murree - pakistan

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Post on 20-Jan-2017




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Queen of Hills

Zahid Imran


Pakistans most popular hill station Murree is located along Islamabad-Kohala highway N75, some 30 km (19 mi) northeast of Pakistans capital Islamabad in the Himalayan foothills.


During British Rule in the nineteenth century, its altitude was established at 7,000 feet (2,100 m), but its actual altitude has now been determined as 2,300 m (7,500 ft) above sea level.


River Jehlum lies to the east of Tehsil Murree and separates it from Azad Kashmir, Abbottabad district lies to the North and north west of Murree, Islamabad, the national capital to the south west and sister tehsil Kotli Sattian of Rawalpindi district lies to the South.


Adjacent to Murree is the Galliat region of North West Frontier Province which includes Nathiagalli, Ayubia, Khanspur, Dunga Galli, Khairagalli and Changla Galli.

A sight for sore eyes!

Murree is One of the most visited hill station of Pakistan. For those who live downwards to it Murree is like a fantasy city. People from all over the country visit this beautiful hill resort to escape from the sweltering heat. Mountains covered with lush green trees, cold atmosphere, fresh air, beautiful valleys and most importantly clouds on the roads hugging you with full of happiness.

The name Murree is derived from marhi, high place although there is a popular belief it is named after the virgin Mary. Murree is one of the largest resort towns in the Galyat area of Pakistan, and is the capital city of Murree Tehsil (which is an administrative division of the Rawalpindi District). Murree is accessible by road from the centre of the Islamabad and Rawalpindi areas.


In recent years Bhurban and New Murree (Patriata), have also developed as a tourist centre. The whole Murree Galliat region is known throughout South Asia for its scenic beauty and fascinating greenery. Mountains overhung with pines and oaks, bubbling with gurgling springs, crisscrossed by rivulets, dotted with sprawling lawns and orchards overloaded with fruits present spectacle of Paradise on earth.


There are many well equipped medical centers in Murree and surrounding which can always provide you with basic medical treatment. Along with these medical centers there is a military hospital CMH situated on Murree, Mallroad. So you do not need to worry for medical treatment in case of any emergency while visiting Murree and surroundings.

Health and medication

Weather plays an important part in life and economy of Murree. Murree remains charming all year round. It has four distinct seasons.


Spring in Murree starts in March and ends in middle of May. Maximum temperature during this period hovers between twelve to twenty and minimum between four and ten. The area receives heavy rain and hail storms during this season. The fruit trees laden with flowers give a spectacular view.


Summer spans from may to end of August. June and July is the peak tourist season in Murree. In summer it is cool even chilly in the evening while light rain is common.


Winter starts in December and normally brings heavy snowfall. Murree and its surrounding areas are covered with thick layer of snow during most part of the season. Temperature mostly hovers around the freezing point.


With the advent of September autumn creeps in and last till the starts of winter in early December. This is the seasons of clear sky in the region when one can enjoy full view of mountains around without cloud hindrance. Temperatures are mild.


The Mall Road

Places to See

Pindi Point

Kashmir Point

Patriata(New Murree)


Places to See

River Neelam


Upper Topa and Lower Topa


Places to See

Darya Gali

Ghora Galli


Structure of houses

Houses are mostly with sloppy roofs so that snow and rainwater could easily slide off.

Material used for houses

In hilly area like Murree, Gilgit, etc. stones are used instead of bricks because bricks absorb a lot of moisture that they become porous and the strength decrease. In Karachi bricks are also not used. In Lahore, Multan, Hyderabad bricks are commonly used because conditions are suitable to use bricks.

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