multimedia design project assessment (mdpa) report...

Multimedia Design Project Assessment (MDPA) Report Template By: Lindsey Barkley Product URL: Analysis Learner Analysis The Kids Health Camp Web Quest was designed for 6 th grade students of all ability levels. This project was implanted with a small group of four students. These students ranged from 12-13 years old. All four students speak fluent English. The students range from two average students and two gifted students. Students have average to above average reading levels which determined by their most recent Reading Inventory scores. These four students have some experience with Movie Maker but no experience with PowToon’s or Sway. They all know their way around a computer and learn quickly. All four students have previous experience with project-based learning. This project is done in small groups up to four students in each group. Context Analysis Class characteristics – This project was implemented with four 6 th grade students. These four students only had two 1-hour sessions to complete this Web Quest. Technical considerations – Each student had access to a desktop computer in my classroom and has a county provided Office 365 account which includes

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Multimedia Design Project Assessment (MDPA) Report TemplateBy: Lindsey Barkley

Product URL:

AnalysisLearner Analysis

● The Kids Health Camp Web Quest was designed for 6th grade students of all ability levels. This project was implanted with a small group of four students. These students ranged from 12-13 years old. All four students speak fluent English. The students range from two average students and two gifted students. Students have average to above average reading levels which determined by their most recent Reading Inventory scores. These four students have some experience with Movie Maker but no experience with PowToon’s or Sway. They all know their way around a computer and learn quickly. All four students have previous experience with project-based learning. This project is done in small groups up to four students in each group.

Context Analysis

● Class characteristics – This project was implemented with four 6th grade students. These four students only had two 1-hour sessions to complete this Web Quest.

● Technical considerations – Each student had access to a desktop computer in my classroom and has a county provided Office 365 account which includes Sway. Students had access to the Windows Movie Maker application as well as a school PowToon’s account. No adaptive or assistive technology is needed for these four students, but an audio recording was placed on each page of the Web Quest for students who need the text read aloud.

● Teacher characteristics – Teacher must be proficient with using the three digital programs that were project options to the students. Teacher must be able to show them how to use each one before they decide which one to use.

● Standards –

The Georgia Performance Health Standards include the following:

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HE6.7: Students will demonstrate the ability to practice health-enhancing behaviors and avoid or reduce health risks.

Description: Students will demonstrate the ability to practice health-enhancing behaviors and avoid or reduce health risks. Sixth grade

students will practice health-enhancing behaviors that contribute to a positive quality of life. By accepting responsibility for personal health, students will build a foundation for living a healthy and productive life. 

ISTE Standards for Students:

Students leverage technology to take an active role in choosing, achieving and demonstrating competency in their learning goals, informed by

the learning sciences.

Students communicate clearly and express themselves creatively for a variety of purposes using the platforms, tools, styles, formats and

digital media appropriate to their goals.

Students use digital tools to broaden their perspectives and enrich their learning by collaborating with others and working effectively in

teams locally and globally.

Task Analysis

● Learning Objectives – How can I become a healthier person by researching information on personal hygiene, physical activity, dental care, and drug/alcohol use? How can I research on a given topic? How can I use technology to enhance my researched information? How can I collaborate with others to make a cohesive project?


Since health always seems to take a back seat during the school year and teachers always struggle to find the time to teach and take assessments on the health standards, I decided to create my WebQuest on 6th grade health standards. I decided to use only one health standards because it covered four different topics that were closely related. After deciding to create a health WebQuest, I had to get into the mindset of a 6th grader. I know my current students like to complete engaging activities and projects. This was the same mindset I had regarding 6th graders.

Introduction: I decided instead of starting my WebQuest with some paragraph students must read that I would produce a movie to grab their attention and

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instantly engage them. I decided to ask my sixth graders for their help would be a great start to the storyline of the project.

Storyline: After I hooked my students, I went into the next phase of the project which is the overall storyline. I decided that creating steps throughout this project would make it easy for my students to follow. I wanted my students to be able to guide themselves through this project. I wanted the tone to be exciting and engaging to my students. I tried to simplify the language used but only to make sure everyone understood the project being asked of them.


Step 1: Watch the videos below on the four different topics to determine which topic each counselor will research. Doing this will help you determine which area each counselor is most comfortable researching. Remember, each counselor must contribute research on their chosen health topic.

Step 2: Provide an organizer or questions to be addressed in your research. Remember your topic research must include the following: benefits/health concerns, habits, and two different scenarios. Once this step is completed, show your teacher for feedback before you begin researching.

Step 3: Complete the research using any of the websites below.

Step 4: Talk with your fellow counselors and determine the digital presentation type the group will complete. Examples include Sway (Using your Office365 account), PowToon’s, or Windows Movie Maker.

Step 5: Once a presentation type has been chosen and feedback has been received, each counselor must contribute their topic research to complete the group's project.

Step 6: Complete your digital project with your group of counselors. When you are finished, check the rubric to make sure you have met all the requirements.

Step 7: Share your project via Office 365 and turn in your completed research organizers into the classwork drawer.

I chose to use Weebly to create my WebQuest because I have used it before and it flows nicely. I also used PowToon’s and Windows Movie Maker to create my introduction video. The voice recordings were created using VoiceThread and them embedded into each page.


Students were grouped in fours which will help me put some of my lower and higher students together to support on another. I am giving these students a choice in the topic they feel comfortable researching as well as an overall group presentation type. This encourages students to jump outside the box and possibly try something they have never tried before. In accordance with Universal Design

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Principal, Equitable Use, each student has equitable use of computers as well as Office 365 to work on their project. Since this project was completed in school, it allows for every student to have the same access and time to complete the project. Giving my students the flexibility to chose which topic they are going to research, along with the type of digital presentation they will use, goes along with Universal Design Principal. To differentiate for my lower students, I recorded each page of my WebQuest to they can listen to what is being asked of them while they are reading it. I also provided videos and links to help ease the research process.

This project can be an individual assignment, or small groups. I decided to start this by doing it with groups of four. This make each person responsible for the same amount of work. This will help make everyone play a part in the presentation. I used videos, article links, and an introduction video throughout my project. I also used recordings on each page of the steps listed on that respective page.

Having this project use multimedia presentation will help support students with visual, auditory, or physical disabilities. I did not include specifics about the organizer students are to complete and this was so students would have an option. Some students may want to type their organizers and that is completely acceptable. Using a word predictive software such as Co-Writer, would help students who have trouble writing, including trouble with spelling.

DevelopmentThis project was developed around standards that are easily interchangeable. I chose health standards because they are similar across the board and it would be easy to use it across most grade levels after changing a few things. My goal for the development of this project was to gather all the information to place in my WebQuest, including websites, videos, and rubrics before I started putting it together. I wanted to finish developing my project in 3-4 weeks. I used Weebly to host my WebQuest. I have used this program before, so I had already gone through the learning curve with that. I also used PowToon’s which I had to teach myself how to use. I have always loved watching PowToon’s videos and I know if I like them, my students would love them. I had to play around with this program before I could produce my video. I used Windows Movie Maker to put my introduction video together which I already knew how to use. I used HTML to embed all the videos into my WebQuest which thanks to this class, I knew how to do. I used Audacity first but then I switched to VoiceThread to complete my audio recordings which was a great program to use. I could not just link the audio into Weebly though without the paid version, so I had to go on a troubleshooting mission to figure out how to embed the audio into the WebQuest. I finally was able to figure it out. It wasn’t exactly what I wanted but it was close enough.

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ImplementationI would have loved to implement this into a full classroom but since I am not a sixth-grade teacher, I had to implement this with four of my former students who are now sixth graders. I had my four sixth graders come in the afternoon of two different days. I sat them down and talked about the purpose of a WebQuest. They had all already agreed to complete this WebQuest, so I knew motivation would not be a problem this time. They each had a laptop and watched the introduction video separately. Their faces lit up when they saw the mission impossible themed video. Then they followed the next step of the WebQuest without a hitch. I explained to them that it would be a good idea to get the research done on the first day, so they could put together their project on the second day. They all agreed and continued the project. Students got together and worked collaboratively to decide who was going to research each topic. Students worked hard on the research aspect of the project and used all the links I provided. As a group, students decided to use PowToon’s to present their digital project. They liked the look of PowToon’s and enjoyed the ease of use.

The second day of the project, I started off my checking to make sure all their research was complete. Then, I trained them how to use PowToon’s because none of them had ever used it before. I had each student get a laptop while I walked them through on the active board, so they could have hands on experience with the program while I was showing them how it works. After I felt they were adequately trained, I set them loose to finish their project. Each member of the team worked on their part of the project with the other teammates helping them fix the layout and wording. They finished with a little time to spare so they could edit their project.

EvaluationStudent Learning –

Students projects they produced is what was assessed after the project was completed. Students were required to produce a digital project which included four health related topics and they were required to include specifics on each topic. Students will use a rubric to help them make sure they have met all the requirements of this project. I will assess their projects with the provided rubric to determine mastery of the standard. Students did not complete a self-assessment or peer-assessment. I want students to learn how to work things out on their own. I think a peer-assessment sets them up for tattling even at the sixth-grade level. It is my job to teach them how to work with others they might not get along with or not want to work with. Collaboration is an important asset to have as they go through life. I will be taking notes throughout the project to write down how groups are working together. Collaboration is part of their rubric, so I must have data to support

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the score they earn. I also assessed the final projects for mastery to determine who might need reteaching of this standard.

Product Design –

I know the project is well designed if my students have little to no questions about the overall functionality and flow of this WebQuest. If my students aren’t confused about what to do next, then I know the project was well designed. I did take notes as the students completed the WebQuest about their reactions, questions, and suggestions. I did not plan a feedback form although it is a great idea. I verbalize questions to the four students who completed this project. Questions I might ask are, what was your first impression? What did you think about the topic of the WebQuest? Have you ever completed a WebQuest before? Was the WebQuest confusing in anyway? What did you think of the graphics throughout the WebQuest?

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Reflect on this project around four aspects:

Project Development – I learned there is a lot more than originally thought that goes into planning a WebQuest. You must plan every single aspect of the WebQuest and can’t change it right in the middle like you can if you are completing a teacher led project. I learned that it is ok to not know how to do something, but you must push yourself to go out of the box to try something new. Using Weebly worked well and I will use it again in the future. I think it would work best giving students an electronic copy of a graphic organizer to use would have been helpful. I started to do that at the development of the project but then decided not to because I didn’t want these projects to all be just alike. I wanted these students to be as creative as possible. I would add more videos throughout to enhance the WebQuest even more. This will help keep the attention of my students.

Instructional Design – I like the layout I chose but it could have been more user friendly. Although my students didn’t have trouble using it, I can see how some students might. Overall, I think my WebQuest turned out great. It was easy to navigate, and it was engaging. I chose videos which related to the

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WebQuest itself. I didn’t want to put anything in the WebQuest that didn’t go with the topics because this would only confuse the learner. I am sure there are other choices I could have made but that is the beauty of a WebQuest. If something needs to be changed, it is easy to do after the fact.

Personal Growth – I learned that I am good at troubleshooting when it is needed. I don’t get easily frustrated but I did when I first started to put my WebQuest together. I just couldn’t find the perfect layout and background. I had to eventually let it go and choose one close to what I had envisioned in my head. I pushed through and deigned a flexible and authentic WebQuest.

For Others – I think the most important thing for others to know is it is ok to not get it right the first time. In fact, they need to go into making a WebQuest with the mindset that everything might not work just like they want it to and that is ok. I encourage teachers to choose standards that will be most beneficial to be taught using a WebQuest.