muruca: linked data in art history

MURUCA LINKED DATA IN ARTS & HUMANITIES Michele Barbera Net7 - Internet Open Solutions This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs 2.5 Italy Networked Humanities, Acquafredda di Maratea, 9 - 14 Oct 2010 domenica 10 ottobre 2010

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Presentation given at Networked Humanities ESF Conference in Acquafredda di Maratea, 9-13 Oct 2010


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M i c h e l e B a r b e r aNet7 - Internet Open Solutions This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs 2.5 Italy

Networked Humanities, Acquafredda di Maratea, 9 - 14 Oct 2010

domenica 10 ottobre 2010

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User Interfaces, Generic & Tabbed

Semantic Annotation Images & Text

Plans for the future


Introducing Linked Data & The Semantic Web

Muruca: what is it?

Building a Scholarly Platform with muruca






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Semantic Image Annotation Tabbed UI

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fancy Web sites are nice

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are they really accessible?

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peer review and quality of data are important things

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except the notion of “quality” changes over time and space and culture and...

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just a few examples...

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O re, questa conoscenza (mathema) renderà gli egiziani più sapienti e più dotati di memoria: infatti ho scoperto un pharmakon per la sapienza e la memoria. - E il re rispose: - Espertissimo (technikotate) Theuth, una cosa è esser capaci di mettere al mondo quanto concerne una techne, un'altra saper giudicare quale sarà l'utilità e il danno che comporterà agli utenti; e ora tu, padre delle lettere, hai attribuito loro per benevolenza il contrario del loro vero effetto. Infatti esse produrranno dimenticanza (lethe) nelle anime di chi impara

“ “Plato, Phaedrusmyth of Theuth

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My boss allowed me to do it* in my spare time...

* the Web!

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Researchers are not any more only in the academia*

* See also recent speeches of EU Commissioner M. Quinn and Europe 2020 strategydomenica 10 ottobre 2010

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research is not done anymore only here

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researchers are all around us

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if we want to advance human knowledge (our mission?)

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we can’t anymore

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keep data hidden in our hard disks

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in our fancy websites with TEI-aware, user-daptive, context-sensitive, whatever search engines

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we must allow

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people (and the next generations) to freely re-use, re-think, re-mix the knowledge we encoded into machines

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possibly lots of people

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Internet users

in Europe:402.380.474 (~50%)

in the world:1.668.870.408

average growth from 2000 to 2009:362.3%

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so we can’t hide data because

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data is less valuable when it’s siloed

your web site

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value is in

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someone understood this and...

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in the nineties he built the Web

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but it didn’t work like he imagined

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it became a Web of Documents meant for Human consumption (only)

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machines had no way of understading

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that two documents talk about the same “thing”

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semantics is hidden, only human readers can extract it from documents

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machines are helpless

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we use very simple ways (don’t forget they are stupid) of telling them what we are talking about


arts & humanities>

<open access,e-publishing>

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this is what the Semantic Web (and Linked Data, and the Web of Data) is all about.

Forget Articifial Intelligence! It has nothing to do with this!

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Web of Documents Web 1.0 Hidden semantics, no access to data

Social Web Web 2.0 Hidden semantics, partial access to data,1-to-1 Interoperability

Web of Data Web 3.0 Explicit semantics, full access to data, global Interoperability

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Different Models of Collaboration

We write, We publish

You write, you publish, we mix

Web 2.0

Web 3.0

We publish, you write

Web 1.0

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the Web as a huge, unique, distributed database

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it’s growing fast

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Feb 2008

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Giu 2009

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UK government

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US government

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Swedish government

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Austrian government

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New York Times

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Library of Congress

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German National Library

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Europeana (partially)

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Municipalities of San Francisco, Toronto, London, Zaragoza

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today we have more than 15 billions triples*

* Atomic “bits of information” in the semantic web.domenica 10 ottobre 2010

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what for?

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to let other people use our data in new an unanticipated ways

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to let them do research, develop applications and mash-ups, play, do business...

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the web is becoming a huge distributed global database with a lot of different ways (Interfaces, applications ...) to

access it

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we want to be part of it

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yes we can!*

* with Murucadomenica 10 ottobre 2010

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to know more about Linked Data and Open Data:

Tim Berners Leeon the Next Web

Hans Roslingthe best stats you have ever seen

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Semantic WebOpen Source Open Access

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Set of tools (not an out-of-the box product) to build research platforms and digital libraries in the Linked

Data Cloud


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Led by a collaboration between Net7 and the University of Ancona + others within COST A-32


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Led by a collaboration between Net7 and the University of Ancona + others within COST A-32


Action A32: Open Scholarly Communities on the Web

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There are many small (or tiny) institutions who have masterpiecies and no money/staff/know-how to put

them on the Semantic Web.


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‣Talia + UI Widgets + SwickyNotes

‣IIPImage + FlexIP

‣Linked Data recommender & search (soon)

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Time for a Demo

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Fragments and Annotations:a glance at the data model

Source (Resource)Buraq

text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text

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Fragments and Annotations:a glance at the data model

Source (Resource)Buraq

text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text


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Fragments and Annotations:a glance at the data model

Source (Resource)Buraq

text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text



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Fragments and Annotations:a glance at the data model

Source (Resource)Buraq

text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text




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Fragments and Annotations:a glance at the data model

Source (Resource)Buraq

text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text




NoteStructured Part (Statements)

Buraq.txt/87874 has variant Buraq2.txt/78569Buraq.txt/87874 genetic phen Addition Buraq.jpg/2134 is explained by Buraq.txt/87874

Textual comment: some more information about this fragment of text

Author: Bob Smith, Date: 10/08/2010

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Fragments and Annotations:a glance at the data model

Source (Resource)Buraq

text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text




NoteStructured Part (Statements)

Buraq.txt/87874 has variant Buraq2.txt/78569Buraq.txt/87874 genetic phen Addition Buraq.jpg/2134 is explained by Buraq.txt/87874

Textual comment: some more information about this fragment of text

Author: Bob Smith, Date: 10/08/2010


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The vision: a collaborative knowledge graph

Note Note

Note Buraq

Prophet Muhammad




is part ofis part of



is related to

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The vision: a collaborative knowledge graph

Note Note





Prophet Muhammad




is part ofis part of



is related to

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The vision: a collaborative knowledge graph

Note Note





Prophet Muhammad




is part ofis part of



is related to

A Book

comments on

An artist


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The vision: a collaborative knowledge graph

Note Note



Note Note




Prophet Muhammad




is part ofis part of



is related to

A Book

comments on

An artist


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The vision: a collaborative knowledge graph

Note Note



Note Note




Prophet Muhammad




is part ofis part of



is related to

A Book

comments on

An artist


An other Bookis a revision of

is located inA scholar


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The vision: a collaborative knowledge graph

Note Note



Note Note




Prophet Muhammad




is part ofis part of



is related to

A Book

comments on

An artist


An other Bookis a revision of

is located inA scholar


Editorial Policy (peer review?)

Publish on the Webdomenica 10 ottobre 2010

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collaboration scenario

From: Alice BrownSubject: I think I’ll win the nobel prize

Hi Michele,I think I’ve done a couple of exceptional discoveries about inslamic art on that manuscript we were working on.

Check, them out, I’ve published my SwickyNotebook on my blog:


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swickynotes on the web&

Linked Data Recommender

SEMLIBSemantic Web Tools for Digital Libraries

Net7, Uni Ancona, Deri Gallway, Knowledgehives, IN2, Liberologico


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iOS & Android(collaboration with collection holders)

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federation software(collaboration with the nines poject

at the university of Virginia)

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2 Ways

hire us or involve us in EU/National projects

Net7and give back to the



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</presentation>Thank you for your attention!mailto: [email protected]

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs 2.5 Italy

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs 2.5 Italy

<Credits />

PhotosFlickr / Tim Berners-Lee / Silvio TanakaFlickr / Silo Antelope / ken mcownFlickr / bologna, on the move / Paolo MagariFlickr / The Medium Is The Massage (2) / DanielweiresqFlickr / Ballet Jody Blevins 2 / Patrick McDonaldFlickr / Railroad Crossing / Rhys AltonFlickr / Train Track / FullyFunctnlPhil

AuthorMichele Barbera, <[email protected]>

ThanksChristian Morbidoni, Danilo Giacomi, Francesca di Donato, Riccardo Giomi, Simone Fonda, Giulio Andreini, Luca De Santis

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