muscular system_sn.ppt

Muscular System

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Muscular System

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There are more than 630 muscles in the body.

On average, the body weight is 40% muscle.

Out of the 630 muscles, 30 of them are facial muscles, which help to create all those different faces of happiness, surprise, joy, sorrow, sadness, fright, etc.

The biggest muscle in the bodyThe biggest muscle in the bodyis the gluteus maximus (buttock)is the gluteus maximus (buttock)

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The muscles surrounding the eye are the busiest muscles in the body.

Research indicates that probably blink them more than 100,000 times a day.

Each muscle belongs to one of three categories: skeletal muscles, which move bones - smooth muscles, which control involuntary movements such as breathing and digestion, - and cardiac muscle, which is found in the heart.

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The job of a muscle is to move the body. Skeleton cannot move without muscles.There would be no way to animate the

physical body or even speak the mind. Wouldn't be able to blink, digest food,

breathe, pump the heart or have one for that matter since the heart is a muscle.

Couldn't smile, urinate, defecate or sniff with the nose.

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Muscles are a type of tissue that is composed of contractile cells or fibers.

The cells or fibers actually contract! and when they contract, they create movement on the bone that they attached to.

The really cool thing about muscles tissue is its ability to shorten (contract).

Muscle tissue has the property of irritability, conductivity and elasticity.

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Smooth muscle: (involuntary tissue) because it is NOT under conscious control.

Involuntary muscle tissue is found in the internal organs – the digestive tract, respiratory passages, urinary and genital ducts, urinary bladder, gallbladder, walls of the blood vessels.

Smooth muscle cells are elongated and thin, not striated, have only one nucleus, and interlace to form sheets rather than bundles of muscles.

Smooth muscle is controlled by the autonomic nervous system (ANS).

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Smooth MuscleSmooth Muscle

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Skeletal (or voluntary/striated) muscle, the most abundant tissue in the human body, producing movement.

Each skeletal-muscle fiber is roughly cylindrical, contains many nuclei, and is crossed by alternating light and dark bands called striations.

Fibers bind together, via connective tissue, into bundles; and these bundles, in turn, bind together to form muscles.

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Thus, skeletal muscles are composite structures composed of many muscle fibers, nerves, blood vessels, and connective tissue.

Skeletal muscles are controlled by the somatic nervous system (SNS).

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Skeletal Muscle FibersSkeletal Muscle Fibers

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Cardiac muscle: This muscle tissue is only found in the heart.

The fibers branch and form a continuous network.

At certain intervals, there are prominent bands or intercalated disks that cross the fibers.

Some fibers are called Purkinje fibers, and they form the impulse-conducting system of the heart.

Like smooth muscle, it is innervated by the autonomic nervous system (ANS).

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Cardiac MuscleCardiac Muscle

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Muscles work by contracting Muscles work by contracting and relaxingand relaxing

Pump the bicep for a second. Make a fist and bring it up to the ear. Notice how the bicep gets bigger when the

muscle tightens and shortens. And when relax the arm, the muscle gets

longer and smaller. Muscles do not push, they pull. The tiny muscle fibers work like a sliding

glass door on a track.

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And these tiny muscle fibers get their energy from the food we eat.

Without food to feed muscles, the muscles couldn't make the energy to contract.

The reason can move the arm back and forth is because muscles work in pairs.

One is a synergist, the other a antagonist. It's a support thing and so they can pull in

opposing directions.

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"Move it or Lose it”"Move it or Lose it”

This term can be directly applied to a sarcomere.

A sarcomere is portion of a striated muscle fibril.

Tiny pieces of the muscle. If don't move and exercise those muscles

by contracting and relaxing them, will in fact lose 100 sarcomere's a day.

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In order for a muscle to work, it In order for a muscle to work, it has to cross a jointhas to cross a joint

Connecting from one end of a bone to the other without crossing the joint would be pretty much useless because it wouldn't be able to shorten or lengthen with the movement of the joint.

So in order to bend knee, the muscles in the thigh have to cross over to the other side of the knee joint and attach.

Then when tighten the muscle, the knee bends.

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The muscles that are voluntary get their signals from the peripheral nervous system, and it's because of this that the skeletal muscles are under conscious or voluntary control.

The involuntary muscles (smooth and cardiac muscles) receive their nerve supply from the central nervous system and functions involuntarily without conscious control.

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It is possible to hurt a muscle because they can become pulled, hence "pulled muscle."

Can actually tear a muscle the same way that a ligament or tendon gets torn or a bone gets broke.

And they can heal themselves with rest and time.

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One of the most important postural muscles is the psoas.

It is the deepest and largest core muscle of the body. It consists of a wide muscle band originating on each side of the body and transverse processes of the lumbar vertebrae and the 12th dorsal vertebra.

It passes down each side of the front of the pelvis, from the hip sockets, and inserts on the lesser trochanters.

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The psoas is a prime hip flexor. It lifts the front leg as we walk and climb. It assists in thigh rotation and adduction,

and in a partnership balance with the large abdominal muscle, rectus abdominus, it maintains the natural lumbar curve, pelvic alignment, and a generally upright stance.

It is a muscular support for the lumbar plexus, a network of nerves, which originate in the spinal cord.

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Psoas – the postural muscle Psoas – the postural muscle

Helps in the upright standing pose or Tadasana.

We lengthen the psoas before deepening into a posture, draws the abdomen, the rectus abdominus muscle inwards.

Lengthens the lumbar spine and creates width across the collarbone.

In side bending and twisting postures, this helps to prevent back injury, especially to the tiny facet joints of the spine.

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The psoas maintains vertical alignment in inversions and creates length along the front body in forward bends.

Yoga is one of the best ways to lengthen and strengthen the psoas muscle.

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Hip ExtensionHip Extension

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Hip FlexorHip Flexor

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Hip ExtensionHip Extension

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Shoulder FlexionShoulder Flexion

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