mullet fish culture

Presentation On Culture Method of Mullet Presented by Md. Tariful Islam Fuad ID. No.: 13207059 Marine Science Session: 2012-13 (2 nd Year) Institute Of Marine Sciences & Fisheries, University Of Chittagong.

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Culture Method of


Presented by

Md. Tariful Islam Fuad

ID. No.: 13207059

Marine Science

Session: 2012-13 (2nd Year)

Institute Of Marine Sciences & Fisheries,

University Of Chittagong.


Scientific Name: Mugil Cephalus

English Name: Flathead grey mullet, common mullet

Local Name : Batta mas

Culture MethodsThere are two types of culture mthods-

1. Monoculture

2.Polyculture with common carp, grass carp, silver carp,

Nile tilapia and milkfish

The following steps are essential for both culture methods

• Seed supply

• Nursery

• On-growing techniques

• Harvesting techniques

• Handing & processing

Seed supply

Seed can be collected from

- wild or

- hatchery

Seed supply

Most commercial mullet aquaculture farm collect seed

from wild, 16-20mm larvae collected from inshore

waters & estuaries during late August to December.

Seeds also can be collected from research or

commercial hatchery.

NurseryAfter catching, fry are stocked in earthen nurseries at high

densities. They mainly depend on natural food. Rice or white

bran will use as additional food.

Temperature will be 20-26°c

Secchi disc reading will be 20-30cm.

Fry will be kept for 4-6 months until they are about 10g WB.

On-growing technique

Flathead grey mullet can be cultured in polyculture in semi-intensive

ponds and netted enclosures in shallow costal water.It also can be

cultured in monoculture.

Pond preparation:

ponds are prepared by drying, ploughing and manuring with 2.5–5.0

tonnes/ha of cow dung. Ponds are then filled to a depth of 25–30 cm and

kept at that level for 7–10 days to build up a suitable level of natural feed.

The water level is then increased to 1.5–1.75 m and fingerlings are

stocked. Productivity (measured by secchi disc – 20-30 cm) is kept at the

required level by adding chicken manure and/or chemical fertilizers.

Optimal dissolved oxygen is maintained by the use of various types of

aerators, especially after sunset.

On-growing technique

Feed supply:

The mullet feed on the natural feed, detritus and feed leftovers.

In monoculture manuring may be sufficient to reach the required

feed level. Mullet has been found to feed directly on chicken

manure and good levels of production have been recorded.

Extruded feed is supplied to semi-intensive ponds to cover the

feeding requirements of other species in polyculture.

On-growing technique

The growing season is normally 7-8 months. Growth is checked by

sampling . If growth rates are not as expected, rice and/or wheat

bran is added daily in amounts of 0.5–1 percent of biomass to

supplement the natural feed in ponds.

Within 7–8 months in either culture systems in the subtropical

region, flathead grey mullet reach 0.75–1 kg; if kept for two more

on-growing seasons, they reach 1.5–1.75 kg each. Desirable size

varies from 1.5kg to larger depending on market and location.

Harvesting Technique

Harvesting can be partial in ponds or net enclosures. Daily

harvesting, according to market demand, can be carried out

using gillnets of suitable mesh size. Nets are stretched in a

zigzag line across ponds at sunset and collected at the early


In semi-intensive culture, total drain-harvesting is used in late

autumn or early winter. Fish usually move with the flow of water

to a concrete catch pond at the pond outlet. A seine net can be

used to collect those that do not reach the catch pond.

Handing & processingFish are collected from the catch ponds by scoop nets and

transferred into plastic boxes, washed in running water and then

sorted according to species and sizes on a sorting table. Sorted

fish are weighed and packed in plastic boxes with crushed ice.

In the Mediterranean region, mullet is usually marketed fresh or

chilled. Older mullet is considered of inferior quality and does

not usually gain a good price. Frozen mullet is considered of

much lower value in this region. Mullet is also preserved by wet

salting and consumed salted.


• Diseases & control measures-

Iridoviral disease, bacterial fin root, sea lice etc.

• Observation of bio-physical condition of pond-

ph, temperature, salinity, DO, light penetration etc

• Analysis of production cost

• Statistical analysis of production & market demand.

Thank you everyone.