municipality of north cowichan agricultural advisory committee … · 2016. 12. 15. ·...

Municipality of North Cowichan Agricultural Advisory Committee AGENDA Tuesday, December 20, 2016, 8:45 a.m. Municipal Hall - Committee Room Pages 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. APPROVAL OF AGENDA Recommendation: That the Committee approve the agenda as circulated [or as amended]. 3. ADOPTION OF MINUTES 2 - 4 Recommendation: That the Committee adopt the minutes of the meeting held on November 22, 2016. 4. BUSINESS 4.1 Agriculture Town Hall Meeting Feedback Purpose: To receive a presentation summarizing comments from the farming community about drainage, and discuss options to address the feedback. 4.2 Bonsall Creek Watershed Management Plan Funding Strategy 5 - 8 Purpose: As requested by the Committee on Nov 22, to revisit the funding strategy following the Agriculture Town Hall meeting. 4.3 Cowichan Agricultural Adaptation Working Group Appointment 9 - 10 Purpose: To discuss the request for a producer representative from the Committee to join the Working Group on a regular basis. Recommendation: That the Committee appoint _____________ as its representative to the Cowichan Agricultural Adaptation Working Group. 4.4 2017 Meeting Schedule Purpose: To review the proposed 2017 scheduled dates [Mar 28, May 30, Sept 19 & Nov 28]. 4.5 Committee Member Training Purpose: To discuss the need for instructions about the Committee Members' role. 5. NEW BUSINESS 6. ADJOURNMENT 1

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Page 1: Municipality of North Cowichan Agricultural Advisory Committee … · 2016. 12. 15. · Municipality of North Cowichan Agricultural Advisory Committee AGENDA Tuesday, December 20,

Municipality of North CowichanAgricultural Advisory Committee


Tuesday, December 20, 2016, 8:45 a.m.Municipal Hall - Committee Room




Recommendation:That the Committee approve the agenda as circulated [or as amended].


Recommendation:That the Committee adopt the minutes of the meeting held on November 22, 2016.


4.1 Agriculture Town Hall Meeting FeedbackPurpose: To receive a presentation summarizing comments from the farmingcommunity about drainage, and discuss options to address the feedback.

4.2 Bonsall Creek Watershed Management Plan Funding Strategy 5 - 8Purpose: As requested by the Committee on Nov 22, to revisit the fundingstrategy following the Agriculture Town Hall meeting.

4.3 Cowichan Agricultural Adaptation Working Group Appointment 9 - 10Purpose: To discuss the request for a producer representative fromthe Committee to join the Working Group on a regular basis.

Recommendation:That the Committee appoint _____________ as its representative to theCowichan Agricultural Adaptation Working Group.

4.4 2017 Meeting SchedulePurpose: To review the proposed 2017 scheduled dates [Mar 28, May 30, Sept 19&  Nov 28].

4.5 Committee Member TrainingPurpose: To discuss the need for instructions about the Committee Members'role.




Page 2: Municipality of North Cowichan Agricultural Advisory Committee … · 2016. 12. 15. · Municipality of North Cowichan Agricultural Advisory Committee AGENDA Tuesday, December 20,

Municipality of North Cowichan

Agricultural Advisory Committee


November 22, 2016, 8:45 a.m.

Municipal Hall - Committee Room

Members Present Councillor Maeve Maguire, Chair

Nicole Strutynski

Victor Vesely

DeLisa Lewis

Members Absent Andy Johnston

Jennifer Woike

Amanda Poelman

Staff Present Dave Devana, Chief Administrative Officer

Kyle Young, Assistant Manager of Planning & Subdivision

Kristy Convery, Records & Information Management Assistant

Natasha Horsman, Community Planning Coordinator

Others Present Derek Masselink, Regional Agrologist

Amy Melmock, Regional Economic Development Manager


There being a quorum present, the Chair called the meeting to order at 8:47 a.m.


It was moved and seconded:

That the Committee approve the agenda as amended to add:

1. 5.1 Training; and

2. 5.2 Groundwater Licensing.



It was moved and seconded:

That the Committee adopt the minutes of the meeting held on September 20, 2016.




Page 3: Municipality of North Cowichan Agricultural Advisory Committee … · 2016. 12. 15. · Municipality of North Cowichan Agricultural Advisory Committee AGENDA Tuesday, December 20,

November 22, 2016 - Agricultural Advisory Committee Minutes


4.1 Presentation - Amy Melmock, Regional Economic Development Manager

The Committee heard from Amy Melmock, the Cowichan Valley Regional District's new

Regional Economic Development Manager, regarding agricultural related subjects that

she plans to focus time on in her new role. An area of key interest to the Committee was

the need for meaningful extension services in the Cowichan Valley (e.g. the application of

scientific research and new knowledge to agricultural practices through farmer

education). The Committee heard that the Regional Economic Development Manager

would like to see more collaboration and partnerships with neighbouring municipalities

to help leverage future provincial and federal grant funding.

4.2 Presentation - Samantha Charlton, Climate Action Initiative

The Committee heard from Samantha Charlton, Project Coordinator, Regional

Adaptation Program, BC Agriculture & Food Climate Action Initiative, who provided an

update regarding two agricultural climate change adaptation projects in the Cowichan

Valley: 1) Cowichan Drought Alert System (pilot project), and 2) Livestock Relocation and

Management Plan. The Committee noted that the working group that oversees the

implementation of the Cowichan Regional Adaptation Strategies currently meets two

times per year. The Project Coordinator would like to have a producer representative

from the Agricultural Advisory Committee join the group on a regular basis.

4.3 Town Hall Meeting

The Committee heard from the Community Planning Coordinator about the proposed

agenda for the Agriculture Town Hall meeting on November 28, 2016 pertaining to

drainage issues that affect the farming community. The Committee discussed how to

best present the objectives of the Official Community Plan and the Bonsall Creek

Watershed Management Plan in order to keep the focus of the town hall meeting within

the scope of Municipal policies.

4.4 Bonsall Creek Watershed Management Plan

The Committee reviewed the November 17, 2016 report, and heard from the Assistant

Manager of Planning and Subdivision about his proposed 5-year funding strategy to

implement the Bonsall Creek Watershed Management Plan's priority actions.

It was moved and seconded:

That the Committee recommend that Council support, in principle, the 5-year Bonsall

Creek Watershed Management Plan funding strategy as proposed in the Assistant

Manager of Planning and Subdivision's November 17, 2016 report, and revisit the

funding strategy after the November 28, 2016 Agriculture Town Hall meeting.



5.1 Training

The Committee heard from Councilor Maguire regarding feedback she has heard from

some committee members from other Municipal advisory committees recently. She

expressed concern that some committee members are not feeling empowered and


Page 4: Municipality of North Cowichan Agricultural Advisory Committee … · 2016. 12. 15. · Municipality of North Cowichan Agricultural Advisory Committee AGENDA Tuesday, December 20,

November 22, 2016 - Agricultural Advisory Committee Minutes


asked Committee members to think about it over the next few weeks and to let her know

if they have any concerns or feel there is a need for further Committee member training.

5.2 Groundwater Licensing

The Committee heard from the Assistant Manager of Planning and Subdivision regarding

information he recently received about the Water Sustainability Act’s new regulations

coming into effect, which include licensing requirements for non-domestic groundwater

users. The Committee was urged to be aware of the nearing deadlines in relation to

application fees and to spread the word amongst the agricultural community as best

they can. Committee members, staff and outside representatives present at the meeting

offered to assist in spreading the word through their related mediums.


The meeting ended at 11:16 a.m.

________________________________ ________________________________

Signed by

Chair or Member Presiding

Certified by

Recording Secretary


Page 5: Municipality of North Cowichan Agricultural Advisory Committee … · 2016. 12. 15. · Municipality of North Cowichan Agricultural Advisory Committee AGENDA Tuesday, December 20,


7030 Trans-Canada Highway | Box 278 | Duncan, BC V9L 3X4

Ph 250.746.3100 Fax 250.746.3133

Date November 17, 2016 Prospero No. PL000260

To Council

From Kyle Young, Assistant Manager of Planning and Subdivision Endorsed:

Subject Bonsall Creek Watershed Management Plan – Funding Strategy (2017-2021)


The purpose of this report is to present a 5-year funding strategy to implement the priority actions in

the Bonsall Creek Watershed Management Plan (BCWMP) to Council for information and consideration.


Council supported the BCWMP in June 2016 and requested that staff prepare a report on a funding

strategy to implement the plan. While this strategy is specific to the Bonsall Creek watershed, some of

the projects undertaken will serve as pilots for other drainage and watershed management initiatives

across North Cowichan. Below is a list of the 12 priority actions identified in the BCWMP, including

estimated costs to complete each project (as detailed in the plan):

Project / Action Estimated Cost

Create a hydrological model $50,000

Create a Watershed Stakeholder Group N/A

Develop in-stream flow requirements $50,000

Establish suitable metrics for forest cover Honoraria, cost of preparing planting areas and

planting trees, dependent on forestation needs

Generate past and present terrain elevation maps Dependent on data availability and mapping


Measure and monitor water level and turbidity

~$6,000 for 12 trubidity sensors (one in each

major stream reach)

Costs for installation and ongoing maintenance

(estimated to be $4,000 / year for site visits and

lab tests)

Monitor water quantity and quality

Cost of site investigation @ 1 hour / site using

meters, used in conjunction with water level

loggers. Assume $4,000 / year

Strengthen government-NGO-First Nations

Partnerships N/A

Survey creeks, establish health benchmarks $5,000 to develop checklist

$50,000 for stream survey

Create consideration in Municipal budget for

watershed management N/A

Provide agricultural water storage for drought-

prone areas N/A


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Page 2

7030 Trans-Canada Highway | Box 278 | Duncan, BC V9L 3X4

Ph 250.746.3100 Fax 250.746.3133

Establish a single point of contact for in-stream

work requests N/A

Total: ~$161,000 plus $8,000 for water level, quantity

and quality monitoring


The Municipal Agriculture Reserve Fund (ARF) currently contains $105,000, with an additional $30,000

for 2017 ($30,000 allocated to the ARF annually). It is also anticipated that an additional $50,000 will be

added by 2017 as a result of a successful ALR exclusion application. This means that the total amount

in the ARF could be $185,000 in 2017, a portion of which could be used to fund BCWMP actions that

would result in a benefit to agriculture in the watershed. With a Council endorsed plan in place, the

Municipality is also better positioned to access external funding sources and resource assistance, which

could include:

Investment Agriculture Foundation of BC

Ducks Unlimited, Pacific Salmon Foundation and other NGOs

Provincial and Federal Ministries (e.g. Ministry of Environment water sampling)


Halalt First Nation

Land Owners

Many of the actions in the plan have broad benefits that are not limited to one objective, which means

that money and resources can be allocated in such a way that will fulfil multiple management actions.

For example, planting riparian vegetation and tree cover along the stream banks in conjunction with in-

stream works to remove sediments will have immediate agricultural drainage benefits but will also

result in long-term invasive species management, help control erosion and reduce the frequency and

degree of in-stream works needed in the future. Similarly, surveying the creeks will identify problem

drainage area for targeted in-stream works by land owners or the Municipality but will also highlight

opportunities for fish habitat restoration and ecological enhancement.

The table below represents a preliminary 5-year funding strategy for the BCWMP based on the actions

listed in the plan. The ARF is identified as a funding source only for those projects that would benefit

agriculture. Where a project has benefits for both agriculture and other values, the ARF covers a

portion of project costs. The remaining money would need to come from either a new Municipal

budget source or a grant from one or more of the partners identified above. Staff are looking for grant

opportunities on a continual basis.

An agriculture and drainage town hall meeting is scheduled for November 28, the purpose of which is

to hear from the agricultural community about the drainage issues they are facing (i.e. more focused

and in more detail than the BCWMP engagement process) and what role they see the Municipality

taking on to address those issues. Following the town hall meeting, the funding strategy may need to

change depending on the specific issues brought up at the meeting. It is anticipated that potential sites

for water quality / quanity meters and stream enhancement works will be identified by participants.


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Page 3

7030 Trans-Canada Highway | Box 278 | Duncan, BC V9L 3X4

Ph 250.746.3100 Fax 250.746.3133

Year Projects Total ARF




Year 1 (2017)

Sedimentation maintenance ($5,000)

Multi-year Water Sustainability Act authorisation


Water sampling and testing ($15,000)

Vegetation management (tree planting), bank

stabilisation and fencing ($5,000)

Establish watershed stakeholder group (N/A)

$30,000 $25,000 $5,000

Year 2 (2018)

Water sampling and testing ($8,000)

Vegetation management (tree planting), bank

stabilisation and fencing ($5,000)

Creek survey ($55,000)

Update Municipal information on agricultural

initiatives in North Cowichan (N/A)

$68,000 $60,000 $8,000

Year 3 (2019)

Sedimentation maintenance ($5,000)

Water sampling and testing ($8,000)

Vegetation management (tree planting), bank

stabilisation and fencing ($5,000)

In-stream work (drainage and fish passage

opportunities ($10,000)

Stream cleanout in stream section near Tsussie

reserve ($2,000)

$30,000 $20,000 $10,000

Year 4 (2020)

Hydrological model ($50,000)

Water sampling and testing ($8,000)

Vegetation management (tree planting), bank

stabilisation and fencing ($5,000)

$63,000 $30,000 $33,000

Year 5 (2021)

Sedimentation maintenance ($5,000)

Water sampling and testing ($8,000)

Vegetation management (tree planting), bank

stabilisation and fencing ($5,000)

$18,000 $10,000 $8,000

Total: $209,000 $145,000 $64,000


Staff is investigating the possibility of a multi-year authorisation for ‘works in and about a stream’ under

the Water Sustainability Act, as there are recent examples of local governments that have been

successful with this (e.g. City of Chilliwack, City of Abbotsford and Fraser Valley Regional District).

Additional discussions will be needed with Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations

to determine the extent and degree to which more comprehensive approvals can be obtained. This


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Page 4

7030 Trans-Canada Highway | Box 278 | Duncan, BC V9L 3X4

Ph 250.746.3100 Fax 250.746.3133

could help avoid the need for many, individual applications to the Province, which would streamline the

notification/approval process.


This funding strategy is provided for general guidance only and will evolve depending on the outcome

of the town hall meeting, input from the Agricultural Advisory Committee and as external funding

opportunities arise. A number of the BCWMP management actions have significant financial costs and

in some cases annual (or ongoing) funding requirements. However, many of the management actions

can be completed with relatively small financial implications. Implementation of the BCWMP will

consider both the ‘on-the-ground’ projects as well as those projects aimed at gathering more

information about the watershed. The planning process highlighted that there are still significant gaps

in our technical knowledge of the watershed’s characteristics, and there is a need for a better

understanding of the underlying issues so that resources can be allocated efficiently (e.g. surveys,

monitoring, modelling).


That Council support, in principle, the 5-year Bonsall Creek Watershed Management Plan funding

strategy, and revisit the plan after the agriculture and drainage town hall meeting on November 28,



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