multiple intelligences summary

Universidad Capitan General Gerardo Barrios Faculty of Arts and science Foreign Language Department Module III: Learning Styles and Strategies Advisor: Master. Raúl Orlando López Student’s Name: José Gabriel Mejía Márquez Career: Bachelor in English Degree

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Page 1: Multiple Intelligences Summary

Universidad Capitan General Gerardo Barrios

Faculty of Arts and science

Foreign Language Department

Module III:

Learning Styles and Strategies


Master. Raúl Orlando López

Student’s Name:

José Gabriel Mejía Márquez


Bachelor in English Degree

San Miguel, May 28th 2014

Page 2: Multiple Intelligences Summary

Multiple Intelligences Summary

In a Nutshell

In Paris at the beginning of the twentieth century, the children of families who have flocked from the provinces to the city were having problems with their schoolwork. Mr. Alfred Binet was asked to find a way for measuring the intelligence itself. Binet succeed, and established the intelligence test, which determines a person’s IQ (Intelligence Quotient, the mental age divided by chronological age multiplied by 100). The IQ test soon reached America; it was consider a scientific tool that was able to measure someone’s actual potential intelligence.

This test provides reliable scores of intelligence, and it is used with adults, teenagers, and children. Because the IQ test determines the cognition also it is used with handicapped or paralyzed people. There is also sophisticated version of the IQ test such as: SAT (Scholastic Aptitude Test) then rename as Scholastic Assessment Test. This SAT measures verbal and mathematical scores in a ranking where the results are a reflex of individuals’ intelligence. Gardner call this “Uniform View”, in this approach students are seen as equals subjects who must develop the same cognitive skills in Verbal-Linguistic field and Logical-mathematical thinking. It sounds fair in one way because, students have the same opportunities and have to reach an established standard for educative cognition. Nevertheless, if a student was not able to achieve that standard was considered was considered cognitive “average” and no able to succeed on life. IQ – SAT were designed to measure Verbal-Mathematical Cognition.

Gardner presented a new radical point of view, this is a pluralistic view of mind, and how individuals have different cognitive strengths and contrasting cognitive styles. This approach is based in the multifaceted view of intelligence. It is called the Theory of Multiple Intelligences.

Gardner went beyond to the usual vision of intelligence and focused on the capabilities of the human beings. The idea that an individual is able to play chess, soccer, or an instrument and achieve success is what Gardner calls intelligence rather than a natural talent. Human cognitive competence is better described in terms of a set of abilities, talents, or mental skills (intelligences). Furthermore the use of these intelligences by separated or in a combination is what make individuals differ from each other, showing different degrees or kinds of cognition.

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What Constitutes an Intelligence?

Operationally, intelligence is defined as the ability to answer items on tests of intelligence, in short, more you internalize more intelligent you are. On the other hand, Multiple Intelligences pluralizes the old-fashioned concept, because according to the theory is a capacity to process any kind of information and also entails the ability of solving problems or making products for a particular cultural setting or community.

MI theory makes us differ from other species, for humans the combination of those abilities allows them success in many fields. No only verbal and mathematical field as it was commonly believed. Even though those people with brain damage such as: prodigies, savants, and autistic children can show outstanding skills and cognition features. These people are unable to maintain verbal communication and also no use logical decisions and still be considered as intelligent people. For Gardner. The intelligence is activated or triggered by internal or external information. Also for Gardner an intelligence is closely attached to a symbol system which is able to convey forms of information a good examples are language, picturing, accords (of a musical instrument), math signs, and so on, are very useful in the development of intelligences. For a common individual it is impossible to develop one without an accompanying symbol system.

The Original Set of Intelligences

Having set what constitutes a real intelligence, Gardner took into consideration some of the intelligences that were proposed in the 1980’s. Also he presents a brief biography of a person who in fact succeeded in the development of that given intelligence and its correspondent abilities. Even though it is important to show how people master some particular intelligence, these do not operate in isolation, except in abnormal individuals, intelligences always work together and for an adult the cognitive performance involve a mixture of several of them. All the data supports the development and mastery of determined intelligence.

Musical Intelligence

Yehudi Menuhin was exposed to a violin’s sound at the San Francisco Orchestra. After that he insisted on a violin and a musical teacher for himself. Menuhin’s Musical Intelligence manifested itself even before he had contact with an instrument; the rapid progress of Menuhin suggests that he was biologically

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prepared for a life on music; there is a biological relation to a specific intelligence. Autistic children or savants, who are not able to communicate verbally, master musical intelligence as a biological need to express themselves.

Musical skills are not accurate located in the brain. Nevertheless, right hemisphere is mentioned as the responsible for music, various cultures provide evidence that music is a universal faculty and is mostly present in all people who likes songs or rhythms. Even though this intelligence is not consider as an intellectual skill as mathematics, it certainly qualifies as a cognitive ability.

Bodily – Kinesthetic Intelligence

Babe Ruth was playing baseball in his childhood team; he was the catcher and was making fun of the pitcher, when suddenly his coach made him to pitch. Before he started to pitch Babe Ruth described that he develop a relationship with the pitcher’s mound. It was so easy and natural for him to do that. Nowadays he is considered one of the best Major Baseball League pitchers. Even though he loved baseball is pretty clear that he immediately knew what his position was in the court. In professional soccer teams as Barcelona or Chelsea, some players start in one position, but, through time they realize they perform better in another.

Control of body movement is located in the motor cortex, with each hemisphere controlling the contralateral side. The development of Bodily – Kinesthetic Intelligence is a great ability present in all humans and it is an obvious advantage over other species because, empowers humans to use tools. Bodily – Kinesthetic ability in sports, dancing, or inventing using hands are truly supporting evidence of cognitive features of Kinesthetic intelligence. Despite we might think that is just our reflexes and body moving around by separated, the true is that the brain must enter in action and calculate in a fraction of second where, how, and which part of the body is going to perform the activity (kick a ball, dance a tango, swing a sword, and so on). In short everyone who inhabits a human body possesses a remarkable instrument; professional athletes are good examples of Bodily – Kinesthetic cognition.

Logical – Mathematical Intelligence

Barbara McClintock won the Nobel Prize in medicine for her work in microbiology. Deduction and observation make Barbara the perfect candidate to illustrate the Logical – Mathematical intelligence, this ability is known as scientific thinking.

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For individuals who have developed this intelligence the process of problem solving becomes extremely fast. The person is able to create numerous hypothesis and variables for each issue that can be taken in account or rejected. Scientific thinkers who master this intelligence are able to cope with many solutions even when the problem is not completely articulated. IQ tests provide an excellent calculation of logical – mathematical intelligence. Furthermore, logic is considered as the “Raw Intelligence” that everyone should have in order to solve problems. Individuals with this scientific thinking can easily be familiar with formulas and numbers as their language code system. In addition to this, the left hemisphere plays a close role in mathematical decisions; also the frontotemporal lobes are responsible for logical deduction and parietofrontal lobes for numerical calculation. People who can be set in this intelligence are Albert Einstein, Isaac Newton, and Stephen Hawking.

Verbal – Linguistic Intelligence

T.S. Eliot at the age of ten was able to create to create a magazine called Fireside, even though he was the only involved, Eliot could write eight different parts for the magazine. As logical intelligence, verbal ability depends on the left hemisphere, more accurate Broca’s area that is responsible for grammatical production of sentences; damage in this area can affect the accurate performance of a language. Furthermore the ability of recognizing a code system of symbols (alphabet) and master eloquence during speeches and also understand rules for the production of a language, are clear evidence of Linguistic Intelligence.

Even deaf children who cannot produce speech are able to recognize a language symbol system; due to their Broca’s area remains intact they can use their linguistic intelligence in order to express themselves through the use of gestures. People that are predicators, orators, politicians, teachers, also master the Verbal – Linguistic intelligence.

Spatial Intelligence

Ancient navigators used to sail in the seas without any instrumentation; they only guided themselves with the positions of the stars to reach their destination. Nowadays there are gadgets created to specific achieve places around the world like G.P.S. without any risks. But, some people in Caroline Islands, and some rural rivers including handcraft fishermen of El Salvador master the Spatial Intelligence in order to avoid get lost in their boats, spatial problem solving also include:

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visualizing objects, animals, people, landscaping, from different angles to be sure about the space or details.

The posterior region of the right cerebral cortex is responsible for the spatial processing; a person who faces serious damage in this area would have problems with orientation, face recognition, and seeing details. Spatial intelligence is pretty different of visual, blind people also are able to develop this intelligence by having idea where they are and the objects that surround them, actually by touching them and making a mental image of those to know the size, shape and the space of the objects have in the room of the street. Furthermore for a blind person the tactile modality helps in their spatial intelligence development as the visual modality does for a seeing person.

Pilots, captains, truck drivers, are a great example of people that have developed this intelligence because even though they have technology and necessary devices to navigate they gain experience about how to do without them if they must to.

Interpersonal Intelligence

Anne Sullivan, a woman barely trained in special education and also nearly blind performed a remarkable work by training a blind and deaf seven-years-old kid Helen Keller, even though the custom of the child was improper and even encourage by the family Sullivan firmly proceeded and no matter how much tantrums the girl made; Anne stand her foot and the process that continued for longer was worth. For Sullivan the problem was girl’s discipline, Anne controlling the situation without break her spirit. Interpersonal Intelligence builds on a core capacity to notice distinctions among others in particular, contrasts in their moods, temperaments, motivations, and intentions. In more advanced forms, this intelligence permits a skilled adult to read the intentions and desires of others, even when they have been hidden.

After Anne won Helen’s love, the behavior change and the girl was able to communicate and behave herself like an ordinary child. That language miracle was due to Anne Sullivan. Interpersonal Intelligence rather than an ability of socializing is a deep understanding of other people’s feeling as Anne – Helen case reveled does not depend of verbal communication is like a bond between two or more people that trust each other. Frontal lobes play a prominent role in interpersonal knowledge. People with severe damage such as Pick’s disease entail a loss of social bonds skills. The need for group cohesion, organization and a society in which life increase the value of developing interpersonal intelligence. Religious,

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political leaders, salespeople, marketers, teachers, therapists, are some example of people who have mastered this ability. In early childhood kids tend to make more social bonds that decrease through adulthood.

Intrapersonal Intelligence

Virginia Wolf wrote an essay called “A Sketch of the Past”, in which she associated some events from her past with a metaphor called “Cotton Wool of Existence” events that marked her life somehow in positive and negative ways. This example exactly points out the master of Intrapersonal Intelligence; because evoke the individual’s insights, feelings, memories, self-abilities, and emotions besides that, the capability of understanding those skills and guide the behavior.

Because of this intelligence is the most private and allow the person to deal with all former mentioned, and use it in the right way. As The Interpersonal Intelligence, The Intrapersonal Intelligence can be located in the frontal lobes that are responsible for personality changes. Damage in this area can produce irritability, euphoria, indifference, listlessness, apathy and so on. People who are able to recognize their needs, wants and desires show a great dominance of intrapersonal intelligence. Autistic children may be not able to relate with others but, instead express their most deep emotions through music and painting. In short both interpersonal and intrapersonal have features and problem solving capacities that have great significance for human beings. Intrapersonal abilities allow individuals to work and understand themselves and become part of a society.

Newly Identified Intelligences

In the first ten years Gardner was asked to incorporate other intelligences such as: humor, cooking, and sexual intelligence among others. One of his students points out that he would not recognize those ones because he lacked of them. A comment made by an elderly man, Ernest Mayr an authority in evolution theory during a twentieth century, and the frequent assertion about Spiritual Intelligence motivate Gardner to consider either naturalistic or spiritual as part of the theory of multiple intelligences.

Evidence for the existence of natural intelligence is pretty clear. Biologists like Charles Darwing, E.O. Wilson exceled at identifying and distinguishing one species from another. These people who have mastered the Naturalistic Intelligence are able to make distinctions among diverse kinds of plants, animals, mountains, and ecological stuffs. This ability is not only visual. Blind people use auditory perception

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and touch in order to distinguish surroundings. The core capacity of recognizing species seems to be evolutionary, because ancient humans learned how to hunt possible preys and avoid predators. Nowadays only few people depend of naturalistic Intelligence as a way of living, a common individual go to the supermarket and order food by phone or internet instead of going hunting. Some studies also provided evidence about people that are able to recognize and interact with inanimate objects, but fails when they relate with living things and vice versa, that means we interact pretty differently among objects or tools and living beings. Biologists, construction workers, hunters, lumberjacks, zookeepers are quite good examples of Naturalistic Intelligence owners.

Gardner’s research for true evidence about spirituality resulted in very less proofs. Nevertheless, for many people the experiences of the spirit is the highest achievement for mankind. On the other hand scientists cannot take it seriously, for them spirit and soul concepts are just mysticism, also God and religion.

After one year of research checking evidence for and against the Spiritual Intelligence Gardner concluded that first a particular intelligence should not be confounded with an individual’s supernatural experience, for example a feeling in which one person is connected with a higher being or a specific entity in the world; those feelings are remarkable but no evidence of a developed intelligence. Second spiritualty is not separated from a belief, religion and God, and of course an attachment toward a particular faith or sect such as: Catholicism, Protestants, Jewish, Muslim and so on; these people who belong to these religions consider themselves as spiritualist beings, and that cannot be considered as intelligence. However, one feature of spirituality seems a promising candidate. Gardner called that Existential Intelligence which is described as the intelligence of big questions. Humans want to know answers about existence such as: why do we live? Why do we die? Where do we come from? What is love? Among others for Gardner these questions transcend perception they are too big for being perceived by our five senses. In early childhood kids are more open to these existential issues due to their fascination for myths and fairy tale. In brain matters, the inferotemporal lobes that is particularly crucial for dealing with the Big Questions. However, it is also possible those existential questions are just part of a broader philosophical mind or that they are simply the more emotionally laden of the questions that individuals routinely pose.

Certainly there are individuals such as: philosophers, religious leaders, statesman, who have mastered and developed Existential Intelligence. Existential issues are predominant in many cultures in fields like religion, philosophy, art, and folklore.

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The Unique Contributions to the Theory

Mankind have developed a set of abilities for solving problems, this research about MI at the end changed the usual approach of logical and verbal cognition. For that reason Gardner focused on the outstanding skills developed by different individuals in diverse fields.

All the intelligences included in the theory were selected through proved evidence of people who in fact succeed on the fields in which those intelligences are useful. Without a candidate for each intelligence it would not be possible consider it as a real one. According to Gardner all these multiple human faculties are independent from each other. Some people with brain damage can experiment loss of one faculty while maintain others. Independence among intelligences explains why a particular individual excel in one determined intelligence but for others is just average.

Adults roles depend of a combination of intelligences, a task such as play the violin transcends a reliance on musical intelligence, in order to become a successful violinist also requires bodily – kinesthetic dexterity, the interpersonal intelligence for dealing with the audience, and perhaps intrapersonal intelligence as well. Dance requires skills in bodily-kinesthetic, musical, interpersonal, and spatial intelligences in varying degrees. Politics requires an interpersonal skill, a linguistic facility, and perhaps some logical

In brief, MI theory leads to three conclusions:

All of us have the full range of intelligences; that is what makes us human beings, cognitively speaking.

No two individuals—not even identical twins—have exactly the same intellectual profile because, even when the genetic material is identical, individuals have different experiences (and identical twins are often highly motivated to distinguish themselves from one another).

Having a strong intelligence does not mean that one necessarily; intelligently. A person with high mathematical intelligence ; might use her abilities to carry out important experiments in physics or create powerful new geometric proofs; but she might waste these abilities in playing the lottery all day or multiplying ten-digit numbers in her head.

It is clear that for every cultural role is necessary several intelligences, the common human being should be seen as a collection of aptitudes and abilities rather than an individual with just a single problem solving ability that can be measure by IQ

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tests. People who don’t excel in a particular intelligence may also have a unique combination of few of them and still be considered as outstanding gifted individuals.


For Mr. Gardner society may be affected by three biases “Westist”, “Testist”, and “Bestist”. Westist involves giving importance to western values; logical thinking and rationality are the most important features. But, these are not the only skills we should have. Testist suggests a focusing on those human abilities or approaches that can be easily scored on tests. If an ability cannot be tested it seems no worth enough to be taken in account. For Gardner is much more important to help people to find out their strengths rather than raking people in cognition issues. Finally Bestist which is the use and priority that is given to the logical – mathematical intelligence over other comprehension points of view, it means that people who excel in this logical thinking are the only ones that should be taken into consideration for problem solving.

It is of the utmost importance that we recognize and nurture all of the varied human intelligences and all of the combinations of intelligences. We are all so different largely because we have different combinations of intelligences. If we recognize this, I think we will have at least a better chance of dealing appropriately with the many problems that we face in the world. If we can mobilize the spectrum of human abilities, not only will people feel better about themselves and more competent.

In conclusion a single person can excel in one specific intelligence, or in a combination of them, teachers should be aware of this because they in much or less measure work with young minds and must help them to develop their intelligences by using the resources, techniques, and whatever it takes to do it well.