factor CREB; however, this path-way has not been explored in contracting muscle.

An attractive emerging concept in muscle biology isthat signals dependent on muscle activity, and specifically on mechanical load, may arise in the sar-

comere, the basic unit of the contractile machinery ofstriated muscles, and from there transmitted to thenucleus to affect gene expression (43). The giant elas-tic protein titin, which spans half the sarcomereextending from the Z disk to the M band and interactswith a large number of muscle proteins, provides anexciting example of a sarcomeric activity-dependentsignaling complex (signalosome) (42). A unique prop-erty of titin is the presence in the M-band region of aserine/threonine kinase domain that can be inducedto acquire an open active conformation by stretch andcontraction (28). In active muscle cells, the titin kinasedomain (TK) is linked through two zinc-finger scaf-folding proteins, nbr1 and p62, to a member of themuscle-specific RING-finger proteins, MURF2 (43). Inthe absence of mechanical activity, the signalosome isdissociated, and MURF2 translocates to the nucleuswhere it can interact with the serum response tran-scription factor SRF, leading to nuclear export of SRFand loss of SRF-dependent gene expression. Thispathway may thus control muscle growth because SRFis know to regulate muscle gene expression, and con-ditional deletion of the SRF gene causes severe skele-tal muscle hypoplasia during the perinatal period (51).SRF regulates muscle gene expression by bindingserum response elements (SRE) in target genes andseems to integrate different growth promoting path-ways: for example, SRF is a target of Akt signaling inHela cells (107) and can recruit the androgen receptorto muscle gene promoters (101). The titin kinase-SRFpathway described above is probably just one of sever-al links between the sarcomere and the nucleus thatare only now beginning to emerge (43).

Muscle Atrophy

Atrophy is a decrease in cell size mainly caused by lossof organelles, cytoplasm, and proteins. This concept isimportant when a genetic approach is used to dissectthe contribution of certain pathways to muscle loss. Asmentioned above, the mass of a tissue is controlled bycellular turnover and protein turnover (FIGURES 1 AND 2). Genetic modifications thatinterfere with embryonic and postnatal growth resultin smaller muscles in adults. This reduction in musclesize is caused by failure/inhibition of growth and notby a real atrophy process. Keeping in mind the abovedefinition, another important concept is that proteinturnover is dominant over cellular turnover duringacute phases of muscle wasting when sarcomeric pro-teins are rapidly lost such as during fasting, disuse,and denervation. Evidence that blocking satellite cellsis sufficient to trigger muscle atrophy in adult musclehas never been determined. Furthermore, myonucleiare normally reduced during muscle atrophy to keeprather constant the size of the nuclear domain (16, 22).Thus the current understanding suggests that inhibit-ing cellular turnover would not influence protein

163PHYSIOLOGY • Volume 23 • June 2008 •

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MuRF1, but noOn the other tion of NF-�Btively active I�denervation aMuscle atrophlikewise redup105/p50 NF-inflammatory and suppressTherefore, AKconsidered anperturbed, sintribute to musby results obtfor IKK�, whishow hyperphamount by whablation and tis unclear. Thenevertheless establish the csus AKT-FoxOInterestingly, seems to affec

Myostatin adownstream

Despite the htion, the oppand its role in tThe first reposevere atrophymyostatin, weatrophy in thedied. Howevetransgenic miskeletal muscland no phenexperiments smuscle inducthat observedsuggest that muscle atrophand that the other pathwaystatin is sufficprotein breakculture, myostatrophy-relatemechanism o(58). In fact, PI3K-AKT patincreased expbetween the twhose inhibitatrogin-1 (58)abrogates phe

atrophy come from experiments of Akt transfection inadult mice. Electroporation of constitutively active Aktin adult myofibers completely blocked muscle atrophyinduced by denervation (10). These findings areimportant to elaborate the various contributions of thedifferent signaling pathways during muscle atrophy.The upregulation of atrogin-1/MAFbx and MuRF1 isnormally blocked by Akt functioning through negativeregulation of the FoxO family of transcription factors(49, 82, 93). The FoxO family in skeletal muscle is com-prised of three isoforms: FoxO1, FoxO3, and FoxO4.Akt phosphorylates FoxOs, promoting the export ofFoxOs from the nucleus to the cytoplasm. As predict-ed, the reduction in the activity of the Akt pathwayobserved in different models of muscle atrophy resultsin decreased levels of phosphorylated FoxO in thecytoplasm and a marked increase of nuclear FoxO pro-tein. The translocation and activity of FoxO membersis required for the upregulation of atrogin-1/MAFbxand MuRF1, and FoxO3 was found to be sufficient topromote atrogin-1/MAFbx expression and muscleatrophy when transfected in skeletal muscles in vivo(82). Accordingly, FoxO1 transgenic mice showedmarkedly reduced muscle mass and fiber atrophy, fur-ther supporting the notion that FoxO is sufficient topromote muscle loss (39, 92) (FIGURE 2). On theother hand, the knockdown of FoxO expression byRNAi is able to block the upregulation of atrogin-1/MAFbx expression during atrophy and muscle loss(52, 82). Cross talk between protein breakdown andprotein synthesis is not limited only to AKT but alsoinvolves FoxO. Activation of FoxO upregulates 4EBP1and downregulates both RAPTOR and mTOR (92).Thus, when AKT in active protein breakdown is sup-pressed but when FoxO is induced, protein synthesis isfurther suppressed. This is not trivial since FoxO activ-ity is regulated by different posttranslational modifica-tions, which include phosphorylation, acetylation,and mono- and poly-ubiquitination (34) (FIGURE 3).Most of these regulatory mechanisms are AKT inde-pendent and may play a role in muscle atrophyinduced by oxidative or energy stress (see below).

Inflammatory cytokines and NF-��B signaling

The NF-�B transcription factors, which play a majorrole as mediators of immunity and inflammation, arealso expressed in skeletal muscle and appear to medi-ate the effect of inflammatory cytokines, in particularTNF-�, on muscle wasting and cachexia. In the inac-tive state, NF-�B is sequestered in the cytoplasm by afamily of inhibitory proteins called I�B. In response toTNF-�, the I�B kinase (IKK) complex phosphorylatesI�B, resulting in its ubiquitination and proteasomaldegradation; this leads to nuclear translocation of NF-�B and activation of NF-�B-mediated gene transcrip-tion. Muscle-specific overexpression of IKK� in trans-genic mice leads to severe muscle wasting mediated, at least in part, by the ubiquitin-ligase

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breakdown and muscle weakness and would not affectnuclear domain maintenance, but it might be impor-tant for the replacement of damaged myofibers ormyonuclei. The importance of cellular turnover forlong-term muscle atrophy, e.g., long-term denerva-tion, has yet to be addressed.

Atrophy: an active process that requires tran-scriptional regulation

A major contribution in understanding muscle atrophycomes from the pioneering studies on gene expressionprofiling performed independently by groups ofGoldberg and Glass (9, 26). The idea to compare geneexpression in different models of muscle atrophy leadsto the identification of a subset of genes that are com-monly up- or downregulated in atrophying muscle.Since all the diseases used for the experiments ofmicroarray (i.e., diabetes, cancer cachexia, chronicrenal failure, fasting, and denervation) have muscleatrophy in common, the commonly up or down genesare believed to regulate the loss of muscle componentsand are called atrophy-related genes or atrogenes (76).Together, these findings indicate that muscle atrophy isan active process controlled by specific signaling path-ways and transcriptional programs. Furthermore, thetwo most induced genes are two novel muscle-specificubiquitin ligases, atrogin-1/MAFbx and MuRF1, thatare upregulated in different models of muscle atrophyand are responsible for the increased protein degrada-tion through the ubiquitin-proteasome system (9, 26).In fact, knockout mice for either atrogin-1/MAFbx orMuRF1 are partially resistant to denervation atrophy(9). Importantly, recent findings suggest that myosinheavy chains are ubiquitinated and degraded byMuRF1 (13, 23). Thus, up to now, these two genes areactually the best markers for muscle atrophy and couldbe considered as master genes for muscle wasting.However, several other genes among the atrophy-relat-ed genes are of potential interest, including genes coding for lysosomal protease, transcription factors,regulators of protein synthesis, and enzymes of meta-bolic pathways, but their particular role in musclewasting has to be defined in the next future.

IGF1-AKT-FoxO signaling

A subsequent crucial step was the identification of thesignaling pathways that regulate the expression of thetwo muscle-specific ubiquitin ligases. Previous studieshave shown that IGF1/insulin signaling, while pro-moting muscle growth, is able to suppress proteinbreakdown (77). Furthermore, IGF1 transgenic miceare resistant to muscle atrophy induced either byangiotensin treatment or in a mouse model of cardiaccachexia (88, 91), and local IGF1 injection is sufficientto block disuse atrophy (93). In these models of mus-cle loss, IGF1 completely suppressed the induction ofthe two critical ubiquitin-ligases. Further data sup-porting the role of this pathway in regulating muscle

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MuRF1, but not by atrogin-1/MAFbx (11) (FIGURE 2).On the other hand, although muscle-specific inhibi-tion of NF-�B by transgenic expression of a constitu-tively active I�B mutant leads to no overt phenotype,denervation atrophy is substantially reduced (38).Muscle atrophy induced by hindlimb unloading islikewise reduced in mice with a knockout of thep105/p50 NF-�B1 gene (35). However, TNF-� and pro-inflammatory cytokines also cause insulin resistanceand suppression of the IGF1 pathway (17, 19, 33).Therefore, AKT phosphorylation should always beconsidered and explored when the NF-�B pathway isperturbed, since AKT inhibition can substantially con-tribute to muscle atrophy. This concept is supportedby results obtained with conditional knockout micefor IKK�, which are resistant to muscle atrophy butshow hyperphosphorylation of AKT (66). Thus theamount by which muscle atrophy is reduced by IKK�

ablation and the degree to which it is AKT dependentis unclear. The cross talk between the two pathways isnevertheless important, and future studies shouldestablish the contribution of IKK-NF-�B pathways ver-sus AKT-FoxO pathways in relation to muscle atrophy.Interestingly, modulation of IKK-NF-�B pathwayseems to affect cellular turnover in mdx mice (2).

Myostatin and the enigma of the downstream targets

Despite the hypertrophic effect of myostatin inhibi-tion, the opposite situation of myostatin activationand its role in triggering muscle atrophy is not obvious.The first report that sustains this notion described asevere atrophy when CHO cells, engineered to expressmyostatin, were injected in skeletal muscles (113). Theatrophy in these mice was so severe that some animalsdied. However, these findings were not confirmed bytransgenic mice. Expressing myostatin specifically inskeletal muscles leads to only 20% of atrophy in malesand no phenotype in females (74). Electroporationexperiments show that myostatin expression in adultmuscle induces a degree of atrophy comparable tothat observed in transgenic mice (21). These findingssuggest that CHO cells substantially contribute tomuscle atrophy by secreting some cachectic factorsand that the myostatin pathway is synergistic withother pathways. No report clearly shows whether myo-statin is sufficient to trigger atrogenes expression andprotein breakdown in vivo. However, in muscle cellculture, myostatin is reported to upregulate the criticalatrophy-related ubiquitin ligases, and interestingly themechanism of such regulation is FoxO dependent(58). In fact, myostatin treatment blocks the IGF1-PI3K-AKT pathway and activates FoxO1, allowing theincreased expression of atrogin-1. This cross talkbetween the two pathways does not require NF-�B,whose inhibition does not prevent upregulation ofatrogin-1 (58). Similarly, in cardiac cells, myostatinabrogates phenylephrine hypertrophic effects through

inhibition of AKT (64). A further level of complexity isthat myostatin expression is controlled by FoxO1, sup-porting the notion that the myostatin pathway is syner-gistic to AKT-FoxO signaling (5). However, despite theevidence of cross talk between AKT and TGF-� path-ways, it is still unclear whether Smads, the transcriptionfactors downstream of TGF-� signaling, are mediatingsome of the myostatin effects in muscle. Furthermore,Smads can recognize the DNA sequence CAGAC, buttheir affinity seems too low to support unassisted bind-ing to DNA. In addition, if their affinity for the simplesequence were higher, Smads would decorate the entirechromosome. Therefore, activated Smad proteins mustassociate with different DNA-binding cofactors for therecognition and regulation of specific target genes (54).Interesting members of the forkhead box O family(FoxO1, FoxO3, and FoxO4) play such a role (27). To fur-ther confuse the role of Samds during muscle wasting isthe presence of TGIF, an inhibitor of Smads, among theupregulated atrophy-related genes (76). Thus the mys-tery of why an inhibitor of Smads is activated early,before muscle loss becomes evident, must beaddressed. Dissecting the roles of Smads and identify-ing the co-factors that mediate Smad transcriptionalactivity in adult muscle are intriguing questions thatrequire attention in the coming years.

Rediscovering lysosomes under a new light:autophagy-mediated protein breakdown

Lysosomes are the cellular system charged with theremoval of organelles and protein aggregates. Indeed,autophagy is constitutively active in skeletal muscle,as shown by the accumulation of autophagosomesseen in human myopathies caused by a genetic defi-ciency of lysosomal proteins, e.g., Pompe’s andDanon’s disease, or by pharmacological inhibition oflysosomal function, as in chloroquine myopathy (89).Different studies have shown that cathepsin-L, a lyso-somal protease, is upregulated in different models ofmuscle wasting (18, 45). The role of cathepsin-L

165PHYSIOLOGY • Volume 23 • June 2008 •

REVIEWSransfection invely active Akt

muscle atrophyfindings are

ibutions of theuscle atrophy.and MuRF1 isough negativeription factors

muscle is com-3, and FoxO4.the export of

m. As predict-e Akt pathwayatrophy results

FoxO in thelear FoxO pro-oxO members

ogin-1/MAFbxe sufficient to

n and muscleuscles in vivomice showedr atrophy, fur-s sufficient toE 2). On theexpression by

on of atrogin-d muscle losseakdown andAKT but also

gulates 4EBP1d mTOR (92).kdown is sup-ein synthesis isce FoxO activ-

onal modifica-n, acetylation,

) (FIGURE 3).are AKT inde-uscle atrophyee below).

B signaling

h play a majorammation, areppear to medi-s, in particulara. In the inac-ytoplasm by aIn response tohosphorylates

d proteasomalocation of NF-ene transcrip-IKK� in trans-scle wasting


FIGURE 3. Scheme illustrating the regulation of FoxO transcription factorsand their potential role in the atrophy programAKT is activated by growth factors and by physical activity and phosphorylates FoxO,inducing its translocation from the nucleus to the cytoplasm. Conversely, AMPK phos-phorylates FoxO, increasing its transcriptional activity. Various other activators of FoxOare also indicated, including oxdative stress, which induces acetylation of peculiar lysineresidues, and monoubiquitination. Polyubiquitination occurs when FoxO is relocalizedin the cytoplasm triggering its proteasomal degradation.

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muscles are pdenervation, Treatment witgin-1 activatioculture and indisorganizatiofunction (31).by either the dexpression. Thfibers tend to glycolytic fibeare crucial forent energy-decellular sensoenergy in mutreatment or btriggers myotulevels of AMP,and smaller mand S6K2 knotion rescues confirming th(4) and suggesmyofiber size.methionine inwell as auto1/MAFbx andconfirm that abut the molecuto be undersconnection bephorylates sevstimulating its(29, 30). IndeAICAR, an acprotein breakvia the FoxO fof such importmuscle atroph

Within the regulating msource of catabetes have beed actin cleavathe sarcomereteasome (20). which disruptcausing cytocmation (49). FXIAP overexpfrom atrophy However, theatrophy shoulfunction appro


The dystrophithe muscle c

excessive autophagy is promoting severe wasting dur-ing denervation and needs to be reduced by Runx1.We have recently shown that the autophagy-lysosomeand ubiquitin-proteasome systems are coordinatelyregulated during muscle wasting (53, 112). In fact,some critical autophagy-related genes are among theatrogenes and are under FoxO3 control. Expression ofFoxO3 is sufficient and required to activate lysosomal-dependent protein breakdown in cell culture and invivo. Interestingly, the role of mTOR signaling for theregulation of autophagy is irrelevant in skeletal mus-cles. However, the contribution of the autophagy-lyso-some and ubiquitin-proteasome systems to organelleremodeling, protein breakdown, and, finally, muscleatrophy remains to be investigated.

Mitochondrial homeostasis and energy bal-ance: the metabolic control of cell size

Several metabolic adaptations occur in atrophyingmuscles. In many forms of muscle wasting, expressionof a variety of genes for enzymes important in glycoly-sis and oxidative phosphorylation are suppressedcoordinately (45). Indeed, we have recently shownthat PGC-1�, the master regulatory gene for mito-chondria biogenesis, is downregulated in differentmodels of muscle wasting. Furthermore, when the levels of PGC-1� are maintained, either by use oftransgenic mice or by transfecting adult muscle fibers,

166 PHYSIOLOGY • Volume 23 • June 2008 •

induction is still unclear, but recent evidence suggeststhat the autophagy-lysosome system is activated dur-ing atrophy. Mizushima et al. (62) generated trans-genic mice expressing LC3 fused with GFP. LC3 is themammalian homolog of Atg8 gene and is critical formembrane commitment and growth to engulforganelles, cytoplasm, glycogen, and protein aggre-gates. Morphological analyses documented the activa-tion of the autophagy system during fasting in skeletalmuscle (62). Indeed, muscle cell culture confirmedthat the autophagy-lysosome system is the major pro-teolytic pathway implicated in nutrient-dependentproteolysis (63). Further experiments lend insight intothe signaling pathways involved and identified anmTOR-independent but PI3KIII-beclin-dependentcontrol of the autophagic system in myotubes (96).Furthermore, electron microscopic and biochemicalstudies have shown that autophagy is activated also indenervation atrophy (24, 86). However, denervation-induced atrophy shows a slower pace of autophagywhen compared with fasting-mediated atrophy. Thiseffect is mediated by Runx1, which is upregulated dur-ing denervation and is required to preserve musclemass. Lack of Runx1 resulted in myofibrillar disorgan-ization and excessive autophagy in denervated muscles (105). Runx1 knockout mice show double- ormultimembrane vacuoles, which enclose mitochon-dria and membranes. This finding indicates that


FIGURE 4. Scheme illustrating some of the triggers that could activate proteolytic systemsthat lead to muscle atrophyThese catabolic pathways are regulated by changes in 1) growth factors, 2) cachectic factors such as TNF-�, IL-6, andmyostatin, 3) oxidative stress mediated by ROS or NO, 4) metabolic postcontraction events, such as the increase inATP consumption, activation of adenylate kinase (2ADP, 3ATP + AMP) which rises intracellular AMP, and consequentactivation of AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK), 5) nutrient availability such as aminoacids and glucose, 6) Ca2+

imbalance. Few transcription factors have been identified to mediate these effects. The major proteolytic systems, theubiquitin-proteasome and lysosome, are recruited to degrade most of the myofiber content, whereas the role of cas-pases and calpains is suggested by evidence, but final proofs are still missing. Dotted lines depict pathways whosemolecular mechanisms and role in adult skeletal muscle have to be defined.

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muscles are protected from the atrophy induced bydenervation, fasting, or expression of FoxO3 (81).Treatment with statins induces FoxO-mediated atro-gin-1 activation and related muscle alterations. In cellculture and in zebrafish, statins cause muscle atrophy,disorganization of myofibrils, and mitochondrial dys-function (31). These changes are completely abortedby either the deletion of atrogin-1 or by PGC-1� over-expression. These results may explain why oxidativefibers tend to be resistant to atrophy compared withglycolytic fibers and suggest that metabolic changesare crucial for muscle atrophy (50). Among the differ-ent energy-dependent pathways, AMPK acts as thecellular sensor of energy balance. Indeed, stressingenergy in muscle cell culture either by oligomycintreatment or by replacing glucose with 2-deoxyglucosetriggers myotube atrophy (4). Interestingly, increasedlevels of AMP, activation of AMPK, lipid consumption,and smaller muscles have all been observed in S6K1and S6K2 knockout mice. Importantly, AMPK inhibi-tion rescues skeletal muscle growth in these mice,confirming that S6K1/2 deletion alters energy balance(4) and suggesting that AMPK activity is a key factor formyofiber size. Interestingly, these mice show normalmethionine incorporation and polysomal profiles aswell as autophagy and upregulation of atrogin-1/MAFbx and MuRF1 (60). Altogether, these findingsconfirm that a metabolic program controls cell size,but the molecular mechanisms of such control remainto be understood. Very recent findings describe a connection between AMPK and FoxO3. AMPK phos-phorylates several AKT-independent sites of FoxO3,stimulating its transcriptional activity on target genes(29, 30). Indeed, treating muscle cell culture withAICAR, an activator of AMPK, causes an increase ofprotein breakdown and atrogin-1/MAFbx expressionvia the FoxO family (70). The physiological relevanceof such important control over protein breakdown andmuscle atrophy in vivo remains to be explored.

Within the myofiber, mitochondria are crucial inregulating metabolism and might be a potentialsource of catabolic signals. Insulin resistance and dia-betes have been reported to trigger caspase3-mediat-ed actin cleavage, which would release myofibrils fromthe sarcomere for subsequent degradation via the pro-teasome (20). Caspase3 activation is mediated by Bax,which disrupts the mitochondrial external membrane,causing cytochrome-c release and apoptosome for-mation (49). Furthermore, inhibition of caspases byXIAP overexpression protects adult skeletal musclefrom atrophy in an animal model of diabetes (106).However, the contribution of caspases to muscle atrophy should be further investigated using loss offunction approaches.

Mechanical sensor of inactivity

The dystrophin glycoprotein complex (DGC) anchorsthe muscle cytoskeleton to the cell membrane via

dystrophin and its binding partners. This complex isimportant for correct transduction of myosin move-ments on actin to the extracellular matrix. Indeed,lack of dystrophin exacerbates mechanical stress onthe myofiber plasma membrane, causing muscledamage and degeneration. This classical view con-siders a purely structural function of DGC proteins.However, an attractive role of dystrophin in transduc-tion of mechanical signals to the nucleus has recent-ly been proposed. In fact, dystrophin is lost from thecell membrane under atrophic conditions, causing aloss of continuity between the cell membrane of themyofiber and the extracellular matrix (1). Thisdecreased interaction between membrane andmatrix is required for muscle loss since forced dys-trophin expression in transgenic mice counteractsboth cachexia-induced muscle wasting and upregu-lation of atrogin-1/MAFbx and MuRF1. Further sup-port for the DGC acting as a mechanical sensor hasrecently been published. Neuronal NOS (nNOS) isnormally bound to the DGC, but when the DGC isdisrupted, as occurs in dystrophic muscle, its local-ization is disturbed and it is no longer at the sar-colemma. A similar nNOS dysregulation has recentlybeen described during disuse-induced muscle atro-phy. Free nNOS dislocates to the cytoplasm where itenhances FoxO3-mediated transcription and upreg-ulation of atrogin-1 and MuRF1(95). Interestingly,the NF-�B pathway is not involved in nNOS-mediat-ed muscle atrophy (95). Since nNOS generates NO,an important player in protein nitrosylation and inreactive oxygene species generation, the role ofoxidative stress in muscle atrophy is an importantaspect to be analyzed in future studies.

Glucocorticoids-induced muscle atrophy

Glucocorticoids are elevated in many pathologicalconditions associated with muscle loss. Moreover glu-cocorticoid treatment induces atrogin-1 and MuRF1expression and muscle wasting both in cell cultureand in vivo (10, 13, 77, 82, 84). Importantly, adrenalec-tomy or treatment with a glucocorticoid receptorantagonist (RU-486) attenuates muscle loss in somediseases (84). However, the mechanisms of glucocorti-coid-mediated muscle atrophy are unclear. In fact,none of the atrophy-related genes have been found tobe directly regulated by glucocorticoids, and no gluco-corticoid response elements on atrogenes promotershave been identified as critical for their expression(45). Thus most of the glucocorticoid effects are indi-rect, mainly affecting pathways previously describedto be crucial for muscle growth or loss.Glucocorticoids are reported to decrease IGF1 pro-duction and increase myostatin secretion. Othereffects like downregulation of the anabolic transcrip-tion factor ATF4, activation of p300/HAT, or upregula-tion of REDD1, an inhibitor of mTOR signaling, aredescribed, but no obvious mechanism can explain the

167PHYSIOLOGY • Volume 23 • June 2008 •

REVIEWSe wasting dur-ced by Runx1.hagy-lysosomee coordinately

112). In fact,are among the

Expression ofate lysosomal-culture and ingnaling for the

skeletal mus-tophagy-lyso-

ms to organelleinally, muscle

nergy bal-size

in atrophyingng, expressionant in glycoly-e suppressedcently shownene for mito-d in different

ore, when the her by use ofmuscle fibers,

c systems

F-�, IL-6, ande increase in consequentse, 6) Ca2+

ic systems, thehe role of cas-ways whose

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6. Alzghoul MB, Gerrard D, Watkins BA, Hannon K. Ectopicexpression of IGF-I and Shh by skeletal muscle inhibits disuse-mediated skeletal muscle atrophy and bone osteopenia invivo. FASEB J 18: 221–223, 2004.

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13. Clarke BA, Drujan D, Willis MS, Murphy LO, Corpina RA,Burova E, Rakhilin SV, Stitt TN, Patterson C, Latres E, GlassDJ. The E3 Ligase MuRF1 degrades myosin heavy chain pro-tein in dexamethasone-treated skeletal muscle. Cell Metab 6:376–385, 2007.

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19. Dogra C, Changotra H, Wedhas N, Qin X, Wergedal JE,Kumar A. TNF-related weak inducer of apoptosis (TWEAK) isa potent skeletal muscle-wasting cytokine. FASEB J 21:1857–1869, 2007.

20. Du J, Wang X, Miereles C, Bailey JL, Debigare R, Zheng B,Price SR, Mitch WE. Activation of caspase-3 is an initial steptriggering accelerated muscle proteolysis in catabolic condi-tions. J Clin Invest 113: 115–123, 2004.

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direct involvement of corticosteroids in regulation ofatrophy-related genes (3, 84, 104, 110). Even less clearis the recent description of dexamethaspone-depend-ent MyoD and Id1 degradation by NH2-terminal ubiq-uitination pathway, especially if we consider thatMyoD is described to be an atrogin-1 substrate (94,98). How MyoD loss can contribute to weakness andmuscle protein breakdown is unclear. Loss and gain offunction experiments on glucocorticoid receptorshould be performed to address the direct role of thispathway in muscle loss.


Over the last few years, the mechanisms controllingmuscle loss have attracted the attention of the scientif-ic community due to their relevance in various fieldsof study such as ageing, prognosis of many diseases,quality of life, and sports medicine. From the recentfindings, a new scenario emerges that considers thesize of the myofiber and muscle performance a resultof not a single pathway but of a network of signaling(FIGURES 2 AND 4). Intriguingly, the different path-ways cross talk and modulate one another at differentlevels, coordinating protein synthesis and degradationsimultaneously. Findings of the last few years offernew and exciting perspectives to the field and intro-duce a series of new stimulating questions to the com-munity, setting the base for future studies, whichshould enable us to identify new therapeutic targetsand drugs.

The critical reading of Kenneth Dyar is gratefullyacknowledged. I apologize to colleagues whose studieswere not cited owing to space limitations.

Our work is supported by grants from ASI (OSMA proj-ect), Telethon-Italy (TCP04009), and Compagnia SanPaolo.

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170 PHYSIOLOGY • Volume 23 • June 2008 •

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