muscle and fitness ultra 12 month program

Ultimate Long-Term Resistance and Aerobic System U . L. T . R . A. 12-MONTH SYSTEM By Chris Lockwood, MS, CSCS or the past 11 months, you’ve been work- ing with dedication toward one objective: getting in the best shape of your life. You’ve come a long way since July 1999, when you entered the first week of ULTRA. You’ve peri- odized your training — from preparation to growth to strength to power to endurance, and everything in between — and you’ve absorbed advice, workouts and nutrition plans from some of the sport’s leading minds and practitioners. Of course, as Yogi Berra once said, “It ain’t over till it’s over,” and the final month of ULTRA will allow you to showcase all the progress you’ve made by getting you “shredded,” or “peeled” — bodybuilder-speak for super-lean — by summer. Actually, the commitment you made to the super- fit lifestyle by undertaking ULTRA in the first place should never end; think of it as an ongoing endeavor. Moving forward, you can continue using the ULTRA system as your lifelong template to building your perfect body. To take you through Month 12, I’ve enlisted the help of bodybuilding’s king and queen of compe- tition preparation — Shawn “Sugar” Ray and Laura Creavalle, respectively — as well as the woman with arguably the hardest body in fitness, Lena “The Nordic Knockout” Johannesen. Together, we’ll lead you down the path to getting super-lean and stay- ing rock-hard all summer long. So pull up a bench as our three advisers offer weight-training, cardiovascular and psychology tips on how they get lean during the final four weeks before a contest. f Per Bernal MONTH 12 178 MUSCLE & FITNESS June 2000 Lena Johannesen

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Ultimate Long-Term Resistance and Aerobic System

U.L.T.R.A.1 2 - M O N T H S Y S T E M

By Chris Lockwood, MS, CSCS

or the past 11 months, you’ve been work-

ing with dedication toward one objective:

getting in the best shape of your life. You’ve

come a long way since July 1999, when you

entered the first week of ULTRA. You’ve peri-

odized your training — from preparation to

growth to strength to power to endurance, and

everything in between — and you’ve absorbed

advice, workouts and nutrition plans from some of

the sport’s leading minds and practitioners.

Of course, as Yogi Berra once said, “It ain’t over

till it’s over,” and the final month of ULTRA will

allow you to showcase all the progress you’ve

made by getting you “shredded,” or “peeled” —

bodybuilder-speak for super-lean — by summer.

Actually, the commitment you made to the super-

fit lifestyle by undertaking ULTRA in the first place

should never end; think of it as an ongoing

endeavor. Moving forward, you can continue

using the ULTRA system as your lifelong template

to building your perfect body.

To take you through Month 12, I’ve enlisted the

help of bodybuilding’s king and queen of compe-

tition preparation — Shawn “Sugar” Ray and Laura

Creavalle, respectively — as well as the woman

with arguably the hardest body in fitness, Lena “The

Nordic Knockout” Johannesen. Together, we’ll lead

you down the path to getting super-lean and stay-

ing rock-hard all summer long.

So pull up a bench as our three advisers offer

weight-training, cardiovascular and psychology

tips on how they get lean during the final four

weeks before a contest.






178 MUSCLE & FITNESS June 2000


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Weight Training“I do weight training three days per week, working out

every other day. I go to failure — usually about 10–15 reps —using moderate resistance, up to the last week, when I go prettylight and increase my reps to 20–25.”

“I stay consistent from the day I decide to prepare fora show, and I stick with basic exercises and movements all theway through contest time — barbells and dumbbells all the way!I don’t restrict the amount of weight I use; rather, I base thosedecisions on how my body feels. If my body tells me it’s time togo light, I go light, but I compensate by adding a few more repsand incorporating some drop sets. Normally I try to completeabout 12 reps, but doing drop sets could increase that numberto 21. As for calves and abs, I train them each three days perweek, on separate days. For abs, I do four sets of 25 reps usingthree separate exercises.”

“I stay fairly consistent by using basic exercises anddoing 6–10 reps per set. I stick with a two-days-on, one-day-offtraining regimen: train back, then chest, take a day off, train legs,then shoulders and arms, and take another day off before Irepeat the cycle. However, I train abs and calves every other day,on separate days. And unlike many bodybuilders, I train slowerand take longer rest periods between sets precontest, becausemy recovery is slower due to my lack of calories.”

Cardiovascular Training“I do my regular morning cardio on an empty stomach,

every day, for 45–60 minutes. I also work on getting my muscularendurance up for my routine, which I practice 3–4 times a weekfor an hour to an hour-and-a-half each session.”

“Instead of doing traditional cardio, I’ll do 20 extraminutes of full-body isometric posing, without rest, afterevery workout.”

“I didn’t do any cardio [training for theOlympia] this last year because I started dietingfive months out from the show. The year before,I was doing two hours of cardio a day, but Iended up dragging before the contest. Thisyear, I felt a lot better and could train harderall the way up until the show.”

Mental Toughness“The most important things for me

during the last few weeks are sticking with mydiet, doing my cardio and getting through myroutine practice. I spend most of my energyon my routine, so the goal is to maintainthe muscularity I’ve built while continu-ing to burn excess bodyfat. The last fewweeks are the most stressful, so youneed to strive for the feeling of every-








thing being in place and ensure that you peak at the right time.”“This is the most grueling part of the training cycle.

Physically, you’re spent, but you need to reflect on all that you’vedone to prepare and make sure that you’ve done everything youneed to win. I also like to treat my training partner like a sparringpartner. I push him and try to beat him down, and I expect himto do the same to me. It builds mental toughness and helps pushme to be my best. A lot of people say that bodybuilders are self-ish, but when I’m getting ready for a show, I’m no different froma lawyer studying for the bar exam or Oscar de la Hoya preparingfor a fight. My focus is on winning.”

“Even though your energy level is dragging, youknow that’s just par for the course. If I were dragging

before I entered my contest-prep mode, I’d worry thatI was overtraining. In the last four weeks, though, youexpect that, and mentally you just have to be tougher.So you’re tired? So what! It’ll be over in four weeks!”



The ULTRA System Training Progression

Chris Lockwood, MS, CSCS, has a master’s degree in exercise andsports science. He’s a member of the National Strength and Condi-

tioning Association, American College of Sports Medicine and Inter-national Society of Biomechanics in Sport. He’s also a personal trainer

certified by the American Council on Exercise. A former M&F staffwriter, Chris now works for Weider Nutri-

tion International in Salt LakeCity. You can reach him at

[email protected].

June 2000 MUSCLE & FITNESS 179

Shawn Ray






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180 MUSCLE & FITNESS June 2000


uring the final month of ULTRA, the focus becomescutting as much bodyfat as you can while maintainingthe hard-earned muscle you’ve packed on during the

preceding 11 months. To that end, I’ve incorporated the exper-tise of athletes known for their chiseled physiques: pro body-builders Shawn Ray and Laura Creavalle, and fitness sensationLena Johannesen.

“The difference between me and the M&F readership is simply a deadline,” notes Shawn.“Having goals — in my case,photo shoots and the Mr.Olympia contest — makes itimperative that I get the jobdone in the gym and with mydiet.” Lena agrees with thatassessment, adding: “Settinggoals is the first part of gettingin great shape; it’s part of themotivation. The diet andtraining is what you have todo to get there.”

This fat-free trio use sim-ilar strategies to sustainsuper-low levels of bodyfat.“I don’t follow an extremelylow-carb diet,” says Laura. “Ieat about 150 grams of carbsa day. For my activity level,though, that’s fairly low.”Adds Lena, “My carbs arelower than they are in theoff-season, but I never golower than 100 grams a day.”Why the push toward lowercarbs? Shawn sums it up likethis: “Low carbs help you getleaner. I use a ‘rotational’method whereby I eat lowercarbs for a couple of days and then eat more carbs on the thirdday. If I reduce my carbs for more than a couple of days, mytraining intensity suffers.”

Another trick employed by both Shawn and Laura is to eatmore carbs around their training sessions and less at othertimes. Laura explains, “That’s when you need the carbs —before and after a hard workout.” Shawn prefers to go easy on

the carbs and emphasize protein when he’s lounging aroundhis pad or doing desk work. For example, if he trained at 8 a.m.and downed a bunch of carbs to support that, he’ll de-empha-size carbs later in the day in favor of, say, chicken and eggwhites. Shawn’s advice is consistent with research indicatingthat protein intake should increase as total calorie intakedecreases. When Lena and Laura cut back on carbs, they dou-ble up on high-fiber vegetables. “Vegetables are a good way to

trick your body into feelingfull,” says Lena.

In addition to avoidingextra fat and reducing carbs,all three athletes rely onincreased cardiovascular ex-ercise to get leaner. Eachbelieves strongly in doingsuch exercise in the morn-ing, on an empty stomach.“I’ve tried doing aerobicslater in the day, but I defi-nitely get leaner by doing itfirst thing in the morning,”says Laura. Adds Shawn:“After I blast a bodypart in the gym, it’s my duty toget out of there and give mybody time to grow and recu-perate. Adding cardio after atraining session would wearme down.”

The threesome also agreeon one final point: Lose fatslowly. To a person, theybelieve you shouldn’t lookfor a loss of more than apound a week on the scale.“Any more than that and youmay be losing muscle,” notes

Laura. Exceptions might include people who are obese or havenever been involved in a systematic weight- and fat-loss programbefore, who will likely shed fat faster than the norm.

In addition, greatly increase your daily consumption of waterduring this phase. Besides its myriad other benefits, water canhave a satiating effect on the human body under conditions ofcalorie restriction.



dShredded by Summer

By Chris Aceto

Your kitchen needn’t look like a GNC store for you to get the results you want, but a small handful of supplements, taken judiciously,can help you in your quest to get lean. Because decreasing your calories increases your body’s need for protein, and because you mayfind it difficult to eat 5–6 actual meals per day, consider adding a high-protein, low-carb meal-replacement product to the mix.

Supplemental can help, too. Especially on days when you pull back on your carb intake, it can help spare muscle tissue from being used for fuel. Consume 10–20 grams per day of the supplement — half before you work out, half afterward. Other so-called anticatabolics you might consider include (3–5 grams daily), (300–400 mg daily) and (increase consumption moderately).

When trying to burn fat and other calories, however, the most effective supplement at your disposal is a thermogenic that containsand .* “It gives me energy to train when I’m eating fewer calories, and it helps me control my cravings for sugar

and other carbs,” says Lena. Ephedrine and low-calorie diets are also associated with a decreased release of serotonin, which can slowmetabolism, affect mood and increase appetite. To normalize serotonin release, try , the herb or both. Fataccelerators and carbohydrate modulators (FACMs) can also help you lean out by decreasing the amount of fat that your body storesand increasing your body’s utilization of carbs as fuel. Now, let’s see an ab shot!

rhiodiola rosea5-http


vitamins C and EchromiumHMB



‘Protein intakeshould increase astotal calorie intake



ert R


* Thermogenics aren’t for everyone, particularly those with high blood pressure or other health conditions. Consult your physician before taking fat-burners or any other sup-plements. Don’t exceed recommended dosages, and watch out for inadvertently doubling up by taking other products, such as many cold medications, that contain stimulants.

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7 egg whites, scrambled 105 0 24 02 oz. top round steak, 98 0 15 4

grilled, cut up1⁄2 cup mushrooms 20 4 1 01⁄2 cup onions 46 10 1 011⁄2 cups shredded potatoes, grilled 175 38 4 1Totals 444 52 45 5

Cals Carb (g) Pro (g) Fat (g)mealone

ULTRA: Meal Planning


June 2000 MUSCLE & FITNESS 181

The first five meals contain approximately 450 calories apiece, broken down so that 50% comes fromcarbs, 40% comes from protein and 10% comes from fat. Meals 6–10, in some ways similar to the first five meals, apply thetechnique Shawn, Laura and Lena use: They’re lower in complex carbs and higher in fibrous vegetables.

Use the meals that contain more complex carbs before and after you train. If you must loweryour carb intake, stress Meals 6–10. You can also follow Shawn’s approach by following a lower-carb diet (meals 6–10) for a couple of days, returning to a higher-carb intake day (meals 1–5)for one day, and then repeating the cycle.

To determine the approximate number of calories you’ll burn per day this month, use theequation on page 172 in the July 1999 issue of M&F. Subtract an additional 500 calories fromthat and divide the remainder among 5–6 smaller meals. Happy dieting!

9 egg whites, scrambled 135 0 31 01 slice fat-free cheese 28 2 5 01⁄3 cup (dry wt.) oats, cooked 232 41 8 31⁄2 cup applesauce 50 10 1 0Totals 445 53 45 3

Cals Carb (g) Pro (g) Fat (g)mealtwo

6 oz. skinless chicken breast, grilled 189 0 39 31 cup rice, cooked 209 44 6 13⁄4 cup carrots 53 12 2 0Totals 451 56 47 4

Cals Carb (g) Pro (g) Fat (g)mealthree

6 oz. red snapper, grilled 207 0 44 36 oz. yam, baked 198 48 3 11 cup broccoli, steamed 52 10 4 0Totals 457 58 51 4

Cals Carb (g) Pro (g) Fat (g)mealfour

6 oz. can tuna 186 0 39 32 slices rye bread 146 26 6 24 Tbsp. fat-free mayonnaise 48 12 0 0Leaf of lettuce, shredded 4 1 0 01 small pear 57 13 0 0Totals 441 52 45 5

Cals Carb (g) Pro (g) Fat (g)mealfive

6 oz. skinless chicken breast, grilled 189 0 39 33⁄4 cup rice, cooked 156 33 4 11 cup carrots 70 16 2 03⁄4 cup broccoli, steamed 39 7 3 0Totals 454 56 48 4

Cals Carb (g) Pro (g) Fat (g)mealsix

6 oz. red snapper, grilled 207 0 44 34 oz. yam, baked 132 32 2 11 cup green beans, steamed 40 8 2 01 cup cauliflower, steamed 35 8 1 0Totals 414 48 49 4

Cals Carb (g) Pro (g) Fat (g)mealseven

6 oz. round steak, grilled andcut thin 190 0 36 51⁄2 cup corn 90 19 2 11 cup Italian vegetables, steamed 108 21 6 0Totals 388 40 44 6

Cals Carb (g) Pro (g) Fat (g)mealnine

Mix together:6 oz. ground turkey, cooked 219 0 39 71 oz. (dry wt.) pasta, cooked 105 22 3 12 cups shredded lettuce 12 3 0 01⁄2 cup onions 46 10 1 01⁄2 cup salsa 36 8 1 0Totals 418 43 44 8

Cals Carb (g) Pro (g) Fat (g)mealten

This is it! Time to show the world just how great yourphysique looks. We did the easy stuff by designingworkouts and diet plans, but you were the one whostuck with ULTRA and transformed your body.Whether you followed the program from Day 1 or Day301, you’ve achieved the sort of results we guaranteed.(Obviously, the later you entered or the less you fol-lowed our prescriptions, the lesser your results.) Eitherway, it has been a lot of fun leading you through a totalfitness plan that has helped redesign your body andbuild your training knowledge.

To enter the contest, complete your final fitnessevaluation (MUSCLE & FITNESS, July 1999, pp. 166–68)and send us a copy of each evaluation, before-and-after photos, and a letter detailing your ULTRA expe-rience and the benefits you accrued as a result.Maybe you can now compete in a sport you couldn’tpreviously, gained 15 pounds of lean mass, or justfeel better about yourself and have more self-confi-dence. Whatever the benefit or benefits, send yourentry package to MUSCLE & FITNESS; attn: ULTRA;21122 Erwin St.; Woodland Hills, California 91367. Ifyou’re chosen, we’ll feature you along with otherULTRA athletes in an upcoming issue of M&F.

entering the ULTRA contest

By Chris Aceto

6-oz. can tuna; squeeze out 186 0 39 3all water and cook with:

2 cups shredded cabbage 40 8 1 01oz. (dry wt.) thin spaghetti, cooked 105 22 3 11⁄4 cup fat-free tomato sauce 35 7 1 0Totals 366 37 44 4







Cals Carb (g) Pro (g) Fat (g)

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Everyone doesn’t have the exact same goals at theexact same time, so the following adjustments canmake ULTRA applicable to everyone from RonnieColeman to Gary Coleman.

1More Muscle: This month’s program is designedto burn calories and fat, and quickly, but if you’re moreconcerned with adding beef than getting lean cuts, eat

250–500 calories more per day than you burn, increase your carbintake to roughly 55% of your total daily calories, and consumesupplements such as creatine and meal-replacement shakes.

As for training adjustments, keep your reps at 10–15 per set,increase your rest between sets to 60–90 seconds, and decreaseyour cardio to 4–6 days a week, 30–40 minutes per session.

2More Strength: This month’s routine isn’t idealfor building strength. To make it compatible with thatgoal, follow the adjustments under No. 1, except the

ones concerning reps and between-sets rest. In addition,increase your intake of essential fatty acids, perform only 1–3core exercises per bodypart, decrease your reps to 3–8 per setand increase your between-sets rest to 2–5 minutes.

3Less Bodyfat/Weight Loss: This monthis pretty hardcore when it comes to burning fat and losing weight, but to get even more separation and

striations, add 20 minutes per day of isometric full-body posing.It may sound hokey, but the pros swear by it, and as a formerstrength coach and personal trainer, I’ve seen it work many timeswith great success when performed in conjunction with an effec-tive training and diet strategy.

4Better Cardio: No doubt about it, you’ll bedoing a lot of cardio this month, but the goal isn’tspecifically to increase your aerobic capacity. Instead,

you’re trying to burn excess calories and fat. If increasing the effi-ciency of your heart and lungs at using oxygen is your goal, workon gradually increasing the intensity (as measured by percent-age MHR) of your cardio workouts. The correlation betweenheart rate and aerobic capacity may be inexact, but they followfairly similar paths. Therefore, as your body adapts to training athigher heart rates for longer periods, your body should alsobecome more efficient at using oxygen.

5Greater Flexibility: I’ve said this all year andI’ll say it again: Having a partner assist with either con-tract-relax or dynamic stretching has been shown to

improve flexibility more than traditional static stretching does. Ifyou do use these more advanced forms of stretching, you andyour partner need to have mastered proper technique beforehand.

6Newcomers: If this is your first attempt at anULTRA workout — or your first attempt at a workout,ever — you need to understand some ground rules.

First, start out slowly. My objective isn’t to hurt you or make youso sore that you never want to train again. Instead, you shouldbegin with the first installment of ULTRA (MUSCLE & FITNESS, July1999) and work your way up from there. Second, if you’ve beentraining for quite some time and just want to “cherry pick” thismonth’s ULTRA as a killer routine for getting lean, great — but becareful. If you feel like you’re working well beyond your limita-tions, back it down and progressively work your way up to thismonth’s prescription.

7Time Constraints: Undoubtedly, I’ll catchsome flak for the amount of time I’m asking you tospend in the gym. Truth is, if you adhere to the rest

periods and don’t waste time, you should be in and out of there

in less than an hour and a half, cardio included. The biggest painin the rear is that additional cardio session, but here’s the 4-1-1: Inever said it would be easy, and to succeed in life you must some-times make drastic sacrifices. Now is one of those times. Do youhave the will to succeed?





ULTRA: Made to Order


182 MUSCLE & FITNESS June 2000

Cardio sessions are based on yourMHR (maximum heart rate). To determine it, sub-

tract your age from 220. For example, 65% MHR wouldequal 220 minus your age, then multiply by 0.65.


If you don’t have access to an exer-cise apparatus listed in the workout, substitute

an exercise of similar quality for that same body-part. (For example, if your gym doesn’t have a hack

squat machine, do regular barbell squats instead.)4

Although not scientifically proven to beeffective, many bodybuilders and fitness enthusiastsclaim to have had great success burning bodyfat by per-forming cardio first thing in the morning, before break-

fast. If you pursue this approach, the key is adequatehydration beforehand, and adequate refueling, in the formof protein, complex carbs and “recovery” supplementssuch as glutamine and HMB, afterward. This month, you’llbe doing cardio twice daily, once in the morning and againimmediately after your resistance-training workout. If two-a-days aren’t feasible, do a longer single session.


Stretch immediately after yourcardio warm-up, between sets during yourworkouts, and as a relaxation and recovery aid

before bedtime. When stretching without apartner, hold static stretches for 15–30 sec-onds apiece — don’t bounce — and repeat

each stretch 2–4 times.


Precede the first exercise of eachbodypart with 1–2 warm-up sets,completing 10–12 reps with a light weight (about30%–40% 1RM) and, if need be, another six reps

with a slightly heavier weight (50%–60%).


Workout intensities are based on apercentage of your 1RM (the maximumamount of weight that you can properly lift for onlyone repetition). If you don’t know your 1RM for a par-ticular exercise, guesstimate. Also, if you’re unableto complete the prescribed number of repetitionsusing proper form, adjust the weight accordingly.


‘For even more separation and striations, add

20 minutes per day of isometric full-body posing.’

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weeklyguidelinesIntensity Rest Between Sets Cardio

70%–75% 1RM

65%–70% 1RM

60%–65% 1RM

60%–65% 1RM

1–11⁄2 minutes

1 minute

30–45 seconds

30 seconds

Twice daily, 5–7 days per week, 30–35 minutes per session, atan intensity equal to 65%–75% MHR

Twice daily, 6–7 days per week, 35–40 minutes per session, atan intensity equal to 65%–75% MHR

Twice daily, 7 days per week, 40–45 minutes per session,at an intensity equal to 65%–75% MHR

Twice daily, 7 days per week, 45–50 minutes per session,at an intensity equal to 65%–75% MHR


weekone .


“I don’t restrict the

amount of weight I use;

I listen to how my body

feels.”— Shawn Ray

June 2000 MUSCLE & FITNESS 183



weekone weektwo weeksthree&four

/12 /12 /12 /12 /15 /15 /15 /15 /20 /20 /20 /20

/12 /12 /12 /12 /15 /15 /15 /15 /20 /20 /20 /20

/12 /12 /12 /15 /15 /15 /20 /20 /20

/24 /24 /24 /30 /30 /30 /40 /40 /40

/20 /20 /20 /25 /25 /25 /30 /30 /30

/20 /20 /20 /25 /25 /25 /30 /30 /30

/20 /20 /20 /25 /25 /25 /30 /30 /30

Warm-Up: 7–12 minutes of moderate-intensity cardio (approximately 65% MHR)Stretch: Quads, glutes, low back, hip adductors, hip abductors, hip flexorsdayone

1 Perform as drop sets: Complete half the prescribed number of reps with your normal weight and, without resting, “strip” off enough weight to complete an identical number of reps.2 Perform ab exercises as tri-sets. For example, on week one do 20 reps of crunches, followed immediately by 20 reps of oblique crunches, followed immediately by 20 reps ofseated knee-ups, and then rest before repeating another tri-set. Continue until you’ve completed three such sets.

Hack Squat

Oblique Crunch2


Seated Knee-Up2

Leg Press

Leg Extension

Hip Sled1

HOW TO FILL IN: 75/12 is equal to 75 pounds for 12 repetitions. For example: Leg Press 75/ 12

Leg Extension Hack Squat



by R


t Rei


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184 MUSCLE & FITNESS June 2000


weekone weektwo weeksthree&four

/12 /12 /12 /12 /15 /15 /15 /15 /20 /20 /20 /20

/12 /12 /12 /12 /15 /15 /15 /15 /20 /20 /20 /20

/12 /12 /12 /15 /15 /15 /20 /20 /20

/12 /12 /12 /15 /15 /15 /20 /20 /20

/12 /12 /12 /12 /15 /15 /15 /15 /20 /20 /20 /20

/12 /12 /12 /12 /15 /15 /15 /15 /20 /20 /20 /20

/12 /12 /12 /15 /15 /15 /20 /20 /20

/12 /12 /12 /15 /15 /15 /20 /20 /20

/12 /12 /12 /12 /15 /15 /15 /15 /20 /20 /20 /20

/12 /12 /12 /12 /15 /15 /15 /15 /20 /20 /20 /20

/12 /12 /12 /15 /15 /15 /20 /20 /20

/‡ /‡ /‡ /‡ /‡ /‡ /‡ /‡ /‡

/15 /15 /15 /15 /20 /20 /20 /20 /25 /25 /25 /25

/15 /15 /15 /15 /20 /20 /20 /20 /25 /25 /25 /25

Warm-Up: 7–12 minutes of moderate-intensity cardio (approximately 65% MHR)Stretch: Internal and external shoulder rotators, front and rear delts, arms, calvesdaytwo

1 Perform as a superset: Complete the required number of reps of the first exercise, followed immediately by the number of reps of the second exercise. Rest and repeat.‡ Rep to failure.

Smith-Machine Military Press

Dumbbell Curl

Preacher Curl

Incline Curl1

Dumbbell Lateral Raise

Dumbbell Front Raise1

Bent-Over Dumbbell Lateral Raise1

Hammer Curl1

Seated Dumbbell Extension

V-Bar Pressdown


Weighted Dip1

Leg Press

V-Bar Pressdown

Bent-OverDumbbell Lateral Raise







Close-Grip Push-Up1

Seated Calf Raise1

Standing Calf Raise1

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weekone weektwo weeksthree&four

/12 /12 /12 /12 /15 /15 /15 /15 /20 /20 /20 /20

/12 /12 /12 /12 /15 /15 /15 /15 /20 /20 /20 /20

/12 /12 /12 /15 /15 /15 /20 /20 /20

/24 /24 /24 /30 /30 /30 /40 /40 /40

/12 /12 /12 /12 /15 /15 /15 /15 /20 /20 /20 /20

/12 /12 /12 /12 /15 /15 /15 /15 /20 /20 /20 /20

/20 /20 /20 /25 /25 /25 /30 /30 /30

/20 /20 /20 /25 /25 /25 /30 /30 /30

/20 /20 /20 /25 /25 /25 /30 /30 /30

Warm-Up: 7–12 minutes of moderate-intensity cardio (approximately 65% MHR)Stretch: Back (upper, middle and lower), external shoulder rotators, hip flexorsdayfour

1 Perform as drop sets: Complete half the prescribed number of reps with your normal weight and, without resting, “strip” off enough weight to complete an identical number of reps.2 Perform ab exercises as tri-sets. For example, do 20 reps of machine crunches, followed immediately by 20 reps of hanging knee raises with twist, followed immediately by 20reps of hanging knee raises, and then rest before repeating another tri-set. Continue until you’ve completed three such sets.

Neutral-Grip Seated Cable Row

Wide-Grip Upright Row

Dumbbell Shrug

Machine Crunch2

Wide-Grip Weighted Pull-Up

Dumbbell Row

T-Bar Row1

Hanging Knee Raise with Twist2

Hanging Knee Raise2

weekone weektwo weeksthree&four

/12 /12 /12 /12 /15 /15 /15 /15 /20 /20 /20 /20

/12 /12 /12 /12 /15 /15 /15 /15 /20 /20 /20 /20

/12 /12 /12 /15 /15 /15 /20 /20 /20

/24 /24 /24 /30 /30 /30 /40 /40 /40

/12 /12 /12 /12 /15 /15 /15 /15 /20 /20 /20 /20

/12 /12 /12 /12 /15 /15 /15 /15 /20 /20 /20 /20

/24 /30 /40

/15 /15 /15 /15 /20 /20 /20 /20 /25 /25 /25 /25

/15 /15 /15 /15 /20 /20 /20 /20 /25 /25 /25 /25

Warm-Up: 7–12 minutes of moderate-intensity cardio (approximately 65% MHR)Stretch: Chest, triceps, front delts, internal and external rotators, low back, hamstrings, calvesdayfive

1 Set bench at 20-degree angle.2 Perform as drop sets: Complete half the prescribed number of reps with your normal weight

and, without resting, “strip” off enough weight to complete an identical number of reps.3 Perform on a leg-press machine.4 Perform as a superset: Complete the required number of reps of the first exercise, followed

immediately by the required number of reps of the second exercise. Rest and repeat.

Decline Dumbbell Flye

Romanian Deadlift

Lying Leg Curl

Seated Leg Curl2

Incline Dumbbell Press1

Decline Barbell Press

Pec-Deck Flye2

Calf Raise3, 4

Seated Calf Raise4


June 2000 MUSCLE & FITNESS 185


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