multiple choice test strategies and vocabulary english 11

Multiple Choice Test Strategies and Vocabulary English 11

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Multiple Choice Test Strategies and Vocabulary

English 11

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Test Vocabulary: parts of test (NOUNS)

• Description * organizational pattern• Account * structure• Anecdote * format• Speaker * arrangement• Perspective• Purpose• Result• Poetic form• Term

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Test Vocabulary: thinking processes (VERBS)

• Contrast• Compare• Indicate• Acknowledge• Suggest• Clarify• Emphasize

• Reveal• Conclude• Refer• Exemplify

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• Meaning: an expression intended to give a mental image in words

• In Context: The purpose of the description in lines 7 though 10…

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2. Account

• Meaning: a description of facts, conditions, or events (often used to mean the listening passage or non-fiction reading comprehension passage)

• In context: “The tone of the account would best be described as…”

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3. Anecdote

• Meaning: a short narrative (story) of an interesting, amusing, or biographical incident.

• In context: “One conclusion that can be made from this anecdote is that…”

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4. Speaker

• Meaning: one who expresses thoughts, feelings, and opinions

• In Context: According to the speaker, because of Thomas Edison’s many inventions he can be credited with…

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5. Perspective

• Meaning: the position or capacity from which to view things

• In context: Which statement clarifies the perspective of the speaker?

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6. Purpose

• Meaning: intention; goal

• In context: What is the purpose of using these strategies?

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7. Result

• Meaning: outcome

• In context: One result of students being hungry is they…

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8. Poetic form

• Meaning: the particular arrangement, style, or shape of a poem (elegy, ode, lyric, quatrain, sonnet, etc.)

• In context: “The form of the poem can best be described as…”

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9. Term

• Meaning: key word

• In context: The term “afterlife” most likely refers to…

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Added Terms

• Organizational pattern

• Format

• Structure

• Arrangement

• All of these terms refer to how a passage is shaped and organized.

• Consider genre and purpose.

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Added Terms - Examples

• Chronological: 1st, 2nd, next, last

• Spatial order: east, west, upward, downward, north, south, right, left

• Elimination of alternatives: not, no, won’t, can’t, insufficient, unsubstantial

• Use of examples: this, the next, then

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Added Terms – More Examples

• Order of importance: first, next, ultimately, primarily

• Compare and Contrast: more, less, better, worse

• Cause and Effect: first, originally, started, effect, result, outcome

• Question/Answer: question marks, propose, wonder, suppose, actually, really

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• Meaning: the difference between things having similar features

• In context: There is a contrast between the freshman class and the junior class; the juniors are self-directed.

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11. Comparison

• Meaning: the identification of similar features

• In context: Several points of comparison between the characters demonstrate that “Quitters never win and winners never quit.”

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• Meaning: to point out or point to

• In context: “The term ‘knucklehead’ most likely indicates…”

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13. Acknowledge

• Meaning: to recognize or take notice of

• In context: “One conclusion that can be made is he certainly acknowledged his setbacks were assets.”

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14. Suggest

• Meaning: to mention or imply as a possibility

• In context: “The speaker suggests that we will reap what we sow.”

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15. Clarify

• Meaning: to make clear or free of confusion

• In context: “Which statement clarifies the perspective of the speaker?”

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16. Emphasize

• Meaning: urge special consideration of; stress

• In context: “Edison’s remark emphasizes his passion for learning.”

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17. Reveal

• Meaning: to make known

• In context: “Maeve’s fun-loving attitude reveals her desire to be more positive.”

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18. Conclude

• Meaning: to reach a logical end by reasoning; infer

• In context: “Based on the information in the passage, it can be concluded that…”

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19. Refer

• Meaning: to think of, regard, or classify within a general category or group

• In context: The term “hell-bent” most likely refers to…”

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20. Exemplify

• Meaning: to show or illustrate by example

• In context: Requiring the ELA exam exemplifies our state’s belief that standardized tests glean valuable information about the status of public education.

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Step 1: Work with the questions

• Read and underline key terms in QUESTIONS as soon as allowed to do so.– Part 1(Critical Reading) There will be up to

three passages. Before reading each passage, be sure to read and mark questions.

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Step 2: Work with the Passage

• Read (or listen to) PASSAGE with pen and highlighter in hand. Highlight key terms, look for structural cues, and paraphrase each paragraph /stanza/ main idea in the margins.– This process will familiarize you with the

structure and concepts in each passage, and prepare you with phrases and synonyms that may be mentioned in the MCQs.

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Step 3: Return to the questions

• Narrow possible answers by process of elimination. When narrowed to two possible answers, look at both parts of each of the two answers to determine which answer is best.– Often, the correct answer is made

clear in the last word or phrase of the answer.