
7/26/2019 Murses 1/1 White female nurses are the most prevalent nurses. It has been that way since the profession of nursing began. Male and minority nurses have never been the majority in nursing even today. For example, in our nursing class, out of the close to 2 of us, there are few male and minority nursing students. In the early !"s, #frican #merican nurses had their own nursing training school. $hey also formed a national association of colored nurses in !"%. $hey were separate from all of the white nurses. &$his professional separation from white nurses is most regrettable, especially as the #merican 'urses( #ssociation has never had any race )uestion and has for years had alumnae associations of colored nurses in membership& *+avinia +. oc-. Minorities are still the minority of nurses today. Male nurses are becoming more common today, but the general public is still surprised in some ways when they see male nurses. #ccording to the &'ursing in #merica/ # 0ocial 1eform& video, in the late !%searly !"s, nursing was done mostly in the home by women, and the few male nurses wor-ed mostly outside the home in asylums.

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7/26/2019 Murses 1/1

White female nurses are the most prevalent nurses. It has been that way sincethe profession of nursing began. Male and minority nurses have never been themajority in nursing even today. For example, in our nursing class, out of the closeto 2 of us, there are few male and minority nursing students.

In the early !" s, #frican #merican nurses had their own nursing trainingschool. $hey also formed a national association of colored nurses in !" %. $heywere separate from all of the white nurses. &$his professional separation fromwhite nurses is most regrettable, especially as the #merican 'urses( #ssociationhas never had any race )uestion and has for years had alumnae associations ofcolored nurses in membership& *+avinia +. oc- . Minorities are still the minorityof nurses today. Male nurses are becoming more common today, but the generalpublic is still surprised in some ways when they see male nurses. #ccording tothe &'ursing in #merica/ # 0ocial 1eform& video, in the late !% s early !" s,

nursing was done mostly in the home by women, and the few male nurseswor-ed mostly outside the home in asylums.